- 00:00
- You might be interested in this. This is a video that I did on September 11th last year, and it was about a few different things.
- 00:09
- But in the video, I put a tweet from Thabiti Anyabwili, and I thought you might want to remember it at a time like this.
- 00:19
- Thabiti hashtagged this tweet just saying, we need help, constitutional crisis, and world crisis.
- 00:27
- And here is what the tweet said. If I were the head of state for an American ally,
- 00:33
- I would be working to convince other American allies to work together to hack the next election, to choose for the
- 00:40
- U .S. a normal president so we could return things to normal. The world can't afford more of this.
- 00:50
- This is just how Democrats think. And I thought I'd just provide this tweet for you, for your remembrance, without too much comment.