The Lord Silences His Critics (3) February 9, 2025


Greetings Brethren, In our recent study of Luke’s Gospel, we considered how the Lord Jesus, after a long journey to Jerusalem, came into the temple and purged it of persons who had corrupted its purpose to be a house of prayer and a place where the Word of God was taught. After having done so, we find the Lord “every day” teaching in the temple (Luke 19:47). Chapter 20 contains a record of some of that teaching and the reaction of those who heard Him. This will be the subject of our consideration for several weeks.               We always appreciate hearing from you, receiving your feedback, including questions.  Our own church family is also encouraged to hear that our ministry is assisting others in knowing our Lord and His Word more fully and clearly.  May He bless you in your service to the people of His kingdom.  We would hope and pray that if you find these notes to be true to the Word of God, you will distribute them to others within your church and community.  We are grateful that many who receive our notes weekly are pastors in many parts of the world.  Please pray that our Lord will bless His Word that He has enabled us to make known and distribute to His people.                 Quite a number of brethren who receive these weekly notes have informed me that they copy and distribute these notes for others on a weekly basis.  Of course we welcome this effort and we thank the Lord that He blesses His Word and multiplies the seed sown in many places that we had not anticipated.  Please let me know of your distribution of them to others.  This will encourage both me and our church folks who enable me to send them to you.  However, if you do this, and we could make it easier for you, we would be happy to email these notes directly to those for whom you provide them.  Send me their email addresses and I will add them to our weekly mailing list.  We always appreciate hearing from you, if you have found spiritual benefit from this weekly ministry of our church.  We are quite overwhelmed and grateful to our Lord for the rather broad dissemination of these sermon notes in recent years.  We are blessed with today’s technology to be able to air every Sunday on YouTube our Sunday sermon (July 7, 2024 - September 08, 2024) will be beginning at approximately 10:15 AM (EST-eastern standard time) . See earch_query=%E2%80%9CThe+Word+of+Truth%E2%80%9D+with+Dr.+Lars+Larson. We always appreciate hearing from you, receiving your feedback, including questions.  Our own church family is also encouraged to hear that our ministry is assisting others in knowing our Lord more fully and clearly.  May He bless you in your service to the people of His kingdom.  We would hope and pray that if you find these notes to be true to the Word of God, you will distribute them to others within your church and community.  We are grateful that many who receive our notes weekly are pastors in many parts of the world.  Please pray that our Lord will bless His Word that He has enabled us to make known and distribute to His people. Further material:


mentioned in chapter one that he continually prayed for them that the Lord would give them an understanding that they were the objects of his eternal love that they were saved by his grace and here in Ephesians 3
Paul mentions that he another basis or aspect of his praying for them that they would come to truly understand and comprehend the love of God that God has for his people may the
Lord help us to perceive understand embrace and rejoice in the infinite love of God he loves you in Christ just as much as he loves his son an eternal everlasting love
Ephesians chapter 3 Ephesians 3 for this reason
I Paul a prisoner of Christ Jesus on behalf of you Gentiles assuming that you have heard of the stewardship of God's grace that was given to me for you how the mystery was made known to me by revelation as I have written briefly when you read this you can perceive my insight into the mystery of Christ which was not made known to the sons of men in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit this mystery is that the
Gentiles are fellow heirs members of the same body and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel of this gospel
I was made a minister according to the gift of God's grace which was given me by the working of his power to me though I am the very least of all the saints this grace was given to preach to the
Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God who created all things so that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places this was according to the eternal purpose that he had realized in Christ Jesus our
Lord in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in him so I ask you not to lose heart over what
I suffered for you which is your glory for this reason I bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of God now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think according to the power at work within us to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever amen let's pray heavenly father we thank you for this passage and we thank you for this prayer of paul for its instruction and lord we too pray that we would know the height and the depth and the breadth of the love of God that we would have a clear understanding of your character of your work of all the things lord that you have accomplished we pray lord that this understanding would result in our obedience and our submission to you we pray lord that everything we do might be to your glory so help us now lord as we open up your word and it is proclaimed we pray that we would hear the truth we pray that the spirit would teach us the truth and we pray that in the spirit's power we would apply it to our lives thank you lord in Jesus name amen of course that God's infinite love for us is because of the fact that he chose us in Christ he sees us in union with his son and because the father loves his son with an infinite love he therefore loves us with that same infinite love it's not because you and I are lovely it's because he is loving but through his work of grace of course he's going to he's going to make us lovely more lovely until we stand in the righteousness of Christ on that final day in glorified bodies all right we are presently working through Luke chapter 20 and we read of our lord
Jesus in the oh in the first well in the majority of this chapter silencing his critics different sects of Judaism came to Jesus in Jerusalem during the last week of his earthly ministry this is in his passion week more toward the beginning of the week and of course they are attempting to discredit him before the people and charge him with sedition to bring before the
Roman authorities but Jesus wisely and skillfully foiled their schemes and discredited them in the eyes of the people and today we read of our lord responding to some who hope to ensnare him and thought they had devised a trap in which he could not avoid condemning himself either by the
