Nuked My Twitter Account and Creepy Pastors - AD on FLF Network

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Hello there, this is A .D. Robles and you're listening to A .D. on the Fight, Laugh, Feast Network.
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Now, I haven't done a video in a week. It has been a week. This is the first time that I've done no video in a week while I've been home in a long time.
And I have to say, I kind of miss it. I kind of miss doing the content. But I've been kind of considering what to do going forward, because I cannot continue to do this via big tech.
I'm not willing to do it. I don't want to do it. So I'm not going to do it. And so this week,
I decided to deactivate my Twitter account. I did it without warning.
Well, maybe there was a little bit of warning. I kept posting my P .O. box and my email address. So maybe some people took the hint.
But I did not celebrate my departure or anything like that. I just deleted the account.
And that's all there is to it. I'm still on Facebook for the time being, but I will be leaving Facebook as well. And it will likely be an unceremonious departure as well.
That's just how I roll. But I am on Gab. I'm going all in on Gab. And so this will actually, hopefully, be the first video that I upload to Gab.
We'll see how that goes. I'm going to stay on YouTube for a bit for the foreseeable future.
And I'm hoping to migrate off of YouTube completely at some point. But for now, I'm going to stay there and continue to get some of that ad revenue and all that kind of stuff.
And listen, I understand a lot of people don't necessarily agree with abandoning traditional social media.
And I don't think that everyone needs to do that. I'm not like boycotting. I don't think you need to boycott as well.
I just don't like the idea of being bought and sold like a commodity by people who hate my guts.
I just don't like it. I don't want to contribute it to it anymore. So I still think social media is effective.
I still think it's good. But all of that is behind me at this point.
I'm going to still use social media, but it's going to be alternative social media from here on out. That's just all there is to it.
Now, the other thing that I wanted to talk about is a little bit of a change in focus for me.
Because I'm thinking about the content that I do, and I'm not going to abandon the kind of stuff that I do completely.
But I'm writing this book on social justice, and the arguments in the book are arguments that I've made many, many times.
And there's nothing wrong with that. Obviously, there's always going to be new people that hear your content, and so you have to rehash things that you've talked about before.
But I've come to the realization that even though I did a video where I say, hey,
I'm not going to assume a social justice warrior is a Christian anymore, I still for the most part last year was treating these woke church cultists as if they were
Christians. I was laboring under the delusion that logical arguments, reasoned arguments, biblical arguments matter to the social justice advocates, and the reality is that they simply do not.
Social justice advocates are not interested in what the Bible says. They're not interested in the truth.
They're only interested in one thing, and that is putting forward whatever the approved propaganda is of the day.
And so I have to stop beating my head against the ground as if something I do is going to have an impact on them.
It just isn't. And so my focus of my content is I'm going to 100 % of the time preach to the choir.
I think that there's a time to tear down and there's a time to build up.
That's a biblical concept, by the way. And I've spent the last three years tearing down Big Eva to a point where there's nothing left from a
Big Eva argument perspective that's standing. I mean, they've been completely demolished in any reasonable and logical way.
They have nothing. None of their arguments are good. They're wrong about almost everything.
And so there's really nothing left to tear down. These people have started to reveal themselves. Any pastor, any leader who's using the anti -Christian propaganda term of Christian nationalism is an enemy.
They've revealed themselves to be an enemy of the cross. They want Christians to be hunted down.
They want them to be re -educated. They want them to be arrested. And they are joining the state against the church.
I mean, this whole boogeyman of Christian nationalism, even when it's so obvious that there is no
Christian nationalist threat, it's unreal how quickly they've adopted these propaganda terms.
It's, you know, Russell Moore, all these guys that are doing this, they've revealed themselves to be enemies.
And so if you can't see that Russell Moore is an enemy of the church at this point, nothing that I can say will ever convince you of it.
He could literally do anything. He could literally be like Paul the Apostle, standing over the coats of those who stone
Christians, and you would still defend him. There's nothing I can say to you that would ever convince you that Russell Moore is an enemy if you're not already convinced.
So I'm not even going to try. It's not worth it to me to try.
I'm not saying that you shouldn't try to convince people that you know that are still in the web of Big Eva, but I'm not going to try anymore.
