What Does the + in LGBTQ+ Stand for?

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we're refusing to honor him as god we're worshiping and serving the creature rather than the creator and so he's giving us over to madness but i mean like the the issue is i mean we're we're engaging in the most idiotic stupid things imaginable warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to professing christians who never read their bible sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white knights for men with man buns homemakers who have finished netflix but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies your discretion is advised people are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio the message of christianity is that salvation is found in christ alone hope of salvation any hope of heaven the issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty god is hanging over our head they will hear his words they will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come they will be consumed and they will perish god wrapped himself in flesh condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words they will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand welcome to bible bash where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask we're your host harrison kerrigan pastor tim mullett and today we'll answer the age -old question what does the plus in lgbtq plus stand for now tim as we kick this episode off what bible verse do you have to read for us today a rumus 129 through 30 says they were filled with all manner of unrighteousness evil covetousness malice they are full of envy murder strife deceit maliciousness their gossips slanders haters of god insolent haughty boastful inventors of evil and disobedient to parents so i'm thinking of that phrase inventors of evil as it relates to this topic yeah that really is pretty pretty applicable um you know so a big a big part of why we're doing this episode is uh this week i i had seen on social media um i forget who posted it i i'd never heard of the guy before but um he was posting a link to um an essay that that someone had written essentially that was that was posted in a magazine uh arguing that it was morally permissible to have relations with animals so being intimate with animals and and the the paper is obviously arguing that this is okay the guy who the guy who posted it i mean it's seen by thousands of people and you know he's present he's presenting it as a you know challenging conversation on um you know a topic that that most people are you know too closed off to to ever speak about you know and basically basically trying to take something that is just so disgusting so gross um and and try and paint it in a light of like hey we you know we need to as as a you know cultured society if you if you can call it that as a cultured society we need to be a people who have these kinds of conversations because these are what are what gonna these are the kinds of conversations that are going to move us forward as a society you know i mean just totally just totally making a fool of himself basically and and a lot of people really really had a lot to say i guess people just aren't ready to have that conversation quite yet um at least the people who saw it but it it you know it had me thinking again on this topic of you know uh lgbtq plus and and you know obviously our society is just so sexually immoral at this point that really most people when you when you mention like you know same -sex attraction and stuff like that most people don't bat an eye at that anymore because it's so common in our society unfortunately and and uh so you have the so you have this lgbtq and it's just a common it's just a common idea that is thrown around these days and you know people identify as you know one of the letters in lgbtq and it's an identity for them and um and it's really protected by our government in a lot of ways there you're like you're like a protected class if you identify as you know gay or lesbian whatever and the thing that's always disturbed me is more and more letters keep getting added onto this thing and you have this plus that's essentially meant to be like a placeholder for the things to come essentially and you know as our society spirals down and down uh further and further you know just like towards the most ungodly things that you could ever conceive of um you know you you begin to wonder like hey what are what are the the things that are taboo right now that in five years you know in three years uh they won't be taboo anymore and you know and i you know and when you have people starting to write the the magazine articles about people trying to justify um zoophilia bestiality is is what the bible would call it bestiality um you can rest assured that in the in the coming years i i understand there's probably a lot of people listening who are thinking you know yeah but obviously you know they got ratioed on on twitter and you know everyone was making fun of them so obviously we don't have to worry about that well you know the thing is like that's exactly what happened with homosexuality that's exactly what happened with the transgender stuff it's exactly what's going to happen with these other things so you might not think it's an issue right now but i guarantee you unless god performs a miracle it absolutely you know will be in the coming in the coming years and probably a lot sooner than you think um you know tim tim what you know you've you've probably been paying attention to a lot of this stuff more than i have you know is is that is that something that you've seen as well like hey um sure for a while homosexuality wasn't an issue until all of the sudden it was and then transgenderism wasn't an issue until all of a sudden it was and so you know if things if things keep progressing