Roman authorities or the Jewish people we'll find ourselves encouraged and strengthened in our own conflict with unbelievers if we take these matters to heart regarding the sufferings of our lord this is one of the ways for peace and strength for suffering
Christians we read in Hebrews 12 that we are to consider our lord Jesus in his sufferings since we're surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses he's describing all those people of faith in Hebrews 11 we've got all these witnesses in the old testament that testify what faith is let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely and let us run with endurance the pace the race that is set before us and how are we to be running looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame
Jesus despised the shame of the cross and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God but it was the joy that he anticipated would be secured by his death is what enabled him to endure that hardship or that difficulty and therefore verse 3 consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself so that you may not grow weary or faint -hearted and to use modern language of course so that you not be depressed is what the writer is saying and so what is the corrective or preventive for depression spiritual depression you consider
Christ in his sufferings and how he looked through those sufferings and what
God was going to accomplish through those sufferings the redemption of his people and this gave him joy and it gave him strength and the will to endure some
Christians are very weary or faint -hearted because they've not resorted to this means of grace consider carefully the way in which our
Lord dealt with those who withstood him and again here in Luke chapter 20 we have set forward how the
Lord dealt with people who challenged him now in our consideration last time of the passage of Luke 20 19 through 26 we examined how
Jesus dealt with challenge to his to his authority but here in these verses verses 20 through 26 we witnessed the
Lord avoiding entrapment respecting the authority of Caesar and so we read now in Luke 20 20 verse through verse 26 so they watched him and sent spies who pretended to be righteous that they might seize on his words in order to deliver him to the power and authority of the governor that would be
Pontius Pilate then they asked him saying teacher we know that you say and teach rightly and you do not show personal favoritism but teach the way of God in truth is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not but he perceived their craftiness and said to them why do you test me show me a denarius whose image and inscription does it have and they answered and said
Caesars and he said to them render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are
God's but they could not catch him in his words in the presence of the people and they marveled at his answer and kept silence he quieted them again so round two goes to the
Lord Jesus again and he'll continue to do that through more verses in chapter 20 as we'll see in coming weeks well let's first consider the evil men who came to Jesus in verses actually it should be verse 20 we read in verse 20 so they watched him sent spies who pretended to be righteous that they might seize on his words in order to deliver him to the power and authority of the governor now what is the subject of verse 20 because it begins with just the pronoun they well the subject should be regarded as the same men of verse 19 the verse before the teachers of the law in other words scribes and the chief priests they were the ones who watched him and sent spies who pretended to be righteous and so perhaps they should be regarded as a representative group however of the
Sanhedrin the Jewish council ruling council interestingly in Matthew's account of this event another group of Jewish leaders is said to have been complicit and present in this plot with his scribes and chief priests and so we read in Matthew 15 and 16
Matthew's parallel account then the Pharisees went Pharisees are not mentioned specifically in Luke at this point and plotted how they might entangle him in his talk they sent to him their disciples with the
Herodians there is a group that is not mentioned very frequently in the gospels saying teacher we know that you are true and teach the way of God and truth nor do you care about anyone for you do not regard the person of men the
Herodians were a relatively small group of people it was primarily a political party a
Jewish political party who lived in or close to Jerusalem they were supportive and benefited from King Herod's rule over the
Jewish people King Herod of course was not fully Jewish he was half Edomian and so the
Jewish people did not like Herod whatsoever and yet these
Herodians appreciated and profited and supported King Herod in his rule and they also profited the
Herodians profited from Roman rule and so they were not well liked by the
Jewish populace and so they would have favored taxes to Caesar for this was the major source of their income the
Herodians the Pharisees and the disciples of the Pharisees would have been opposed to the tax and so here you have two groups of people that don't get along with one another they really hate one another watched him and devised a plot together that would appear to be a foolproof way to entangle him in his words and so here we have these two opposing parties who normally had little to do with each other conspiring together to entrap our
Lord and so just like King Herod the half
Jewish the Edomian king was also a hostile toward Pilate and Pilate the
Roman governor was hostile toward him they got together and became friends over the whole matter of arresting and trying and crucifying
Jesus the desires and designs of these evil men had been intent on condemning
Jesus and so Luke opens the verse with the words so they watched him these words follow what they had failed to achieve in their earlier attempts to condemn
Jesus again we read in verse 19 of their earlier frustrated effort the chief priests and the scribes that very hour sought to lay hands on him but they feared the people for they knew he had spoken this parable against them the parable of the husbandmen and so having been unable to lay hands on him out of fear of the people they had to devise another means to defeat him we read they sent spies who pretended to be righteous we do not know how long before this event these hypocrites had been among Jesus's disciples but perhaps since Jesus's arrival to the environs of the city of the plot which the
Jews devised it was said by one commentator of Luke's gospel who died handful of years ago however much the
