F4F | January 2023 Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now from time to time, you know, we deal with heresy here on a week -in and week -out basis.
We like to let down our hair and unwind a little bit, and the way we do it is, well, by playing
Prophecy Bingo! And as you all know, this month for Prophecy Bingo, at the beginning of 2023,
I have invited Jesse Westwood to join us for Prophecy Bingo.
Sir, I don't know how you're gonna survive this ordeal. You know, that's all
I gotta say. I don't know how you're gonna do this, but this is like not only Prophecy Bingo.
This is the roundup of like the 2023 beginning of the year prophecies kind of thingy stuff.
It is really the worst of the worst, isn't it? Yes. And so,
Josh, always glad to have you joining us for this. You know, nice to take you out, you know, put a camera on you, rather than having you either be behind the camera or be behind a computer.
I'm still behind a computer. I would say let you out of the basement, but you're still kind of in the basement.
But it's his basement, it's not my wife's. I pay for my own basement, thank you very much.
Oh my goodness. Alright, so let me let me whirl up the web browser here, and so for the 2023 installment of Prophecy Bingo, this is the roundup of the first of the year prophecies.
You're not gonna believe who is on deck first. Dr. Michael Brown. Is Dr.
Michael Brown gonna claim he's unfamiliar with the works of Dr. Michael Brown and cannot condone what Dr. Michael Brown says?
I cannot, I cannot, I can either confirm or deny any of this stuff.
I would note, though, that if he gets it wrong, according to his own theology, that does not make him a false prophet.
The government has investigated itself and cleared itself of all wrongdoing. Correct. Yeah, that's a good analogy.
That's a legitimate. Now, let me explain where this is coming from. Compilation of 2023 prophetic words with Chuck Pierce, Mike Signorelli, Alexander Pagani, we'll talk about that guy shortly, and more.
Dr. Brown shows up in the and more section, but this was published by Charisma News. So this is a prophetic word for 2023, and Dr.
Brown participated in putting out a prophetic word. I don't think he says, thus saith the
Lord, but he's claiming that prophetically he can see what's coming for 2023 unless something changes.
Remember, folks, remember, this is not guilt by association. This is guilt by participation.
That's right. That's right. So let's let's take a listen to Michael Brown's prophetic utterances for 2023.
I personally believe that the shaking that we've been in for a few years is shaking.
Hang on my card. Oh, man. It's on my card, too.
Oh, wow. One sentence in.
I mean, one sentence in and he's already using prophecy bingo words. I thought
I had a good one. OK, let's keep going here. Going to continue that just as the nation is massively divided politically now and just as the ideological divide between left and right is going deeper and the divide between the believer and the world growing deeper.
I believe God is going to continue to shake the things that we're putting our trust in. God's going to shake.
Did he say atmosphere? I don't know. Did you hear him say atmosphere? I did not hear him say atmosphere.
I can rewind the tape a little bit. No, no, it's OK. It's OK. Let's see what he says.
Let's get a replay on that. Yeah. Where is he, by the way, because he's wearing a heavy jacket and it looks like is he in his base in a basement?
What is going on here? Sorry. It's going to continue that just as the nation is massively divided politically now and just as the ideological divide between left and right is going deeper and the divide between the believer and the world growing deeper.
I believe God is going to continue to shake the things that we're putting our trust in outside of God.
So many of us look to the political system. Many of us, white evangelicals in particular, look to President Trump.
We are looking to earthly institutions to accomplish the will of God. And while politics is important and we stay involved in politics, ultimately the shaking has to get to the point that the only one that we look to is
God and that even many of the things within the church, I don't say this to throw stones, but we've had so many scandals and this is another reason people are leaving the church.
So basically, his word is that God is going to shake everything that doesn't relate to God so that we have nothing but God in 2023.
That's a condemnation of himself then. Yeah, I'm color me unimpressed.
OK, let me let me let me go to the front end of this video.
Oh, the shirt. Oh, I was actually looking.
I OK. I was trying to find a shirt I could wear like that for this episode. I wanted to have my own like Chuck.
I couldn't find what to die, but I was like, well, how great would it be if I had like my own Chuck Pierce's like coat of many color shirt?
Right. Just get your cat to vomit on one and you'll be fine. Yeah. This is what
Santa Claus looks like the day after Christmas. You know, just, you know, he's he's vacationing in Bermuda.
All right. Let's get ready, because this ain't going to mean anything. Incredible presentation.
That's the first thing you want to understand. Visitation. OK, this breath of heaven is blowing down.
It's it's almost like a new baptism is happening in us to ready us and prepare us for what's ahead.
So the word itself means breath. It means voice. And so this whole entire decade that we're living in is about the voice that will be heard.
Whose voice will be heard? How will we listen to what we hear?
And I don't mean just God's voice. How will I listen with my ears?
I tell you what. No, you will fail and I'll say
I sell prophecies and prophecy products. Bobby, how did you how could you be feeling
English? You speak English anyway. That's toilet prophecy,
Bobby. My goodness. I'm going to expect you to prophesy in that voice when the time comes, sir.
Again, this is put out by Charisma News. So this is a premier Pentecostal charismatic outfit here.
Yeah, yeah. We're watching political changes and we want to listen to the voice that brings forth the incredible strategy for our future.
Strategies is a prophecy bingo word. I have strategies. I have strategies. And so with that, you have to look at each year.
Last year was about how to build your house for the future.
This year is about in the midst of this whole season. That is a war season.
Season is a prophecy bingo word. And let me explain that. You have God breathing from heaven, but you have the dragon here in the earth rising up and breathing fire.
Oh, fire, fire, fire. Yeah, we said dragon. I'm like, it's gotta be coming.
Fire in the hole. Okay. All right.
Okay. Slowly inching along here. We're caught right in the middle of that dynamic.
That's why you're sensing all of the stress that's going on around you. And yet in that midst of that,
God says, just like he said in Revelation 12, in every new era, every new birth, hide your birth.
I got birth. I got birth. That counts.
It counts. Yeah. So that the enemy can't rob your identity.