the way that god has allowed them to progress it stands to reason that you know bestiality and and you know other things other things that we'll get into in this episode they're not in they're not necessarily a huge issue right now but they will be in the in the soon coming future yeah i mean you have the slippery slope um no that's no no no tim that's a fallacy remember so i mean but that's what they said when when we were paying attention before right so when we when we when we i mean it was pretty funny i mean like immediately we said hey if the burger fail decision happens and we were saying this way before that but i mean if the burger fail decision happens i mean the next thing is the transgender stuff and i mean it was like clockwork i mean immediately right when that decision was made then the entire cultural momentum was all put on the transgender issue from that point on i mean that was like the decisive turning point but then the thing that was funny about it i mean you know it's not funny like funny but like funny like interesting funny was that right before a burger fell everyone was saying hey you do that you know this slippery slope is going to lead to the you know full -on transgenderism and it's like oh you you're stupid you know that's so dumb that's not that's no one's talking about that you know we're only talking about two consenting adults who love each other who want to get married you hateful bigot and all that like no one is talking about transgenderism that's not what's on the table or whatever but i mean it just you can look at the receipts are there look at what's happening and it was that was exactly what was happening right so i mean all these other things are just um i mean there's only a matter of time before we're there the slippery slope fallacy is you know it it is what it is you know so like that's yeah and it reminds me of a there's a meme that i saw uh a lot i mean this was posted a long time ago at least in terms of internet years so you know like eight years ago or something like that um back in the dark ages of the internet i mean we were practically cavemen back then um you know and it was basically like a a chart or a chart or a list or something and it was titled you know things that will happen if we legalize gay marriage and you know it was like um world war three will happen you know um a worldwide plague um you know people will try to uh groom your kids and and whatnot and it was meant to be posted as like a you're ridiculous right if you you know if you actually think these things right like it was making fun of people who were opposed to yeah making fun of kind of argument yeah yeah and then you know you fast forward to now and it's like check world war three looks like it is actually about to happen you know you had you had your plannedemic and covid right and in and people are obviously trying to groom children and and deceive them and you know that's one of those he ruined their innocence in their lives yeah yeah he spoke not of his own volition but yeah yeah and it's like oh no okay so that yeah that meme you made making fun of everyone it was just right it was the truth actually um you know and and so you have the you have these kinds of things but then why is it why is it so true though what you know people people want to say hey the slippery slope it's a fallacy you know why has it proven to not be a fallacy uh up to this point and and why you know why is it that we can basically count on unless there's widespread repentance in our country unless people turn to christ which can happen i mean there's already moves to do these things so like the issue is you look at you know i just asked chat gpt what does the plus stand for in lgbtq plus what did chat gbt say it says in in lgbtq plus the plus symbol used is used to represent inclusivity acknowledging the wide range of diverse sexual orientations gender identities and expressions that are not specifically covered by the initial letters lgbtq right so like the idea is they've just told you the game you understand what i'm saying it says it's used to represent inclusivity acknowledging the wide range of diverse sexual orientations gender identities and expressions not specifically covered meaning like this is pandora's box it's just there's no end to it you know so like the issue is if you it doesn't take um so we'll start this way wisdom is the ability to recognize patterns among other things right so wisdom is involves pattern recognition and what you have here is you have a secular morality on sexual ethic ethics that has taken over and is supplanting and replacing a biblical ethic so you used to derive your ethics about you know sexuality to use that ridiculous term you used to derive that sexual immorality from the bible meaning you would look to the bible to define what sex is what what's its purpose why it's there and then what are deviant or you know abnormal perversions of it right so you look to the scripture to do that and then there's a logic in the scripture that tells you like what it's for and why these violations are violations in themselves okay so but then once you've chucked that now what you're what you're left with is just the secular morality on this um on sexual ethics right so that's what you're left with so then the issue is that at that point i mean like an unbelieving worldview it doesn't really have the categories that are necessary for morality in general i mean it's just you think about it you're just like random stardust man i mean you're just the product of random time and chance you're just an evolved ape there's no there's no grounding for morality in an atheistic worldview i mean you just exist you're not accountable to anyone right right so like the only kind of morality that you can draw derive is from some sort of you know mutual shared agreement that