Jewish leaders desired to take Jesus without delay and to cause him to be done to death he still had too great a hold on the multitude they were afraid of the people in impotent rage especially after he had so clearly exposed their murderous intentions through the parable of the husbandman they tried to devise all manner of plans to bring him into disfavor with the multitude or in conflict with the
Roman authorities after their previous defeats they now evidently act with great caution and subtle cunning this appears from the fact that instead of again sending official members of the
Sanhedrin to him they send a small group of their disciples to try and entangle
Jesus in his speech these younger men now that's an assumption on his part probably a right assumption these younger men could more easily pretend to be seriously seeking for an answer to the question which they had to put what our lord had to contend with was not unique to him or his situation but rather this is a common ploy of the devil as it were
Matthew Henry wrote no it's no new thing for bad men to feign themselves just men pretend to be just men pretend to be
Christians and to cover the most wicked projects with the most spacious implausible pretenses the devil can transform himself into an angel of light and a pharisee appear in the garb and speak the language of a disciple of Christ ministers are concerned to stand upon their guard against some that feign themselves to be just men
Christians and to be wise as serpents when they are in the midst of a generation of vipers and scorpions a spy must go in disguise and so they must feign or pretend to be righteous the apostle
Paul had to be on guard against evil men who had come in a stealth manner among the people of God to deceive and harm them even as they desired and aimed at attempting to promote errant thinking and practice among the churches and so Paul encountered pressure from some to have the gentile convert
Titus to be circumcised to become a Jewish proselyte instead of being saved through faith in Christ alone and Paul wrote of this conflict and give note to who it was who were his opposers and challengers yet not even
Titus who was with me being a Greek was compelled to be circumcised and this occurred why because of false brethren secretly brought in who came by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage to whom we did not yield submission even for an hour that the truth of the gospel might continue with you and so what
Jesus had to deal with in Luke 20 the apostle Paul had to deal with in the churches of Galatia false brethren was a problem of which
Paul had continual struggle throughout his ministry on one occasion he wrote comparing and contrasting his own ministry with false apostles and when rehearsing the trials and burdens of his life he spoke of what he had suffered are they
Hebrews he's talking about these false apostles so am I are they Israelites so am I are they the seed of Abraham so am
I are they ministers of Christ I speak as a fool I am more and instead of bragging on his credentials that qualified him to teach he he bragged on his sufferings they were the they were the badge of his authenticity
I am more and labor is more abundant and stripes above measures in prisons more frequently and deaths often from the
Jews five times I received 40 stripes minus one his back must have been solid scar tissue three times
I was beaten with rods once I was stoned three times I was shipwrecked and that's before the shipwreck of Acts chapter 26 and 27 three times before then a night and day
I've been in the deep in journeys often in perils of water and perils of robbers and perils of my own countrymen
Jews and perils of the Gentiles and perils in the city and perils in the wilderness and perils in the sea and here it is in perils among false brethren it was a common issue that he had to deal with in weariness and toil and sleeplessness often in hunger and thirst and fastings often in cold and nakedness and besides the other things what comes upon me daily my deep concern for all the churches and so false brethren candidly are not always recognized as such by the people of God I might just mention this on the side when
I was first came to Christ 19 years of age started attending Calvary Baptist Church a little church in my northern
California home of Fort Bragg and my best friend John would come with me we were drinking buddies and we you know
Beth both read tracts and whatnot and I assumed that he had become a Christian when I did and I remember one day coming to church with him and my pastor
Floyd Anderson and stood in front of John and asked him is
Jesus Christ your Lord and the way he did it it kind of shocked me it was so straightforward and confronting and I kind of felt sorry for John you know and almost kind of interrupt you know but he kept doing that with John is
Jesus Christ your Lord and after he asked that six or eight times John didn't answer him and so I began to look up at John you know what's what's the problem here you know well it wasn't long and John stopped going to Bible studies with me and you know throughout his entire life that I know of he never became a
Christian but he you know was a false brother and my my pastor had the wisdom and the courage to expose him as such he was being faithful to him and it was instructive for me too frankly and not always do the people of God recognize false brethren and so it's incumbent upon ministers to perform closer inspection lest he who has but pretended to be righteous becomes accepted by others as though he were truly righteous that's one of the responsibilities of the pastor these evil men numbered among the disciples had an evil design they would attempt to bring condemnation upon Jesus before the
Roman authorities Luke described them that they might seize on his words in order to deliver him to the power and authority of the governor and so these men wrote one had the specific aim of persuading
Jesus to say something incriminating which would form the basis of an accusation against him to the governor to the
Romans the questioners adopted the role of righteous men seeking an answer from Jesus which would be in conformity with Jewish ideas of righteousness but which would thus be contrary to Roman demands and the enemies of the gospel sometimes are subtle and they pretend to be righteous
I can probably think of three or four occasions in the last 20 years when
I've been approached by someone in the community about possibly performing a wedding for them and I was able to discern or detect it was a homosexual wedding and they weren't forthright in you know in their presentation to me they were setting me up to make some kind of commitment and then probably have a reason to accuse us as a church and me as a pastor there are people that that are subtle they're they're not you know outwardly and openly antagonistic but they come to you in subtlety and they have evil designs they're not concerned about Christ or Christ's people and so we should take to heart the subtle but possible serious danger that can be perpetrated on the brethren by false brethren as J .C.