So with that, I believe this third year is of utmost importance for us to establish our identity.
That's why this book was so important. He's pushing a book.
Like I said, I sell prophecy and prophecy products. What is it? Holy Life Lock?
What is this? Oh man. On the King's Signet Ring, we have to establish our identity.
But this year in this war season, because Pei is also linked with Passover, I wrote a book for you on the
Passover prophecies. Every Passover during this 10 -year era becomes very, very important for us to recognize what's happening around us.
And so with that, also it's a war type season.
We are moving past the... I love the, and so also because...
Yeah. Are you tracking with him? Because I'm sure I'm not tracking with him at all.
Well, I remember when I'd be giving prophecies, you know, as a student, you'd kind of like put these filler words to help you kind of get to the next one.
And I could just feel it where it's like, you're fishing, man. You're fishing hard.
Yeah. Fishing hard. Okay. Let me turn off the closed captioning here.
Turn down your volume too. I'm hoping I don't get yelled at here. Do I have yelling on my card?
I have sappy music, but not yelling. But I do. Oh, I have yelling and I have Jesus. The Jesus one cracks me up.
The Jesus. Jesus. Now, Josh, there has been a special request because we have had to retire
Queen Ebola Adelante because YouTube took her off the platform.
No way. Are you serious? Yeah. YouTube took her down because she'd be scamming people.
So we've been getting requests that we need to have an official send off to the
Queen Ebola Adelante. And I think that that needs to appear here. In memoriam.
In memoriam. That's right. Play closing time in the background. Closing time.
That's so wrong. I love it. All right. So I'll give you the marker right here.
It is with great sadness that we have to retire Queen Ebola Adelante.
And so let's roll our in memoriam montage. Such a shame.
Such a shame. She was too young to be taken off of YouTube. Too young. Too young.
All right. But still in business is Kay Nash. Let's check in with her.
The prophetic word there will be shaking. See, she's agreeing with Brown. I have shaking right in my.
I think I have it right in there. I thought I did. No, I don't. All right. Whatever. All right. Here we go.
Also, if you're already subscribed, welcome. I can't believe it's 2023. Does it feel a little bit different in the anointing?
I kind of felt. Anointing around the beginning of 2000. I have I have anointing.
Where'd it go? There it is. I got anointing. There we go. Nice. Oh, I'm too away. What? What?
No. All right. Word of knowledge for this.
Oh, no. Shift in the spirit. Let me know in the shift. Shift. Hang on a sec. I have shift.
I have that one, too. Hold on a second. OK, but I'm not too away. Yeah. All right.
Let's let's keep at it here. Some yelling in there. Come on. Comments below if you also felt that as well.
Jesus. OK. The Lord is talking to me about this week.
One of the things I feel like he's talking to me about it. Oh, wait. Hang on a second. I got I feel like I feel like there we go.
Look at you. Now I'm too away. Yeah, I'm racing from behind. Maybe we'll get blackout bingo for the first time.
We'll see. Oh, it's the word shake. And I felt him highlight this to me in several different ways.
And I'm going to kind of explain what happened to you. First, the Lord started having me read in Nehemiah, specifically
Nehemiah five. In this passage in Nehemiah, we see that the people of God were taxing the people of God unfairly.
They were taxing their own people unfairly. The interest rates were really high. And God didn't like it.
Nehemiah didn't like it. God doesn't like injustice. And so Nehemiah was pretty upset.
And he says this in Nehemiah five, 13. Also, I shook my lap and said,
God, shake out every man. That's yelling. Yeah, that's yelling. Wow. Now I'm too away.
Hang on a second. I got yelling too. Man, I'm all over the map here.
I am never ready for when she starts yelling at us. Okay. House and from his labor that performs not this promise, even thus be he shaken out and emptied.
And all the congregation said, amen, and praise the Lord. And the people did according to this promise.
Now we see in the beginning of this verse, Nehemiah says that he shook his lap. And then he also says,
God, shake everybody out. That is not going to do what they said they were going to do. Basically, he had made the people promise that they were never going to tax their own people like this ever again.
I have my people on my card. Yeah. Yeah. That'll work. Yeah. One away.
I am one away. No. Yes. Yeah. This is a quick round.
Yeah. We're just getting started. There's going to be multiple bingos, sir.
Oh, no. The word shake there to me. And that there was going to be a shaking of people that weren't going to do what
God wanted them to do. That there was going to be an uprooting of people that were not going to fulfill the promises
God put on their life. Even some people that were believers. Jesus. What was there?
Anybody in scripture that was that had prophetic Tourette's? I know.
No, no. OK, we're going to head over to glory of Zion and we're going to look at the
I am evacuating so that you may govern. What are you doing? I have no idea.
So let's let's. I. That's dancing.
That's dancing. This doesn't count as sappy music.
This is more upbeat. This is too. Oh, yes. Too too upbeat to be sad. So like as someone who's led worship at churches and like has done the two hour worship sets, this is the one church where I'm like,
I have never gone that far. I've done some like like we've done some stuff in worship and like have people come up and give
Praises and announcements and prophecies and then they'll worship and like everyone do this and whatnot
But like every time I see one of these videos, I'm like, how has it gotten this far? In all my years
Right and the thing is is that this doesn't really look like Christian worship to me This looks like the stuff that like you pagan tribesmen do, you know and stuff like that, you know
Missing his chicken feathers and less clothing. All right Oh Where's the prophetic part
That's assuming she's not speaking in tongues right now Oh look
ZZ top made an appearance Well, wait, she doesn't have enough faith what why is she having crutches what's going on here?
Give us a prophetic word for today I have enemy.
Hang on a second here. All right, there's so many on here. I'm just that close This is the random nature of prophecy bingo, sir
Is prophecy bingo? Uh -huh Okay, here we go Maybe like a position
No, no, this is prophetic nagging. Okay some prosperity while you're at it
Okay, I want you to listen to what she's saying if God is nagging us at this point I've been telling you about this place for years and years.
Why haven't you been listening to me, right? Why don't we take out the turn off of i5 why didn't we do right?
