Transubstantiation (Part 2)



Victory Over Sexual Sin (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. My name's
Mike Abendroth. This is about take three for the show. Here's what I do. I start to talk, and then if I think it's really good,
I just keep going. If I think it's acceptable, I sometimes keep going. But if I think it's kind of bad when
I start, I just hit record again, and off we go. So this is take three. I hate to do take threes, because then it turns 24 and a half minutes into a lot longer show, and we don't want to do that here at No Compromise Radio.
Write us with your questions, info at nocompromiseradio .com, info at nocompromiseradio .com.
You can also go to iTunes, type in No Compromise Radio. You'll find our shows there, or go to the website, nocompromiseradio .com.
You'll find 300 and some odd shows ranging from the topics of cremation, to apostles, to sign gifts, to speaking in tongues, to casting out demons, to free will, to unconditional election, to whatever suits your fancy.
Actually, it's getting a lot harder to figure out shows now, because the low -hanging fruit is gone. I've taught all the things that I basically know well.
Or at least have notes on that I think would be good for the format of the show. Mondays is a sermon.
Tuesdays, it's Steve Cooley and I. Wednesdays, it's me usually talking to an author, or talking about a book, et cetera.
So you know the format by now. I'm trying to finish the discussion on transubstantiation.
Transubstantiation is one of the four views of the Lord's Supper of communion. And what the
Roman Catholics teach when it comes to transubstantiation is what we looked at last week. I thought it was very interesting, because if it's really changed, the bread is changed into the body of Christ, and then you drop it, or a mouse nibbles on it, is the mouse nibbling on the body of Christ?
And according to Aquinas, the answer would be yes, because it's actually changed into Jesus' body once the sentence is completed of consecration by the priest.
Secondly, I find it interesting that you've got questions that we looked at last time. When the cup, the wine, is consecrated, and then turns into the blood of Jesus, remember some of the things on catholic .com,
the answers, the official answers on catholic .com. If you add some wine to the blood of Jesus that looks like wine, tastes like wine, smells like wine, and if you drink enough of it, it makes you drunk like wine.
If you drink, if you pour some real wine, pour some Mogan David 2020,
MD 2020, into the chalice that has the so -called blood of Jesus, what happens?
And the answer, according to catholics .com, is you have part blood, part wine.
Even though you can't tell the difference, it is still, at least they're consistent, and I'll give them credit for that. Lutherans have a different view.
They have the view of the Lord's Supper called consubstantiation, and Luther would emphasize the importance of Christ and his words, this is my body, but he would see through the lens of the omnipresence of God that the
Lord is with, under, or by the communion elements. You've also got
John Calvin, and he would have the Reformed view of the Lord's Supper, the spiritual presence of the Lord there, not physical presence.
Luther denied the physical presence as well. And you have, lastly, probably the most popular in evangelical circles, baptistic circles, is the
Zwinglian view, Ulrich Zwingli, from Switzerland, Zurich, Switzerland.
I've stood in his church before, his old church, and his view would be memorial.
Do this in remembrance of me. You would just call to memory what Christ has done, who he is, his claims, what he's done at the atoning cross, et cetera.
And so Rome's views are the most fascinating because once you start down a path and you have canon law and you have something that is taught by the church, it's hard to go back.
It's very hard to go back. And last time, remember what we looked at? We looked at things like Roman Catholic doctrine where the people can't receive the wine.
For a long time, the Lateran Council confirmed by Trent that people couldn't receive the wine. Why? I don't know.
It's expensive, but probably more importantly, you could get sick by the common cup or the common chalice.
And you could also, remember there was a question last week from, could you get sick from a wine contaminated by someone else if they're drinking from the common chalice?
And the answer was yes. I don't know how that all works, but that's one more fascinating thing. And then you don't want the people to spill the blood of Jesus because then you run into a sticky wicket.
And something so sticky, I just dropped my pen. On Catholics .com, the priest was not concerned about spilling the blood of Jesus.
And somebody wrote in to ask a question. Here's what they said at Catholics .com for an answer.
What the priest told you is in part correct and in part incorrect. The correct part is that when the elements no longer have the appearance of bread or wine,
Christ ceases to be present. If a drop of the precious blood has dried, it no longer has the appearance of wine, and so Christ is not present.
Okay, this is historic Catholic teaching. Christ remains present only so long as the species of bread and wine maintain the appearances of bread and wine.
