Righteous Boasting 


Bragging? Boasting? Showing off? Are these righteous or unrighteous? Or both?


Welcome to No Compromised Radio Ministry. Different inflection on the show today. Some more like Luke than Mike, maybe like Pat.
Welcome to No Compromised Radio Ministry. Mike Abendroth here. I answer to Abendroth, but I say
Abendroth. Today we're going to talk about boasting and how it is important for you, dear
Christian, to boast. But before I do that, you can email me, mike at nocompromisedradio .com.
And if you'd like to have some books at a discount price, if you want to order 10 or more,
I'll give you a discount. You just have to email me because it can't go through Amazon. The new Law Gospel book is out,
Law Gospel A Primer. And that has been received pretty well so far.
I'm a couple of little typos in there. So those have been fixed. Sorry about that. If it's so bothers you that you've got one with a typo, there's a space in between from an
Adam missing, then you just email me and I'll get you one that doesn't have that. Okay?
I don't think it's that big of a deal. But in that regard, I want to be a perfectionist.
Now back to the topic at hand. Boasting is good. True or false?
Boasting is good. Boasting is mandatory for the Christian. True or false?
Actually, is boasting mandatory for every person, believer or unbeliever?
I think if you think of it this way, dear Christian, like anger, there's a good anger and a bad anger, a righteous anger and an unrighteous anger.
It's the same with bringing and bragging, showing and telling. There's a good boasting and a bad boasting.
The bad boasting is, of course, seen as a vice and you're bragging about yourself or someone else.
You're making a display of yourself. You're a show -off. I read that show -off kind of goes back to 1800s.
Ostentatious displays. Deliberate displays. Making a conscious, conspicuous and obvious display of yourself.
Now, there's nothing wrong with talking about your children and your grandchildren and others and praising them and encouraging them.
Fine. I'm not talking about that. I'm mainly talking about trying to boast in the
Lord. That's what I'm after today on No Compromise Radio, that you are created to boast and to brag.
Righteous bragging. Not in your own resources, not in your own power, not in your own influence.
Not trying to gain attention, not trying to gain admiration, but pointing to the
Lord Jesus. Not flaunting yourself, not parading yourself, not strutting around, not vaunting yourself, magnifying yourself.
No, it's giving glory to the Lord. The psalmist said, not to us,
O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness.
When it comes to boasting, when it comes to praising, the issues really are twofold.
What are your motives and what's the object? The object of your boasting is the triune
God. The motive for your boasting, thankfulness. For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God.
So today on the show, we're talking a little bit about boasting and bragging.
Isaac Watts wrote these words, not to our names thou only just and true, not to our worthless names is glory due.
Thy power and grace, thy truth and justice claim immortal honors to thy sovereign name.
And we live in a culture where everybody wants to praise themselves and to boast and to brag. And we, you know, look at Muhammad Ali when he'd say,
I'm the greatest. And we want to make sure that we are thinking about this properly. So I thought
I'd do a show on it. We've come a long way from William Carey's tombstone. William Carey, born
August 17th, 1761, died June 1834, a wretched, poor and helpless worm on thy kind arms
I fall. I wouldn't like that unless we had on thy kind arms
I fall. John Albert Bengal said it this way, we, this way, we may glory not before him, but in him.
We may glory not before him, but in him. Some of the
Puritans and even Spurgeon talked about peacocks and God gave them black feet.
And Spurgeon said that he may not be proud of his bright feathers and that in like manner, he has allowed his people to have the black feet of their own sinfulness, that they may not glory in any of the graces which
God, the Holy Spirit has given them, but that while they have those graces so bright and beautiful, they may still look down on their own natural depravity and humble themselves before God.
I looked on a website and said, how to stop bragging. Did you know we're the number one podcast in all the world?
I didn't know that either. How do I stop bragging? Here's what it said online.
The best way to stop bragging is to focus more on other people. So the best way to stop bragging about ourselves is to brag about another.
