The Reality of Life After Death Matthew 22:23-33



Some businesses have become so big in our world that they're in just about every community.
The most popular restaurant in the world is McDonald's. Think about how many we have in our area.
St. Croix Falls, Chisago City, Forest Lake, Wyoming, and that's just to name a few.
The place where I went to seminary was in between two interstates. One interstate was 494 and the other was not an interstate but a highway,
Highway 169. There was one McDonald's off of one exit and one
McDonald's off the other exit. And these two roads were only about three miles apart from each other.
Now that's restaurants, but think about the prevalence of churches. Keith is from the South. He can tell you that in the
South, on just about every corner of a town is a church. And usually it's a
Baptist church. In America, it's hard to find any community without a church. Most towns have multiple churches, but there are rare places that don't have a church.
But there is one place, one location that every community has.
Every community on earth has at least one cemetery. Even the most remote places have cemeteries.
The death rate since the fall of mankind is still holding strong at 100%.
There have been two people who didn't die in world history, Elijah and Enoch.
And those who are raptured at Christ's return where they are caught up in the air also will not die, but everyone else in world history is going to experience death or has experienced death.
And what's interesting is that if you think about it, the most secure industry that there is is the funeral industry, because death is gonna happen and people are gonna use funeral services.
If things get tight, you don't go out to eat, but everybody in some way uses funeral services.
Walking through a cemetery is one of the most sobering things one can do. Every grave you walk by marks a life once lived.
And since death, their body has laid there below the ground. But humans created in God's image are eternal creatures.
Everybody in a cemetery was once occupied by a soul, and that soul is still living.
Every grave you walk by in a cemetery marks a person who still lives and these people live either in heaven or in hell.
But this body below the ground will not remain there forever. What is interesting is that the word cemetery in Greek means a place of sleeping.
It is a Christian word since the Bible describes death as sleeping. A day is coming when the graves will be ripped open and that dead body will come to life again.
Some will rise to eternal life while others will rise to experience judgment forever.
This is what God's holy word says, but not everyone believes this.
Many don't believe this. Some secular people believe that once this life is over, that's it, that's all there is.
I remember when I was a kid, one of my friends said, that isn't it so sad that once we're dead, we're just dead and our bodies just lay there forever?
He didn't understand the gospel. But these people believe that once one takes his or her last breath, life ceases to be.
The Bible is aware of these types of people. During Jesus' ministry, he ran across a group that did not believe in the afterlife.
This morning as we continue our sermon series through Matthew, we will see Jesus have a conversation with those who deny the afterlife.
And we will see the unshakable truth that Jesus responds with. So this time
I encourage you to turn in a Bible with me to Matthew chapter 22. We'll be looking at verses 23 through 33.
And if you're using one of those red Bibles, it's on page 984. This sermon is titled,
The Reality of Life After Death. And I'm going to begin by reading the text.
Matthew 22 verses 23 through 33. The same day
Sadducees came to him, Jesus, who said that there is no resurrection.
And they asked him a question saying, Teacher, Moses said, if a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.
Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died and having no offspring left his wife to his brother.
So too, the second and third down to the seventh. After them all, the woman died.
In the resurrection therefore of the seven, whose wife will she be?
For they all had her. But Jesus answered them, you are wrong because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God.
For in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God? I am the
God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
And when the crowd heard it, they were astonished at his teaching. Here's our big idea.
What this text is calling each of you to do. Understand that the only man who has true answers concerning the afterlife is the
God -man. Understand that the only man who has true answers concerning the afterlife is the
God -man. And we're gonna see three answers how, but before we jump in, let me give you a little recap of where we were one
Sunday ago. We looked at verses 15 through 22 of Matthew 22. And this is the passage where a different group of Jews, the
Pharisees had a question for Jesus. And once again, this was not an innocent question.
The question they asked was meant to test him. They asked him, is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar?
They tried to trap him with this question. The Romans taxed their citizens heavily. And some
Jews believed one should not pay the taxes to the Romans. So if Jesus said, yes, you should pay taxes, the
Pharisees thought this would cast him in a negative light among the people. But if Jesus answered that one should not pay taxes, this would make him look like an insurrectionist, one who wanted to overthrow the
Roman government. But Jesus answered the right way as he always did.
