Matt Slick Bible Study Phil. 2



Matt Slick Bible Study Phil. 2


Oh, that's right. I can turn it on. They can see me All right, here goes, oh man,
I know that's any better or not sparkle I was joking earlier about running for president and President slick
Hey, I could I could I couldn't do any worse than Biden is right now I Could not you know, just be it automatically an improvement
Yeah, he's oh man he is an idiot Yeah You're what kid wait what
Order calling. Okay. Well, I got a cucumber plant that could do better than Slopper look at look at him over there.
Look how he's He could be vice president, yeah, that's right. We do any worse than Biden and Harris Oh Hearing aids off.
Okay. All right. They're ready. We got to get going. All right, we've got 16 people in it's growing So we do is we're gonna pray but go through Philippians chapter 2 and before I start just gonna let you know
I went to open up my file on Philippians 2 and it was corrupted So like what the heck and I did computer tricks gone, so I had to Come up with something in like three minutes.
No, I would say but more like 30 But not very much But but luckily or providentially
I will say that the topic we're gonna get into I happen to know a lot about anyway And that's about Christology.
So we're gonna be getting into some Christology. All right, so we'll go through that and So God is fortuitous for us with us.
All right, let's pray Hopefully they can hear me in the in the room Brandon. God bless you.
Okay, good. Let me know if you can hear me Okay, let's pray Lord Jesus. Thank you for Just thank you
Lord for tonight and for us being able to study still be able to gather and not be persecuted for studying your word and Lord while that lasts we give you thanks and We ask that you would
Anoint your word in our hearing and that you would bless us and that we'd have good time of fellowship here as We enjoy your word and each other.
We ask this Jesus your precious name. Amen Okay, there we go got a phone call in while I was praying this guy wants to debate me on limited atonement
He has a friend he's been studying nothing but limited atonement to beat me Why don't we just have a discussion
I don't want to do it he went to a formal debate like Right, okay
Philippians 2 1 through 30. We're not gonna get through the whole thing. Of course as I normally do We'll just read one verse at a time and jump right in I was sideways and frozen or cuz someone was calling me on my phone and I have the
The phone is what allows me to have this microphone. I hope you guys can hear me Just let me know if you can hear me.
I'm tapping Good work, and that's it. All right, let's get into her first one therefore if there's any encouragement in Christ if there's any consolation of love if there's any fellowship of the
Spirit if Any affection and compassion first to make my joy complete by being of the same mind
Maintaining the same love united in spirit and ten on one purpose All right now
So if there's any encouragement, so he's referring to something that came before Now we could look back at chapter 1 there's a lot there
But you know Bane mainly I think he's going through he's referring to the media previous context of Lippians 1 27 to 30
Which says only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ So that whether I come and see you or remain absent
I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel and It's a one spirit one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel he goes on But I think this is what we have to keep in mind that he says
Therefore if there's any encouragement in Christ now, that's an interesting statement encouragement in Christ.
I'll tell you Because we go through lives and we have problems we have lots of problems and Nick and I were just talking about Our son
Jacob will be 28 in a couple of weeks basically and We lost him.
So, you know, we had a funeral and everything and the presence of the Lord in Christ It was he was just there.
You're not gonna get all the details But you know you go through things and you say he's there Any encouragement in Christ we were actually encouraged even though it was very difficult
Now that's a pretty severe example But there are other examples of all kinds of things losing a job having a situation where you're not able to to work
Right, I think right do right got a health issue. You got whatever but What he's talking about here is is not just a thing of the physical situation
Having one spirit one mind striving together There's a unity in the body of Christ and the reason it is and it exists is because the same
Lord Jesus is in all of us You gotta think about that Because we're in dwelt if you're really believers we are dwelt by God now
And Exodus 25 8 God says the people the children of Israel Build a tabernacle among my people so I can dwell among them
So that's the word to tabernacle and they built a tabernacle and I've gone over this before how big it was and how it pointed
To Christ and in John 1 14 the word became flesh and tabernacled among us or dwelt among us
So he dwelt among us by walking And he was with us that way But now in John 14 23 that the father and he will come and make their abode in you in you so We're different.
We're different people different backgrounds and Yet we're all in dwelt by the one
Lord Jesus by the God the Father by the Holy Spirit that in the Trinity God He's in us, but I like to focus on on Jesus.
Mm -hmm. I just do So there's any encouragement in Christ now in Christ Could we could stretch it a little bit and say it deals with the issue of federal headship being in him
But I really don't think that's what it's going for but it reminds me of that there's any encouragement in Jesus in a relationship with Jesus and therefore with one another
With one another so I'm reminded when a Nick and I I mean Nick's brother 32 years ago.
I don't know We were living in Southern, California and I worked for him with a big company and We flew up to Spokane and we're gonna do some assembly work.
He was an engineer I'm just some guy and he goes. Hey, you want to jump? Yeah, sure. I'll take a job. And so we flew up there and we had a problem with a part and It was a big factory
Excuse me. Get some of my throat big factory. And so we needed to find a certain machinist in this big factory in order to have a part manufactured
Modified slightly to make it fit to being continue So we're looking and I still remember this
We're walking here walking there getting in this department and there's a big pane glass window
Maybe six foot high eight foot wide And I see this man behind it and he's doing engineering
Mechanical stuff and I look I glance at him. He glances at me and I felt this draw.
I Still remember it Like just draw. I looked at him looked at me. I felt this something and I'm like Am I gay?
What happened here? You know, what's going on? I got a little nervous here. That was weird You know what's going on and I'm walking around.
That's what I thought and so We're walking around and lo and behold.
That was the guy we had to find and we're in there talking and I'm kind of nervous because he looked at me look at you know,
I Know I look on his desk and there's a Bible And I go hey, you're a
Christian. He goes. Oh, yeah Instant fellowship and that's what that was. It was a spirit of God If you're been with someone you just know there's something spiritual about him.
There's something good about him Usually you can tell usually with people But there's sometimes you can't you know, there's a few people you can't you know, there's
Or the Nephilim people you can't do it in here. That's another topic. So If there's any consolation of love
There's any fellowship of the Spirit If any affection and compassion I notice a fellowship of the Spirit if you were to go to second
Corinthians 13 14 is the very last verse in the two books of Corinthians Be the grace of the
Lord Jesus Christ and The love of God the Father and the fellowship of the
Holy Spirit Be with you all So we have the grace of the
Lord. Jesus the love of God as the Father and the fellowship of the Spirit Fellowship is intimate communion
And there's different levels of fellowship, of course But as Christians we have this fellowship because of the indwelling of the
Lord Jesus Christ in us We have a communion. We have a fellowship like that man. I've never seen before and it was a draw
And it was because of the Spirit of God and we both realized it because he I forgot to tell you he said he goes
I said, you know and I saw he goes. Yeah, I felt that too And it was a spirit and her brother is not a believer is going what the heck
He was like clueless and we fellowship. What a great witness It was a great witness
Because it just happens like that We have the fellowship with one another and the Spirit of God is living in all of us In fact, we are in dwelt in by the
Trinity We're in dwelt by the entire Trinity who lives in us Now, it's very comforting on one hand and not on another
It's very comforting to know that God loves us cleanse us with his blood and lives in us
Then he knows all our thoughts our feelings our attitudes and everything else that goes in and out and oops
But yet he still loves us and he still indwells us and we have fellowship his love for us is incredible That he's so holy and so perfect.
It's so wonderful and yet he lives in us and You know, this is a good point to make a joke and point to somebody and how could it be with you?
but the fact is We're all Vessels that should have been killed should have been destroyed should be damned and he's chosen to love us
He's chosen to forgive us. Oh, thank you coffee trough drops. I Had this post nasal drip now for Few weeks.
Mm -hmm. Sorry What's that what's that Let's go, yeah, it's covered.
Yeah, it's good the new variant kovat 27 That's right. Yeah kovat slick and apparently there's not much survival rate except for me.
I'm a typhoid Mary So it'd be typhoid slick. Let me kovat slick. I don't know. Anyway, I'll just shut up and keep going so We had this fellowship with the with the spirit
We also the fellowship with the father and you can go to first John chapter 1 for that And we also have fellowship with Jesus 1st
Corinthians 1 9. Our fellowship was with the Lord Jesus Christ Their fellowship with all members of the
Godhead. How do you have fellowship with someone you don't talk to you? Don't spend time with I don't enjoy their company.
You don't know he's in us and the conviction the awareness reading the word
As I say to people, you know, we need CPR CPR keep you alive, right?
now confess pray read Confess your sins pray to God read the
Bible in the prayer and the reading you are in fellowship with God But also your fellowship with God when your fellowship with one another
Notice Jesus said in John 13 34 and 35. He says greater love. I mean he says
You know, they'll know you're my disciples, but I love you have for one another the reason we can have what love for one another
It's not like the unbelievers who might help each other, but we can love each other because we first loved by Christ And we're delivered and we're in fellowship with him the responsibility of living like that is very difficult.
