Boasting in the Lord


Sermon: Boasting in the Lord Date: November 8, 2020, Morning Text: 1 Corinthians 1:26–31 Series: Kingdom Community Preacher: Pastor Josh Sheldon Audio:


Well a message this morning will come from 1st Corinthians chapter 1 verses 26 to 31
And with today's message we are now halfway through this 12 -part series on 1st
Corinthians chapters 1 & 2 And our purpose has been
Lord willing the Apostles purpose unity in the Church of Christ That's what these first two chapters of this letter this book in the
Bible are about unity in the church I want to remind you that the first nine verses of this letter the greeting from Paul Hello, it's
Paul the Apostle to you the church and very quickly. He says let's get down to the problem here
Divisiveness and unity that's the whole first two chapters And he gets right to the point and from verse 10 to the end of chapter 2 he rebukes he proves he encourages
He commands he cajoles All manner of persuasion Employed towards this one goal this goal the pastor and Owens and I have had in picking these two
Chapters to preach through in this 12 -part series unity in the church that they would repent of Recognized and then repent of their divisive ways and show forth to the world the wisdom and the power of God How in their unity in their unity in their mutual love and fellowship?
They prove then as we prove today No less than they did then the power and the wisdom of God to unite and to save To unite and to save this is
Paul's purpose This is where we have been in this series as we're now halfway through and before we begin
Verses 26 to 31. I want to lock this purpose in your mind. I Want you to understand this is what we're doing here
Churches that are unified need to be strengthened in their unity churches that are being divided need to repent and become unified
This is the purpose This is why Paul wrote these first two chapters before we got into all those other things that were going on in Corinth There are many lessons that can be drawn from the passages here these sections.
They're good lessons They're enduring lessons, but too often when we simply draw lessons We lose sight of the context and we turn the
Bible into sort of a life coach This is all introductory. We'll get to the message in a moment and So I want you to remember
I want to remind you how we got to where we are here in this preaching and Lord willing
You will see that my and pastor Owens Unrelenting emphasis on unity is following the inspired apostles pen
In his emphasis on this one subject Verse 110. He said
I appeal to you brothers by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you all agree By the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ hear those words That you all agree
Then verses 11 and 12. He says I've heard there's quarreling among you Remember how pastor
Owens taught how low the bar is for what quarreling is in the church? We don't have to be at each other's throat to be in quarreling
What I mean is that each one of you says I follow and then put in the name of a man and Two weeks ago pastor
Owens taught us the error of vesting so much spiritual authority in mere mortals
Sacerdotalism was the name of that Verses 18 to 20 human wisdom and techniques were disgraced by house
God's wisdom on the cross verse 20 says who where is the one who is wise where is the scribe?
Where's the debater of the age that implied question is? Why are you following men? Why are you?
De -unifying as you follow men Paul Apollos Cephas around whom you're gathering only vehicles for proclaiming
God's wisdom and unifying the church verses 21 to 25
The cross is the sign that God gives of his power and his wisdom and doing anything more is
Unfaithfulness of the worst kind it is spiritual adultery This is where Paul's been taking us
Unity was his concern Unity was his goal for the Corinthian Church unity must be our goal
Paul accomplished this by the positive by driving us to the cross of Jesus Christ and in the negative by exposing to us our divisive tendencies
So the this morning verses 26 to 31 in first Corinthians 1 are going to force us to take a deeper look at ourselves and the things in us that cause division in the church
To put another way we look for those those things within us that fail to promote unity and This morning is about boasting
The title of the message is boasting in the Lord. I Could have just as easily as you will see as we go through it title it boasting against the
Lord So with no more introduction, let's read 1st
Corinthians 1 26 to 31 For consider your calling brothers not many of you were wise according to worldly standards
Not many were powerful not many were of noble birth But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise
God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong God chose what is low and despised in the world
Even things that are not to bring to nothing things that are that no human being might boast in the presence of God He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus whom
God made our wisdom and our righteousness and sanctification and redemption Therefore as it is written, let the one who boasts boast in the
Lord You know the late Muhammad Ali arguably the greatest boxer of all time actually declared himself the greatest of all time
And when he was confronted with the magnitude of that boast, you know what he said? He said it ain't bragging if you can back it up and back it up he did against some of the best fighters the world had seen up to that time and Soon after his
I'm the greatest boast. He was hoisting a world championship belt. Well his braggadocio
Was sort of fun. I mean it was entertainment and it was entertaining The boasting
Paul writes of isn't fun at all The boasting Paul writes of wasn't entertainment and it wasn't amusing Well, one can sort of wink at an athlete or an entertainer self -promotion in church, there's nothing funny about it
You see the Corinthians were boasters They were boasters and you might ask how so how are they boasters?
