Free From Fear


Sermon: Free From Fear Date: July 30, 2023, Morning Text: Hebrews 2:14–15 Series: Hebrews Preacher: Conley Owens Audio:


Well, as we prepare for the preaching of the word, please turn your Bible to Hebrews 2
When you have
Hebrews 2, please stand for the reading of God's Word Preaching today will be from verses 14 to 15, but there's a lot of important context here.
So I will begin with verse 5 Hebrews 2 beginning in verse 5
For it was not to angels that God subjected the world to come of which we are speaking
It has been testified somewhere What is man that you are mindful of him or the son of man that you care for him?
You made him for a little while lower than the angels you have crowned him with glory and honor
Putting everything in subjection under his feet Now I'm putting everything in subjection to him.
He left nothing outside his control At present we do not yet see everything in subjection to him
But we see him who for a little while was made lower than the angels
Namely Jesus crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone
For it was fitting that he for whom and by whom all things exist and bringing many sons to glory
Should make the found date founder of their salvation perfect through suffering For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source
That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers saying I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of The congregation
I will sing your praise and again I will put my trust in him and again behold
I and the children God has given me Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood
He himself likewise partook of the same things that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death that is the devil and Deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery
For surely it is not to angels that he helps, but he helps the offspring of Abraham Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might become a merciful and Faithful high priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people
For because he himself has suffered when tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted
You may be seated Dear Heavenly Father we thank you for your word.
We thank you for your word. We thank you for your Specifically here in this book of Hebrews addressing the fear of death
God I pray that you would make us people who are not fearful, but that you would give us Spirit not a fear but of power love and self -control
God we thank you for your son And we ask that you would open our eyes to see him more clearly today in Jesus name
Amen We live in a world that is full of fear consider why it is that OCD and anxiety things like this are so prevalent
Why is it so prevalent is because people are fearful, you know the one who has OCD is fearful that They will forget something or something bad will happen if they don't go through their particular ritual that they are attached to The one who has anxiety very obviously is is fearful of something
The world is full of fear and people are slaves to this fear
They will give up all kinds of things to protect themselves from That which they are afraid of and most quintessentially above all things death the fear of death
You know, this is not obvious to you. Just consider how much people sacrifice during the pandemic in order to avoid death
No, they gave up Jobs, they gave up relationships with family all kinds of things in order to avoid death
People are slaves to this fear You know if there is to be an answer to fear
There must be an answer to death and that answer to death has been provided in Jesus Christ He has provided freedom from the fear of death by conquering death itself
Because we are weak because we are weak and subject to death. He became weak like us because we must face death he
Conquered death through dying himself And all this sets us free from the slavery we have to fear to the fear of death
You know, I've seen depictions of the
Garden of Eden Video depictions where you know a cartoonist might might draw
Adam walking around in the garden or something like that And I always find it quite odd how
Adam is depicted because you see Adam Exploring the word world for the first time and he reacts to the things the way that we might react to things
He's kind of curious and and timid and not sure if he wants to touch something because he doesn't know what it will do to him
Or maybe a dog barks at him and it takes him a second to realize that the dog is his friend None of this is how
Adam would have interacted with everything Fear Exists because death exists death exists because the fall exists fall exists because sin came into the world sin came through the temptation of Satan and Adam Lived in a world without any of that.
He had no reason to fear You know if you snap your fingers in front of someone's eyes the wince if you snap your fingers in front of a baby
They typically won't wince they have no idea that they should be concerned about something very close to their eyes
The same way Adam had no fear of anything. He wouldn't have interacted with the world timidly.
He would have Interacted boldly not knowing any sense of fear
You know fear has come into the world because of sin because of death there must be an answer to such things
The world has provided all kinds of answers to this fear of death first of all
Many of the religions in the world have provided False ideas of an afterlife to make people feel more comfortable with death.
They speak of reincarnation or other fictions that have no basis in reality no basis in the
Word of God no basis and actual observation of anything Or They offer some kind of false.
Hope and if you do enough good things, you'll be able to reach some kind of paradise Let me tell you the sins that you have committed against God are so great.