Ryle cautioned his readers he that would not be often deceived in this wicked world must carefully remember these things we must exercise a wise caution as we travel through life and not play the part of the simple who believeth every word quotes
Proverbs we must not lightly put confidence in every new religious volunteer nor hastily take it for granted that all people are good who talk like good men such caution at first sight might appear narrow -minded and uncharitable but the longer we live the more shall we find that it is needful we shall discover by experience that all is not gold that glitters and all are not true
Christians who make a loud profession of Christianity the language of Christianity is precisely that part of religion which a false
Christian finds it most easy to attain the walk of a man's daily life and not the talk of his lips is the only safe test of his character now
Ryle was a bishop in the church of England I can't imagine what he had to deal with in his parish so -called as he tried to maintain that that role
I think we in a measure as Baptists are preserved from that kind of thing because we you know by definition look for evidences to regeneration in people's lives before admitting them to be numbered among the people of God well what was the specific ploy of these evil men these treacherous men well the the ploy was flattery this is how they came to Jesus verse 21 teacher we know that you say and teach rightly and you do not show personal favoritism but teach the way of God in truth and so what was the evil ploy of these imposter disciples well they would applaud our
Lord and they actually mentioned three three things they commended
Jesus in three areas first they declared that they knew what he said and what he taught was right teacher we know that you say and teach rightly they could not discredit
Jesus for teaching falsehood or shading the truth for personal ends and so they sought to employ flattery no doubt to lull him into lowering his suspicion and apprehension of them and their approaching him but also subtly direct him to answer their questions so that it would condemn him before the
Roman authorities these pretenders praised Jesus for things that were good and true teacher which was a respectable title this is always a good way for a deceptive flatterer to begin false respect it will cause him to remove his guard teacher we know that you speak and teach what is right and of course again this is a good thing and it was a true statement on their part now whether or not they've truly believed it may be questionable but although this is a good thing with which to commend people it can also be used by evil men to lay a trap for them flattery flattery is the means by which many who have wrong desires and designs attempt to gain favor and counter resistance to them flattery is praise that is insincere they were not sincere in this generally designed to gain favor or to obtain something from someone you get a lot of that through scams you know email cell phone
I have a category in my outlook scams and I've got I don't know dozens and dozens and dozens of emails that I get and they're getting sophisticated too
I got one the other day you know from eBay with all the logos and what or no it wasn't eBay it was
PayPal you know all the right logos and whatnot even had a PayPal you know email note well we've just levied $332 on your
PayPal account of course I went on my PayPal account there was no such charge level levy you know people are very deceptive and we have to be on our guard and flattery is one of the means to our scam artists confidence men we used to call them right confidence men they flatter this is how they entrap people the reason flattery is commonly successful is because it appeals to sinful the sinful proud heart who likes to be flattered and that resides in all of us as human beings it wasn't in the
Lord Jesus so who wasn't going to get very far with him we desire to be recognized congratulated honored for something we are for something we do but we're to recognize flattery and not to succumb to it
Proverbs 20 verse 19 gives this word of instruction do not associate with one who flatters with his lips and Proverbs 29 gives the warning a man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his feet like a net catching birds it was
Naboth of Samaria who fell due to a form of flattery remember King Ahab desired to acquire the vineyard of Naboth for himself but Naboth refused to sell well sullen and rejected
Ahab's wife Jezebel told him hey I'll secure that vineyard for you and so she planned a great feast to honor
Naboth to which no no doubt Naboth joyfully attended it was a setup wasn't it and it was there in this supposed celebration of Naboth that false witnesses came forward declared that Naboth had blasphemed
God and so the people in the party drug him out and of course stoned him Jezebel had gained his vineyard for her husband through initial flattery which masked her treachery flattery generally will easily and commonly trip up an undiscerning person how we like to be flattered we like to be told that we're such good
Christians and indeed such noble examples of what Christians should be but flattery is a bad thing which
God condemns they speak idly everyone with his neighbor with flattering lips and a double heart they speak may the
Lord cut off all flattering lips and the tongue that speaks proud things Psalm 12 these enemies of our
Lord use flattery to set the stage for the challenge which was to follow but actually an enemy of the gospel can destroy us by flattery alone because flattery will lead us to exalt ourselves and that alone may will result in our fall an enemy of Christ could wreak a lot of havoc among the people of God simply by coming among us and telling us how good we are for if that leads us to take our eyes off Christ and his grace that has produced any good in us we will most certainly fall pride goeth before the fall now of course we do not condemn expressions of gratefulness and acknowledgments which are fitting and proper obviously the scriptures are filled with commendations for the faithfulness and goodness of his people but realize that people with wrong motives may use this means to deceive and destroy