They were boasters by aligning themselves with men those I Follows that I reminded you of from chapter 1 verse 11
They were boasting in what that they had picked the best leader that they had picked the most erudite
They had picked the purest the best in some way They were boasting
That they knew more than the other guy who picked the other leader and neither should have picked a man at all
Now this is not how we usually view this but it follows the Apostles thought lines by boasting in themselves
They were boasting against the Lord. They're boasting in themselves by picking the best leader. My lead is better than your leader
And in essence That was boasting against the Lord against God's choices against God's wisdom
Boasting is divisiveness Boasting is a failure to believe God Boasting is a failure to promote unity, which is what we should all be doing
And boasting comes very easily to us all The Corinthians might have been shocked to hear that by picking such a great leader as even
Paul the great apostle to the Gentiles That the Bible that God through the
Apostle defines that as boastfulness boasting brethren Is divisive and it comes so easily to us
Verse 26 removes any Basis for boasting by showing us that God's choice of you or me had nothing to do with anything intrinsic in us
He chose us for his own good pleasure, which is informed by his own sovereign will that's verse 26 verses 27 to 29
Tell us the purpose that God had in mind Which is to bring to shame the unbelievers worldview and to eliminate any cause for anyone to boast before him
And finally verses 30 and 31 Tell of our total dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ for anything and it leaves us boasting in him and in him alone
For there's no one else worth boasting about Certainly not us so these three basic divisions will
Bring us to an understanding of how easily boasting comes to us and how bad it is in the church to be boasting
I want you to see how easily we cross that line Verse 26 for consider your calling brothers.
Not many of you were wise according to worldly standards Not many powerful not many were of noble birth.
The question is how can you boast when God chose you like this? What do you have to boast about when you were chosen from not wise not powerful and not noble Now no one would actually say
I would hope that God chose me to be in Christ Jesus because I'm so grand
Nobody would say that. I mean, you know, it's a the Lord really needed someone like me Paul says to think about this think about this carefully
Consider your calling Calling by from Paul always means your salvation your election your call
You're being drawn out of the world. Jesus Christ says I will draw all to me that the Father has given me
Consider that calling Consider that you are the passive recipient of it consider your calling and it didn't come from anything in you
That made God attracted to you. He said I'm gonna call this one Consider it carefully says the
Apostle Paul as you gather around your favorite Apostle or evangelist or pastor or author or whoever is attracted your laud and attention
Have you ever? Been the victim of one of those kind of sorts
Who always seem to have to poke a hole in? Something that robbed from you the share the pleasure of sharing something.
They're always erecting these boundaries. I Think about that as I think about this verse, you know when you say, yeah,
I want to share something with you Did you hear on the radio station this morning where this preacher said and you say?
Well, no, you know that guy's got some Arminian tendencies, I'm not very blessed by him Whoa, what is that?
Putting up a boundary putting up a barrier saying well, I follow the the better guy the better reformed guy
I can't be blessed by one. Well, no, it's just this one thing He said yeah, I know he's Arminian and I know but he just said okay
Well, go ahead if you have to be blessed by somebody who's so off the rails is that Have you known that yourself where you bring something up And you find that the person you're talking to just knows there's one problem with that guy or with that book or with that author
You violated this doctrine You forgot this part of the systematic theology.
