#BigEva Has Alot in Common with YouTube Scammer Gurus

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right guys, I was just outside watering my garden. I was wearing my official Gospel Coalition sunglasses to block the damaging rays from the sun so they didn't hurt my little eyes.
And I had an epiphany, now it's crazy hot outside, so I had to come inside and think about it to make sure it's really something that I should noodle with.
And I think it is, I'm not hallucinating. It's not the heat getting to me, at least I don't think so. I've been trying to think, like why is it that I read these articles, these social justice warrior articles, these woke church articles, and I can read them and watch the content.
And it doesn't seem to have the same effect on me as it has on some of you. I mean, I get a lot of emails and comments that say, how do you watch this stuff,
Aidy? I get so frustrated, I get filled with anxiety. My blood pressure goes up when I read this stuff.
It's just crazy, how do you do it? And up until now, I haven't really figured out why it is that I'm able to read so much of this stuff and have it not affect me that much.
Now, at times, especially when someone says something blatantly false about the Bible, I'll get a little heated.
But when I'm done, when the camera goes off, I don't think about it so much anymore. Like, I'm not discouraged.
You know, so many people get discouraged by this, and I understand why. I don't get so discouraged by some of these articles.
And I figured it out, I think. And here's what it is. So there's another kind of content that I like to consume a lot of, on YouTube especially.
I watch a lot of YouTube videos about scams, about, you know, kind of like sleazy pitch men, you know, that kind of thing.
I watch a lot of QVC, for example. And I like to break down sort of the scammy elements of like, you know, fake business gurus, like Tai Lopez and stuff like that,
Grant Cardone, Grant Cardone. I'm not saying he's a scam, but he's pretty sleazy. Like, the tactics that he uses, you know, the lifestyle stuff, you know.
You could have this lifestyle that I have. All you've got to do is give me 10K. Like, you know, stuff like that.
And the sales tactics that these people use, multi -level marketing companies use a lot of these same sales tactics as well.
There's actually really nothing wrong in and of themselves, but in the wrong hands, some of these sales tactics can be very damaging.
And I think that there's a connection between kind of like the fake online business guru, like the
Tai Lopez kind of person. Dan Lok is another one. He's pretty scammy, that's for sure.
Dan Lok, there's connections between Dan Lok and some of this woke cult, you know, social justice warrior stuff.
They actually use a lot of the same tactics. And again, some of these sales tactics, it's really a pitch you get.
Every time you read an article from SBC Voices, like the one we did today, or Gospel Coalition about social justice, or on Twitter, these guys are pitchmen.
You have to understand, like, some of them are more talented than others, but they're pitching you something. And they use a lot of the same tactics as a sleazy salesperson.
And again, a lot of these tactics aren't necessarily wrong in and of themselves, but in the wrong hands, they can be very damaging.
Let me give you an example of what I mean. There's a way to sort of pre -qualify someone that will maximize the emotional kind of response that someone gets to your offer.
And let me give you an example of what I mean. And in recruiting, oftentimes I'll talk to a candidate and, you know,
I'll pre -qualify him. I'll find out what he's looking for in a job. I'll find out how much money he's looking to make and stuff like that.
And I'll use that conversation later on down the process. So we talk about all their desires.
And then when I get them an offer at a company, and I'm about to close a deal, I wanna make sure that that deal closes.
And so one of the things that I do, you know, people, anyone that's in sales knows that emotions are very important in sales.
Because people decide whether or not they wanna buy something based on emotions, and then they'll justify it to themselves based on the facts often.
And so here's what I'll say when I'm trying to close a deal on an offer. I'll say, hey, Mr. Candidate, do you remember when we first spoke and you said that you wanted this and that and this, and then you said you wanted to make 70K your next job?
And they'll be like, yeah, I remember that conversation. And then I'll say, Mr. Candidate, has anything changed since then that I should know about?
And they'll say, no, no, I still want XYZ and I still want 70K for the next job. And then
I'll say, well, I've got good news for you. Because I just got you an offer with this great company that offers
XYZ and they're offering 78K. What do you think of that?
And now because I've pre -qualified them, I've already pre -qualified them that 70K was a good deal, now they're getting 78K plus everything else they wanted, their emotions are running high and there's a very high likelihood that they're gonna say, yep,
I will accept that offer. And all of a sudden I've made some money on this deal. And so there's nothing shady about that, but it's understanding human nature and how emotions play a big factor as to whether or not someone buys something or signs on the dotted line.