Exactly. So let me back this up just a little bit and you'll see what I'm saying. This is absolute prophetic nagging.
Here we go I've been talking to you about this for years and years For years?
Years and years I've been telling you about this We should have been vacationing here for years
We haven't done it yet Isn't this like Mrs. Potato Head's voice? I keep hearing like this old
Jersey mom Right! Exactly I told you take the kids to Atlantic City it'd be great
Let's find out about this place What is this place? We need context here I've been talking to you about For years and years
It is now time The time is now For you to go into those places
I have timing I have timing Why not? Sure Yes I haven't had an opportunity to cheat yet Prophetic nagging
Brought to you by Mrs. Potato Head Okay All the things that were there for a time to be
But not for now But not now And you will go in And you will govern in a whole new way
You will not manage You will not Think of it as Getting people out of the way
You will go in And even
I am calling you to Occupy And I am calling you to Spread into those places
What I am calling for The now This is where the prosperity is
Prosperity I got bingo No No Man I didn't even get to cheat
A legit win Yes Well you didn't do so well the last time
I mean you needed so much help It's about time you
You were able to stand up on your own bingo feet Thank you very much time for some fun bingo times
Oh no Alright well let's hear your prophecy sir
Alright let's see What do I want to go with Gotta go No wait hold on Alright Now listen to my people
We are here to Celebrate Jesus And There's gonna be a giant shift
Into Prosperity If you catch my drift Which I'm not talking about continental drift or anything like that It's just regular drift
Tokyo drift Tokyo drift That was an uncanny strong man that is so good
Oh I love it Alright Prophecy Prophecy bingo times
With great much rain Maybe some adult beverages Hold on Consonant Consonant prosperity
Consonant That sounds like strong bad It's like you know kind of an upper class Posh individual from England the way that you're doing it
Oh my god He's a little lower on the social scales Definitely more down and dirty
Alright now let's Continue with the nagging prophecy We only have a few seconds of this thing left
This is where the new is This is where you will manifest The message
Manifest is a prophecy bingo word That I am putting through you To take into those places
Says the lord Uh Okay Alright not sure what to make of that Let's see here
Oh no No it is Got a
Gandalf stick What you gonna do with it Oh wait So this is from Ellen Therese Slotin She's basically grabbed up a whole bunch
Of 2023 prophetic Words and put them all into a nicely Annotated you know
Compendium video For us so here Prophetic Repository And then you'll note that she's got this thing that says
I don't do demons so okay Okay so that I'm so glad you don't identify that way
Right and so this particular Stick of her boy those are some interesting pagan Symbols uh this
Stick of hers she uses it to ward off Hurricanes and things like that so Let's see what she has to say
So bad I feel like we need like Vamp music She's receiving a download
Oh Like I'm just waiting for like this Vamp behind her like It's like Oh boy
She's winding up Letting the prophetic marinate Pickle me father
What You guys Never heard of that You don't know how to pickle that Todd okay
I know this is prophetic bingo but Todd Todd Bentley And during Lakeland he put out a soaking album
And it starts off with like this ambient Music and then it's all like Soft and quiet and you just hear
Todd Bentley go Pickle me father Soaking in the presence of God When I was growing up it was
Smoking in the boys room you know when I was Growing up it was the song smoking in the boys room With him it's pickle me father while soaking
In the I'll get a link to you guys I appreciate that yeah
Okay Alright wait She's still getting her download here
She's clearly cleaning up her apartment Up in heaven before she begins her Her prophetic word for 2023
I think she's on dial up This day Your God Has come to visit you
Visitation I have visitation Yeah that works Yes I have that too
Wow is this just weird Okay hang on a second here This is where we go Cat for sure would give me a shofar or something
Do you think That I have ignored What has been going on For holy
Yeah first person too Do you think I have So she's channeling God Okay This is her speaking as God Not blasphemy at all
Holy Is what I am Holy Is what I bring
Holy is what I speak The power is holy The word is holy
The blood is holy Are you holy I'm trying to get as far away from her as I can
Make it stop Are you ready For the greatest days of your life
To show who and what you believe in Who you are
My son has made you free The people there
Think this is God talking Wow I think the meme that best surmises this
Is the one from the Simpsons Like old man yells at clouds Holy Holy Okay My heart is with you
My hand is with you My power is in you
For you will walk And talk Just like me
Okay this is creepy beyond all reason Wow It's so hard I can't do it That one's tough
Let's fast forward to Kurt Landry Kurt Landry This is a
Hebrew Roots guy He makes it in the Charisma magazine Video for the year
Wait wait wait Is that a shofar in the background Let's see here
Is that a shofar I'm seeing Do you see a shofar Come on man Under that pillow
I saw a little horn No I don't see a shofar yet The Lord showed this to me
Years ago that it was going to happen this year And it's already happening on many fronts But anytime there's
Promotion Promotion's a prophecy bingo word Everyone's seen this in their life
You know someone wins Or gets a settlement of a large Amount of money If you're not emotionally settled
You're not spiritually Settled and you're not financially Settled Can I take spirit
Yeah you can take that You would think they would say spirit by now I thought that'd be an easy one but no one's even said spirit
Yeah Spiritual council You're probably going to lose that money pretty quick And the other thing about Finances is when it comes
Is that finances Will usually Accelerate That is a prophecy bingo
I don't have it Bummer for me The bad behavior it will
Usually not cover it So with financial blessings Coming I think this is a good time for Some emotional stability
Spiritual warfare maturity And in addition to that Financial wisdom to know how to Operate with kingdom finance
Kingdom There were so many in there Not one of them I'm waiting for that wealth transfer man
Yeah I even have inheritance I thought for sure he would say Inheritance he didn't even say that You would think
Here's Alexander Pagani And this is a guy you're going to be hearing More of on fighting for the faith
He's a so called Apostle and he's Part of the group that call themselves
The demon slayers And they Are into deliverance ministries
Which means they cast out demons Out of Christians And Pagani is
False apostle Pagani is one Of the ring leaders of the Of the so called demon slayers
So you'll be hearing more from this guy In the months ahead keep that in mind Here's his prophecy
For 2023 Holy spirit Is Has impressed upon My heart as to for the year of 2023 and it will be a time
And the rise of the Jehus The Yahus I'm sorry
Jehu Jehu who became king The guy who got rid of Jezebel The rise of the wild ones
