Mar. 11, 2018 AM Christ, The One We Must Please by Pastor Josh Sheldon


Mar. 11, 2018 AM: Christ, The One We Must Please Rom. 15:1-13 Pastor Josh Sheldon


We'll turn your Bibles now to Romans chapter 15 And we will continue to go through this book
Romans 15 this morning we will attend ourselves to verses 1 through 13
Let me begin by reading all 13 verses This is the word of the
Lord through the Apostle Paul We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good to build him up for Christ did not please himself
But as it is written the reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me for whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction that through endurance and through the hope and Excuse me that through endurance and through the encouragement of the scriptures.
We might have hope May the God of endurance and encouragement Grant you to live in such harmony with one another with one another in accord with Christ Jesus that together you may with one voice glorify the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show
God's truthfulness in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs and In order that the
Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy as it is written Therefore I will praise you among the
Gentiles and sing your name and again It is said rejoice Oh Gentiles with his people and again praise the
Lord Oh you Gentiles and let all the peoples extol him and again Isaiah says the root of Jesse will come even he who arises to rule the
Gentiles in him the Gentiles hope May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the
Holy Spirit You may abound in hope You know since we arrived at Romans chapter 14
We spent a good deal of time drawing these verses out as in other places in Romans We've kind of put the brakes on and slowed down a bit and really taken our time going through these chapters
Chapter 14 verse 1 all the way through chapter 15 verse 13, which we will Lord willing end with today
They all support this one single overarching thought and The importance of this one overarching thought is seen simply by the amount of ink that the
Apostle Paul has dedicated to this Singular idea though. He's gone at it in different ways from different perspectives
Which is how I've tried to try to break up the preaching to you But there's really this is one big thought
It's this Get along Get along with each other
Not just to be happy not just to be sociable get along and get along with each other because God gets along with you
Because of Christ Jesus his son God gets along with us
So get along with each other The first three sermons we had all from chapter 14 tell us not to allow things that don't matter to matter
You recall the term that we introduced adiaphora. It's a an indifferent thing It's something that doesn't have a great significance.
Don't allow these things that don't matter to matter For them in Rome. It was food and days
This differentiation between those Christians in Rome who came from a strong Jewish faith and those who came from a
Gentile background and That's how they divided up the weak and the strong as I tried to speak of a little bit this morning to kind of correct a misperception from previous sermons
But the weak were the ones who held to the law as a necessity the strong were the ones who knew their freedom in Christ The weak conscience refused certain foods because they just couldn't quite step into this gift of Liberty that Christ gives us and the stronger ones
Understood and lived in that freedom the weak set aside certain days probably from the
Jewish calendar calendar most assuredly then the Sabbath while the strong saw them as having passed away because of Jesus Christ and his fulfillment of everything they stood for and What they stand for but him
The strong felt no scruple for one day over and against another Now in the first 13 verses of chapter 15
Which I just read to you Paul caps off his argument with this final buttress one which covers virtually any question of Why or how we as Christians do anything?
Why is that? It's because of Christ because of Christ Jesus because of the acceptance we have with God By and through the work of Jesus Christ with our
Savior's demeanor towards us as our template for ours with each other He actually says do more than just get along He says that the
Christian community is one that follows Jesus by doing all for each other's good If we are a community of believers
This is Paul's summary point Do more than just get along but do good for each other
Build each other up speak words that edify speak words that draw people into that image of Christ Jesus Who is our common and only?
Savior Do this for each other's good and upbuilding and here's the reason
Because just that's what Jesus Christ did for us If you're a believer in Jesus if you are a
Christian, that's what he did for you. Therefore do it for others If we together as our as a body of believers that's what
Jesus Christ did for us to bring us together to draw us into his image to recreate our hearts and These are the kind of things that should inform us when we speak to each other we deal with each other
This is what he's saying here If we follow Jesus if we're truly his followers then follow him in this community
We call church by doing good for each other simply because Jesus Christ did good for us
The imperative of this is in the first couple of verses. I'm gonna read him again. I'm gonna read them again.