Paul declared that the Lord's gifted men to his churches were to teach their people so that they should no longer be children tossed to and fro carried about with every wind of doctrine by the trickery of men in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting see the people don't recognize overtly as false teachers well a second expression of flattery of these wicked devising men was their assertion teacher we know that you say teach rightly and here it is and you do not show personal favoritism this too is a good thing the
Lord could always be counted on to speak clearly and truthfully and consistently wherever he was and it would be good if all of us had this trait perhaps here are some of us
I suspect who can agree with anybody on anything at any time in any place and never have any qualms about it some
Christians are just too compliant with what goes on around them I wonder
I wonder whether or not some people do not slip into their Christian language to me because they recognize me as a pastor
I know that happens and they speak to me in an entirely different manner than then they thought if then if they thought otherwise and I could recount some specific experiences numerous occasions over the years the immediate change in the nature and content of conversation when they learn
I'm a pastor it's amazing the transformation of subject vocabulary tone of words that occurs in a moment's time and I've even had people
Christians I can remember professing Christian who was talking to me with Christian talk pastor talk and somehow we got off on time
I think it was talking about either the fights or baseball and he forgot he was talking to the pastor and he launched off into this language that was really really perverse and then it and then he remembered who he was talking to and was felt felt utterly ashamed clearly his normal way of speaking was masked while he was talking to me but then it came out
Jesus spoke the truth to whomever was before him he was not like some who seek to appease or please in order to gain followers for themselves the
Apostle Paul would later be characterized in the same way that he showed no favoritism towards some people rather than to others and so Paul wrote the following of his own ministry but we have renounced the hidden things of shame not walking in craftiness or handling the
Word of God deceitfully there are people that can handle the
Word of God deceitfully to take advantage of people but by manifestation manifestation of the truth commanding ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God we should all purpose not to show partiality to persons but be true to everybody about the fact that we are
Christians that Christ is our Lord and that we're purposing to order our lives according to God's law again this is a good thing they come into Jesus for but these men who came to Jesus did so with motives and here's another pertinent point in these days for the last 40 years or so 50 years perhaps there's a significant segment of our evangelical church leaders who've embraced a philosophy of church ministry which advocates that church leaders must do exactly what these deceptive men were doing before Jesus what do
I mean by that well they advocate that to be a successful pastor in today's culture you must show partiality to the people you're teaching you're to identify what the people are looking for and desire to hear and then you were to shape the content and deliver your teaching accordingly
Joel Osteen for example in this way you will influence them to good ends this is the false philosophy of ministry it seems to me to be disingenuous patronizing and manipulative the marketing of Christianity has come to age and just as commercial marketers know how to package and offer product so they can hardly resist so you can hardly resist buying it so church practitioners now have a
Christian message which appeals to virtually anyone and everyone but it's generally a message with no cross no self -denial no repentance from sin no obedience to Christ the
Lord beware and be attentive to what you read and what you hear beware of people who tell you what you want to hear and you know we've always said you know hopefully we have the attitude and desire you know pastor don't tell me what
I want to hear tell me what I need to hear those oftentimes are two different things the warning of 2nd
Peter 2 is a is a good warning for today there will be false prophets among the people even as there were that that is that is a written wrong it should say there were no this is right there were also false prophets among the people that's the
Old Testament Israel even as there will be false teachers among you that's in the churches who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the
Lord who bought them and bring on themselves with destruction and then verse 2 many will follow their destructive ways many in the churches will be deceived by these false teachers because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed by covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words he's talking about people in the leaders in the church who manipulate control people but they their motivations wrong they're not honest for a long time their judgments not been idle their destruction does not slumber
Paul wrote of the honesty with which he came to the scriptures in order to expound them to the people we have renounced the hidden things of shame not walking and crafting and handling the
Word of God deceitfully picking and choosing what we think the people will want to hear and receive but avoiding those things that we know will cause a reaction and rejection that kind of thing he said
I didn't do that but by manifestation of the truth commanding ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God you know
Lord give us the truth and nothing but the truth whether we like it or not Lord reveal your word to us and then a third commendation of these men what they said to Jesus is recorded teacher we know that you say and teach rightly you do not show personal favoritism but teach the way of God in truth flattery these again were insincere and treacherous men as one wrote everything said by them of Jesus in this hypocritical flattering manner was true he was straightforward and fearless in his words and teachings and did utter the inviolable truth to all without seeking human favor no one can ever say anything too good about Jesus but it is of course possible to say the best things from the worst motives and this is precisely what these men did they were very subtle and so because they had previously failed in their direct attempt to discredit
