The Search for Wisdom


Proverbs 2:1–13 Pastor Rob Kimsey 10/1/23


Please open your Bibles to the book of Proverbs Proverbs chapter 2 the search for wisdom
Proverbs chapter 2 we're going to be looking this morning at verses 1 through 13 The search for wisdom in our modern culture in society.
We have an ever -increasing confusion on Morality what do we think of as right?
What do we think of as wrong? And those things more currently have been sort of flipped upside down There is definitely a lot of deception and Things that we would consider according to the
Word of God to be evil. Our society is now calling good This morning.
I want to put before you these amazing passages from Proverbs and I want us to think about what it means to be wise
To have knowledge how we live our lives. What do we live our lives by and What the the
Word of God says about good and evil? We must look to the scriptures as the only ruling and guiding principle for which we are to live in this world so in Proverbs chapter 2 1 through 13
King Solomon is Explaining to the readers that Yahweh is the one who gives wisdom.
He is the source of understanding and knowledge so we will seek to just be at the feet of God's Word the feet of Solomon this morning as we look to search for wisdom chapter 2 verses 1 through 13
The heading in my Bible says Yahweh gives wisdom and these are the words of the wise
King Solomon he says my son if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you
To make your ear pay attention to wisdom Incline your heart to discernment for if you call out for understanding
Give your voice for discernment If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures
Then you will understand the fear of Yahweh and find the knowledge of God For Yahweh gives wisdom
From his mouth comes knowledge and discernment he stores up sound wisdom for the upright a shield to those who walk in Integrity to guard the paths of justice and he keeps the way of his holy ones
Then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity every good track
For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul
Discretion will keep you Discernment will guard you to deliver you from the way of evil from the man who speaks perverse things from those who forsake the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness
Well to really understand Proverbs we need to understand the purpose statement of the book
Why did King Solomon write Proverbs? It's a good practice for us as we read scripture to try to find the purpose statement that the author
Explains in the writing. It's not always easy to discern. Sometimes we have to dig a little bit for this in Proverbs that's not the case
The purpose statement of the book is really found in Proverbs chapter 1 verses 2 through 6
And there's really a two -fold purpose of the book of Proverbs Read with me chapter 1 verses 2 through 6
Why? Did King Solomon write Proverbs? He says to know wisdom and discipline
To understand the sayings of understanding to receive discipline that leads to insight righteousness justice and Equity to give prudence to the simple to the youth knowledge and discretion
Let the wise man hear and increase in learning and a man of understanding will acquire guidance to understand a proverb and an enigma
The words of the wise and their riddles the purpose statement of the book of Proverbs the first part of verse 2 and Really verses 3 3 & 4 give the purpose of producing the skill of godly living by wisdom and instruction
This is a very practical book. It teaches us how to live the second part of verse 2 and verse 5 give the purpose of developing
Discernment to know good from evil The two -fold purpose of the book is to produce the skill of godly living by wisdom and instruction and to develop
Discernment the main point of the passage from chapter 2 verses 1 through 13 is
If you search for wisdom You will find it There are two realities to wisdom
It is the result of a determined search and work on our part.
This is work But it is a god -given Gift the starting point really for wisdom is
God and his word the Bible his revealed word because the
Word of God is the source of knowledge and Understanding in this way wisdom is a gift from God his gift to us
But there's a caveat here God only gives wisdom to those who genuinely
Seek it if a person earnestly seeks wisdom God will give it the truth
Is that the wisdom of God is hidden from the foolish and those who have rebelled against him?
The search for wisdom takes effort to find and to use it Even though the path to wisdom requires great
Exertion this is work. We will discover true wisdom is
God's and he will Generously give the Lord will guide us and reward our sincerity on the path of our persistent search for wisdom the wise
King Solomon describes three amazing Results for searching for wisdom so that you can learn to grow in the skill of godly living and to develop discernment three
Amazing results number one discernment from God that's verses 1 through 5 number 2 defense from God in verses 6 through 9 and number 3 deliverance from God verses 10 through 13 three amazing results of searching for wisdom so that you can learn to grow in the skill of godly living and to Develop discernment to be able to say in full conviction.
What is good? And what is evil? The first is discernment from God number 2 defense from God and number 3 deliverance from God.
We'll look first at discernment discernment from God verses 1 through 5 The search for wisdom must be genuine.
