F4F | 2021 Prophecy Bingo


Prophecy Bingo Card Generator http://www.piratechristian.com/fightingforthefaith/2017/4/fighting-for-the-faith-prophecy-bingo Our Guest: https://issuesetc.org Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the program that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. From time to time, even when
I have COVID, we do something here at Fighting for the Faith, and it's time to do that.
It's time for Prophecy Bingo! Roseboro, your energy isn't all that great.
I got COVID! This is the quarantine edition of Prophecy Bingo, and so for today's installment of Prophecy Bingo, I have invited a standing guest, my son
Joshua, but this time around we've invited Todd Wilkin from Issues Etc.
to join us on Prophecy Bingo. Todd, good to see you. Thank you very much for having me,
Chris. Hello, Joshua. Hello, Todd. So nice of you to suffer with us today.
Yeah, it's all about spreading the suffering, and so you'll note that of the three of us on camera right now, only one of us doesn't have
COVID, and that's Todd. Josh and I are both recovering from COVID.
We had symptoms break out on the same day, and we still have no idea who it is that exposed us to COVID, so it's, who knows?
It's one of those things, and all I can say is it's a real joy experiencing COVID. Not really.
But I was very excited this morning, because when I woke up, I was actually able to taste my coffee, which is something
I have been able to do for a few days. So you begin to enjoy the little things of life.
So here's how Prophecy Bingo works. Now those of you online who are on YouTube or want to play along, head to FightingForTheFaith .com.
If you go to the search bar, type in bingo, you'll see a link there to our
Prophecy Bingo card generator. We've had to mix it up a little bit, because the free website that we use, they keep changing up how they do things.
And so we'll put a link down below to the Fighting for the Faith website, where you will be able to pick one of 30 cards.
They are randomly created by this website, and now you can choose one. And so what we did prior to coming online here, is we let our guest
Todd Wilcom pick a number between 1 and 30, and we gave him the card accordingly. Joshua went second, and then
I went third. I have chosen bingo card number 11, and hopefully it'll be a winner.
I have no idea. But so Todd, some of the people in our audience, they don't know who you are.
Tell us about Issues Etc. I'm not surprised. Tell us about Issues Etc. and what it is that the program that you do on a daily basis, and how long you guys have been doing this.
Well, it's been more than 25 years. I've been doing it for about 23, 22 years, and it's a live theological talk show.
It's on every weekday from 3 to 5 Central, but now it's, with the entrance of podcasting, the vast majority of our listeners are on -demand listeners.
We were in podcasting back when no one knew what it was. We had been running out of a radio station in St.
Louis, and we had an airman there that was way ahead of his time, and he had us podcasting literally on the ground floor of the operation.
So we were able to build an on -demand audience long before most people even knew what a podcast was.
And we interviewed the absolute best guests from all over Christendom on the widest variety of topics.
One of our taglines talks about expansive topics and expert guests and extolling
Christ, and that basically summarizes what we do. We cover top -of -mind subjects.
We cover deep theological subjects. We occasionally, as often as we can, hopefully once a week, we interview
Chris Rosebrough in a podcast that we call This Week in Pop Christianity, and Chris does what he does with evangelical teaching.
And actually, Chris, you've been a guest for, well, we, it's got to be going on 20 years at least.
Jeff, my producer, would be able to tell me exactly how long you've been a guest, but it's been a long time.
Well before you were doing Fighting for the Faith, you were a regular on our program too. Basically, I think we first were talking to you kind of as a critic of what
I call old evangelicalism now, because it's moved to the Lundetic fringe. So it's been, it's a fantastic way to sit down every day and basically get a seminary education myself for the last 22 years, post seminary education.
And the best way I can put it is that Issues Etc. is the program if you want to talk about, if you want insightful, a biblical worldview analysis of what's happening in the world of politics, movies, theology...
You guys' topics are all over the place, and Issues Etc. has been a staple in my life for well over 20 years.
Yeah, that's the strength of the program. The strength of the program isn't the host, I just ask questions. It's the guests, and it's the topics.
And we come from a distinctly confessional Lutheran perspective, but we interview people from all over Orthodox Christian, and sometimes we have interviews with people who fall outside of Orthodox Christianity, and just let them spout their, spew their falsehoods, and then we'll later have a guest come on and take it apart.
But that's the strength of the program, is our guests and our topics.
Yep. So, you know, especially as we're getting ready to go into the days ahead, boy,
I tell you, the history of the United States over the past few months has been bumpy.
And with everything, the way it's panning out with, you know, the censorship of conservatives via the big tech companies, to, you know, the new administration coming in, you know, the pending second impeachment of Trump, and all these other things.
Issues Etc., I think, is going to be a more important program moving forward in the days ahead.
If you really want good expert analysis from a Christian worldview, then head over to issuesetc .org
and load up this podcast, and I assure you, you'll thank me later.
But Todd, I feel bad because you have such a respectable program, and I've invited you on for Prophecy Bingo, which is the opposite of it.
But I remember a few years back when I spoke at the Issues Etc. conference, you had described me as some kind of a diver who goes through these different caves looking for things that other people don't ever find.
Well, now you're on our turf, and now you're gonna see all the strange oddities that we find.
But before we get into it, I want to make something very clear. Although we try to have fun with Prophecy Bingo, this is super deadly.
And the reason why it's super deadly is because Exodus 20 verse 7, and I know there are some people who are gonna quibble as to whether or not this is the second or the third commandment.
Regardless of that, the commandment says you will not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
And what we're going to be seeing here is blasphemy on parade. People claiming to be speaking in the name of God, and putting forward a pretense that God is speaking to them regarding what we're to look forward into the days ahead.
And the idea behind the bingo cards themselves is that we already know a lot of what we're gonna hear, because we hear it over and over and over again in the word salad.
So real quick, Pastor Wilkin, you know, what are your thoughts on the second commandment here, you know, taking
God's name in vain as it relates to the rise of the prophets? Really, in our lifetime, none of these guys would have been tolerated 20 years ago.
Oh, absolutely. I mean, my thoughts on the second commandment are shaped by Luther's explanation in the
Small Catechism, where he essentially says, look, there are things you can use God's Word for, rightly.
Really, Luther's emphasis is the right use of God's name. Pray, praise, give thanks. And then there are things that God's name is not to be used for, to curse, swear, lie, or deceive by his name.
And what we're seeing, and what you deal with every day, is that last one. It is deception in God's name, claiming to have heard from God or claiming to say something on behalf of God, using his name in order to teach falsely.
And Luther, actually, in both his treatment of the Lord's Prayer in the Large Catechism and his treatment of the
Second Commandment in the Large Catechism, goes on and on and on about the most egregious breaking of the
Second Commandment, the most egregious misuse of God's name, is to teach falsely in his name.
And he wasn't even dealing with this kind of nonsense. He was dealing with, primarily at the time, he was dealing with the errors of Rome and kind of the nascent errors of the other streams of the
Reformation that he was encountering. But he made it very clear that the worst use of God's name is not to take his name in vain, in kind of that classical swearing in his name, but to teach falsely.
Yeah. And that's part of the reason why we do this, is to demonstrate that you think
God's name being taken in vain is merely when someone types OMG into the chat box on their smartphone.
And granted, that is absolutely a taking of God's name in vain, but that is the smallest infraction of that particular commandment.
What we cover here on Prophecy Bingo, day in and day out, even on the program itself in the main segments that we do,
I mean, we're dealing with flat -out taking of God's name in vain and dragging it into the mud and insulting it.
And at the moment, the Charismatic Movement is in tatters. 2020 didn't turn out very well for them, and all the
Trump prophecies have failed, and it's very fascinating as we're watching many in the
Charismatic Movement hanging on to the Trump prophecies and saying, it's not over yet, thinking that some kind of strange prophetic
Hail Mary pass is going to be fulfilled just days before the inauguration.
Well, let me ask you, Chris, why is it that something as big as that? Because they make all these kind of vague prophecies all the time, we deal with them when you and I talk on Fridays, you know, this will be your year of bounty or something like that that you can interpret anyway.
But then when they come around and do these specific ones, like Trump is going to win the election, wherever you stand on Donald Trump, but predicting
God's name, God told me that Donald Trump would win this election, and then come January 20th, he is no longer the
President of the United States, but should be honored as a former President of the United States, no doubt. Why are their listeners and their viewers going to give them a pass on a specific false prophecy?
Well, because they claim that, number one, it's vital for the
Church to have prophets today, this is what they claim. Misuse of Ephesians chapter 5 and what they call the fivefold ministry.
Yet I can point out historically that, you know, when I was coming up in old evangelicalism, there were no prophets, you know, the only people making predictions at the beginning of the year were the the psychics who wrote for the tabloids.
So in our lifetime, there's been the so -called restoration of prophets and apostles. So they claim that the fivefold ministry has to continue to to the end of the world when
Christ returns, and then they claim that because 1 Corinthians 14 and 2
Thessalonians 5 says to test prophecies, that therefore that means New Testament prophets don't have to be accurate, they can miss it and still be considered a true prophet.
That's how they misuse the text. And so we're already seeing, you know, the
Charismatics who have some theological education, or at least, you know, that they're trying to be honest theologically, doing their best to address the fact that these prophets missed it, but all of them, to a person, they refuse to label any of these people who've given these false prophecies as false prophets.
They refuse to do it. Michael Brown being... That's the meta -narrative of this whole thing.
That in itself, that viewpoint, that the prophets can get it wrong, is kind of another higher level of a misuse of God's name.
Yeah, yeah. The refusal to abide by the clear standard of Scripture. Deuteronomy 18,
Deuteronomy 13, Ezekiel 13, and then you think of Jeremiah 23, just to throw those into the mix.