Jesus before the crowds of Jerusalem these Jewish leaders resorted to trickery in order to accuse him before the authority of Rome and it's always been one of the devil's ways to use secular power by the way to crush the truth let's get him before Pilate it might be said of them the words of his mouth were smoother than butter but war was in his heart his words were softer than oil yet were they drawn sword
Psalm 55 David experienced a lot of that it becomes all it becomes all professing
Christians to be much on their guard against flattery we mistake greatly if we suppose that persecution and hard usage are the only weapons in Satan's armory that crafty foe has other engines for doing us mischief which he knows well how to work he knows how to poison souls by the world's seductive kindness when he cannot frighten them by the fiery dart and the sword the fact that our
Lord was so vehemently opposed and that his enemies were so relentless in their efforts to condemn him should serve warning for us of those about us who would discredit us before the eyes of others now again after saying all this we have to keep balance for some
Christians seem to perceive evil men lurking where there are none they feel themselves to be the objects of conspiracy and treachery when in fact there's no such thing present don't assume there's a
Judas in every crowd or demon and every rock some Christians do that you'll bring grief on yourself and others if you do that but on the other hand do not assume there are no evil people about you who would just as soon see you fall and these may be people in the church as well as any outside if you're living godly truly godly your life is a rebuke to those who do not and in order to justify themselves they'd prefer to lower you a notch or two rather than raise themselves and so they will seek to find fault with you or identify inconsistency in your life that trap you in your words get you to say something that might have been off the cuff or ill -advised and then that is passed along to your detriment to others it happens frequently they may try and discredit you in the eyes of others by innuendo planning doubt is to your sincerity or integrity do not disclose the details of your weaknesses to everybody or just anybody there are some who can take your admission of weakness or even request a prayer and use it to harm you we read of Jesus on an earlier occasion in Jerusalem now when he was in Jerusalem at the
Passover during the feast many believed in his name when they saw the signs which he did but Jesus did not commit himself to them why because he knew all men and had no need that anyone should testify of men for he knew what was in man and we ought to be wise in that way also but again balance is in order we want to be open and sincere we do not want to be pretentious before others that we are what we are not but caution is needful the
Apostle Paul warned the Christians of Philippi beware of dogs beware of evil workers beware of the concision you're unbelieving
Jewish teachers and again the Lord himself would teach those in Jerusalem do the same later we read of our
Lord's words to the people of Jerusalem beware of the scribes who desire who desire to go around in long robes love greetings in the marketplace of the best seats in the synagogues the best places at feasts who devour widows houses and for pretense make long prayers these will receive greater condemnation and yet they were the ones held in the highest esteem by the people the
Jewish people there and so here we see that evil men sent these persons to entrap the
Lord Jesus they pretended to be honest or sincere but they had evil motives they acted like they really wanted to know what was true and right but they had no such desires they were unconcerned about the truth they were malicious and they desired his downfill downfall well what specifically were they trying to do when they came to Jesus well they hoped to get
Jesus to teach something publicly which would enable them to have him arrested by the Romans so they're trick creep in verse 22 verse 21 set the stage for the question again the flattery in verse 21 and the question this is where the hook was is it lawful for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not they pose a question to Jesus which they perceive would result in his demise either way he answered if he answered said yes it's according to God's law for a good
Jew to pay tax to Caesar then he would be discredited the eyes of the people for they wanted freedom from Rome's joke and they all thought the
Messiah would bring this about but further the coin that was used to pay this
Roman tax Daenerys had an inscription which declared the deity of the Roman Emperor on one side was the image of Tiberius Caesar with the inscription
Tiberius Caesar son of the deified Augustus and on the flip side was an image of the
Emperor's mother Livia as an earthly incarnation of the Roman goddess Pax with the inscription
Pontifex Maximus in other words high priest she was a pagan high priest of Rome and so the coin was a symbol of Roman authority and it made religious claims which
Jews regarded to be blasphemous and it was and so there was great resentment among the
Jews of the day they felt that to use the coin was sacrilege these men asked
Jesus this question in front of the crowds they had already set him up by saying you do not shape your words condition on the people's response if he gave the answer the people wanted that it's unlawful to pay tax to Caesar then they had their basis to accuse him before the
Romans and of course they failed Jesus didn't fall into that trap I meant to pull out the verse later in Luke where it says nevertheless one of the false witnesses charged him with saying you're not to pay taxes to Caesar even though he clearly said that it was a proper thing to do a false charge well let's consider next our
Lord's response to these evil men verses 23 through 25 but he perceived their craftiness said to them why do you test me show me a denarius whose image and inscription does it have the answers had
Caesar's he said to them render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are