Who will be Sanctioned by God To be
Able to confront Systems That have been oppressing
God's people Confront systems of oppression Is this like the prophetic version
Of being woke what is this No Maybe some sneaky sniff in there we'll see
And they're not gonna have That religious You know piety
And policy minded Like most of us have That we're always thinking about the rules
And the regulations now I'm not talking about A revolutionary But I am talking about the rise of a reformer
You know It's not called the protestant revolution It's called the protestant reformation
Why because a revolutionary Wants to destroy the system And implement a new system
A reformer Wants to upgrade the system And it can only be done
When God Raises up Someone who has a very
Militant No nonsense I don't care about The rules and regulations Of none of that all
I know is We're here to obey God And these group of individuals are not gonna be Restrained by religion
This sounds like you know kind of a rehash Of something I heard When I was in the latter rain movement
And when you were at Bethel did you hear anything ever about Joel's army You know a prophecy about I'll one up you
Oh you got that one okay go ahead I'll one up you on that So I can find the news article and we'll talk about it eventually
But my graduating class was the last Class to be prophesied over by Bob Jones And Bob Jones had a prophecy
Of the thousand eaglets That were being released from there And the day of our
Let me finish The day after Our graduation there was an article
Posted in Shasta County newspaper About Eagle's Nest appearing for the First time somewhere in Redding And everyone
Lost their mind A bunch of eaglets Yep so I'm Part of the
I'm a private first Class eaglet I you know what
You absolutely one up to me on that one Wow I did not see that coming Alright let's switch over to Patricia King shall we
This is prophetic words for 2023 Session 1 this is a multi Session thing that she did here
Couple of weeks and I see That many of you are already on From all over thousands of you have
Actually registered for this Workshop so we're very Excited to be able to break open the word
Of the Lord for you and I'm Inviting the Lord right now to Release a spirit of wisdom and Release I have release
I got it How does one invite The Lord how does one invite
Okay Revelation in the knowledge Of him into your hearts and Minds and that this whole
Year that he will open Up a revelatory portal over Portal is a prophecy
Bingo word yeah And that you will be No no bingo yet there
Jesse not yet Just checking okay so blessed By the things that he shows you and I just Want to just encourage you to Get a new journal ready because God is going to give you downloads
So download Yeah that is She hasn't even gotten into her prophecy and She's like you know just Rattling them off here
For joining I say that We've got people from Sydney Australia We've got people from Malaysia We've got
People from Texas And Washington State And oh
Michigan All kinds of different places Florida Canada A few of you from Canada I see on there
So that's very very Canada Is not a prophecy bingo word just want to make that Saying welcome to all of you
And I'm going To not delay anymore I'm going to go right into this because I have
So much Material to impart to you And this is session one
I've got Another session tomorrow night And I've chosen fourteen Words actually that God has given
Me for Fourteen That sounds like perfect bingo fodder
Twenty twenty three And in second chronicles Twenty verse twenty the second
Half of the verse it says put your Trust in the Lord and you Will endure
Put your trust in his prophets And succeed Yeah she's quoting that out of context
And you're not a prophet of God Patricia Not even close I'm going to quote the second half of the verse
You're like wait a minute Wait a minute So when you identify
A true word and I'm going to share with you the words That the Lord has given to me And then of course you weigh them up And if they produce faith
This feels like an infomercial Where they're trying to keep you on for the longest time Before they actually show the product Twenty minutes call it now
What are you selling me? Oh perfect freeze frame She ain't selling me
Anything good that's for sure Then receive those And just say yes Lord I'm in agreement with this for my life
I want to So if anything resonates with your heart You just say that one's mine Take the meat
Spit the bone Come inside the essence Of that word I want to live inside the glory of that word
Because when you start receiving it For yourself As you hear it Witness with it
Agree with it And then receive it for yourself That word will start to activate
Inside of you Activates a prophecy bingo word And I happen to have that one That is alright
I got a bingo What? What? No Nicely done
And suddenly there was a bingo Alright But God You gotta do king of the hill man
I'm not known for my king of the hill impersonation I guess I'll try Do you require a musical accompaniment or do you want to go with a bingo? Might as well
I want king of the hill Bingo and music would be great Oh I don't know Hold on let's see if I have a banjo
No no do the organ the juxtaposition will be great Ok alright alright Behold The lord saith
Your activation and anointing Will be released And the heavenly fires of propane
That's it Activation anointing release fire That works sir
That was fantastic Behold Ok I am
I'm two away on several fronts here So I'm getting closer Let's see here
And it is going to produce great results Ok So that is the way
The prophetic works So we are Believing for God to give you insight
And what I love about the prophetic Is especially The impact it has on people's lives
To bring them into the heart Of God And showing us his
Agendas his desires And his longings And I know that some
Prophetic is predictive But the main Purpose of it is to bring you
Face to face with the lord And so I want to just review quickly
Some of the purposes Of the new testament prophetic The words
Patricia The words that's what we need I'm going to fast forward just a little bit Let's see if we can help her along here
Ok so it's calling you up Stimulating And consoling and calming
And the new testament prophetic Fast forwarding some more
To experience the redemption Of the lord it's going to Settle that In you it's a testimony
Of the one who saves the one who Delivers that is the spirit Inside of prophecy and it
Also prepares the way of the lord Christ you might even want to write that In the comment section
It's going to be a good year And with his glory With his faith
With his righteousness with his truth With his love everything that is In Jesus that's where we want to Walk in this
Year put yourself on that Path and even say out loud right now I'm on the path of the lord
Jesus Christ you might even want to write that In the comment section It's going to be a good year
There's nothing like prophetic about this This is just like yeah we should be on The like that's
I mean I can't disagree With that statement but why are you saying it like In a prophetic statement I can Disagree with the statement because Of what she means by It we know what her
Definitions of this are Yeah that's what I would Make sense that makes sense did you know
Did you know that Patricia King apparently Fought a werewolf I heard about that that's right