Even if he was going to be unpopular with some people, he was going to tell the truth.
He answered them, rendered to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God, the things that are
God's. What Jesus is communicating is that God's people are citizens of two places, heaven and earth.
And as kingdom citizens on earth, Christians are to be law abiding citizens. God created human governments and while flawed, human governments were created for society to function properly.
And so Christians should submit to God's design governments. And only when government egregiously goes against God's design, should
Christians not submit. Now this leads to our text this morning that we've already read, but now we're going to take a close look at.
Let's begin by looking at verse 23, where we read, that the same day Sadducees came to Jesus who say that there is no resurrection and they asked him a question.
It's interesting that one group of Jews follows another in bringing a question to Jesus.
It's like they're saying, okay, let's try it out here. The last group failed, let's see if we can fool them.
Let's see if we can trap him. I've already explained the difference between the
Pharisees and Sadducees in previous sermons. As we have seen, these groups appear on numerous occasions.
This is the third time that Matthew records the appearance of the Sadducees where they asked
Jesus a question. To remind you of the difference between the Pharisees and the Sadducees, the
Pharisees were the ultra conservatives of Jesus' day. Now to be a conservative is a good thing.
It means you're holding to the Bible. We are conservatives. However, the Pharisees did not truly hold to the
Bible, but rather made up their own man -made rules. They left the true faith outlined in the
Old Testament and created a religion of their own. They had great hostility toward Jesus because Jesus taught the truth and they did not.
The Sadducees were on the other end of the spectrum. The Sadducees were Jews ethnically.
Okay, just like you're Swedish or Norwegian or English, the
Jews have a certain DNA even to the present day.
Going back thousands of years, the Jews have a distinct DNA. The Sadducees had that DNA. And they also had a significant role in the priesthood where the sacrifices took place at the temple.
But when it came to following the Old Testament, they didn't. They had some appearance of religion, but they were secularists.
That's truly who they were. This reminds me of many churches in America today, and I put the quotations, churches.
There are people who call themselves Christians, but they don't believe what the Bible says. If you were to go to a service at one of these churches on a
Sunday morning, you would see that they sing hymns, that Scripture is read, and a sermon is preached.
If you want to call it that. The whole service will have the presence of Christian lingo, but God's presence is not there because they have left
God. They like some things in the Bible. They like love your neighbor, do not judge, and then they impose their own beliefs onto what the
Bible says. And they view people like us who believe the whole
Bible through and through as Pharisees, when we're really just true followers of God.
The reason we know that the Sadducees had some religious appearance, but were really secularists is because of what the second half of verse 23 says.
They are those who say that there is no resurrection. In the introduction
I mentioned that some people don't believe there is an afterlife. The Sadducees who were really just Jews ethnically and not by practice, they did not believe in life after death.
They believed that when you died, that's it. They believed that God created the world, but that humans don't go on forever.
Once one is dead, one is dead. In this way, the
Sadducees were secularists. The Sadducees despised
Jesus every bit as much as the Pharisees. This is interesting. The Pharisees, the
Herodians as we saw last week, the Sadducees, they have vast differences between their beliefs, but they have one important thing in common.
Every one of them despises Jesus. And so they come together as a team to try to take him out.
So we just saw the Pharisees and the Herodians ask a question in order to test
Jesus. And now the Sadducees do the same. Let's see this question in verses 24 through 28 again, where they say,
Teacher, Moses said, if a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.
Now there were seven brothers among us. The first married and died and having no offspring left his wife to his brother.
So to the second and third down to the seventh. After them all the woman died in the resurrection.
Therefore of the seven, whose wife will she be? For they all had her.
So that's the question they ask him. As the Sadducees ask this question, they refer back to the law of Moses.
When we say the law of Moses, it's referring to the first five books of the Bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.
In Deuteronomy chapter 25 verses five through 10, there is a law that is called a leverate marriage.
The word lever in Latin means brother -in -law. In this law, the man whose brother just died was required to marry his sister -in -law in order to take care of her and to preserve his brother's family line.
What the Sadducees ask Jesus is this, what if this happens seven times?