If that's the life that Russell Moore and the ERLC wants, if they want to be slaves and servants in the new world order, if they want to be the approved authorized version of Christianity in service of the state, if that's the life they want, they want to throw themselves off the cliff,
I'm going to let them throw themselves off the cliff. I've wiped the dust off my feet.
I've wiped my hands clean of this. If they want to do that, go headlong into idolatry, they can do it.
That's all there is to it. Now, if you know people that are wrapped up in this web of Big Eva that you still think are good people,
I'll be glad to have private phone calls with people about the lies of Russell Moore, the lies of the
ERLC, the propaganda that is put forward by all these guys, but I'm just not interested in it anymore from a public perspective.
I'm not going to do too much content on it. I will dunk on things every now and then, but it's going to be a lot less than I normally do.
I'm not going to do 100 videos on Russell Moore. You know what I mean? It's just over. If I find something especially hilarious, we'll all have a good chuckle about it, but my content is going to be focused on hopefully building up those who are the remnant, those who are true believers that are, you know, unsure of what to do or have anxiety about the
Biden administration and the kinds of things that they're going to have to do to protect themselves.
I am going to do content about that because I think that will be more valuable to the church.
I do not consider the ERLC a Christian organization. I do not consider the Gospel Coalition a
Christian organization anymore. These are propaganda arms completely, so I'm just not going to take their articles seriously.
Why would I do that? Why would I take someone who's using propaganda terms against the church, why would
I take them seriously as if they're really Christians? I'm just not going to do it. I've got no patience for it. I'm not interested in it, but I will have private conversations with people because I believe that the gospel actually can change minds, and I believe in that kind of thing.
I believe in meeting people who are on their way out of Big Eva and helping them along in that path, and so I'm going to preach to the choir.
That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to try to help you to unplug from a lot of these official things. You're going to need to do that in order to survive in the future, and so I wanted to give you an example of the kind of thing that I'm going to focus on, but I'm going to do it from a distinctly
Christian, biblically foundational perspective, because I think that the
Bible does have a lot to say about Christian economics and Christian shrewdness and the kinds of things that Christians need to get used to doing in order to survive as a remnant.
I'm still post -millennial. I still think the gospel is going to conquer the entire world. The kingdom of God will be the primary force in the world, but that does not mean that specific countries or specific localities are not going to be, we're not going to be in a remnant situation.
I think that we're going to be, if we're not already in a remnant situation, we're going to be in a remnant situation, so we're going to have to get shrewd.
You know what I mean? We're going to have to get street smart. We're going to have to plan ahead for the kinds of things that are coming our way.
It's not going to be the same as it was. It's not going to be the same as it was. We're going to have to learn how to encrypt our messages.
We're going to have to learn how to operate in the black market. We're going to have to learn a lot of these skills that we never thought we would have to learn because things were just going so great.
So my intention is to prepare people for that kind of thing. Here's an example of the kind of thing that I'm going to talk about.
Now, this is, I don't know if this is a Christian. This is something I found on Gab. It might be. I like his handle,
Nullify Federal Laws. I'm all about that kind of thing. Nullification for unjust laws is absolutely something that a
Christian can and I would argue must do for unjust laws. Nullification is fantastic.
So I don't know anything about this man. I'm just saying I liked this post. I think it's a really valuable post, and it's the kind of thing that I want to focus more on.
Let me just read it, and we'll kind of take it from there, and then we'll have a nice laugh. So if you're looking for a laugh today, you're going to get one.
We're going to laugh at something today. But here's the kind of thing I want to start focusing a little bit more on, and I'd love to hear your feedback about this, guys.
Robert Hall says this. He says, If we are to survive the Democrat cultural terror campaign they are about to embark on, the following steps must be taken.
Step one, self -employment. Working for yourself means you can't be fired.
Yeah, I completely agree with this. I had somebody, one of my friends online say that he didn't agree with this one.
I actually do agree with this one. But with a caveat, I think his caveat was right. Hold on one second.
I've got to mute that. I will call you back. This is not a silver bullet.
Self -employment is not perfect. I could be canceled. I have two businesses. I could definitely be canceled in both of my businesses.
But one thing self -employment does do is it makes it harder to cancel you. It's harder to cancel you if you're self -employed than if you work for Visa or something like that.
It's much easier to do it when you work for somebody else than it is when you work for yourself. It doesn't mean it's impossible because someone could cancel me.
