John 4:7-26 (Sin, Shame, and Spiritual Confusion)


Sin is like a deadly poison that has been unleashed upon humanity by humanity. Its greatest side effects are shame and spiritual confusion, which render a person incapacitated and alienated from God. This means, apart from divine intervention, there is no cure for our sin, shame, and spiritual confusion. But, that is where Jesus comes in, as we see in John 4:7-26, Christ provides the cure for all who turn to Him.


When a human being is bitten by a black mamba It begins with extreme tingling within seconds of the wound actually being inflicted
It works its way throughout the body. And this is accompanied by a metallic taste in your mouth along with neurological issues drooping eyelids blurred vision and eventually complete paralysis
If it's not treated If it's not treated quickly with a tourniquet and anti -venom
Then some of the most dangerous side effects happen within minutes and then within hours you're gone
It's considered to be one of the most poisonous snakes in the world Especially on the continent of Africa and you may be wondering why did
I begin a sermon that way? Well in our sin We've been wounded by that but yet there's consequences that come from it.
It's not just the wound of sin that happens See Adam and Eve originally ventured away from God and they got too close to snake and He used their own desires against them to poison them and He watched as they ate to their own demise, but it wasn't just that You see their sin was the beginning of it, but then came along with that.
There was shame and there was confusion One decision to rebel against the command of God Unleashed a toxic venom upon the soul causing instant spiritual death causing distant physical death
And it led to a diseased heart a toxic mind a corrupted will and it caused permanent isolation from God which was accompanied with deep abiding shame and spiritual confusion
That's what sin is And there's no antivenom when it comes to human beings trying to fix themselves
Sin shame and spiritual confusion are not just a part of the person who sins but they're transferred
That's what makes it infinitely worse than a snakebite. You see a snakebite affects just the host the one who's bitten the one who unwisely gets too close or the one who accidentally reaches his hand into Of the brush
Sin is infinitely worse though because it's transferred from one generation to the next See Adam and Eve's children were infected with the same sin that they unleashed upon the world and their children after them
And you have the whole human race now being inflicted by this thing called sin, which is wreaking havoc in our world
Heaping more and more guilt and shame and spiritual confusion upon the population of man
That's the downside It's just a light way of putting it the biblical narrative
It's a pervasive element that all of us cannot escape and it's impacted every single human being that has ever lived except for one
That's where we get to the good news Sin has impacted everybody but Jesus Christ who's eternally
God Who entered into time and space through the womb of a virgin?
He was set apart by God to bring the antidote of sin to the people of God now
That takes us to John 1. It's been a couple weeks since we were in John. So I'll give a very very light Introduction or recap of what we've been doing
John 1 introduces us to the eternal God who sets foot into the stage of man John 2 sees him preaching teaching and cleansing in the capital city of Jerusalem because Jesus was sent to Israel the people of God and yet it says that they rejected him
We see in John 3 that he's talking to one of the key leaders in the city And he's talking about theology with him and he's teaching him what it means to actually be healed of your sin
But that religious leader also rejected Jesus his name was Nicodemus And what we see is in John 1 through 3 we see the
Savior of the world coming to the world the world that is broken In the world that is lost in the one that is needing a healer
And yet they rejected him John 1 through 3 is repeatedly about the rejection of the coming of the
Son He who made the world came to it and they rejected him.
That's what John 1 says and then we see in John 4
That Jesus is ministry now shifts Because he went to Jerusalem He went to Israel and was rejected in John 4 his ministry now is shifting to Samaria It's shifting towards Galilee which is an interesting theological point that I don't want us to miss because Instead of Jesus just being about the chosen people the ones who thought that they were the chosen people of God He came to save the rejected
He didn't just come to save the powerful. He came to save the weak He didn't just come to save the beloved
Israel He came to the hated Samaritans and the downtrodden Gentiles and everyone in between He doesn't just come to the noble men at the city gate.
He comes to an ignoble woman at a well If he can save a woman like her and the people that we're gonna look at in the weeks ahead
He can save anyone if he can save a man like the Apostle Paul He can save anyone our God is a
God who saves not just the high and the lofty But those who are low and that is good news for all of us because the more you know of who you are
The more you know of your sin the more you realize that only Jesus Christ can save you only he can reach down and grab
You and pull you out This is good news
Now it's in this encounter today that we're gonna see the full power of Jesus is healing on display
We're gonna see a woman who has three major problems in her life sin shame and spiritual confusion and her way of dealing with that is through running and hiding and Jesus is way of dealing that is confronting it head -on and showing her the gospel.