Where in each case of the seven brothers dies and the woman never has any children?
If this occurred, which man would she belong to in the age to come? As those who don't believe in the afterlife, the
Sadducees think that this law leads to a problem with the belief that there is life after death.
That problem is that the woman, according to Scripture, can only belong to one man.
A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.
It doesn't say the seven shall become one flesh. The two shall become one flesh. And so they're asking in the age to come, which man will this woman belong to?
What Jesus is doing is letting foolish men talk. Fools have one thing in common.
They like to talk. They're very chatty. And eventually they get themselves in trouble with their words.
Wise people tend to be very selective. Wise people have two ears and one mouth, right?
They like to listen. And they choose their words wisely. Fools love to talk and they're talking here.
And their goal is to make Jesus look foolish, but the only ones they are making look foolish are themselves.
They think they are so wise that an afterlife doesn't make sense. Human wisdom.
We know better than what the Old Testament says. There is no afterlife.
We see this in our world, do we not? Human wisdom abounds. People elevate themselves above God, trying to do the impossible, to be wiser than God.
But everyone who does this fails. Fools love to talk. Fools love to present what they believe is wisdom.
But as they talk, all they are doing is proving what fools they are. They think that in their sophistication, they can prove there isn't an afterlife.
1 Corinthians 3 .19 says, the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. Jesus lets them talk as they present their so -called wisdom, but He is about to respond to their foolishness in the next point.
But here's the first point. Understand that the only man who has true answers concerning the afterlife is the
God -man. The first way how is by letting foolish men show their ignorance.
Letting foolish men show their ignorance. You know what's interesting about ignorance?
All of us have a certain level of ignorance, do we not? We're all limited. There's lots of things we don't know. Ignorance is only bad when the information is there and you don't care and you go your own way.
That's when it's bad. You can know the truth, you just don't want it.
And that was the position of the Sadducees. The second way how, you are to understand that the only man who has true answers concerning the afterlife is the
God -man is this, through responding frankly to the false beliefs of skeptics from the
Scriptures. Okay, this is Jesus' second answer how. Responding frankly to the false beliefs of skeptics from the
Scriptures. Let's see how he responds to the Sadducees in verses 29 and 30. But Jesus answered them, you are wrong, because you know neither the
Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven.
Now as the Sadducees ask this question, they think they are going to trap Jesus. Everybody else has failed, but they think they're so smart.
They're so sophisticated. They're so wise in their own eyes that they are going to be the ones to finally trap him.
They don't believe in the afterlife, but they know that Jesus does. And the Sadducees make the mistake of thinking that those who believe in heaven think that heaven will be just like earth.
What they think is that people will still be married to a spouse, just like they were married on earth.
As I was studying this, it made me think that this can be a hard conversation that a married couple still very much in love can have.
The reality is that married people will not be married forever. Once death happens, the marriage ends.
In heaven, two Christians who were married will not be married when they reunite. Brianna and I have talked about this, and we have wondered, will we still have a close relationship in the age to come?
And I think the answer is yes, but we won't be married. Those whom you were closer with on earth, you will have a headstart with than those who never knew.
And so these friendships will continue in the age to come, especially your friendship with your spouse.
You might still be best friends, but as the Sadducees ask this question to Jesus, they don't understand this.
They think that they are trapping Him because their understanding is faulty. They think that to believe in the afterlife has intellectual problems.
And the problem they point out is the problem of multiple spouses.
To whom will that spouse be married? We just saw the
Pharisees try to trap Jesus concerning submission to earthly authorities. And in that passage, Jesus gave the controversial but correct answer that believers on earth should pay taxes to the government whom
God has put over them. But this case, the response is easier because the
Sadducees misunderstand the afterlife. In the afterlife, the leverate marriage, where the widow marries the brother -in -law, this doesn't present a problem because in heaven, no one will be married.
Why? In verse 30, Jesus once again says, in the resurrection, they neither married nor are given a marriage, but are like angels in heaven.
So what are angels like? Angels are spirit beings who can take bodily form, but they don't hold permanent bodily form like humans do.
You may run into a person who is actually an angel. Have you ever thought about that? Scripture says that.
