Matt Slick Live: June 26, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 06-26-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include: How to Deal with a Shut-in Is Marriage after Divorce Acceptable Resources for Dialoging with Mormons Misunderstanding the Trinity Can a Person be Born demon possessed The Pre-Millennial View of Eschatology June 26, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live.
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick, or listen to Matt Slick Live.
And if you want, as usual, to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I'll say it again more slowly, 877 -207 -2276.
You can also email me at info at karm .org, info at karm .org.
Just put in the subject line, a radio comment or radio question, and we can get to it.
And if you are interested in watching and participating in the chat room and stuff like that, all you have to do is go to rumble .com,
rumble .com, and there you go, rumble .com,
forward slash Matt Slick Live. And in there, you should be able to meet with the people. And we have a great time in there.
The people, they're great. They're good folks. And some friendships have been made, so you can do that. All right, so that's there, rumble .com,
forward slash Matt Slick Live. All right. Oh, I think I can do this one. This one is.
I think we talked about putting this in a different ear. So there we go. You can tell me how it is.
We're Mickey Mousing how things work in order to get it to be sent out via different programs and things like that over the
Internet. Hey, something interesting happened today. Once a year, I go to get my glasses, and I'm 60, 70, glasses.
And so it was time, and I went and got examined and everything. And then you've got to do this thing where you buy your glasses.
You say, okay, this frame, that frame. Long story short, I ended up talking to this lady about what
I do. I'm always using opportunities to witness. And so I said, oh, yeah, blah, blah, blah, you know, minister.
And the last name is Slick. I always use that. And she goes, oh, what church? And we got talking.
What church do you go to? And she says, oh, she goes to this thing called the House of David. And so immediately flags went up, warning flags.
And yeah. And so I'm looking at their website. She showed me the website. And then she says that one other, this woman that was next to her, well, 20 feet away with another customer, has a doctorate in theology.
And I said, oh, this is excellent. And so the first lady and I were talking, and we're just going through stuff.
I'm being as polite as I can and gentle and things like that. And the doctorate lady came up.
And something to do with the glasses and stuff. And we got talking. And I said, oh, you have a doctorate.
So she goes to the same church. And I said, oh, you go to the same church. Okay, House of David. And so I said, okay, well, you have a doctorate.
Yeah, okay. So soteriologically, are you guys monergistic or synergistic? And that's doctorate -level discussion.
And she said, well, I don't know what those words mean. And it immediately clued me in that there's problems.
And she said she got her doctorate from, if I remember correctly, from that place. I don't know if that's accurate, but I thought she said that.
And so I went and looked at their website. And it's a cult. You know, so much heresy, so little time.
So what I'll do is I'll get callers and stuff. And I'm going to go over their statement of faith a little bit. And just use it as a teaching time on what not to write as a statement of faith and the problems.
And so we'll get into that. Like I said, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I want to hear from you. Give me a call. Let's get to Charles from Dayton, Ohio. Welcome.
You're on the air. You there? Hi. Yeah. Yeah. I was just wondering, did the fellow
I talked to give you my question or should I state it? Well, it's something about wife is a shut -in.
Since before COVID has health issues, what can you do to help her? Okay. That kind of stuff?
Yeah. Yeah. She kind of flipped yesterday. She's not naturally like this, but she's mad at all our daughters.
She's kind of mad at me. I don't know if it's because she's shut in to ‑‑ we live in a little guest house behind our youngest daughter.
But she doesn't really get to see her. Our youngest daughter doesn't really stop in and see her much.
And she's just really kind of ‑‑ I think she's just really kind of fed up with everything.
She's talking about wanting to move, wanting to get out of there. She's a completely different person yesterday.
Well, let me ask you, so has she on any medications? Well, she's been on albuterol inhaler since last
June for COPD. And then she's been treated for lung cancer nodule.
And it's shrinking. It's doing better. She got a good report on that.
Has there been a change in medication recently? Not really, no.
