F4F | Is Brian Simmons Promoting the Mark of the Beast?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've been reading or been told that you need to get a copy of the so -called
Passion Translation of the Bible, this is the favorite Bible of the
New Apostolic Reformation as well as those who claim that today we are experiencing the restoration of all of the offices of the so -called
Five -Fold Ministry. So if you've ever been told you need to be reading that Passion Translation, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell, by the way, while you're at it, because you've been given some really bad and demonic advice.
Let me explain. On this installment, we're going to be heading over to Jubilee Church in Sydney, Australia, where Finney and Izzy Degersigne hold court as apostles.
Yes, they are supposedly modern -day apostles. And we're going to be listening to part of a sermon, the tail end of it, of the guy who unleashed the so -called
Passion Translation on the body of Christ, like the Ebola virus. His name is
Brian Simmons, and I want you to see for yourself just how wackerdoodle this fellow is, because wackerdoodle doesn't even come close to describing what it is that we're going to be seeing.
And to make matters worse, before it's all done, we're going to be scratching our heads, no joke, wondering if what he's really doing here is preparing the people at Jubilee Church and around the world to call themselves
Five -Fold Christians, if he's not preparing them to take the mark of the beast.
I'm not making that up. That's not an overstatement. So grab your tinfoil pyramid hat and maybe some kind of interference device, because the sympathetic spiritual emanations coming from this video could be damaging to your liver and kidney and brain.
So I'm not making that up. So here we go. I hope you're sitting down. Here's Brian Simmons, the glory of the last days, the tail end of the sermon, because again, this is just crazy -go -nuts.
Here we go. You're so unpredictable, God. And we love that about you. The wind blows where it wills.
Holy Spirit. Fuego de
Dios. Fuego. Flame of God. Fuego is fire. Heaven's flame.
All right. So apparently, he just caught some lady on fire in the audience there.
I hope they have good insurance. Mas fuego.
Mas fuego. Mas fuego. If you're
Portuguese, fuego de Dios. Fuego. Fuego.
Fuego, senor. Espiritu Santo. Actually, wouldn't she be like senorita?
But yeah. You know, nowadays, I mean, gender is kind of a weird thing. You just never know.
You know, I mean, maybe he just assumed her gender was male. Lift your hands.
Let's have rapture tonight. Come on.
Look in his face, and you'll see the twinkling of that eye. Come on. In his glory, you're changed. Looking at him.
Don't look at what the news says. Look at the one who brings good news.
Lovely Jesus, beautiful, radiant Son, risen with healing underneath the glory of your wings.
Lord, come and hover over us. Hover over us. Flutter over us.
Bring glory into our hearts, into our cars as we drive home. Let our pillow become a pillar of glory as we lay our head down.
Give us visitations. Let the burning man appear to us. The what?
The burning man? Okay.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like, strangely, the opposite of what you would expect to hear from somebody claiming to be a
Christian. Let the flame of God manifest. Melt the walls of our bedroom and bring glory into it.
I don't want the walls of my bedroom melting. I would have to, like, repaint and stuff.
The home repairs would be expensive. Us into our room. Let our night be the encounter we've longed for.
Let the whispers of the night be spoken into our heart. Take us into the celestial chamber, the cloud -filled chamber where lovers meet.
Bring us in. Whoa. Whoa. This just turned strangely erotic.
Okay. Oh, boy. Aburrostaparanda.
Yeah, now that is not a language. That's gibberish. Now, you ask the five folders there what that's all about, and they'll say, oh, it's tongues.
No, no, no. That's gibberish. That ain't a language. Yeah. And by the way, what he's doing here is actually forbidden by God's word.
Let me explain. In 1 Corinthians chapter 14, here's what it says.
So it's starting in verse 26, and this is the section of scripture that deals with the gifts of the spirit, how to properly operate in them within the context of a church service, which, by the way, that is.
That's a church service. So, what then, brothers, when you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or interpretation.
Let all things be done for building up. If anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be only two, or at the most three, and each in turn, and let someone interpret.
But if there is no one to interpret, let each one of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and God.
So God's word forbids, straight up, the practice of the gift of tongues in a church service without an interpreter.
But that is exactly what Brian Simmons is doing. And the reason why that's important to note is because Brian Simmons is a fellow who claims that he was commissioned by God, the
Holy Spirit himself, to bring forth the Passion translation, and yet he is straight up disobeying clear instructions in scripture regarding the proper use of tongues in a church service.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, you're just rolling your tongue, blah -blah -blah -blah -blah -blah, you know, that's not a language, that's gibberish.