It must be sincere and there's an earnest desire within the heart We must search for wisdom as if it were an invaluable treasure
I Once heard an illustration that explains this earnest desire There's a story about a proud young man who came to the philosopher
Socrates to acquire knowledge He walked up to the muscular philosopher and said, oh great
Socrates. I come to you for knowledge Socrates recognized a dis genuine person when he saw one
He led the young man through the streets to the sea and chest deep in water Then he asked what do you want?
Knowledge. Oh why Socrates said the young man with a smile on his face? Socrates put his strong hands on the man's shoulders and pushed him under the water 30 seconds later
Socrates let him up What do you want? He asked again Wisdom the young man sputtered.
Oh great and wise Socrates Socrates crunched him underneath the water again 30 seconds passed 35 40
Socrates let him up. The man was gasping for air What do you want young man?
between heavy heaving breaths the person Wheezed knowledge
Oh wise and wonderful Socrates jammed him down again He's he's under the water again 40 seconds passed 50
What do you want air the young man screeched? I will I need air
He said when you want knowledge as you have just wanted air then you will have knowledge
There must be an earnest desire Even though the path to wisdom requires exertion on our part
We will discover true wisdom if there's a genuine desire The Lord will guide us and reward our sincerity on the path of our persistent search for wisdom
Three amazing treasures that are found in the search for wisdom discernment from God Let's look at verse 1
He says my son if you will receive my words and treasure my commandments within you
Solomon starts his statements with a personal plea my son Now the
Hebrew word here for son can literally mean a son It can be a young male even a young animal it can also be translated as grandson or in collectives a single or individual
It is also often used as a familiar address my son as in a younger companion or a disciple
His statement is not a plea with an unrealizable condition It's a statement of truth serving as an indication of a realizable condition
It's more of a promise than a plea Solomon starts in verse 1 through verse 4
Instructing his disciple with an if and a then and we really are gonna see this pattern through these 13 verses if you do this
Then this will happen Here he says if you receive my words and the word he uses for receive means to take to grasp or to seize
It can also mean to accept to receive or to acquire
To acquire and that is the usage here. It's a metaphor meaning to comply with commandments or words
This is not a maybe that may or may not happen if you accept the wise words of King Solomon Then you will understand but it's a it's a thing you have to do
You have to accept these teachings and that's a reality that if you accept the teaching you will acquire it's not a maybe
No, it's not a maybe Solomon uses the same word to receive to accept to acquire later in Proverbs 410
He says hear my son and receive my sayings and the years of your life will be many
I like the NASB translations of 410 He says hear my son and Accept my sayings and the years of your life will be many.
That's a good way to think about this first statement It's not a maybe it's a personal plea to accept the truth
He says to make your ear pay attention to wisdom incline your heart to discernment
Solomon says there's a participation or responsibility in the receiving or the accepting the verb to make
Can mean to be fully alert with a human subject it conveys the idea of listening attentively
Solomon says to listen attentively with an aspect of alertness and inclination
When he says incline he's talking about stretching out or or reaching out your heart toward discernment
It's the idea of guarding your inner person your inner person and being
Literally one's inner self the seat of feelings and emotions the will
He says guide it and reach out for discernment He'll qualify what that means in the next few verses
The Oxford Dictionary defines discernment as the ability to judge well the ability to judge well or in a
Christian's context perception in the absence of judgment with a view to obtaining spiritual guidance and Understanding discernment in the
Hebrew it is understanding even cleverness or skill This is the way the word is used this discernment is the understanding of God as the creator as the leader
Shepherd of the people of his covenant. He feeds them his word look at verse 3
He says for if you call out for understanding Give your voice for discernment
Verse 3 gives a double explanation of what it means to incline oneself to discernment
The first is to call out for understanding Although understanding and discernment are synonymous
Solomon uses a different word here. This is more than human understanding.
This is divine comprehension the power of thought and intellect as an as in an individual's perception or Judgment of a situation and this understanding is from the knowledge of God This section is communicating the idea of calling out or shouting to someone
Solomon says to call out for godly perception for rightly Judging a circumstance the second explanation of inclining oneself to discernment is really a nuance of the first The second part of verse 3 describes the calling out the word
Solomon uses forgive can literally mean to give to hand down to allow or to surrender
One of the usages conveys to set to place or to lay as in to put something in the mouth to lay something in the heart to set one's mind and More specifically here the giving of the voice is to raise the voice to literally shout
To make a noise It can be a noise of thunder or animals or a human noise
This is an audible voice of an individual making lament or prayer Solomon's nuanced double explanation of an inclination to discernment is to pray to God to give you
Understanding he says use your mouth and call out to God for discernment in verse 4 he'll continue he says if you seek her as Silver and search for her as for the hidden treasures
He likens the prayer for discernment and understanding to seeking treasure This is the seeking is a search.