Okay. Well, go ahead and tell me if you must That's sort of what this is like. I Don't mean taking away someone's joy.
That's not the point here It's the erecting of boundaries that are unnecessary is these people gathering around?
I'm gonna follow Paul I'm gonna follow Cephas. I'm gonna follow Paul's I'm going to make sure that you know that you're lesser because you're not following the one
That I follow This is what the Apostle was speaking of here to the Corinthians We fall into this so easily erecting these boundaries that need not be made
What have all those not many's that I read in 126 have to do with boasting? Remember that the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
Remember that you received the calling you didn't generate the calling Remember that only a few of those who were called were wise or powerful or noble and keep in mind what the
Apostle does not say He does not say that you recalled because you're unwise or lacking in worldly power and influence or are less than blue blood by birth
Any more than he says that that's the reason those qualities or advantages were chosen for those reasons
He simply says not many not many were chosen We're here because we've chosen
You know in World War one the English and I think was mostly the Scottish regiments had this song that they sang as They're there on the western front in the trenches with that.
No man's land being surveyed by machine guns They sang we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here sort of a fatalistic thing
Well, we're here because we're here because we're here and so forth and sort of like that We're chosen because we're chosen because we're chosen because we're chosen we're chosen because God chose us
How can we boast about that when we're chosen simply because because God chose? What are these not many's have to do this?
Not many were chosen for power or influence or wealth or noble birth. I Because there aren't many of them
God didn't choose many wise because there aren't many to choose from look at us Not many wise
There aren't a lot of wise people and if everyone was wise then really no one is wise Not many powerful
Because if everyone is powerful nobody's powerful not many powerful because by definition there aren't many of them and so forth with the nobility
And all the other things it could be just that simple That there just aren't many of those to choose from You know, there's an anecdote about this verse
That most commentators cite and almost all preachers use and I don't want you to feel left out So I want to give it to you in the mid 1800s.
There was a lady Huntington and she was of noble birth She was a wealthy of English aristocrat
And she was an avid supporter of George Wichfield and some of the other good preachers of his day She financed over 60 churches and when she read this verse
She's the one who said that she was saved by an M by the letter M The Apostle she would quip didn't say not any but he had an
M and said not many like me Well, she was chosen it wasn't because she was wise or powerful or noble God doesn't need her or our skills.
He chooses whom and he chooses why he will And so the Apostle here is following kind of an old pattern.
He's describing God's choice in the negative He's saying this is why God this is not why
God chose you This is what he didn't find in you that caused him to choose you we're being reminded here that we are the recipients of the calling and God did it for his own purposes and not because he saw anything in you or me or anyone else that said
Oh, I need that one Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 7 has
Moses telling Israel about their election about their calling And he says why it was not it was not because you were more in number than any other people
No, there's you're not more impressive. You're not smarter. You're not wiser You're not anything better than anyone else that would cause me to have picked you
It was not for that reason that the Lord set his love on you and chose you For you were the fewest of all people.
You were the least impressive of all peoples. You were the least likely of all choices
But it's because the Lord loves you and is keeping an oath that he swore to your fathers That the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery from the hand of the
Pharaoh King of Egypt Why did God choose Israel? Because he chose them
What caused him to choose them his own free sovereign choice
That's not exactly the self -esteem credo of the world, but it's God's own truth for them and as God's truth for us
Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 says to us God chose us in Christ from before the foundation of the world
From before the foundation of the world before we existed God's sovereign decree have been made and That's when he chose us before we had any skill any talent anything to offer to anyone
God chose us in Christ from before the foundation world now, there's purpose to it There's purpose to it
But there's nothing in it to boast about There's no hint that anyone impressed
God so much that he just had to have that one have you or me on the team
It's not like professional sports drafts like in the NFL they have the draft they just had it a few months ago didn't they and teams
Gathered together the the coaches and the management and they look at what they need They look at where their weaknesses are
They look what they'll need in three or four years when this guy retires and then they draft according to that need
Well, God's choices are not because he needs anything from us is it's not that we actually do anything that he can't do without us he works his will on earth through people like you and me because he chooses to he chooses to work that way and We know also that brings him the most glory.
