YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A CESSATIONIST | The Holy Spirit Won't Contradict the Written Word


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Welcome to our ongoing series you don't have to be a cessationist.
In these videos we recognize that there currently is a stalemate between two camps the cessationists and the continuationists and as a result of the stalemate it things have kind of drug down into a winner -take -all approach and so what we're basically doing is working around that by demonstrating that many of the doctrines beliefs and practices within the continuationist camp are far from biblical in fact
God's Word straight out contradicts it. So the idea then is this is that the the way the debate goes is it cessationism or is it continuationism which of them is biblical and you can only pick one or the other and it's all or nothing and if the continuationist is not convinced that cessationism is biblical then unfortunately it has turned into literally anything goes and and I do mean that anything goes here's an example of like anything goes yeah yeah that ain't renewal
I don't know what that was but renewal is not exactly what I would call that so then the idea then is that today we're going to take a look at something that every continuationist should have no problem agreeing with and that is is that you don't have to be a cessationist to know that the
Holy Spirit will never and I mean that never contradict the written
Word of God we'll spend some time in the biblical text today and hopefully you'll come away saying yep that's absolutely true
God the Holy Spirit will never contradict the written Word of God so let's put this away and pull this up we're gonna note that 1st
Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 19 through 21 says do not quench the spirit do not despise prophecies but test everything hold fast to that which is good now in a previous installment of you don't have to be a cessationist we noted that one of the tests that is given in the
Old Testament for whether or not somebody's a true prophet or a false prophet is the test relating to have they given a prophecy regarding a future occurrence of something and it hasn't come to pass if that's the case they are definitively a false prophet but there's another test given in Deuteronomy 13 verses 1 through 3 let me read this out
God has told Moses to state that if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass and if he says let us go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams for the
Lord your God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all of your soul so here the is the basic idea is that the person is basically trying to convince you to engage in idolatry but nowadays we live in a day where people in the
Christian Church don't say hey let's start worshiping Baal or sacrifice our children to Molech instead idolatry will come in the form of saying that you believe in Jesus but the details about the
Jesus you believe in are not the same as Scripture in fact on our fighting for the faith podcast over and again we play a segment you know during the commercial break for our max holiday sketches we call it the build a god shop where somebody comes in to build their own
God and they want a gay affirming loving deity who would never send anybody to hell and then at the end of it well what are you gonna name your deity and they always end up naming their deity
Jesus well so here's the idea it doesn't matter the name that you assign to your deity what matters is what does your deity believe teach confess or what has he revealed or said so if the
God that you believe in is telling you to basically go and commit adultery well then that's not
God the Holy Spirit and so we always have to test direct revelations according to the written
Word of God because somebody who is saying God told me this and the thing that God told them is directly contradicted by the
Word of God God doesn't lie well then that person is a false prophet and so case in point for this today is we're gonna be listening to a pastor
Sharon Doherty of Victory Church in Tulsa Oklahoma and this is a portion of a sermon she recently delivered on how to hear
God's voice and so she's gonna begin we'll pick up where she's talking about the book of Acts and how they needed to listen to the work of the
Holy Spirit to create a movement and all of that stuff and then she's going to give us a claim that she heard the
Holy Spirit tell her something and we'll note that she is a female pastor preaching that'll give you an idea of where we're going with this but here's
Sharon Doherty whole book of Acts is about movement of the Holy Spirit how the Holy Spirit moved in them and then moved through them and through others and how people masses of people were getting saved because of allowing the
Holy Spirit to lead them allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through them and so right so big movement happened in the book of Acts because they allowed the
Holy Spirit to lead them and move through them so this is about how letting the Holy Spirit lead you we are again at this moment where every move of God's Spirit every move of revival or move of God's Spirit awakenings that have happened throughout history and every one of them people have had to believe and move in faith upon a voice the voice of the
Holy Spirit all right so you again note the context she's talking about hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit and then moving out in faith doing what that voice tells you to do so as we listen to this we're gonna hear something about the voice that has spoken to her and we'll be able to determine whether or not she's truly hearing from the