This is a treasure hunt this is wanting to discover or find this is an attempt to do something as in trying to possess it a
Search for something extremely valuable that he likens to treasures and here he gives the illustration of silver something
Extremely valuable. This is better than silver and this goes back to verse 2
You know as I started the heading of chapter 2 in the legacy standard Bible and it might be in yours as well as the
Lord gives wisdom Yahweh gives wisdom verse 2 states plainly make your ear pay attention to wisdom
Yahweh's wisdom is better than silver or gold Later in the Proverbs Solomon will qualify his comments here in verses 2 through 4
Godly wisdom and discernment is more of a prophet than silver we can look at Proverbs chapter 3 verses 14 and 15 for her prophet is
Better than the prophet of silver and her produce better than fine gold
She is more precious than pearls and nothing you desire compares with her
That's that's a desire Solomon is saying that if you attempt to possess
Discernment more than as if you were seeking the most valuable thing on earth
The word he uses here for search is different than the word to seek. It actually means to search out or examine
The term hidden treasures is one word actually in the original. It's describing treasure.
That is more valuable More more valuable than the most precious metals like silver or gold on the face of the earth on the face of the earth
This treasure is beyond earthly comparison because because it is divine
It is divine and other worldly. This is supernatural divine wisdom from heaven that surpasses all earthly understanding
Without this there is no understanding and the Lord Jesus is extremely helpful here
He gave a wonderful word illustration of what a hidden treasure is in the eyewitness gospel from Matthew Matthew chapter 13 verse 44 says this the words of our
Lord He says the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field Which a man found and hid again and from joy over it
He goes and sells all that he has and buys that field
That's the the hidden treasure Solomon says then you will understand the fear of Yahweh and find the knowledge of God Now here is the then the first result the first treasure understand the fear of Yahweh and find the knowledge of God if you accept and hold dearly the words and instructions if you pay close attention and reach out with your inner being for discernment if you pray and raise up your voice to God for Understanding and discernment if you search for wisdom like a hidden treasure and value it more than silver and gold
Then you will understand the fear of God and find the knowledge of God The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge
Ignorant fools despise wisdom and discipline that's verse 7 out of chapter 1 the fear here is literally the fear of God But let's look at this from the right side of the cross as believers
We don't fear wrath or judgment the Spirit of God dwells in us Paul speaks about this in Romans in chapter 8.
He says therefore there is now no Condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus For the law of the
Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death For what the law could not do weak as though as it was through the flesh
God did Sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin
He condemned sin in the flesh so that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us
Who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit there is now no condemnation in Christ Jesus.
Praise God We can think of this as a as reverence and honor for God reverence for God a deep
Respect for someone or something Knowledge of God is not human knowledge.
This is more than human logic or reason which can be seen as part of God's common grace
You know, even the most depraved atheist on some level has the ability to think and to reason that's
God's common grace this knowledge is from God the divine ability for discernment and Understanding.
This is wisdom from above that produces divine understanding to discern between what is good and what is evil righteous versus unrighteous and this wisdom comes from above James will write about this in his letter
He asked this very simple question who among you is wise and understanding and he's writing to believers
Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good conduct his works in the gentleness of wisdom but if you have bitter jealousy and Selfish ambition in your heart do not be arrogant and so lie against the truth
This wisdom is not coming down from above but is earthly natural demonic for where jealousy and selfish ambition exist
There is disorder and every evil practice But the wisdom from above is first pure then peaceable considerate submissive full of mercy and good fruits without doubting without Hypocrisy and the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace
James 3 that's wisdom from above the source of true understanding and knowledge
God himself this is wisdom from above that produces divine understanding to discern between right and Wrong and for us,
I mean simply in the in the world we live in today We need God's wisdom to help us to make good choices
Depending upon what stage in life you're in we're presented with choices we make in life
You know for the young person it may be What college am I going to? Well, let's think about that.