It just would be a little bit more difficult to do. And so my thing is you want to make it as hard as possible to cancel you.
It's like when you buy like a handgun or something like that or if you buy a home protection system, you know, like a home security system.
Does it make it impossible that a robber could come? No. It just makes it more difficult. And that's the point. You want to make it as difficult as possible.
The person who was criticizing me said, what's better is to have multiple sources of income so you can be employed and also have a side hustle and also be an independent contractor and also have passive income.
I completely agree with that. I don't have any problem with working for somebody else.
But if you're going to do that, you've got to start establishing other means of income as well.
The more streams of income you have, the harder it is to cancel you. Of course, they can eventually cancel you, but you want to make it as difficult as possible.
So every Christian should be looking at how do I get more streams of income than I currently have.
That is great advice. Passive income streams, he talked about that. I think absolutely you should try to monetize any skill or any hobby that you have.
You should try to monetize it. Here's another one. Get out of freaking debt. I completely agree because when you don't have debt, you're not as beholden to having a stable income because really a lot of people that are in a lot of debt, they need their income because if they don't have their income, they can't pay their debts.
And before you know it, their whole financial situation is ruined. But if you have minimal debt, then if you lose a job or something like that, well, you only have really one concern.
How do I eat? You know what I mean? How do I eat? Where do I shelter? Stuff like that. You don't have to worry about all these other debtors or people that you're indebted to and the claim that they have on your income.
Yeah, getting out of debt is tremendously important with one exception.
If you're in student loan debt, I might consider waiting on that one because I believe that probably
Joe Biden is going to set up some kind of debt repayment thing for people that are in a lot of student loan debt.
And I would wait and see what he comes up with because if I were in student debt, I would take advantage of that definitely.
Some people are going to be like, well, you're a hypocrite. You're not a socialist. Yeah, I'm going to take every bit of dollars that the government is willing to give me and I'm going to use it to my advantage.
And I'm going to preach this, so to speak, on my channel going forward.
Take advantage of every government program. The ship is going down. And so you need to use whatever funds or income that they'll give you.
Just take it. And you need to set yourself up so that when the ship goes down, you've used that money already for things that will set you up.
You know what I mean? That will set you up for the future. And so if the Biden bucks are coming, you know, we got our
Trump bucks this past year because Trump was kind of half socialist as well. But if the Biden bucks come and you get $7 ,000 checks from Biden, I would use that money.
I would take it gladly and use it to advantage yourself and your family for the coming collapse that's coming.
So I would not just frivolously spend it. I would try to be strategic about that.
So, yes, get out of debt, with the one exception, maybe student loan debt, which could be forgiven. I completely agree about this.
Okay, this one, it says buy from like -minded patriots. So the idea is, you know, stop buying from people who hate you.
I think this is good advice. I mean, obviously, it's not going to be always easy to figure this out. And I don't think you need to do, like, boycotting campaigns or anything like that.
But I think that if you have options of someone who hates your guts and someone who's, you know, neutral or likes you,
I would buy from the person who's neutral or likes you. You know what I mean? Assuming they have similar products. I found a pizza joint in town that is pretty libertarian.
So they are against masks. In fact, they don't wear them, even though it's a law in our – not a law, it's a mandate in our town.
And they take Bitcoin. You know what I mean? Like, these people are – they love freedom. And I don't know if they're a Christian or not, but if I have to go with a socialist pizza place or a freedom -loving pizza place,
I'm going to go to the pizza -loving pizza place. I'm going to go there. Anyway, so, yeah, it's a great idea as well.
Organize and start local. If you want to remove the deep -seated corruption in our country, we have to start at the root and work our way up.
Yes, definitely. I'm not going to be involved in politics too much. I'm going to still talk about it because, obviously, some of it will affect my life.
But I'm not going to get involved too much in politics. But I think that the idea to start local, if you were, or just to network locally definitely makes a lot of sense because the people that are going to get your back are much more likely found in your neighborhood than they are found in Washington, D .C.
Much more likely to be found there. Not to say that people can't turn on you locally. Of course they can. But if you have friends that you had at your dinner table, you go to their house for their picnics and stuff like that, they're much more likely to get your back than someone in D .C.
So I completely agree with that as well. So, all that to say is this is the kind of thing that I want to focus on.