Holy Spirit and and they've had to discern the voices around them like I said well ago first Corinthians 10 first Corinthians 14 10 there are many voices in the world around us pulling on us and we have to discern which is the voice of God and then we've got to follow that voice mm -hmm okay so if that voice that you're hearing contradicts the written
Word of God then we definitively know that voice is not the Holy Spirit share with you just a little bit of our story today because I first heard this voice when
I was 16 and I surrendered my life see I believe there's a point in our life we have to surrender
I grew up in the church my dad was a pastor but I surrendered at age 16 and when
I did did you wave a white flag I heard that very moment that I surrendered read your
Bible every day pray every day I've called you in ministry I didn't know that third one what that was gonna be because at that time there wasn't any women people women ministers that I knew of except for one real liberal lady that I didn't want to be like her but anyway
I so the voice that she claims is God the Holy Spirit told her that she would become a minister and you get a note this is a sermon that she is preaching so she is claiming that when she was 16 years old she heard the voice of the
Holy Spirit calling her into pastoral ministry well let's test that according to the written
Word of God we're gonna look at a couple of passages in particular one is 1st
Corinthians chapter 14 the tail end of Paul's discussion on the gifts of the Spirit and their right use within the church and here's what he says in 1st
Corinthians 1433 for God is not a God of confusion but of peace as in all and that literally says all all the churches of the
Saints the women should keep silent in the churches for they are not permitted to speak but should be in submission as the law also says now
I'm gonna make a note here is the word law here in Greek is namas and law can be understood stood in two ways one a very narrow way where it's talking about a commandment or broad way in talking about the
Torah itself and I think the context here is the Torah if there is no commandment specific commandment in the
Old Testament that says women cannot preach instead Paul is referring to the
Torah in the wide sense and you'll see it in the cross -reference when we get there so as in all the churches of the
Saints the women should keep silent in the churches for they are not permitted to speak but should be in submission as the law or the
Torah also says if there's anything they desire to learn let them ask their husbands at home for it is shameful for a woman to speak in church or was it from you that the
Word of God came or are you the only ones that it reached if anyone thinks he is a prophet or spiritual he should acknowledge that the things
I am writing to you are a command of the Lord if anyone does not recognize this he is not recognized so there you go if anyone does not recognize this command of the
Lord that the women are not permitted to speak in church they are not to be recognized within the church as a prophet or anything of the sort and so this woman claims she heard the voice of the
Holy Spirit tell her when she was 16 that she was going to be a pastor and I can say definitively that that's a different God first Timothy chapter 2 also is our good cross -reference here
Paul writes I do not permit a woman to teach her to exercise authority over a man rather she is to remain quiet for Adam was formed first then
Eve Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor and so you're going to note that the reasoning here as found in the
Torah the opening portion of the Torah is that this is a creation order issue as well as the fact that it was
Eve who was deceived first and became a transgressor and so for that reasons or for those reasons women are not to permitted to exercise authority over a man or to speak and preach in Christ's Church and this is a command from the
Lord this is not the Apostle Paul being a mean woman hater the initial member of the he -man woman haters club or anything of the sort furthermore you can even add to this that this the well the the requirements to be a pastor require the fellow to be a fellow yeah so take a look at Titus chapter 1 this is why
I left you in Crete so that you might put remained in order talking about appointing elders and pastors if anyone is above reproach husband of one wife and his children are believers not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination for an overseer as God's steward must be above reproach he must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or greedy for gain but hospitable a lover of good self -controlled upright holy and disciplined he must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine so you're gonna note that over and again the qualifications to be a pastor require him to be a fellow he has to be a morally above reproach husband of one wife he must you know hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught give instruction and sound doctrine rebuke those who contradict it in other words what we heard
Sharon Doherty say that God the Holy Spirit told her that she was going to become a pastor that means definitively that she fails one of the tests of being a prophet because she is telling people to follow after a different God the
God of Scripture the God who inspired the Holy Scriptures does not permit women to speak in church or to have authority over a man that's just exactly what the biblical texts say and mean and so she claims she heard the
Holy Spirit calling her into pastoral ministry that voice we can say definitively was not the
Holy Spirit now if you found this helpful please feel free to share this with others if you'd like to leave a comment below you can do so while you're here please subscribe to our
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