Better put, because brag still kind of has a negative connotation, to boast. Boasting in the
Lord. That's what we're talking about today on No Compromise Radio. I've been looking at Ephesians because that's what
I've been preaching a little bit while we've all been sick and I needed a little respite from Luke. Luke 2, 7.
We're saved by grace. We're raised. We're seated. We're made alive. God has done all these things, right?
He's rich in mercy. He's great in his love. He's graced us. He's kind.
And where's that all going? What's it pointing to?
Chapter 2, verse 7 in Ephesians is kind of an overlooked verse.
In order that, there's a purpose statement, in the ages to come, he,
God, might show, demonstrate, display, make conspicuous, the surpassing riches of his grace and kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.
He is going to give outward proof. He's going to give a demonstration. He's going to have, one guy kind of talked about God's publicity program to make something public, to make something known.
And so what Paul does is he says, this is all driving to the exaltation of and the praise of who
God is. This is all of the universe.
This is all of the angels and all of the saints praising God. This reminds me of Revelation 7.
And they cry out with a loud voice saying, salvation to our God who sits on the throne and to the lamb.
And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. And they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped
God, saying, amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our
God forever and ever, displaying his nature, his character, his attributes, his perfections.
As Lewis Johnson said, I think one of the most wonderful things about heaven is going to be revelation and the manifestation of the wonderful ways in which
God has shown grace to us, to the saints of God. All of the countless myriads of saints for there shall be many.
What did the life application commentary Bible say, which I don't usually recommend, but this is a good quote from it.
When you see a turtle on a fence post, you know he didn't get there by himself. That's good, isn't it?
So, Paul is saying in Ephesians 2 .7 that God saves to show his glory, to show off in a positive way.
That's what he's doing. And then we have the three famous verses.
Not that the other verses aren't famous, but the well -known verses of Ephesians 2 .8, 9, and 10.
I'm glad people know them, but there's a connection. Ephesians 2 .8, 9, and 10.
Paul now goes on to prove the statement, it's all of grace, that Christ's life, death, burial, resurrection, ascension, session, it's all to demonstrate grace.
So, he says, verse 7, about this demonstration, then he says, for by grace you've been saved through faith.
What is Paul doing there? He's providing proof that it's all of God.
He's proving his statement, as Calvin said, that by grace you're saved through faith.
How do you know you're saved by grace? Well, he goes on to say, because it's through faith, not our own doing, it's a gift and not of God's works, so that we end up boasting.
See, in verse 9, so that no one may boast. So, what
Paul is doing here, don't miss this, he's proving the point that it's grace that saves.
And when I say grace, I think about the Lord Jesus, right? Grace incarnate. I think of the Father who sends the Son. I think of the
Spirit. And the list goes on. Not that there are more members of the Trinity.
I know only three members of the Trinity for which we are thankful. Paul is giving evidence that God is the one who saves, that God is the one who is going to be praised eternally, that he exhibits his glorious grace and his great grace.
What is the reason you become a Christian? Why are you a Christian?
Why is anybody a Christian that's going to be by grace and by grace alone?
He already has talked about being saved by grace. Now he says it again in verse 8.
Paul repeats it. Why? Well, because it's important, because we're prone to forget, because we think we save ourselves, because we think we cooperate, because we think
God helps those that help themselves. That's all true.
So, he repeats it in verse 8. You're saved by grace.
What's it say in Ephesians chapter 2, verse 5? Even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ, by grace you've been saved.
Now in verse 8, by grace you have been saved. What saves you?
Grace. Grace isn't a thing, per se. I don't want to call the
Lord Jesus a thing. It's not a substance. It's a person. That's what we need to talk about more in light of the backdrop of Rome.
There's a pastor, he was talking about deathbed conversions. Do you think a deathbed repentance does away with a whole life of sin, he asked a lady?
She said, no. But Calvary does. Hey, I like that. Huh? I like that.
I bet you do too. You are saved. He says it twice. We were dead in sins.
Paul would say in Romans chapter 5, we're still helpless at the right time. Christ died for the ungodly. And to make sure we realize there's not a smidgen of our own work, that there's nothing in us.