Let's look at the Word of God What does God have to say about it? You know, should I be buying that car?
Should I be hanging out with that group of friends? Should I be doing that maybe for the older folks, you know, what what's the retirement look like?
You know, should I be buying that home? The decisions we make in life must be put under the scrutiny of the
Word of God We must look to God's wisdom to help us to make good choices
Who are we spending time with what are we doing in our time and our activities outside of worship?
Seek God's wisdom in those decisions. Should I be married to this person? Should I go to this school?
Should I get that? thing Well, let's look at what God's Word has to say about it have have true
Wisdom and your decision -making if we seek to look at God's Word and look to him to help us to make our choices
Things will go good for us if we ignore God's instruction in our life And we're not looking at God's wisdom to make choices things will not go good for us
Wisdom helps us make good choices the wise King Solomon describes three amazing results from searching for wisdom so that you can learn to grow in the skill of godly living and Discernment the ability to develop discernment
The first treasure is discernment from God Helps the believer to develop an ever -increasing awareness of sin and righteousness discernment from God helps the believer to develop an ever -increasing awareness of sin and righteousness and number two defense from God We'll see that in verses 6 through 9 defense from God For Yahweh gives wisdom from his mouth comes knowledge and Discernment in verse 6 the if and then shifts to declaring more aspects of the results of searching for wisdom
The next few verses declare what Yahweh does what God does and then in verse 9
We have a then for us in verses 1 through 5. We see that if we search for wisdom
We will find it verse 6 qualifies the source of the finding
Yahweh gives wisdom God gives wisdom. This is presenting someone with something tangible a
Gift is freely given God gives wisdom not skill in technical matters not experience or shrewdness not worldly wisdom
God's wisdom from his mouth come knowledge and Discernment we have many examples in the scriptures of God giving wisdom to human beings
The best example I can think of is the very man who wrote these words The very man who wrote the
Proverbs before us this morning if you search for wisdom You will find it because God gives it and we can look to none other than the wise
King Solomon in 1st Kings chapter 3 verses 10 through 12. We see
God's response when Solomon asked Yahweh for wisdom this is what it says and it was pleasing in the sight of the
Lord that Solomon had asked this thing and God said to him Because you have asked this thing and have not asked for yourself long life
Nor have asked riches for yourself nor have you asked for the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself discernment to listen to justice
Behold I have done according to your words Behold, I have given you a wise and discerning heart and sometimes we forget about that Solomon asked
God for wisdom. So God gave him wisdom. What does the scripture say? He asked for discernment to listen to justice to know the difference between right and wrong and God granted his request one of the according to the scriptures the wisest person who ever lived on this on the planet
The wisest person ever because God gave him that request Now another
Old Testament example is from Job in Job chapter 32. We say we see this young man
His name is Eli who? He's a friend of Job and he becomes angry with Job and his other three older friends
Job's older companions and He becomes angry during their speculations and conjecture of why
Job had suffered so the young man says something amazing in verse 8 and I'll just point this out that The three older men who were giving
Job counsel were called by God to repent for what they had said But Eli who was never called by God to repent interesting
Eli who he said this is the the quote it's from Job 32 Then these three men ceased answering
Job because he was righteous in his own eyes But the anger of Eli who the son of Barak all the booz -ite of the family of Ram burned
Against Job his anger burned because he was proving himself righteous before God and His anger burned against his three friends because they had found no answer and yet had condemned
Job Now Eli who had waited with his words for Job because they were years older than he
Then Eli who saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men So his anger burned
So Eli who the son of Barak el the booz -ite answered and said I am young in years and you are old
Therefore I was shy and afraid to tell you my knowledge I thought age should speak and increased years should make wisdom known in verse 8
But it is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives them understanding
The the older guys just didn't get that They were spouting off all of this really bad advice and counsel and making
Accusations against Job as if they knew what God was doing behind the scenes, but this young man makes this amazing statement
But it is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives them
Understanding Yahweh gives wisdom and he stores up Wisdom look at verse 7
He stores up sound wisdom for the upright a shield to those who walk in Integrity Solomon says
Yahweh saves it up He stores it up and he adds an adjective to qualify or describe the wisdom
Now the origin of the Hebrew word for sound is uncertain. There's different ways to look at this word
The basic root of the word means strength and ability one commentator noted this sound wisdom
Suggests an advancement of that which profits so particularly true wisdom
I think it's helpful to think of the description in the relationship to the source of the wisdom
What is the source of the wisdom divine wisdom is sound? Wisdom in the theological workbook of the
Old Testament Lewis Goldberg said this Among the usages of this technical word is sound efficient wisdom and an intended example would be sound judgment
Sound wisdom that leads to practical success really on the issues we deal with he says thus the son will find life and honor if he follows his father's sound judgment
Because personified wisdom gives this quality to the Kings they rule effectively on the other hand
God frustrates the shrewd so that their hands cannot attain success
That's from Job sound judgment is based on the righteous character of God's rule
The upright have sound wisdom hidden in them and that's again
Proverbs 2 7 The second part of verse 7 is a is a really a parenthetical insert
He's making this note in the in there and he says this is about what the storing up of wisdom does for the one
Searching for the wisdom wisdom is a shield as a weapon serving as a metaphor for protection wisdom protects us
Wisdom is a defensive protection for the person that lives or behaves with Integrity the
Hebrew concept of integrity is a perfection. It's the idea of completion of fulfillment whoever walks in Integrity is someone who walks completely innocently and that is only possible with godly
Wisdom from above given freely by God for those who want it
God does not give wisdom for us to float idly through life Nor does he give us wisdom to act irresponsibly with it nor with the resources.
