Urgent Message to Canadian Christians - The Time Has Come!

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So before I begin, let me just say this this video will reference the movie ants
But unfortunately, I was wrong. It's actually the movie a bug's life that I should have been Referencing.
I don't know what it was But there was like a period a few years ago where every movie was about bugs We had a bug's life you had an ant ants you had
B movie You had that one turbo about the snail that could go really fast. I don't know
It was just like it was like the bug period of movies, you know, you had like you have like film noir You've got you know, you know, you know got the silent movies and you also had the bug period of movies
So I say ants in here, but what I mean is a bug's life Enjoy.
Hello there. This is a D Robles and you're listening to a D on the fight -laugh -feast
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Thank you again now I have a topic today that I've been thinking a lot about over the last few years and It's just a very very weird topic and There's a lot that's happened right there's a lot that's happened a lot of like shocking events
And one of the things that I've noticed is oftentimes when there's like a big news story Very quickly and sometimes like right away there's stuff that doesn't quite add up about the story like there's things that are left out or there's things that were fabricated or Just there's just a lot that stinks in a lot of the major News stories and I've often wondered well, what what is that all about?
Why is that? Why is that? And I was talking to my brother Today actually about the movie the
Truman Show and One of the ways that they controlled Truman if you've seen the movie the Truman Show, I've actually never watched it
So I'm gonna watch it My brother told me that one of the ways and I've seen Synopsis and stuff like that.
One of the ways they control Truman though is that they've kind of Inserted different traumatic events into his life to sort of control his behavior to kind of keep him in sort of a mental prison and I think this is very clearly going on this day in these days
I one of the ways that I've been thinking about this is often people will will encourage me on on YouTube or in private messages
And they'll say a D. I'm so grateful that we've got a brother. That's That's got a little bit of courage and stuff like that, and I appreciate those comments guys
I'm grateful that you say that it helps me it emboldens me. So keep doing it You know if that's how you feel then please let me know
But sometimes I feel a little embarrassed because sometimes the thing that they say that they're thanking me for the courage
I don't really find that it's all that courageous like like if I go into the the post office, you know yesterday
And I'm not I just don't wear the mask. I just walk in engage in my business walk out.
I'm not wearing the mask Some people might think that takes a little bit of courage, but I don't really see it that way for some reason
I just never I'm not plugged into that that trauma You know what? I mean to borrow a term from from Kyle Howard like the the kovat trauma
It worked on me for like a day or two and then it was over I mean, I didn't have the trauma anymore and I just walked, you know,
I just go about my business the way I used to But there's a lot of people they are they do have that kovat trauma like they hang on every word of dr
Fauci they hang on every word of The Berks whatever her name was And all of that and so to them that's a very courageous thing to do
And I think you don't even have to listen to Fauci to really have this kind of a trauma thing
There's also a lot of people and I can I'm not saying I'm not calling anybody out here But there's also a lot of people that that really fear the government like they think oh, how are you gonna do that?
You're gonna get in trouble with the with the with the with the federal police. You're gonna get arrested you're gonna get fined and like they do really fear that and I get it because like to a certain degree
I Fear the the government governmental authorities and stuff like that and there's a certain amount of that that's legitimate like the
Bible says we should fear God and because we fear God he's established the government to execute justice and all of that So there's a certain aspect of that fear that's totally legitimate, but there's also an aspect of that That's totally illegitimate like, you know, you're driving the other day
I was driving and I wasn't doing anything wrong. I wasn't speeding. I wasn't drinking and driving or anything like that, but but a cop pulled up behind me and followed me for a while and I was
I was scared and I think that like there were some there were some you know Again, I don't want to sound to Kyle Howard II, but there's some trauma there
It's like that authority figure at any moment can can can turn on me and and you know,
I'm gonna be in trouble I'm gonna be arrested and where did that idea come from? Like I didn't grow up with that idea, right that the cop was just gonna one day just flip and just flip the script
And there's beat me, you know to his into submission and all this stuff. Where did that idea come from? See, that's the thief.
That's the that's the thing you got to think about like that idea came from All of these stories that I've heard and seen on TV of cops doing exactly that Had I not heard those stories,
I would never have said well that cops gonna Pull me over and beat me. You know what I mean? Like like I got that from somewhere
There's a narrative that even though I fight against it because I don't think anyone would say that I follow the narrative of police brutality
The way to the letter right to the letter of way. I'm supposed to I don't think anyone would say that about me In fact,
I often fight against that but still there's something in the narrative though I know it's a false narrative though I know it's
Unreasonable to think that the cop behind me is the gonna be the one to flip the script and then beat me to a bloody
Pulp, I know how unreasonable it is. I know how rare that is and yet Somehow that narrative has still had an effect on me and I think this is intentional
Here's a quotation from Alexander Solstice thing.
I don't know if that's how you pronounce it, but a Russian guy and I've seen this Shared many times and all of that I think it's very valid because this is we can see how this has gone on in the last year.