You could still find it on YouTube She's dealt with a werewolf Spirit before scars or it didn't
Happen Both yeah right and In 2023 and I'll I'll unpack this a little bit further
But it's really vital to remember Christ in All things first Isn't that like The isn't that supposed to be like That like in every year
Every day every week every month Of every you know only 2023 that's only applicable
To this year every other year is about You know wealth and name it and claim It and blab it and grab it got
It okay all right in All things and There's some things that I'm going to unpack
That the Holy Spirit shown me but I'll Do that a little bit later and Remember this year in 2023 remember stand
In remembrance of his Truth and his promises To you
Believe and obey because You will be able to walk You you will not be
Able to walk rather these two paths Simultaneously Path I Thought it was about to be like a cripple anointing
Or something I yeah I Patricia I'm disappointed I mean I mean I was expecting something
Better than this Okay Is marked by blessing
And that's what you can expect All right blessing you can expect blessing In 2023
And Choose that path by Faith choose it from your
Heart there's going to be new glory Encounters who's going to be realms of divine Revelation and visitation
Visitation On a second here do I already Have that one bummer okay
It will be experienced by his people And acceleration of those things There's going to be an acceleration of miracles
We'll share more about that later this Miracles and acceleration Be a lot of abundance and breakthroughs
A break Yeah hang on I got abundant And that that counts I feel
Like upgrades you've been said by now Or yeah well Yeah well you know you can feel
That all you want but it hasn't happened yet Sir hasn't need some vision here Yeah awaiting the faithful In 2023
And those of you who embrace His path of Christ in 2023 You're going to enjoy protection
You're going to enjoy victory You're going to enjoy peace and Even during the battles that Rage around you in the
World that we live in You will find that place of Perfect peace the
Heavens on the earth That I said of healing maybe No No are going to continue to Shake as it it's declared out
There's a shaking Shaking declare Yeah more shaking going on This is like shaking prophecy syndrome
You know so I actually actually got to lead Worship at an event with Wes and Stacy Campbell It was in Canada In Kelowna Canada And we were up on Stage and she can't be of a word
And like I'm sitting here playing electric Guitar and I'm like what is happening It was like she was like Full on like doing the thing
And I'm just like this is legit this is what she's doing Yeah if you have not Seen it just Google prophet
Stacy Campbell and she shakes her head back And forth back and forth and then she speaks It is violent
I was concerned for Her it was like it was nuts Yeah I haven't seen her do that in a while So okay
Will be shaken and the world will Experience some upheavals But you are not to be afraid
And to know also That the anger of man is going To attempt to resolve some justice
Issues but it's going to Be without breakthrough because the anger Of man will not achieve the
Righteousness of God but those That wait upon the Lord and you put Your trust in him you'll be kept
In perfect peace And you'll be granted solutions Also that are going to Granted solutions
Harvest This is a nothing burger here I don't know what she's talking about Revival and harvest are going to spread
Harvest Oh hang on I have harvest Hang on a second here I have seed but No no no
You are close you're close to a couple It's like I'm One away on You just need more
Yeah you have on the top row Yeah presence and then I'm two Away on several fronts here
This is I'm doing well Ish but just not Okay to unpack to you
Tonight as I get into the Words that I'm going to be carrying but it's going to be It's going to be a great
A great time in the Lord With God doing Many many wonderful things 2023 is a year to be
Embraced for his glory Many of you are going to Have some of your best testimonies
All right I'm moving on from Patricia King I think it's time
God will unseat disbelief Or claim your inheritance of my Fullness Let's see here let's go with Claim your inheritance of my fullness
Let's see what this one does There's your inheritance there Jesse This is the word that I heard
As we were gathering in worship This morning and the Lord was Releasing What was that you can definitely get it from The title.
Yeah. Oh, yeah Absolutely just an Overflow and abundance of his presence
Overflow and abundance Yeah overflow Presence hey wait a second
I think I think there we go Da da da da da da da
Da da da da da da da Da da da da da You got some juicy words in there, visitation, fire, enemy, that's right, yeah, are we retiring?
This is not a calling out the gold kind of prophecy, this is a...
So do you need to overcome your enemy?
Well great prophetic news for you, we have fire visitations with abundant presence which will blow up your enemies prophetically in the spirit and this could all happen to you suddenly for three easy payments of $19 .95,
there we go, alright, okay, so you're selling prophecies and prophetic products, along with my propane tank, anyway,
I'm up for those charcoal prophecies, okay, we're doing good here,
I've hit my first bingo, I'm one away from a second, still have some work here, alright, let's keep going, shall we, here we go.
As we were worshipping and the Lord says it's time, it's time to grab it all, it's time that you walk in the fullness of the abundance that I've released over you, don't be so polite.
Fullness, abundance, release, all prophecy bingo words. That you leave behind any blessings, it's time to pull, there is a time to pull at the hem of his garment but now is the time where you will walk with his garment among you, you are a son and a daughter and this is your inheritance, we keep saying that we are in a new season but the
Lord says it is a new season and you are going from crying to courage, you are going from any kind of deception and distraction to walking in a season of deliverance and well, if God's going to deliver them from deception, then they'd all be in a different church by the end of 2023, that's for sure, okay, walking in freedom from any of last season's residue, so dust it off right now and go from fear to the front line, the
Holy Spirit will define you, allow him to sharpen and fill any area of your life and the
Lord says you're going from a season of empty to a season of full, you will live in a season of fullness, just like you see the gauge in a gas tank that goes from one level to another, the
Lord says expect to live in the fullness of everything I have for you every day of this year, so declare that 2023 is a—
She went to the Kay Nash School of Prophetic Yelling. Wow. Sorry.
Yeah, it's okay, I can't tell you how many times at Bethel where we'd have students that would give testimonies of their gas tanks just going up, like God just filled up their gas tank, and then part of me was like, what if you just hit a hill, and what if that's what caused it to happen, because all of us were just broke students, but pray for God to fill up your gas tank, that'd be a regular thing of trying to get your gas tank full by praying.
