

Are you a Five Strip Baconist? Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve are back in the studio to answer the question.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. Welcome Steve Cooley.
Also known as Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime, now tell me what that means actually. Optimus Prime.
No way you don't know, it's the generation gap between us. Well, I know what a prime number is. I know what an
Optimus means. Okay kids, if you're listening right now, you tell Pastor Mike what
Optimus Prime means. He's the lead good transformer. Oh, see,
I didn't know that. My son, well, my son being much older than your kids, you know, he was into transformers.
See, the only time I've seen transformers was on an international flight and I saw some guy in front of me watching it and I just didn't, it really wasn't my style.
It was a terrible movie. I saw the first one, I would never subject anyone. What's the lead actor's name?
Beowulf or something? Yes, Beowulf, famous, no, Scott DiCaprio, Leonardo's little brother?
No, what is his name? I can't even think. He has some really pretentious name. It's like O'Day Caprio or something.
You know what I'd like to know, Steve? I'd like to know why it seems to me none of the actors in the original
Star Trek TV series have children who are actors. Where's Leonard Nimoy's children?
I don't know. Shatner. I think they all went into music. James Doohan. Yeah, if you listen, they probably listened to their dad's music and thought, that's the life for me.
Hey, Mr. Danbury, man. Steve, I got this email and since it says guys,
I assume that's you and me. Yeah, well, yeah, it's either you and me or.
You and me and a dog named Boo. Well, it could be, maybe they're referring to your guests. Well, it could be maybe
Josh and me. Yeah, sure. And it's from Chris Gambino.
And so whatever he says, we're going to do. Well, certainly, because you don't wanna cross the Gambino family.
No, that's rule number two in no compromise lore. Over the last six months or so,
I've lost 35 pounds eating healthy and having self -control. Yeah, so far, so good.
But recently, I've been on a bacon kick, literally. I mean, I can't stop eating this stuff, sure to gain a few pounds back.
This is actually a real email sent in. If you eat nothing but bacon, I don't think you put on too much weight.
Right, some friends of mine asked me if I was a five -strip baconist, recently to which
I answered yes. I then looked it up and became aware that I, in fact, was.
There's a lot of commas in that. But, you know, if you're a Gambino. I like commas. No, no grammar applies.
Well, sure. You just say whatever you want. Yeah, the Gambino family rules. Right. I was wondering if you could do a show on bacon, the new tulip.
I think it would be funny, entertaining, and ultimately an opportunity to discuss God's sovereign redemption of depraved man.
No, but we can do a show on commas. So, Steve, I'm going to ask you, are you a five -strip baconist?
And instead of having tulip, what's tulip acronym stand for? Do we know that? Yes, total depravity, unlimited, or unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance or preservation of the saints.
Yes, did you just hear Steve? We've got a new you for Steve. It's unlimited atonement. It's funny because.
Unlimited and then limited. Because, yeah, yeah, you kind of go back and forth. And since it's postmodern, whatever applies to you.
It's either, it's both. It's really tulip. And so I saw some pictures of this floating around the internet, and it's kind of fun to do.
Are you a five -strip baconist? Yeah, somebody emailed that to me too. They did? Yeah. They said, this is bacon,
B -A -C -O -N, it's an acronym, and this is theology that you can really sink your teeth into.
Ba -dum -bum -tsh. Uh -huh. And it goes great with pancakes. Yeah. Do you know,
I always eat oatmeal now, but when I say always for breakfast, I pretty much mean always for breakfast. Oatmeal with some walnuts and some blueberries.
That's my new life. But it was two months ago, and Luke and I went on a long swim, and afterwards
I had some pancakes with two eggs on top, and it was really good. It was really good.
I had pancakes, blueberry pancakes for breakfast. You did? Yeah, it's pancake Thursday. Well, seriously, is that what it is at your house?