So let's turn to John 4 7 through 26 We're gonna read those passages together and we're gonna unpack what's happening in this narrative
There came a woman of Samaria to draw water Jesus said to her give me a drink
For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food Therefore the Samaritan woman said to him.
How is it that you being a Jew asked me for a drink since I'm a Samaritan woman For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans Jesus answered and said to her if you knew the gift of God and Who it was who said to you to give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water
And she said to him sir, you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where do you get that living water?
You are not greater than our father Jacob Are you who gave us the well to drink of it himself and his sons and his cattle?
And Jesus answered and said to her everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst
But the water I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life and The woman said to him sir, give me this water
So I will not be thirsty Nor come all the way here to draw And he said to her go call your husband and come here and the woman answered and said
I have no husband Jesus said to her you have correctly said I have no husband for you have had five husbands and The one whom you now have is not your husband this you have said truly
The woman said to him sir, I Perceive you were a prophet Our fathers worshiped on this mountain you people say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship
Jesus said to her woman believe me in hours coming When neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the father?
You worship what you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is from the Jews but an hour is coming and now is when true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and truth
For such people the father seeks to be his worshipers God is spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth
The woman said to him. I know Messiah is coming He who is called Christ when that one comes he will declare all things to us and Jesus said to her
I who speak to you Am he? Let's pray Lord I pray that you bless your word
I pray that you'd bless the delivery and the preaching of your word and Lord I pray that we would uncover and that we would seek out the things that you want us to seek today
Lord, I pray for anyone who's here Who is like this woman who is dealing with the damaging and paralyzing effects of sin and shame and confusion
That were just like you offered to this woman 2 ,000 years ago you would offer to us the same well of living water the same trusted supply
Or for all of us who are in Christ that well is within us and springing up to eternal life
Lord I pray that we would not neglect the well of living water that you have placed within us Lord, I pray that we would not go thirsty when we've been planted by an infinite supply and Lord for anyone who is not in Christ either here or listening
To this later Lord I pray that you would convict their hearts of the sin that alienates them from you
That Lord you would burden their hearts for the shame that keeps them from you and Lord, I pray that you would
Illuminate their mind so that they could see and not be left in confusion, but would run to you and would run to your cross
It's in Christ's name. We pray. Amen The purpose of today's message or the structure of today's message is three parts
We're gonna first look at the problem This woman has three problems, it's sin Shame and spiritual confusion.
So we're gonna look at those problems that she has the second part of the sermon is Gonna deal with her attempts to solve those problems through hiding and through running and through Giving into her shame the third part of the sermon is gonna be looking at Christ perfect solution
I want how Christ perfectly deals with our sin Christ perfectly heals our shame and Christ perfectly
Illuminates us to where we can see the truth of God So the first is the problem sin is the universal problem of all human beings.
We know that we're sinners Apostle Paul tells us in the most clear terms that have ever been given all have sinned and All have fallen short of the glory of God.
There is no one that is righteous not even one. I Believe it's the clearest passage whatsoever on The fallenness of the human condition and how we are all in this general category of people who are alienated from God But in this passage, we don't get to see it just from the general approach
We get to see it from the specific here We have a woman who is dealing with specific sins at a specific time and she's interacting with a specific man
Christ The text says she says she's had five husbands Which means that she's walked through five broken marriages
She's had five marriages that ended bitterly in divorce She's had five ongoing acts of serial adultery because the
Samaritans believed The first five books of the Old Testament and they believe that if you were divorced
Then you were in adultery With five different men the final one. The sixth man was not her husband at all
It was her boyfriend and she was living with now the not -so -subtle suggestion in the text
Is it that she was practicing and given over to sexual immorality? It wasn't that she was just committing a few acts of sexual immorality in her time in her society
Because they believed what the Old Testament said about holiness and purity and about all of those things She would have been looked at as a sexually immoral person
Not just that she did stuff but that she was her sin as part of her identity and The problem was not just her sin
Kind of like the problem is not just the snake bite if the snake bite gave you two new holes in your body
That's bad enough But it's the venom that enters into your veins and causes paralyzing consequences her sin caused paralyzing consequences in her life namely shame and Spiritual confusion shame is the first one that we deal with in this narrative.