And the eisegesis that they engage in to read into 1
Thessalonians 5 and 1 Corinthians 14, this idea that somehow prophets can get it wrong in the
New Testament, this is nonsense. I've even seen some blaspheme the prophet Agabus, and claim that Agabus didn't get it right.
There's an article that was written by the Cripplegate maybe a decade ago called Throwing Prophecy Under the
Agabus, and it's just a great article, where, you know, today's apologists for modern -day prophecy claim that Agabus didn't get it all right, but that we don't consider him to be a
The reality is he got it spot -on, and they're absolutely misusing Scripture in this way.
But we can go on and on about this, but I think we should take the Band -Aid and rip it off now, what do you guys think?
All right, if we have to. Hang in there, Wilkin! Hang in there, Wilkin! I will say this, and that is that for Wilkin's sake, because we don't want to have him go into cardiac arrest, if he does end up getting a bingo, we're not gonna make him prophesy.
We think that that would...we're afraid that that would lead to his demise. But if Josh and I get a prophecy, we will...
We recognize the torture we're putting him through. All right, so our first prophet up for the Word of the
Lord for 2021 is Mel Bond, who claims to be the 10th grandson of Pocahontas, and we'll just listen in to what he has to say.
You have to have your prophecy bingo card in front of you. Just look, if you hear the Word come up in any of his discourse, you can...and
by the way, Todd, if you get a word, just say, I got it, you know, and let us know which one, okay? Sure.
All right, here we go. And you be blessed, amen. Well, this morning is a different type of a service.
The Lord started dealing with me probably a couple weeks ago, and started...just kept building some things in my spirit, some things that He wanted me to share this morning of what's going to take place starting in the year 2021.
And so I just opened myself up to the Holy Spirit and pray that my mouth and my words will be straight from the heart of God.
And this... I mean, the hubris, the straight from the heart of God.
All right. This is what I hear the Holy Spirit saying, that a new beginning is about to take place.
A dispensation that has never existed before is just about to take place.
It'll begin January the 1st, 2021. I assure you that 2021 has not taken place yet as of the time he prophesied this
December 15th, 2020. But a new beginning is about to take place. Are you impressed,
Todd? Well, I mean, so far, that's like this kind of one -size -fits -all.
I wear a stocking cap, and when I went to buy it at the Rural King, I'm bald -headed, so I need a stocking cap most of the year except for the summer.
And I always buy the one -size -fits -all rather than worrying about it. Because you can always roll it up, and it'll fit no matter what.
I can put it on one of my grandkids, and it fits. And that's the way these things are. A new beginning is about to begin.
That tells me nothing whatsoever. I get nothing from that sentence. It's a tautology.
Right on, right on. All right, let's keep going. With one meaning first things taking place.
It'll be the first time that things will take place from God that has never taken place before.
This is the first time that first things will occur in order where the first thing comes first.
And by the way, God will do it. I don't know, I just imagine like these words are just like in a toilet bowl, just kind of spinning around as they're just everything's going down.
It's so bad. Circular logic. All right, let's keep going. Have you ever seen the
Saturday Night Live skit? And I can't remember the comic. He went on to do, oh golly,
Portlandia. But he played a guy, he'd come out during the news segment, and he was supposed to be a situational comic that would go through the news headlines and then riff on them.
But the whole bit from this guy was he'd read the headline and then he'd spend the next five minutes saying absolutely nothing.
He would begin a sentence and then start a new sentence. And it was hilarious. That's what this is.
Yeah, he's saying absolutely nothing. Oh, let's keep going. I'm in many years.
And this is what I hear the Spirit of God saying. And I can even see it now. There's a host of angels, a large number that has never ever been released on planet
Earth. And they're standing at attention right now. And I hear the
Spirit of God saying... Release. I got a word. I got a word. You got a word. You got release. Yes. Ah, you know what?
I gotta tell you, having COVID and listening to these things makes these guys even more annoying to me than usual.
So, all right. I need an adult beverage for this. It's too early in the morning for that.
I'm still having my coffee. I'm in quarantine. It's your excuse for everything.
Let's keep going. It's not quite yet ready for you to go.
But January the 1st, I'll release you. And there'll be a manifestation of angels on the face of the
Earth like this world has never seen before. It'll be the first time this has ever happened.
Because this will be the last dispensation. It'll be a dispensation of signs and wonders.
This will be the last dispensation. I hear the Spirit of God saying that Proverbs in chapter 4 verse 18 will be in full manifestation, and it will begin
January the 1st. Proverbs 4 .18 is going to be in full manifestation,
Todd. Have you seen that yet? What's Proverbs 4 .18? He didn't read it out for us.
No, he didn't, and you're going to make me look it up. Let me pull it up on my phone real quick, because I didn't expect to actually have to a
Bible, because I don't normally have to. Proverbs 4 .18, huh? That's Lamentations.
Here we go. 4 .18, let's see what it says. But the path of the righteous is like the light of the dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
How's the full manifestation of that been in 2021 for you guys?
So far, not so good, yeah. No, I'm going to go, I haven't really seen that. I've seen the opposite of it.
Okay. Notice that he didn't foresee the insurrection at the
Capitol at all. So, you know, probably one of the biggest days in American history in our lifetime.
He didn't see that. Okay. Year 2021, where God said in His Word that the path of the righteous is like a shining light.
It'll get brighter and brighter until the full day. And that light is
God's glory. It's the reputation and the power and the fullness of God.
And that perfect day in the original language is the day of the rapture.
And thus sayeth the Lord. Is he predicting the rapture? And I'm bummed that I do not have some of the words he's spewing at the moment.
Oh, I'm not doing, I got blessing and I got free space. So, so far, I'm going to be sitting at this card for a long time.
Yeah, I got blessing too, by the way. I did get that. Call out, call out whatever you get on your bingo card.
I'll do it. Do you think maybe the purge of Twitter followers, maybe that's the rapture he's talking about?
You know what? I don't think that's what he anticipated. But by the way, blessing I did get, and he just said glory, even though he said it polysyllabically, he said glory.
Anyway, I'm taking that one. Just saying. It counts. It counts.
Okay. So yeah, I don't have a lot of hope for this one.
I'm thinking I'm going to end up having to cheat in order to win. All right, this guy's boring me. Let's move on to the next of the prophets, and this is
Apostle Jane Harmon. Her father, Bishop Harmon, is one of the major leaders in the restoration of the prophetic movement in evangelicalism in our lifetime.
His daughter has been promoted all the way to being a full -blown apostle.
Let's see what she has to say God is telling her for 2021. I believe 2020 was a year of awakening to covenant blessings and covenant promises, and that God is saying,
I want you to lay hold of the covenant that you have in Jesus Christ. I want you to lay hold of the covenant that you have in this land of America.
I want you to lay hold of the covenant that you have even with one another, and that's actually why we started taking communion together.
This is actually our 10th month of taking communion together because God is a covenant -keeping
God. They've only had communion in their church for 10 months? That's crazy.
Yeah, that's nuts right there, man. I don't know. Wow. I would like to—I'm sure
I could guess, but I'd like to know what they believe about the Lord's Supper.
Oh, it's an ordinance, man. It's a symbol thing. Although I've seen people in the
NAR kind of steering into a more supernatural understanding of it, but they've been doing it for 10 whole months.
10 whole months. That's—yeah. That's supposed to be positive?
At least they've reintroduced the Lord's Supper. I mean, a lot of them have dispensed with it, so. Yeah, all right.
Let's keep going here. And let me tell you, no matter what's rocking and rolling on the earth today, our
God is a God of covenant, and our God always, always, always fulfills his promise.
20 years breaking out of the old— What are you laughing at, Josh? Did you hear that one person in the audience?
It's like there's maybe one person out there, whoo. These people do not do well without a massive crowd to get whipped up into a frenzy.
Yeah, I agree. Breaking in to the new. How many feel like you broke into some new things?
Let me—y 'all want to know something? Todd, did you break into any new things in 2020 or even 2020? Yeah, I mean, at Christmas, my kids gave me a new toolbox, and I got to reorganize all my tools.
So, I mean, I spent my Christmas vacation sorting nuts and bolts, and I mean, that's—for me, they've been sitting in a big tin pan for 20 years.
I'm having a breakthrough, Chris, of organization. It's a spiritual organization.
You know, it sounds like a suddenly to me, but that's a whole other thing.
Yeah, Todd, you're totally getting this, man. You totally understand how this works.
All right, let's keep going. Our church grew in 2020.
You might look around and say, no, we're smaller because we're not gathering as many, but let me just say our reach every single day is reaching nations every single day.
This isn't a good thing in her case, I'm just saying. And many of these people even around the world now count
Vision Church their home church. Is that amazing to you? We grew.
Vision. Vision. Yeah, that's—I don't have that. All right, let's keep going.
We were blessed. God extended and expanded us in crazy increase. Increase is a prophecy bingo word.
Because of the faithfulness of God. How many understand sometimes God says something and you have no idea how it's going to happen?
What's that? Super bloom. Exactly. How many have been decreeing super bloom over a year?
Decree is a prophecy bingo word. I got decree. Uh -oh,
Wilkins doing good. I'm a little worried. Blooms only happen when your soil gets agitated.
Has your soil been agitated, Doc? What does that mean? I have no idea.
It sounds painful. Sounds like I might need to buy more toilet paper. Yeah, my soil has been agitated for sure with COVID.
I'm really looking forward to a whatever the de -escalation of that is.
God says super bloom and we all celebrate. And God goes, yep, I'm getting ready to agitate your soil. Yeah, my husband says don't point at anybody when you say agitation, okay?
So I want to read you the definition of reset. Because reset is a reformation word.
We said breaking old cycles. A lot of the prophets said reset. So this is what reset means. It means to put something back into proper position.