How does that bring him the most glory? Well, I'm not really sure we can answer that But we know it does
Because the scripture says so So does he need you or me?
In order to glorify himself. He doesn't need us. He's chosen to work that way It's not that he needs to do that.
He's chosen to do that. So he doesn't need you Who needs you
Well, we need you God placed you here. That's first Corinthians 12 just as it pleased him.
We all have purpose. We all have function We all have ministry. We're all here because God placed us here for his glory
He chooses to work through vehicles vessels like you and me, but that's his own sovereign choice
It's not out of necessity It's not God who needs you here is we who need you here
God is working his will in his people He's forming his people into the image of his son Jesus Christ You take the wisest the most powerful the most noble man or woman who ever lived.
Well, how far are they from the image of Christ? Well the ones who are part of the many are as far as way the one who are the
Ennies if I can put it That way I mean, we're closer to being the mix next
Muhammad Ali than any of any of us are to being fully into the image of Christ So what's the point here?
That you're chosen You're chosen by God's sovereign decree by his will freely exercised and Brought about by nothing in you or me
By nothing that you and I have to offer to him other than our faith our humility our service
Verse 27 but God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong God chose what is low and despised in the world even things that Are not now notice that we're being called things here.
He's reduced us to that impersonal of a level This is God's working through us and in us in order to bring shame to those outside of Christ God chose what is low and despised in the world even things that are not to bring nothing things that are
So that no human being might boast in the presence of God. How can you boast? When you're very inadequacies to accomplish anything that makes you useful to God's purposes
Or what? He brings out here It is your very inadequacies they to accomplish anything that makes you useful in God's kingdom
How can we boast about that? Would we boast and say look how grand
I am God chose me because he doesn't need me at all Well, the second part would be perfectly true.
God chose me not needing me for anything leave out the how grand I am part We've got a pretty good statement
Even knowing there was nothing in me that incited God to choose me does not deny that God has purpose in you or me
He has purpose in the church The foolish and the weak
The low and despised that's you and me in the world's eyes are his chosen vessels of bringing shame to the world's wisdom
There's purpose in this God chose what is foolish God chose us to shame the wise
God chose the weak to shame the strong The world's wisdom was back in verse 118 for the word of the cross is folly to those who are preaching is foolishness
But we fools we believe in that cross and everything it means That God so loved the world that he gave his only
Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life We weaklings see in the cross all our strength.
We feed on Jesus Christ by his spirit We draw life from the vine in whom we've been placed as branches
And I ask which is going to prevail Those inside or outside the church
Those who see the cross as folly or we who see it as our strength
Which one will prevail? Well the church will prevail The church Christ is building his church.
That's you and me together We the church being built up together into a spiritual house It's us being joined together and growing into a holy temple of the
Lord and by that By us by we weak and foolish people God is going to glorify himself and shame the quote -unquote wise
Does that really shame the others Shame in the Bible has the idea of a misplaced trust of hopes invested, but never realized
The word is used in Romans 1 16. I am NOT ashamed of the gospel Why is he not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes in other words
Like the rain that God sends which does not return to him except that it accomplishes that for which he sent it
God's Word in the gospel Actually saves it accomplishes what it was sent for It doesn't bring shame because if you put your hope and your trust in it
It does what God says it will do it actually saves It doesn't bring shame
It will save you If you will repent of your sin If you will believe that Jesus Christ died for my sins and God raised him up on the third day
I am NOT ashamed of the gospel I'm not ashamed to tell you that that will save you it is the power of God for salvation for everyone who believes and That gospel will in fact save if you believe in your heart that Christ died for you and God raised him up on the third day
What's the biblical idea of shame I'm ashamed Because what
I invested my hope my trust or my money or myself in the promise that I had hoped for Didn't come about And I'm standing there bereft of my money of my hope of whatever it is
I put into it. The gospel does not bring shame But the
Apostle Paul says here in verses 27 28 of 1st Corinthians That the church that you and I God's intent is for us to shame the world
How's that happen Well begins with the world's hatred of the church The world has always hated the church
The world is confounded and frustrated by the church's Endurance if you will in the second century, there's a
Roman philosopher named Celsus He was very famous very influential and he wrote this of the church
He said the Christians injunction is like this. In other words, this is what they say This is what you and I say quote let no one educated.