He provides for us This is about being faithful with the resources.
God gives to us. I Mean, have you ever thought about that that the wisdom of the scriptures is a resource that God has given to you
What are you doing with God -given wisdom if we as believers remained faithful to God and set our purpose in life
Straight before us God will protect us He will protect us from pride and from greed.
He will shield us and defend us from stumbling in sin to guard the paths of Justice and he keeps the way of his
Holy One Solomon says Yahweh will guard the path Yahweh will guard your path in life and he uses the word to keep watch to watch over or to keep from this is protection and preservation and specifically in verse 8 it conveys to observe or comply with Yahweh causes the path as in a metaphor for the way
The way or the straight path of justice relating to judgments or legal claims
These are legal decisions of Yahweh that are just and right God does this for the one who desires godliness
Yahweh enables godliness Yahweh causes the path to be straight and he guards the one who searches for wisdom
The second part of verse 8 gives us a parallel Solomon simply restates the first part of verse 8 He uses a different word for guard that is very similar in meaning to keep or to watch over This is the idea of the watchman
The watchman who looks over the city from the watchtower to warn the city of an impending attack the word also has the idea of observing as in taking care of to preserve or to protect and there is an implication here of preserving one's life or the preserving really the
Instruction even from a parent to a child and instead of path Solomon uses a different word than path
Yahweh keeps the way It conveys the concept of treading as in to tread down or to cause to walk
For the one who desires godliness Yahweh enables godliness
Yahweh causes the path to be straight and he guards the one who searches for wisdom and Just so the readers are sure
Solomon adds on to the tail end of this parallel the recipients of Yahweh's actions his
Holy ones one word in the Hebrew literally the faithful the faithful or the godly and Now the crescendo of this section because Yahweh does all things in verses 6 through 8 for the person who searches for wisdom then you will understand righteousness and justice and equity every good track
And I know in you know in in the years, I guess between 2018 and maybe 2020 2021 we've heard that word equity thrown around a lot by those that are enemies of the gospel
They have hijacked words Let's keep it in context here. God is the one who created language
These words belong to the one who created everything so when we hear these kind of words being thrown around social justice justice gospel social justice gospel equity
Understand that these people that are saying these things don't know Christ They are they are actually attacking
God's Word When you hijack what God has said and you put your own spin on it to mean something other than the biblical definition
It is not only an attack on God. It is an attack on the gospel. It is an attack on Jesus Christ himself so let's learn what the words mean according to what the scripture says they mean and That's verse 9.
Here is the then of verses 6 through 9 Solomon gives three elements of God's defense in understanding righteousness
Justice and equity and then he adds on a qualifier for equity Righteousness is accuracy
Accuracy, what is correct? Righteousness is the right thing. What is right and here
Solomon goes deeper in the biblical Hebrew meaning of righteousness communal loyalty communal loyalty conduct loyal to the community
You want to live a life of righteousness? You can't do that Without faithful conduct toward the body of believers to which call which
God has called you to be with I'll say that again you cannot live a life of righteousness if you are unfaithful to the body of Believers that God has called you to be with Righteousness is not only about what is correct.