Desired order. Okay, all right, let's move along, shall we? She's annoying me.
All right, Todd, I don't know how to prepare you for what it is that you're going to see next. We're going to be heading to glory of Zion.
And the best way I can put it is that Chuck Pierce, who looks like Santa Claus, he is considered among the
NAR and the Charismatics to be one of the most accurate prophets of our day. Him and Cindy Jacobs, which is bizarre.
And even Dr. Michael Brown, of the Brownsville Revival and the
Ask Dr. Brown program, earlier this year pointed to Chuck Pierce as somebody who could potentially be seen as a true prophet.
That being the case, I'm a little bit worried. But let's take a listen to this.
The name of this prophecy is March to the Beat of the Father's Heart. See if you can make heads or tails of this.
Hear this sound. The sound is a sound of marching troops.
This sound says, hear the enemy. But don't forget,
I am the victorious Lord. I am the
Lord. Yeah, that counts. Yeah. You know, that's this tune that they got going on. I keep thinking, oompa, oompa, loopity.
Does this count as sappy music? And does that count as dancing? I'm going to go with yes on both.
So if you have sappy, if you have dancing or sappy music, you can take it. I don't. I want to know about this.
What are those streamers that they're flipping around? Are they flat? What are they? So let's just say that they engage in...
You guys, you remember tall flags and short flags at high school? Okay. So apparently the gals who did that when they were younger, they bring them up on stage, and they can do things like that as part of their prophetic worship experience.
All right. Yeah. Let me throw in dancing here, by the way, because I happen to have that on my card.
Yeah. All right. Let's just keep going here. This is bizarre. I am possessor of heaven and earth.
I am ready for you to grab hold of things. You have... Yeah, heavenly counts.
Hang on a second here. I'm going to throw that on my... I got that on my card too. Wilkin is... Wilkin's on fire.
He's on fire. I'm worried. I'm worried. I got a couple of ways I could take this.
Well, the thing is, is that the prophecies are so bizarre nowadays. We actually are getting multiple bingos on some episodes.
So let's keep going. You never grabbed hold of before. And the
Lord says that I'm giving you new marching orders in this new season. I'm giving you new marching orders.
Yeah, that counts, yelling. I could have had yelling on the last one too, so...
Yeah, it's in there. So, oh man, this is horrifying. I say stay in step and stay in my time, for I'm bringing my kingdom army together.
I'm bringing my kingdom army together, and you shall march in file and rank and order, for no longer will you be marching from an old drumbeat, for I'm giving you a new drumbeat.
Yay, God's giving me a new drumbeat. It's about time. Yeah, I could have gotten one of those things on iTunes for free, but okay.
Let's keep going. In a new heartbeat, for I'm releasing my Father's heartbeat in this new time and in this new season.
Release is a prophecy bingo word. And this new era, for it is very key and very important for you to come in to new file, new rank, and new order, says your good
Heavenly Father. All right, so that was your first experience of Glory of Zion.
Here's a newcomer, Troy Black. This guy has almost 200 ,000 subscribers.
All right, and this is his 2021 prophecy. Things are turning around. So, the Holy Spirit just gave me a prophetic vision, and he said, this is for the new year.
So, on December 27th, just about a week ago, less than a week ago, I was praying and worshiping the
Lord, and I got this very specific, and it was a vivid vision from the
Holy Spirit. And I wrote this down, and he said something to me after this. And what I saw was, it was a vision of a stork taking off and like beginning to fly.
And it was very light, you know, very well lit. It looked almost like sunrise or sunset.
Very beautiful scenery, you know, very clean, fresh water and green grass. I just have to ask, what makes him think that because he had a dream about a stork, that that was actually a message from the
Holy Spirit? Anyway. And the stork was like taking off, you know, and at first I thought this doesn't mean anything, you know, but I'm always praying and asking the
Lord, Lord, are you saying something to me through this? Like, are you speaking to me right now? And the
Holy Spirit began to speak to me about this, and I believe that this is a word for the body of Christ for the new year, for this time right now that we're in.
And this is what he said. He said, things are turning around because my people are seeking my face.
And then he said, this is for the new year. Things are turning around because my people are seeking my face.
So obviously 2020 was a crazy year. I don't have to say that.
But when I heard this, and when I saw this vision, I got this sense of peace, and it was a lightheartedness that came over me, and it was a sense of relief.
That's weird, because my experience is that I felt completely annoyed and angered that you would blaspheme
God by saying that the stork thing was from him. Yeah, totally different subjective experience.
How did this make you feel, Todd? Well, I mean, so I think it does highlight one thing, and that is any subjective experience, and there's nothing more subjective than a dream.
Yeah. I mean, it's an entirely subjective experience that happens only in your own head, and no one else has access to it, which is not to discount the fact that God did in the past speak to people in the midst of their dreams.
It usually wasn't a stork taking off in an idyllic setting, some sort of idyllic swamp setting, but it shows how this is entirely subjective.
And then his next step is to just access his feelings. How did the stork make you feel?
Again, feelings being one of the—you can't feel what I feel,
Chris. I mean, you're not capable of it. I can't feel what you feel. Only I feel what I feel. So this is all happening inside his head.
Every bit of this is happening inside his head. Yeah. And yet this is supposedly a word from God.
And you're going to note, like you pointed out, this is a one -size -fits -all. This was a prophecy he claimed was for the entire body of Christ because it made him feel peace, you know, that somehow that's what we're all supposed to subjectively feel because of our imagining in our own heads what this dream looked like.
And the reality is that Scripture, the Bible itself, the real
Word of God offers Christians real peace, the peace that comes by the shed blood of Christ on the cross as we are reconciled to God the
Father. And we as Christians, through the power of the Holy Spirit, are for real given the peace that surpasses all understanding.
And this seems to me like just a cheap and tawdry counterfeit.
This is a wooden slug nickel, you know, compared to the gold of Scripture.
Again, I have COVID, so I'm more annoyed than normal. So, all right, let's keep going, see where he goes with this.
And oftentimes what the Holy Spirit will do when He's showing me something or speaking to me is I won't just get a word from Him, but I'll also get a feeling attached to it, you know, and it's almost like, ah!
Now, a little bit of a note here. Over and again, the people who claim to be hearing from God, I always suspect that the persons they're really prophesying about are themselves, because they seem to be, oh, this is the thing that happens to me.
And I remember as a Charismatic going, well, that never happens to me, how come God never doesn't make me glow in the dark like He makes you glow in the dark?
You know, and so there's a real arrogance that goes along with this that creates this multi -tiered
Christianity where the guys like him, you know, it's like, well, this is the way the Lord is constantly dealing with me, and He's showing me these things.
And other people are sitting there going, what do I need to do in order for that to happen, you know? Be less, be more disingenuous.
Yeah, this is annoying. Again, COVID, COVID. God is sharing His heart, the way
He feels in this moment with me. And you know, sometimes this happens in person when
I'm with somebody else, and God gives me a word for them, and God shows me, like, He'll pour His love out on me in that moment, and I'll get this sense of, wow,
God really wants this person to know how much He loves them. And right now, I feel like God is saying that to the body of Christ, is breathe for a second, be at peace.
Let the Holy Spirit rush over you. Let His peace guide you and fill you in this new year. And I actually got a second vision that I'm going to share a tiny bit from, but I want to share
Hebrews 4, verse 11, just a small phrase from this verse. It says, let us be diligent to enter that rest.
It's talking about the eternal Sabbath rest there in Hebrews 4, not talking about the rest that you claim as God is releasing for 2021.
This is a misuse of Scripture. I mean, He's essentially saying that that passage is nothing more than take a deep breath.
That's it. That's it. I mean, that's all the deeper this stuff goes. Yeah, yeah, and Hebrews 4 is all about the
Sabbath rest. Okay, I need to move on. Otherwise, I'm going to spontaneously combust.
Again, I blame COVID. I have breath on my card. Can I put that in there? Yes. All right, so this next one, back to glory of Zion.
The name of the prophecy is, I'm relighting you to burn again. Oh no. So is this a burning man prophecy?
What is this? Okay. And I say to you, this will be a week of me relighting you.
I say, this has been a time where light has continued to burn in you, but now
I need to stoke the fire, sayeth the Lord. I say, get ready. Bummer.
Wilkin, you're not allowed to win. Hang on a second. I have fire too, though. Thank God.
All right. I'm getting skunked over here. Although I'm thinking, I need him to say ignite, because I mean, if he's relighting, isn't that in a form of ignition?
So, all right, let's keep going here. For you will build that which I am telling you to build.
You will cause something in you to be rekindled, and then
I will blow on that flame, sayeth the Lord. I say to you, you lay the wood and watch me blow on the flame.
You keep wanting me to put the wood in place, but I... Do you know, Wilkin, somebody did the research on the
Stephen Cozart. This guy makes $800 ,000 a year. Ouch. Saying nothing.
Okay, so all of us have been in this position. Anyone who engages in public speaking, where you lose your train of thought in the middle of some extemporaneous, maybe you're preaching, maybe you're teaching
Bible class, maybe you're speaking at a conference or something, and you lose your train of thought and you have to kind of like, here's this lone train car rolling down the tracks, looking for the locomotive again.
And so you just like switch tracks and find another locomotive and you go in that direction. And I get the distinct sense that I call it just making it up as you go along.
So he found this thing, okay, wood. Okay, now I'm going to extend my metaphor.
You keep expecting me to lay the wood. You lay the wood and watch me blow on the flame.
And to me, it's just, it's a different level than word salad. Word salad is saying nothing with a lot of words, but this is like,
I'm just going to, and I think they genuinely believe that that's how the Holy Spirit talks. Yeah. The Holy Spirit talks by you just throwing out a word and he gives you the next one and then you add one and then he gives you the next one.