Here's the quote it says this We know they are lying They know they are lying
They know that we know that they are lying We know that they know that we know they are lying and still they continue to lie.
Why do they do this? Why do they continue to lie well, they continue to lie because it works
You see what I'm saying? Like I know the narrative about cops, you know Randomly beating people to a bloody pulp is a false narrative
Like I know that you probably have a better chance of being struck by lightning Then you do being beat up by a cop, you know for no reason, right?
I understand that the facts bear that out and yet somehow I've bought the narrative that when
I see a cop pull up behind me I must fear and That's I think intentional.
That's an intentional narrative that though. I know it's not true. I know it's a lie They lie often enough that I still can internalize it and I think that's the point there are a lot of mental prisons
That we find ourselves in and though we might not be in all of them There are others that we are in let me give you a perfect example, right?
So I don't fall for the kovat mental prison, right? Okay, that's fine This is no
Bennett This is not like because I have a big brain and I'm just like I'm just that smart that I don't fall for the kovat Thing right because I fall for other narratives and there's fear narratives
Everywhere, right? There's fear narratives everywhere. Okay, let's just say for a second that the conservatives are less immune or less
Susceptible to the kovat virus narrative, right? Okay fine But we're very immune to the narrative that we're gonna be all put in gulags you see that's the thing like we're a lot of us are like you
I've seen so much gulag talk and even to some degree I buy into some of that gulag talk, even though I Fight against it because I realize that's unreasonable to be fearing this gulag thing.
What do you mean people have done it before? Okay. Okay. Okay. I know that's what you've been told people have done it before We've got the
Nazis rounding up the Jews and all that kind of stuff. We've got the the Russians You got to fear Russia as well.
And so we know that like like like that that trauma of those historical stories We've been told now we have to fear being put in the gulag as well
You see it's always they're always going after this fear narrative, right?
this fear narrative and it's like It's like you got to be careful with that because there are some things that you should legitimately fear but there are other things that if you fear and it changes your
Behavior to such a degree that you're actually no longer being faithful to God who is the one we should fear then you've got to really take a good look in the mirror and and even if it is a hundred percent accurate like even if Even if the the narratives of the gulags and stuff like that are a hundred percent accurate
Which I think is very preposterous to believe that everything you've been told about the gulag everything You've been told about the
Holocaust everything you've been told about Hiroshima like I think it's preposterous to think that everything you've been told is true
But let's just say all was true, right? You cannot let that fear Take the wheel and steer.
Yeah, isn't that a song? Incubus. Yeah, it's an Incubus song Anyway, like that's the thing like you can't let these fear narratives control you like Even if everything you heard about police beating up people like hotcakes was true again
I think it's preposterous to believe that everything you've heard is true But let's just say it was for a second
You cannot let that affect you to such a degree that now you're living in fear
You're just living in fear constantly all the time and that's all there is to it I think you need to examine the areas where you fear
Why am I talking about this? Well because we're in a mental prison right now as a church
And a lot of us in the church are seen through the kovat narrative a lot of us in the church are seen through the the the preposterous false
Idea that the government can tell us what to do as a church. That's a lie.
It doesn't come from the scripture It doesn't come from nature It doesn't come from anywhere But so many of us are falling into this lie that it's actually affecting our behavior to such a degree that we're abandoning
Our brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm talking of course about what's going on in Canada, right?
So they've seized the church. They're not gonna let anyone in the church, right? And and this is personally
I think the reaction for Canadians everywhere should be this Every Canadian church should open their doors tomorrow.
I'm sorry Sunday and sing unto the Lord No masks, no nothing. Just open your church
If you're gonna arrest us, you're gonna have to arrest a lot of us You're gonna have to you to get to the point where that PR campaign is not in your favor anymore
You're gonna be the Western country that started rounding up Christians like hotcakes. Guess what?
I think what happened nothing They would do nothing if every Canadian Church opened up and worship
God on Sunday to get that pastor of that James Coates back because they Because they got him isolated right?
They're gonna go and abuse James Coates. They're gonna abuse the isolated church They can do that to one person, but let's see them do it to an entire nation of churches.
They won't do anything They won't do anything because they don't have the power to do it They just want you to think they have the power to do it
And by the way, even if they had the power to do it fine Let's let him try it because we answer to another authority.
We answer to God we appeal to heaven So though you kill the body which you won't do
Jack because you don't have the power to do it And you don't have the balls to do it. You won't do anything.
But even if you did Okay, kill the body. What can man do to me? I answer to God I answer to God.
I'm gonna live forever I have eternal life. I have his approval so you can kill the body, but you cannot destroy me for the long term
In fact, you're gonna have to be and you're gonna have to answer to God for your actions And you're gonna end up being destroyed.