Yeah. Wow. I like that. Pancake Thursday. All right, so five -strip baconist,
B. So instead of total depravity, we've got to work for the bacon, and so you've got to bring home the bacon.
B stands for what? Do you remember, Steve? Best theology around. No, it stands for bad people.
Just how bad are people? Quite bad, exceedingly bad. Steve, when I think of depravity,
I think of two passages, one from the Old Testament, one from the New, and they both talk about the same issue, and that is because of the fall and because of man's indwelling sin, because of their corruption and inability,
Genesis chapter six, five, and then Ephesians chapter four, 17 through 19. And so in a world where everybody's good, just how bad are people?
No, people are good. You know, while you turn in there, I just want to say the founding fathers of our country understood that, that's why we have separation of powers.
They understood. I learned this in school. Man is inherently evil. The first time I ever heard that was in my public school in high school.
Well, it must have been a good school. I think it was. Now this I say and testify in the
Lord, Paul says, Ephesians 4, 17, that you no longer walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their minds.
They are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to their hardness of heart.
They have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greed to practice every kind of impurity.
I would say that's bad people. Bad people. But see, they've given themselves up. That's their own free will.
Well, after God gives you up, then you respond in kind, and then you give yourself up. Give up on yourself.
Don't give up on yourself. I think Romans one has the God gave them over. Don't give up on us, baby.
You know that. Now, I have not heard the word David and Saul put together since I've heard
David and Koresh put together. Starsky and Hutch. I know. I used to watch that with my father.
We watched All in the Family to get our morality and make sure we knew what right and wrong was.
That show was banned in my house. Was it? Well, you were more sophisticated than I was because that was good watching in our house.
That was good watching. We would watch, I remember watching Lawrence Welk as a kid. Yeah, I think I'd see that when
I was at my - Ed Sullivan, I watched as a kid. Well, yeah, that was different. Johnny Quest, I watched as a kid.
Awesome. That was, we bought Johnny Quest's first season for the kids, probably five or 10 years ago when it first came out on DVD, probably closer to five.
Uh -huh. Race. Race Bannon was the dude. He never got his hair messed up and they had some cool things happening.
He was always handing out some lumps. He was always handing out some lumps.
So, God's Sovereign Redemption of depraved man, excuse me.
So we've got five strip baconists, so one, bad people. Two, so what would the tulip be?
Now you, you want to redeem yourself? Yeah, unconditional election, so. Okay, so we have to have an A. So A, I'm going to go with acronym.
Well, you know what? One of the things I love about Steve, I love him so much that we have to kick him off to go to do his own show, spinoff world.
No, for those wondering that we talked about last week, we're going to have Steve do an additional podcast of No Compromise Radio, the
Tuesday edition guy. We'll probably broadcast it on a Saturday. But it will be in addition to our regularly scheduled program format.
That means Steve is still on on Tuesday. So it's not as if I'm now doing Tuesday shows by myself or with other guests.
Do I have to use the same bumper music? No, but you got to get that all taken care of yourself.
I think I'll use watching the detectives. What I do, Steve, why do people call me when
I'm on the phone, when I'm on the radio? Ladies and gentlemen, we're going to take this call on the air. You know,
I'm glad we, yeah. Remember when we first started the show, you should take questions on the air and then people call you up with these weird things and then you're mean if you're not, if you're, if you're.
Yeah, two shows ago, a guy said souls, fish don't have souls.
What about that? So Steve, in the bacon, five point
Calvinist, yes, it's already elected. Yeah, already elected.
See, if you were to give me the already, then I would not have been elected. Well, if I would have given you the already, you would have given me the not yet. Covenantal jokes.
Oh, a little George Allen Ladd joke straight from Fuller Seminary. Historical pre -mill.
Isn't it fun to laugh about theological things? Only if you're a theological nerd. Do you know what, Steve, when
I - If you're listening to this show, you're a theological nerd. I wish, I wish Ted would do a psychological analysis of our show.
He's done the linguistical analysis on his SPPP computer program. I wish he'd do psychological one.