And I'm not saying it's just going to be these topics, but stuff like this. We need to start focusing on the things that we have more control over and the things that are closest to us, our families, our own financial situation, our neighborhood, our town.
You have much more relative control over those things than you do in D .C.
Now again, this does not mean D .C. doesn't impact you. Like, I saw an article. This blew my mind, this article.
Biden's proposal for another first -time homebuyer tax credit.
Have you read this? This is insane. His proposal is this. He wants to give a $15 ,000 first -time homebuyer tax credit to anyone who buys a home for the first time or hasn't owned a home in the last three years.
Okay, that's normal stuff, right? Like, that's not anything new. Obama did that. You know, that's not groundbreaking.
But here's what blew my mind about this proposal. He wants to make it a tax credit, not something that you get at tax time, but actually you get the money for your down payment.
So at the point of sale, he's giving you $15 ,000 for your down payment, so you don't even have to have a down payment anymore.
You don't have to have any skin in the game whatsoever. He's going to give you $15 ,000 to buy a home.
Do you understand how insane that is? That's absolutely insane. You might be saying, well,
A .D., why is that insane? Because all of a sudden, you're going to have people who have no business buying a house, who have no financial responsibility whatsoever, who have no skin in the game at the very least, even if you're saying, well, maybe they're in a bad situation.
Okay, maybe they're in a bad situation, but they have no skin in the game. And so you're going to flood the market with more demand for homes.
What is that going to do to home prices? They're going to go through the roof. So if you own a home right now, you're going to make out like a bandit because your value is going to go through the roof.
The price of your home, you could probably sell it, or you just hold onto it, whatever. Values are going to go through the roof because nobody needs to have any skin in the game in order to buy a house.
In fact, it's going to cost you more to rent a place than it would to buy a home because of a $15 ,000 credit that you can use at the point of sale.
That's crazy. That's crazy. What do you think is going to happen? So a lot of people who couldn't get a loan before because they're not qualified for a loan are going to get a loan.
And then what's going to happen? There's going to be economic problems because there's always eventually economic problems, and they're going to be in a situation where they can't make their payment anymore because they had no business getting the loan.
And all of a sudden, the market's going to be flooded with foreclosures and another mortgage crisis and more bank bailouts and all this kind of stuff.
And so there's going to be a lot of pain in the future as well. Housing values will go through the roof, just like they did in the first mortgage crisis, and then there's going to be a lot of pain all of a sudden, just like in the mortgage crisis.
And so there's going to be another round of insanity followed by another round of pain. And rich people are going to make out like bandits, of course, because they're in a situation where they're not living paycheck to paycheck.
They don't have to worry about that. They just reap the benefits of the high values, and then they'll make out like bandits.
And that's going to be really interesting to watch. If you are in a position to buy a home,
I would probably buy it soon before the values go through the roof because once demand goes up, if this is a real thing where he's going to give you $15K for a down payment, your values are going to go through the roof.
But anyway, what do I know? I'm just an idiot on YouTube. But anyway, that's the kind of thing
I'm talking about because that happens in D .C., but it'll impact what I do in my personal finances for my own home if I consider investing in a property or something like that.
By the way, rents will go up as well. So if you own investment rental properties, you'll probably make out like a bandit as well if he does this.
But just because you could benefit from a blunder in D .C. doesn't make it a good blunder.
I don't want people to suffer. But knowing that he's going to do something that will likely cause people to suffer because of this $15 ,000 homebuyer credit, knowing that that's going to happen, you can be against it, whatever.
You can vote against it if you want. I'm not going to vote anymore. There's no point. You can take advantage of those situations.
You can set yourself up to benefit from a blunder. You see what I'm saying? We need to be shrewd like that.
I don't want people to suffer, but if they're going to suffer, if they're going to continue to vote for suffering,
I'm going to set myself up as best as I possibly can to take advantage of these mistakes.
There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, the Bible talks about the wealth of the wicked being laid up for the righteous.
So these are the kinds of things I want to talk about going forward. Anyway, here's the thing.
Let's get into some funny stuff here because I did promise you that we would talk about something funny.
I saw some posts about the inauguration yesterday that I just don't understand them.
And I laughed this morning for about a half an hour straight with my brother about these posts.
Maybe you guys can help me out here because I don't get it. I have to admit I don't get it. The first one
I saw was from Dr. Eric Mason. This is a...
