Highlight: Spiritual Narcotics

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In this clip from Cultish, Jeremiah is joined by Amber Aldrich. The full episode is title Examining Reiki Energy Healing & Kundalini Yoga, Pt. 1. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do, you make everything we do possible, and you also get our TV show, After Show, Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen Ph.D. catalog of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en Check out our online store here: https://shop.apologiastudios.com/


Well, I mean, I think it speaks to the greater thing about the new age, which is a never -ending seeking.
So, and actually in, we'll get to my background in Kunalini, but in that I had, there was a teacher that taught in Nevada City where I lived, same as Teresa Gentry.
And I would go to his class from time to time, and it just felt like we were like chasing that, that moment, like that climax of the class or whatever.
And so to me, like that's that kind of constant, you know, it's like you're, you're almost like you just finish a training or a conference or a workshop or whatever you're in, and you're like itching and waiting for the next one.
Yeah. So that's, that's what I take away when, when you say that. Right. Exactly. No, I was thinking of the same thing because when you actually go through, you know, you'd call it your spiritual resume, your former spiritual resume, but it's always, it's never enough.
You know, it's a, it's one thing you're looking at Eckhart Tolle and next thing you know, you go down to Kundalini yoga and getting into Reiki and it's always the next thing.
It's never enough. And I don't know, you can be your thoughts, Andrew, too. It's like, if you remember a wild, wild country, that'd be like one example when you would see the practitioners back then with the
Rajneesh, where they would get all worked up, you know, for 40 minutes into this, you know, where they would just shake their bodies and kind of do the
Shakti pod and they would try and release everything. And they have this moment of, of just the subtle peace after just going crazy for about 40 minutes.
And then all of a sudden there'd be this momentary peace. But after that, guess what? They probably have to do it all over again.
I don't know. What are your thoughts on the concept of spiritual narcotic? What are your thoughts, Andrew? Yeah. I think the term spiritual narcotic is extremely useful term because in the new age, you're always seeking for something more, the next thing, because what
I find is that the person's never really truly alone with themselves. And what I mean by that is what we got to understand is though there is positivity, right?
That word quote unquote, or searching for the best you or the best life to be a co -creator.
The truth is, is the Bible says that people that do not have peace with God are not covered in the sacrifice of Christ's meaning this, that if you do not believe in Jesus Christ, and if you do not have faith in Christ, that means when you're alone in your bed you don't have peace with God.
And I think the new age seeks as a spiritual narcotic to not have you get to that point, right?
To constantly keep you busier and busier and busier. But my question would be
Amber, is there ever a point in time to where like you're, you're, you're in the new age, but there's times when you're laying your head on your pillow at night, even though you're deep into it and you're like, what, what am
I missing still? Is there still something I'm that that's not right? Or were you just constantly just going after the next thing?
Did you ever think there was something wrong with you or broken in you? Or did you just think maybe you're not thinking about something correctly?
Yeah, I think it's really convenient. So, uh, there would be those times, but of course it would be, oh, well this shadow part of myself is coming up or, you know, oh,
I must be dealing with some karma from a past life right now. Or, you know, it's, there's always like a good answer.
I mean, they're not good, but there's always an answer for why you're not actually satisfied. And I've been thinking about this and I can't remember who says it.
It might be somebody at Apologia, but somebody says, you know, it's like these people are walking around with a Jesus shaped hole they're trying to fill.
And that's like the, that's like the boil it down to the easiest point. Like that's, that's it.
But you don't realize. And so you just keep kind of thinking like, oh, the next thing and the next thing.
And really the whole point is to reach enlightenment. The whole point is to become an ascended master.
And so you don't know if it'll be this lifetime or the next lifetime or 800 lifetimes from now.
You know, I dated, um, I dated a man who was, uh, who studied and was involved with the studied,
I suppose, the res, the Rosicrucians. I don't know if y 'all are familiar with Rosicrucians?
A little bit. Yeah. I think George Harrison and the Beatles when I hear that. Oh, that could be. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, but, uh, his whole concept from that was every lifetime is a single one day of school.
So imagine your entire life from preschool to the end of college, maybe you're getting a master's degree or whatnot.
And every lifetime you're like, yep, that was day one of kindergarten and next lifetime will be day two.