you come to in order to you know benefit everyone pragmatically right so i mean you you're either adopting some sort of utilitarianism at that point that's just built on some sort of pragmatic uh framework or or just societal consensus but i mean societal consensus is bankrupt it's like what societal consensus do you want do you want the cannibal society's morality or do you want you know the christian morality or which one do you want right and so like there there's no there's nothing there's no logical um foundation for morality and any of those things really anyways and i mean and they knew this i mean like this is what at the evolution is like the basis of the whole project is might makes right right the survival of the fittest yeah like that's so like the issue is um there's no grounding for morality in that at all and then what's left is you like you have atheists who are basically borrowing certain principles from a christian morality so you take like the christian morality and you throw out the pieces you don't like and then you're you're left with certain principles hey like do no harm or something but it's like why why not it's survival of the fittest man what why shouldn't you do harm like who says you shouldn't do harm is it objectively morally wrong to do harm well no it's just you know i don't like it or whatever else and and you know they're all insistent at that point if you ever want to test you know test an atheist on this point you basically just who's basically just saying hey yeah it's subjective or whatever just say hey would it be morally wrong for me to pour a cup of coffee on your head yes or no right yeah and see how that goes but no i mean the issue is there is no grounding anymore and right now it's it's i mean there's some sort of hey it's mean to do harmful things to other people but then they're in charge of how they're defining harm and so it just evolves and changes and basically like harm is now hateful bigots like christians who don't approve of your morality at that point so basically you just it's just infinitely malleable it's just like their world just like they think they are right they can just evolve over time their morality has evolved over time and there's no there's nothing there's no breaks to the project i mean it basically like you have all the logical steps that you need that are present in the system itself to go to this to you know animal love to zoophilia i mean i don't understand um where the objective moral grounding is within that world view right so i mean like the moment you say hey i am my sexuality whatever that means right so what you're saying at that point when you're saying i am my sexuality like that's who i am and i'm defining myself so i i you know if a person who is a sodomite is saying i'm a homosexual if that's what they're saying they're what they're saying is i that's who i am right so my sexuality like my sexual attraction defines me as a person that's what they're saying right yeah and so and then not only that you must affirm that my sexual attractions are legitimate and right and fine right and moral and then you must allow me to redefine marriage in order to make my sexual attractions fit within the confines of marriage and give them legitimacy in that way so whenever you say that i mean that's what the that's what chat gpt is saying right they're saying the plus symbol is used to represent inclusivity acknowledging the wide range of diverse sexual orientations so like the issue is okay it doesn't take a rocket science to know where this is leading it's leading to basically say that whatever deviant perverted sexual attraction you have that the logic says you must be given the ability to define yourself by it which is why we're all the minor attracted people kind of conversations online are going right so like what logical grounding do you have to say that their sexual attraction is wrong right right right so what what is the grounds there like like what what like what's the difference like so if you don't have a standard to judge these things then it just reduces to whatever i feel attracted to it must be right and you must affirm it and be inclusive to it and give me the ability to go with it right so then like who's to say that my attraction not you know the hypothetical person what's to say that their attraction to the animal is not wrong what's what's to say that their attraction to children is not wrong what's to say that their attraction to robots right is not wrong uh what's to say that it is wrong or it isn't wrong or whatever else like who are you to say it's not you know so like the issue is the the logic of the project says whatever i'm sexually attracted to you must affirm and you must praise and you must validate and so yes it just it doesn't take rocket science to see hey this this is going down a trajectory we see where this is going there's no internal logic now now the only thing that's holding any of it back is the idea of consent right sure yeah so like the idea of consent so you know the animal can't consent the child can't consent but then like we've done the death blow to that in transgenderism you've already done i mean what do you think i mean like so if if you are a person who has any kind of impulse whatsoever to say that we need to be logically consistent you're saying right now that a four -year -old boy is able to consent to make adult decisions to transition their gender based on who they identify themselves to be right now right yeah so you're saying they can do that why can't that four -year -old identify as like uh and you know the recipient of a minor attracted person's affections like why can't they make that decision when they can make a decision to it's even more radical than that right so like so the issue is there's no breaks to this project there's no logical coherence