It's quite a Responsibility because we fail We fail living a godly life, but yet we move forward and God loves us.
Anyway If any affection and compassion make my joy complete by being of the same mind
Maintaining the same love united in spirit and ten on one purpose now
Denominations pop into my mind when I think about this. I don't think that our denominational
Fracturing in America is good. I believe it's
Sinful the most part not talking heretical sin lightning bolt zap you sin, but We're not in a fellowship like we should be
I believe that is the case because people take their eyes off of Christ and off of the love of Christ you see
You know, I'm a as you guys know, I'm a hardcore five -point Calvinist all -millennial
Pedal Baptist and I can defend it, but I have people of friends who don't affirm that stuff.
I'm like, okay It doesn't matter to me because that's not the issue The issue is my fellowship with them in Jesus and being united in spirit and I had a guy
I was talking to on the web a few nights ago and and He was saying brother. He goes brother.
He goes, you know, I don't agree with you in a lot of things that you teach You know like reformed theology. He says
I don't agree, but I'd go I love you and They go hey same back at you, you know, cuz he's an
Arminian and I said hey I'd go out witnessing with you he goes amen brother and it was good to hear that and to for others to see it and Do it.
I would I'd go out witness with him It doesn't matter Calvinism isn't what saves you are many numbers of what saves you
Jesus He's one who saves you and if we have our mind on Christ, we should be the same mind maintain the same love
When we start putting our minds on a little minutia little details Well, you you have to be put this way
I went to a Lutheran College And I still remember very clearly
Sitting with a one of the students there not alone with her but a lot of students and she informed me that because I was not of the
Wisconsin cited Sented of Lutheranism. I was going to hell. I said wait a minute.
I said, but I believe in Jesus. I trust in Jesus and Her boyfriend sitting right there he's going and She was white and he was black
But she let him in If he because he was mostly Wisconsin synod ish
But I wasn't so I was going to hell now that is not fellowship in the spirit
And I just say, you know, come on It has to be Jesus has to be your focus
Not a denomination and not a set of these doctrines that are a diophra which means non -essential
So maintaining the same love united in the spirit intended one purpose. Now, what would that one purpose be? It's like, you know, what do you think the one purpose is?
Lord if I God that's a good can't go wrong with that. Mm -hmm It's pretty safe glorify
God my wife said that that's right. So But what's that High -fiving yourself good so We want to have unity because there's united in spirit intent on one purpose.
So to glorify God to Promote Jesus to preach the gospel
All of these are the one thing In that it's all combined. We glorify
God. Well, we had to preach Jesus Christ You know, we got to do that and we are created Isaiah 43 7 for God's glory
So all of that comes together Now this is Ephesians 4 11 and 13 through 13 and he gave some as apostles incidentally a little
Greek lesson the definite article is the word law and the indefinite article in English is the word a like a box a cat
So we have the definite and the indefinite article in Greek. They only have the definite article the word the so literally what it says in the
Greek is and he gave some as the apostles and Some as the prophets and some as the evangelists and some as the pastors and teachers
So the one definite article the covers both pastors and teachers because they're very similar
For the equipping of the Saints for the work of service to the building of the body of Christ until we attain to the unity of the faith
Paul is telling us that we need to be in unity in the faith In order to do that it's a study the faith
That's another difference between the non essentials and the essentials of the faith and I teach on it, of course, but this is something we need and To have that one purpose when people are one purpose like, you know, there's a big a
Raft round raft and a bunch of people are in it with paddles going paddling different directions.
No one gets it. We don't get anywhere But they pick one direction and go it gets accomplished and that's why
I tell people focus on one thing at a time And that's for the ladies and get it done get it accomplished get it done go the next thing
And that's what we need to do if we're united in spirit intent on one purpose move forward
What is the one thing you want to do glorify God Preach Jesus him crucified
Not make five -pointers everywhere Or on millennial lists those those things are worth discussing and going through as we study the
Word of God But the thing is that we're united in love for one another that is what makes us able to disagree lovingly
And they're gonna have that same unity in love Now I don't know about you guys with the next verse at verse 3 of Philippians 2
I do not like Another verse I don't like Do nothing from selfish or empty conceit but with humility of mind regard one another more important than yourselves now
I don't like that And the reason I don't like it is because I like being selfish. I like being conceited
I don't like being humble and everybody else is not as good as me and everyone else is inferior
And so when I'm confronted with the truth of God's Word and those sins which indwell me are
Confronted by the truth in the light of God's Word Then I'm forced to realize what
I really am down deep as we all are because we all have different degrees of selfishness and conceit and lack of humility and We don't regard others as more important than ourselves.
I mean do we To a certain degree sometimes. Yes, and I'm not knocking we have you perfect and all this we should but anyway
The thing is what he's saying here is look Don't be so selfish be other centered care about others.
Okay, and The whole thing is like Jesus says The world will know you're my disciples with a love you have for one another
You love one another and you help each other out as I've said before sitting in this chair We should be so good at being
Christians that the unbelievers say I'm gonna believe what you teach but boy I sure want what you do.
I want to be with you and how you are But what we see is not always that kind of thing
We don't see that too much in Christians. We're guarded. We keep ourselves private and quiet and When you do that you can be safer, but As I say to people, you know take risks
You know, I take risks all the time and fail a lot But you take risks for Jesus.
You're trying go forward, you know trust and go and try and live so that others become more important and Marriage is a good testing ground for this work is another testing ground for this and And Just life driving is a really good testing ground.
I grew up in Southern, California. We got it done Here. Hey, what is that? It's a four -way stop.
What do we do? Okay, I'm past it
Do not verse for merely look out for your own personal interest but also for the interest of others that summarizes it
Now that's hard to do but that's what we're called to do and so we can practice it and we should
So he says these things verse 1 2 3 & 4 Don't really look out for your own interest look for others.
Don't be selfish. Don't be empty conceited be humble Consider others more important It's an attitude of otherness
Not selfishness, but otherness It's easy for me to sit here and teach it it's not so easy for me to do and it's easier for you to hear it
But it's not so easy to do and one of the reasons is we get in our habits our reactions
My wife will do something and I get upset or I'll do something she gets upset or we're at work and they do that same old whatever it is and you're
And we complain we murmur because things aren't how they're supposed to be
But we're for other centered it forces us to break our habits of selfishness and it begins in our minds
Be transformed by renewing of your mind Romans says We're to be transformed or to understand the truth and try and live it and of course, we're gonna fail
But that's what we need to do All right now Sorry, I clear my throat a lot.
I know Um, so verse 5 and following is is an interesting
Set of scriptures we're gonna go through this Have this attitude in yourself, which also was in Christ Jesus Who I'll read the whole thing.
We'll go back and talk Who although he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with the
God a thing to be grasped But emptied himself taking the form of a bond -servant being made in the likeness of men
Being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross.
All right Flippings 2 5 through 8. I Have said the phrase flippings 2 5 through 8 thousands of times
In my apologetics career we can talk about Christ who he is
I'm just gonna take a step sideways. I want to teach a doctrine Because you need to know who Jesus is and what it's going on.
I've taught this before But we need to go through it. Okay, Nick Yeah So the
Trinity is the teaching that there's one God in all eternity in all places in all time
Who has existed and always existed as three simultaneous and distinct persons the three persons?
Interdwell each other. This is called the perichoresis the mutual interdwelling of their essence their personhood
So therefore there's only one will This is the eternal nature of God And it can deal with what's called a one in the many issue the minimalistic necessity of Trinitarian Essence I've gone through this before And so in the eternal nature of God And go to Hebrews 13 20 talks about the blood of the eternal covenant
Now, I believe that the blood of the eternal covenant is the inter Trinitarian covenant Where the father would elect?
the people to be saved Jesus the word be pre -incarnate
Because what agreed to become one of us or to redeem the elect given by the father to him
The Holy Spirit would apply the redemptive work to the elect who then are justified by faith that's what
I believe and This means that as you go to Ephesians 1 for He the father chose us the elect in him
Jesus before the foundation of the world that would be holy and blameless So this means that the elect the work of election is an inter
Trinitarian thing so Jesus Came into existence 2 ,000 years ago
What I mean by that is the person Jesus with two distinct natures That occurred 2 ,000 years ago at the inception
The word second person of the Trinity, of course is eternal but the union of the
Divine Second person and the human nature that union occurred 2 ,000 years ago.
We call this one person Who's in this Union? We call that one person
Jesus. So when I say Jesus began 2 ,000 years ago people say that's heresy.
He's eternal. No, he's not the Union is not eternal The divine nature in that Union is eternal and then you go.
Okay, that's what you're saying So what we have here in this Union what we call the hypostatic
Union The essence and the nature within the Godhead the divine essence and the essence of humanity the divine.
I mean the human essence are United in one person so if we're to say
You have two natures Eutychianism would say that there are so intermixed that they're not distinguishable
That's not the case. That's an it's an error Nestorianism would say the two natures are there in the one person so that it's not really one person
It's two persons. Well, it's a debatable thing about the story isn't history, but we'll get into that It's become known now for the two persons one person one person in Jesus so he's functionally as two persons.