Not really. It doesn't seem to be that. Medications can have an effect on you.
You can take a medication that can make you paranoid. You can make one ‑‑ different people react differently.
Some people there's nothing and some people there is. And so a change of medication could cause her to become more obstreperous, more difficult.
It could be that she's just fed up with everything and she's tired and frustrated. It could be something else going on. The reason
I'm saying all this is because my wife has a lot of medical issues. But she's a strong woman. And she pushes through everything she can.
But I see her fighting all this. And it's tough on her. So what I recommend for the caretaker, so to speak, is to be as patient as you can.
Talk in gentle tones. And sometimes a touch is just helpful. And just let her know that you're there.
And you understand it's difficult. And try and be a good husband that way. I'm not saying everything's perfect and I don't make mistakes.
But this is the idea. And you need to provide an opportunity or a condition for her where she can relax.
And you've got to ask her flat out, is there something bothering you? And you might have to ask her three or four times over the next few hours.
Because sometimes she'll say, no, nothing's bothering me. When something is. And so you just have to be careful.
All right. And just see. And see if there's something irritating. Maybe something happened that you don't know about.
It could be all kinds of stuff, okay? Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Okay. All right. It's a tough one, I know. It is. All right, brother?
Okay. All right. Thank you. You're welcome, man. God bless. All right.
So we have nobody waiting right now. You know, I do know that medications and change of medications can affect you.
I know that you can have bodily changes. You can have food allergies and changes.
There's all kinds of variables that can affect. We just need to, as a team, husband and wife, go through the adjustments, see how things are, et cetera.
And it's tough sometimes. But it's good. It's worth it. All right. Now, if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
And another call coming in. And like I said, I met some members of a cult.
And they were really sweet. You know, they're nice. And the PhD or the doctorate lady, I said, well, you know, if you want to get together and talk about this.
Because I asked her, do you believe in the Trinity? I forgot about that. She says, no. We don't believe in the Trinity. The Bible doesn't teach the
Trinity. And I said, well, you know, I'm trying to be very careful. Because you don't want to say, well, yes, it does.
And you're wrong. You know, you're a pagan. You don't want to do that. And so I said, well, yeah, I know the topic pretty well.
And I'd be willing to talk to anybody about it. But, you know, just negativity. Oh, you'd only be there to debate.
She says, you have to be concerned for my soul. I said, well, of course I am. Because, and this,
I had to earn the right to say this after, you know, five minutes or so of conversation trying to say things. I said, I'm very concerned for your soul.
Because what you're teaching and what you believe in, it just isn't good. And I just, you know, was trying to be as nice as possible.
All right. So there you go. We'll get to the statement of faith from that church later. And I can use that as a teaching opportunity.
Let's get to Jim from Raleigh, North Carolina. Jim, welcome. You're on the air. Hey. Hey, Matt.
Yes. I appreciate you taking my call. I called you a couple of weeks ago. And it had to do with marriage, divorce, and remarriage.
And also a problem that I had with I'm a straight person that's 85 years old. And I used to be extremely bigoted toward homosexuals and that sort of thing.
And I've had sort of a change of heart about some of these things. And I remember when I was talking to you last time, you were talking to a person just prior to me and were emphasizing that you've got to go back and see what the
Word says. So I decided to do that because I didn't at that time have my
Bible or notes at that time. So I went back and I looked at the whole thing about marriage, divorce, and remarriage and what it says in Matthew and Luke and in Mark.
Mark is the simplest one because it says, whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her.
And it says no exceptions in there for remarriage. And I don't think it would be in there unless it is a sin to marry, divorce, and remarry or to commit adultery.
And then I started thinking about that. And I thought and I heard just another...
I try to listen to this station or Truth Network when I can, but another minister has said that you're dishonoring
God, that if you even go to a marriage of same -sex marriage.
And then I started thinking about that. If that's the case, then wouldn't you also apply the same reasoning of going to a marriage of a man who has divorced his wife and is remarried?