Even if you think they are small They are so great No one could ever be admitted by doing enough good things in order to make up for those things that you have done
Now many people also use charms charms to ward off death, you know
We do door -to -door evangelism in this neighborhood and there's a number of houses. I've come across it have this little mirror on top
I don't know what particular culture. I think it's a Chinese thing, but mirror supposed to ward off evil spirits and when
I was young I watched a Documentary about Bruce Lee and the day before he died or the week before he died something like that The mirror fell off the house and everyone you know speculates whether or not the evil spirits got to him because of the mirror and And have you ever seen these a little they're typically glass these little amulets that are a light blue and a dark blue And white and black and it it's an eye.
It looks like Light blue and dark blue you you probably would if I showed you a picture of this you probably recognize
I'm talking about this is called an azar. It's uh, it's the evil eye it wards off evil spirits and I see these things
Everywhere I see these things even in Christian homes you know people people purchasing these things not realizing either not realizing the meaning or Realizing the meaning not realizing how antithetical it is to the way
God has called us To ward off evil through prayer the way God has called us to deal with our fears of death
Through Jesus Christ not through charms not through false ideas not through superstitions, but through Jesus Christ Now our naturalistic
Materialistic world Or the philosophy that exists the atheists Materialistic world that we typically live in here and Silicon Valley It has provided its own answers
So philosophically many have said well, there is no afterlife And so that means because there is no
God there is no meaning and this should free us This should make us most free because death doesn't matter because your life doesn't matter
Isn't that wonderful good news Far from it far from it that does not free anyone from anything
That makes you even further a slave to death further a slave to a meaningless existence or to deal with fear the world might try to medicate it away or Explain it away with By saying that these fears are are irrational.
No many of your fears are Quite rational if your fear is of death that is a rational fear and is one that needs to be dealt with not through Not through diagnosing it with Some name that doesn't get to the heart of it not with medication now
I'm not saying that diagnoses and medications aren't appropriate at the right time what I am saying is that many people are trying to deal with the spiritual problem through physical means and These are indeed spiritual problems, it's very ironic that psychology has the name as it is
Do you all know the etymology of that? psychology suke that is the soul as the
Greek word for soul and Yet modern psychology has nothing to do with the soul.
They reject the notion of the soul. There are many Spiritual problems that must be dealt with spiritually an answer is found in Jesus Christ.
There is an answer But this is all this is all very ironic in context because we have just read
The earlier part of Hebrews 2 that quotes Psalm 8 says what is man that you are mindful of him or the
Son of Man that you care for him? You made him for a little while lower than the angels you have crowned him with glory and honor
Putting everything in subjection to his feet now This is used here in Hebrews 2 to speak of particularly of Jesus Christ However, and it's original context and it's all made the way it is to be read as a speaking of mankind in general
Mankind in general has been set above all creation so that it is to be under its dominion, but because of sin
Man does not have such dominion man is subject to death creation has mastery over man and it is also ironic because one might think that Well, you know a fear of death shouldn't make someone a slave rather it should it should drive someone to serve
God Wholeheartedly if they're afraid of death, they should they should be serving God as much as possible in order to escape this death
That's not how it works because there is apart from Jesus Christ. There is no hope Hopeless fear is not going to drive anyone to serve anyone but themselves
They are going to simply say let us eat and drink for tomorrow. We die That's the best answer that people have apart from a real answer to death now diving into this this passage here verse 14
Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood he himself likewise partook of the same things
Speaks here of the children sharing in flesh and blood. What is flesh and blood? Well, maybe it's very obvious that flesh and blood refers to our human natures
However, it does not just refer to our human natures in general, but it's particularly speaks of our weakness the state that we have
Because it's because sin has entered the world because death has entered the world For example in first Corinthians 1550.
It says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven now Christ has been resurrected.
He has body. He has flesh. He has blood. We will be resurrected The flesh we will have blood and we will inherit the kingdom of heaven
But it says flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven Why because that phrase flesh and blood not just speaking of human nature speaks particularly of fallen human nature of human weakness
We are not simply those who have a human nature, but we have a fallen human nature
It is a weak human nature is speaking of the same subject as suffering and death at the previous context has spoken of And it speaks of them as children
Why does it speak of God's people as children? Well, it's Continuing the thought that existed in the previous verse
It said this is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers saying I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation
I will sing your praise and again I will put my trust in him and again behold I and the children
God has given me This is quoting Isaiah 8 Speaking of God's people as children of Jesus Christ now.