That's heretical Because if we don't then have what we call the communicatio idiomata, which we'll get to Monophysitism is the teaching that the two natures
Became a new third thing the God -man thing It's neither just divine or just human but now it's a third new created thing the
God -man thing That's called monophysitism and that's an error the Polynarianism Says that Jesus basically appeared out.
Let's do it this way. I'll leave those alone. I'm good at docet ISM Polynarianism and keen ISM We'll just leave it right there so What we're gonna say see here.
Is that with the nature of humanity and nature divinity?
There's some questions we're gonna get into something I'm gonna teach you a little bit of Greek Their mono means one and phileo phileo means
To will it's the infinitive form to do to that even though it's actually I will that's how they do it in Greek Anyway to have a will
Dicelitism die means to is that there's a will of the divine and a will of the human in Christ That's correct it's the reason is correct is because if the word is a
Person as we've known in personhood. It has a person has to have a will and by Necessity humanity has to have a will otherwise, it's not human
This lamp Doesn't have a will it doesn't have personhood. So dicelet
ISM is the correct teaching that That the one person of Christ has two distinct wills one are corresponding to each nature
Mono philet ISM would say that in the forming of the one person it now now there's only an
Underneath there's just one will but it became a third thing monophysitism Monophysis form one nature one essence.
No, there's two natures dicelet ISM. However The what we see in these is that it's manifested as one will
So the correct doctrine is the hypothetic Union in the one person are two distinct natures dicelet
ISM hypothetic Union but what we say is That the one person said
I'll be with you always even to the end of the earth, right Matthew 28 19 or 28 18 and 20 21 and Then he said like on the cross
I thirst So he claimed the attributes of divinity as well as the attributes of humanity, but the one person said
I both times not we two persons I So this is called the communication of the properties
The communicate you idiom atom. It sounds really great to say it's fun to say it You know communicate you idiom atom people think you're smart you say that But it's not a hoppix legomena and you have to be sesquipedalian to know that either but anyway, so the communicate you idiom atom
Is the teaching that in the one person are two distinct natures and the attributes of both natures are ascribed to the single person
Now, why is this important? because Which nature died on the cross the human if only the human nature died on the cross and how's the sacrifice of divine value?
Because don't forget in Zechariah 12 10 God says they'll look upon me whom they have pierced
So it says that God is the one who's pierced. How is that possible since God can't be pierced yet to become one of us
And he did this in the hypothetic Union and the communication of the properties where the attributes of both natures are ascribed to the single
Person and so we perceive the divine through this the human will get into that again I know
I've taught you that guys this many times before we got to hear it over and over and over Because it's a good one who will get the text. You'll see why it's important.
Anyway, so you'll see that that When he died it was a person who died on the cross and therefore the persons of divine value
Furthermore, we perceive the divine through the human You perceive the divine through the human we see
Jesus walk on water That's the divine action manifested in the human we see him say to the storm.
Peace be still we see the divine action Manifested in the human they perceive divinity through humanity
All right. So these are technical terms and technical arrangements. Now, let's get a little more devotional ish
So in the inter Trinitarian communion from forever ago the Sun Said Dialogue went on but said
Yes, I will enter into their world and Bear the sins of the ones you've given me as I submit to your will father and I'll suffer at their hands and Bear their sin
Before the universe was created This was already arranged This means that since God does not learn and he knows all things eternally
Then that covenant Actuality is eternal Which means that the word eternally had agreed now
I Want to introduce some ridiculous kind of concept at this point. Was he dreading it for eternity?
Was he saying? Oh, no one's just gonna happen for eternity. These are kind of dumb questions, but I want to introduce the idea of the
Potential of apprehension, but I don't think that would be the case with God. What was going on? Eternally in that I have no way to know no capacity to understand it
But I think about that. I think what was that like? Only God knows
What did we like to say, you know, and I'll bear sin
Sin is contrary to the nature of God Now God is holy first Peter 116
He does he's never he's perfect. Okay, Matthew 548 He's eternal.
Okay, Psalm 90 verse 2. He doesn't change Malachi 3 6 He's everywhere.
Psalm 139 This is who he is. And what's he gonna do gonna enter into a womb?
Born through a birth canal suckle at a woman's breast Have his diapers
Changed as he urinates and defecates and then out in the as he grows
Working with his father the carpenter out in the Sun. He's sweating and waiting and waiting and waiting
Tell he's gonna be 30 when that's why he's baptized to enter into the priesthood at the order of Melchizedek according
Matthew 3 15 Leviticus 8 numbers Numbers 4 and excess 29.
Okay another topic And so he he's walking around and saying yes, mom.
Yes, dad God Yes, mom.
Yes, dad Knowing what's gonna happen to him Now I'll talk about crucifixion here what it does in a bit
Knowing what's gonna happen to him physically And spiritually and to be lied upon lied against struck mocked hated by the people
He's gonna save or wants to save From forever ago. It's incredible if you think about it.
We're just used to the blonde -haired blue -eyed Caucasian serpent Jesus He died the crossroads are dead. Now if he tries to do you're okay
We just skipped an eternity of things going on And now let's talk about the crucifixion just a little bit what they would do there's different ways of crucifying but how it looks like it was done with Christ is
They they beat him and ripped his beard from his face I forgot the Old Testament reference for that His back was probably ripped open to the point where you could see the ribcage
Because when they would take the cat of nine tails, they would put it on it rip it on the bike and then they would pull so it would scrape the flesh and Cavell whatever his name was when he did the passion of the
Christ he had they had a real cat of nine tails He said one barb hit him on his naked back
Once I said it was so searingly bad. He about passed out one strike once 39 lashes is the the number of mercy 39 number of mercy and So they would lash him 39 times and most people not most but a lot of people just died right there
It's just trauma. They died And he had to take the wooden cross on his shoulder
Do you think maybe some of his shoulder area was ripped open? conceivably so he's going into shock and And bloods sleeping out not to mention he's been beaten to the point where they couldn't even really recognize him
And crown of thorns shoved it was like three inch two to three inch thorns between the scalp and the skull bloods coming down and That's not even the worst of it what they would do is they would take him a
Person was crucified on a beam. It wasn't the whole cross. They couldn't carry it so the cross a vertical thing was in the pole in the ground and and so What they did was they would take
Him lay him down and take a nail and put it in the wrist. It was not the hand it was here.
Okay? They put it right there They would take it like that and they would drill it in and there's a nerve that goes right here.
It's exceedingly painful You keep saying I could keep counting. Okay. Yeah, and so I hear in these noises.
I'm like, what is that? So Right. Here's there's a nerve. I remember reading what it was and and when it severed
It's the equivalent of your hand being on fire the pain level They would take that and then they would take the other hand and pull it
And stretch it and do the same thing over there He's laying on the ground on his back with his back ripped open on the rough wood
And they pulled his arms Now in Psalm 22, it says his bones are out of joint
Now what happens when your arm on the ground and your arms are stretched out and then they lift you up Called vector forces in physics
What happens is the weight of the body just caught because you're so horizontal and stretched that pop pop
They just they just start your joints start ripping they come apart now the way to do this.
I did this once I went to a Playground with some bars just happened to be that I could barely get my arms and and I could hold out.
I was just far enough. Just perfect for my For this test. I wanted to do I held my arms out.
Okay I'm standing on the ground and I started to lower my legs or bend my legs so that the weight would increase and I could hardly do it at all because the pain was so bad.
I quit like after three seconds despite done
Because if I was hanging up like this, that's okay but when the further out it goes and there's a in physics if you have a in order to have a
Rope that won't break And you have a weight in the middle in order to have the line stay straight horizontal
The forces have to be infinite in each direction in order to have it not be bent. Anyway vectors.
I love that stuff So when they put him up on the cross snap snap snap these things would just rip out a joint.
All right Now he's scraping his back on the wood with his bones out of joint and they would typically take the
Feet and put them over like this the feet and they would drill a nail through a certain area without breaking the bones
They go in between and then they would do that on the on the wood But you understand something in order to do that Because that my hands can do this
My feet can't feet go like this and you could maybe point them this way
So what they would do is they would take the legs and bend them up so that the feet are flat and then drip like that So now your legs are bent slightly
Now there's a problem because your arms are out like this and The tension is so hard you have trouble breathing
So in order to breathe you have to push up on your legs on the nail to get your breaths So to breathe you have to rub and scrape your raw back against the wood
While you're moving the joints in and out that are ripped and shredded while blood is coming out of your hands your scalp your back and your feet and And as the blood leaves the body the heart has to compensate by beating more and more and more and more and Faster and faster and harder and harder
Because the oxygen level of the body is decreasing because the blood levels decreasing
So it beats faster and faster and faster, right? This goes on for a while now
You'll note that what they said was that after he died we'll get back to this. They went to break the legs of That or two that's why they would break the legs because then he couldn't push themselves up to breathe
That's why they would do that. It would suffocate They came to Jesus and he'd already died.
