Emergency Live Stream! Auction Imminent!

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, it's not really an emergency, but I just wanted to test this camera. I don't know if I like this.
It's like kind of offset a little bit. I got another, I got a new monitor.
So I've got like a dual monitor set up now, which I don't know why I waited so long. It's just a huge quality of life update, but I just wanted to test this out and, you know, see if it looked okay.
I'm considering doing a little bit more live streaming because a lot of people say that's the way to go. And I get to interact with all of you a lot more and, you know, my videos aren't really that edited anyway.
So it's a pretty good, pretty good option. But what I did want to do is I wanted to let everybody know if you're not on Gab, I announced this on Gab, but I went to the post office today to send out some books.
You know, a lot of you are buying books for me and I really appreciate that. Thank you if you've purchased it. If you haven't purchased it and you want to, go to adrobles .com,
A -D -R -O -B -L -E -S .com, and you can pick up a copy. But I've been sending books to Big Eva members and I did a
GoFundMe and the generous, you know, donations that you've provided have allowed me to send probably like almost 30 books at this point.
I think the number is exactly 29. But anyway, so I kind of knew that some people would send them back.
You know what I mean? The old return to sender. And I knew that there'd be some reactions. I think they,
I'm pretty sure that there'll be some tweets or some angry, you know, blog posts or something like that.
How dare I send them a free book? So that'll be interesting. But the very first return to sender came today.
That's right. The very first return to sender came today and it is from none other than Jonathan Lehman.
He didn't even open it. It's still in its packaging. I've blocked out the address and stuff.
And I suppose there's a chance that I got the address wrong. I don't think I did. I double -checked it.
I don't think I did, but you know, maybe, who knows? But I think it's very likely that he saw that it was from 80
Robles Media and was like, I want no part of this. I'm gonna return this one to sender. So in any event,
I'm gonna auction this baby off. Yeah, that's right. I'm gonna repackage it, but I will include the original packaging if you win the auction.
And I'll also sign it. You know what I'll do? I'll sign the outside, the postage.
I'll probably have to cut some of this off. I don't wanna put the tracking number. I don't know if that's bad or not. I'm definitely gonna take out his address and all that, but I'm gonna sign it.
And maybe I'll sign the book as well. So maybe I'll open it and then I'll repackage it. But if you want a piece of history, because everything's history now, everything's history because I saw, this is historic.
This is 80 Robles media history. I'm gonna auction this bad boy. The first return to sender that I've gotten.
Yesterday, there was some history made. I saw a newspaper article that said that there was a historic announcement in the
NFL. Apparently there's a gay guy in the NFL. So, you know, people's sexual orientation is now historic.
It's a historic moment. They're trying so hard to make it a new Jackie Robinson. Like Jackie Robinson was actually history.
That was really awesome. But this isn't history, guys. It's ridiculous.
I guess everything is technically history. But anyway, so if you're interested, I'm gonna put the link to the auction on eBay for the copy of Social Justice Pharisees that I sent to Jonathan Lehman that he returned to sender.
And I will sign it and all that kind of thing. But yeah, this is a momentous occasion.
And I think what I'll do with the proceeds, here's what I'll do. Whoever wins this bid, we're gonna start the bidding at $6 because that'll cover the shipping.
Well, I guess the shipping times too. We'll start the bidding at $6.
Whoever wins, you know, I'll sign it. However you want me to is within reason. I'm not gonna say anything crazy, but yeah, that'll be a good thing.
And what I'll do with the proceeds is I'll put it into the big pot that we're using to send more books out to the members of Big Eva that desperately, desperately need them.
And if you win, I'll also let you choose who I send it to. How about that? It doesn't even have to be a well -known name.
I mean, there's some books that I've sent to well -known names and others that I've sent to more local people that I think could use the book.
But yeah, anyway, I guess that's it. That's really all I have. Let's see if I can figure out how to get the chats.
I don't think there's any chat here. Yeah, I don't know. I gotta figure out how to stream.