Spiritual Transitions from Skunks and Worms

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


All right, so this is the time in the in the live show for those who watch live for the striving for eternity
Academy we do a spiritual transition game where we play and People that are live in the listening audience in the chat room
Give me something to transition to the gospel from whatever they give me I've actually been given two different things to do a transition from and I have to combine them in one and Then transition from that one to the gospel
So this is gonna be a little bit tricky and someone thinks that I cannot do it Let's see how I can do.
All right, so the the topic for today is skunks and worms Skunks and worms.
All right, how are you gonna do that? Let's see Well, what do we know? I mean most people skunks actually aren't that they could make a nice pet if you remove that Chemical that they secrete that gives you that smell when they get nervous
Some people actually have them as pets But most people don't even consider it why because they have a defense mechanism that was created by God that allows them to Avoid being attacked that if they're running away from an a predator
They lift up their tail and out of the back of their tail. They squirt a scent. That is just horrible if you have ever
Smelt the skunk smell you understand what it is. And and it just has that that Smell of ickiness,
I don't know if that's the best word, but it's you understand what I mean that smell just it's it's offensive
You know and and that is a thing that just immediately puts us off You know for some people worms are a similar thing that you know
Some people don't mind fishing like say my wife, but my wife will not put the worms on the hook
That's my job. And so the reality is some people just think of worms as these icky things
I remember when I was really little my brother told me that the really red worms were Bloodsuckers and that it would attach to your skin if you picked them up and it sucked your blood
And so I had this notion that worms were bad I had an immediate negative reaction to worms if I saw a worm
I wanted to avoid it if I smelled the skunk I wanted to avoid it why because it had an immediate reaction within me that I recognized
This is something bad now the worms actually were harmless, but my conscience told me this is bad
You know and God gives us a conscience so we can know right from wrong We know good from bad problem is is that many people they sear their conscience
So they think that bad is good and good is bad That's what we have in our culture right now
And so what ends up happening is people think good is bad and they end up getting right up to the skunk and thinking it's So cute it won't harm me and then they get sprayed
Yuck The reality is is that we have that because we can think that a worm which is harmless is actually a bad thing
When it's really harmless The reality is we have to have a right conscience a conscience that is informed from God's Word That is what's gonna tell us right from wrong biblically properly according to God's standard
Who is the only standard and so the reality is when we see things that we know are wrong?
We should run from it the way we would a skunk we wouldn't get see how close we can come to a skunk
We run away and try to avoid it because we don't want to get sprayed Same exact thing we should do with sin.
We should be trying to avoid it But the reality is we can't we're born with this in nature because of that We sin and that sin makes us criminals in God's sight when we are seen as criminals in God's sight
We will pay an eternal fine because God is Infinitely holy and that's why that fine is an infinite fine
It is because of that that we need the grace of God what he did on that cross when Jesus Christ God in flesh
Died on the cross and became a payment of sin for us. He sets us free by what he did on that cross
That's how I would transition from skunks and worms to the gospel. How would you go about doing it?