Not damn I read them again We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves
But rather first to let us let each of us please his neighbor for his good to build him up As you hear the ring from Philippians of considering others needs is better than our own
This word obligation. It's a it's a word that is in fairly common use in the
New Testament and it has a commercial sense to it Jesus used it many of his parables such as the unforgiving servant who when he was forgiven this enormous
Obligation this enormous debt. He demanded that the obligation to him which was rather small you'll recall
This obligation that was owed him and it was owed to him. He demanded it be paid
It was his right to collect and it was the others obligation to pay it This word is also used in the ethical sense, which is how we have it here in Romans chapter 15
John chapter 13 verse 14 Jesus Christ says that because he washed the disciples of the
Apostles feet Therefore we are obligated. That's this word We have a duty to do the same for each other
Ephesians chapter 5 verse 28 speaks of a husband's duty to love his wife as Christ loved the church
So this word is a very strong word in the commercial sense The debt doesn't just go away the debt must be paid or forgiven.
Of course as the parable goes very importantly But it's a duty is something that must be satisfied
And you see it translates very Transitions very easily into this ethical sense
Now Paul speaks of the weak then in Rome The failings of the weak are very real
The weak conscience is one that is stymied in his growth into the image of Christ because it holds back it's like the kid who can't stand to go into those pickup baseball games because Knowing he's not as good or as fast or as big as some of the other kids
He'd rather not participate because he knows he's gonna be chosen last if chosen at all And the weak conscience is like that kid.
It doesn't want to step forward It can't quite step into this image of Christ and all that inheres upon us in our life together
And that's the problem with the weak conscience not a lesser person and Paul never criticizes their faith
But there's something in their growth in their building up towards Christ. There's somehow stymied by this weak conscience
Paul never says If they aren't weak he never says that their weaknesses don't lead to failings what he says though He says to we who are strong Not just liberal because we like the idea of having fewer rules if any at all
But having thought it through having studied it out in Scripture. We have a firm and a confident position
And then having to do back then in Rome with days and with food and a few weeks ago
We had many examples that we could have here today in the church generally and in this church particularly the duty to the strong is to bear with the weak and Paul says we have an obligation this strong commercial word something that must be satisfied a debt that must be paid a duty that must be executed
Unless we think we're allowed a begrudging or even a condescending tolerance of their infirmities verse 2 makes it a command
Rather than pleasing ourselves by trumpeting our superior maturity instead of that please your neighbor
Of course when I said our spiritual maturity in the strong Well, it's not really spiritual maturity at all is it not the way
Paul says it here It might be spiritual maturity We might be growing into maturity and us together strong and weak together if we are working to please our neighbor work for his good
Build him up, you know, my family used to have a vacation home up in northern,
Oregon About 80 miles south of Portland. It was four miles inland along the sleds
River. It was beautiful and There was one rule for it. We could all use it. We all had keys to it
There was only one rule Leave it better than you found it. Whoever came next should find the window blinds dusted or the firewood resupplied
Maybe there'd be a house plant in one corner that warmed up that corner over there Maybe some kitchen tools so they could expand the menus you could cook leave it better than you found it
So with your brother or sister So with your brother or sister that blood -bought brethren
Next to you behind you in front of you and your family so with them Leave him better than you found him
Jesus began the good work in him God is going to bring it to completion and maybe you are the one who will bite be the means of That grace that God intends to shower upon that person to build them up into Christ.
Maybe you strong one Are that means of grace God is going to use?
Leave them better than you found them Leave them better Maybe you will add that plant to the corner of the home that needed to be brightened up Maybe you will put another brick to fortify their foundation or another tool in their utility drawer
But if you're one of the strong And you come upon one of these who has that weak conscience it seems to hold them back
Well, they just can't quite step forward into the ministry into the giftedness that God has them
Here for that they can't quite break out of this this the shell that they're in and share with us what
God gifted them for us maybe you're that one and If you look at them as the my parents did that vacation home up in Oregon just follow this rule leave them better Leave him built up leave them encouraged in the
Jesus Christ into whose image. We're all short of The Strongest of the strong and The weakest of the weak are together both infinitely far from ultimate that ultimate image.