We talked about this last time I was in Hebrews. This might be odd because usually you think of us as being children of the
Father God's people are children of the Father But here it speaks to them as children of the
Son and it says the same thing and Isaiah 9 Says that he'll be called wonderful counselor mighty
God everlasting Father So why does it speak of us?
children of Christ well for multiple reasons the the
Metaphor of children is being expanded here and particularly to speak of our fearful natures the children are fearful people if you were to drop a child into a
City without an adult. What would they do? They would they would not know what to do.
They would be very helpless They would be very afraid not knowing anything This is how we are
We are apart from having one with us who can help us who can assist us who can conquer death
Apart from that one. We are people who are by nature fearful and We really are children
I don't I don't think a lot of people spend much time thinking about this Because you see the range of ages that exist in this room and that exist in this world and you might think well
I'm 60 years old. You know, I'm I'm not a child. I'm an old man We Were designed
Adam was designed to live a lot longer than 70 years or even a hundred years even before the flood even after sin entered the world prior to the flood
Mankind lived to be hundreds of years old. You realize the lifespan that we live is so very very short
Even in a post fall world is short compared to what people initially experienced
As you get older you get more mature you become more More understanding of the world around you and so, you know
What things to be confident in you have more reasons not to fear but we are people who have lived such incredibly short lives
Even the oldest among us have left such incredibly short lives. We've really are children compared to All the others that God has created, you know,
God has made angels who have lived since the beginning of the world He has made he has made the earlier generations who have continued on Those believing ones with him in paradise right now having experienced much more than we have
We really are we really are children and also it speaks of God's people as children because of their need their need for a father and who is the father in this
Context in this context the father that we need is Jesus Christ who cares for his children
Now, how does he care for his children? Says since therefore the children share in flesh and blood he himself
Likewise partook of the same things. How did he partake of flesh and blood?
He became flesh and blood John 1 14 says he became flesh the word became flesh
This Romans 8 3 puts it. He was made in the likeness of sinful flesh. So not only did he take on a human nature but he took on a
Human nature that was weak and fallen now. He is without sin, but he was made in the likeness of sinful flesh and this is
This is something that was absolutely Necessary in order that we might be saved
How is it that we could be saved if we are subject to death unless someone else exists to pay that penalty?
No, that's what happened Christ pays that penalty He must be subject to the same weakness in order to die on our behalf
And so he does he takes on flesh and blood. He died on behalf of all those who trust in him and Consider consider what that means for How he became?
Flesh and blood being born of the Virgin in the womb of Mary It does not mean that he just had a human body
He had all of humanity if he has to die not only for our sinful bodies
But also for our sinful souls and in this case, he has both body and soul there's a doctrine early on in the church a heresy known as a
Polynarianism that said that Jesus Had a human body but not a human soul, you know, that's kind of like a
Hindu avatar If you're familiar with how Hindu theology works Their gods inhabit avatars right bodies that don't have real souls
Just the God dwelling in the body or if you've seen the movie avatar. This is why it's called avatars because you have
The body of a Navi. I think that's the name of the characters and then I think its name is
Jake You've got the main character who inhabits the body as the as the mind of this body
Well, that's not the case with Jesus. He has full body full soul He is truly man in addition to being truly
God And he has died on our behalf This was necessary and consider how this is phrased when it speaks of the children sharing and flesh and blood
He himself likewise partook of the same things, you know child is comforted by the presence of an adult
Child is comforted because not only does that mean the adult is present to help But anything that the child has to face the adult will have to face as well and if the adult has to face it then even out of the adults own sense of self preservation
The adult will protect the child Right, and if Jesus Christ now has joined himself to humanity
It is necessary not just out of his promises and compassion for us That sin be dealt with that death be dealt with but even for the sake of his own existence his own continued existence as a man so that he might
Continue living on that he defeat death. You see the incarnation is supposed to be a great comfort for us.