And in the end, there's some, there may be a coherent sentence at the end of it, maybe not. But I think they actually believe that's how the
Holy Spirit speaks. The thing I'm worried about, if this is really God, the Holy Spirit speaking through Chuck Pierce, the universe is doomed because God has a mental illness.
You know, he's unstable. It's all over for us, man. So, all right, let's keep going.
I say it's you who must put the wood in place and then I will blow and provide everything that you need.
Provision. I say to... Really? Really? I'm going to get a blackout here pretty soon.
I gotta admit, the words are coming in pretty quick this round. Today is the beginning of me relighting and because I have determined to relight, get ready, you will burn again, sayeth the
Lord. I don't want God to burn me. I really don't. Usually in Scripture, burning metaphors with God are bad.
Burn him again. Burn him again! We had a, we had a, we had a, in my particular circle of Christianity, the
Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, we had a synodical president some years back, about a dozen years back or so, who started a big...
It was called an evangelism campaign. It was called a blaze, exclamation point. And it dug into Scripture trying to find positive metaphors involving fire in Scripture.
And ordinarily in Scripture, when something's burning, it's not always a good thing. I mean, even the burning bush,
Moses is terrified. Because it's the presence of the pre -incarnate
Christ. And, you know, Sinai, there's fire and it's judgment, in fact.
But it was interesting to watch synodical leaders trying to, because they started with a logo and with one word, a blaze, assuming that they could find something in the
Bible to talk about evangelism. And it was interesting to see them contort the
Scriptures for about 10 years, trying to convince everybody that fire is a good thing, when generally it's a picture of God's judgment.
Yeah, in general, that's the case. That's what this reminds me of. Yep, I'm going to be with you on that one.
It sounds like a critical event to me. Let's see here. Let's move on with Kay Nash, shall we?
I put her early on, Josh, just for you, man. All right, let's take a look at that. Hi everyone, welcome to Prophetic Success.
What was that? What was that? I'm already sick, I don't need further illness. Yeah, well, now you've got it.
Not only do you have COVID, you now have heresy. So, all right. I'm Kay Nash. If you're new here,
I release prophetic words and deep teachings from God's Word. Did you see her title? It said, Messenger of the
Lord. Oh. Yeah. What were you saying,
Wilkin? No, I said I got deep. Okay, all right. I'm waiting for deep. Someone's going to say it sooner or later. All right, deep, all right.
That's not on my card. Watch her title, hang on. Hi everyone, and welcome to Prophetic Success.
I'm Kay Nash. Messenger of the Lord. I think of John Belushi.
We're on a mission from God. Anyway, all right, let's keep going here. If you're new here, I release prophetic words and deep teachings from God's Word.
If that's something you're interested in, then make sure you hit that subscribe button. But for all of you that are old school subscribers, you already know that.
So let's jump right into the Word. All right, this is what I'm feeling the Lord say for 2021.
Feeling, feeling the Lord. I've never heard Isaiah or Jeremiah or Amos or Malachi say, this is what
I feel like the Lord is saying right now, you know. Bring out the stoning squad.
Oh, you just simply felt it. Nah. And she does the yummy sound all the time.
People of the world may pull back, but we will expand.
Be strategic. The enemy rose around like a roaring lion seeking to devour.
Stay clear of him. Winning all for Christ, you possibly can. Pulling them out of fire into life.
Speak the truth to them as much as possible. May you see as they have not seen and grow beyond where you are.
Stretch, stretch, expand and grow. I don't want to expand. I want to lose weight.
Sorry. That's like a constant desire on my part. Further, I am
God and a new anointing is on my people for peace and clarity.
You got it. Okay. We'll see. They will see.
They will have many wars. Their wars will be, but you, my people will expand.
Don't get involved with things that don't involve you. Take the spoil and go.
It's yours. Don't be afraid like Joshua. Take the land and go.
The spoil. Take the land and go, man. Okay.
Part of this word came out of 2 Chronicles 28 15. And with the spoil, they clothed all that were naked among them and arrayed them and shod them and gave them meat and gave them drink and anointed them and brought them into the city of palm trees.
I am 100 % convinced that 2 Chronicles 28 15 has nothing to do with the year 2021.
Yeah. Wow. It's what are you saying, Todd? I guess the Holy Spirit speaks in run -on sentences.
It just goes on and on and on that way. He has bad grammar for sure. There's no punctuation.
Yeah, that's yeah. Well, obviously, the Holy Spirit is a little behind the times.
So well, Cain and Ash had to pull out or, you know, orphan Annie decoder pen and write it out in all caps and one long sentence and have to figure out what the punctuation was later.
Yeah. All right. Let's keep going. I felt like the Lord was really highlighting here how they took the spoil, which is what they got from war.
Jesus, some of you have been in war and this. Yeah, Jesus is.
Yeah, that's one of our because she constantly throws that at us.
Although, you know, I'm surprised we're not being yelled at and scolded by her yet. So that'll come.
High decibel prophecy is one of her. Yeah, that's part of her standard stick. Spoil is coming,
Jesus. You know, we don't go through wars in this life as Christians for no reason.
When we go through the war, we take the spoil. She's warming up here.
She's warming up. Now, there is some times where you might have got yourself into your own war because you have sin or something.
But when you're in a righteous war, you will take the spoil at the end. I love this because they take the spoil and they distribute it among the naked.
They array them. They anoint them and they take them to the city of palm trees.
Now, I think this is interesting because the Bible says that the righteous flourish like the palm tree.
Hallelujah. And so what God was highlighting to me here is after the war, they took them into the flourishing place.
I know we've been through a year of war. Every kind of war you possibly think is going on right now.
We got wars about vaccines. We got wars about politics. We got wars about race.
We got wars about money. We got wars about whether you should wear a mask or not. We got wars about which political party you should be on.
We got wars within the sexes. But God is saying after the war, then comes the spoil,
Jesus. And you will go into the flourishing place. Don't give up. Win the war like Joshua did.
Take Jericho like Joshua did and go into your promised land. Todd, have you taken your
Jericho yet to go into your promised land? It's interesting. I mean, she named all these specific wars that I apparently,
I can't disagree with her there. There's conflict on all these fronts. But what are the spoils when the war is over, like the mask war?
I mean, do I get free masks? Or I mean, I don't know. What's the spoil I'm supposed to take when it's, how do
I know if I've won or not? I think she's just kind of, she's not finishing her metaphorical thoughts here.
It's very alarming to hear someone say, here's all the places where, and rather than say, and this is what the
Lord says about, say, the war over human sexuality. She just says, and when it's over, take the spoil.
Yeah. I mean, she has an opportunity here to say, thus saith the Lord on, not masks, there's no thus saith the
Lord there, but say of the issue of marriage and human sexuality. You know, she, but it never gets that specific apparently.
No, no. And then the high decibel thing. Yeah, she was definitely winding up.
I was wincing. I hate it when she's yelling at me. What exactly, you bring up a good point.
What would be the spoil of the gender war? What's the spoils of that war? These are not good.
These are not good implications. Yeah. All right. I'm going to move on from Kay, just because.
All right. So Lana Vosser, this is a gal, we've brought some of her so -called prophecies onto issues, et cetera,
Todd. And I got to tell you, Lana Vosser is a starlet.
She is royalty and celebrity within the NAR and charismatic movements. And this guy who's interviewing her from Encounter Today, he full -on looks starstruck.
And so, you know, whenever this woman is on stage or on a
Zoom call or whatever, the people in the NAR, they fawn on her like nuts.
It's kind of a fascinating thing. So let's take a look at this. A tidal wave is coming, is the name of the prophecy.
Well, I want to certainly get into what God is saying for 2021 and your book, which is tremendous, which is going to speak to not only what's coming, but how to live in what's coming.
But before we get to that, I woke up this morning and I saw a word that the Spirit of God had given you that really just resounded in my spirit.
And you said, it's time for a monumentous, monumentous miracles of my faithfulness.
That's what the Lord said to you. He said, monumentous miracle of my faithfulness.
If she says intercessor, I got bingo. I'm not happy with you,
Todd. What I said still stands. Let's start with that word.
Can you share what God? That word doesn't mean anything. And he's and apparently it resonated in his spirit.
Put on your heart this morning. Yeah, for the last few months, the
Lord has been speaking to me about his faithfulness. He's had me in Lamentations 3 and really meditating on the great is my faithfulness, the steadfast love of the
Lord. As I said, Isn't God's faithfulness like one of the major themes of Scripture?
You know, I think, yeah, might be the one of the keys to understanding both the
Old and the New Testament, not just kind of, I've just been studying this for the last couple months.
Yeah, I mean, if you're reading your Bible from cover to cover with any kind of frequency, this is a major theme that shows up the faithfulness of the
Lord. In fact, it's often in Scripture that's likened and tied right back to the fact that not only is
God faithful and just, but God is the one who, God the Son is the one who faithfully kept
God's law for us and all of it because of his steadfast mercy and grace and love.
So why would I need her to tell me this? Because she's been deep into, you know,
Lamentations 3. You know, this is, again, weird. With the Lord, and I was really asking him what he wanted to say.
There was a thundering that I heard from heaven. And he said these words, what I spoke still stands.
And there was this incredible moment of encounter where the Lord was speaking to me, especially out of the
Scripture in Numbers, that I'm not a man, Lana, that I should lie. When I speak, it goes forth to accomplish that which
I have sent it. And I felt like the Lord was saying that right now, that there've been so many people that have been waiting for so long on promises and words that the
Lord has spoken. And it feels like it's been such a long time and the word continues to be opposed.
And the Lord, I believe, not in 10 years, but right now, I believe there are momentous miracles in the demonstration of his faithfulness.
Now, this gets to one of the artifacts, if you would, of the charismatic movement in the
NAR, is that you have all these false prophets speaking prophetic words over people.