Hebrews 13, two says, you may entertain angels unawares because angels can take on human form and they do take on human form.
But angels are different from humans. They don't have a gender. With humans, we have male and female, but with angels, we do not.
Since angels don't have a gender, they don't reproduce and therefore they don't marry. By the way, every angel that exists was created at the beginning of creation.
Humanity is a race, meaning that people are born at different periods of time.
We started with two, Adam and Eve, and here we are. We have 8 billion people on planet earth and many, many billions have died over the years.
What Jesus is saying is that in the eternal state, humans will not marry and will not reproduce.
Just like in this world, angels do not marry and do not reproduce. But let's go back to what
Jesus says in verse 30. He bluntly says to the secular Sadducees, you are wrong.
Jesus is the best preacher and best prophet this world has ever seen.
The responsibility of a prophet is to proclaim the word of God. What prophets do is they not only proclaim the truth, they also defend the truth.
I've heard it said that pastors are like prophets. We talked about that this morning and that they proclaim the revelation of God in the scriptures afresh.
Okay, so they're not foretelling, like they're speaking things that nobody knows about and they're speaking new things.
They're foretelling. They're preaching what is already there, but they're bringing it to bear on the present day.
In that way, it's prophetic. One of the responsibilities of a shepherd in the church is to defend the truth.
Titus 1 .9 says, he must hold firm to the trustworthy where it is taught so that he may be able to give instruction and sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
One of the key responsibilities of God's shepherd is to defend the truth. There's this sheep farm.
Maybe some of you post this on our church page. There's this sheep farm up on the hill, a couple miles over there, probably 300 sheep out there, and there's two llamas.
It's really funny, because they stand out like a sore thumb. These giant llamas are out there with these sheep. You know why those llamas are there?
They are there to defend from coyotes and the rare wolf that comes by.
When we drove by on the golf cart, the llama charged toward the fence just to make sure we weren't a threat.
I'm thinking, pastors can learn from this llama. This llama's doing his job.
It's amazing. God's shepherds defend the truth.
And this is frankly lacking in our world. Shepherds have the enormous responsibility to defend the flock of God from false teaching.
Jesus is the best example of this. Jesus flat out tells the Sadducees, you are wrong.
And then He tells them how they're wrong. He tells them you're wrong because you know neither the
Scriptures nor the power of God. Let's break these two things down that they're wrong about.
When Jesus says they're wrong about the Scriptures, what He's saying is that they don't understand the Old Testament.
They miss what it clearly teaches. Remember, the Sadducees were ethnic Jews, but they were
Jews who picked and chose what they liked. They were very earthly.
They were not interested in the supernatural. So they rejected what the Old Testament said about the supernatural.
What the Old Testament teaches is what the New Testament teaches. That there is life after death.
The Old Testament describes not only that the Spirit leaves the body and goes to be with the Lord after death, but it also teaches the future bodily resurrection from the dead.
In Job 19 .26, Job said, after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh
I shall see God. In Psalm 16 .10, King David predicted the resurrection of the
Messiah when he wrote, you will not abandon my soul to Sheol or let your
Holy One see corruption. The Holy One is the Messiah. His body would not decay.
Isaiah 26 .19 says, your dead shall live, their bodies shall rise. You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy, for your dew is a dew of light and the earth will give birth to the dead.
And then Daniel 12, verses 12 and three. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
So does the Old Testament talk about the bodily resurrection from the dead, this future resurrection? Yes, very clearly it does.
And the Sadducees should have known this. These are ethnic Jews. They had the Old Testament, but they didn't care.
They didn't believe it. In their foolishness, they rejected the clear teaching of God's Word.
And how often that happens in the present day. It's right here. All the answers.
Right here. People don't care. As ethnic
Jews, they should have believed that there is an afterlife, that there is a final resurrection. But they didn't.
But Jesus also goes after something else about the Sadducees. They denied the power of God.
The secular religious system that they had established was a weak one. It was so earthly, so lacking power.
But Scripture says that since God is all -powerful, the resurrection of humans is a piece of cake for Him.