Oh, it depends. Does it make sense? Yes, it does. So the issue of homosexuality is always a sin, period.
And no Christian should ever go to a homosexual wedding because it's a sign of support.
And you can't do that. You are not supposed to do that. Do not do it. You reject the offer.
I don't argue with that. I agree with that. I agree with that totally. What about going to...
Why shouldn't you say the same thing according to the Scripture here in Mark 10, 11, and 12 that if you marry and divorce your wife and then remarry, then you're committing adultery too.
So why should you... Why would that not be dishonoring God in the same way? Let me jump in.
So the issue here is that what it says in Mark is one of the things, but there are conditions in which divorce is okay.
Yes, I understand that. I agree with that. For sexual immorality, yes. Okay, one of them is adultery, and the other one is abandonment.
So if the person were to abandon or commit adultery, then the other person is free to remarry.
So you could then go to that wedding. It's not a problem. Then we have variables. Oh, yes, I understand that.
Yeah. Then we have variables. I understand that part. Then we have variables.
So what do you do if, for example, a man and a woman divorce as unbelievers, and it wasn't biblical grounds, and then they both become
Christians. Let's say the man becomes a Christian. He found a good Christian woman he wants to marry, and his ex -wife is still an unbeliever.
He can't remarry her. So then what happens? Well, when we get back from the break, we'll talk about it, okay? So hold on, buddy, because we've got a break.
Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned, and we'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, everybody, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, as usual, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
Let's get back on here with Jim as soon as he's reactivated. There we go. Let's get back on with Jim.
Okay, Jim, you still there? Yeah, I'm here. All right, so we're talking about different conditions after divorce, and I like to err on the side of grace and not law.
Okay. Let's just say there's two unbelievers that get divorced, and then one of them remarries, and let's say the man is not remarried, he becomes a
Christian, and then he wants to get married to a good Christian woman. Is he then eligible to be remarried, even though in this condition, the first marriage divorce was not biblical?
In my opinion, I say, yes, he can get remarried. The reason I say that is because it's washed away in his conversion under Christ and that the grace of God is there.
So that's me. That's my principle of erring on the side of grace, not law. But not that it's just that easy, but anyway, okay?
Yeah. I'm sure there are extensions to this, but I don't think it would be in the Bible if it weren't pretty clear that, let's suppose,
I agree with what you said just now, but let's suppose they are Christians and the husband decides to divorce his wife and then he decides to remarry.
Then according to Mark 10, 11, and 12, he's committing adultery. In that particular case, would you agree with that?
Yes, that's what the Bible says. And so he would be in an adultery situation. Now what do you do in that situation?
Then he becomes a Christian in that situation. Now what? Well, we don't say, go get divorced because you're already married and divorced.
We say, go to the cross, confess it all, and let it be cleansed by the blood of Christ and continue on as you are.
That's basically what it is. Yeah. I think that the issue that I was having with myself here,
I guess I'm feeling a little guilty here about it because I was very bigoted, I mean, really badly against homosexuality.
I'm old, and when I was growing up, I mean, they were really, I mean, they didn't flaunt it back then.
I mean, they hid it because they were treated so terribly. And so now I feel a little bit of guilt about that after six years now, and I met some that are, you know, that do some good things, and so I felt guilty about that.
And then I started thinking, well, you know, we all stand a lot, I think, all Christians included, and I'm thinking that we might be showing partiality than if we were to say okay to that guy and not okay.
I don't know whether some things will work out, but I do know. There's never going to be an instance where homosexual marriage is okay.
Never. Right. So we cannot support it in any way, shape, or form. It just cannot be done as Christians.
Okay? All right. But it doesn't mean you hate them. It doesn't mean you disrespect them. You know,
I've had homosexual connections with people, you know, people I've known, and so, you know,
I've always been friendly to them. We had a trans person. Yeah, I personally think they're born that way.