God's and so the Lord discerned their motive and responded to them he saw through their duplicity here the
Lord reveals his ability to discern the motives of men's hearts he can do that he's the living
Word of God from whom nothing is hidden he's sharper than any two -edged sword he's able to cut right through that which is hidden from our eyes and sees the condition of the heart he tries ways and judges the thoughts attitudes intentions which stand behind men's actions this is something we cannot do he could we cannot in fact we're told that we're not to do it this is stated in Paul's instruction of the church of Corinth let a man so consider us as servants of Christ stewards of the mysteries of God moreover it's required in stewards that one be found faithful but with me it's a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court in fact
I do not even judge myself for I know of nothing against myself yet I'm not justified by this but he who judges me is the
Lord therefore judge nothing before the time until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and reveal the counsels the secrets of the heart then each one's praise will come from God and there's much there's a great need for instruction regarding this matter judging for there are several extremes that seem to be present there are those who judge everything including motives remember
David's older brother when David was sent by his father
Jesse to the battle to bring some cheese and whatnot to David's brothers and David heard the threats of Goliath out there and a lot and David was defiant how can we how can
Israel allow this to take place he's defying the armies of the Living God remember how his brother reacted
I know what motivates you you just want to be part of the battle you're just a proud you know kid and you know shut up and back off you know is there not a cause
David he you know he his brother misread the motivations the heart
David's heart was for the glory of God but his brother infused wrong motivations in him you and I don't have that ability there are those who judge everything including motives this is wrong people will tell you not only what a person is doing wrong but specifically why or what is motivating him and doing wrong and the
Bible says that if we cannot we cannot even know our own hearts but there are some who set themselves up as judges of other men's hearts claiming that they know why he or she behaves in such a manner the scriptures say you do not know why a person acts the way he does and you should not make specific authoritative judgments respecting such things that's
God's responsibility which will be brought to light in the day of judgment that's what Paul declared
I've always wondered at those who call into radio counseling programs or counsel after giving the radio host 30 or 45 seconds of personal information which is always partial and prejudicial for it's only one side of a story but the host nevertheless speaks for an extended time counseling what and why the caller did or does certain behaviors or has exhibited some action or reaction
I mean there's really a sense that this radio host is omniscient and can look into the hearts and motivations of people of a stranger on a telephone it's ridiculous when you when you think about it we do not have the ordinary ability to determine our own heart yet alone someone else's heart through a telephone conversation nevertheless there are those who judge everything including motives and that's wrong
I mean we not fall into that pattern of thinking but then there are those who judge nothing this too is wrong these people would never say a bad thing about anybody any action at least openly they may should do so in private you know their motto is accentuate the positive only the positive that's their desire they never say anything negative never correct never rebuke never admonish or exhort and it's sad for although they have the best of intentions for others they fail to be true help scripture declare he who rebukes a man will find more favor afterward than he who flatters with the tongue now an objection might be leveled but did you not just cite scripture 1st
Corinthians 4 or 5 judge nothing before the time I follow that I don't make any judgments
I leave that to the Lord well our response is it that way of living is a sure way of misery and defeat and it's fruitless for the scriptures teach that we are to judge the actions and attitudes of people that may be clearly seen and assessed in fact that's your responsibility to do so we're called upon to be a people discriminating between truth and error right and wrong good and evil and although we're not to judge motives for we're not able to do so we can and are to assess and make judgments about words attitudes and actions if you and I were standing there witnessing this exchange between Jesus and these men we might have suspected their duplicity and perhaps we exercise caution but our
Lord in contrast to us could see their motives and responded accordingly the book of Proverbs has a wise saying surely in vain is the net spread in the sight of a bird and that's what they were doing in the same way it was a vain hope and effort to entrap the
Lord Jesus through deceitful flattery for our Lord sees the hearts and again besides flattery only has influence upon a sinfully proud man or woman one who likes to hear good things regarding his abilities and character but our
Lord of course was nothing was anything but sinfully proud he was a humble man he would be true regardless of how people responded or reacted to him flattery would have no persuasive power with Jesus if only we were that way well
Jesus declared his answer in verse 25 render therefore to Caesar the things that are
Caesar's to God the things that are God's in various places in the states we have groups of people who live in defiance of the
American government some of them live in communes they live in obscure places in the countryside they refuse to pay taxes because they say see
Caesar as having unjust laws many of these people claim to be
Christian and some of the leaders of these friends groups have a hearing among Christian groups like the free men in Oregon I remember a man making an appeal in a conference out in California Northern California he wasn't present he was down somewhere in Central America because the