So it's just like a real slow, like you realize, I mean, you want to ascend faster and that's why you pay tens of thousands of dollars if you can to go to different events and get the next level attunement and the next thing.
But it's it, it, the, the dissatisfaction is just with the speed at which you're achieving enlightenment.
It's not like maybe there's something wrong here and this isn't the actual answer. Right. What would be, what would you say would be the gap between when you do something like being, when you're down in Ecuador and you're say you're in the sweat lodge and you're, or you're doing this meditation, there's usually kind of like that spiritual high, but then you have to do it again or do something else.
Right. Like what's, what, how would you describe like the gap, how much was the gap between, you know, you, you all of a sudden going to the end of one, like sweat lodge meditation, something like that, but then all of a sudden having to go on to the next thing, like how long would that gap take place?
And what was that process for you to say emotionally and spiritually, how did it, what was that like for you? I don't know that it was the same every time.
I, I mean, it really, yeah, you ride out the high of whatever that last big event or experience was, and then you become dissatisfied.
And then you look for the next training or the next attunement or the next healer that you need to see or, you know, whatever.
Like it's just, and this is actually, this is a good way to describe it, that I was told by one of my spiritual teachers at the time, she taught a couple different energy healing modalities, super fringe,
I wouldn't expect anybody to have heard of them. But she would explain it like the, but like it was a good thing.
She would explain the ascension process, like the parking garage at the airport, where you go up a level, up a level, up a level, you know, and, and, and what she would say is when you get angry about the fact that you're dealing with the same trauma that you were dealing with before that you thought you had healed, it's just that you've up a level and now, and, and you're going, you're moving up when you're doing the healing.
And then when you're feeling it and feeling like you're stuck in the trauma, you're on that level of the parking garage.
And you're just driving around level thinking that you're healed. And like it was a positive thing, but there was never an end, there was never a top to unless you actually hit like full enlightenment.
There was never an end to it. And I think that, I mean, even in the Teal Swan, one of the women called it a carousel.
I think that was a great analogy also. It's just a never ending, constant moving round and round and round.
And yet you never get anywhere because you're not, like all things, they weave just, you mentioned this before, they weave just enough of the truth in that it seems like you're on the, a good and right path, you know, but it's, but it's not actually the truth because Jesus is the truth and the way and the life.
So it's not, you don't actually get what you're looking for back to that Jesus shaped hole.
Oh yeah, no, no, a hundred percent. And I think that's one of the, I think one of the aspects too, and Andrew, you can give me your thoughts, is that when you're looking at just New Age spirituality versus the gospel versus biblical
Christianity, what you see is a distinction between one -ism, one -ism and two -ism and two -ism gives a very distinct, it gives a distinction between the creator, the triune
God, and us, his image bearers who are his creation, whereas one -ism says it's all as one, it's all one and the same.
So when all is one, all is self, I think that's the, really the people giving over to a futile mind and become futile in their thinking because of the fact that how do you, where do you ascend to?
How do you ascend outside of yourself when all is self? I mean, the worldview in and of itself is defeating.
I think that's why just from a worldview standpoint, there's no true peace that these people ultimately can find.
It is truly within the world of one -ism. There's no way to ascend outside of the one or outside of the self ultimately.
Andrew, what are your thoughts on that? Yeah, my thoughts are, you know, it's so simple with Jesus, right?
It's on the cross, he says, it is finished, right? It is finished. All treasures of wisdom and knowledge are bound in Christ, right?
That's it. And that's our example, it is finished. But what we have with the new age spirituality movement, we see that you're forever a working progress.
And when I say forever, they don't even just teach that this life, like you said, this life could have just been preschool and me being a
Christian, part of the white patriarchy, maybe I'm in preschool, preschool, you know, at the level of my existence, but then you're still going on and on and on and on.
You're stuck in that airport parking lot. Who wants to be stuck in an airport parking lot? That sounds like hell to me.
You know, the truth about the reality of the Bible and your relationship with God is that the perfection of peace with God was finished with Christ and his perfect work on the cross.
But what we see with any counterfeit gospel, with any counterfeit movement is that the work that Jesus did on the cross, that wasn't enough.
You have to obtain something yourself. And what you find in that is it, it'll never end. It will never, ever end.
It's quite simple. You can have peace with God and that's put your faith in Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh, who died on the cross for your sins, you know, and it is finished.