Acts 29 Recorded Phone Call - Terrible, Manipulative, Effeminate Leadership Exposed - Part 2

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Woke Church Being Kept in Check - Good Faith Part 3

Woke Church Being Kept in Check - Good Faith Part 3

All right, everybody, welcome back to the channel. I had intended on talking about this yesterday because I had a great weekend.
I hope you had a great weekend too, by the way. Good Lord's Day, good everything. I had a great weekend in general. Good Lord's Day, of course.
You know, Lord's Day is almost always good. But then on Saturday, all my sons actually, except for the brand new one, they all had
Little League opening day. There is nothing so pure and wholesome and just nostalgic and wonderful.
Even the smells that you smell, the sounds that you hear, even the little cheers.
I remember when I was a kid cheering for my friends, you know, when they would be up to bat, we'd have different cheers, you know, and it was the same thing.
Nothing has changed. It's just Little League is just, it's like stuck in the 50s. It's just amazing.
It was so much fun. My oldest son, this was his first year in like real
Little League, like after T -Ball, you know, and he gets up to bat. I'll play the video at the end of this one.
He gets up to bat and his very first at bat. And the way they do it is the coaches pitch the first two innings and then the kids pitch the second two innings, the last two innings.
And so he gets up to bat and his very first at bat, he gets an RBI. He gets on base. He's so excited.
And then he scores a run and it's just amazing. And then the second at bat versus a kid, again, he makes good contact, you know, he's not, you know, he's, he's still gaining his confidence.
So he's still learning how to swing harder and stuff like that. But to make contact on both at bats, especially one with a kid pitcher, he got thrown out and you know, we're still working on attitude.
Of course, he got thrown out. He was very disappointed. And apparently my mom tells me that when I used to get thrown out,
I would get very disappointed as well. So he's definitely my son. We're working on it though. But just, just a wonderful thing.
It's just, it's very satisfying as a father to see your child kind of grow and improve and things like that.
A year ago, this kid was afraid of the ball. Like he was just scared of the ball, deathly afraid. And this year he's up there and he's batting and he's doing well.
He got plunked in the head actually, in the helmet by a kid pitcher in practice the other day.
And a year ago, he would have fallen apart. This year, he shook it off right away and got right back in the batter's box.
I mean, it's just, it was just, it's just so satisfying. Being a father is just so wonderful. I'll play the video of his first hit at the end of this one, but we are going to get right back into this.
This is so remarkable. You know, if you watched the video yesterday, obviously
I had a lot of commentary based on my own experience and stuff like that. I've had at least three conversations that were just like the conversation that these two pastors had with Acts 29.
In fact, I've had a conversation with someone from Acts 29 before about this. It was like a low level guy, a regional kind of New England guy that was dispatched my way.
And you know, to be honest, I'm not exactly even sure why he was dispatched my way, but he was. And we met and we had a conversation that was just like this conversation.
I was never involved with Acts 29, but clearly I was having some kind of an impact on people that were involved in Acts 29.
There'd be really no reason for him to be dispatched my way to try to get me to shut my mouth, which is what the call was about or the meeting was about.
He wanted me to shut up. And I think they do this. Like at the time
I was very tame. I had very mild criticisms and stuff like that. I was very winsome and reasonable in my opinion, just like these two guys are.
They're reasonable. I think what they do is they try to make you feel like you're like an evil person when you're reasonable, but making critiques because they don't want you to turn into me.
They don't want you to turn into what I turned into, someone that's actually, you know, got some oomph behind their criticisms.
And it works. This kind of thing, this kind of strategy to make you feel like you're some kind of evil sinner for daring to question them, to even question them.
That's something that they do all the time. So if you're involved in one of these Big Eva groups or networks or ministries, you've got to be ready for this.
This call will happen to you at some point if you don't toe the line. If you do toe the line, then there's really no hope for you.
You're just a sycophant. But if you don't toe the line, you're going to be on the receiving end of a phone call like this. And that's why this content is important, because you need to be prepared for the kinds of manipulations that they're going to throw your way.
Because this call, these two guys here, Brandon and I think it's Brian, is the other guy.
This is a master class in how to manipulate people. They're manipulators.
They're not leaders. They're manipulators. All right, let's continue on that note.
I mean, I guess that's the way it works. Let me ask a pragmatic question, just because, one...
Before we get into it, let me just say this. If you have the ability to get your hands on this flavor, Toasted Coconut by Polar Seltzer, this is hands down the best seltzer water