So when the bread and wine, which is now the body and blood of Christ, go down through your esophagus into your stomach and then the gastric acids begin to eat away, once it's no longer looking like bread, it's no longer the body of Christ.
They go on in Catholic Answers. This is the teaching of Thomas Aquinas. Quote, Aquinas, if there be such change on the part of the accidents, in italics, in brackets, appearances, as would not have sufficed for the corruption of the bread and wine, then the body and blood of Christ do not cease to be under this sacrament on account of such change, whether the change be on the part of the quality as, for instance, excuse me, when the color or the savor of the bread or wine is slightly modified, or on the part of the quantity as when the bread or wine is divided into such parts as to keep in them the nature of bread or wine.
You think, oh, this is as boring as all get out. All right, well, it's older. Aquinas was smart, I'll give him credit, and he was consistent.
Aquinas goes on. But if the change be so great that the substance of the bread or wine would have been corrupted, then
Christ's body and blood do not remain under the sacrament, and this either on the part of the qualities as when the color, savor, or other qualities of the bread and wine are so altered as to be incompatible with the nature of bread or of wine, or else on the part of the quantity as, for instance, if the bread be reduced to fine particles or the wine divided into such tiny drops that the species of bread or wine no longer remain,
Summa Theologicae 377 .4. Well, I just get confused, don't you?
This is a very confusing thing. And once you start on the road and make a concession, make a wrong doctrine, it just gets harder and harder to keep it when people over the centuries ask these kind of questions.
Now, Catholic's answer says, unfortunately, your priest is flat wrong about the correct thing to do when the precious blood spills.
The church mandates that the place be washed with water, diluting the precious blood so that it no longer has the appearance of wine and so that Christ ceases to be present.
Isn't that interesting? So if you spill consecrated wine that's now the blood of Christ onto the floor and it's in the carpet,
Jesus is there and you need to quickly, Jesus' blood is there, you need to quickly dilute it so once it's so diluted that it no longer looks like wine,
Jesus is no longer there. And so there's gotta be a point in time where that happens and then you are okay.
Here's what the church teaches. Then the water is to be poured into the sacrium.
It is not permitted simply to leave a spill alone until it dries. The general instruction of the
Roman Missal, M -I -S -S -A -L, states, quote, 239, if any of the precious blood spills, the area should be washed and the water poured into the sacrarium, end quote.
Catholic answer says it is not permissible to pour the precious blood into the sacrarium.
Only the water that was used to wash and dissolve the species under the precious blood was present may be poured into it.
The U .S. Bishop's document, this Holy and Living Sacrifice document, forcefully states on page 38, quote, it is strictly prohibited to pour the precious blood into the ground or into the sacrarium.
Well, whether you have a Reformed view of the spiritual presence or a Zwingling view of a simple memorial, both of those are so much easier.
If you just say to yourself, John 6 has nothing to do with the institution of the
Lord's Supper. Remember, when did that happen? When was the first Lord's Supper? The first Lord's Supper was at the last
Passover. The last Passover, we had the first Lord's Supper.
And can you imagine the, as S. Louis Johnson calls it, the arrogant audacity of Jesus Christ to say, do this in remembrance of me?
We've got this Passover celebration that's an eternal celebration, an ongoing celebration for the
Jewish people about how God, the great Savior, had a blood spilt in the place of sinners and the death angel, either the death angel passed over the house and did not kill the firstborn.
There was going to be bloodshed in every house and it was either going to be the sacrifice or it was going to be the firstborn.
And so here Jesus says, do this in remembrance of me, the last Passover. That is a very audacious claim unless you are in fact
Yahweh. And we know Jesus is the eternal God. He is the Lord. He is
Yahweh. So John 6 has nothing to do with the Passover, has nothing to do with literal eating and drinking.
The Jews who were dumbfounded because they sadly, like the Roman Catholic leaders, are not privy to the
Spirit's illumination to understand these things, thought that they were talking, thought he was talking about real flesh.
How can this man give us flesh to eat? They were wrong.
They reacted to Jesus by this sinful thing that Jesus was going to ask them to do because it's sinful to drink the blood.
And so now Jesus says, I'm going to tell you with emphasis, unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in yourselves. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day.
Friends, Jesus is talking in this context three times about eating his flesh and drinking his blood.
There's no doubt about what he means. And you have to look at simple grammar, simple
English, simple figures of speech. And when Jesus says he's a door, what does that mean?