I'm sorry, but you're going to get a window into my insanity here because I don't get this.
I just don't get this. So this is a pretty young woman here. And Dr.
Eric Mason saw her. I don't know what she's doing, giving a speech or something. I don't even know who this is. So I have no context for who this is, none at all.
Dr. Eric Mason posts on his Facebook, Chocolate shining bright. This is a picture of this young woman.
I just don't get this. I just don't get this.
But I didn't think anything of it because I was like, okay, you know, whatever. He sees someone black. It's automatically good to him because he's very, very idolatrous.
I get it. Okay. Then I saw Lecrae did the same thing. The same woman posted on his
Facebook. He sees this woman. He thinks she's beautiful. And he says, glow, sis, glow.
I don't get this. I'm sorry I don't get this. What is this need to post about this?
Like, can you imagine? Like, here's what I mean. Maybe you just think
I'm crazy. Maybe you just think I'm being mean. But imagine if I posted on Facebook a picture of AOC.
And I was just like, caramel, caramel beauty, Shannon Brad. You know what
I mean? Like, what would you think of me? Is that creepy? Is this not creepy? Look at AOC.
Imagine if I posted about that. Caramel beauty. Imagine if somebody posted. Sorry.
Imagine if somebody posted a picture of this lady. This is a senator,
I think, from Arizona. Imagine if somebody posted this was like, white radiance shining in the sun.
Like, you would be like, what is wrong with you? That is so creepy, man. Why would you do this?
But the thing is, like, if I were to do this, you'd be like, well, that's creepy, right? Like, vanilla whiteness is shining bright.
Like, you would know it's creepy. If I did it with AOC, you'd be like, caramel beauty.
Like, what are you talking about, you weirdo? But for some reason, like, why?
Why would they do this? I don't get it. I don't get it.
Imagine, like, talk to your wife right now. Ask your wife right now if you were to post a picture of AOC.
She looks like a llama here. Let's just face it. She looks like a llama in this picture. But let's just, like, let's try a better picture.
Let's see a better one. Let's see. It's not a good picture. It's more fair.
I can't. I can't even do this. I can't do this. But think about it. Like, if you're married, like, would your wife be okay with you just posting a picture of, like, a 20 -year -old girl, like, glowing.
Chocolate beauty. Chocolate goddess in the sun. Like, why would you do this?
This is creepy. This is a pastor. This is, like, the creepiest post I've ever seen.
That's an exaggeration. I'm exaggerating. I don't feel the need to do that. I don't feel the need to ever. I've never seen a picture of a woman or a politician or a celebrity and been like, oh,
I'm going to post this on my Facebook and talk about how beautiful she is. By the way, this has nothing to do with race because I feel the same way about guys.
I'm sorry. You've done this. Listen, no judgment. But I've seen the same thing with that lady from South Dakota, that governor, where they're like, she's beautiful.
They don't ever mention her vanilla skin, which is extra creepy, like the chocolate shining bright.
But talk about that lady. What's her name? I don't even know her name. But, like, beauty. Beauty and brains.
She's beautiful. Like, why? How do you feel like your wife feels? How do you think your wife feels about that?
You're posting about how beautiful some other lady is. I just don't get it.
I just don't get it. But anyway, so I guess that's it for me.
If you think I'm crazy, maybe I'm crazy. I don't know. I do not deny being somewhat crazy.
But I find that to be very weird, very weird and creepy.
It's the same energy as, like, you ever get, like, a white pastor who is talking about a black person?
Like, maybe they were on a mission trip or something. They're like, yeah, you know, it was great. I was in Uganda. And there's this beautiful black pastor.
And it's like, dude, why are you so creepy? Would you ever describe a white person in that way?
It's a beautiful white guy. Just a beautiful white evangelist. Just beautiful. You never would.
It's why. It's just so. You know what it sounds like, guys? Here's what it sounds like. Here's what it sounds like.
It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that they're beautiful. I don't get it.
We all agree that black people can be beautiful. We get it. We get it.
But, like, when you try to, like, overemphasize it in a situation where you would never do it with a white lady or this one, it just makes it seem weird.
And it makes it seem like you're trying to convince yourself of something that you don't believe. I find it so condescending.
This kind of thing, it's like, it's condescending. I don't know. Maybe I'm just psycho. I don't know.