No one wise no one sensible draw near For these abilities are thought by us to be evils
But as for anyone stupid anyone ignorant anyone uneducated anyone who is a child let him come boldly
By the fact that they themselves admit that these people are worthy of their God They show that they want and are able to convince only the foolish dishonorable and stupid and only slaves women and children
This was his view of the church And he thought the whole thing should just collapse way back then in the second century
In the 1800s in the mid -1800s and ever given who was author of the decline and fall of the
Roman Empire He blamed that decline and fall on Christianity now to be fair He also attributed their decline and fall to confiscatory tax rates levied against a shrinking base in order to prop up a growing population of dependents
But he did also blame it on the church He said
Christianity robbed us of the harvest of the culture of the ancient world So I bring all this up to ask a question how is this how is this worldly wisdom brought to shame
There's wise and powerful noble out there Who are so despising of the church?
How is this how is this worldly wisdom brought to shame how is this worldly wisdom brought to shame how is this worldly wisdom brought to shame How do we bring them to shame? God said he's gonna use the weak and the despised and the lowly and the ignoble
You and me to bring to shame those outside who seem to be the opposite of all those things
How do we bring that shame how is God using us to bring shame to them If shame means that what you would hope for didn't happen
Your promises weren't met is by the church's durability is by the very fact that Jesus Christ is still building his church he is still calling sinners to repent and his spirit is still giving them faith to believe and Closer to home such worldly wisdom is shamed by our unity
And this becomes the Apostle Paul's point and the focus of these first two chapters of 1st
Corinthians The world out there is brought to shame by our unity by you and me the dregs of the world and If you came from the heights of worldly praise to become a
Christian you become that the dregs of the world with the rest of us We are a body of believers unified in Christ You and I in the face of an exasperated world holding true to our faith to our foolish faith to our weaknesses that force us to find a crutch and Yet here we are few in number
Sitting apart from one another What are we doing? enduring as a church by the power of the
Spirit of God calling out his praises and Being the church by being here is
Christ. Jesus himself by his spirit is building his church and for 20 centuries a
Confounded world has been shamed Because try as they might to be rid of us here we are because we're pugnacious
Because we're smart No Because God is faithful to his word
Because God is working in this place and keeping us together because our unity small as we are
Shames the world out there that says we ought not even exist. Everything we believe is foolishness to them
And they could see no reason for us to hang together as we have why do we do this? Well, we don't it's
God by his spirit working in us in you and keeping us together The administration as I said earlier today is going to change and I want to ask you we have we will soon have a president who's not a supporter of the church and A vice president who is antagonistic towards the church.
What would happen brethren if let's say abortions quadruple Abortions and even a small rate is a disgrace, but let's say they quadruple what would happen to the church?
Christ would still be building his church Christ by his spirit and what he is doing in this place is bigger than anything that's happening outside this place
It doesn't mean we don't care about it. It doesn't mean we can't be active against it Our confidence is in Christ Jesus And we don't let these things shake us.
We don't let these things divide us What shames the world?