If I start praying for gas, my wife will kill me. This is true, this is true,
I can attest. So, all right, let's continue. Be here a fullness over your life, over your sons and daughters, over your businesses and ministries, over every area of ministry that you are stepping into, and look at your family and your business and your place as a place of ministry and as a place of fullness, and the
Lord says he will dust off any dullness and shine you up, so get ready because it is your time to shine and walk in the inheritance.
OK, that was weird. I really hoped for some sappy music, but I got skunked. I know,
I know. Well, you know, hang on here, let's see, we can go back into December, right?
Let's see here. I am fulfilling desires in my set time or find your place in my procession of praise and war.
Let's try this one out. I'm thoroughly impressed by how much they document and stand by these. I'll tell you that much.
Well, they do believe that every single one of these is an actual prophecy from God. And so when you go to their website, you can go to watch and then there is a prophecy center.
Wow. OK, so, yeah, they've they've this is their addition to their
Bible here. OK, here we go. And the Lord says, I have read the heavens and I have responded to your song.
I have responded to the vibration of the land. And behold, I say to this land,
I will come this week with angelic help on your behalf. Could you imagine taking this to Broadway?
You're just taking your friend to this church. Yeah, just your friend. Like, hey, come to church with me. Right. You know, so, you know,
Hamilton leaves Broadway and they replace it with this, you know. Oh, I have had the angels have began to put the sword in their sheep and they have begun to surround this nation again.
As you begin to vibrate and as you begin to vibrate.
I'm bummed that vibrate is not a prophecy bingo word. I'm sad. So we're on the list.
Shaking is already on there. That's bad. OK, this is
Prophecy Open Mic with Broadway musical interludes. For I am quickening the people and I am reading them and I am saying, get in my movement.
Get in my movement. They just don't they don't.
No, no, it doesn't mean a thing. There's more.
So on Thursday night to get together for prophetic core, I got choreography night so they can actually the theory is, is that this is actually a gym where they've set up and people are just doing their
Zumba class or whatever it is. Right. Yeah. OK. It's just bad music.
It's just bad. That's music. I mean, it's just bad. Oh, it's all a toy.
No, this is this is this is definitely improvisation. This isn't you know, they can't have any real structure.
They just got to let the spirit lead them as they're doing their thing. I say don't look to the right and don't be distracted to the left.
For I am mobilizing an army and many of those that come into it will not be who you thought, and they will have great strength for the future, even though they have misused strength for the past, but in this year of divine recovery,
I will even recover what they lost from their sin and use it against the enemy.
Gosh, so much potential. I got like health, unlock, authority, reversal, potential position. I'm like, you're this close,
Chuck. Just give me one of those. So close. So close. It's been a while since we've checked in with Sean Bowles.
Let's see. Prophetic 2023. This is the guy who in the year that covid came out 2020 in late
February, he put out a prophecy and it was picked up by Fox News of all the news outlets saying that this will never turn into a pandemic, you know, that it was going to shrivel and go away.
That didn't that didn't pan out before we end our Saturday. We always end with a prophetic word in this prophetic word
I have is for 2023. And it's all about the war of our minds. There's a war that God's winning right now.
And it's the war over mental stability and so many people. No, clearly that's not true.
We just took a look at what's happening over there at the glory of Zion. I've shared about their mental stability or mental health over the last couple of years because, oh, my gosh, health is finally there.
You go. We've started to understand. And do you have another bingo yet, sir? Not so far.
And oh, I see what you did there. I see what you did so far.
So good. And we know that God has given us an ability to have a sound mind.
That's one of the things he's given us. Did you notice he is like a lightsaber in the back there? OK, well, he's got the he's he's got the four helmet down there.
He's got the Infinity Gauntlets. Yeah, I guess it's one of the strongest things he's given us is that we have a sound mind that's rooted in strength and rooted in rest and rooted in peace.
But to have that, we have to walk with him. And I love that we're seeing this picture of sound mind in this challenge and people like Jordan Peterson, who we talked about on the show, who's being attacked as if he's in a communist country.
We're seeing in politics like the 15 attempts that took Kevin McCarthy to strike a deal with Republican leaders before they that's prophetic.
OK, I'm just going to lose my mind in the words of Chris Gallatin. Is that prophetic or is that pathetic?
OK, let me let me let me go to a different spot in this video here. OK, have you ever seen anybody pass a kidney stone?
I've passed one myself. OK. All right. Oh, so here's
Hank Kuniman prophetically passing a kidney stone for 2023. Here we go. Turn around.
Change. Come on. I can see it swirling in the spirit.
There is divine turn around. There is shifting that are taking place and great change.
Oh, I already have shifting. Bummer. OK. Yeah.
Hang on. There we go. No, it's right here. There we go. Come on. Some of you just need to begin to do this because over your life.
Over your health. It's a prophetic toilet bowl. I'm swiveling for Jesus.
Chris Gallatin would literally teach us if you didn't like a prophetic word. His analogy was to flush it.
Well, that was an actual that was an actual thing he taught. Your finances over your family.
God is bringing about change. God is bringing about divine shifting divine turnarounds.
I see it. Come on. Are you about ready? To see yourself come out of the season that you've been in.
What was that, sir? They're all doing it. Yeah, I know. It's it's crazy.
Season of blessing. Into the season of good changes.
In the season of abundance. Abundance is a prophecy bingo word.
I mean, saxophone's just an American shofar, right? No, no, that's not how that works.
Oh, yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. He's about an hour out from passing that kidney stone at this.
Come on. I just realized it's the same service with cat curse. This happened in the same building. I couldn't tell you it just was.
No, was this the this is the compendium. This is like a bunch of stuff. Oh, I'm thinking like this is one night crazy night where they're doing this.
I know it is a compendium video. And I would note here the sad bit here is, is that they have exchanged the real words of God for these phony words that are not from God.
Yeah, that's the sad bit. And they all sound exactly the same. Come on, this is the hour and the time of change.
And they're not just change, but swift change, swift, exciting changes.