Not not just because Yes, because death is answered in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, but in him joining himself
To mankind that gives us this complete assurance that anything that mankind must face
He must faced and therefore anything that could conquer mankind, he will conquer and Let me tell you though, even though this says that he partook of flesh and blood
This weakness is describing is not something permanent. It is only something temporary. There's a there's a great hope in this transition of Tenses that is reflected in our
English translation here from present tense to past tense It's not quite like that in Greek, but it says since therefore the children share in flesh and blood
Right. Our weakness is an ongoing thing. We continue to be flesh and blood
We continue to be weak every generation that lives on this earth continues to be weak
He himself likewise partook of the same things what this is Suggesting here is that his weakness is a temporary weakness and indeed it was when he was raised he was raised in power
He was raised in power and glory And he ascended on high to the right hand of the throne of God He is no more beset by flesh and weakness as I mentioned earlier in first Corinthians 1550
It says that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God if it cannot Jesus is not mere
Flesh and blood not in the sense of having human weakness, but he is almighty and powerful and invincible and This gives hope for us because that is the resurrection that he has purchased for his own people
If you do not have an answer to death if you do not have an answer to sin You will be destroyed you there will be a resurrection of the unrighteous
But it will not be a glorious resurrection It will be a natural resurrection where your body is stitched together as much as necessary That you will be able to experience the physical torments that await
However, however, there is hope it do not despair because there is great.
Hope there is great Hope in Jesus Christ if you simply but trust in him There is salvation from that so that you can enjoy all the things that he has purchased by him
Bearing the wrath of God in place of all those who trust in him By bearing the wrath of God purchasing this great resurrection for us
It continues on here saying That through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death.
That is the devil Now what what power does the devil have?
This is speaking of Satan is not a figure with pointy horns that you might have seen in cartoons
He is a real angelic being he is the one who tempted
Adam and Eve Who is a great enemy of God's people? What power does he have says he has the power of death?
What does that mean? It does not mean that he has the power to kill whomever he will He has never had blanket permission to simply kill whoever he will
You can read the book of Job and as explains in the book of Job He had to get permission to touch one hair on the
Joe on the head of Job He does not have permission to harm anyone apart from God's express permission.
So what what? Blanket abilities. Does he have well? He has the ability to tempt mankind he was the great tempter who tempted
Adam and Eve to disobeying God bring sin into the world and He still prowls like a roaring lion today
Tempting and he doesn't do this just personally he does this through his many minions through other angelic beings who have gone along with him in this sin and He uses the things that exist in the world in our own sinful natures in order that we would be tempted
Now he also has the power of accusation Satan doesn't just tempt but having tempted people into sin them having sinned he then accuses them
So he accuses man because he cannot destroy them But he knows God's law and he knows that God will destroy those who go against him
And so he accuses those who are God's people because even God's people have sin
Now this accusation is most powerful not because Satan is powerful But because God himself is powerful and because his law is powerful.
So who can who can deal with such accusation? You know, this is this is why we are all so enslaved to the fear of death because this power of accusation
This is why we're all beset with Such guilt apart from the power of Christ.
It's because of this power of accusation if you had some crime that you had committed that someone else knew about and they had come to you and Blackmailed you and you knew that you would get the death penalty
Because of this thing you would do all that you could to satisfy this blackmailer
This is the this is the role of Satan. He is the great blackmailer. He is the great accuser and just like Any other blackmailer
I assume? It doesn't matter how much you pay them they will always want more and It won't save you in the end
So you cannot you cannot satisfy Your guilt by going to self -help books by any other means you can only satisfy guilt by going to the one who can take guilt away the only one who can pay down the penalty that you owe and That is this one who it says through death destroyed the one who has the power of death
Jesus Christ has destroyed the power of death by dying in place of all those who must die
He has destroyed the power of death. Now. We still in this life our flesh and blood we have this
Corrupted body that must die yet It will be raised again in life if we trust in Jesus Christ and our souls which go on Eternally will experience joy and the presence of our
Savior. Why because he has taken away the power of Satan's accusation It says in Revelation 12 10 that the accuser has been cast down He no longer has power of accusation.
It says that he has been brought to nothing It is not that he has been brought to nothing and that he no longer exists or his essence has been destroyed
But his power has been brought to nothing because he no longer has power of accusation
Over God's people those who are in Jesus Christ those who have the sacrifice of Christ's blood that accusation
No longer Can have any effect on them? Because they have had their guilt removed by him
You know if you are struggling with guilt This is the answer for your guilt Nothing else will take it away because it's not just others that you have sinned against you have sinned against your great maker
You must satisfy him and nothing that you have will satisfy him. You are too poor even your own life is
Worth too little to pay what you owe him as what it says in the Psalms that Man cannot ransom the life of another man because his wife is worth too little
Instead God will ransom my soul from the power of shale We need the power of God to ransom us
Christ. His life was worth it Not he was able to pay that penalty on the cross and So as it says in Romans 834 what charge shall any bring against God let
God's elect It is God who justifies, you know to justify means to make right one tries to justify themselves
They try to explain why they're in the right God can truly justify he can make someone in the right even though they had been in the wrong
How does he do this by paying the penalty for their sins through his gracious gift of Jesus Christ?
this is this is how that can happen and What this means for us is several things one there's a spiritual battle going on right
Satan is real he still prowls around like a roaring lion, even if you are in Christ and able to Resist his powers of accusation.
