Hillsong Says JESUS Is Like Wonder Woman?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
As ever, please know this video isn't a sinful attack, but rather a Biblical critique. In today's video, we're going to be talking about Hillsong Church.
Now, Hillsong is one of the biggest evangelical churches in the entire world.
They also happen to be filled with false teachers of various kinds. Against Scripture, they preach the
Church. And trust me, that's just scraping the surface. There's plenty more. Needless to say, they are absolutely not a doctrinally sound movement or church at all.
But one of their most notable qualities is their relentless pursuit of entertainment.
Their goal is to make Church a fun, exciting, and entertaining place to be, and they will often do this at the expense of Biblical truth.
For one example, take a look at this video of Hillsong pastor Laura, who's actually the daughter of former
Hillsong leader Brian Houston. Here she compares Jesus to Wonder Woman. Watch this.
Well, hello there. It's Laura Toggs here, and I am so privileged to be able to bring the
Word tonight. And I'm going to be bringing a message around the movies, and the movie that I have chosen is
Wonder Woman. I've been thinking about maybe the world's most famous passage of Scripture.
In John 3 16, where it says this, And in verse 17, it says this,
My first point is this about Wonder Woman. She has a conviction of calling, and this is a direct quote from Wonder Woman.
She says this, Do you know that you are called?
And our calling is exactly that, to help, to help, and to put the world right again.
So there are several reasons why this is unbiblical, and we're going to talk about those reasons here in this video.
You see, many people will watch something like this and say, come on guys, you're being too harsh on Hillsong.
They're just trying to spread the gospel and preach God's Word. They just happen to do it with a different style than yours.
Can't we all just get along? And this complaint is very popular, so we need to know how to respond to it.
But in order to do that, we need to watch the first part of that clip once again, and compare it to Scripture.
Watch this. I've been thinking about maybe the world's most famous passage of Scripture.
In John 3 16, where it says this, So the first and primary reason that this is unbiblical is that Hillsong's so -called pastor,
Laura, is not actually teaching anyone anything here with regard to the passage. Of course, she shouldn't be teaching the church anyways, as 1
Timothy 2 12 says that women cannot be pastors. But in any case, even if she was a teacher, she's not actually instructing anyone in the truth of God's Word.
I mean, think about what she said in the video. Let's go over it. She says that Jesus's mission was to be the
Savior. That's true. And she quotes John 3 16, which is also true, which says, She then goes on to say that Wonder Woman is also a self -sacrificial
Savior of the world type of person. Obviously, comparing Jesus to Wonder Woman is a bad idea.
Besides being irreverent, it's also just a bad comparison. But more than this, she's not actually teaching or explaining anything.
How does Jesus save the world? Who does he save in the world? What must people do in order to be saved?
Who is the direct audience of John 3 16? And how do we know that it applies beyond that? What is the context of the passage?
These are all very relevant questions to answer when it comes to teaching through John 3 16. That is what biblical teaching looks like.
But instead, she simply reads the passage, then reads a quote from Wonder Woman, and then makes some vague point about having a conviction and a calling in your life.
But again, that's not actually what John 3 16 is about. If you recall, what the passage actually said was that those who believe in Jesus Christ will have everlasting life.
Now, what on earth does that have to do with Wonder Woman's calling to be a superhero? In what way is the example of Wonder Woman going to help your audience understand the exegesis of John 3 16?
Well, if we're honest, it's really not going to help. And it certainly didn't in that clip. But of course, the point at Hillsong is not to actually teach through the scriptures and show people what it means.
No, the goal is to give you short, pithy, vague answers so that you can be just motivated enough to go to work on Monday.
And that is the central issue with this clip and really with Hillsong in general, among many other things, of course, there is absolutely no consideration of the actual meaning, context or exegesis of the passage at hand.
All we have is an inspiring cookie cutter message that resembles daytime television shows with Oprah Winfrey and Dr.
Phil more than it does any kind of serious biblical teaching. But that's not the only problem.
Let's watch the second clip again. And this is a direct quote from Wonder Woman. She says this, if no one else will defend the world, then
I must. Do you know that you are called and our calling is exactly that to help to help and to put the world right again.