it's all just a bunch of uh incoherent mess because it's not based on a foundation which is why i mean like you know the trans exclusionary radical feminists are so at odds with the transgender movement is because you have two world views that are not the same and they're not saying the same things and they're at odds with each other right and it's not coherent there's nothing to hold it together because it's not based on logic so but then when you accept this you know premise one you are your sexuality right and then it's everyone's responsibility then to affirm who you are and praise who you are well hey man what are you going to say to the polygamist i'm a polygamist right i'm a polygamist i'm a multiple woman attracted person right so then i guess who are we to say anything about that right yeah you know it's it's disturbing and and i think you know james white he he mentioned this i i know we talked about this a little bit last week but uh and in discussing his whole breakdown of zack lambert's stuff you know because that because zack lambert is someone who claims to be a christian um and you know also claims that same -sex attraction is perfectly fine um i don't i i guess i don't know exactly where he stands on the transgenderism stuff but i i would have to assume that it's probably not a very good stance whatever it is um you know and something something james white was bringing up though which was obvious as you were listening to zack lambert it was so obvious you know james white was essentially saying hey there's no you know like with with whatever is to come zack lambert may not necessarily support whatever it is to come who knows you know we we don't know um he could be opposed to you know the quote -unquote minor attracted person thing he could be opposed to bestiality we don't know but what does he have and to form an argument against it we have something we have plenty of stuff you know to use to form an argument an argument against all of those things but what does zack lambert have because he's already thrown he's already thrown out the bible i mean he you know he's thrown he's waved away every verse that has anything to say about this topic you know claiming that it's not in context or it's you know it's talking about um you know it's it's talking about ritualistic um you know uh uh what what's the word you know like um when you when you have like women at the temples you know that you're supposed to that you're supposed to be intimate with as a quote -unquote form of worship to a pagan god you know those verses are talking about those things they're not they're not talking about just any any form of homosexuality whatsoever and and you know it's just like when you listen to that when you listen to all the arguments all i can ever think about is like you have no chance you are not going to if you are actually going to be opposed to this which you know personally i think most of the i think most of the christians who argue for um who are who argue right now for the same -sex attracted stuff to be allowed the transgender stuff to be allowed um you know they they might claim to be opposed to bestiality for example right now but i guarantee you the moment that it becomes socially acceptable to and socially encouraged to protect people who pursue bestiality they will jump right in line they will at the moment i guarantee you yeah the moment it becomes mainstream and normalized i mean they'll be you know the first ones jumping in line to go after the next you know popular thing yeah and and they'll claim you know i've been arguing this for years you know and it's like come on man no you haven't you love the praise of men that's it that's all you want you know and and you're certainly getting it congratulations you know but um so the title of the the title of the episode is what does the plus and lgbtq plus stand for so we've talked some about the bestiality stuff what what else do you think is coming down the line i mean they're already i mean there's already articles about the minor attractive stuff so i mean that's obviously i mean that's there and it's being normalized and i mean the bestiality stuff i mean that's that's obviously upon us too right yeah i mean that's obviously upon us i mean we you can't worship animals like we do as a society for so long and not blur these lines i mean there's i mean um i say yeah people people i mean they're not necessarily always like the mainstream kind of you know communities that you'll hear of all the all of the time but there are certainly communities right now that are very large um people on twitter yeah yeah role playing as animals yeah and and spending thousands of dollars animal costumes and whatnot well i mean they'll have like their animal avatars on twitter because that's their whole their whole identity is wrapped up in like pretending that they're a certain cartoon character animal or something like that so i mean that i mean this is like these these are people that are i mean it's not a small small thing it's not like the weirdos or something out there this is like a normal thing people are doing right now where they're totally mixed up reality um but i mean certainly i mean the ai stuff is right here i mean there's already i mean i've already seen articles about um kids preferring to talk to their ai friends at school more than they want to talk to human beings and like teachers who like you know so basically they would rather talk to ai lebron james than their classmates and they're getting emotionally attached to their ai friends right now online so this is a thing i mean it's upon us like all of these things are upon us right now and there's no logic within the plus i mean the plus sign provides all the logic you need to say who are you to say no bigot right just right just let them identify how they want to identify