No, I don't agree with that. Okay, that's a recent conclusion that I've had because I don't know how anybody can choose that, which is going to probably break their mother's heart and everybody else.
I just don't. I can't imagine anybody choosing that. Well, okay, it doesn't matter if it is or isn't.
I think people learn the behavior. Now, hypothetically, let's say that they are born that way, which
I don't grant. Let's just say that's the case. Then it doesn't excuse them because they want to do it.
What they want to do is say that they're born that way, so it's okay. Well, we're born to lie.
No, I don't agree with that. We're born to lie. I feel a sense, yeah.
Okay, let me get this out, okay? So we're born with natural tendencies. One of them, for example, is lying.
Well, if we're born that way, it doesn't mean it's okay. So the logic that they employ is very bad and should be abandoned, okay?
I agree, uh -huh. My problem is, Matt, this is my question or my concern.
It seems like, though, we're using the tactics of the schoolyard bully. We're going after and condemning the outcast, the weak, the different, while condoning the strong because maybe we're afraid to go up against them.
I like the guy who marries three or four times, and every time his wife gets an extra wrinkle, he goes and marries another one, that kind of thing.
Oh, yeah. And we're afraid to go against those people. We're not afraid, or we don't preach against them.
But we do focus on the homosexuals, which I think are the weaker and the outcasts. And I think that's the reality with this kind of thing.
Well, okay, you're saying a lot of stuff really fast. And so say they're the weaker?
No. They're in sin and in deliberate, rebellious sin. And so we don't have sympathy with any sin group and say, oh, it's okay.
I get it why they did it. Okay. We don't want to do that. I agree with you. All people have sin, and all people need to repent of their sin and come to faith in Christ.
That's just what it is. Yeah. Okay? All right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I agree with them.
I'm not trying to take up with them in any stretch of the imagination. I'm just worried about, you know, it's kind of like the parable of the
Pharisee and the tax collector, you know. Maybe we ought to look at ourselves sometimes, too, you know, about this sort of thing. Maybe we're condemning this other guy, you know, whatever.
I don't know. I just had some guilt feelings about this whole thing. Okay. Because maybe it was because I was so bigoted to them.
And now, you know, it's just I now feel like there's a little bit of hypocrisy.
Going on about this, you know, in the church. Well, it's worth a discussion sometime.
But I appreciate the call. Okay? Okay. Thank you. All right, man.
God bless. Okay. All right. You too. Bye -bye. Okay. Let's get to Guy from North Carolina.
Guy, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt. I've enjoyed your show. I try to listen to it when
I can. I talked to you a few weeks ago when you were so gracious to me. I might have went by my middle name last time,
Scott. But I'm getting ready to go to a recovery house for alcoholism. The doctor gave me a report.
He said your heart's a little damaged from the alcohol and cigarettes. And your liver's a little bit damaged.
But he said it's nothing serious. But if you don't change your ways, it's going to get worse.
Okay. And he prescribed me a medicine. I'm on albuterol for COPD and another inhaler.
Okay. Do you have a question, though? Yes, sir.
What do you think? He prescribed me a medicine called Welbutrin. But I looked up on the
Internet possible side effects is possibly a seizure. What do you think about that?
What I think is you should talk to your doctor. I think you should be talking to your doctor about that.
Because I am absolutely not qualified to be able to give any recommendations about medicines. I'm a theologian.
But I think what you should do is do your own research and make an appointment with your doctor. Say, hey, doc, what about this?
Then you talk to him about it. That's what I think. Yes, sir. I wish that the doctors would do more of the natural medicines.
It seems like they don't want to push it because there's not a patent. It's not how they're taught.
Yes, sir. All right. Well, hey, there's a break. We've got to go, buddy. All right. So God bless, guy.
Hey, thank you, man. Okay, man. Appreciate it. All right. Hey, next we'll have Charles and then
Gokun. Gokun? Oh, that's an interesting name. We'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right. Welcome back to the show at the bottom of the hour. If you want to call 877 -207 -2276.