I've ever had. It's like every time you drink it, you feel like you're on vacation. It's just wonderful.
A lot of coconut flavored seltzers, they taste like suntan lotion smells. This one doesn't really have that.
I think the toasted part, it kind of smooths that out. It's really good. Next level.
I'm really mad, and I'm afraid to talk, because I'm afraid I'm going to say something, because right now
I want to burn it down. That's where I'm at right now. Just so you know, I feel like this is wrong.
It's unfounded, and it's just mean. It sounds like he's not kidding, man.
It sounds like he's not kidding. You hear what that brother said? He said that he's almost afraid to talk, because he doesn't want to say something that he will regret, because right now he feels like he wants to burn it down.
Let me say this, Acts 29 needs to be burned to the ground.
Metaphorically speaking, of course. Acts 29, the little club that they've got together, they're all vibing.
This thing is irrelevant to the operations of the church. It's really just a thing that you send money to, so that the leadership can stroke their own freaking egos.
They don't let you see the bylaws. They don't want you to know how they operate. They want to operate in secrecy.
You want to know where the money's going? Get in line. Shut your mouth. That's what they think. You want to know how we operate?
You want to read the bylaws? You don't even need to be in leadership. You just want to read the bylaws. Get out of here and get back in line.
That's how they operate. This is the kind of thing that was allegedly
Mark Driscoll's huge sin, that they had to get rid of him for. It's this kind of thing. This is the thing.
This guy is obviously emotional right now. He's angry, and he should be, because this is ridiculous.
Now, of course, he's never seen the bylaws, so I guess he doesn't, at least as far as I know, they can operate this way.
If they just want to kick you out because they don't like your face, they can kick you out. But is this how
Christians behave? No, this is not how Christians behave. This is not how it's supposed to be.
You should at least tell them something. Remember, there's no evidence at this point, none.
There's no evidence that they've got this pattern of whatever it was. I'll get my notes in a second. Constant public criticism and all that, and then they ask for evidence.
He's like, no, no, no, we're not there. We're not there. We don't got no evidence. He's mad.
He's furious. He thinks this is not right, and it isn't right. You guys have to live with that, not me.
But I've got men in my cohort that I love, and I've invested a lot of time into. So pragmatically, am
I on the hook just to pay for this upcoming trip I have in two weeks? No, not at all.
Not at all. And Matt, I totally understand why you feel the way you do. I mean, I don't think you do. I don't think you do.
That's fine. You can say that. Matt, perhaps I don't. Yeah, you don't. You don't.
You absolutely do not understand. Because if you did understand, you would have been ready with evidence.
You would have been ready with an example. And again, nobody's saying you need to show me an example of the pattern, you know, the constant nature of the criticism.
Just show me one. It's constant, so it should be quite easy to find one.
Just show me one. And you can't. So you don't understand.
This is a power play for you. He's like, oh, well, look, you're not on the hook for that money.
Oh, well, thank you. Thank you, my lord. I'm not on the hook for the money. You're just very generous.
You are a kind master. You're a kind master. I just mean to, yeah.
Yeah, I don't. I don't. But let me say this. Let me say this, if I may. No, you're not on the hook for that financially.
And I'm sure you can have a conversation with Justin Anderson as to how, like what next, what happens next practically with that cohort.
I'm sure you can have that conversation with him. OK. You know, you know, and the fact you want to burn things down,
I get that. That's between you and the Lord. What do you get there with that? Not not only not only should
Axe 29 be burned metaphorically to the ground. But this these these people need to be exposed for what they are and how they operate.
These people operate like pagan women, not even godly women, like pagan women.
That's how they operate. And they operate. And again, like like this is not like a an isolated incident.
It's not just like two losers that are just operating like losers. No, this is standard fair.
Big Eva operations. Your favorite Big Eva institution operates this way.
Most likely Big Eva needs to be destroyed.
Axe 29 needs to be destroyed. It needs to become an ash heap. A stench.
That's what it needs to become. Does that mean that if your church is involved with Axe 29 that they're evil?
No, it does not mean that. It does not mean that. What it does mean, though, is that Axe 29 is more a force for evil than it is for good.
Axe 29 is more a force for evil than it is for good. I don't care about your missional orientation if you treat your brothers and sisters in the
Lord like this. I don't care if your theology is pretty good if you treat your brothers and sisters in the
Lord like this. All of the theology in the world, all of the teaching, all of the missional mindsets accounts for nothing if you don't have the basic, like the baseline love to treat your brothers with any kind of semblance of Christianity.