When Jesus says eat my flesh here, what does that mean? This is a figure of belief.
You have to believe. That's what he's talking about. So when Rome says you've really got to eat
Jesus based on a misinterpretation of John six, then they have to come up with this whole hocus pocus.
You might want to type in hocus pocus in Wiki or in your Google search and you can find some very interesting things.
Who can receive communion according to catholic .com? Catholic .com, by the way, this site has been blessed and confirmed by the
Roman Catholic Church, Nihil Obstant. I've concluded that the materials present in this work are free of doctrinal or moral errors,
Bernadine Carr STL Sensor Librarium, August 10th, 2000, catholic .com.
Library, who can receive communion? They say the Holy Eucharist is the most important of the seven sacraments because in this and in no other sacrament we receive the very body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ.
That's fascinating, we receive the soul of Jesus. We receive the deity of Jesus. I'm just looking for a verse that would confirm that, but I just don't seem to find one.
Communion is an intimate encounter with Christ in which we sacramentally receive Christ into our bodies that we may be more completely assimilated into his.
So one of the purposes of communion is to be more completely assimilated into the body of Christ.
Well, the Bible specifically and clearly teaches that upon faith in Christ Jesus, God makes you born again, and he causes you to be born again in 1st
Timothy, excuse me, 1st Peter chapter one. And you respond with faith and repentance and trust and following.
When you respond, and this is, you know, in time probably simultaneous, logically regeneration precedes faith, but you are placed in Christ Jesus.
And once you're placed in Christ Jesus, you're not ever going to be out of Christ Jesus. You're in Christ, in Christ.
It's called the mystical union. Something talked about more often than justification.
I remember Dwight Pentecost talking about how this is one of the most important doctrines, overlooked doctrines, the mystical union that we have as we are in Christ Jesus.
So you can't be half in or half out. Even language would say, you know, you're either in or you're out.
You're not in the middle. You're not half in and half out. The Pope named
John Paul the first, John Paul the second, excuse me, said the Eucharist builds the church.
Redemptor hominis 20. Oh, yikes. Catholic .com
says the Eucharist also strengthens the individual because in it, Jesus himself, the word made flesh forgives our venial sins and gives us the strength to resist mortal sin.
It's also the very channel of eternal life, Jesus himself. How'd you get that? It's the channel of eternal life,
Jesus himself. We, of course, as Protestants, protest that. We protest that forgiveness of sins occurs through the sacraments.
Not any of the sacraments. Does that happen? We believe as Protestants, according to the
Bible, that we have a Jesus who died once. We believed in the finished work of the cross.
We believe that he made propitiation. We believe that he made reconciliation. We believe that he made redemption.
And these things were done, and they are not through the sacraments. They're not through some kind of body and blood of Jesus.
Is it important to remember the Lord in the Lord's Supper?
Well, of course, we are to remember. But we are not believing in a propitiatory sacrifice on the altar through the
Roman Catholic system. Now, a quick reading of Hebrews chapter 10 should help those of you who are listening.
My name is Mike Abendroth, No Compromise Radio Ministry, part two today on transubstantiation.
I'm on catholic .com, and we're just looking at some of the fascinating things that once you get
John 6 wrong, you pretty much get everything else wrong. This is under the section in catholic .com
under Catholics and Communion. To receive communion worthily, you must be in a state of grace, have made a good confession since your last mortal sin, believe in transubstantiation, observe the
Eucharistic fast, and finally, not be under an ecclesiastical censure such as excommunication.
So if you're a Roman Catholic, first, you've got to be in a state of grace, because if you don't have that sanctifying grace in your soul, you are profaning the
Eucharist. And they get that out of a misquoting of 1 Corinthians chapter 11.
Can you imagine? Here's what this website says. Immortal sin is any sin whose matter is grave and which has been committed willfully and with knowledge of its seriousness.
Grave matters include, but is not limited to, murder, receiving or participating in an abortion, homosexual acts, having sexual intercourse outside of marriage, or in an invalid marriage, and deliberately engaging in impure thoughts.
Well, friends, all sins are mortal. One sin is enough to damn you forever.
One sin is enough to affect the fall of the human race. One sin will rightly deserve to be condemned.
The holy justice of the Almighty God. And it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living
God for even one sin. And they're all are mortal. This whole venial mortal thing is one more illusion.
It's one more Crescen -like, David Copperfield -like thing. Mortal sins, grave sins, venial sins.