Charles from Dayton, Ohio. Welcome. You're on the air. All right. Hi. Hi.
I just called in a little bit ago, but I've been wanting to call a couple times when you were talking about cults.
Yes. I had a really, really blessed experience over a few years.
It's been quite a while back when we lived in Vandalia, Ohio, but we had
Mormons come to the house for about three years in a row in the summertime.
The church that I was going to had an album by Walter Martin called
Kingdom of the Cults, and it was really good, the original one by him.
I know another fellow did a remake of it, and I don't know if I could recommend that one or not, but I know the one by Walter Martin, I thought it was great.
When they came to the house and they wanted to come in and talk to me and more or less make an appointment or a time to come back, and I got that album.
The stipulation that I made with them was that if they would sit and listen to Walter Martin's cassette tape on Mormonism, then after that we could discuss whatever they wanted to discuss.
I would pray through the week or days or however long it was before they were to come back, and each time that that happened, by the time they got done listening to his lecture and teaching on Mormonism, they really didn't have a whole lot to say, and it worked out really good, because he did such a really good...
Do you have a question at all? Yeah, the question
I have, I guess, is, is there anything like that that you can recommend to...
I mean, I was a fairly new Christian, like maybe within my first... You've got to complete your sentences.
Recommend to... What was the rest of the sentence? Do you have something that is available to new
Christians today that they can use in a situation like that? The Kingdom of the
Cult is very good, but you can also go to karm .org forward slash k -a -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r -m -o -r
Yeah, I was really blessed just to be able to sit there and watch how his teaching of the word and how it affected these young Mormons.
And actually the last time, the first time was two guys, the second time was two girls, and the last time was two guys.
And on the last time, they made a follow -up visit and the older of the two,
I believe, came back and said, we're not going to have a second meeting with you, that they transferred the other fellow to another area.
And I always, always kind of thought maybe that he had asked some questions or that they told, they were able to tell that the
Lord had really opened his eyes. Yeah, well, hopefully, hopefully that's the case.
Yeah. And good for you for doing that. Yeah. People doing that kind of thing. So good for you. Seriously.
Good stuff. And hopefully Mormons will come to know you the true way. Well, I praise the Lord. It was really a blessing.
Yes. Yes, it is. It is a blessing. Yes, it is.
Okay. It is. It's a good blessing. And good for you for doing that, you know, and trying to serve
God that way. It's good stuff. Yeah. Praise the Lord. Thank you.
All right. You're welcome. All right, man. God bless. All right.
Well, if you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
Okay. Gokon, I guess, I don't know what your name is, from North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how you doing,
Mr. Matt Slick? I'm doing okay, man. Hanging in there, man. So what do you got? It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Honored to meet you finally. I've listened to you all the time. I kind of, when
I was put in third in queue just now, when it clicked in, I heard you talk to another gentleman about divorce, and that was what
I was calling about. I was married at about 17, and I didn't know about marriage like that.
I married because they were threatening to take my kids from my baby mother, and I married for that reason, not for love.
And I backslid for 25 years, and I recently got resaved again, and I found out through a pastor on TV that even though we're divorced, if I remarried, then
I would be committing adultery. Yeah, I'm just kind of curious about that, like, being
I didn't know when I was younger, and we didn't marry for love, and would I still, you know, she's still alive, and...
All right. Are you going to church by any chance? Yes, sir. Every Sunday, me and my son,
I have a six -year -old. I'm a single father, so yes, sir. Okay. All right, so you're divorced, right?
Yes, sir. I'm the one filed for divorce because we weren't together no more. And what was the reason for the divorce?
There was some cheating going on on her behalf, and I cheated also.
We both cheated once. Well, I know I cheated once. I don't know how many times, but...
Okay, so there was adultery. Okay, and so you got divorced, and you were unbelievers at the time or believers?
I just recently got saved at 17, but then I backslid for 25 years, and I just a year and a half ago,
I rededicated and got rebaptized again. That's when I learned about marriage and adultery, like, truly.