That is Jesus Leave them better than you found them by approaching knowing this might be God's grace that his providence that brought you there to have this opportunity and Approach them with humility
Knowing that no matter how strong we are or you are or how weak you are or I am
No matter we all have a long ways to go to get to Jesus Christ And we can both build one another up And there's a reason there's a because here in verses 3 and 4.
Why do we do this? What is what is this great motivation we can have because for Christ? Did not please himself, but as it is written the reproaches of those who reproach you fell on me
He's our ultimate example in all things What I just quoted there what Paul quoted is from Psalm 69 and it sums up the incarnation of Jesus Christ It sums up the inestimable qualities of the man who was
God in the flesh who came not to be served but to serve others He who deserves more than anyone ever did to be served in any way he demands and Yet this
Jesus This God in the flesh this eternal Son of God who came to bear our sins to serve us ultimately on the cross
He didn't demand he be served But he served others and that's exactly what
Paul says here Why are we to build one another up? Why are we to look for our neighbors good?
What is this ultimate motivation because Jesus Christ when he came? Did not work to please himself but others
Hebrews 3 13 13 uses this same word for reproach Let us go outside the camp and bear the reproach that Jesus endured
Those reproaches that he endured that were to fall on us. He took them upon himself and In no more profound way did he work not to please himself but to please others and who did he please by this?
But his father I've come to do your will is my delight to do your will as the author of Hebrews quotes from the psalm
And did he not please us Those whom the father gave him those who was
God's predestined will that Jesus Christ should have us in him
Representing us as he went to the cross and suffered for our sins and our reproach
Your sin my sin put upon him for this reason Work to the good of your neighbor
Get along Because Jesus Christ the sinless one Gets along with us with you with me sinners all
So therefore Do not reproach each other
The whole purpose of the incarnations was so our reproach which is to say God's angered our sin will be borne by by him
The book of Exodus tells of Moses and the elders sitting and eating before the Lord in that book chapter 24 verse 11 says that God did not lay a hand on them as 70 elders and Moses and Aaron's sinners all just like us here in this place sat in Fellowship gazing upon God as they ate together in peace and God did not lay his hand on them
To not welcome one another is to reproach one another It would be as if one of those elders
They're sitting before God welcomed by the Almighty in their presence would say something to the other one sitting next to him something like well
God seems quite willing to have you in his presence, and I'm very good being able to be there myself But I'm not real keen on having to be in your presence
I'm okay with God having you in his presence. I'm okay with me being there I'm just not okay with us being together.
It would be exactly like saying that There's a purpose to all this it's in verse 4 for whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction that through endurance and Through the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope
We might have hope The hope of the strong one who up builds that weak one
How does that build your hope you see God working in that one not pride that he did something through me
Though we can praise God for that that he uses men and women with feet of clay to build each other up But doesn't that give us hope when we see people respond?
to the doctrines of the faith and we see people growing from a
Lesser understanding to a greater understanding of what the scriptures say doesn't that give you hope when you see people coming up and being built up that way and then walking in those ways and Certainly the one who finally says
I get it This strong brother this strong sister who really understands these things through patience through following Christ's example
By working for my good as his or her neighbor Has built me up and shown me a better way and just as one
Slice of the Christian life and doesn't that give them hope and then we don't don't we both fulfill
Whether it says that the scriptures say we might have hope So Paul's using this for How we build each other up how we help one another how we encourage one another
What does this verse say that says that scripture is for us today We dare not
Divide our Testaments and say well, I'm only in a New Testament. I don't need the Old Testament These things were written for instructions for us today.
It's inclusive. He says whatever was written the whole thing From Genesis all the way to a few years after Paul's execution by Nero to revolution it revelation written for our instruction
And he also says something very important here and this is why I had Dale read to you from Luke chapter 24 Because the whole scripture is
Christ focused It's all centered on him It all shows us
Jesus Christ in his coming in his work in his ascension in his return. It's all about Him that's the example.