It's all of grace that we are recipients, the passivity of redemption.
Paul goes on to remind us that God even gave you faith.
For by grace you've been saved through faith. The key for faith is not that somehow we came up with it.
It's by grace. It's by grace you even have faith. Faith is a gift, and faith focuses on the object.
The cause of salvation, get this, Christian, is God, his love, because chapter 2 verse 4 of his great love.
You're not saved because of faith, you're saved through faith. And that language, through instead of because, is important.
And we call it an instrument of means. This is not a ground or cause, procuring cause, procuring ground.
That's not what faith is. Faith is an instrument. Faith is given by the
Spirit of God, of course, but it's not a work. Faith isn't meriting, it's receiving.
Faith is not meriting, it's receiving. Toplady nothing in my hands I bring, simply to thy cross
I cling. Naked come to thee for dress, helpless look to thee for grace. Foul I to the fountain fly, wash me,
Savior, or I die. Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.
You are saved through faith. Galatians, a man is not justified by the works of the law, but through faith in Christ Jesus.
Romans 3, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
God doesn't believe for you, but your salvation is not resting on you coming up with faith, and God sees that you did that and therefore saves.
Now, when you first got saved, that's what you thought happened, unless you were raised in some pastor's home, catechized, taught theology.
You think I believed and then God saved me. Now, I don't know, maybe you didn't, but it seemed to me that's what people do.
I believe, therefore God saved. It kind of was hinged on me. I didn't know that faith was the work of God.
I didn't know it was a gift and that I was regenerated, and then I responded with faith.
My faith then caused me to be born again. Which comes first, regeneration or faith? Well, in time, you might say that they are simultaneous, but theologically, when we think about it, you know that regeneration comes first, made us alive.
And Paul even talked about being made alive a little bit earlier. Did he not? Faith contributes nothing.
Faith receives. Faith receives. And of course, we know faith is not just mental assent.
It's not just agreement, but it's a real trust. It's a real resting. It's a real receiving.
It's been granted for Christ's sake, not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for his sake, Philippians 1 .9.
I love Acts 18 .27. He helped greatly those who had believed through grace.
Isn't that good? They believed through grace. And probably you've forgotten 2
Peter 1, Simon Peter, a bondservant and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received a faith of the same kind as ours by the righteousness of God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Paul is trying to say it's by grace you've been saved, and now let me remind you that faith is not the cause.
It's an instrument received by grace.
Now, there's a chapter in the Lenten Baptist Confession on saving faith, and it says, this faith may exist in various degrees so that it may be either weak or strong, yet even in its weakest form, it is different in kind or nature like all other saving graces.
And it's different from the faith and common grace of temporary believers. Therefore, faith may often be attacked and weakened, but it gains the victory.
It matures in many to the point that they attain full assurance through Christ, who is both the founder and perfecter of our faith.
Now, see, if faith was the cause, it'd have to be the right kind of faith. It'd have to be a good enough faith.
It'd have to be a strong enough faith. It'd have to be faithful faith. But since it's a means, an instrument, it's not the cause, instrumental means, you could say, then it can be just a little bit of faith in the right object, right?
As long as you have knowledge, assent, and trust. To make sure we understand that this is a display of the riches of God's grace and kindness, it's through faith, not because of faith.
And then he says in Ephesians 2 .8, and that not of yourselves. This is not of you.
This is not of you. Now, Bible interpreters get all bogged down, and you can study this on your own, but it's just best to see this as the entire process.
Faith isn't yours. Grace isn't yours. Salvation process isn't yours.
None of this is for you, because it's by grace. It's what he said earlier. And how could it be ours when we know we're dead in trespasses and sins, dominated by Satan, the world, and ourselves, and doomed to destruction?
Because by the works of the law, no flesh shall be justified in his sight. Romans 3 .20.
He keeps going to make sure we realize it's by grace. Ephesians 2 .8, it is the gift of God.
It is the gift of God, not of ourselves. Of God is the gift.