All right. So what I'm going to recommend that you do is talk to the elders of your church.
Okay. And you need to get them involved because this is the kind of a topic in your situation is not just an easy one that we want to go through on the air.
And I'm not trying to be dismissive, but you need to talk to the elders, and you need to go with what they say because it's going to take time to work on the particulars.
Because if both of you have committed adultery, then...
Let's put it this way. Adultery is one of the grounds for divorce. So if adultery's been committed, grounds for divorce is there.
But then there's the reason you got the divorce. Was it for adultery, or was it because, hey, I don't like you anymore, bye, see you?
And then this brings other problems. She got pregnant by somebody. She got pregnant by somebody else?
Okay. And then you got divorced? Yeah, well, I had to wait because I couldn't afford it, but yes, about five years later,
I did. We weren't together, though. Yeah, I get you. Okay, so what you need to do, because this is not a black and white, cut and dry thing, what
I'd like you to do is contact the elders of your church and tell them you have a serious situation and that you need elder advice and contact on this issue.
All right? Okay, can I ask you one quick question? Sure. I do go to church.
I have been church hopping. Like I said, I just recently got baptized, and I have been church hopping because I'm noticing different churches, like it's not right.
You know, like celebrating Halloween inside the church, things of that nature. So I've been church hopping, so I don't have an actual church home.
Is there a way I can contact you when you have more time, or you can contact me when you have more time, and we can maybe dig into it a little bit more?
Well, that's certainly a possibility. I always prefer, however, that the elders of the church you're attending get involved because that's really the first step.
So I tell you what, what I'd recommend that you do is if there's a church you've been going to, you're not so sure about it, et cetera, still talk to them and see what they say.
And you want to make sure that it's a good church, too, because there can be some bad churches. So what
I'm thinking is because adultery was committed by her, then technically you're free to divorce, and you can get remarried.
But there was adultery on your side, too. So now other questions need to be really dealt with.
It's not an easy black and white thing. That's why you need to get involved with them, because it can take a bit of time. All right, brother?
Hey, we got her. All right. Okay, brother? There you go. Thank you very much. All right, man. All right.
Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages, please. Stay tuned. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Hey, everybody, welcome back to the show. Boy, we got some good calls coming in. So we'll get to them. Let's get to Joe from Ohio.
Hey, Joe, welcome. You are on the air. Thank you, Mr. Slick.
I would like to encourage the listeners to pray for Israel and the situation that they're in.
And I mean, you know, sincerely, like, you know, on a daily basis or whenever you pray, because it's a very serious matter, and it has an impact on the entire world.
And I also would like to encourage the listeners, the fellow believers, to keep their faith in a
Jewish setting. It's a Jewish book, and I think it might be easier to understand and relate.
Do you have a question, though? Do you have a question? Let's see, what would be the question?
Yeah, I can't understand why Christianity as a whole chooses to see three people in the
Godhead when there's only one. It does not. It does not. It doesn't do that. It never has.
It does not see God as three people. The definition of a person, express image of God's person, is a human being.
And there's only one human being that was ever recognized within the Godhead. So, let me respond to that.
The term person used theologically is different than what you get out of Webster's Dictionary.
It's not used that way. If you're going to understand the Trinity, you have to understand the terms that have been developed around it.
Otherwise, you'll start saying it's three people like you did. That's not what the doctrine teaches. That's what most all
Trinitarian people say, there's three people in the Godhead. No, it's not. They don't say there's three people.
No, they don't. You're hearing that, but that's not what they teach. Trinitarianism has never taught three people.
Never. Ever. So, anybody who says three people does not know what they're talking about.
It's never been that way. Well, that's a blasphemous statement. You know better than to say that. Hold on.
You've heard people teach on the Trinity all your life. Hold on a second. It's not your show. Please be quiet for a second. Now, listen.