We have everything that was written Is for our instruction? For us to know how to do these things that Paul would have us to do here
To build one another up to work for the good of each other as neighbors In the scripture that Dale read
Jesus says exactly this What Paul says in Romans 15 what I'm trying to bring to you this morning that the scriptures are there.
They're about Jesus Christ They bring hope because it's a divine message Christ is our unity
It's verses 5 & 6 It's kind of a doxology here May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another in accord with Christ Jesus the encouragement the
Endurance that is necessary to do God's bidding are from where? They are from God Himself his nature is what we must what was must permeate this place.
It comes from him. It's embedded throughout his word so that Former days has current application here so that together you may with one voice glorify the
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus is the cause he is the reason he is everything that brings us unity the more we agree with God about Jesus The more we agree with each other about each other really
But the more we agree with what God says in his scripture about his son Jesus Christ our
Savior the more we agree with that The more we're in agreement with God and the more we then agree with each other and the better foundation
We have for building each other up for working to the good of each other as neighbors What is the response to this?
Is it simply God has accepted you God has accepted them verse 7 therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God the fulfillment of God's Promises in Christ it means something
That God from the time of Genesis all the way to the end in Jesus Christ return
Everything that God promises us in Christ Jesus his son It means something and if it doesn't mean that we can live together in harmony because God above lives in harmony with us
Then I'd have to ask what does it mean? we understand and We believe by faith in this place that when we come together by faith in Christ Jesus God's Son To together worship him that God by his spirit is with us
We speak and we pray often of the enormous the incredible privilege We have to be in God's very presence right now, and he's not laying a hand on us
Though our feeder of clay Though we sin constantly though our what holiness we have is
Incalculably small compared to what God actually is it doesn't even bear any kind of comparison
Knowing all that and he's not laying a hand on us It has to mean something that Christ Jesus His son our
Savior is one who brings that to us the one who gives us this privilege it means something welcome one another
The way God welcomed the 70 elders back in Exodus and Laid not a hand on one of them the way now this moment
God has us in his presence and Seems not to be laying a hand on us because he's pleased with us.
He's pleased with you He's pleased with me us as a body because of Christ Jesus his son therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you for the glory of God as God has accepted us or because of that therefore accept each other
It's a begrudging acceptance it's a resisting acceptance only if That's the way
God accepts you or me And so if you have this attitude towards another and it's a brother or sister in the
Lord. I would have to say
You may be that you may be resistant to them You may dislike them even be begrudging about your presence or your acceptance of them.
That's all fine if Important if if you can show me from the scripture
That that's the way God has accepted you or anyone else who claims faith in Christ Jesus Which of course cannot be done
It says in the book of Ephesians chapter 1 that because of Jesus Christ We are accepted by God accepted in the beloved loved by God the
Father because God the Son loves us Redeemed by him because God the
Father placed us in the Son to be redeemed and so Accepted and able to stand in his presence without fear or trembling knowing
God will not lay a hand Do this because God has accepted you
And do this The same way he's accepted that limp noodle brained weak conscience brother over there
The one who can't get with the program of Liberty from rules Know that he has accepted that stronger one over there who by the strength of their intellect intellect and the sheer incisiveness of their biblical insights lives in Liberty all of us together
Accepted by God is so important therefore accept one another and Earlier Paul made it clear that not just accept one another we are neighbors together
We are close. We are intimate. We are bound together by our common faith in our one Savior and verses 8 to 13
Where most of the Old Testament references are from the Apostles pen? It really gives us the basis for this
Christ became our servant For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show
God's truthfulness in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs and in order that the
Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy as It is written to support all this as it is written.
Therefore. I will praise you among the Gentiles and sing to your name That's from Psalm 18 verse 49.