Is when despite all the attacks once despite all the derision all the mockings
We hold true to our faith Come together as a body and Worship and call out the praises of Jesus Christ our
Lord and Savior Your constancy in the faith is how God brings shame to the worldly wise and powerful
Says no human being will boast before him you and I won't boast because we know we stand before him spotless and unblemished
Not by works of righteousness, which we have done but according to his mercy. He saved us Will bow down in humble adoration which is the opposite of boasting the wise and the powerful will not boast
If the church's enduring character didn't shame them in this life Their shame will be eternal in the next their wisdom their strength and nobility which guarded their egos and brought forth their boasting
Will not gain for them what they had hoped That will bring their shame
Their antagonistic Attitude did not kill God. It did not destroy your faith the eternal life
They denied will now stretch before them in all its awesome Reality, and this is how
God brings shame to them through us It could be just as simple as because we endure because we endure as a body unified as a
Body who refuses to bring artificial boundaries between us as a body who does not say
I follow him or her Or this author or this preacher? I follow
Christ we together And that brings shame Because whatever hope they had to destroy this church
To rattle this church. I don't mean this church. I mean Christ's Church in the largest sense
Will not come true as long as Christ Jesus who is building his church and that through us the verse 30 says he is the source of your life in Christ Jesus whom
God made our wisdom and our righteousness and Sanctification and redemption therefore as it is written.
Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord And so the question again, how can you boast when you are totally dependent on Christ?
I who can boast when they're totally dependent on another for our very life We are dependent on Christ Jesus.
And so we're going to brag Even to each other much less before him Let's ties us back to verse 26 where it's
God who did all the choosing Here God is the source of your life in Christ. Jesus it is
God who chose you is God who in choosing you placed you in his son and His choice of who would be in his son as we said was made before the world was created
His actual placement of you in his son is when he gave you faith to believe when you confess yourself a sinner in need of Salvation when you put your hope in Christ and his cross this happened in time and space but God's choice was an eternity past so we're dependent and Dependency has to eliminate boasting
Jesus said apart from me. You can do nothing That's from John chapter 15 where the Lord tells us that we only bear fruit in so far as we remain in him
Branches attached to the true vine. You simply cannot boast against someone on whom you are totally dependent
And Paul wraps this all up with let the one who boasts boasts in the
Lord And now you will see how Boasting has been the point here
And we're gonna go back to where Paul drew this from which is Jeremiah chapter 9 verse 24 let the one who boasts boasts in the
Lord And I'm gonna read to you Jeremiah 9 beginning of verse 17 because I want us to get the context
I want us to understand that Paul didn't just hunt around in his Bible to find something that sounded right
He saw a direct connection between Jeremiah 9 24 and the situation in correct
Corinth back in the first century He didn't just find a verse that sounded good.
He found a Passage that related to the situation that he was dealing with Now it's not going what we have in first Corinthians 10 and 31
It's gonna be a little different from what we're gonna read in Jeremiah 9 I'm not gonna sort out that difference. That would be good for Sunday school, but not for this message
Just understand that Paul appropriated it he didn't quote it exactly and we'll just leave it at that Jeremiah 9 17
Thus says the Lord of hosts Consider and call for more the morning women morning women to come
Send for the skillful woman to come Let them make haste and raise a wailing over us that our eyes may run down with tears and our eyelids flow with water
For a sound of wailing is heard in Zion how we are ruined we are utterly shamed
Let's stop for a moment They were utterly shamed Because they believed that God's judgment was not coming
They were listening to false prophets prophets false priests who are calling peace in their time when Jeremiah the
Word of God was calling out Destruction and you better submit now Who was shamed?