Righteousness is not only about what is right Righteousness according to God's meaning is about whether your conduct is
Loyal to the community of believers to which God has called you God defends the godly and those faithful to understand this and to live this
The scriptures are not theoretical They're practical. They're for us to live out
Justice is the sound judgment and legal decisions of Yahweh Justice, this is purity in religious practice
Purity in laws it relates to God's instructions for life his commandments and equity the the power word here equity level ground level ground a metaphor for rectitude
Morally correct behavior or thinking this is fairness as in a level playing field of justice equity and Solomon caps off verse 9 with a strong word picture describing equity equity is a beneficial
Pleasant or favorable wagon track. This is every firm path
Because Yahweh does all these things in verses 6 through 8 for the person who searches for wisdom in verses 1 through 4
God will defend the godly in their understanding of righteousness justice and equity in Morally correct behavior or thinking that's the way we should think about these words and That is not the way those words have been used over the last few years
But it's important for us to remember that when we pray to God for help with sin.
He will help us. I mean very simply God promises
He's our defense He defends us He makes our lives walk on his path the straight path.
I Mean just think about God's power what these words mean in your life
You're if you're struggling with a particular sin ask
God to help you with that sin and I promise you
According to the Word of God this morning God will help you if you need
God's protection and help and enablement in living a godly life Then pray to him
Pray to God. He will help you 110 percent a thousand percent.
There is no shadow of a doubt no sliver of a doubt When you pray to God for help with sin, he will help you
What an amazing promise. This is a treasure Three amazing treasures that are found in the search for wisdom.
Number one was discernment from God and Number two is defense from God protects the believer by giving a divine understanding of righteousness justice and equity in morally correct behavior or thinking
Defense from God protects the believer by giving a divine understanding of righteousness justice and equity in Morally correct behavior or thinking and number two is deliverance.
I'm sorry number three rather is deliverance from God number three Deliverance from God. This is the last verses 10 through 13
Look at verse 10 for wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul
Verses 10 through 13 are really all then statements all of them This section qualifies the results of searching for wisdom because a person earnestly searches for wisdom
Yahweh will do this and for this reason here are the results Wisdom will enter your heart wisdom will enter your inner being
This is the idea of entering into the palace for an audience with the king Cohabitation wisdom will live inside of you
Knowledge inability will be lovely. It'll be a delight to your soul
Speaking in the context of wise wise words. We see a parallel passage in Proverbs 22 18
For it will be pleasant if you keep them within you that they may be ready on your lips
This is more than head knowledge This is the ability in living that is a delight to the soul verse 11
Discretion will keep you discernment will guard you Discretion and discernment will keep and guard you
Solomon uses the same words from verse 8 to keep watch to watch over or to keep from Discretion is not deceitful.
It's prudent Discretion is not deceitful. It's prudence the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or Revealing private information will protect and preserve you
Understanding cleverness skill as in the understanding of God as the creator will watch over and take care of you
That's verse 11 He says to deliver you from the way of evil from the man who speaks perverse things
Part of the guarding power of discernment is deliverance from evil Deliverance from sin
And the most common usage of the verb for deliverance is to be saved to secure or to even save oneself one verb form means to rob or to snatch oneself and The verb form used here by Solomon actually means to tear from to tear from The guarding power of discernment will tear one away or remove one from the way of evil
Discernment and wisdom will cause a person to keep free from unrighteous living
This is knowing good from evil through wisdom of God not human speculation
He who trusts in his own heart is a fool But he who walks wisely
Will be delivered that's Proverbs 28 26 Discernment in wisdom will tear you away and keep you from people who deal in perversity
What a person speaks comes from within their heart This is a person who lives in perversion
There's even an aspect of scheming in the meaning of the Hebrew word Solomon uses here the term
Translated perverse things one word it conveys depravity Listen to this the lexical meaning distortion of what is good
Distortion of what is good God will deliver us out of sin and the company of those who speak and do perverse things through discernment that comes from the wisdom of God the wisdom from God He says from those who forsake the paths of uprightness to walk in the ways of darkness
Solomon makes it clear verse 12 is more than just words The person who speaks of perverse things and distortion to God's Word will also live that way
They have forsaken the way which should be followed in behavior. They have forsaken the path of the way of living righteously
Solomon is talking about straightness in living honesty honesty
Discernment in godly wisdom delivers the faithful from those that have left behind or abandoned a pursuit of godliness the unfaithful