You might want to turn there actually turn to Psalm 18 verse 49 Views in the black pew
Bible, that's page 456 I'll start at verse 46 as the
Lord lives and Blessed be my rock. Excuse me. The Lord lives and blessed be my rock and exalted be the
God of my salvation The God who gave me vengeance and subdued peoples under me who delivered me from my enemies
Yes, you exalted me above those who rose against me. You rescued me from the man of violence
For this I will praise you O Lord among the nations and sing to your name great salvation
He brings to his King and shows steadfast love to his anointed to David and his offspring forever
Of course David Israel's poet is the author of this psalm and David is the typological forerunner of Christ Jesus he represents
God's intention that all nations should be subdued ultimately under Jesus Christ and David here he gives this the psalm of victory this warriors cry of success
He fulfilled God's design of the nation's being subdued under him. And how did he do that by the sword and ultimately
Nations are subdued under the ultimate King son of David, which is Jesus and if David subdued them by the sword
Jesus by the cross and the faith he's given us to believe in that cross
It's a warriors psalm Verse 10 from Romans again rejoice.
Oh Gentiles with his people. That's Deuteronomy 32 43 Now take a look there.
That's on page 39 in the black poo Bible and this is the end of Moses's song one of the last things he said to Israel before he died and Israel went without him into the promised land
This is Deuteronomy 32 page 175 in your pew Bible I'll start at verse 39 again
See now that I even I am he this is God speaking. I am he and there is no
God beside me. I Kill and I make alive I wound and I heal and there is none that I can deliver out of my hand for I lift
Up my hand to heaven and swear as I live forever if I sharpen my flashing sword my hand takes hold on judgment
I will take vengeance on my adversaries and will repay those who hate me I will make my arrows drunk with blood and my sword shall devour flesh with the blood of the slain and the captives captives from the long -haired heads of the enemy and Now the verse that Paul quotes in Romans 15
Rejoice with him. Oh heavens bow down bow down to him all gods for he avenges the blood of his children and takes vengeance on His adversaries he repays those who hate him and cleanses his people's land
Now when Paul quotes this he uses Gentiles in a place of heavens
He says rejoice with him. Oh heavens. That's Moses's word and Paul says rejoice with him.
Oh Gentiles which if you study it out in some detail, you'll find out that's more likely actually the
Hebrew original. Oh Gentiles and Paul's not proof texting here just to convince us to get along He's placing these texts before us in their original context to show us
God's will remember that these things I'm reading to you these Old Testament passages written for our instruction that we might have encouragement and hope and Endurance from the scripture.
He's supporting this idea of Working towards each other's good towards being neighbors with each other
Serving one another because Christ Jesus served us. Remember that that is what these passages from the Old Testament is supporting and again
Praise the Lord back to Romans for a moment. Praise the Lord all you Gentiles and let all the peoples extol him For great is his steadfast love for us and the faithfulness of the
Lord endures forever Praise the Lord That's psalm 117.
That's the full Psalm Just those two verses God's unchanging love his steady faithfulness to his own word are cause enough for anyone to praise him
Paul goes on and again Isaiah says the root of Jesse will come even he who rises to rule the
Gentiles in him will the Gentiles hope That's part of what Dale read to you from Isaiah chapter 11
Matthew 12 21 quotes this thing Gentiles will have hope Gentile participation in Christ Which is the only basis for truly praising
God because we are participating in Christ It comes as a result of the person and the work of that root of Jesse Who is
Christ Jesus? these warrior
Psalms That I've read to you from Psalm 18 From the end of Deuteronomy 32 and Moses's song are reminding the reader.
They're reminding them back then and us today That God gave victory to his servants
That God gave victory to Israel under Moses's leadership So Moses ends with this warrior song reminding the people of those who were subdued under them
Psalm 18 supporting that we must be neighbors with each other supporting it. We must follow
Christ's example of servanthood to each other building one another up and That Psalm to support that premise to support that imperative to us today reminds us
That King David subdued those Gentiles under him Agreed about that all throughout 2nd
Samuel and and all the victories that he had Is that not the basis?