But early on in the shows, we were pretty straight and we were just, you know, serious, conservative.
We didn't joke around. Yeah, thoughtful. And then now, what has this turned into? Kind of some kind of drive show, early morning drive show.
I'd say probably 90 emails I've received that said we really like Tuesday Guy, but I did receive one that I have not told you about until today.
They said, too much joking around with the Tuesday Guy show. I don't listen to that show.
Oh, really? That's what they said. And I said, are you serious? Are you just joking? And they said, we're serious.
You know what, I think in light of that, we should do a few shows with just organ music and playing the whole time in the background.
Yes, I think that'd be good. And by the way, I think that should be food for thought as you think about what hook you're going to have for your
Saturday Tuesday Show Guy program. You know what, my guess is right now,
I'm thinking it's gonna be funnier than ever. Here's my - It's gonna be better than the Tuesday show
I have to do with Avendron. Well, here's my thing. You know, if you're listening to No Compromise Radio as a church service, then
I certainly could see where somebody could say, you know what, you're having too much fun. Don't be so funny. You know, just talk to us more seriously.
On the other hand, if you're listening to it to try to learn some things or to think through some issues, then all
I can say is lighten up, Francis. Yeah, that's for Friday. Yeah. All right, last week
I tried to find 2 Thessalonians 1 .9 to talk about election, eternal election, and I couldn't find it.
So then I went to 1 Thessalonians 1 .9, I couldn't find it, and then my wife called from the DMV and I couldn't find that either.
So now that I'm thinking correctly, in our Bacon acronym, B for bad people, A for already elected,
I found the verse I was looking for. So we can no longer sing with Bono. I still haven't found what
I'm looking for. And so 2 Timothy 1 .9. See, I had the
T right for Thessalonians and 2 Timothy 1 .9 says, who saved us, speaking about God, God who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works, but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began.
Already elected. Aren't you glad? I am glad. Could there be a better doctrine than unconditional election?
Already elected? No, I don't think so. I mean, the flip side is where something is dependent upon me, it never would happen.
So God looks down the quarters of time and he sees that depraved people who were completely corrupt and spiritually unable to respond, dead in trespasses and sins, will, by their own will, believe.
Then he chooses them and says, aha. Well, I should read some of what Geisler says to you, but that would just kind of spoil my class, wouldn't it?
Well, that would spoil your Saturday edition of The Tuesday Guy. That would be a cool shirt.
What, The Tuesday Guy shirt? Yeah, do you wanna have some Bonanza music or something? Bonanza or Ponderosa?
No, but I am gonna have ricocheting bullets. The Rifleman would be good. Chuck Norris was really good.
The first episode, I think he goes to some church service or something like that or somebody's trying to burn down the church and he does some good therapeutic, moralistic deism kind of thing.
Nice. Yeah. Well, where are we on the show? We're going perfect. We're right where we need to be.
Okay, already elected. Already not yet. So, but I still don't wanna go to C yet because I still want you to drive home to the people that God acts first.
He elects an eternity past because if he did look down the quarter of time, what would he see? He would see dead people unable to do anything.
I mean, if you read Ephesians one verses three to 14, if you read second Peter, or I'm sorry, first Peter chapter one, you see that God causes us to be born again.
You would never in a million years come to the conclusion, oh, we do it on our own.
If you're in John three and you're talking about Nicodemus, again, Jesus doesn't say, you know what,
Nicodemus, here is what you need to do. You just need to believe me, right?
I mean, there is no, obviously this is a narrative passage and we don't get our, I don't have to get my theology out of narrative passages because I've just given you some epistles that say the same things, but here's
Jesus talking to Nicodemus and he doesn't say, Nicodemus, these are the things that you need to believe.
Just meditate on those things. And then when you believe them, let's talk some more. There are a million things he could have said, but what he says is you must be born again.