Depraved ones that have abandoned the straight path to live a life of secrecy and hiding
They live a life of darkness those who do not know about God Just a couple of chapters later
Solomon will describe those who walk in darkness Chapter 4 verse 19. He says the way of the wicked is like darkness
They do not know what they stumble over having a godly wisdom based on the
Bible Will help you to discern from good and evil It will deliver you and tear you away from those that would cause you to stumble of We know that the greatest deliverance is the gospel
The greatest deliverance is from the gospel Jesus spoke about deliverance from this darkness when he explained the gospel to Nicodemus in the eyewitness account from the gospel of John He said for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish But have eternal life For God did not send the
Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through him He who believes in him is not judged
He who does not believe has been judged already Because he's not believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of God and this is the judgment that the light Has come into the world and men love the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil
For everyone who does evil hates the light and does not come to the light lest his deeds be exposed
But he who practices the truth comes to the light so that his deeds may be
Manifested as having been done by God, of course, you know, that's John 3 16 through verse 21
Men loved the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil
We need to listen to Kings King Solomon's wise words this morning This is the
Word of God as believers. We ought to seek out the Word of God and how we can practically live in this world
That's what Solomon is talking about here. This is not complicated. This is easy to see
This is what godly wisdom delivers us from is a life in the shadows a life and the darkness
You know, we can think about this point maybe, you know in some application and very simply bad company corrupts good morals
Bad company corrupts good morals. I Mean, I'll challenge you here a little bit think about your life.
Are you spending more time with? unbelievers than you are with believers I Don't I don't need a show of hands, but just answer that who are you spending your time with when you're outside of worship?
Are you spending your time with people that don't love God? Of course, we need to go there to reach them to share the gospel
I'm not saying that but I'm saying in your life and your daily routine What who are you spending your time with?
You know that for the young person who's hanging out with unbelieving Teenagers and they're doing a bunch of things that the
Bible teaches against You know vulgarity of speech looking at perverse things on the
TV I mean think about not only bad company, but what are you allowing into your mind? What kind of TV shows are you watching?
What kind of movies are you watching? You think I'll go it's harmless. I'm in Christ There's now no condemnation in Christ.
I can watch whatever I want no, you actually are conforming yourself to the things of the world and Bad company corrupts good morals
How are you living? I mean wise decisions. I Do we need gratuitous violence and vulgarity to enjoy a film chuck it you don't need it
What are you spending your time with? Not only company but other things and what you're watching and listening to You know, we as Christians often or we come here to worship we come here to worship
God the creator of the universe became a man and died and Took your
Penalty on himself He took the wrath of God on himself so that you can live and then you go home and you watch things that God hates
That God calls an abomination. I Mean just think about it like that wisdom
How are you living your life? The gut the Word of God tells us God gives us wisdom bad company corrupts good morals
Three amazing treasures that are found in the search for wisdom number one discernment from God number two defense from God and number three deliverance from God Helps the believer by removing us away from sinful habits and those that would cause us to stumble
The hope in this passage is that believers gain wisdom through a constant process of growing through sanctification
And that's only possible through the atoning work of Christ who gave his life as a sacrifice for our substitute
Jesus Voluntarily laid down his life and he took on the just and righteous wrath of God the
Father for the penalty of sin that was due to us if You believe in the name of Jesus and trust him with your soul
Acknowledging you are a sinner and turning away from sin and hoping in the good news that Christ gave his life to Pardon you then you will be saved
Then you will be saved. What does it take to be saved believe in the name of Jesus for salvation?
God started the work of salvation and now as believers we now have a new position in Christ It is a finished and completed act
Everlasting life by faith alone in Christ alone Sanctified literally means to set apart for special use or purpose that is to make holy or sacred
Therefore sanctification refers to the state or process of being set apart made holy
We gain wisdom through a constant process of growing this happens over our life
But the growth is not in our own Understanding the growth must come from the
Word of God and the Holy Spirit God is the only source for true wisdom
You know you think about this and you guys may not be familiar with this term, but there's a term called the emergent church which says that as culture and society changes
Then the church Must change along with culture and society and a new church must emerge to meet the culture where it is
That is satanic. I Don't want to change to be apart to do what the culture says to do
The culture is ever changing tides of morality We don't want to change and be like the culture.