So they took a spear up under here There's a word for the area and they pierced him and blood and water came out
That's how they knew he was dead because the heart had ruptured and just No more blood flow
So now you have the separation of the blood platelets of plasma I read an article about it once and it talked about it.
And so it separates so they poke They cut it and it comes out as two colors clear clear and red or whatever
He's gone. There's no doubt people say. Oh, he's swoon a swoon theory on the cross, you know
He just kind of passed out for a little bit and then the cold slab of the grave, you know, it revived him wrong because in Roman Jurisprudence if the person you were killing executing escaped you took his place
Well, it's sort out of his side, okay, he's gone It was an assured thing.
That's what Jesus went through physically and there's more to that There's more more pain, but you get the idea
What about Bearing our sin in his body in the cross first Peter 2 24
Now I can't relate to that I Can't relate. What does it mean to have someone else's sin?
Put on me Huh? To me it's a round square.
I know what but something happened Where Jesus became sin second
Corinthians 521 he bore our sin in his body in the cross first Peter 2 24 somehow some way
Spiritually Jesus experienced the bearing of our sin in his body.
That's what it says If you think about it, what does it mean in his body sin is a concept you don't weigh it
You can't put it in a jar There's a spiritual reality an abstract
Set of whatever's the universal blah blah blah sin evil blah blah blah and it goes in his body
The spiritual something happened and he experienced it. I can't
Describe it any more than that. I don't know But we don't have any capacity to understand what happened there
So here's a question, I don't think there's an answer that we can come up with Which do you think was worth for Jesus?
the physical or the spiritual suffering It would think the spiritual.
I want to go that way. I Don't know for sure. I'm not there wasn't him
But I'm gonna lean towards that because it was a sin of billions of people and evil in contrast to holiness
So most probably it was the case most probably I Wouldn't say for sure, but I'm gonna lean that way.
I Don't have to say what the scripture doesn't say from eternity. He said
I'll do that so that we
Could whine and bitch to each other about how things don't work right while we're saved Complain about that pastor sermon and you didn't do this for me and we're saved
And we do this all the time then we abused the grace of God and he knew it and He still did it.
He Knew what we were going to do how we're gonna abuse his kindness and his love
And then he says, okay, I'll go I'll do it It's just an incredible thing what
Jesus did And it obligates us To live like that You know
Luke 9 23, I think it is pick up your cross daily and follow after me now.
It's like whoa Okay And I'm gonna tell you I've been studying for a long time. I've grown a lot in my
Christian walk That concept of picking up your cross daily and following after me. I Don't know if I even know what it means
You know, I could say to my wife. Hey, would you say I pick up my cross daily you follow after Christ? She'd probably go yes dear whatever you say
Because she knows, you know, I'm a sinner and fail what does it really mean like that?
I don't know. I Think we'll know in heaven.
We get close to Christ I think we'll know a lot more things every we need every new that we never even know knew we didn't know
Okay But It was what
God ordained Ordained for us the redeemed that you know, they said we're bought with the blood of Christ X 2028
Are you guys think about this? You've been bought You you're not your own.
You're not your own you belong to him. We're bond slaves doloi bond slaves of the
Lord Jesus Christ Who are supposed to pick up our cross daily and follow after him? Now I'm gonna just tell you flat -out
I can teach this I could get even more in depth and when you're all gone I'll immediately fail with my wife
Not because I plan to but because I'm a sinner and she will too because she's a sinner and Not pointing any fingers.
Here's the reality of what we are We're insufficient. We're incapable But yet at the same time it's called a now and the not yet You know those who before knew he also predestined and Those of me press predestined.
He called those of me called. He also justified those of me justified. He also glorified Romans 8 29 30
Glorification is future yet. It's spoken of in the past tense the now and the not yet He bore our sins in his body 2 ,000 years ago, even though we didn't even live and Yet it was done the now for him for the not yet for us.
We weren't even alive And he did this You gotta understand how great his love for you is
Understand how incredible his love for you is You know, you heard the phrase, you know you asked
Jesus How much do you love me and he says this much and he spread his arms and died and I like that You know three nails three days one way to God from undercovers great song
Punk band from Christian punk band from Southern, California back in the day and And we talked about it.
I like talking the doctrine part about Christ hypostatic union communicati with your mottom imputation gentrification propitiation
I love all that stuff But when I sit and talk about what it meant to him to do it to love me to love us to love you so that you could be with him as You continue to repeatedly fail before him
Continue to sin. I'm not accusing everybody of wanton evil sin, but we know
We've we sent and he loved us anyway Now let's get to the text.
Okay verse 5 have this attitude in yourselves, which also is in Christ Jesus That's the attitude
That were to have in ourselves that he had This attitude of humility of serving the
Lord the Father of being willing to die For others to suffer for others to be humble before others to be insulted
Accosted for others so that they can benefit have this attitude in yourselves.
It's also it's in Christ Jesus You imagine knowing this Let's just say that Jesus is here.
He says, okay. I'm gonna call some disciples to follow me. I Don't think I want to do that if this
Bible study Can't make it You imagine what it'd be like to follow him and see how he is.
So perfectly all the time and you're going to he's Every day I get up. I learned how bad
I am not because he makes me feel bad But because he's so good and you keep following him because he is so good
And then he just loves you anyway, I Can't I just have trouble with that one the comprehension of it.
I mean He just knows the things that I've done Yeah, I love you
You know involved in the occult going after demonic forces seances
I Deserve the holy lightning bolt Here I'm gonna use you
Okay Okay, that's it, okay
Go use each and every one of us to do his will When he calls you
That's the attitude. We're to have in ourselves and Verse 6 who although he existed in the form of God did not regard equality with God and him to be grasped now
To exist here is the Greek word Hooper con Not a me a me is just simply to be but Hooper con means existence as in identification identity by nature
Not just so he says who existed in the form of God by nature was in God's form
Some say yeah God's spirit. That's the form. He was in spirit form. That's not what's going on here
Did not regard equality with anything to be grasped. I'm gonna introduce a concept to you about this verse I've argued this with kept cultists for years
And they'll say see Matt. This is proof. Jesus is not God And I'll say this is proof that Jesus is
God and notice Who although he existed in the form of God seems a spirit form
Didn't regard equality with the thing to be grasped. See he wasn't equal. That's why he wouldn't grasp it the word grasp here is her pogmas to seize with force so This equality with him wasn't something he had to seize
It was his already that's what's going on in the in the language here Now here's a question for you
Do you think that maybe this is a concept I talked about this a few days ago with someone on the web and one guy goes
I've been thinking the same thing Do you think maybe? That the word of God is written in such a way so that those who don't have eyes to see won't see
And those who do will This seems to be written. Yeah like parables They can twist it to their own destruction
Last night I was arguing whatever mike was there for a little bit while I was talking about baptism with a guy
And it was an incredible An example of something I would I would give specifics i'd say well, this is what the verse says
And he goes well over here. It says the contrary. What are you gonna do about that matt? I said don't you understand what you're doing?
You are setting scripture against scripture You don't understand one so you that you disagree with what it says so you find something contradict what it says
So now you're submitting god's word to your authority And it's written in such a way that they can do that You trick to try to trick him with scripture, right?
Yeah But Yeah, and I haven't got a brag on this one, but where he was on the temple
Where he said took him up to the highest pillar of the temple we went to that wall and we were right there
Yeah Right there where it was We're like the the guy goes this
I did this verse blah blah blah right there that's where it was because this is the one that's still the same wall that's still the same i'm like and Oh, yeah
You got to go to if you can ever go to israel awesome, what's that?
Yeah I'm, well, I already been so Vaccine vaccine schmack scene.
Okay. I'll wait for the real thing. Wait for the real thing. Okay, that's a bit better All right. Yeah, it really was a great trip to be there and stuff.
It's I benefited from it so much So anyway He although he is like saying he existed
He was existing in the form of god did not regard that something to be robbed or taken by force but He emptied himself taking the form of a man being made the likeness of men
So some said there's a heresy called, uh docetism From the greek decao, which means to seem to appear
So it made in likeness of men only appeared to be human Really? It wasn't it's just another heresy out there
He took a form of bond servant a douloy a doulos a willing slave Being made in the likeness of men
Now the word emptied there is the word kanao And there's a heresy
That says it's called the kenosis theory And that jesus
Lessened himself to become man that the word lessened himself to become man And no the hypostatic union doesn't say and he lessened himself
But he added human nature So that's just a small thing you guys won't ever probably hear about it again ever unless I say it again to you
But that's what's going on. Um I mean, you know, there's a saying I have a saying if you want to mess something up You only need two things.
What are they just two things? What is it? Right people and time
Okay, that's what I say when I mess something up just need two things people in time So give them enough time people are going to come up with all kinds of heresies concerning jesus polynarianism docetism, uh
Another one near that reminds me of docetism donatism That has to do with people but at any rate so you have hypostatic union
Uh, you have well the heresies of eutychianism monophysitism uh Nestorianism, uh
Polynarianism, there's there's a bunch more I'm, like who would have thought of that one? I mean i've read some of them what where'd they go with that?