But you see, this can also be very useful for a sleaze bucket because a sleaze bucket will tell you, this product, if it does everything
I said it does to you, Mr. Client, you would say, I mean, you would probably wanna pay a lot for it, right?
You'd probably be open to paying me $1 ,000. And all of a sudden in your mind, this product is now worth $1 ,000, right?
And then they say, let me tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna offer it to you for $100.
And really the product has never been worth $1 ,000, but you've been kind of pre -qualified in such a way to say, well, yeah, if it takes away my back pain,
I'd pay any price. And all of a sudden $100, even if the product isn't even worth $100, it's worth less, seems like a good deal to you.
That's why oftentimes you'll see when they price something, it doesn't matter what the price is, they'll put a higher price above it and put a big red
X through it. Because you don't know if that's the price or not. There's some stores that everything's always on sale.
Because, but the thing is, if everything's always on sale, then there really is no sale. That's just the price, you know what
I mean? People know this. But sales is a game. It's a mind game. And I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong.
I'm not saying that it's necessarily right. What I'm saying though, is that it's helpful to be aware of some of the marketing tactics that are used.
Another one is fear of missing out or like pretending that there's a scarcity that there isn't.
Like, oh, if you sign up right now, you will get this free gift, whatever, whatever. And it's like, yeah, but like, we've kind of realized that like, you could sign up at any time and still get that free gift.
Like they pretend like it's a limited time offer, but it really isn't. If you could sign up at any time, infomercials are famous for that.
If you call right now, I always wondered when I was a kid, if you call right now, you get this free gift. I'm like, but how do they know that it's right now though?
Like, are there people sitting there like timing it, looking at their watch like, okay, well, you call two seconds too late, you don't get the free offer.
No, it's a tactic. It's an emotion. They wanna elicit an emotional response.
And again, I'm not commenting on the validity of that. I'm just saying it's helpful to be aware of that.
When you walk into a sale at dealership, you're ready to be sold to. And so you kind of have your guard up a little bit.
It's helpful to do that. And I think what we need to realize is that the social justice warrior pitch uses a lot of these tactics.
And I would argue in sleazy ways and illegitimate ways and not the way that's like pre -qualifying something of real value.
And instead it's like making up a phony value. They use a lot of the same tactics, knowing that people will believe something or not based on emotions.
And then they'll try to go back and justify it according to facts. I think there's something here.
I'm gonna think about this a little bit more. I think these tactics are being used on us. And maybe that's why
I find it so fascinating because I think that these kind of tactics are very interesting to study just in general.
I use sales. I'm a salesman myself. I've been selling since I got out of college. I'm not the best salesman ever, but I'm not the worst either.
I've done well for myself in a sales career over the years. So I use a lot of sales tactics.
I use strategies for selling, but it's just fascinating to see them use in illegitimate ways.
I think that's why I like the scam videos so much because a lot of times these people are very effective salesmen, but they're selling something that's not real.
They're selling a fantasy. They're selling something that's not worth anything to you.
And I find it amazing that the tactics can still work even if something that you have has no value whatsoever.
And I think it's the same with the social justice warrior stuff. They're effective writers. They're writing good sales copy.
Some of them. Some of them like the SPC Voices guy. It's not very good sales copy, but they're writing good sales copy.
But you have to realize that when you go into an article from Big Eva, it's like walking into a car dealership.
You're being sold. They're using emotional tactics and pressure tactics. Very similar to like the
Alex Beckers of the world. Again, I'm not saying he's a scam. I'm just saying the tactics that Alex Becker uses or Tai Lopez or Dan Lok or Sam Ovens or all of these guys, they sell basically the same thing.
And it's amazing to see the tactics being used in real time. Maybe that's what it is. I'm gonna have to noodle with this a little bit more.
Let me know what you think in the comments below. I've been a salesman for 20 years, let's say.
Just about 20 years, 15, 20 years, something like that. Let me know if you think this would be worthwhile to kind of run kind of some
Big Eva presentations through like a sales analysis and look at the tactics that they use, that businessmen use in their presentations and talk about kind of some of the sleazier elements of it.
If you think that would be helpful, comment on this, like this video and we'll go into it. I'm gonna go noodle with this a little bit more.