So the second issue here is that she effectively switches her message halfway through the clip.
Did you catch that? She starts out talking about Jesus and John 3, 16. Then she talks about Wonder Woman.
And then all of a sudden she shifts to talking about you. She says that you too have a conviction and a calling to help people.
Now it is true that Christians are supposed to help others. I'm not going to disagree with that because it's true.
But notice that this again is not actually coming from the passage she quoted. It has nothing to do with John 3, 16 through 17.
That passage is talking about the mission of Jesus Christ. It's not about you helping people.
It's not about you being like Wonder Woman. It's entirely about the mission and purpose of Jesus as the savior of the world.
You are not Jesus and you do not have the ability to save anyone. So the passage isn't about your mission.
In John 6, 44, Jesus says this quote, no one can come to me unless the father who sent me draws him end quote.
So when you take a passage like John 3, 16, and turn it into something about how you too can be a hero, just like Jesus, just like Wonder Woman, that's not sound biblical teaching.
It's man centered nonsense. But of course, Hillsong always has to make the Bible about you.
We can't just be awestruck of God and his glory and his mercy and his power. No. If we have a church service at Hillsong, we have to focus on ourselves.
And that is the second issue in this video. It is fundamentally man centered. The message is focused entirely on you while the passage they claim to get the message from is actually talking about Jesus.
So with that, let's take a look at this last clip. Watch this. Well, hello there.
It's Laura Toggs here. And I am so privileged to be able to bring the word tonight.
And I'm going to be bringing a message around the movies. And the movie that I have chosen is
Wonder Woman. Now with this clip, I just wanted to show you the pattern that this message is following.
The so -called Bible teaching from so -called Pastor Laura does not have any real depth or quality to it here.
Hillsong consistently preaches a bare bones, low level message that effectively treats adults as if they're children.
Hillsong is filled with fully grown adults who are perfectly capable of understanding a real deep sermon.
I have no doubt. So why then is it necessary for Hillsong to constantly use comic book characters and movie stars and just general cultural fads in order to preach to their congregation?
Shouldn't the Bible already be relevant enough for Christians who believe the Bible? Why do we need to add superheroes to it in order for us to pay attention in church?
Now, I'm not saying that you can't use interesting or practical stories to illustrate your point. Even Jesus himself used parables.
What I am saying is that an over reliance and over dependence on entertainment turns church into a place of showmanship rather than a place of worship.
And that's a big problem. Hebrews 5, 11 through 13 says this, quote, for by this time you ought to be teachers.
You need someone to teach you again, the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness since he is a child.
End quote. You see in scripture, there's this idea of milk contrasted with solid food.
The milk is the basic message. It begins with spiritual infancy as it were. And then there's spiritual food, robust and deep teaching about the things of God made to mature the
Christian. And here the author of Hebrews is clearly saying that it should be our sincere goal to move from milk to solid food.
And in fact, it's the churches. And in fact, it is the job of church leaders to usher in this maturity.
So it's hard to believe that anyone could come to full spiritual maturity when they have to receive their biblical instruction through star
Wars, Mickey Mouse, and Wonder Woman. The goal of the church again is to usher the men and women of God into full maturity.
But the goal of Hillsong seems to be to keep people perpetually entertained as infants in the church.
This unbiblical and incorrect framework leads to Hillsong's fun and games ministry model.
They're not actually trying to help people biblically. We need to remember that because if they were, they would teach them biblical doctrine.
Instead, they're simply trying to entertain people and grow their church at all costs. And that is evidenced by the fact that they constantly refuse to actually teach people scripture.
If Hillsong started out their church by preaching serious sermons, real theology, sound exegesis, do you think their church would have grown to anywhere near the size that it has?
Of course not. And that's not a coincidence, folks. It's completely intentional. They know what they're doing, and they're some of the best people in the world at doing it.
So please, flee from Hillsong. Stay away from their so -called ministry. And if you attend a church that uses a ministry model like Hillsong's, I would highly recommend that you leave and find a good, solid,
Reformed church near you with real biblical teaching. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know this.
I do not offer any of this correction from a high -and -mighty position. I'm nothing but a wretched sinner saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
So let's pray for Hillsong, that they would stop this unbiblical teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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