As Philippians 3, verses 20 and 21 says, our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a
Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like His glorious body by the power that enables
Him even to subject all things to Himself. What the verse says is that Christ, along with the
Father and the Holy Spirit, has the power to raise the dead. That which is in the ground will come to life and never die again.
How is it that God could create the world, but not keep it going forever? It doesn't make sense that things would just end for everyone.
If He creates such magnificent creatures as humans are, He will certainly not blot them out of existence.
We are His image bearers. Humans hold such a special place in God's plan.
Every human ever created will live forever. Even those who die in the womb will live forever.
Think about how important it is to preserve life. These are eternal souls from conception to forever.
It's amazing. God's power is able to do this.
God is able to raise from the dead every human who has perished. The body does not even need to be preserved for God to raise the dead.
There's been people who have been lost at sea who He will raise up. People who have been dead for thousands of years who
He will raise up. Everyone will come alive as Scripture teaches, and people will be raised to the glorious power of God.
Every person who has died will have a new body one day, and the new body given will be one that is indestructible.
This goes not for the righteous only, but also for the unrighteous. And this is sobering.
Daniel 12, as we just read, describes both. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.
The power of God will give every human an indestructible body one day. For believers, this will be wonderful.
But for unbelievers, they're going to wish that they cease to exist. Because God will raise them up in an indestructible body that will never be able to go out of existence.
That will suffer forever in hell. Isaiah 66, verse 24 says,
Their worm shall not die. Their fire shall not be quenched. And they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.
An indisputable fact of life found clearly in Holy Scripture is that people will live forever.
Scripture teaches this, but people also know this from what is called general revelation.
In theology, in the study of God, people call it general revelation. Everyone has a sense that there is a
God and there is an afterlife. Scripture is special revelation. What we see in the creative world, that's general revelation.
And everyone knows there is a God, there is an afterlife. But some people suppress the truth, as Romans 1 says.
So the question for everyone is this, where will everyone spend eternity? And if you're here today and you have not put your trust in Christ, we invite you,
I invite you, put your trust in the Lord Jesus Christ today. He conquered the grave.
He died for your sins. He rose gloriously from the dead. He paid the full penalty for your sins.
And by believing in Him, you will live forever. You will be raised in this body that will live forever.
And you don't want to miss out on this. What we see here is that Jesus puts skeptics of the afterlife in their place.
He tells them, you don't know what you're talking about. As Jesus speaks, He speaks as the
God -man. He speaks the very words of God. Every word that comes from His mouth is truth.
He wants everyone here to ignore the skeptics who say that there is no afterlife.
He did this to the Sadducees during His ministry. And He does it to every skeptic today in our time.
Who in their hard hearts say false things about the future and what happens after death.
Whatever Jesus says, it's true. He says the afterlife is true. He says there is a resurrection.
It is absolutely true. So understand that the only man who has true answers concerning the afterlife is the
God -man. And the second answer how is by responding frankly to the false beliefs of skeptics from the scriptures.
The third and final answer how we are to understand that He's the only one who has the true answers about the afterlife is this.
Through declaring that every saint is presently alive.
Every saint is presently alive. Now, I've already given you the large data from the
Old Testament that talks about the future bodily resurrection from the dead. But Jesus goes to another place in the
Old Testament to prove His point further. And this focuses on the reality of every saint in the present.
Let's read this in verses 31 and 32. And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God?
I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
A few years back, we went verse by verse through Genesis. In the book of Genesis, we saw that God made a covenant with Abraham.
The Lord promised Abraham land and offspring. The promises that God made to Abraham, He will fulfill.
The land promises will reach their fulfillment in the millennium when Christ reigns over the world from Jerusalem with the people of Israel and also with the church.
The offspring promise was fulfilled partially in the Old Testament when God blessed Abraham with many physical offspring.
But the offspring promise is also fulfilled through Abraham's spiritual offspring. Included in the spiritual offspring is every saint down through history.
The promises that God makes to his people, he will always fulfill. What Jesus is saying in this text is that God is committed to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob forever.
These are his people. He is their God. And what Jesus quotes is
Exodus 3 .6. In that passage, the Lord is talking to Moses and he's telling Moses that even though Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have been dead for several hundred years, he is still their
God in the present. In our text in the Greek, Jesus shows that this passage is to be understood in the present tense.