Yeah, I say that all the time, you know, sometimes the only thing you can do is the shab -a -roos -ta -ma -ga -da.
Yeah, uh -huh. Again, this is forbidden by scripture.
There's no one interpreting there. Yeah, no, this isn't getting creepy at all.
More, more, more, more, more, more, double it. More, more, more, more, double it.
More of what? Double, what are you talking about? This is the weird, this is like the double -double heresy, the more -more heresy, you know.
This is really some weird spiritual greediness going on here. You plan to do tonight, double it,
Lord. Double it. Intensify. More. More. More. More, until we melt like wax.
The mountain of pride melts like wax before you. More, more, more, more, more.
Fill, fill, fill this house. More. Yeah, this sounds more like a hypnotist to me than a
Christian pastor. More God. More Lord.
More Jesus. Abunda borosta. Yeah, this shows you just how wackerdoodled the guy responsible for the passion translation is.
And by the way, that thing is absolutely abysmal. I mean, it is so far astride from what the actual biblical texts say in the original languages.
I mean, it can only be an intentional duplicity on the part of him to, you know, insert the
NAR's theology into the Bible when it's not there. Okay, this is going to increase the anointing in the house right now.
I want you to find... So he's going to, right now, he's just about ready to do something that's going to increase the anointing in the house.
What? One person next to you. Just one, not a whole row. One person.
And you turn to them, even if you don't like them. Turn to them and pray. Blessing, fire, glory.
Ask God to increase the anointing on their life. More Lord. Increase it.
Double. Can you think of a single incidence or instance where the apostles, the actual apostles like Peter or John or James or Paul, you know, any of those fellows did anything like this?
Can you show me its equivalent in the book of Acts or anywhere in the epistles? Yeah, nothing like that at all.
This is weird. Ah! Oh! Take him to heaven. Take him to heaven.
Let him see what angels see. Sea of glass.
The rainbow throne. More. Fire. Fire of your glory.
More. More. Yeah, all while openly defying the explicit instructions of scripture, inspired by the
Holy Spirit, you know. More Lord. Touch us Lord. Unveil in us the living
Christ. Unveil in us the glory. Unveil in us the living
Christ. What is that theology? This is like...
You know what? Come to think of it. It's been a while since I've heard this theology or anything akin to it.
This sounds like latter rain bridal theology. Hmm.
Glory of the last days. More. More. More Lord.
Put the mark of the Christ on us. Oh, let the mark of the Christ be upon our head and our hands.
More. You see, you know, you hear something like that and something immediately comes to mind.
And it's not something that's good. No. Yeah, like in Revelation chapter 13, yeah, there's a thing here.
The mark of the beast. Let me read out the details and we'll back up into the context.
I saw another beast, verse 11 of Revelation 13, rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb.
It spoke like a dragon. It's weird. This guy's talking a lot like a dragon too. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence.
And in its presence, sorry. And it makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast whose mortal wound was healed.
It performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of the people. Fuego! Right there, yeah.
And by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast, it deceives those who dwell in the earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived.
And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain.
It also causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark that is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
And this calls for wisdom. Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast is the number of a man, and his number is 666.
So here we've got this fellow, Brian Simmons, the creator of the
Passion translation of the Bible. And he is calling for, in fuego, fire to fall on people.
There's a parallel with Revelation 13. And he is calling on people to receive the mark of the
Christ, we'll just say the anointed one here, on their hand or their forehead.
Let me back it up just a little. Listen again. Unveil in us the glory of the last days.
More, more. More, Lord, put the mark of the
Christ on us. Oh, let the mark of the Christ be upon our head and our hands.
More, more, more. A seal of fire over our heart. More, more. We welcome the seal of God on our forehead.
More. Fire. Flame of God. Flame of God.
Awaken hope. Yeah, so fire and a mark on your head and hand.
This is like dragon practice, yeah. So, you know, which kind of begs the question, is the real goal of the
NAR to prepare the way for the man of lawlessness and deceive these people into taking the mark of the beast?
Yeah, I'm just putting it out there as a question because this is really creepy stuff, and this is the guy who's responsible for bringing the passion translation to the body of Christ.
Not only is this guy wackerdoodle, I'm just going to say this guy's straight up demonic. Sounds more like he's trying to practice fulfilling
Revelation 13 than actually making disciples of Jesus Christ. What do you think?
So, love to get your feedback. You can leave comments down below. If you found this helpful, please share it with others.
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So, until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.