God changes, good changes. Sudden changes suddenly will count here if you have it.
So I'm just saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah, prophetic kidney stone passing.
We are in the midst of sudden changes. No kidding.
That's like every single day of our life. I mean, really? And so the spirit of the
Lord declares. This is the guy who also declared Trump to win the 2020 election.
As in the days when Elijah spoke and he said,
I hear I hear something that was not understood or heard at the time until he spoke it because it was already beginning to manifest.
And so I say manifest prophecy being a word to you. There are things that are moving, swirling and coming fast.
Things that are moving, swirling and coming fast. You might want to get out of the way. That's all I got to say about that.
That you may not see. You may not even know that it is happening or that it's on its way.
But the spirit of God says Elijah declared, I hear a sound of an abundance of rain.
And so listen to me as I speak to you at this time. Do you hear the sound of swift change?
Do you hear the sound of sudden change? No, it's like I do get it out.
There's really there's really no hope for any new words because they just keep saying the same thing over and over again. It's like a swift, sudden swirl.
That's what we got. Yeah, and it's in there. We're just kind of swirling around with those particular words, solid words.
Are we on to Elvira? Yeah, we're on to Elvira. Let's get to Elvira here. Twenty. Oh, gosh, this guy people.
This is Robin Bullock. He stole Elvira's wig. She wants it back. So, you know, say, oh, me.
But I want my people to say, oh, I'm victorious in this day because 2023, it's him and me.
Really bad slam southern poetry. Right. Yeah. Prophetic slam poetry.
So bad. Is that that's that music, that sappy music, that piano doesn't even sound like it's in tune.
For a bright shot. What was that, Josh? I'm just so happy to have sappy music. There you go.
All right. Running light will hit 2023, but it will produce darkness in a circle all around as the shadow beings.
Oh, my God. Shadow beings. What? Oh, man.
Stop listening to George Norris. And they're in runs the clowns for the circus big top.
The tent pegs will be pulled up and collapsed. He's wearing a cat.
I don't do demons. Oh, my God. Take yourself so seriously, too.
It's like, oh, this is in 2023. Everything will come back to fall in their laps.
Twenty twenty three, some will say, oh, me, the twenty twenty four.
It's the year no more of the door. I don't know. I just did. What rhymes with four of the open door for me?
I told you the open door for more. The open door for more.
For I'm going to ride a quake. Mordor. Ride a quake. Yes. Ride it.
I will ride it. This is the Lord like the wind as a horse.
Wind wind is a prophecy bingo word. And I think I have it. Hang on a second here. Oh, my goodness.
Oh, so bad. Yes. Yes, it is.
It's so stupid. I'm like, I was there. I was in these rooms. And this is not
God. If this is God, the universe is doomed. You know, he you know, God has died or, you know, lost his mind.
I will ride the quake. And the world will hear my voice.
For a great event in Canada. I should Canada should be a prophecy bingo word at this point.
Come on. Don't do it. Well, there's 20 to 24. Yes. Yes.
A year of more. The open door.
The board. You weren't too far off there, Josh Mordor. Yeah. OK, we did.
Hang on a second. We dumb. OK, let's let's let's this guy's from the.
Oh, no. OK, here we go. Let's let's let's just jump in for this.
Here we go. Moment. Something stopped. Something was taking place. Something is a prophecy bingo word.
Something. Yeah, that's right. Something is a prophecy bingo word. In heaven, heaven was getting ready to mobilize something in all heaven and earth.
I saw standing still. In fact, I saw time stopped and the sands of time in an hourglass was frozen in in in time.
I I just focused on one grain. What was that? It's just jammed. That's it.
The sand, quite frankly, that I saw frozen in time. Tap the glass.
The sand will keep going. I'm suspended in the air where it was stopped. And I looked down and suddenly a lion emerged.
Suddenly is a prophecy bingo word. Hang on a second here. Do I have five thousand seven hundred and eighty three?
I don't know. Yes, it's five, seven, eight, three is in the in the Hebrew calendar from the side with us with a sword in its mouth.
Now, if you recall, in 5782, the word was it was the lion's roar.
It was the year of the roar of the lion. Yeah. And it Roth looks confused like.
Yeah, he does. Yeah. Yeah. Part of that word was that in the spring of 50.
Bad zoom background. He's seven. Eighty two. But excuse me.
For those that were not aware of that word, this is the
Jewish New Year. No, no, no. I'm having a hard time doing this anymore.
OK, hang on a second. Let's let's go on to Leon Dupree's. OK, word of the
Lord for 2023. Let's see. He's got some prophetic assistance here. With this, as we go a little bit deeper,
I'll share with South African accent for things that the Lord told me that is going to happen in the body of Christ, which you as a believer can await and can expect.
But I want to first tell you this. Be ready for a great prosperity and riches that is coming.
Those who press for prosperity and riches in 2023. Yay. All right.
Or it's beginning to press in. There will be an economical crash. There will be. And we are sitting on two thousand six hundred people right now.
There will be a financial crash coming. There will be a I don't want to say a war because a lot of declared a nuclear war in the
United States that is not going to take place right now. Oh, good. No nuclear war this year.
OK, good. I can I can take that off my calendar. There will be a there will be a there will be a black out.
There will be a black event. It will be like a I don't know how to explain it. There's going to be not a planetary event, but almost a planetary event that is going to take place, especially not a planetary event.
That is almost one. Wow. What's a what's a planetary event? OK. All right.
My nations, you know, I'll touch on a little bit. I'm not here to prophesy nations to continents.
I believe that prophets are within their boundaries. You have prophets over continents, prophets, over nations, prophets, over towns, prophets of the cities myself.
And prophet gave us really mainly right now in South Africa. And, you know, we are not yet to say this is going to happen with Sweden.
This is going to happen with this one. And that one can give an indication. I know that globally, planetary wise, there is going to be a cataclysmic event with, you know, not really destroying the earth, but something that's going to affect the whole earth, whether it's a crushing.
All right. So a planetary event that will affect the whole earth. But it's not a planetary event, but it's like one.