The Christian is counter culture We are followers of Christ Christians you know
God is the only source for true wisdom and oftentimes we we put our
The understanding we have in life we put on things that the world tells us is right or wrong
We think we know everything We forget we have the Bible the Word of God that can tell us how to live.
I read this illustration that demonstrates our Willingness to lean on our own understanding a man was on the practice golf course when the club golf pro the guy that does the lessons he brought another man out for a lesson and The pro watched the guy swing several times and started making suggestions for improvement
But each time the guy interrupted with his own version of what was wrong and how to correct it
So he pays the golf course people the money to be with a pro for the lesson He's swinging away the golf pros telling him this is what you're doing wrong
But the guy's interrupting and just giving his own input and how he should fix it after a few minutes of this interference the pro
Began nodding his head in agreement And at the end of the lesson the man paid the pro
Congratulated him on his expertise as a teacher and left in an obviously pleased frame of mind.
He got his money's worth The person watching this was so astonished by the performance that he asked the pro.
Why did you go along with him? Why did you go along with him and the old golf pro said with a grin as he carefully pocketed the fee for his lesson
He said I learned long ago that it's a waste of time to sell answers to a man who wants to buy the sound of his own voice
Does that describe you this morning? Are you leaning on your own?
understanding or are you leaning on God's understanding as followers of Christ We must follow him
We must follow him as Believers we must place our trust in God for understanding
What does the Proverbs say trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own?
Understanding Proverbs 3 5 we must trust and depend on God Proverbs chapter 2 verses 1 through 13 helps us to realize that the
Bible reveals God's wisdom to us if We seek God's wisdom
He will allow us to make a habit in our lives of right choices and help us to avoid moral pitfalls because of God's wisdom when we do make sinful choices or mistakes, we can learn from those errors and recover as Believers we are not going to develop in all areas of wisdom at once Some people may have more insight than discretion.
Some people may have more knowledge than common sense This passage tells us that we can all pray to God for wisdom
We can pray to God for all areas of wisdom We can take the necessary steps to develop all aspects of wisdom in our lives in the context of dealing with trials
James the half -brother of Jesus said this Consider it all joy my brothers when you encounter various trials
Knowing that the testing of your faith brings about perseverance and let perseverance have its perfect work
So that you may be perfect and complete lacking in nothing But if any of you lacks wisdom
Let him ask of God who gives to all generously and without reproach
And it will be given to him James 1 One Commentator said on this passage from James and I think this is a great correlation to our passage in Proverbs chapter 2
Listen to this quote He says we can't really know the depth of our character until we see how we react under pressure
It is easy to be kind to others when everything is going well But can we still be kind when others are treating us unfairly?
God wants to make us mature and complete not to keep us from all pain
Instead of complaining about our struggles. We should see them as opportunities for growth
Thank God for promising to be with you in rough times Ask him to help you solve your problems or to give you the strength to endure them then be patient God will not leave you alone with your problems.
He will stay close and help you grow By wisdom James is talking not only about knowledge
But the ability to make wise decisions in difficult circumstances Whenever we need wisdom we can pray to God and he will generously supply what we need
Christians don't have to grope around in the dark hoping to stumble upon answers
We can ask for God's wisdom to guide our choices The wisdom from God relates to life even during the most trying times
It is not a wisdom isolated from suffering in trials this wisdom is the tool by which trials are overcome an
Intelligent person may have profound ideas, but a wise person puts those ideas into action
Intelligence will allow someone to describe several reasons why the car broke down The wise person chooses the most likely reason and proceeds to take action
God's wisdom goes beyond common sense Common sense does not lead us to choose joy in the middle of trials this wisdom begins with respect for God leads to living by God's direction and results in the ability to tell right from wrong
Asking for wisdom is ultimately asking to be like Christ the
Bible identifies Christ as the wisdom of God Paul actually says in Colossian that he's the hidden treasures of All wisdom and knowledge of God.
That's Christ. That's who Jesus is in Proverbs chapter 2 the wise King Solomon Describes three amazing results for searching for wisdom
So that you can learn to grow in godly living the skill of godly living and discernment to develop discernment
Discernment from God helps the believer to develop an ever -increasing awareness of sin and righteousness
Defense from God protects the believer by giving a divine understanding of righteousness justice and equity in Morally correct behavior and thinking
Deliverance from God helps the believer by removing us away from sinful habits and those that would cause us to stumble