Is that not a great basis of foundation for us to obey the Apostles command and Treat one another as neighbors and work to our neighbors good because Christ Jesus did and Christ Jesus the ultimate
Fulfillment the one that Moses's song in Deuteronomy 32 and David's victories extolled in Psalm 18 .2
Because Christ Jesus won the victory Because under Christ Jesus all peoples are subdued and not by the sword
Not by massive armies Not by David's good leadership, and he must have been a fantastic general, but by the
Lord of hosts Yahweh Tzva 'ot The martial God leading his armies out and giving them victory
To point forward to an ultimate victory, which is the cross and under the cross all are subdued
Have you been subdued by that cross? Do you know Christ Jesus? By subdued
I mean has your sit has your pride been crushed by the cross has your sin been exposed
If you claim Christ Jesus I tell you That you must have been subdued by that cross that you are part of that victory train of the end of Deuteronomy 32 and What David extols to God for the great victories?
You come in that victory parade as part of Jesus Christ's spoil of those
He is subdued under him from all nations from all kindred from all tongues This is why
I believe the Apostle Paul quotes these Psalms Warrior Psalms Psalms reminding us of God's victories
Psalms reminding us that men with feet of clay men with spirit like ours Moses David won these great victories
Not just to gain the land though they gained the land not just to secure borders though David did that but most importantly
To make them back then when they read these things to yearn for the ultimate victory in Christ Jesus and for us today these things written for our instruction that we might have the
Encouragement and hope of the scriptures being able to look and say yes God did in time and space give these victories
That we might look to the cross and know that those were just a smattering
Just a the slightest hint of this ultimate victory of Jesus Christ on the cross so because of these things because of the victory
God gives because of you being subdued by the ultimate victory of Jesus Christ that he won on the cross
Accept one another Build one another up Know each other as neighbors
Be with one another the way Christ Jesus was with you May the
God of hope fill you with all joy and peace and believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope
Paul ends this way he implies that everything he wrote starting at verse 1 maybe just verses 7 through 13
But maybe all the way back to verse 1 that it all ties to this one grand purpose That we would have joy and peace and believing and that us together
By the power of the Holy Spirit working in and among us we might have the hope that the scriptures give us as we look back to what they pointed to and Then we look even a little closer to the cross and what they fulfilled for us that would then mean that living together and for mutual up building in accordance with the
Old Testament writings and His references are from the law from the prophets and from the Psalms and that clearly ties with Jesus's statement that Dale read to you from the end of Luke his gospel
That these should act as a confirmation of our faith they should fill us with joy and peace make and make more obvious and Real the presence and working of God here in this place by his
Holy Spirit Hope is found in the way.
We treat one another as he lays out here for us and most especially Do we find hope as we for each other imitate
Christ What's the purpose of the Old Testament? I mean a perfectly correct answer is to show us
Jesus Christ. These are they which speak of me said our Lord There's another purpose to it all and this is no less about him
It has to do with our life together as believers in Christ Jesus The Old Testament references from each of the major portions they support
Paul's premise That they showed us Christ would be a servant The Son of Man who came to serve and not be served the parable about the workers and the master who serves the table
Do you remember that when Jesus said he will ungird himself and he will serve us when we're at that banquet Foot -washing where he says now you have an obligation for that towards each other
And Paul brings all this together and Said this is what were to be for one another
Douglas Moo Has a quote that I would give you and we will close with this
He says only when Jew and Gentile Rejoice together in the common. Hope will they be able to praise
God as he wants to be praised with the united hearts and voices of a community of believers a community of believers that in Imitation of Christ Jesus our
Lord serve one another as neighbors and do all for each other's good and upbuilding
Which is no less than what Christ Jesus did for you if you believe in him for myself and for all of us together and may we
By living out what Paul gives us in Romans 15 1 through 13 and all the rest of this book that we've been going through may he give us encouragement as We follow his scripture may he give us endurance as times are hard sometimes and we need to struggle through we need to press on we need to put that foot in front of the other and all by The power of his spirit and surrender to him and all of this in Imitation of Christ Jesus our
Lord. Amen Heavenly Father we do. Thank you for the day that you've given us and there's word that we have
And we pray I pray Lord that we would together be this body that treats one another even as Christ Jesus treated us that we do all for one another's good and for the upbuilding of Everyone into the image of him who bought us at the cross