It's like a bunch of guys sitting around a campfire. Hey I got one I just thought of something
Let's make this up You know and then they did this, okay, let's go with that So, uh, anyway being and verse eight being found in appearance as a man
Now look in verse seven Taking a taking the form of bond servant verse eight being appearance as a man as a man
He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death even death on a cross Now he humbled himself by becoming death
Susceptible to being killed Now, do you think he was tempted?
At all maybe to say i'm not doing this and Yeah, he didn't want to look 22 42 not my will but your will be done
Huh was he tempted to actually think about it? Okay, we you know, we can get into some possibilities, but He knew what he could do
He knew He could utter the word. He is the word the creator creator. I don't want to do this.
You're all dissolved He could have done it just like that He could have and yet For the thousands of years before the cross and the thousands of years after the cross all of humanity whom he knew that he
Bore the sins of his people in his body in the cross Wow, I just but like that it just makes his love a little more greater.
Yeah Uh -huh I thought at the name of jesus every knee is going to bow
And we especially as christians are going to bow We're going to recognize I I believe
I suspect That all the more we're going to recognize how great he is They go.
Oh my goodness It's just wow for what
I mean you know pick yourself and You know what you are
He's gonna save you gonna do all that for you uh I wouldn't so look at you
And that's what he did he means it's just it's amazing
And uh For this reason also verse 9 god highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name
Because jesus humbled himself so much Allowed himself to be killed Murdered and in that he bore our sin so that we could be made right by simply believing in what he did
Boy, how easy is that? And so therefore because of what christ did god as god the father exalted him
Bestowed on him the name which is above every name So that at the name of jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth
And every tongue will confess that jesus is lord to the glory of god the father So every knee will bow every tongue will confess
It's going to happen Now think about this also god first simon 6 16 god dwells in unapproachable light who no man has seen or can see
And isaiah, I think it's isaiah 6 Isaiah is in the presence of god and he says be gone from me.
I'm a man of unclean lips When people are in the presence of god
They're affected Moses in the presence of god his face shined for days afterwards
Isaiah has been gone from me His greatness is incredible And we couldn't see that in this man who would sweat
As he's walking down the road with 30 feet eventually walking to the cross And yet he was exalted and this same person
Every knee is going to bow now, I believe That the unbelievers are going to bow voluntarily not by force
Because His glory is so ominously intensely infinitely fantastic That in his presence they're going to voluntarily naturally automatically drop
And put their face to the ground That's what I believe is going to happen And that every tongue will confess that jesus is lord even the unbelievers are going to confess it
Now here's something that It's terrifying We when we get to heaven
We're gonna bow I confess he's lord and we know that we're entering into his eternal presence
What about the unbeliever? Who has the weight of his sin upon him
That is magnified under the intensity of infinite purity that forces a person to Bow down in humility and brokenness
Knowing who he is What he did and how you rejected him And knowing what's coming
You imagine the terror? This is what's coming for them
It's immense It's all the more reason we need to witness and share that gospel with people
Doesn't mean you have to be fanatic all the time every second But the idea is to try and and live for the lord jesus christ and I would ask that you pray that you
And you ask for opportunities to share the gospel Now I share the gospel regularly because of what
I do But if you have a job selling tvs as some people do
You know, you may or may not be able to witness at certain times Or you know or she's at home answering the phones and she goes out and neek doesn't witness that much
I don't think she's got her brothers or witnesses too. She tries to you know, there's no comparison of who more or less
It's not that's not even the issue But we need to have those opportunities because if god says matt
I want you to witness a thousand times this year and i've got you know, nick for example I want you to witness once to this one person
They're equal because they're the will of god what he wants That's it not one's greater than the other we have to realize that we're serving god
And that we want to be used of him to pick up the cross daily The way he calls us to walk with him as we follow him the way he's gifted us the calling he's had with us so years ago
I used to work at a job where I couldn't witness for anybody because I couldn't do it on a job Now i have a different job different time different seasons
God calls us differently different times And I just think that we should Just ask god to use us
Just give me the opportunity to share the gospel. He goes. Okay Got one three months coming up three months.
I'll arrange it for you Fine, that's fine But if we recognize how great jesus is and what he's done shouldn't it be that we want to serve him and honor him
While we're here one of the things that I thought of when I was younger is
I don't want to go to heaven and say I wish I'd uh, if only
I had I'm gonna have those but now's the time For living for him as an adult
Theoretically a mature man my wife staring wide eyed off into the corner.
What did I just say? theoretically as a mature man of god um
And now I want to live for him more and more And not for myself and that's hard It's hard But I see these things now that I never saw when
I was younger And the goals that I have are different and and why? Because I'm gonna follow jesus.
I'm gonna be more like jesus. I want to be like what he is and do what he did That's what I want to do
It's simple It's just simple i'm gonna be more like him That's hard, but that's the common goal
We could say we all want to have be more like him It'd be fun to you know, we do this we come back in three months
So, how are you like jesus for the past three months? well Um, I got one instance where I think
I maybe did something right, but here's the ones I didn't do right on you know That's how it would be especially you.
Oh, yeah Oh, man, he just What's that it would be me though.
Oh, yeah But we'd all be in the same boat though trying to live for him and failing and both sinking
Yeah, it is that's right that's right we we are our own iceberg aren't we
But you know, I you know go back and forth about this stuff doctrine to me, you know,
I love doctrine and debate and teach But I love doctrine because to me it's like a skeleton I put all the meat on it
And then I can see the what the finished product of what it all brings to and that's that's me I like that stuff and when
I go through the doctrine of the incarnation the trinitarian nature of god I didn't get to the economic and and ontological trinity
And too much in the perichoresis and the divine will of god, which I love just saying the words. It's fun to teach
But we got into the issue the doctrine of christ the incarnation humiliation and then it leads us to Well, look what he was like he sweat he went to the bathroom.
He had to sleep So that he could eventually walk to the cross Be legged or dragged or beaten on the way to the cross to redeem us in the future 2 000 years ago
Knowing what we're like And deciding to loving us to love us anyway
Wow to me that doesn't make sense if you don't know the rest of it If you know the rest of it
Oh, wow And you can get a you know I just think knowing all as much as we can about him what he did
Is good, but at any rate i'm kind of going in circles now So we're gonna do we're gonna stop here and then next week lord willing
We'll start with verse 12 Because it's a verse that cults like to use and we'll get into it verse 12 and so There you go, so you have any comments or questions or things like that you want to ask
I think I might have faded out when you were in verse seven. I'm not sure but Specifically just say again, whatever it is.
He said about the emptied himself Oh, it was too bad. It was good. I only said once it was so good only once and he faded out
Oh, okay the emptying It can't be a lessening of his essence
Because that's that's logically Theologically, it's impossible. It could be not be a reduction of his essence.
Okay, otherwise he's not god So some theologians think that he divested himself of his glory
Now there's a problem with that statement, but it depends on how it's meant his glory is shiningness is part of his nature
Well, if he's gonna become one of us Could you imagine if his glory was shining out of every pore of his body? See this ethereal being walking, you know and his glory, you know, it's like a science fiction movie it's not you know, so something had to happen where he just became one of us there was a i'll use some
Wholly completely inadequate words a compression of his existence into one place.
That's not accurate a uh a lessening of his super light
And so you go into the body But you can you can struggle with all kinds of descriptions of what this might mean
Some have said though Oh, he he gave up his glory No, I don't buy that He i've had some say he gave up his attributes of divinity.
I've heard that one. That's just not possible Because the attributes are part of the essence They're they're one of the not the one of the same but attributes only exist because the essence is there
So the essence Necessitates attributes belong there. So like this cup or this
It's a glass here. I drink my drinking glass. Its attribute is transparency That's part of what this one is with volume and mass
And things like that to say it gave up this particular thing gave up its transparency.
Well, then it's not this thing anymore. Is it? Right the attributes are there because it's reflecting its nature
So if they say he gave up his attributes of divinity then he's no longer divine that's wrong So we can say there's certain things.
We know that's not what it is. But what is it? And that I don't know I I just don't know
And I don't believe any theologian knows I believe all they can do is say well, here's one theory Here's another theory. Here's another theory
Is any of them right? We don't know The emptying yeah,
I guess it means sort of that He's going along with god's directions god's plan
Submitting himself to god's will yeah to the father's will Yep.
Yeah So we could within reverential reason
List a bunch of stuff out And we could maybe some of us are nailing without knowing it.
Maybe we're all right Maybe we're just you guys chuckling going. No, you guys are so far off, but that's okay Who knows yes
Did you figure out when you believe in the kenosis did you figure out That it wasn't right on your own
I don't remember Did I figure out if kenosis was right, uh
I think I think what I did was I believe in the kenosis because it says kenao there
And then later figured out that there was a kenosic theory Found out what that was. Well, that can't be that I think that's what happened just like subordinationism
Is different than subordination? Theologically in reference to christ So subordination in christ is that he became subordinate to the father.