Those who did not believe God Remember that this relates to 1st Corinthians 131
So we are utterly shamed because we have left the land because they have cast down our dwellings Here are women the word of the
Lord and let your ear receive the word of his mouth Teach to your daughters a lament and each to her neighbor a dirge for death has come to our windows
It has entered our palaces cutting off the children from the streets and the young men from the squares Speak thus declares the
Lord the dead bodies of men shall fall like dung on the palm the open field Like sheaves after the reaper and none shall gather them
Thus says the Lord let not the wise man boast in his wisdom Let not the mighty man boast in his might let not the rich man boast in his riches now
You can hear 1st Corinthians 1 can you not? But let him who boasts
Boast in this that he understands and knows me that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love justice and righteousness
In the earth for these things. I delight declares the Lord So is he saying about boasting in the
Lord? They had boasted in themselves. They had failed to believe the Word of God through Jeremiah He told them
God was judging them for their sin the false prophets armed with wisdom with power with nobility
They said peace peace peace in our day Jeremiah spoke God's Word that they must submit to Babylon the wise and powerful had him thrown into a pit of mud
So which was shamed what was the result of all that? verse 19 The rich and powerful had to say how we are ruined.
We are utterly Shamed in 586 BC Jerusalem's walls were breached. The temple was sacked and the people were taken away captive So How does this relate to the
Corinthians how does this relate to us today? Why did Paul cite this it happened because of the refusal to believe
God? The prophet in his foolishness stood on the massive never breached walls and cried out defeat
They refused to believe and they were destroyed. They were shamed by it And this is what
Paul took from Jeremiah Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom. Let not the mighty man boast in his might
Let not the rich man boast in his riches But let him boast in this that he understands and knows me that I am the
Lord who practices Steadfast love justice and righteousness in the earth from these things. I delight
What was their boasting Ultimately, what was their boasting? Their boasting was a determined refusal to believe
God at his word To not believe God is to say that I know better back to Corinthians What does it mean to say
I follow Paul I follow Hollis I follow Cephas It means that I know better than you and ultimately if I say
I know better than you. What am I saying? Why did Paul cite this from Jeremiah 9? Because it's saying
I know better than God It's saying I know better than God I can choose better than you
But it's denying God's Word It's denying God's sovereign choice of you or me or anyone else for no other purposes than he chose you
His purpose in us But in the choosing of us There was nothing to cause
God to say I've got to have you or me It's God's choice in Jeremiah's day
The boasters were those who were determined to refuse God's Word Why did
God why did Paul appropriate it because of the Corinthians obsession with following the right man with finding their worth and having
Made the better choice their tribalism against others for whom Christ also died was at its root a failure to believe
God What does Jeremiah say that attracted Paul's pen that failure to believe
God at his word is to boast against God This is the severity of Paul's warning to the church
He says no human being shall boast in the presence of God Those who disbelieve
God those who hear God's Word and refuse it To say I know better Or saying
I know better than God. They're boasting against God himself What does it mean to boast against God Must we imitate
Muhammad Ali and say God God is the world's greatest. Is that what it means to boast in the
Lord? Well, God is the greatest but slogans seem to make him less at least it does to me boasting in the
Lord is what? Boasting is Lord is to believe him to trust his word and to believe that he by that word will do what his word says
He will do What does that word say? Jesus in John 17 prayed that you and I would be perfectly one as he and the
Father are one We spoke about this last week the cross actually accomplishing What it was meant to accomplish which is the unity of the church
So let him will boast boast in the Lord to boast in the Lord is to believe God's Word to invest our all into it to trust and obey that word and to disbelieve that word to break the bonds of unity and love with the believer with a brother or sister in the
Lord is Ultimately boasting against God it's a failure to believe in his word.
May the church Never fall into this trap. It's ever so close or like all you want to say.
I am the greatest It comes so near to our heart to want to do that Paul gives us a great warning here
Believe in the Lord To boast in the Lord is to believe in him To follow his word and to do your all to promote the unity
Not just to not be divisive as we've been saying but actively to reach out to the brothers and sisters to join your voices with us to do all you can that we may be one and That our unity will be that shame to the world.
That is God's purpose for us. Amen I have only father we thank you for bringing us together for giving us this word
We thank you father for the power of your spirit and for the working of Jesus Christ Building this church up we pray father that it would continue that you will continue to glorify yourself
Even as it must be shame bring shame to those who would have it be otherwise Watch over us father
Continue to grow us into the bonds of fellowship The image of Christ and the unity that would please please you most before we ask it on Jesus name