Something Isn't Right! The Failed Assassination of President Trump & Churches Lack of Response

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We've spoken at length about how many churches no longer teach doctrine, many of those same pulpits remain silent when it comes to the major social / moral issues of our day, or they will pander to the left and or embrace worldly philosophies but when those pulpits were silent this past Sunday after the assassination attempt against Donald Trump, many thought this time the silence was deafening.


Hello. In this video, I wanted to cover the failed assassination plot against former President Trump, because this is just one of those stories that are, it's so big that you kind of have to talk about it.
You know, it's like 9 -11, COVID, and then something like this. It's that big of a deal, and I'll explain why in a moment.
But my main takeaway is that I hope, number one, God spared his life.
God is sovereign. Donald Trump, you know, he turned at the last minute, I guess, from what
I'm hearing. You know, it hit his ear, grazed his ear, and he had turned, and then it hit.
And if he had been just looking, hey, he's lucky to be alive. God spared his life, right?
So that's number one. Number two, my main takeaway, I hope and pray this softens his heart so that he will come to faith in Christ.
That's my main prayer. Prayers to the guy that lost his life, obviously.
We should be praying about a lot of things. We should be praying for this nation. As a pastor,
I was not able to really talk about it in church on Sunday because we had visitors, we had a packed, full service, and there wasn't any time to bring it up.
And I'm not gonna change my sermon because of this, but I did mention it as a matter of prayer, and we held a special prayer time before church just for this.
So we did pray about it. And this is something that a lot of Christians are troubled by.
A lot of pastors, a lot of churches didn't say anything. Matter of fact, there's an article on Protestia right now, a guy named
Todd Starnes. He says, if your pastor didn't bring this up on Sunday, you should find a different church.
You should leave your church. He says, there is tremendous spiritual warfare being waged in this country.
He said, this is no time for limp -wristed, woke evangelicals. If your pastor did not address the assassination attempt in today's service, you should find a different church.
And it's like, wow. Listen, obviously you shouldn't leave your church over that one thing. Okay. Maybe your pastor didn't know about it.
It's hard to believe, but, or maybe, hey, listen, you shouldn't leave your church over one thing.
You shouldn't leave your church unless the leadership is incompetent or teaching false doctrine or something.
But at the same time, if there's a pattern of behavior, if your pastor's not addressing the issues of our day, if he has the fear of man, you know, maybe if there's a pattern, he mentioned
George Floyd in 2020, he mentioned Black Lives Matter in the protest and he was favorable or kind of pandering for that stuff, but he wouldn't say anything about Trump.
Like if there's a pattern like that, where he's kind of caving into the world's agenda, but he won't mention
Trump because he's afraid to mention Donald Trump's name because someone might get upset. If there's a pattern like that, okay, that's different.
Or if your pastor just refuses to address the issues of our time,
I could see leaving a church for that reason, but, you know, we want to, hopefully we all want to come together and not let this type of thing further divide us.
However, this is the reality of it. It will further divide and it has already.
I knew what would take place. The people that are, you know, militantly pro
Donald Trump, they're going to be ready to fight. Okay. They just need, once that spark happened and George Floyd was the spark in 2020.
And listen, I'm not saying all this because I want it to happen or because I'm saying it's right or, that's not it.
I'm just telling you whatever it takes, there are people ready to go.
Okay. And whatever that spark would be to cause an uprising or whatever it is.
If Donald Trump was killed, I think that probably would have been it. You should be thanking the
Lord for many reasons that his life was spared. God is sovereign. God spared his life.
You ought to be very thankful today because here's what the average person, a lot of people, they just act like,
Oh, this is no big deal. Or they just don't care. They don't care. It doesn't affect them in their life. They don't care if Donald Trump was killed.
Oh, I think this would have affected America big time, but either, either way, still, and this is a huge story.
It's not going away. And I saw some of the stories about the, the head of the secret service.
I'm going to play a clip in a moment, but then the head of, I think Homeland Security, he was asked if this was an inside job.
