A Christian Responds To Lil Nas X’s “Satan Shoes”...

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Hey guys, Colin here. Welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. And please don't forget to like, comment, share, and most importantly, subscribe and hit the notification bell to join the fight for truth.
Thank you so much for your continued prayers, viewership, and support. Let's get into the video.
A viewer named Catherine recently sent me a message about a rapper named Lil Nas X.
Now if you don't know who Lil Nas X is, that's awesome, you're probably better off because of it. But just so you guys know, he's a 21 -year -old rapper who got famous for the hit song,
Old Town Road, which came out in 2019 and was extremely popular at the time. Recently, the rapper told the media that he was gay, which prompted support from a significant portion of people in our culture.
And by the way, side note Christians, when you have a friend who's coming out as gay, you should not be cheering them on at all.
You should not be encouraging them in their sin. Your response should not be positive to them. Rather, the
Bible says in Isaiah 520, woe to those who call evil good and good evil.
Jesus called people out of their sin. He did not encourage them in it. He said, quote, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
That's Matthew 4, 17. But I digress. Lil Nas X recently came out as gay, and following that, he has started to exhibit some very odd behavior.
But nothing he has done was as clearly satanic and wicked as his recent music video for a song called
Montero. In this video, he is in the Garden of Eden and he falls down to hell, where he dances sexually upon someone who is supposed to look like Satan.
It is disgusting, vile, and truly a testament to the fallen state of mankind.
And to all the Christian parents out there, this is what the culture is exposing your children to at this point.
You need to monitor the music they're listening to and the videos they're watching so that they don't get influenced by this kind of thing.
Modern hip hop and pop music, this culture is a cesspool of evil, disgusting activity.
Of course, other genres of music are also filled with sinful themes, but none are as explicit or transparently disgusting as the lyrics and music videos of most modern rap and pop musicians.
More than this, Lil Nas then later declared that he had decided to create a shoe with Nike, which some are calling the
Satan Shoes. And here's what they look like. The shoes will reportedly be sold for over $1 ,000 and are filled with explicitly satanic symbols.
For instance, there will be multiple pentagram symbols, five -sided stars, inside of the shoe and outside of it as well.
And there will also be a cross tilted upside down on both shoes. Both of these are popular demonic symbols used very often by the occult.
More than this, they are selling only 666 pairs of the shoe. 666, by the way, is written as the
Mark of the Beast in Revelation chapter 13. But believe it or not, it actually gets worse than this.
It is also reported that these shoes will each contain one drop of real human blood. Take a moment to think about that.
And if you think that this is weird fringe behavior and that the grand majority of people aren't okay with it, you're wrong.
Popularity is just a reflection of how influential you are in the culture. And if this was truly disgusting to people in the culture, then
Nike and Lil Nas X would not be as influential as they still are. In fact, they're actually growing in popularity.
So here we have one of the world's most popular companies, along with one of the world's most popular musicians, coming together to create a satanic icon.
You can't write this stuff. Of course, it is written in the Bible that such sinful things will happen as this world is given up more and more to the depravity of human nature.
We live in a strange time, people. We live in an age where fundamental biblical views of homosexuality and fornication are condemned and considered hate speech.
But outright worship of the devil is just fine. This is what happens when the church becomes casual.
We are now reaping what we have sown. Most evangelicals today listen to pastors who dress like and act like popular artists and musicians and give a motivational speech absent of biblical support or theological depth, and then they have the guts to call it a sermon.
And then we start questioning what the Bible says about important topics like homosexuality and fornication, and we start thinking things like, well, why is it wrong for two consenting adults to do what they want in the bedroom?
Maybe the Bible is overstepping its boundaries here, and the enemy increases his control over our youth and over our culture more and more day by day.
By the way, there is a link between idolatry and occult practices with sexual deviancies like homosexuality, bestiality, and fornication.
That's a fact, biblically. Don't believe me? Just read Romans 1, 21 -27, which talks about wicked unbelievers who, quote, exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and they exchanged the glory of the immortal
God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
In short, they worshipped something other than God. They were pagans. Then it goes on to say this, quote,
God gave them up to dishonorable passions, for their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
So yes, there is a direct link in this passage between the occult and homosexuality.
If you have a problem with that, take it up with God, not me. I didn't write the Bible. It should be noted that there are a whole host of other sins listed in the passage that come from the occult.
That is very much true. And all of those are equally sinful when seen in light of homosexuality.
But I highlight homosexuality because A, the passage mentions it first, and B, because it applies directly to the situation.
So what should be the Christians' takeaway here? Well, we need to fight against this evil.
We need to pray against this evil. And let's bring Biblical values back into the culture, spread the gospel, and take our faith more seriously.
Call sin what it is, evil. Stop affirming the behavior of friends and family who practice homosexuality, who fornicate, or who dress immodestly.
If you have a friend who makes a post to Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, and they're coming out as homosexual, you should not be encouraging that at all.
You should not be commenting positively on that at all. And if you have a friend who is posting immodest pictures, or posting videos with them saying profanities, you should not be commenting positively on those posts either.
You should not be encouraging them and their sin. That's why we end up with situations like this. And most importantly, we need to tell the world to repent of their sin, and show them that Jesus loves them, and that He died to save them from their sin.
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