It says So he came that's Jesus to a city of Samaria called Sychar near the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his son
Joseph and Jacob's well was there So Jesus being wearied from his journey was sitting thus by the well and it was about the sixth hour noon time hottest part of the day and There came a woman of Samaria to draw
Now this tells us right away that Jesus was interacting with a woman who was ridden with shame
This is a shame ridden woman Because women went in groups to the well women went with other women in the morning when it wasn't so hot to the well because the stone that covered the well was heavy and They wanted help to be able to move it
Because it was dangerous for women at this time to travel alone, especially miles away from their town
This well was not the closest well to their town So she's going out of her way to remain hidden And going with a group was just a part of the social fabric of what it meant to live in the first century especially for a woman
You got to participate in conversations You got to participate in catching up on how so -and -so's
Children are doing and how their husband hasn't done this or done that or however Many other things that they talk about on those trips.
I wasn't there But this woman was alone totally alone
She would have had to move the stone by herself she would have been vulnerable to robbers and Men who not who lie in wait for women who are traveling alone on the road.
She would have been vulnerable to Isolation to the elements. She was by herself
She had no one to hear her stories She had no one to wipe away her tears She had no one to listen to her struggles
I don't know if you've ever had a moment in your life where you've been totally alone with no one to turn to this was her life every day of her life and You might ask yourself, why didn't she just decide to just Go with the women.
Why go out of her way? Well, if you've ever dealt with the paralyzing effects of shame and if you've ever had people who constantly pummel you with your shame
Then you'll realize that all of the pain and all of the suffering that she's going through out of her way To be alone in her mind probably looked better Than being with the people who reminded her of all of her misery
The very fact that she's out here by herself means that she has chosen to remain unnoticed
Now again the culture that she lived in in Samaria followed strict sexuality codes and they followed the biblical code of holiness rightly so But in her society because she didn't conform to those standards
She would have been utterly ashamed. This is an honor -shame culture Where everything that you do increases your honor or decreases into your shame?
Now you think about it after her first divorce The word around town's already started people were whispering behind her back
And now her social capital has decreased because now she's an adulterer so the only type of husband that she can marry now is in a as an adulteress and as someone who's been divorced is an immoral man and Then she gets divorced again and you and you start to see her
De -elevation in society every time she gets a divorce a new low Happens in the type of men who would marry her because a honorable and respectable man would not marry her in this society
There would be no redemption for her So she would go further and further and further down the social strata into where she's in a league of her own
You can imagine the whispers that were happening in the town. You can imagine the wives Giving her that look as she walks through town.
Don't look at my husband You can imagine the the
Hebrew Phrases we have them in English, too That are said just loud enough to where someone can hear but just quiet enough to where it seems like you're actually trying to be quiet about it
Ringing in her perfect ears you can imagine her feeling like a total and utter outcast and After a while if you're trying to connect with these women after trying to have relationships with them.
What do you do? You check out You give up And you accept that your life is gonna be alone and that's what this lady has done.
She stopped trying she stopped showing up She went into hiding she embraced her shame
Now we might look at this woman today and say that her shame was a product of her environment That she was beaten up so badly that she was living in shame
But that's not true because we can if we imagine that there was such a society where she would be the most popular
Person in her town where people would be cheering for her as she had multiple and multiple more divorces
She would still have shame there, too It would just be it would just look different and we know that because of the celebrity culture in America Men and women today living
Immoral lives out in the public eye with adoring cheering fans are some of the most miserable people that you can ever meet
They're miserable inside. They're broken and they're given over to shame Your your social strata doesn't affect shame because shame follows sin and if all people have sin and fallen short of the glory of God then shame is the necessary symptom of sin
Her sin looked different because she was in a society that was pummeling her but everyone who sins has shame
That's the clearest teaching of Scripture And in Adam and Eve they sinned and immediately they realized they were naked and what they hid
They didn't have anyone else throwing rocks at them and have anyone else hurling insults at them the consequence happens sin leads to shame which leads to Spiritual confusion.
Those are the three problems she's facing and those are the three universal problems that all of us face today Now you can imagine when this shame ridden woman
Walks up and she sees a religious Jew and she's now got a shame inducing situation
That everything within her is gonna want to avoid Jesus says to her give me a drink
For his disciples had gone away so here you have this woman who's trying to avoid people the hottest part of the day should have been no one there and There's not just a woman in the town.
Who's looked down on her There's not just a Samaritan religious leader who is forbid her from going into their synagogue.