And guess what? They don't come true. So somebody will attend an NAR church.
She is in Catherine Rinalda's church down in Brisbane. And so people come up and the prophet prophesies over them, oh,
I feel the Lord is saying that you're going to be a missionary to the business world or whatever, and the person doesn't even have a job.
And of course, time goes on and on and on, and nothing even remotely approaching the fulfillment of said prophecy is taking place.
And so you have all these people waiting on their prophetic breakthroughs and for God to fulfill the words that he spoke through people like Lana Vosser and others.
And nothing ever seems to happen. And the reason why is because that wasn't God. There's an irony here,
Chris, that is, she says that, you know, the word she got from God was, what
I have said stands, which that in and of itself is true, but it's tied to nothing in Holy Scripture.
What is it that God has said? She never answers that question.
And I think the devil just delights in this kind of stuff that always sounds like it's headed toward the
Bible, but then at the very last minute, it swerves off and avoids dealing with Scripture altogether.
The devil doesn't want to quote Scripture. I think it pains him to quote
God's word, even though he can twist it. I don't think the devil ever in Holy Scripture actually accurately quotes
God's word. Even when he's tempting Jesus, he's at the very least misapplying it.
But I think he delights in this kind of thing, saying something like on the face of it is true. If the
Lord says something, it stands. That's true. You never get to, thus saith the
Lord. You never get to what is it the Lord has said. So it's just platitudinous. It's platitudes that take the place of Holy Scripture.
Yep, indeed. I agree. Let's keep going. I believe the Lord is raising up an army in the earth that is so founded and grounded in the nature of God.
And we're about to see a demonstration of what happens when God speaks.
Now, I know that we've seen that before. We've seen it in our own lives. I'm sure we can all testify about when the voice of the
Lord interrupts our lives, how we receive freedom and healing and breakthrough.
But I believe right now, not only for this particular word about the demonstration of his faithfulness, but also in this era, we are going to see what happens when the prophetic voice of God speaks.
There is, I believe, a thundering from heaven that God is about to fulfill that which he has spoken.
And the demonstration of the power of his voice that nothing can change.
2020 is the crazy year that we've been in. Doesn't change what God has spoken over your life and over the nation's.
I believe this is the hour where God is awakening us as the church and saying. Awakening is a prophecy.
Bingo word. I'm calling you into this place of recognizing my faithfulness again, that I am not a man that would lie.
I don't change. There is no darkness within me. And so I believe there are momentous miracles that are about to take place.
And some of the most impossible situations, the revelation and manifestation of his faithfulness is going to see promises fulfilled in such supernatural ways.
Supernatural is a prophecy. Bingo word. She said nothing. That was a...
I think Joshua said something about like swirling around. That was a circuitous circumlocution that said the same thing, which was nothing, over and over and over again.
Yep. She said supernatural, didn't she? Yes. Yeah. Man. All right.
Brace yourself. We're heading back to Gloria Zayin. The name of this one is...
Is there going to be more flags? Because they seem to have flags as always a chance. That's always a possibility for sure.
So this is, I am untying what appears tangled. Here we go.
Oh, wait. Aha. Now this is gibberish. They claim that this is actual tongues.
It's not. So I will be offering up my interpretation of this particular word here.
So I feel like he's talking about a download. Yeah, that's for sure.
So yeah, I'm going to throw that in here, and we'll come back. I've got a mis...
It's really small. So hold on a second. Misappropriated Hebrew. Misappropriated Hebrew. There's no
Hebrew in there. Obviously, it doesn't count. Yeah, no Hebrew in that at all. I say to you,
I'm untying what you thought was tied up. The promises that you thought were tangled and tied,
I say now they're beginning to move and beginning to spin. A movement is occurring around you.
Oh, yeah, there's a movement, all right. For sure. Don't think that you are in a place where things will not move this year, for there is a movement, and I will cause what you thought was tied up.
To come, and you will establish it in the earth. I have no idea.
Just no idea. All right, moving along. This is from Ben Lim Global. This is a prophetic
Zoom call here. Let's see what... We've got lots of notable
YouTube prophets on this call. Praise God, prophet.
Thanks so much for having me, and all of my fellow constituents. Thanks for having us. 2021 is going to be an incredible year.
21 is three times seven. Seven, of course, stands for perfection. There's going to be a triple threat anointing, a triune anointing.
I'm sorry. It's so absurd. A triple threat anointing. No way.
Triple threat anointing. Normally, I hear about doubles.
This guy has upped it to a triple. Okay. In this new year of 2021, where God's going to perfect some things, let me revelate and talk to you a little bit about what the number seven stands for, okay?
I'm going to give you seven points on what seven stands for. Seven stands for perfection. Some say, Jesus is perfecting my life times three.
Number two, Jesus is completing. Seven stands for completion. So there's going to be a triple anointing for completion in this new year.
Number three. The third point for number seven stands for rest. Of course, it stands for the Shabbat.
So it's going to be a year of rest. Come on, somebody. I know the prophet. Misappropriated Hebrew. Yeah, that guy.
Yeah, I'm going to take that too. All I need is, let's see. If I get deliverance or intercessor, this is over.
And I might even prophesy. That's what you think, Wilkin. That's what you think. Please, please get me out of here.
Let's keep going. John Jones prophesied that the 2020s is a decade of rest.
Do you believe it? Amen. So there's going to be triple rest over your life. He's putting all of your enemies to rest.
Number four. It's a year of actual gold, because seven stands for gold. Listen, you need to be refined, purified seven times over, like the word of God, like gold.
So this is, I think guys like this mention gold and money and things like that, because they want you to send them your gold.
You know, that always seems to be a major theme. A year of gold where he's causing you to come out of the fires like never before.
Seven also stands for the realm of multiplication. Because on the seven.
Hold on a second. I got realm here. Hang on. There we go. Yeah, I got realm as well. Yeah, I got a realm right there.
Yeah, I'm close. All I need is health, Wilkin. That's all I need here.
You didn't find any videos with shofars in them, did you? In this one? I have no idea what's coming up.
I just this guy made this guy could be a bingo card all by himself. Sometimes they are able to do that.
Yes. Today, he said it is very good. So this is a time of the very good anointing in this new year, 2021, seven times straight.
And it also stands for clarity and wholeness. So the Lord is giving you clarity in this new year.
Let me talk to you a little bit about 2021, because the Lord spoke to me and said, it's going to be a
John 21 year. Come on, somebody. Listen, Apostle Peter. He was so discouraged.
He was disappointed. He failed Jesus. So many of you feel like you failed Yeshua. So many of you feel like you're a failure.
All right. The rooster crowed three times. The sriracha rooster crowed three times. And he said, oh, this hot sauce is in my eyes.
Oh, now I failed. I failed. The hot sauce is in my eyes.
Sriracha rooster sriracha sauce. With the rooster logo. This is
El Pollo Loco, man. We need to put product placement as one of our bingo words.
I don't know. I'm just wondering, does this guy have corporate sponsorship for this? I don't know. It's weird.
In the year 2020. But in 2021, the Bible says in John 21, Peter had an encounter with Jesus at the shores.
Have you felt like you've been trying to fish all year, but you've been a failure? You missed. You missed out.
You messed up. But there are times when I go fishing. I feel like a failure, but it's been a while.
You know, so I wow. In John 21, Peter in his most darkest, discouraged, low point of his life.
He encountered Yeshua at the shores. So in 2021, it's going to be a John 21 year.
Someone say John 21. I declare right now that God is breaking off disappointment and discouragement.
And he's about to anoint the Peters to be. No, I'm highly discouraged and disappointed in this prophecy.
It's in fact, it's I'm feeling more more of that as he continues to spew that apostolic head and a voice in this new year and generation.
You're going to be like the Peter for upon this rock. I will build my church, says the
Lord Jesus Christ. He says, I will build my church and not man, not an organization, not the WHO.
All right. Jesus will build the church on this rock. So it's a year where God is reinstating.
He is reordaining, reinstituting the Peters that felt like they failed. Come on, somebody.
So in 2021, it's going to be a John 21 year. I'm going to give you five prophetic points. If you're writing notes, you better be a good
A plus student right now. Number one, Peter encountered Jesus. Are you ready for Jesus encounters in 2021?
Encounter is a prophecy being over Jesus encounters. That's going to be rambunctious, whimsical, extravagant.
It's going to cause you to leap off your feet. It's going to surprise you. It's going to shock your enemies.
I'm telling you, you're going to be so filled with the Holy Ghost in this new year. You're going to meet Jesus in new ways.
So number one, encountering Jesus. Number two, what happened with Peter? All right. He was discouraged. And Jesus says,
I want to teach you how to fish. Come on, somebody. I said, go fish. Jesus said to Peter, I know you've been trying to catch fish all night, but I'm going to teach you the right way.
Throw the net on the right side. Come on, somebody. And guess what? The nets began to break.
Are you ready for Jesus to teach you? Are you ready for God to give you the upper hand? Are you ready for God to begin to...
I'm pretty sure John 21 has nothing to do with any of the things he's spewing at this point. Wow.
What a great text that he's mangling. It's unbelievable.
Okay. Let's keep plowing through here. Show you the whole deck of cards. I'm telling you, he still has some wonderful, incredible tricks up his sleeves, and he's going to cause you to be the head and the lender, not the bottom, not the low, and not the borrower.
So in this year 2021, he's going to teach you new things. Someone say, Jesus, teach me some new things. Number three.
All right. After Jesus encountered Peter, number two, he taught Peter how to fish. He's going to teach you how to be effective and effectual in 2020.
Number three, what happened? There was multiplication. Come on. Multiplication is a
Prophecy Bingo word. There was multiplication. He went from zero to hero. He went from nada to abundance.