You can't win this Canada. You simply cannot win this So if you're gonna arrest one of us, you're gonna have to arrest us all see
That's what the response ought to be because here's the reality You would not only be getting your brothers back, but also you'd be obeying
God. You can't go wrong by obeying God Worship on Sunday. That's what
God has commanded go to church sing on to the Lord do the elements preach the gospel That's how you obey
Christ on Sunday. And if you did that, I think God would bless it Plus Canada just wants you to think that they're in control
Yeah, they can be in control of James Coates and his one church, but try a nation of churches.
They wouldn't do anything They wouldn't do anything And even if they did it wouldn't matter
It would just be like it would be just like the three guys the Shadrach Meshach and Abednego It would be just like those three guys.
What did they say to the king? He said look you're gonna worship this statue and if you don't worship this statue
I'm gonna throw you in the furnace and what did what did the three brothers say? My kids know this story man. My kids know this story.
They said let it be known King We're not worshiping your stupid statue So throw us in the fire
God's gonna save us and even if he doesn't we're still not gonna worship your stupid statue That's how you do it
Canada. That's how you do it Americans should do this to every American church should be open tomorrow to get that brother's back man
Those are our neighbors in the north man. Those are our neighbors. That's that's you know Who is my neighbor that brother up?
There's our neighbor get his back open up your church You're obeying Christ. God will save you and even if he does it
It doesn't matter because we don't worship the government of the United States or Canada. We worship God.
We obey him regardless That's how you get his back, but you see this is the thing. They've got us in this mental prison, right?
They've got us in this mental prison that actually no no they're the ones actually in charge not
God They're the ones in charge and they have the authority and the guts and the ability to round us all up and to kill us all
They actually don't have that authority. They don't have that ability and they just want you Let me give you a perfect example
You ever see the movie ants? This is how they get you in that mental prison. You've seen this movie, right?
It's a it's a community of ants and they are terrorized by the the grasshoppers, right?
And the grasshoppers are these big scary looking Bugs and they come and they steal the ants food every year
Or I think that they like they demand an offering or something and then like they steal the ants food every year and then all
Of a sudden one of the ants goes let's not let's stop doing this. This is why are we giving these guys our food?
this is our food we worked hard for it and the ants Outnumber the grasshoppers like a thousand to one and there's even a scene where the grasshoppers are talking amongst themselves
Then they're talking that we got to make an example of this one ant that keeps Disrespecting us because the minute they get the idea that they can actually win
We don't actually don't have this power over them. Even though we are bigger. We look scarier They have a thing outnumber us a thousand one
They can easily destroy us if they if they got it in their head that they could they could easily destroy us and so that The ants the ants were in this mental prison where they couldn't defeat the grasshoppers they were just too powerful with the grasshoppers knew that they had to make an example of the small ant the one ant because the
Minute the ants work together. They're totally screwed and it's the same thing here. I'm not saying go after the government
I'm not saying take up arms. I'm not saying any kind of revolution What I am saying though is do the easy thing and just obey
Christ I'm not talking about taking up arms against the Canadian government. What I am saying is we're going to Church Canada we're gonna open we're gonna sing we're gonna do all that we're supposed to do unto
God and You know you do what you have to do You're not gonna do anything and even if you did we're still going to obey
God rather than men This is exactly what Shadrach Meshach and Abednego did don't fall into this mental prison of Extreme fear extreme despair because of the things you learned in social studies when you were a kid
Chances are some of that stuff isn't even true And even if it were true It doesn't give you any excuse not to obey
God the fact that they've got an atomic bomb that could blow you to kingdom come Does not give you an excuse to not worship
God The fact that there had been gulags in the past and there could be gulags in the future does not give you an excuse
To not worship God the fact that James Coates got his church seized Does not give any
Canadian an excuse to not worship God on Sunday in fact I would argue that it
Insists it it forces your hand you must open your church on Sunday Get that brother's back if they're gonna arrest him for worshiping
God let them arrest the rest of us as well Arrest the rest of us as well That's how you handle situations like this get out of that mental slavery that they have you in it
Just like these grasshoppers. They look scary There's a bunch of them, but there's way more of us plus our
God. This is not from the grasshoppers movie Our God is more powerful than them So when
Nebuchadnezzar tells you to bow down to the statue when you hear the music tell him to go fly a kite Tell him to go pound sand tell him listen
God will save me from your stupid furnace But even if he doesn't I'm still not gonna obey you. I'm still not gonna bow down to your ridiculous statue
And you know have fun being the king of a pagan nation. That's gonna be destroyed by God anyway Good luck with all that.
That's how you handle this stuff, man. You gotta get out of this mental slavery I'm in it and to some degree
You're in it to some degree don't be so foolish to think that you see everything clearly and all that kind of stuff
This is why you must you must know what God expects of you You must know what God commands because if you know that kind of stuff despite the mental slavery
You can you can be laser focused on what God Requires of you what God's law says for you to do and you'll be safe if you're doing that stuff, right?
God will protect you and even if he doesn't God's got your back man. Let's get James Coates back this
Sunday open up your church And that's really the only message I have for you today open up your church.
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless Don't forget to tune in next week on Thursday for a