Well, why? Because that's external. It's something that's done to you. It's not something you can do for yourself. And why is that?
Well, it's because he knew what was inside of Nicodemus. It would go back to John chapter two. We knew what he was, he knew what he was thinking.
He knew that he was dead in his sins and trespasses. He knew that he couldn't respond to the gospel.
Steve, if you could look down the corridor of Wormhole time, that's what I think of. There's some kind of big corridor.
How do you do that? It's like back to the future. You know why I object to, I object to that whole analogy that Armenians like to use.
I object to it for two reasons. Number one is the Bible never talks like that. God looks down the corridors, or the four doors of time.
I always drove a two -door. My first car was a 1967 two -door
Nova II. But the other reason is because that puts God within his -
A box. Well, it puts him within his creation, right? It restricts him within his creation, and I don't think that's what the
Bible would tell us. The Bible would give us more of a picture of God creating time and then being actually above.
He is not subject to the restrictions of time like we are. And so God is,
I think, outside of time, yet he had his son cloak himself with humanity, and then he was in time.
Yes? Enter time. Steve, I know God knows the future because he's making the future happen, and he has decreed the future.
And before time began, I believe the Father and the Son and the Spirit agreed to send the
Son, energized by the Spirit, to go rescue some elect people. He could have rescued none, could have rescued all, but decided to rescue elect people.
Therefore, as you know, you're preaching through the Gospel of John. How many times, it says over and over and over,
I think 18 times if I count rightly, the Father who sent me, the Father sent me, the
Father sent me. And so the Father sent the Son to go get the elect. He didn't send the Son to go get everybody because he would have failed in his mission.
That's right. He's the Father who sent me. But you know, you said something a moment ago, and I want to back up because this is such a difficult point for people who want to proclaim the free will of man, and that's this, that if God is carrying out his purpose, that is, he's decreed all things that are going to come about not just that he just knows them, but that he's actually bringing them about, then isn't he responsible for sin?
Because we're no longer moral creatures capable of making moral judgments and decisions, and therefore,
God is the author of sin, the Arminian says. I just only have one word for that that we used to say in high school.
Forget you. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope.
1 Peter 3, God had to go take the initiative, hence God the Savior. Yes, but he caused us on the basis of our foreseen belief.
Well, in all fairness to the - Is that on the footnote there of 1 Peter 1? Well, in all fairness, when the word foreknowledge is used, actually, it is used in 1
Peter, but when foreknowledge is used in Romans as well, people say, well, that means to know ahead of time, and they forget that foreknowledge is a
Hebrew idea that means to love ahead of time. That's exactly what it means, to intimately know ahead of time.
It's an election love word, but we've already done shows on that. So we're gonna keep going. All right, now we have bacon.
Instead of tulip, we have bacon. And one is - Bacon, bacon. Yes, bad. I had one of those bacon frosties at Wendy's over the summer.
My brother -in -law brought me one. That sounds nasty. You know what? It's just bad bacon. Frosties are fine.
You know, it's ice cream not made with any cream, a lot of ice and a lot of like phenol phthalates and stuff, but it wasn't too good.
Have you done any shows on fake food and all that stuff? No, but I want to. I want to do high fructose corn syrup, and you don't like that?
I have callers and writers and people who write to me and they say, do you know what? Here's what you should eat or drink.
Tell them to subscribe to the health food journal or something. Steve, I did go without any milk products, dairy products, meat or fish or chicken or anything like that Monday and Tuesday and half of yesterday.
And then I went to somebody's house and they served some chicken and I couldn't say, hey, I'm on a veggie blueberry diet.
Well, you know who else did that diet for Monday and Tuesday? Who? Satan.
Satan did that diet. So now Satan has a corporeal body and he does the diet.
Yeah, but you know what? I was losing weight. I was losing weight, man. Come on. All right, so C is the equivalent to L in the acronym
TULIP, five points of Calvinism. L would be limited atonement. And instead we have for C for bacon.