I didn't even get into the some of the stuff I missed I could get into I think i'll do that. Um He said he was subordinate to the father
But subordinationism means he was lesser than the father in nature But subordination means he was at a different position
So he's made under the law galatians 4 4 For a little while lower than the angels hebrews 2 9
So I like to say The emptying is this That he cooperated with the limitations of being a man
That's how I say it If someone said can you defend that i'd say no Except if you had to somehow some way
I mean because he's walking around if you let his ethereal infinite present You know the sea of galilee's gone bubbles up and it's gone
I He cooperated somehow some way did something so he could be one of us I don't know
It's just not told to us and I don't think we should try and solve it So i've said to people before i've warned them
Don't try and solve too many issues about jesus where the bible doesn't tell us what it is Yeah, because you can get into an error concerning him
Now about predestination, okay, let's we can go in and try some stuff Because if you get that wrong, you're not getting it wrong about jesus.
You don't want to get it wrong about jesus So I say to people just be real careful Of what you how you are with him.
Just be careful To say it's good to say I don't know But I don't want to know
I don't want to think I know I might get it wrong and I don't want to risk that Regarding my lord and my savior jesus christ god and flesh who died for my sins
And who did things I can't comprehend From all eternity. I just don't know And so I just don't know and I say that So for that we're okay.
It's like good to say that it doesn't make sense and then we don't Yeah, when we say it doesn't make sense.
We're going to make sure that we're not saying it's illogical doesn't make sense That's not the case, but it's beyond us.
We can't comprehend it. Yeah And so it's incomprehensible to us and that that's okay
And comprehensibility with god is good if you can understand everything about your god
Then he's a figment of your imagination What's that He's actually good.
Yeah He's not your god. You're his god. That's right like mormonism god's an exalted man from another planet
You know, he has sex with his goddess wife makes spirit babies. Yeah, it makes sense Oh, you think god is everywhere all the time and three separate persons and and one divine essence?
Yeah, that's stupid And then they reject god because they submit him to their level of understanding and and and uh mind
Goes along the fancy underwear and the secret handshakes. Yeah, I used to know them all I think
I got two or three remembered It is he got from the masons Yeah, he did
All right, laura anderson says unfathomable. That's because your rope isn't long enough Let's see joanne
Because you guys you know, do I said that joke it was a joke you get it Unfathomable because a fathom is six feet and you have a rope with a rope
I'm, sorry to say I got that you did get that. All right I didn't know because when nobody makes a comment or even an eyebrow raised and I don't know if they got it
I have to explain it. I probably didn't go They were saying that's so stupid That's right
Sometimes I tell people that I that could be But I don't have enough facts to agree with you.
Okay Veritas above all Trying to figure out That trying to figure that out is like trying to teach a one month old trigonometry
Yeah, yeah I once taught a guy trigonometry in 20 minutes I had a job
I said Trig in 20 minutes. He goes he can't do it. I said Bet you you got 20 minutes.
I taught him within 20 minutes. He was doing trig More powerful brain than I do. No, it's easy.
It's easy. All trigonometry is is solving for a equals b over c That's all it is
That's that's not all it is Once you do that what you can solve for b and solve for c you can do trigonometry because trigonometry deals with sine cosine tangent opposite over hypotenuse
Okay adjacent over hypotenuse and opposite over adjacent in a right triangle I don't have a decade to keep my head from exploding.
It's it's easy. Um, and he was a Well, I see what what what i'm like uncle joe with politics on that No, it's it trigs.
It's not hard. It's seriously Um, it just sounds so big and stuff, but I used to sit there and for real
When I was bored at places, I would write out trigonometry equations randomly and then try and solve them to see if it would work for entertainment
I got bored. I'll try to trig equation now and see if it'll solve Oh, no, what so, um when
I said that jesus doesn't know like the uh, With uh, was it the day they're coming with that the what the the dave is coming
The day I forgot my hearing aids dave. I know i'm trying to He's coming oh, it doesn't know the day nor the hour of his coming term and only the father in heaven who knows him
They truly not know or is that something else that he's referencing? In john 17 3 it says that jesus that the father jesus says he's the only true god people say
That is so literal that what it means is he's only true god. Therefore. Jesus is not god either
They would all yeah, and I say well if that logic is true Let's go to to jude 4 where jesus is called our only lord and master if we use your logic there
It has to apply here. So that means the father is not our only lord and master Wait a minute. Are you saying then that the jews would use exaggeration sometimes?
Yes they would and so We have to understand the culture furthermore
If jesus is not god because he doesn't know the day nor the hour I don't get to explain what it all means then when you go to revelation 19 12
Jesus has a name written on him that no one knows except himself So if jesus can't be god because he doesn't know the day nor the hour
Then the father can't be god because he doesn't know the name that jesus has so What if people they don't realize when they say these things they're not getting it
So that's a little bit of an apologetics. Okay now It has to do with the wedding feast. If you go to john 14, you know, jesus says, you know
My father's house are many mansions and if we're not so, you know, I tell you but I go to prepare a place for you
So you had a family and a family A son and a daughter and they the parents would get together arranged marriage a year out
They would send out invites to everybody the marriage was arranged Then what the job of the son was in the house was to build on a room
So that when the father said now go get your bride they'd go with the trumpeters Go get the bride and then come back with the bride to the house have the wedding feast
And then when they're married they would enter into the wedding chamber This this place where they were to consummate their marriage, etc.
All right now The culture was that you had to know when this was going to occur because Aunt martha or whatever her name would be, uh, you know 100 miles away
Uh in israel, maybe 50 miles because it was israel. We drove in buses. We went, you know all over It was great
And some of the area is flat. Some of it is desert and some of it is is uh, rocky terrain we went to some places where I'm telling you you better be careful while you're walking when we walked up to the qumran cave qumran cave one where the desi
Scrolls were found You slipped you could slash yourself open We went to in one area.
It was desert It wasn't much out there. It was flat There was other areas where it was really those trees.
This is really nice We go by the beach and it's about as big as southern california okay, so You send out the send the invites out it takes days, maybe weeks for the invites to get
To your relatives out there and the other part because generally the relatives stayed in the local area
Generally, they did they wouldn't really go that far But sometimes you'd have some relatives outside that go 5 miles 10 miles 20 miles they had to have a warning a preparation time to be able to Lock up the doors and seal the well and get the harvesters to do whatever while they have so -and -so do whatever
And if aunt martha can't make it because you got to get a rent a mule You got to have someone to take this
It took time They'd have to know When the wedding was going to be Okay, and so they say it'll be on this day on january 1st.
Okay, everybody come on out Okay And so they would come out because you had to get the wine ready You had to get a fatted calf ready
You had to get all the stuff ready and the trumpeters had to be ready the wedding feast band everything had to be ready
It's a big deal and the the friends of the son would say So when's the father going to tell you go get your bride?
No man knows a day nor the hour but the father alone It was an idiomatic phrase of respect to the father
He only he knows because the father had to say Now go get her
Because basically everything was ready. They were waiting for the father to give the permission
They were just waiting on him to do the official father stuff. It's like who gives this uh, this woman a way to beat her
To marry this man. I do, you know, the father does this there's this kind of authority thing and notice what happens
He takes his takes her hand And places it I tell people when they do this when
I talk to the fathers to give away their brides You take her hand and you place it in the hand of the man she's going to marry
Signifying his headship and protection over her you're transferring it from your hand to his
This that's where this comes from right and so all this comes from this ancient culture stuff and so Um Who knows the day or no one knows
But the father and he would go get his bride. It's a wedding feast stuff I've i've told this before to a few people and most people say where is that?
I actually tried to find some documentation. I started I only spent a little bit of time I haven't found it yet, but I did find some allusions to it and some writings with some ancient stuff but I remember once I was in texas and I was teaching and it was in a
A hotel lobby afterwards and this guy comes in who was at this conference. He had a big sword with him and uh
He had his sword and he was really cool, you know, he had a long jacket on I'm looking he kind of stood out a little bit and he sat down he goes.
Hey enjoyed the what you did and all that Oh, thanks. We just got talking a bunch of us. We started talking people ask me questions.
We're talking and I told him this And he's staring at me the whole time And i'm telling this about this wedding feast thing
And he said I could tell you something. He says look i'm jewish because i'm a christian.
I'm a jew grew up in this he said You're the only gentile i've ever known who knew that he goes.
How do you know that? I said i've known it for years. I don't even know where I learned it. I just don't remember
He goes no one knows that He goes i'm impressed. I go Okay And then another jewish guy told me the same thing another time because Where'd you go?
How do you know that? I don't know I think it was crackerjack box and said hey reading it so It's there and now someone said where's documentation for that?
I go. That's a good question. So now i'm ashamed I can find it Okay, let's see.
Um Let's see. Let's see match radio show is like wine. This bible study is like find one.
