A Winsome November Miracle - Thank You Pub!

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Have an extra shot of soy in your latte this morning! Today marks a great and very winsome day.


Thank you Thank you from the bottom of my winsome little heart. It is a winsome
November miracle Honestly, I'm so happy that I put an extra shot of soy in my coffee today.
I'm just so grateful I'm just so grateful. I've been I Haven't told you guys this but I've been grieving
Seriously grieving and weeping in my heart on the inside for about oh I don't know four years five years something like that And I gotta say that today all of that grief has turned into joy so much drama to get my favorite
Scarf on you know this scarf came from from a factory that makes
We're socially responsible scarves in Ethiopia Feels so warm and fuzzy on the inside.
I'm so grateful for the Leadership the absolute leadership the servant leadership
At the reform pub. I'm just so grateful. Let me just read to you. What has got me feel so Just I just feel flourishing today.
Do you I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and I'm just flourishing today because The truth has gotten a big
Pat on the back here. Let me just read to you. I'm not gonna show it on the screen That would be inappropriate, but I'm just gonna read to you.
What has happened to make me feel Pubsters this is this this is a message from the administration of the reformed pub
Pubsters there are a number of topics that the administrators of the group have decided are not fruitful for Conversation in the reform pub
I agree. I agree there are so much about talking through issues talking through controversies
That's just it's just not in line with human flourishing. I mean we all understand that right
I mean we're looking for good fruit good fruit a good tree bears good fruit and a bad tree
Can only bear bad fruit and so we know that there are certain conversations that are bad trees and therefore
Yield bad fruit. Let me go on to continue. This is absolutely amazing
Although we recognize that Doug Wilson The name itself it just triggers me calm down Doug Wilson is a figure that exists within that orbit of reformed theology
For a variety of reasons we have observed that threads related to him are not productive in our group for this reason and In many others we have decided that references to Doug Wilson are deleted
Bravo sirs Bravo for your courage Bravo for your courage because even seeing the name it
It takes me to that place and it's not in line with human flourishing.
It's not For this reason and many others we've decided that references to Are deleted although this does not by definition extend to those in his circles his family
CREC churches and pastors and other associates. We sometimes delete those as well Well, I have to say good on you because even just the last name even just seeing the last name
I'm not gonna even say it. I'm not gonna say today's a good day Today's a good day, but even seeing his last name or the names of his associates even that does real damage
Real damage. It's not fruitful to see that stuff. It's not fruitful. And so I'm so grateful that we have such
Courageous defenders to defend our minds because we don't want to be twisted in our minds by seeing that name
That name that has done so much damage in our churches that name that has has has hurt so many people
So many so many good brothers and sisters in Christ I've been hurt by that names opinions
And so I'm so grateful. I feel so winsome today. So winsome. It's a little warm actually imitate mine
Too much human flourishing sometimes this makes you a little warm We delete those as well, thank you for your cooperation and compliance if you have any questions, please reach out to an admin
I'm so grateful that the openness about this. That's what I love about this the transparency About this policy and the willingness to talk if you have questions reach out to an admin they are just open to hearing any questions that anyone with any concern has over this very
Excellent policy because if there's one thing that Christians need is is they need to be defended They need to be defended and coddled from all of that serious serious
Unwinsome Serrated error that is just constantly being pumped into the reform pub
I'm so grateful that finally someone is taking a stand Someone is taking a stand, you know
I know that that over in the beginning reform pub was supposed to be like a pub you know where you could you could kick around ideas and and sometimes it can be a little boisterous and things like that and But this is unacceptable even for a pub even for a pub to see a name that is just so Synonymous with triggering
Synonymous with with with with the lack of human flourishing. I mean you look at look at that family
I'm not even gonna say the name. I almost said it and I even got flashbacks PTSD flashbacks
I'm even almost saying the name but look at his family That family is not flourishing.
That's the opposite of flourishing. It's a counterfeit flourishing It's definitely not winsome and anyone associated with them is in many ways very problematic and very toxic
I'm so grateful for the leadership at the reform pub because even seeing the name is just unacceptable at this point
We've grown we've grown as a body. We've grown as a society We know that we don't have to see stuff that upsets us
We don't have to see stuff that offends us or that contradicts us. We don't have to see that stuff and I'm grateful for Tony and the group taking the lead of from Mark Zuckerberg and from the
Washington Post and from the ERLC And from the gospel coalition to to protect people.
This is about human flourishing and if you disagree with this well, then you're practically a
Nazi You must love Donald Trump as well. And we we understand we know that a
Christian ought to be better we ought to do better and Everything that we do should be in line with human flourishing and that man
Is problematic That man has done so much damage and I'm so grateful that we have such kind pubs shepherds
Such courageous men of God that will protect us from opinions that we don't agree with I'm so grateful for it.
And today it is a winsome November Thank you
Thank you from the bottom of my winsome heart Cheers soy lattes for all.