their you know they're not hurting anyone you know all this stuff so i mean it's like these things are they're already upon us and you know people haven't thought through any of the arguments and the same ones that fell for the last one will fall for the next one i mean there's no stopping it basically it doesn't reduce like this is not the issue is this is not like a logical problem this is a moral problem so because they didn't see fit to worship god and like honor him in their thoughts god gave them up to a debased mind to do things that are unfitting that shouldn't be done right so like what you're talking about is you're talking about romans 1 just playing itself out they're being given over to a mind that doesn't function as mind it's not like it's not governed by logic or reason i mean think about the story of sodom for a second and i mean a lot of people they don't um they're not actually reading the kind of story that you see there the kind of things that happen i mean but one of the most like startling things about the story of sodom is that they're literally you know they've rejected the natural function of the woman so lot offers his daughters to them or whatever and they they've rejected that natural function they want the angelic guest right yeah but then they're banging on the door trying to break the door down the crowd is gathered so in like if you read the story i mean it's pretty stark i mean young and old like all of them are surrounding this house young and old all of it right like that's the level of depravity that you're talking about like it's comprehensive it's all of it they're surrounding this house and they're trying they're starting to beat down the door and the angels blind them and you would think that at that point a sane person would give up right hey all right guys let's let's pack it up man we lost this one you know we're gonna punt on this one but like i mean the text literally says that that didn't stop them they still were clawing you know they're they can't even see and they're still clawing at the door trying to get these guys right so i mean that tells you that this there's something else going on here there's i mean this isn't just uh god has given us given our society over to like stupidity stupidity man like i mean we're way past rome as well yeah that's what i was thinking you know i was gonna make i was gonna make a post about about this you know article arguing that it's morally permissible to uh to you know be intimate with animals to commit bestiality and i was i was looking at romans 1 because i was like well obviously you know this is the this is probably going to be the most concise place to go if i you know if i'm going to quote a bible verse in relation to this article and i was reading romans 1 and it's like man we're past all this like people don't eat people don't i mean people just don't even bat an eye at the you know man committing shameful acts with other men women committing shameful acts with other women people don't bat an eye at that stuff anymore and you know paul that's what you know paul chooses to address specifically in the verses obviously he's addressing a lot a lot of things beyond that but then those are the things that he's addressing specifically and it just i i was left a little dumbfounded just thinking like man we are totally we're past all this we've gone beyond this into you know new territories you know that i that i'm sure have been explored in the past throughout all of human history you know i'm sure there's been points where they have been explored but then to know that my own country is is past all of these things and and pursuing whatever is even more vile and more wicked than that is dumbfounding dumbfounding i mean it is dumbfounding in basically every way i mean you know we're we're a society right now that is not only you know exchange the natural function of a woman for a man burning with lust you know for our same gender and all that we're pretending to be opposite genders right and not only pretending like not only we pretend like not only like there's a bible like pro prohibit uh quote unquote bestiality right so lying with an animal like you would lie with a woman not only does the bible do that we're pretending to be animals right so not only are we i mean not only we've you know given up on like the natural function of the opposite member of of our uh opposite gender or whatever we're pretending we're the opposite gender we're pretending we're animals right uh there's we're just we've lost we've lost our minds man like in every way imaginable like so like we're well past you know roman to one and i mean it's it's obviously the same basic error that's fielding at all we're rejecting god we're not we're refusing to honor him as god we're worshiping and serving the creator and so he's giving us over to madness but i mean like the issue is i mean we're we're engaging in the most idiotic stupid things imaginable that are so illogical man i mean it's just so ridiculous so illogical it's it's it's so unscientific i mean there i saw a funny post about um i think it was the facebook ai or whatever they um trained it in you know thousands and thousands of scientific papers or whatever that they did and then they were horrified they had to shut the thing off because it turned into a hateful bigot or whatever but like the thing is we've lost our minds man like in every single way imaginable we've lost our minds and we that's funny that the first response went you know hey we've we've had this thing scan thousands of you know scientific papers and peer -reviewed studies and whatnot and it's telling us everything that we disagree with and the first response is shut it off shut it off shut it off no but i mean that's the thing you know like that people i mean the bible says this over and over and over again