You have a religious Jew at the top Of the judgmental pyramid in that day
Jews and Samaritans hated each other. I Mean you try to strain yourself to get examples of this you think about in our country's history white supremacist and Black Panthers like that's the kind of hatred that this
These two people groups had for each other and the Jews believed that they were descendants of Abraham the true descendants of Abraham They believed that they were the ones who had the law of God and they look down their noses on everyone else especially the
Samaritans The very best Samaritans in the Samaritan culture were treated like they were an illegitimate race
They were treated like a plague that they were supposed to be avoided so you can imagine When you have a woman at the lowest rung of the condemned society
Interacting with a man at the pinnacle of the powerful society and you get a picture of What this woman is thinking what she's feeling
I Really believe that this woman would have avoided this encounter all together if she had water to make it through the day
She wouldn't have went that far out of her way at that time of day in the hot of the day if she didn't need To be there
So you can just imagine her mustering up the confidence to have this encounter mustering up the courage
I'm getting ready to go through another moment of shame I'm getting ready to have another man. Tell me that I'm damaged goods that I'm broken
You can almost hear her defensiveness when she says how is it that you being a
Jew asked me for a drink Since I'm a Samaritan woman for Jews have no dealings with Samaritans is what
John tells us You can hear the defensiveness in her tone You can almost hear her saying are you kidding me is this a game
Are you mocking me right now asking me for a drink Can't you see that I'm a
Samaritan don't your people hate us Can't you see that? I'm a woman. You're a religious male. You'll never talk to me in public
Why are you talking to me now? What is going on? Why are you asking me for a drink? What do you want from me?
You see this woman's sin left her so deeply broken and so ashamed
That the only recourse she had is she wanted to hide And you think who could blame her at this point?
But what Jesus does is Jesus looks at her and He exposes her sin.
First of all, he says, you know in a little bit. He's gonna say that you have a husband He knows her sin
Exposes her shame in this encounter and he also exposes her spiritual confusion.
Look at what he says Jesus answered her and said if you knew the gift of God and who it is
It says to you give me a drink and you would have asked him and he would have given you living water What Jesus is saying is if you knew the gift of God Then you would know me and if you knew me then you would find
Everything that you have ever been searching for for all of your life in me, but because you don't know me
You're still lost in your sin You're still broken in your shame and you're still fumbling around in your spiritual confusion
Having no idea where to find healing Jesus Is a little bit direct with her here
But Jesus is still not fully direct yet He's not fully told her exactly what it is that she needs to do.
He's still peeling back the layers You see she thought she was coming there today to draw out water but in the sovereignty of God She was coming there to be drawn out by Christ Little by little layer by layer and Jesus wisely is answering her in such a way to keep her in the
Conversation to keep her focused on the topic and to bring her to the point to where she's gonna understand the truth
Deep inside the well of her soul exists these three problems sin shame and spiritual confusion and Jesus is methodically
Dealing with each and every one of one of them But again, she doesn't understand she says sir, you have nothing to draw out the water with she still thinks that this is about physical water
And who can blame her? She's human Jesus just said I'm gonna give you living water
Now in that day in that time living water meant running water It wasn't a spiritual phrase back then.
It wasn't like ooh living water Let me have some of that It just meant water that was flowing it meant water that was not in a pond
We get the word Dead Sea because it was stagnant water that was sitting there that had an intake but not an outtake
Imagine if you as a human had an intake but not an outtake you would be toxic, too
You'll get that in a second The Dead Sea is dead because it doesn't have an outtake it can't be clean
Ponds are dirty because it's stagnant water that is just sitting there when I grew up as a kid people would make jokes and say
Oh that kid must have drank pond water as a kid and you kind of knew what that meant It's dead waters diseased water.
It will hurt you and will harm you This is what living water actually means is that it's water that's flowing flowing across the rocks and flowing into the sand and being
Filtered so that you can actually drink it and so that you can get life from it. That's what living water meant
So when Jesus says he's gonna give her living water. She's looking around and She's like, where's your bucket?
I don't see it Maybe she thinks that Jesus has drawn water before she got there, but he has nothing to produce
Maybe she thought that he got better for a well from a water from a well that he thought was better than the one that She was at he has no water to show for it and She's probably thinking.
Okay, mister. I'm too smart for what you're doing here. I'm not gonna be conned by you I'm not gonna be played by you. You can expect me to believe all you want that You've got this living water, but I don't see any evidence of it.