To say it's a blasphemous statement and then just start talking, it doesn't make any sense to me. What exactly is it that you're saying is a blasphemous statement?
To say that you never heard all these teachers teach that there's three people within the Godhead. Okay. So, hold on.
First of all, it's not blasphemy to say that I haven't heard that. What it is is the truth, because people don't teach that.
I know what the doctrine of the Trinity is, having been defending it since 1980. I've been doing this for 44 years.
I know what it is. It's never been three people. Ever. All right?
So, you have been taught incorrectly. I've studied the Godhead since 1974 myself. Okay, then define what the
Trinity is. Let's see if you know what it is. There is no such a thing. It doesn't matter if there is or isn't.
There is no such a thing. Excuse me. There's no reason to try to define it. Joe, stop, stop, stop. Joe, I didn't ask you if it is true or not.
I said, what is the doctrine? Let's see if you even understand what it is. What is it?
Well, the doctrine of the Trinity, the triune formula is that there's three people within the
Godhead. Okay, I just said, we never say people. Never.
Never. It's not people. We don't say it. That's wrong. It's not it.
Who doesn't say it? Nobody does say it. Anybody I ever heard. Anybody ever? Okay, we're done. We're done. We're done.
He's not listening. He doesn't want to listen. We'll just move along. I don't want to get irritated with the guy, but he does not know.
Let's get to Cole from Virginia. Cole, welcome. You're on the air. Cole? Are you there,
Cole? Cole? Cole? Well, Cole, I can't hear you.
I don't know if you can hear me or not, but I'd love to talk about the topic, though. We may just have to come back to you.
I'll give you another five seconds or so. All right. Hey, Cole, are you there? If you can hear me,
I can't hear you. You may want to call back, but it might be that we just have a connection problem. Hey, Matt. How you doing,
Matt Flake? Oh, man. I was just getting ready to hit the... Okay, so what do you got, buddy?
What's up? Well, listen, I got two quick questions for you.
Okay. Can a person be born with a demon? That's a good question.
I'm going to say I believe it's possible. I believe it's possible. And I could get into particulars on why and how, but I think it's possible.
But don't, okay? That's a good question, though. Can a person be born with a demon? That's a really good question.
I'm going somewhere with this. I'm going somewhere with this. Can a person, can people be born, okay, three in one.
Can a person be born a liar, a thief, and a crook?
Well, I would say that a person is born with a sinful nature, and out of the sinful nature, those sins manifest.
Okay? Okay. That's true. Okay. Can a person be born blind?
Yes. People will be born blind. Happens all the time, yes. Okay, Matt, here's where I'm going with this.
Why can't they be born homosexual? Well, let's just say there's only two possibilities.
They are or they are not. If they are, it doesn't excuse them. It's still sinful.
They need to repent of it. Just as someone can be born with a tendency to lie, it's their natural self. I'm born this way with a tendency for this or that.
Well, so what? It doesn't mean it's okay. It doesn't mean it's excusable. All right. Okay. Yeah.
Well, they have to be born again. That's my, I got a sister that way. And I, I absolutely believe she was born that way.
And, um, she's just a beautiful lady. Never wanted a guy, nothing like that.
She's just always had the tomboy. She was born that way, but she didn't be born again. That's all.
She needs to be born again and she needs to repent of that sin. She doesn't want to repent.
She even goes to church twice a week. Well, uh, she, if she goes to church and she thinks she's a
Christian, who's in, if she's openly affirming it and practicing it, then she's not, we wouldn't call her a true
Christian. If she knows it's sinful and is struggling against it. Well, okay. That's it.
That's the way that is. Okay. All right. Yeah. She's engaged to another woman. Yeah.
She's in sin and she needs to stop that. And I cannot call her and would not call her a sister in Christ.
She's in rebellion against God. Okay. Well, that's what I'm saying. My, well,
I thank you very much, but I'm just, yeah, I believe she was born that way though, Matt. Maybe you can lay hands on her.