It is not accurate to say that God was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
That's past tense. It's correct to say that he is their God now in the present.
And not just for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but for every believer down through history.
Every believer in this room, God is always your God whether you're alive now, when you die, forever.
He's not the God of the dead, but of the living. When believers die, they are very much alive.
In fact, they have never been more alive. Doug Schmidt has shared this wonderful quote from D .L.
Moody with me. D .L. Moody was a famous evangelist from the 19th century.
Moody once said, someday you will read in the papers that D .L.
Moody of East Northfield is dead. Don't believe a word of it.
At that moment, I shall be more alive than I am now. I shall have gone up higher, that is all, out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal, a body that death cannot touch, that sin cannot taint, a body fashioned like unto
His glorious body. End quote. Jesus is preaching to the
Sadducees and He's saying, you don't get it. God loves
His own. He keeps His own. And His own have everlasting life.
As a follower of Christ, you are always alive. It's just that you go through different stages until you have your final, indestructible, glorious body.
When Jesus described the future of the resurrection in John 11 .25, He said this. I read this earlier in the call to worship.
I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live.
And everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. What Jesus is saying in our passage and in John 11, is that believers only have one death and that is physical.
But unbelievers have two. Unbelievers, those who have rejected Christ, are spiritually dead now and will experience spiritual death when they are sentenced to hell.
Revelation calls it the second death. God is not their God, but their judge.
And they will forever sit under His wrath in hell. These are the two roads.
You either belong to God or you don't. And those who belong to Him forever belong to Him as God and His people live together forever.
As Jesus corrects the Sadducees and shoots straight, the Sadducees, like everyone else who tried to test
Jesus, is caught flat -footed. It's so interesting. Jesus is a straight shooter, isn't
He? He's so honest. He's so direct. And if we're ultra -sensitive, ultra -sensitive people don't like that.
But if you love the truth, you love honest and direct speaking. And that's what Jesus was.
It's so interesting. Mickey's dad was reading the Bible. He's reading through Luke.
And the one comment he made at the end was, he's not exactly an easygoing guy, is he?
It's so different from how our society views Jesus. Jesus just tells them, you are wrong.
And here's why you're wrong. And here's the truth. And it's so refreshing to hear that. And they marvel at Him.
Verse 33, and when the crowd heard it, they were astonished at His teaching.
Jesus is different from the teachers they had. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, they said that Jesus spoke as one who had authority, and not as their scribes.
These people were used to be surrounded by dead teaching, dead religion, that gave no life, where God was not present.
But when Jesus spoke, He spoke with power. He spoke the words of God. And so they marvel at Him.
And they also marvel at the fact that every time He answers, He gives the exact right response.
And He always puts them in their place. He always silences them. And He does that here to the
Sadducees. Understand that the only man who has true answers concerning the afterlife is the
God -Man. And in this text, we've seen three answers how. By letting foolish men show their ignorance.
By responding frankly to their false beliefs from the Scriptures. And declaring that every saint is presently alive as we just saw.
And Elvin just passed away. Elvin has never been more alive than he is right now.
And that's true for every believer in this room. The day that you die as well. Any other man or woman who gets the reality of the afterlife right is because they're following the
God -Man. The one who has the answers. And that's Jesus. Jesus said of Himself in Revelation 22 -13,
I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last. The beginning and the end.
There's no one like Him. No one. He is the Creator, the
Savior, and Judge. And when He talks about what is to come beyond this life, every word is exactly right.
Fools don't listen to Him though. But the wise do. And the wise will be greatly rewarded as Daniel 12 -3 once again says, and those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.
May everyone in this room be among those who shine forever with Him. Now next
Sunday, we will look at Jesus once again, be faced with His opponents, and then respond to His opponents.
This time the Pharisees come back and ask Him a question to try to stump
Him again. And it's about the commandments of the Old Testament. And we'll see how Jesus responds once again.
But this time let's bow our heads in prayer. Father in Heaven, thank
You for this time and thank You for the Word of God. It's sharper than any two -edged sword and pierces through the soul and spirit, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
And my prayer, Lord, is that You would apply this message from Your Word to each person right where they're at.