How gracious is God. Gift and graciousness go together, right? Grace and gift.
Salvation is the gift of God in opposition to a wage. When a man pays another his wage, he does what is right, and no one dreams of belotting him for it, said
Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He keeps going.
Verse 9, not as a result of works. I think probably we're in the realm here of religious works.
Baptism, back in the day, circumcision, confirmation, fasting, giving to the poor, whatever type of religious work you like.
No works. None. Not of works, your salvation.
Not of works. Calvin said this passage affords an easy refutation of the idle cavil by which papists attempt to evade the argument that we are justified without works.
Nothing can be more clear than this. Papists themselves are compelled to own that Paul ascribes to the grace of God, the whole glory of our salvation, but endeavor to do away with this admission by another contrivance.
This mode of expression they tell us is employed because God bestows the first grace. It is really foolish to imagine that they can succeed in this way, since Paul excludes man and his utmost ability, not only from the commencement, but throughout, from the whole work of obtaining salvation.
You don't get saved by any type of works, whether they're religious, whether they're civil, whether they're moral, whether they're good, whether they're bad.
Nothing. D. L. Moody said the thief had nails through both hands so that he could not work, and a nail through each foot so that he could not run errands for the
Lord. He could not lift a hand or a foot toward his salvation, and yet Christ offered him the gift of God, and he received it.
How about that? Some D. L. Moody stuff. We're thankful.
All leading up to, now think about the beginning of the show today, praise.
Ephesians 2 .9 goes on to say, not a result of works that no one should boast.
He's talking about no one boasting themselves. We are to boast in the Lord. We are to boast in our triune
God and his salvation, but we are not to be prideful. We are not to think somehow we saved ourselves and that we're better.
How did you become a Christian? Do you have any grounds for boasting in your salvation?
Can you take any credit for your salvation? God sacrificed, the
Father sacrificed the Son. I think that means he gets all the credit.
I think that means the Son gets all the credit. The Spirit of God, he gets all the credit. There are six things which the
Lord hates. Yes, seven which are an abomination to him. Haughty eyes is one of them.
Ouch. Haughty eyes. Judges 7 .2, and the
Lord said to Gideon, the people who are with you are too many for me to give
Midian into their hands, lest Israel become boastful, saying, My own power has delivered me.
Power has delivered me. Do we have any reason to boast in ourselves?
None. Even as Christians, what we do as Christians, I mean, it's pretty easy to get caught up in it.
People would say, oh, I learned from you, or I'm encouraged by you. And then we start believing our own press.
Not good. No boasting, that no one should boast. 1
Corinthians 1, it says that no man should boast before God. It's a sin to boast in ourselves.
1 Corinthians 3 .21, so then let no one boast in men. 2
Corinthians 10, but he who boasts is to boast in the Lord. It was
Jeremiah that said, don't let a wise man boast in their wisdom. Don't let the mighty boast in their might.
Don't let the wealthy boast in their wealth. Can you imagine getting to heaven and boasting?
I deserve to be here. I earned this. No, no boasting.
How many followers do you have? How many books do you have published?
Hey, how big is your congregation? How many people come to your Bible study? Oh, I laugh.
And I get convicted as well. 1 Corinthians 1 .31, let him who boasts, boast in the
Lord. Boast in the Lord. Do you do that? When's the last time you boasted in the
Lord, glorified the Lord, talked about him? All right, let's make it really simple.
What do you talk about after church? You can talk about whatever you want. We're not legalists, but probably might be good to be boasting in the
Lord. Salvation's all of grace, received by faith, which is even a gift.
Not of works, nothing we've done, therefore we boast in the
Lord. It's through faith, not our own doing. It's a gift and it's not of works. Well, where do works fit in though?
Can't we talk about work someday? Shouldn't Christians do good works? The answer is, of course, we should talk about works and Christians should do good works.
And let's put them in the right category and let's put them in tomorrow's show. How about that? Mike Avendroff, No Compromise Radio Ministry of Good Works, Chapter 16,