Can I send her to you? Well, even if, if she was, which I don't know if is the case, but if she was, so what does it make it?
Okay. Because people are born psychopaths. Who says it's a demon.
I don't know if it's a demon or not. No, I don't, don't see anything as scripture that necessitates that that is the case, but it could be some where does it say that?
No, no. You're reading into the text and just assuming what you're believing is true. If there's demons of homosexuality,
I'd like to see that in scripture. I'm just saying, show it to me. That's all. Okay.
If it's not there, then don't say it. There can certainly be demonic influences towards that, but people can also of their own will seek it, submit to it and become enslaved to it.
Okay. That's one of the theories is the
Bible talks about that. I've written on that. He'll be wounded and I have no desire for women. So he probably will be, you know, well, the antichrist, but, but that's of the antichrist.
So the antichrist is possessed. We can't say homosexuals are possessed. I wouldn't say that.
I wouldn't say they are. Okay. We're going to move.
What can I move along? I've already started to repeat myself on this. And if you can find a scripture where there is a statement that shows that there's a demonic influence towards homosexuality,
I'd love to see it. I'm not aware of it. Maybe it's there, but I don't know. Okay. Well, we appreciate it,
Cole. So God bless. And thanks. Let's get to rusty from South Carolina. Rusty.
Welcome. You're on the air. Hey, thank you. Um, so when
Jesus come back and rule for a thousand years, and the devil is on change for a thousand years.
Um, and when, when is, uh, so the second time around, it going to be the judging time, right?
Under that view, it's called premillennialism. According to premillennialism, the general idea is that there's going to be a rapture before the thousand year rain.
And Christ will rain on earth for a thousand years. Babies will grow really old and there will event and Satan will be bound during that thousand years.
Everything's going to be great. And then towards the end of the thousand years, he's released grits nations to get into war against him.
And then, uh, then he judges them. That's that, that view. Because, because it's a, all that some people still have evil in their heart and evil ways.
Yes. It's the view in premillennialism is that it's Christ returns at the end of the tribulation sets up the kingdom and he comes back with resurrected people, that there will be an intermingling of resurrected people who can't die and people born during the tribulation period who move into the, through it in the millennium and they can have families and die.
There'll be a mixture of those who do it. Wow. Yeah. That's a premillennial. Wow. Uh huh.
Oh wow. Oh man. I just learned. Oh, so, okay.
Alpha. Man. So you're going to be people that never grow old and never die, but there also going to be people that will be able to still do that.
There's probably going to be deaf during that millennial reign because there's accidents. People are, are going to be susceptible to various things.
And, and stuff. Uh, but, uh, the language used, uh, a lot of people take it literally, a baby will live to be a hundred years old and, and things like this.
It'll be just, everything will be happy and nice and Satan's bound in that time. So that's why everything is so happy.
Even the animals, even the animals say, yeah, there's a problem. Okay. So, and that we don't need
Satan to be bad. We are bad by nature. Right, right. Right.
I learned it from it. Yes. So those who pass through the millennium and are present and survive the antichrist's work and rule for the great tribulation passed into the millennium, they will still have fallen natures.
So sin will definitely be present in the millennial reign along with individuals who won't be able to die anymore because it got raptured, transfigured, and resurrected.
Okay. Well, that's the premillennial view. That's not my position, but that's the premillennial view. Okay. Yes.
I understand. So what do, so after the judgment come back and that when you eventually go to your place, where are you going to stay forever?
What happens to earth? Do we go back to heaven? The ones that already came from heaven? I'd like to answer that.
You'll have to call back tomorrow because we're out of time. Okay. We can talk about a little bit of different views.
I'm going to write that question down. All right, brother. Okay. And call back tomorrow. Okay. All right, brother.
God bless you. Hey folks, we're out of time. There's the music. May the Lord bless you. Hope you have a great evening and by his grace, we'll be back on here tomorrow and we'll talk to you then.
So have a good evening. God bless you. Another program powered by the truth network.