You're not gonna play me for the fool. I The Bible doesn't say that's what she's saying, but that's kind of what
I think she's saying But the irony is is that she totally missed what
Jesus was saying She thought he was talking about water that would quench her thirst
Jesus was talking about Eternal water that would touch her soul That would save her that would redeem her that would wipe away all her sins
That would cleanse her from her shame and that would illuminate her mind so that she would never be confused again
She misunderstood the source She had no idea. She was standing right in front of the fount of living water
She had no idea. She was standing in front of the living breathing walking talking God, man And because of that she like Nicodemus stumbled over the details
It's an interesting fact who I didn't share this earlier John 3 is about a religious man who doesn't get it
John 4 is about an irreligious woman who doesn't get it. We all need God's help in order to understand the truth
She also misunderstands the value of his person She says you're not greater than our father
Jacob. Are you? Who gave us this well to drink and his sons and his cattle at this time period?
There was a hotly contested debate on who got to claim ownership to Abraham Isaac and Jacob The Samaritan said no, no, no.
No, we're the real children of Abraham Isaac and Jacob not you Jews and the
Jews were like What are you talking about? We're the pure race of Israel that came from Abraham Isaac and Jacob We're the ones that really love
Moses and they're like, no, no, no, we do and it was just really hotly contested debate So when she says you're not greater than our father
Jacob She's saying hey, listen here Jewish man. You're not greater than our father.
It's this kind of a dig I think She's she's kind of weighing in on the debate subtly
Her mind is still confused on what's actually happening here She was standing in front of the person who looked
Jacob right in the eyes and wrestled him and he said I've wrestled with God She's looking right at the one who bowed down and worshipped
Isaac who bowed down and worshipped God. She's looking at the one Who realized that he was in the presence of God Moses and he took off his sandal.
He said this is holy ground She's standing before the very God who the patriarchs worshipped and she's worried about which clan of people got to claim the patriarchs
She's confused Her sin had left her in her shame and her sin had left her in her spiritual theological confusion and that confusion demonstrated itself
In these verses Jesus is going to clarify for her to try to help her out in verses 13 He said it says
Jesus answered and said to her everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never thirst again
But the water that I give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life
Now I want you to listen to the context of this and understand what Jesus is saying He's not just saying
I'm gonna give you extra water, but he is being provocative here He's talking to a woman who more than anything wants to never come outside her house again for fear that people are gonna see her
And notice her and look down their nose at her and he is playing off of her desire to want to be hidden and She is gonna take the bait and she's gonna say yes, give me that water
I don't want to come outside of my house. I don't want to have to walk out here to this Well, I don't want to have to come out here in the middle of the day because I'm I'm scared of being noticed by people
Jesus is taking her to the point to where she realizes that her desire to be hidden and her desire to be
To live in her shame is not going to save her and that's our second point her solution for saving herself will not work
Jesus has exposed her sin. He's exposed her shame and he's exposed her spiritual confusion.
Now. He's exposing the fact that She wants to be hidden She doesn't want to face her sin
She doesn't want to deal with her shame. It's too painful She doesn't want to Be taught anything any different because sometimes pain is more comfortable than the truth
Have you ever sat down in your misery and Knew that you needed to get up and knew that you needed to just take a shower even and knew that you needed to Do something but you were so upset and so frustrated that you just sat there in your shame and sat there in your guilt
This is where this lady's at and Jesus is gently and Lovingly exposing to her that that will not help you
That will keep you bound in your sin that will keep you drinking from the fountains of shame and That will not free you
When she said sir Give me this water So that I will not be thirsty nor have to come all the way out here to draw.
I think she may have been being sarcastic Something is saying something like Yeah, Jesus.
Give me the magic bucket so that I can go home and pour it out and it'll fill itself up Every single time
She may have been being sincere we don't know She may have been saying yes, please
That's I want that more than anything in the world to never have to deal with my sin To never have to deal with my shame.
Yes, give me that water But you'll notice that Jesus is unwilling to leave the conversation here
Because Jesus is unwilling for any person that he is going to save to allow them to believe that they can be saved in anything other than Christ crucified
They can't be saved in sitting in their sin. They can't be saved in running and hiding in their shame But in order to get her to that point where she sees that Jesus is like a skilled surgeon
If you go see a surgeon you talk to him first, they don't start cutting on you the moment you walk in their office We wouldn't trust them.