He went from... Abundance is a Prophecy Bingo word. Nothing. Trying to catch all night, and he had multiplication.
I'm telling you, 2021 is a realm of three times seven. It's going to be a triple anointing of seven, of completion, completion, perfection, gold, rest, clarity, wholeness.
This is going to be year 2021 of multiplication in your life. You know, I know. Every single person that's been
Spirit -filled, and we lean into the voice to whisper the... Lean into is a Prophecy Bingo word.
He has prospered. This guy's a machine gun of... Just going at it.
Wow. In this pandemic, we already know that. All right. The true church is rising. All right. Why?
Because our prosperity is not hindered by a time or a season. Prosperity is a
Prophecy Bingo word. Hey, I got that one. Yeah. I need harvest, and I win.
What was that? I need harvest, and I win. No. I think he's about to say harvest.
Prosperity is eternal. Come on, somebody. So he's going to cause you to multiply. And from there, number four, harvest.
Someone say harvest. Come on. Are you kidding me? Oh, boom, right there.
And Wilkin called it too. Wilkin, you must really be in tune with the spirit, man.
That was my prophecy. That's it. There we go. Fulfilled instantaneously.
All right. Okay. Listen up, Rose, bro. I need you to riff on this and give us your prophecy from your bingo card.
All right. All right. Time to put on my prophecy voice. All right.
I am going to release a download of supernatural prosperity that's going to create an abundant harvest.
Ta -da! You're up there with the best.
All right. Let's keep going, because I want to work our way through the rest of this. And you might end up getting a double bingo, because that's how it works nowadays.
Yeah, I know. I need destiny. I need destiny. No, I don't want you to get double now. Let's see.
Go up and take your steps with me, with Chuck Pierce. Here we go. So, do you have prophetic flag twirlers at your congregation,
Wilken? No, we do not. Okay. Isn't that a new...
I thought it was a new Olympic sport, the girls with the... Yes, with the ribbons.
With the long ribbons. Yeah. Yes. This is like taking chancel prancing and taking it to a whole other level.
So, wow. Okay. Hear this sound right now.
The Lord says, I'm walking you into the place so you will stand in me.
I say, take your steps with me this week, for I know the place where I will meet you in a new way.
He says, I'm taking you to a place... Gonna meet you in a new way. Wow. I'm taking you to the place where you'll meet the guy and he'll tell you the thing.
And then it'll happen. In a new way. In a new way. This week.
Absolutely. The new Spy Action Thriller. This is coming to you from Richmond, Georgia. Place you don't know, hear my sound, hear my song, enter in, go up with me, go up with me and see how
I can prosper you in new ways. You know, I gotta think that, you know, long term exposure to this nonsense cannot possibly be good for your mental health.
You know, just... Okay, now I gotta help you out here a second, Wilkin. So the person that you see on the screen, she used to be
Princess Bola Adelany of Kingdom Proclamations. In the past few months,
God has promoted her to Queen Bola, and so we refer to her as Queen Ebola.
That's the way we refer to her. And this is from her New Year's Eve special,
Prophetic Release special. And she's not only wearing a tiara, she's also wearing, looks like a plastic rendition of Roman male, you know, armor.
So, like I said, mental health may be an issue here.
But yeah, so the real QB, she's Queen Bola. She's been promoted by God to being a queen.
So you need to be aware of that. Let's plow into this. ...groups, come on, come on, get the word out.
Get the word out. Let's cross over together. Come on, come on, come on, come on.
Let's do it. Let's do this. Let's do this. She's sweating in the plastic armor. There's a shock.
And she's got thousands, tens of thousands of people around the world who take her seriously. Mr. Chair, have you liked and are you subscribed?
Your notifications turned on, compliant? Hashtag compliant. If you are, hallelujah.
Are you armed for battle? Hello. I said, are you armed for battle? Oh, my goodness.
Are you ready to conquer... She's just kind of becoming more and more insane with every passing video.
I completely agree. I mean, this is a mental health train wreck here.
It's a slow descent into utter madness. 2021, hashtag, I was born ready.
Hashtag, I was born ready. I was born ready. Korobushkin de Korea. Okay, I'm feeling it.
I'm feeling it. Oh, no. Low -hanging fruit on this one. She was definitely prophesying about health.
Oh! That's my
COVID muppet dance here. All right, so let's see if I...
Well, the thing is that one of my words is dancing. So let's see what
I could do here. Let's see here. I might have to add some other things.
So let me... Oh, wait, I feel it. I feel it in my pinky. I stubbed my toe last night.
And oh, wow, there's... I feel a flow of the fire, and the glory is about to be released.
And there's going to be downloads of new health things happening in the here and the now.
And God's going to ignite you for blessing and speak into your destiny and flow, and bring to you wealth transfer.
How's that? Makes sense to me. 7 out of 10.
Makes sense to me. All right. Well, it is a mercy. I'm not going to make you do that if you get bingo.
It's just, I want you to know, because it's painful for me. All right, let's keep going to see where this nonsense goes.
On my head, hashtag, say, Kingdom General. The General is in the house today. Oh, yes, hallelujah.
Say, yes, I was born ready, crown on head, sword in hand, boots on the ground.
Say, let's go, General. Let's go, General. We got this. We got it. We got 2021.
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. I bring you greetings from our
Commander -in -Chief. The victor who wears the victor's crown.
I bring you greetings from the throne of grace. Hallelujah. This is a destiny moment.
Hashtag, destiny moment. Before you were ever. And you wonder.
Destiny. Destiny is on there. That's double bingo. Oh, no.
Really? Ah, Queen Vola gave me the double bingo.
All right, well, I need a double prophecy from you then. And I expect you to top the one that I gave.
Okay, all right, all right. Have to get into the mode with which to be able to crank garbage.
Yes, I can feel the anointing from the realm. And Jesus is going to give me the destiny of the harvest from the other dimension.
Yeah, that's pretty good. I don't see any qualitative difference between what you said and what they're saying.
There's no quality. The moose antlers put it over the top for me. Oh, yes. I have to channel utter ridiculousness.
This is nuts. But of course, Michael Brad would never say that she's a false prophet.
Never. God ordained you for this moment. Hashtag, I was born for this time.
I was born for this moment. Everything that you've ever gone through. Everything you went through in 2020.
Harabas kandakuria. And you've ever gone through it. Oh, good night.
All right, she's speaking in gibberish again. Let's throw that into the momentum. That was my feeling on the translation there, momentum.
Your life was preparing you for this moment. This is your year of destiny.
Hashtag, year of destiny. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. You know, I just look at her and think, at this point, the devil is just mocking
God. Does she do the hashtag thing all the time? Oh, yeah. Oh, that's a big thing.
She's constantly encouraging, you know, get on social media, share the link. Hashtag February.
You know, and she's always clapping and weird. Yeah, she's... No, that's part of her stick. I'm not going to delete that one.
Let's move on. We're going to be heading over the pond here to Glasgow Prophetic Center.
Apparently, they have prophecy centers now, as we listen to Emma Stark giving her word of the Lord for whatever.
So anyway, let's do something spiritual today with what God is saying. I do have some controversial things to say about America.
What's new? You know, in fact, two pages of controversial things to say about what's happening in America.
Hopefully helpful, not just controversial for the sake of it. Hopefully helpful. But new year, new demon.
Shall we talk about a demon? Because we feel like we have got to kill, knife, wound, destroy a strong man demon that has raised its ugly little head and is causing some significant problems in the earth today.
And we have been discussing back and forth. Apparently, there's a demon on the loose. And she's got the intel direct from God, the
Holy Spirit on it. How to pronounce her name. It is a herb, and it is
Atalia or Atalia, depending on how you pronounce it. But we're going to go...
Daughter of Jezebel. Yeah, that's who we're talking to here. We're going to go with Atalia. Or were we going to go with Atalia?
Apparently, she's hearing from God, the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit isn't able to pronounce ancient
Hebrew names correctly. So just saying.
I say tomato. Yeah, but she's claiming to hear it from God, the
Holy Spirit. What did he say? How did he pronounce it? Ecclesia. Ecclesiastes?
Ecclesia, yes. Right, right. It's the English part of the ocean you're on, doesn't it, really?
Potato, potato, tomato, tomato. Anyway, right, let's not sing anymore. So Atalia.
And she is in Scripture. Actually, not much is written about her. But she's in 2
Kings 8. If you want to track along and read, very little about her in 2 Kings 8. More is written about her in 2
Chronicles 22 and over into Chapter 23. But she is, as some of you are 10 pages ahead of me, she is
Jezebel's daughter. And I believe that when Jezebel has had to go at you and try to silence you and steal your voice and steal your influence and shut you down so that you feel mute and impotent, when you have battled
Jezebel and you have won, which many of you have, I do believe that then
Atalia— Yeah, sure sign you fought Jezebel is that you feel mute and impotent.
How's your battles with Jezebel going, Todd? So is she saying there's a demon named
Jezebel that Christians have to battle? Yes, and she has a daughter.
And when you're done with Jezebel, then Atalia enters the ring? Could potentially, yes.
Okay. That is always a danger. No, it's Atalia. She comes at you with noodles and other baked goods.
And marinara sauce. Exactly. Okay. All right. And a good
Chianti. Anyway. Atalia, her daughter, raises up from her deep, dark, demonic cave and comes to attack you.
And she lives in a demonic cave. No, no, no. Deep, dark, demonic cave. Right, right.
Next to Smaug the dragon. Keep going here. Atalia, let me tell you what you need to know.
She murders. In fact, she's one of the most notorious murderers in scripture.
In that, she murders her own grandchildren. And she takes the throne.
And so there is this power hungry, murderous, revengeful, jealous, vicious, selfish, independent thinking demon that will murder you to try to keep you out of the place that you should be in.