What's it mean? This is a stretch. This isn't so good. The content atonement.
God is content with it. Well, that would be true because it effectively worked just for the elect for whom he intended it to work.
Completely atoned for. So we're gonna end our little phrase in a preposition. Yes, nothing worse than ending the sentence in a preposition on a dangling part of simple.
Okay, so completely atoned for. In other words, when God the
Son dies for people, atonement is complete. That is to say, if he died for you, then you have been redeemed.
There's been reconciliation. There's been redemption. By the way, Steve, that's one of the reasons why I believe in limited atonement, particular redemption, definite atonement, are completely atoned for, is because there's no potentiality language when it comes to the atonement.
It's all actual. He made propitiation. He didn't make it possible and if you believe that it's effective.
No, it happened. It was done, past tense. Okay, so he actually died for actual sins of actual people, not theoretically.
That's correct. Doesn't everybody limit the atonement? Yes, they do. We limit it in how many people it's applied to, not applied to, how many people it was intended for.
See, I'm almost talking like a four and a half pointer. And they believe, the unlimited atonement people believe, that it's limited in its effect because some people for whom
Christ died don't make it to heaven. I think that's not a good atonement. It's not a biblical atonement.
All right, well, we've got two more. The I would be irresistible grace in the acronym
TULIP, but for Bacon, the O would be what? Only the elect.
Overwhelmingly called. So the call of God is irresistible. The call of God overwhelms a man's depravity and draws him and regenerates him.
So we already know free will? Well, if you mean by free will, the heart choosing, then you have free will.
But if you mean - Didn't Jesus say, Jerusalem, Jerusalem? How often have I wanted to gather you? I can't stand it when people use that verse, especially out of context.
He's talking about the leaders he's just discussed earlier in giving the seven, eight woes to.
And he's saying, Jerusalem, Jerusalem. In other words, the leaders, the leaders. Why are you trying to hold my people back?
That's what he's saying. Let my people go? Is that what he's trying to say? Okay. Let my people go?
And then lastly, T -U -L -I -P. P would be perseverance of the saints, preservation by God, et cetera.
N, what's the N for bacon? Never lost. You know what? Excellent, never falling away.
Okay. Yes. And so what does that mean? The never lost from Hertz, that's what they call their
GPS thing. Never, oh, never lost. I rented a car a month ago and the person swore in front of my 13 -year -old daughter and then my 11 -year -old daughter.
He said two words that weren't the worst words, but still what would be considered swearing, as we say in New England, swears.
And why did they say that, swears? He does swears. And so he swore and I said, excuse me, sir. I said,
I'd appreciate if you don't swear in front of my 13 and 11 -year -old daughter. Number one, they're girls' children.
Number two, it's bad business. And number three, I'm a pastor. So I wrote the company, the corporate headquarters and I just got a call from the regional manager yesterday.
Wow. Yeah, they said, what can we do to make it right? I thought you were gonna say they cursed me out. Yeah, they did.
So we would not want to upset the Gambino family in any way, shape or form. So Chris, this one's for you.
And just to let you know, if you write us at info at nocompromisedradio .com and your last name is
Capone, we'll answer it. We'll do a whole show on this. Yeah, I mean, basically, if you have an
Italian last name, you instantly - If your nickname's Whitey, we'll take care of it. There's no problem.
You know, people outside of New England may not know Whitey Bulger is a big crook out here, so. You can go to Greece with No Compromised Radio Ministry, 10 -day tour and cruise.
Write me at info at No Compromised Radio, April 17th through 27th. We're flying from Boston. We'd love to have you go.
It's about $3 ,200 or so, April 17th to 27th. Steve Cooley's gonna be on a special podcast.
You wanna pray for him? Yeah, and if you have any ideas for the show, you know, things that you're afraid to ask Mike to do, but you think
Steve would probably stoop to that. That's exactly right. And you can reach Steve at somecompromised .com. No Compromised Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromised Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.