FBI was at him after him because he hadn't paid taxes in years but he was making an appeal to the church to raise money to send to him and support him meanwhile he abandoned his wife and children up in Northern California and fled to Central America I mean an utter perverse testimony in so many respects one might charge however but suppose the government is corrupt and unjust they use tax money to do ungodly things like fund abortion wage war against innocent people and the answer is to render on the
Caesar the things that are Caesar Caesar is responsible to God and one day he'll have to render on to God for his stewardship we are required by God's law to render on the
Caesar taxes to whom taxes are due honor to whom honors do that's our responsibility what
Caesar does with that money he will be held accountable now there's a whole nother side note that we could talk about too because we live in a free society under a constitution where you know the government is of the people by the people for the people and so we have a certain voice in these things too or we should have of course
I won't even go there right now but the idea is that we are obligated to pay our taxes well the response of Jesus's challengers verse 26 but they could not catch him in his words in the presence of the people and they marveled at his answer and kept silent they were stymied they were astonished they were silenced so with this response of the
Lord his enemies are silenced this effectively ends the effort of the scribes and the chief priest in their effort to discredit him openly publicly he clearly said to them yes pay the tax there could be no just charge leveled against Jesus said he was an insurrectionist opposed directly to Roman rule but again he qualified his answer limiting the role and rule of government yes we're to pay taxes but only that which is there do render to Caesar the things that are
Caesar's the divine honor which the king expected and demanded does not do him but we are equally responsible to render to God what is
God's there may be the idea whose image is on this coin Caesar render unto Caesar whose image are you you're the image of God you're to reflect the glory of God and you're thinking in your life and your life and so they kept silent fact is we live in this world there are two kingdoms that exist there's the realm of the kingdom of God in which our
Lord governs his people according to his laws and there's the kingdom of this world in which people this world rule over others and these two kingdoms are in conflict with one another but they also may coexist with one another the kingdom of God is not political in nature but rather spiritual and so the kingdom of God is not to be advanced through political means but through the power of God the kingdom of God advances as the
Lord converts people to his son the king over the kingdom of God that's why we're so opposed to the idea of state church so much oppression has happened
I read a book last week called Antichrist in 17th century
England and of course it 17th century opened with the Roman papacy it was the
Antichrist but then in the middle of the century began to morph and it wasn't just the papacy the
Pope but it was also the Church of England bishops and all those in authority over this oppressive system and corrupt system that were like Roman Catholics and in all their practice and whatnot but then it got worse then the paper then the
Antichrist was accredited to do even political leaders and so by the end of the 17th century the whole charge of the
Antichrist being the papacy which is found in our confession of faith by the way and fallen into complete disuse and it became so diffuse that people avoided speaking and preaching against the
Antichrist and yet it was just the whole 17th century was replete for the first three quarters of the century fascinating book
I don't know what got us off on that but our Lord is also of course overall including the political kingdoms of the world he's sovereign and that he determines what leaders will be over every political realm
King Nebuchadnezzar learned this we won't repeat that but he learned through his seven years of insanity and then the
Lord restored him that God is the one who sets up kings and takes them down each kingdom has its role in arena of authority and God has ordained that our world would be governed by men we're not to deify or rebel against their defy or rebel against their authority to do so is to rebel against God and we won't read
Romans 13 because Pastor Jason did recently in his sermon but earthly governments are limited in their authority over the lives of their citizens the
Lord said render on the Caesar the things that are Caesar but to God the things that are God's and of course when there's a clash between claims of authority between God's kingdom and Caesar's kingdom we're to follow the principle of Acts 529 we must obey
God rather than men well may our Lord help us to grow in maturity that we might improve and increase our daily our ability to discern distinguish between truth and error right and wrong good and evil and our guard we live in a fallen world and the devil is real why
Paul says we're not ignorant of his devices of his wiles and the King James but many of us may be and we shouldn't be that way we should be alert to what's going on and we can see how our
Lord dealt with his enemies and be on guard in case the devil tries to thwart us in similar ways may the
Lord preserve us and help us Amen thank you father for your word we thank you our
God for the manner in which the Lord Jesus dealt with his his enemies and we pray our father that you would help us to be wise and discerning our
God and help us our Lord to be biblical in this whole matter of judging you command us
Lord Lord Jesus you commanded us judge not that you be not judged with the same measure we judge others will be rendered on to us and so help us our
God to assess and judge rightly our God and we help us we ourselves our
Lord not to be set ourselves up as judges but rather be declarative of what you judge what you determine from your word whereby we are making known your will and your word and your laws to those about us and of course in doing so making known the way of salvation through Jesus Christ in whose name we pray