And from meeting the guy that you're supposed to see. Yeah. This is nuts.
Because, I mean, clearly, Jezebel's daughter is a historical person who's written about in scripture.
And we know of her sins and her murderousness. But where on earth are we then, according to scripture, to think that this is now turned and transmogrified into an actual demon who lives in a dark cave, who is out to murder you?
To keep you from getting to the place you're supposed to go. Right. Right. Which sometimes happens to me all by myself, just because I procrastinate.
I feel like we can make a really bad Spongebob parody of like, who lives in a dark and demonic cave?
Athaliah, whatever. Yeah. This is nuts.
So we've got the big warning that Athaliah, whatever, tomato, tomato is on the loose.
Okay. That is not helpful. Don't miss the moments heading back to Glory of Zion.
You are just a moment. You are just a moment away. You are just a moment away.
I say you are just a moment away. Keep pressing. Keep pushing. It's going to break. It's going to break over you and the glory of God is going to fall.
It's going to fall over a nation and it's going to shatter. It's going to shatter the glory of God.
Is it getting winded up there? Her train of thought got ahead of her there,
I think a little bit, so. Might have fallen off a cliff. Don't miss the moments that I will create this year for you.
Oh, don't miss the moments. No, don't miss the moments.
I will set them out. You know, it's like a
Hallmark commercial. Don't miss the moments. Yeah, poorly executed at that.
I mean, one of the things that Luther talks about in our confessions is how those who are enthusiasts, they somehow bristle at the idea that God has actually spoken in his word, and yet he notes that they fill the...
He says they fill the world with their scribblings as if God is only speaking through them, and it's like, all right,
I've got a choice. I could hear the word of God in the scriptures, or I can sing along and pretend that this is
God, the Holy Spirit, singing to me, don't miss the moments. And which of these is really
God speaking? Nuts. You know, it's bad when the prophetic keyboardist is going, what are we doing now?
Where are we going with this? I need help. All right, moving forward.
You ever watch American Idol? On American Idol, when the poor contestants gets up there and they're singing some standard of pop or rock, and then they just, they're under such pressure, they just completely forget the lyrics.
And that was it. That was the spiritual version of that. Well, that means that she got somehow unplugged from the
Holy Spirit. There was some kind of interference in the channeling.
This guy is Hank Kuhneman, he's a major disciple of Ken Copeland, good friend of his.
And I hate to say it, but this is also gonna be one of those sing -y kind of prophecies.
Here we go. I see the word suddenly in there, so I'm gonna give myself that. Oh, yeah, you can take that.
Yeah, because it's written down. If I get the word restore, I'll get a triple bingo. Triple?
Uh -huh. If I get restore, I'll get triple bingo. I'm disgusted, you know.
All right, let's keep going. We speak reversal. We speak exposure.
We speak the divine intervention, because something is about to bust.
Come on, say it. Something is about to bust. Something is about to bust.
Come on, you're prophesying. Something is about to bust. Come on, those of you that are watching. You haven't done this at your church lately, have you,
Todd? No, no. Wow. We gave, because of COVID, we gave the backup singers the
Sunday off. Come on, intern dude, help me out here.
You're putting God in a box, Wilkin. You're putting God in a box, man. You can't prophesy without backup singers.
Whenever anybody says putting God in the box, I think like Ark of the Covenant? Yeah, I think about putting
Jesus in the tomb, man. You talk about putting God in a box. All right. Womb of the
Virgin Mary. There you go. Yeah, there you go. That's another box. A tiny, teeny, tiny living space. Something is about to bust.
Something is about to bust. Come on, God, do it now. Something is about to bust.
Do it this week. Something is about to bust. Now or this week. Come on. Something is about to bust.
Do it quickly, would you? Do you want it now or do you want it later this week? Rip that bandaid off. Either will do.
Either will do. Okay. Something is about to bust. Something is about to bust.
Something is about to bust.
Something is about to bust. Come on. My head is about to bust.
I gotta move on. I got COVID. All right. Sorry. Oh, Inez. Okay. Yeah, I know.
All right. Let's see where we go with her. Here we go. Hello, everybody. My name is Inez. Welcome to this video.
This is a very important and different message altogether that you've ever heard me speak.
But now is the time, and it's time to share a vision also that the Lord has given me about three years ago regarding what
I'm about to tell you. I swear, I need to put a new prophecy bingo word, swap one out and put
L -A -R -D. You know, the Lord. Anyway, so. But this is a warning, and it's important to get yourself ready spiritually and physically in Jesus name.
So let's pray. So Holy Spirit, Father God, thank you for this day. Lord, I ask for ears to hear and hearts to receive,
Lord. This message that you're about to speak in Jesus name, have your way. Hallelujah.
So welcome, everybody. So this is just going to be full on. There's going to be those who hear this.
There's going to be those who don't believe, but that's absolutely fine because we're in this time now.
This season where everything is moving very quickly. Season is a prophecy bingo word.
Accelerating things are changing. Acceleration is a prophecy bingo word. We're in a new era.
Era is a prophecy bingo word. Wow. She's delivering. And in this era is the supernatural and everything is changing, and there's going to be a rise of evil brothers and sisters.
But also when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord raises up a standard.
But there is going to be a rise in the angelic realm as well, just like the book of Acts.
And I'm going to get to that now in a moment, but I need to share this with you. And then I'm going to share the vision with you.
So I pray that you just listen to this, take it yourself later and bring it to the Lord in Jesus name.
So I want to talk about the Nephilim in Genesis chapter six.
Really quickly, I'm going to go through all of this. And it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were fair.
And they took them wives of which they chose. And the Lord said, my spirit shall not always strive at man for that he is flesh.
Yet his day shall be 120 years. There were joints in the earth in those days, the
Nephilim, the fallen ones. That's what it means. The sons of God came into the daughters of men and they brought children to them.
Is she saying that the Nephilim are coming back? I think she says they're giants.
They might be giants. I mean, honestly, with the way 2021, I just wouldn't be surprised if this was accurate.
We've got giants returning. They became mighty men, which are of all them renowned. And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and every imaginations and thoughts of the heart was only -
One thing is clear is that they are incapable of reading scripture and actually understanding what it says and what it communicates and what it means.
Everything has to be a touch point for some other word that God is supposedly speaking right now.
It's weird. I mean, rather than just read the account for what it actually says, there was a time after the fall when
God's wrath and his patience, at least in the immediate sense, was ended with man because man's wickedness had grown so great that we're down to one guy and his family in all of the earth who still believes in the true
God. That's worse than it is now. But I don't think she's going there.
No, she's not. And you could also pull in another text talking about how Noah was a preacher of righteousness.
You get the idea, but where is she going with this? The evil continually.
So we know the rest of the story, read Genesis chapter six yourself, that the flood came, everything was wiped out except Noah.
Noah was righteous. I'm pretty sure Noah was warning people and people were mocking and scoffing, just like they probably will at this message.
And things of this nature. But he did what
God said and he built the ark and he got in and only him and his family survived.
But brothers and sisters, the fallen angels, the Nephilim, you need to understand that heaven, that the sky is the first heaven.
The second heaven is space and the third heaven where the Father is on his throne.
Well, that's true. She's rightly understanding how the Shemayim work. But in the second heaven, brothers and sisters, where the deception is, where there's activity, where things...
In outer space, there's activity. Might be aliens. Okay. I mean, would they be able to hear you scream?
Only in the Star Wars universe. Just saying.
This is weird. Things take place in Jesus' name. Hallelujah. Give me the grace to speak this,
Lord. Things take place. Things have been seen for a long time. Things come in, but do not be deceived.
You know, the world will look for these things and they'll try to find these things out and they're curious. But you need to understand we're dealing with the demonic realm.
So this sounds to me like she's preparing everybody for aliens to arrive and that her explanation is that they are demons.
Okay. I am molding a victorious army. Good news for those of you ready to fight the demons.
I say it's not a marching that's going on. It's a preparation.
And I say to you, I have a victorious army and I will see to it that you are molded into who
I am for the future. I say to America, this election and confusion has brought you to an earth realm.
I say to my people, rise above. We've been brought to an earth realm because of the election and confusion.
Rise above. And I say to you, I've had to allow you to taste the world.
I've had to allow you to taste infirmity. I've had to allow you to taste poverty.
I've had to allow you to eat of things that you desired.
I say I have done this to make you long to be at my table, sayeth the
Lord. Yeah, I got nothing on that either.
So Chris, how common is it for them to speak in the first person? Extremely.
So they're speaking in the first person and you notice the voice that they're claiming that they're speaking in the first person is not their own, it's
God's. And Chuck Pierce, that's constantly his MO. That's part of the course.
He's channeling God there. And so the I who's speaking is not Chuck Pierce, it's God. So yeah, it's frightening when you consider the implications.
This guy next is Russ Walden. We may get a scolding from him too. He seems to be one of these kind of angry prophet kinds of people.
So let's see where he goes. Hello, this is Russ Walden with Father's Heart Ministry with a prophetic word for you for 2021.
Father says this, this is your season for ruling and reigning.
For the season is a prophecy. Year 2021, the
Father says that this is your season for ruling and reigning. God has given this to me over and over and over for his people in the year ahead.
The days of mediocrity and slow descent into struggle and disappointment for you are over.
I know your heart says God. This day, you will no longer be suffocated by fear, but you are now launching into a year long increase of my goodness and my intensity and the breakthrough in my glory in your life.
The Lord says three altars will be built in your life this year.
Face to face encounters with my Shekinah Kabod weightiness are now coming.
Yeah, indeed. All right, so I get to translate that.
Hang on a second here. What do I feel like? Oh, I feel like he was flowing on that one.
What do you think? I'll take flow. Yeah, you can have it.