I love it All right, randall. I like you. You just went up in my respect category a lot
Uh, did you hear I want to read that again to you guys did that because you maybe didn't get that That was I could read that again, you know
It's important stuff That no one's shaking their head. I mean they're going to be whatever dude Didn't you just teach on humility?
What? Uh, I was watching on youtube I cut out around 10 35 eastern time and I got back just now i've already had my mind blown cried and just in awe.
All right, noelle Hey, noelle what letter of the alphabet's not there during christmas
You see my wife's got the best expression so you're just like oh But she's like, oh
Disgusting stupidity you pulled that off Half of this what time i'm out it was good until he started talking again.
Um I think a lot of us have cried as joanne says I need an intimate relationship with jesus
He is magnificent. That is so true and we're all going to be able to have that at the same time forever
Oh, can you imagine we meet in heaven? Oh, isn't he great? Yes Um, i'm gonna praise him right now way to go.
Even that's ramblings are good Is That is saying something that laura said that what's that what'd you say what'd you say
Let's say she goes i'm saying something my wife my wife's always got the little dagger. She's like I looked at what she goes
Turn around. She's going what? My wife just said it's all fun and games till you have to listen to it 24 seven
I still keep her entertained though, right, hon She said it's true
I keep her that's one way to put it. Um, it was a say, uh, let's see, uh 10 point 10 points of blood
We can only donate one point pint supposed to be every eight weeks, but he is jesus.
Okay. I like that I learn new things daily being born again and reading the word daily since 2005 good for you laura
Uh, god bless matt. Just join. What did I miss everything? Was it good? Oh, you missed it.
Oh, it was great Oh, man, you missed it. Okay Uh, hey matt nice shirt
My wife just did you dress yourself Man She's just throwing the daggers
She's rare form she's going for it. Um All right. Uh, oh noelle goes noelle.
Let's see that game. You should read all the comments matt. We've Where we've all cried. Uh Let's see,
I think someone let's see. What is that? Oh Nelson have a very good study. You will have to rewatch.
Okay. Joanne says cold chills. Okay Oh noelle says oh I had a question are cold chills a sign of jesus presence
Probably not Uh joanne tell it neek Tell it neek.
Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, uh, mary covenant you might close the window Uh, joanne says awesome matt she's recommended a good shirt for you tonight.
Oh you assumed she dressed me Oh, I dressed myself tonight
I was gonna say She probably bought it though She does she comes home with a shirt here. You need to wear this.
It's clean It's clean. It doesn't have holes in it I've worn shirts that I mean threads are hanging down.
She goes I gotta throw that away. Why? I'm married. I don't depress anybody then all of a sudden there's this thing come flying in my direction um
So and it wasn't a sandwich. I'm like a brick Okay So, uh, as you can see we have fun and hope you guys enjoyed this study you got any more questions
Do you anybody want to say i'll officially close it up? Then we can just stay and talk if you want The empty, okay, he emptied himself in the form so I was listening to what you're saying and for me taking it
He emptied himself and the man was there And we saw the man
Being crucified that he emptied himself From the man.
I don't know. I'm reading it can't be emptied himself from humanity not from humanity, but from From being the likeness of men
You so emptied himself. I'm not sure. I understand emptied himself from being a man the likeness of men the spirit
Is the god the body And the body was there being crucified
Oh the spirit of god didn't leave the body I don't know. I'm just reading what it says. No, no says he emptied itself and being found in the likeness of men
Taking the form of man. He emptied himself taking the form of a man. Yeah Right So it's saying god became one of us and there was an emptying in the process
We just don't know what that emptying is That's all Paul wrote it so that it was something that had to go on and we call it the emptying in order for that to occur
But we got to be careful that we don't reduce his divinity And saying he was less divine because it can't be possible
So at this point we say we don't know and that and it's a good answer. So we don't know
I read a lot of theologians over the years on this And different commentaries, you know, and they go it could be this could be that but uh, but like yeah, they don't know
I mean no They don't say they know You don't go. Well, you know for a fact what it is.
No, they don't do that It just it seems to be this something to do with this and then they go on with that. That's fine The reason why it sticks in my head is
I want to make sure that i'm not missing something Or or like misunderstanding the emptying
Yeah All right And we have to be careful that we don't say there's a lessening of god's nature in essence in the incarnation
We we can say that there was an empty because of the text says canal there was a sense in which god
Cooperated with limitations by an emptying himself of something but what does it mean to empty it means there's something in him. They took out
What does it mean to empty you have a glass you empty it? There's something in it. You remove it Well, does that mean there's a quantity or a quality in god that was removed?
To become a man that doesn't work either This is why the heresy of the kenosis in the sense the kenotic idea in that he lessened himself to become one of us
In his divinity now, that can't be the case We started asking the question and started getting in he started realizing we can't answer it
There cannot be a lessening of his divinity Because that would mean he's no longer who he is.
He's no longer divine So that can't be the case. But what does it mean to empty? I think paul used it because there was really no other word to kind of describe a humility of lessening some of the
Like Here's a tv monitor analogy. You got it up on bright, right?
And you just go lessen it you empty the intensity a little bit. It's still there
Huh Tone it down. Yeah, that's it. I like that. He toned down his glory a little bit to become one of us
That's a good way of putting it still there You just put a filter on it. Maybe or is that the right way to say it?
I have no clue But we're theorizing, you know, what does it mean to empty cannot be a lessening of his quality and his essence
That can't happen. Okay Yeah condescension to become one of us he had to do that absolutely
It's tricky Yeah Well, how about this, you know the word became flesh and we beheld his glory
That's john 1 14 He's walking he's beholding his glory
Right What does that mean Well, maybe in the transfiguration in john 17 matthew 17 when he shined
Or how about his glory in his relationship with the father or could it be?
In the crucifixion and his resurrection in the glorified body we behold his glory could that be what it is back in john 1 14
There are things that the scriptures say about christ about god we can't understand But from everlasting to everlasting he is god psalm 90 verse 2.
What does that mean? Yeah, it means without beginning without end
It's eternal right No Yeah, you got even worse than you are now, yeah, that's right
He's already at crayon level Oh he's progressed
That's pretty good all you progressed that's pretty good that was that's a good one you gotta admit that was a good one
Feel good now you feel better That's right, that's right the insult club here.
All right. Um, so anyway, does that help it doesn't help but it helps Yeah, i'm just i'm just trying to get you know, because i'm reading it and It says that he emptied himself in the form of a bond
No, he empties out taking the form of bond sermon so the emptying was in the process of taking becoming a man
Yeah So it's almost like he kind of sent him himself kind of like when he kind of sent him to walk in his own creation
So what happened on the spiritual level of the divine nature Don't know Something changed which could not be an ontological change that have to be a relational change
And what kind of relation Not ontologically as in the economic trinity or the ontological trinity, but relation may be in position
Well, if god's everywhere all the time, how could your positional change? Every solution has problems
So this is we see every solution that we come up with we can risk a heresy here a heresy there a heresy there
So that's why I say I've thought about this over the years. I just say He cooperated with the limitations of being a man
That's my out Yeah But it is a good question and people have wrestled over that exact verse and that exact word emptying for centuries
For real That's why there's a heresy denoted with that one word emptying the kenosis heresy
But yet there was a kenosis in that he emptied himself, but he didn't become less
The kenotic theory the heresy says god minus something hypostatic union is god plus something in that union of the plus There was a filter put on Tone down as you said, that's a good way to put it so at this point we just we just don't know and just you're asking the right question and Theologians have really wrestled with it for centuries and there's no solution
We just don't know But it's a good question, I wish I had a good answer for you, but and then
Although he existed in the former god. He did not regard equality
What does that mean To be grasped To be seized didn't and the king james didn't consider it robbery
This is another tech. Okay, it's good. We'll go through this He's saying
He didn't consider it wrong to be god I didn't consider it robbery to be equal with him did not consider it something to take by force
It's mine Because he already was there That's the point.
It wasn't robbery to do to do that so it says Um Who although he existed in the form of god?
Did not regard he called with god anything to be grasped the word grasp is uh, who pogma her pogmas our pogmas actually and it means to seize with force and I have
The note from that from spiro's And the complete word study dictionary new testament chattanooga publishers blah blah
And so when I looked at scholarly, uh references And it deals with the issue of taking something by force
It's like a usurpation To usurp is to take the authority position of another by force
And so the idea here is that that wasn't for jesus to do He didn't take it by force because notice what it says.
He was existed in the form of god Our word exist isn't really quite caring what the greek says
We could say he was in the form of god But what it's saying is he was by nature in his very form in essence
That's what's going on there. He did not regard that equality to be something that's robbed
It wasn't robbery for him to say that he wasn't wrong for saying it. It wasn't something he just took and said
Hey, i'm gonna claim this for myself That's what the text is is getting at He was existing in the very nature and essence of god
And in that state didn't regard equality with him that that relationship with him and that equality
Okay, not subordination equality with him to be robbed This is actually a statement of his deity
That helped It helps a lot it's hard reading and then understanding that yeah
Yeah, you know at the end Do the task Is is the follow -up
Yeah, this is um, this section of scripture is much debated much written about Yeah, it's tougher if I had
It's a section of scripture that's why when When uh, my notes wouldn't print up.