And of course he said no. And he was angry and, and I'm not, I'm not floating conspiracies.
Don't misunderstand what I'm saying. I think it's reckless to float conspiracies, you know, five minutes after it happened.
Cause you don't know. Nobody, nobody knows unless you were there, maybe you saw something, but here's the thing.
There are people saying it was an inside job. Some people are saying Trump faked it, which give me a break.
A guy was killed. Okay. This wasn't faked. Then there are people saying it's an inside job.
Here's, here's why that's significant. I saw that video and I read the YouTube comments section.
And I would say at the time, just so many comp almost 100 % of the comments thought it was an inside job.
They called the guy a traitor, head of Homeland Security, traitor, liar. You wouldn't admit to it even if you did it.
Like here's the bigger point. The American citizens have totally lost trust in their government.
The average person, they do not trust their leaders. There are people on one side celebrating the shooting.
They wish that Trump was killed that they're sick. Okay. They're disturbed. Then on the other side, there's people that are,
I mean, they're ready to go. They're ready to fight. And again, if you were killed and they, they really believe this was an inside job.
And I'm just saying that this, this really, okay.
Our nation was divided. This just split it, split it wide open even more.
So we better be praying. Okay. Your pastor didn't bring it up on, he, he better be praying for this country.
He better be. I'm telling you, I don't, I don't know what the future holds, but there, there is reason to be concerned.
There's a lot of reason to be concerned. And here's a story. This is the main reason I wanted to do this video.
So here's, here's the thing. The head of the secret service apparently responded as to why that roof wasn't secured where the shooter was.
I'll say this, something ain't right about that. The fact that that roof wasn't secured. Well, the head of the secret service, she explained why.
And well, it's a, it's a slanted roof and that would have been dangerous for the agents. Well, what about Trump?
What about, what about it being dangerous for him to leave a clear shot open, but just watch this clip and listen to why the secret service said that that roof wasn't secured.
This is just, wow. Watch. All right, everybody. Welcome back here to live now from Fox.
We are continuing to follow the big updates that really are coming by the day on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump here.
We are learning new information right now from the United States secret service director.
She acknowledged in an interview that responsibility for the security failure that led to the attempted assassination of former president
Trump ultimately rests with herself. The buck stops with me. She told me media members this morning, the director acknowledged the incident should have never happened and confirmed that the shooter
Thomas Matthew Crooks hadn't been identified as a person of interest, but by the time
Crooks was located, it was too late to stop his bullets. The shooter was actually identified as a person of suspicion.
She said, unfortunately with the rapid succession of how things unfolded by the time that individual was eventually located, they were on the rooftop and were able to fire off at the former president.
She also said that secret service was aware of the security vulnerabilities presented by the building.
This is big news. This is big updates right here. They say that Crooks took a sniper's position on to aim at Trump.
However, a decision was made not to place any personnel on that roof.
Again, the secret service director is saying a decision was made early on not to place any personnel on the roof that building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point.
She said, and so, you know, there's a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn't want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.
So that is the reason the secret service is saying they didn't have any snipers or any secret service members on top of that roof because it was sloped.
They were worried that it was sloped. Well, here's what happened. The shooter didn't care that the roof was sloped.
The shooter wanted to kill Donald Trump. And this is what this investigation will continue to unfold here.
But again, secret service saying they didn't want to put anybody on top of there because of a sloped roof.
They said the decision was made to secure the building from the inside. So they had personnel inside of this building, but not on top.
And that is going to be very shocking for so many people as the days continue to come and we get more information on this terrible, terrible incident that almost took the life of the former president.
Okay. So that story, I'm telling you what, that something's not right about that.
Something's not right. But I just wanted to say a few things, address this issue. There's so much we don't know,
I suppose, and we don't want to pretend we know things that we don't. But my number one takeaway is that this whole ordeal would soften
Donald Trump's heart and that the Lord would save him through all of this. That's my prayer. And I hope this video was helpful, but thanks for watching till next time.