like they stop their ears to the truth they gnash their teeth these are religious responses i mean when jesus said things that they didn't want to hear i mean they would tear their robes i mean they would literally i mean they're literally like sticking their fingers in the ears you know doing the equivalent of a little kid saying no i don't want to hear it you know no no no no right i mean that's what we're doing we've stopped our ears to the truth and and that's what jesus says like the one who has ears to hear let him hear we can't hear anymore how stupid we are and how insane we are so that's how far gone we are as a society i mean so much so that i mean we've we killed you know 60 million babies 70 million babies at this point and we you know there's the only reason god has had any mercy on us whatsoever is according to you know his grace and his mercy and his kindness and you know you can imagine um something similar to sodom and gomorrah happening where god you know abraham's begging him you know if you find 10 righteous there will you not destroy it for the presence of 10 right and something like that has to be going on with america where um god's refusing to act i utterly wipe us off the map face of the map because the presence of a small majority of christian small minority of christians here but you know and his uh steadfast love to his people but it's um it's insane sure it certainly is a as you know as you're thinking about these things one of the silver linings of this is it is amazing to think hey this is how far we've gone as a society and then to think yeah god has shown god i mean god god should wipe our nation off the face of the earth he would he would be totally right in doing that and it's it's amazing to think that he hasn't done that yet and you know the uh the kind of patience and mercy that that requires is something that none of us will ever be able to show none of us will ever be able to show mercy the way that that god has towards our nation you know and and so so the silver lining to that being it should point us it should point us back to that mercy and and just simply wondering how how you know can a god be this merciful that he allows this to continue so that you know so that's um his chosen might come to salvation and not perish you know and his and his wrath right so but okay i think that's a you know a big part of a big part of this episode is just to say hey look if you think it stops at transgenderism then then you're woefully ignorant to history and and you know i don't think it's just bestiality i don't think it's just pedophilia you know i think you know i've you mentioned some of these things earlier tim but i really do think it is like yeah ai it's robot you know robots whatever you know whatever term we come up with for that uh robotophilia or you know robophilia um you know i think necrophilia will also be one that comes along especially i've seen i've seen a lot of articles where doctors are suggesting hey we need to take you know women who are brain dead but their bodies are still functional we need to use them as incubators for uh pregnant you know for pregnancies for babies and you know if you're willing if you're willing to uh defile people like that you are certainly willing to go further with it once it's socially acceptable um so i i think you've got a lot of these things coming down the line and you know the answer is not try to appease the try to appease the things that are okay right now and hope that that's good enough uh because it'll never be good enough you know it'll never be good enough i mean we'll have people that are exactly like the guy uh the people in sodom and gomorrah i mean you know blinded by the angelic light that they certainly don't understand how can this even be happening and yet it does not deter them and trying to satisfy their sexual deviancy and so so we as christians need to be aware of these things and we need to be fighting against these things speaking out against these things unashamedly you know with boldness preaching the gospel calling people to repentance knowing that that is the only way out of this you know out of the muck and the mire and the filth that people are jumping into gladly and celebrating and trying to get others to also pursue as well so with all that said we appreciate all the support we get from you guys week in and week out interacting with us online you can follow us on twitter on facebook and you'll see a lot of other content that we post there that is not included in these podcast episodes so give us a follow there you can support us by liking the video commenting on the video subscribing to us on youtube subscribing to us wherever you listen to podcasts leaving us five star reviews all those things they don't cost you anything to do other than other than the few seconds it takes to actually do it but it goes a long way in helping us and fighting against the algorithms that certainly hate christians and certainly hate the things that we're especially topics like this i mean youtube doesn't want this getting out at all they don't want people hearing this stuff they want to trick people into thinking that sexual deviancy is the answer to happiness so those are some ways you can support us if you want to support us financially there's a link to our patreon in the description that you can follow and do that and we certainly appreciate all that and until the next episode we'll see this has been another episode of bible bashed we hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion we thank you for all your support and ask you to continue to like and subscribe to bible bashed and share our podcast with your friends and on social media please reach out to us with your questions pushback and potential topics for us to discuss in future episodes at bible bashed podcast at gmail .com