Leaving on a Jet Plane

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Jon updates everyone on what he’s been doing over the weekend and answers a question about “Let’s go Brandon” and whether Christians should use the phrase.


Morning everyone just wanted to give a quick update. I'm about to board a plane, but I have a few minutes And I'll let you try to figure out
What airport I'm at Based on what's behind me see if you can figure it out so I Was and maybe this will give it away.
I was in Grant, Nebraska for Saturday and Sunday Doing a little conference on social justice, and I had a wonderful time with the believers there.
It was just It was it was just amazing. I'm amazed at the generosity and hospitality over and over again of just real people and We had some good conversations that might lead it looks like it may very well lead to a mini
Documentary on a certain cult that is in that area, but I'll talk more about that probably in a later episode as we get our plans together for it, but people that need to hear the gospel, and there's really not a whole lot of material out there on on their beliefs and Comparing them to Christianity and the true
Christian gospel, so I'm excited about that excited to get in the air today.
Actually. It's a very clear day very beautiful day to fly I should be able to see some things one of the things
I wanted to just briefly mention because I just got a question about it is The let's go brand and I don't know if you want to call it a movement fad t -shirts and hats and flags and just everyone saying let's go
Brandon all over the place and And so someone asked me what do you think as a
Christian about that movement and I have a few thoughts. They're pretty basic.
I think but I The first thought is that I don't know if even 10 years ago certainly not 20 years ago.
That would have been something Christians would be participating in in general at least
Evangelical Christians in the United States, that's not conservative even political conservatives I think 20 years ago at the very least would have had some some hesitation about Something like this just because of the fact that is a double entendre
You are even if you're not saying the you know the phrase itself Which I think gives people in their minds a pass that they can say let's go
Brandon right even I'm saying it right now but they're not saying what that what other people think that means because Because because you know, they're not using the words
But it's evoking the thought it's evoking the thought of you know
F Joe Biden basically and so My opinion on this is that I think scripture gives us principles to apply
And we're not supposed to as believers use Offensive language, no one wholesome word should come out of our mouths only things that are for the building up and And I just can't see how that's something that would fit within that or see our speech is supposed to be seasoned with salt and I'm not
I think the big thing for me is I'm not sure how We're different how we distinguish ourselves ourselves from unbelievers if we're willing to engage in that kind of thing
So That's kind of my thought on it I I'm not going to be saying that kind of thing and I'm not harshly trying to judge people who you do that I there is a part of me that appreciates the opposition to what's happening right now to Joe Biden and maybe perhaps it was funny when it first happened and you had a reporter that was confusing language that was meant to be opposing and thinking that it was something neutral, but Yeah in general it's not something that to keep this going to put it on t -shirts and hats and to You know just say it all the time
Seems to me to be just keeping a dirty kind of a dirty
Crass humor twisted joke in a way going and Yeah, I just I don't
I don't think that's something that we should probably be involved in as much there's plenty of ways to oppose what's happening without Lowering or lowering ourselves to that level and that's that's my big thing
I think we are lowering or lowering or lowering if I could say there we go lowering ourselves To a level that Christians would not have done even probably ten years ago
So I hope that's helpful for some of you since I did get the question and wasn't really gonna talk about it hadn't thought about it a whole lot, but You know when
I when I did get the question I did think about it and those are my thoughts So let me know what you think, you know, am
I missing something and am I off on this? You know, you can put a thought in the info section For the video and I appreciate it and thank you for everyone who knew about Just my travel plans and prayed for me.
I appreciate that and Praying and hoping it'll be a good trip back and I don't know who