We want to meet them. We want to get to know them So we talked to them then they put us under and then they then they start cutting and pulling back layer after layer until they
Get to the heart of the problem This is what Jesus has done Jesus has gently moved from one stage to the next pulling back layer pulling back layer and to the point now
To where he's gonna begin to reveal her reveal to her the truth The woman says sir, give me this water
So I'll not have to be thirsty and come out here to draw and he said to her go call your husband Now she's exposed
In a moment Jesus used a supernatural understanding to keep her from Maneuvering out and hiding and pretending any longer
He's exposing her out of love so that she will see the inability of herself to save herself in that moment
And she will turn to and trust Jesus The woman said to him
I have no husband basically mind your business, buddy She's basically saying
I don't have a conversation with you. I don't know if you're safe. I don't know if I can trust you It's none of your business anyway, and I think we can have empathy for her because there's a lot of people who aren't safe There's a lot of people we shouldn't trust
There's a lot of people you should not tell your business to because they're gonna use it to weaponize against you and hurt you so We can kind of empathize with her here
But she didn't realize she was speaking to the Son of God and he was gonna continually push this conversation forward and Praise God for that Praise God that if God is going to save you he's not gonna give up until you have come home
If you're saved it's not because you didn't stop looking for Jesus. It's because Jesus never stopped looking for you
In our sin just like this woman. We have pushed him away a million times. We've rebuffed him
We've been sarcastic in our shame. We have avoided him in our confusion We've misunderstood him
But Christ is the one who saves and Christ is the one who's gonna get the glory when he saves because he will not give up Until he has found the lost sheep that he has went searching for The woman said
I have no husband. Jesus said you've answered correctly and you have no husband. You've had five husbands and The one you have now is not truly your husband at all again.
Jesus tells her you don't have to hide anymore. I Know what you're going through.
I know where you've been. I know what you've done and I'm still here Jesus does the most loving thing that he can do in exposing her sin so that she will stop trying to hide exposing her shame so that she'll stop trying to run and Exposing her confusion so that she will stop trying to explain everything away with theological arguments.
She says sir, I perceive that you're a prophet Meaning I think you're a religious guru.
I have a theological question for you Our father's worship on this mountain. You say that your people worship in that place
What gives Jesus? He's exposed her sin. He's exposed her shame now.
He's gonna expose her confusion. He says to her in all of her curiosity
You worship what you do not know We worship what we know For salvation is from the
Jews For an hour is coming and now is
When true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth For such people the father seeks to be his worshipers
We're gonna talk more about this next week We're gonna double back down and go through 22 through 26 because I just can't deal with them today the father seeks worshipers and Jesus is seeking this woman to be his worshiper
There is a divine directive here where God is the one doing the seeking and she is the one who's gonna be found
I'll give you a wet your appetite. That's next week God is spirit And those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.
The woman said to him. I know the Messiah is coming When that one comes he will declare all things to us and Jesus said
I am he in And that moment Jesus is saying I know your sin,
I know your shame I know your confusion, but I'm the one you've been looking for your entire life
You've been running and you've been hiding and you've been living in your shame. Stop. You don't have to do that ever again because I am he an
Hour is coming when I'm gonna go to the cross and on the cross. I'm gonna take every sin that you've ever committed
Not just the five different marriages that that have blown up in your life But I'm gonna take all of them and not just for you
I'm gonna take them all for all of God's people every sin that you've ever committed will be dealt with on the cross of Jesus Christ and there will be perfect healing for you and Every shame that results from every sin you and I no longer have to live in ever again
We never have to walk with our head down. We never have to walk like we're defeated We never have to walk like we're broken because what
Jesus Christ has done is so much better in Him every sin has been healed and every shame has been cleansed and in the
Holy Spirit who God has given to us our Confusion on who Christ is it has been defeated
We and her can know God Because of what Jesus Christ has done you
I and her can live shame free for the rest of our life we don't have to live there and that is my prayer for all of us is that we would look to Christ the one who
Takes away our shame and we would refuse to live in the shame that the enemy wants to throw on us
Amen Lord Jesus Thank you for this passage and thank you
Lord that we were able to just cover it Lord a little bit today and to look at this woman who
In her natural flesh Retreated to the things that she knows best hiding and shame
Lord I thank you for the fact that we don't have to live there anymore Lord, I thank you for the fact that because of what you've done on the cross.
We no longer have to be ashamed We no longer have to be afraid We've been perfectly cleansed by you
Lord, I pray for the rest of the service. I pray for the rest of this week I pray for the rest of this month and for the rest of our lives that we would understand that point that you have taken away our shame just like the person who is
Begging for the antivenom or begging for the antidote from the snakebite. You've done it You've taken it