How mortal? Mortal. How grave? Grave. When you receive communion, according to the 1983
Code of Canon Law, you have to, A, well, let me just read the quote.
A person who is conscious of a grave sin is not to receive the body of the Lord without prior sacramental confession unless a grave reason is present and there is no opportunity of confessing.
In this case, the person is to be mindful of the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible,
CIC 916. Isn't this kind of complicated? See what legalism does.
And I don't mean legalism like you can't go trick -or -treating. I mean legalism in the sense that when you add to the gospel
Galatians 1 and 2 kind of legalism, legalism just keeps adding and adding and adding and adding.
And the books keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger because legalism has to have more rules for all the different things.
Listen to what catholic .com says according to their website that has been confirmed as without doctrinal or moral error.
You must believe in the doctrine of transubstantiation. Transubstantiation means more than the real presence.
According to transubstantiation, the bread and wine are actually transformed in the actual body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ with only the appearances of bread and wine remaining.
This is my blood, Mark 14, Luke 22. If Christ were merely present alongside of the bread and wine, he would have said this contains my body.
This contains my blood, which he did not say. Well, the website goes on.
You must observe the Eucharistic fast. Now I did not know about this because although my grandmother was
Catholic she didn't really go that often and I can't vouch for all the stuff that I just didn't really go with her.
Although I lived across the street from St. James Parish and there were lots of nuns across the street and a few fathers and they would play golf in the back area and we'd go over there and they'd lose their golf balls and I guess if I took a golf ball from the parking lot of a
Catholic church would that be a mortal sin or a venial sin when I was eight years old? I have no idea. We were nice to them and they were nice to us.
Canon law, CIC 9191. One who is to receive the most
Holy Eucharist is to abstain from any food or drink with the exception only of water and medicine, as we say in our land, medicine, for at least the period of one hour before Holy Communion.
Elderly people, those who are ill and their caretakers are excused from the Eucharistic fast,
CIC 9193. Priests and deacons may not dispense when obligated by the
Eucharistic fast unless the bishop has expressly granted such power to them, CIC 89. That'll only cost you 4 ,999.
Friends, the last sarcastic comment aside. Once you start having rules, let's back up.
Once you get the gospel wrong and you have an accursed gospel, Galatians chapter one, which is not really a gospel, it's a different kind, it's a heteros gospel, it's not the same kind, it's a different kind, then you're gonna have all these things.
Where in the Bible does it say you have to fast except for water and medicine to receive communion? No, this is all works righteousness.
This is all taking away from the cross of Christ. And once you get the cross of Christ wrong, you get everything wrong.
Jesus paid it all, all to him I owe. Sin has left a crimson stain.
He washed it white as snow. Jesus is the lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
Jesus is the one who has redeemed us, forgiven us, justified us, and the list goes on and on.
Once you go away from that and start adding some kind of religion that is based upon the duty of man, the merits of man, the works of man, through the fear of man, all this other stuff takes place.
Canon law, CIC 915, those who are excommunicated are interdicted after the imposition or declaration of the penalty, and others who obstinately persist in grave manifest sin are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.
And the list goes on and on. Show me a legalistic system and I'll show you rule after rule after rule after rule after rule.
Canon law explains the parameters. If the danger of death is present or other grave necessity in the judgment of the diocean bishop or the conference of bishops,
Catholic ministers may licitly administer these sacraments to other Christians who do not have full communion with the
Catholic Church, CIC 844. Four, how does that work? I thought you have to have a fast.
I thought you have to believe in substantiation, transubstantiation. Well, I don't want the
Eucharistic host on my deathbed. Here's what I want. I want people around my deathbed singing, Jesus paid it all, immortal, invisible.
I want people to say, there is a Redeemer, and I wanna be focused on Jesus Christ, because you can get to heaven without the
Eucharist. The thief on the cross was not given the Eucharist, nor was he baptized, but he looked to Christ.
He took Christ's word for it, and he believed that he was the Messiah, the one who was laying down his life for the sins of all those who had ever believed, and that he was gonna be raised from the dead because he was going to be with him in paradise.
Friends, if you are a Roman Catholic, why don't you believe in the Bible's Jesus? The Jesus who does not need mankind at all, does not need baptism or any of the other sacraments to be helping his great son's death.
This is my beloved son in whom I'm well -pleased. Just be well -pleased in the gospel. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and say, where is canon law here?
And then repent and believe in the real gospel to set you free, and you can know you're saved. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.