Sure, why not? Open eyed visions like a TV screen in front of you are manifesting as the heavens roll back.
Manifest as a prophecy. Bingo. Like a scroll and on your altar says
God, I am answered by fire. I see an altar of consecration being built in your life in the month of February.
I see an altar of confrontation like Elijah with the prophets of Baal taking place in the month of July.
In the fall of the year, I see an altar of consummation erected with a great visitation of angels and the power of my power of my.
All right, got to get another. Hey, he just keeps spitting them out,
I mean. Yeah, I know. So I'm going to be merciful for the people in the audience, and I'm going to go with,
I felt potential in that one. Okay, potential.
I need assignment or restore. Have you guys noticed that none of the words that God is speaking, none of them line up.
They are all over the place, man. Presented your life in the month of September.
The turning of the year says God for you is a turning of the tide.
Things are going to be different, says the Lord. Can you spell different? Welcome to Sesame Street with Watt Walden.
What's spelled different? This is so bad. Different is spelled, unprecedented outcomes.
No, that's not how you spell it. That ain't how you spell it, man. Oh, wow. In the vocabulary of the spirit where you are concerned.
The fire, cool rum, and soft cocktails are BT stuff. Here we go again.
He's got like gibberish Tourette's. Hang on a second here. All right. That definitely felt powerful to me.
What do you guys think? Sure. Sure. All right.
The fire of my glory is coming. By the way, translation as in Philip the
Evangelist case is being visited upon you. You will be taken. You will be taken from one encounter to another encounter and Enoch and Elijah will accompany you on the way.
Time and happenstance are yielding like butter sliced through by a hot knife.
In a moment of time, the parameters of what you've learned and what you think you know of my kingdom and my person, my character, they are being shaken to their foundation as a fresh fire illuminates, fresh revelation and an unprecedented outpouring of glory coming to you from the high places to cause you to ride in prosperity.
You're not just going to walk in prosperity. All right. Prosperity is a prophecy.
Wow. He's, he's really delivering here. Wilkin, how's your card looking, dude?
I got, I have three avenues to bingo, but I don't think this guy's going there.
Okay, I, I'm getting to the point where I'm beginning to feel
COVID fatigue. So I feel like we need to like land this plane.
Oh no, it's Reyna. Put it down hard. I don't want to walk away from this one. We're rapidly approaching our final prophecies for the 2021 prophecy bingo.
Okay, here we go. Here's Reyna. Hi everyone. Pastor Reyna here with Ignite the Fire Church and Ministries.
How you all doing? It's been a while, you guys, since I've been over here. I know,
I know. You guys are probably wondering what happened to Pastor Reyna. She really didn't prophesy after the last time we featured her on Prophecy Bingo.
She went AWOL for a couple of months. So I think she's come back out of, I think this is like prophetic groundhog day for her, you know, let's see if she sees, she sees her shadows.
Where did she go? Well, I've been busy, you guys. I've been training.
I've been doing a deliverance training with my church and just getting the body roll.
Yeah, that's right. That's right. Deliverance. That gives me bingo. Deliverance. Oh, congratulations. That gives me my second bingo too, by the way.
Oh, sweet. Yeah, so deliverance gives me my second bingo. And I think we had momentum and suddenly.
Didn't we have those, both of those already? I believe we did. We definitely had suddenly. Yeah, then I've now achieved triple bingo at this point.
What? No. Yeah. Yeah. For sure. But then again, I am the master of the translators when it comes to gibberish.
I may or may not be working things in my favor. So, all right, let's see what else she has to say.
I'm thinking like everybody gets bingo this time. It's going to be that bad. We just need to help Wilkin get over the top here.
Ready for great things that are about to happen, you all. There are great things that are about.
What is that music that's going on in the background? To happen. I know that there has been a lot of stuff going on.
You guys are paying attention to what's going on out in the world. I have heard from people just getting really, really down and people saying,
I lost my faith through this whole entire thing. You know, you were putting your hopes and expectations in seeing something happen, but it did not happen.
And it's not like the false prophets, you know, stoke the fires of those expectations. I remember the prophets saying that we were going to be through with COVID back in April, you know, during the
Passover season. That didn't work out. And I know. Okay, let's talk about the elephant in the room, you guys.
Let's talk about the elephant in the room. Okay, I know you guys are thinking about the elections of the
United States, of what happened, what happened, what happened. Well, you guys,
I have great news for this year. I know this video has 56 ,000 views, 56 ,000 that you guys are looking around and you're probably going,
I don't know what you're talking about. I don't see what you're what you're saying here, Pastor Reyna. I just don't see it.
And to be honest, even great men of God, you know, it's almost,
I feel this thing in the atmosphere.
I just... Atmosphere is a prophecy bingo word. In the atmosphere that people have given up.
It's almost like giving up. And that's what I've been seeing.
So she's trying to address without addressing it, the fact that all the prophets said Trump was going to win.
And so there's a disappointment in the atmosphere, but she's not exactly saying why.
And the Lord really pressed upon my heart that I needed to get over here and give you guys a prophetic word.
So, you know, there is a lot that is going to happen. And the word for you guys, the word for you guys is shock and awe.
The Lord is going to shock and awe you guys. That was a lot of build up for a whole lot of nothing.
I feel no shock. I feel no awe. Wow. I am so discouraged by that.
That seems to be par for the course here. It is just all this build up.
And the sad thing, Chris, is there are really people in this world who, I'm not just talking about their viewers or listeners, but there are a lot of just ordinary rank and file
Christians who are genuinely discouraged. They're genuinely fearful.
They're genuinely anxious. They've got all these reasons to be anxious. And for her to come out and say, all right, this is what
God is promising you, shock and awe, that actually creates more anxiety.
Oh, no, because that's a word that could go, that could cut both ways, you know?
I mean, there's nothing that's transcended here. Just keep watching the newspapers and social media and wait for the shock and awe to land.
I mean, it's not even a false hope. It doesn't even qualify as hope.
No, it doesn't. And the reality is that I'm not too worried about the days ahead, because Christ is
King of Kings. He's Lord of Lords, you know? It's like, I don't have to worry about that.
If things go sideways in the United States, who cares? Worst thing that can happen is that Christians can be martyred or whatever, but that's par for the course, and Christ has prepared us for that well in advance.
In fact, I kind of think about the fact that Christ and His Apostles have given us the blueprint for what is going to happen leading up to the days of His return.
We've been set for 2 ,000 years for turbulent times and times of persecution and suffering, and it's all been laid out for us.
And it's like, that being the case, it's like, I have a prophetic word and it's in Scripture and it actually does give me comfort, it does give me peace, it gives me assurance and confidence in the love of God and that everything is in control.
And the Christian continues to live, regardless, as Christians always have lived, in times much darker than we're experiencing now, in times much more hopeless in a human sense than we are experiencing now.
Nothing changes. We continue to live in faith toward God, we trust God's promises in Christ Jesus.
And in love toward our neighbor, our neighbor's always going to be there needing our love. Times like this make it even more imperative that we love our neighbor with a genuine kind of love that can only flow from faith in Christ.
And so in that sense, nothing changes. We have to expect that the politics, the stability of our societies are fragile, and to have any kind of, to put our faith in those things is idolatry.
And we simply say, these things are passing away. This has always been the Christian perspective, regardless. And for her to come in and say,
God's got great things for 2021, shock and awe, don't worry folks, and is to just offer this, it's, like I said, it didn't even qualify as hope.
It's a platitude. Yep, indeed it is. So out of mercy to you and to me, like I said,
I'm starting to feel a little COVID fatigue at the moment. I can't go on. I just... This is such a mess.
You can't go on. I can't do it anymore. Todd, I want to thank you for being a good sport and coming on our
Prophecy Bingo segment. And again, tell people how they can get to your resource online so that they can have some good biblical insight and a
Christian worldview and analyzing the difficulties of the world that we find ourselves in presently.
You can go to any podcast provider and search for Issues ETC, and you'll find
Issues, etc. on our website, issuesetc .org. We also have a fantastic new podcast that we've been producing under the auspices of our parent company,
Lutheran Public Radio, and I think your listeners got a chance to meet Pastor Will Whedon recently.
And I call him a human amphetamine. He is a fantastic Bible teacher, deeply versed in the church fathers, in the hymnody and liturgy of the church, and in the history of the church.
He's truly a one -of -a -kind Bible teacher. And about a year ago or so, we started producing his podcast.
It's a daily 15 -minute verse -by -verse Bible study, expository teaching with all those things that he brings that other
Bible teachers simply don't bother accessing. The church history, the church fathers, the hymnody of the church, the liturgy of the church, and it's called
The Word of the Lord Endures Forever, a daily 15 -minute verse -by -verse Bible study. It's easy. If it's 2021 and one of your resolutions is,
I really need to study God's Word, you can do no better than to study it verse -by -verse with Pastor Will Whedon.
And that's at thewordendures .org or on your podcast provider.
Excellent. Thank you, Todd. And real quick, as is our practice here on Prophecy Bingo, those of you who, if you would like two bonus words so that you can grab a bingo, at least improve your chances, one, if you're a subscriber, and two, if you hit the like button on the video.
So if you're a subscriber, we're going to give you the phrase, wealth transfer. And those of you who also ring the bell and like the video, please go ahead and add presents to your
Prophecy Bingo cards, and hopefully we got a lot of people getting multiple bingos this week.
So let me sign off real quick. Todd, thank you for your time, and look forward to hopefully talking to you on Friday.
I think I'm feeling good enough to do an interview, we'll see. Looking forward to it. Let me sign off here with the folks online, and then we'll chat real quick.
So those of you on Prophecy Bingo, thank you for joining us for our 2021 installment of Prophecy Bingo.
And as I always like to say and end off, may the Lord richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.