Diplodocus Toe Bone - IAC Training Video

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This training video describes how to use the diplodocus toe bone when providing training about the large "Behemoth" (Job 40) dinosaurs. See www.genesisapologetics.com for more information.


So the second artifact we're going to look at is a Diplodocus toe bone. Now this artifact is helpful for illustrating the humongous size of dinosaurs.
As I said, this is just a toe bone, so you can imagine how big the actual dinosaur was. So one fun thing that I like to do when
I'm talking about dinosaurs is to hold up this bone and ask my audience, so what do you think this is?
What bone do you think this is? Usually they'll say something like an arm bone or a leg bone, but no, it's a single toe bone from a dinosaur.
So that's how big some of these creatures were. This was a Diplodocus, and Diplodocus was one of the sauropods.
And so this is helpful when you're talking about things like the behemoth passage in Job 40, which talks about the creature being the chief in the ways of God.
And if you think of a creature that's the chief in the ways of God, a creature with a toe bone this size definitely matches that sort of description.
Also when you're talking about this bone, you can talk about the flood and fossils, because this bone was actually discovered in the
Morrison Formation, which is a Jurassic rock layer that you find in 13
U .S. states and 3 Canadian provinces. It's a huge rock layer. It spans 700 ,000 square miles, and so it's just amazing testimony to the catastrophic widespread nature of the flood.
And that same layer contains many dinosaur bone beds, including the famous Dinosaur National Monument in Utah.
So this is a really fun prop to have, but I do have to warn you about something though. This bone is very fragile, and if you drop it, it will most likely break.
So what I recommend you do when displaying this bone is to set it out on a table, and you can have your audience come by and touch it and feel it, just don't let them pick it up off the table.