So, OK, something's going to happen. They are going to make a lot of people very angry. I can't tell you exactly what it is, but something will happen.
It'll be cataclysmic. It'll be bad. You know, are you ready for it? Are you ready for this?
Jesse, are you ready for this? For what? For the cataclysmic global planetary thing that isn't quite planetary.
OK, OK. Something is coming, and we see this lining up in the
Hebrew Hebrew Hebrew names and years going towards building up each year.
But God is highlighting the prophets. God is putting the prophets out of caves. Prophet Gaber, I was right.
Oh, the prophets are coming out of caves. That's where they were. OK. Oh, oh, man.
I mean, just I don't even know what to make of any of these things anymore. I know we've gone through all of these.
Let's see here. Wait, I probably got time for one more. If you want to try it after that, I got to.
OK, yeah, yeah. You're tapping out. I see how this works. OK. All right. Well, if you're going to tap out, then we got it.
We got to do this. All right. So we've each gotten one bingo. We're all tied at this point.
And on a low note, when we were doing the taping for the worship on Christmas, I had an experience that I think is going to speak to many of your heart.
As a young girl, I used to watch my neighbor. Hold on. It's Pantsuits McGee and the
Wonder Twirlers. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, this is where if you did tall flags when you were in high school, this is where you can take your tall flags so they can relive their glory.
Yeah, I used to go to church and I saw something in them that I was not experiencing with my own family.
And I used to go and literally knock on their doors and ask them to take me to church, but nobody ever did.
I can't stand when they do these stories. It's like it's just they're just platitudes of self -righteousness.
And then, oh, by the way, this is a prophecy, man. This is a prophecy. What are you talking about? It says that the prophecy center at Glory of Zion is a prophetic utterance of some kind.
Uh -huh. OK. But here's the thing. God knew the desire of that 10 year old and her heart.
This is what happened that day. We were in worship and we were singing, Oh, come, let's adore him.
We used to only go to church one time a year, and that's because my grandma asked us to go on Christmas Eve to light candles.
All of a sudden, during worship, the Lord plucked me up by the spirit and he took me back to a time when
I was singing that with my parents and my family. Wait, wait. You got visited by the ghost of Christmas past.
That's usually that's not usually a good and not a good story for you. That's right. You got to change.
Otherwise, here. Yeah, there's there's two. There's two other ghosts that are coming to visit you, lady.
And I tell you what, it was the most glorious thing that I ever experienced.
So you what that desire was fulfilled. But here's the second part.
He brought me back and plucked me right back into the family here. And as we were singing it, something so shifted in me shift that I can't explain it.
But I know that all of that was redeemed from the past and restored to a place.
Lord, I don't have a story. First of all, I have a story. Way to go, guys. Could have done that.
So this year, as you sing and adore to your king, know that the desires that have been unfulfilled.
He will write it. Just unlock. I know. Come and fulfill that according to his purpose and his plan.
All right. Purpose. That's absolutely a prophecy bingo word. All right. So here we are at the at the end of this installment of Prophecy Bingo.
And this is where I usually come up with like words that that will assist me in my endeavors to like take over the world.
You know, you know, so, you know, the idea here is I give out two words and they're free.
But here's the idea. You have to the first one. You've got to be a subscriber to the Fighting for the Faith YouTube channel.
Second one, you have to hit the bell notification so that you're notified when we're posting new stuff.
So you can give a third category if we wanted. I see what you're doing there, Josh. Oh, I mean, what if what happens if they share the video?
Oh, wow. You if they share the video, wow, if they share the video on their social media, they could get a third.
They can get a third one. Oh, yeah. I like the way you're thinking. OK, so being completely selfish and, you know, and, you know, and needing to cheat.
So if you have the word awakening, you can add that to your your your prophecy bingo repertoire for this this episode.
That's if you're a subscriber. If you have if you if you haven't hit the notification bell, you can add a stronghold to it.
You see what happened here? See, no, no, that I got a prophecy. I got a bingo here. I got a bingo here and I got a bingo there.
That's all. That's a lot of bingo. I have I have my suggestion for the last word. OK, what's what's your suggestion, sir?
Vision. I like it. Vision. Oh, yeah, vision. I got a rock. If you share the if you share the video, you can use vision.
And we will we will work on the honor system. So don't take it and use it for yourself.
The vision word, unless you're absolutely going to follow through and you have to follow through on that, sharing this video on your social media within the next, you know, like two hours.
How's that? All right. You got a triple bingo. Yeah, I'm I'm being all I'm I'm all over the place.
Bingo now. So I, too, now have a triple bingo. No. I got one.
I got one. I'm so close to a couple of them, but I got one. All right.
So, Joshua, why don't you why don't you give us a little more of your prophetic powers here?
All right. All right. I'm going around, children. For I have a story to tell you.
One of pain, suffering and maybe even a little bit of vision. And now
I'm going to restore some shaking. We are not taking my meds and I'm going to accelerate the strategies.
Oh, wait, I should have been playing sappy music. Oh, no. I made a mistake. I guess.
And we are going to have ourselves a little shift into the sappy land. The kingdom of make believe is my absolute favorite place to frequent around this time of year because of the strategies of winning triple bingo.
Way to go. Way to go, sir. Very good. All right. OK, I, I, I can't talk that, but I will do my best,
OK? I feel like there's a fire wind coming from the nether regions and this fire wind is going to bring a visitation of awakening that will bring a stronghold harvest of shifts that will cause people to yell, shake in the presence.
You're supposed to yell all of this. Well, that's what happens when you have a fire wind harvest from the nether region, sir.
Anyway, you get the idea. So, Jesse, thank you for joining us again.
And and name of your YouTube channel again, sir. The Westwood Home. The Westwood Home.
And you are doing the series called Breaking Bethel. And so thank you for coming on.
I didn't know if you were going to survive, but you did very well. You did very well here. So all right.
I'm going to I'm going to sign off with everybody. And and I'll come back and chat with you here in a second.
So if you found this, I want to say helpful, entertaining. You know, all the information on how you can share the video is down below.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.