I don't know what happened. I rebooted my computer. They just the file got corrupted I think it's because I had it from an old format.
I converted it to another one Whatever. It doesn't matter Uh, I wasn't worried because i've been in this scripture so many times this pericope of scripture so many times
Over the years i'm like, okay So I know a lot what's going on why because i've read so much on it why because it's
It's what it says The cults debate it everybody asks not everybody but everybody asks about it
Good questions. What does it mean? Uh, well, it might mean this but it can't mean this it could mean that it probably means that it might not mean that But maybe it means this
But then we look at the relationship He existed in the form of god, what does it mean to exist in the form of god god is spirit john 424 and Luke 24 39 spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see
I have So therefore he was an angel in god's form as a spirit That's what some cults will say
That but that has to do with the issue of amy just to be in that form But hooper con deals with the issue of an of more of a nature of in that form
Just like in in greek. There's a kuo and there's another word for hearing
I forgot it There's two words for hearing One is to hear like a noise
Another one is to hear with understanding We don't have that Except maybe say
I heard him Or I comprehended him It's that's kind of like that thing
And so if you don't know the meaning of certain words in greek, uh, it's not to say if you don't know greek You can't know this stuff, but sometimes it it helps
Uh that is just necessary to get into these words So hooper con and amy are both has to do with the nature of existing and being but hooper con
Care carries more of the issue of actual essence of nature because it says hooper con number two, uh
Yeah, uh to see well no, uh Okay, what am I gonna get my loss of my notes here? about most to seize
Existed. Oh, yeah. Here we go. Yeah. Who particle to be identical with or as a state of being the actual note here is to be identical with this is from johannes p
Lu and eugene albert nita So it's called Lu and nita or nita and lu
I think it is the greek english lexicon of the new testament based on semantic domains And so it's a very well respected lexicon a lexicon is like a dictionary
A dictionary just has the definition of a word But a lexicon will give you a definition and it's used this way in these verses this way in these verses
And with a genitive it means this but with a dative it means that preceded by a genitive absolute
You can't use it on tuesday because then you can you walk backwards. They have all these rules That's what a lexicon does
And so you'll i'll go through i'll look through lexicon. What's the meaning here? These are experts that have done this right?
I don't know this stuff I'll go through and i'll find the verse in question and they'll say in this context with this kind of structure.
It means this A lot of people don't know this but you know, we know the english language we speak it naturally
They spoke greek It is known so stinking. Well So stinking well
There is what's called the granville sharps rule
Out of titus 2 13 our great god and savior jesus God the father and jesus
There so therefore the cults say it's two separate beings But that's not what the granville sharp rule says our great god and savior jesus the granville sharp rule says and I don't know all the specifics whenever the the nominative
Occurs with a Subject of a primitive this and that whenever it's by this it always
Means that the same object is covered by whatever that's the rule It's universal.
It's how it's look these experts Who have written up theses? Like for a phd thesis on this one thing
Stuff like this certain people do do this stuff They'll go i'll tell you what i'll write a 200 page thesis
On just how when the date of of means is used next to the genitive absolute
And what that means when the object is the nominative or whatever Or indirect or the accusative?
And you'll scope And they will go in and find every place in greek where it occurs
Go in the bible and then they'll go to extra biblical literature in greek And they'll find it and do research and they'll work it for two years
Then they have to do their phd dissertation where they defend the theory And then
This kind of stuff is written up the granville sharps rule kind of a thing. I'm not saying it was done like that with these guys And they'll say here it is and then it gets condensed down to a paragraph and then people like me could say the granville sharp rule
Is And I sound really smart because these guys have done their homework they know greek so well
They could almost say they know it better than the original speakers, but probably do there's some experts like that so hooper con deals with existing as in the same identity with And this is by lou and nita
Okay to be identical I have it literally in quotes And I have the footnote reference
Who was identical with god who existed in the form of god Existed identically in that form of god.
You don't say that about an angel Did not regard equality with god.
I think to be grasped And that's who park moss to seize upon with force
And that's us for us as otiates who talked about that So it's like saying this jesus
Was he existed? By the same identity in the form of god in that form as the identity with god
Did not regard that equality that he had with god something to be robbed or taken by force
Now you go. Oh He's saying he's equal equal to him
And it was natural to him And then he emptied himself from that And became one of us, but he doesn't tell us what it means by emptying himself
That's what it is. And we're stuck with this Which how she described it
More like a what They're trying to describe
Well, here's the thing It's another thing we could say is he emptied himself he performed the action on himself so he it's like It's like, you know,
I go to the beach Strip down put my spring suit on and go
I did it to myself So he is in heaven everywhere
Forever eternally and it's almost like dare. I use the analogy like this
Okay, here I go then Into the womb it's happening now
And he's he's there in a womb in a womb god what
Yeah In a womb
Growing And then contractions birth
Breastfeed bathroom There he is
What's that Circumcised forgot about that circumcised bled
Bled he had to be cleaned by his mom and his dad
Just looking at one point of view our logic and understanding that what we think that it is
It's hard to fathom Exactly That's right
Yeah So if we're writing something like this, what would be the right word we'd say probably emptied.
I think that's pretty good What does it mean I'm not exactly sure but it works because it's like everything
Because he's already in the form of god then he became one of us he had to do something What else are we going to call it? Lessened himself.
Well, what does that mean? It doesn't quite do it I wonder how long it took paul to come up with the right word.
Yeah, he probably is. Yeah, I could see him going. Okay You know three days later i'm gonna just use the word empty, you know, we could say
God just said he's empty You know, she gives simple answers it works sometimes a lot more complicated stuff
Now, you know he was married so I wonder if his wife would have could have said you know what you just said
Is that what I said? Wow. I don't know You never know If I was going to come up to him and just just use empty and then move on You know what?
I've written a lot of stuff that's theologically difficult. I've actually stuck been stuck on stuff for hours or days
I've gone back to it and just said i'm just writing this That's all i'm just gonna write it because I can't find it in a way
I you know, i've had some conversations with neek where what she'll let me do is she's patient with me in this
I'll use her as a sounding board with a concept or an idea Usually she's going She's staring it's like But I get to say it and uh
She goes. Yeah, that's right. Whatever you said. Well, thank you and i'm back, you know, because sometimes he's got to say it
And a lot of times she does have some good input Happened once in 19. What was that year? and so uh
Hey, she got me I can come back All right, let's see what else people say jimmy smith actually said the faith came from us
Uh, that's armenian theology to me. Absolutely Going to finish the tv. It's 11 30.
I can't find see it Jesus felt pain and sickness because he would know if he did you can't say he felt sickness
He did feel pain Uh because he was made in likeness of sinful flesh, but not a sinner
He was not a sinner. He did never sin, but you can't say he suffered sickness Because he may have but we don't know
Sickness is part of the fall so I would just say it doesn't say he did doesn't say he didn't so I wouldn't say he did that's all
See you dg How about if I pray right now and then you guys can go pray closing, okay
All right Lord jesus, thank you for your word and the difficulty even of this passage of scripture
Because it deals with you and what you did for us in incarnation. I ask lord That you would uh just bless our hearts as we
Just very lightly try to understand more about what you did to become one of us
I ask lord that you would Just comfort us and the understanding that you know
And we don't and that's okay We thank you lord for the gathering of people for the preaching and teaching of your word
And I asked for your blessing on everybody here and The lord jesus would give you.
Thanks. We ask in your name. Amen. Okay All right dg god bless
I saw you fading over there The wife might be home at 9 30.
Okay, you call her tell her tell her she's gotta come
Where'd it come She's doing pretty good
Uh, jimmy smith at the anointing of the old testament Up for the holy spirit was just upon them not in dwelling.
Jesus said that they would dwell with us That's one of the theories that they have laura amen You guys enjoy the study and uh
You guys enjoy the study So she's looking at tandem, right and she's making a reasonable length and expensive
I just throw those together at a half hour
I'm gonna get my file to open that's And then I had to then I spent time trying to open it.
Yeah, which wasted time like, ah, you know what i'll just Laura loved it.
Good jimmy. Yes. Good. Glad you guys liked it Good for her.
I found your notes from like Uh -huh,
I think it was Good oh my gosh, it's really been that long.
Yeah, i've been teaching for years. That's right See you guys taking off dave
Yes. All right. See ya All right. God bless Yeah, you know why because You got double whammied
All within like that was good Like said the three insults coming in this first insult from from dg.
Yeah, that was good I don't know what to say. I want to cry He's so happy That's right, he insulted me it was great amen night all god bless good
All right. I'm gonna yeah, i'm gonna shut this off. Hey everybody God bless. I hope you liked it and we'll lord will be on next week.