He's still temps. There's a spiritual battle going on And so we must fight it spiritually and we must fight it through prayer
If you are not a person of prayer, you must become a person prayer You must go to the Lord regularly is more important than any kind of physical defense you can give yourself you put on your seat belt as you drive, but How much more important is it to prepare yourself spiritually for the dangers that are ahead?
Secondly because he has freed us from the one who has power of death because he has freed us from this fear of death it means that He has equipped us with everything we need in order to resist
This means that even in order to resist the tempter He has given us his Holy Spirit There are a lot of people who trapped in sin think there's just no way that they can get out of it
That they simply have to learn to deal with this You know this cross they have to bear this great sin that they're they're struggling with They will just have for the rest of their lives
That is not the case. If you have trust in Jesus Christ, you have the power of the Spirit He has enabled you to resist every temptation.
He has made the way of escape and It is also the case that if the accuser no more has power there's no reason to hide because of a blackmailer
There's no reason to hide your sin, but rather you can confess your sins to others knowing that If God is for us who can be against us who can make any charge against God's elect this frees us
To confess our sins to others, you know people go around with all kinds of guilt just weighing them down day after day after day and There is perfect freedom in Christ to get all of that off your chest
To be able to tell others of it to be forgiven by the
Lord to not carry around this burden Day after day weighing you down.
It is entirely unnecessary It says here
That Jesus Christ also delivered all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery
You know, what is? What is this slavery is spoken of here?
Well as I've explained if you fear death it controls Everything else you do because you will do whatever it takes to avoid death
You know, what would you do in order to not die you would give every last penny you have in order to not die if Death is truly the worst thing that exists if it is not the worst thing that exists
There's all kinds of other options But if death is the worst thing you will do everything if death will take you away and then
You will no more have any opportunity to change anything That makes your whole life in a sense meaningless, you know, what can you do if death is the end and then that's it you know, even a lot of people
Think that you know Their life is meaningful because you know A lot of the people with atheistic beliefs think that their life is meaningful because they will pass on things to the next generation
Even if they don't go on From a personal point of view, that's not true, right because you will cease to exist and you won't know anything
If you know adopting that worldview for a moment, but even if you have that worldview and you say that Well, I will pass on meaning to the next generation
You know entropy is a thing the heat death of the universe is supposed to be a thing if that's the case
Ultimately, nothing has any meaning anyway, what hope is there and any of that, you know?
the only hope we have the only meaning we can have is if there is truly an eternity if things continue on and And once again, all of that is available in Jesus Christ This fear that we have of death that controls us.
It does not need to we can be made free We can be me free in him And it says he has delivered all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery
You know He has set people free if you do not fear death if death is not the worst thing that could possibly happen to you
There that gives you all kinds of options, you know Who would who would serve
God as a missionary going out to a place where they could be martyred? Where they could be killed if they thought that death was the worst thing
You know The reason why great men of God have been able to do great Incredible things is because they do not fear death because they know there is an answer to death because they know that there is a
Life beyond death a life that is so much better than this life we have now You can be freed to live that life you can be free not only to go out as a missionary
That's not something that God has called everyone to but he does call some to it And if he calls you to it, you should be able to go without fear.
No, he's called you to share his word Other ways, we've read about not hiding your light under a bushel not hiding your light under a basket
You are free to not fear any of the repercussions that might come through man in this life
A lot of people afraid of losing their jobs by being a little more open about their faith There's no reason to fear such things a lot of people afraid of what might happen in their relationships
They if they speak the truth, there's no reason to be afraid of such things all these are far less issues than death and Death has an answer.
It has been answered in him Every last one of these things there is no reason to be afraid
Now, of course, you'll take precautions in your life around threats that you can mitigate but But For the things that God has called you to do for the great things that he has called you in obedience to there is no reason to fear the repercussions that may come because He has assured us that that worst thing that can happen to us is nothing and so Let me
You know, let me apply this to Several groups of people specifically young people in particular
You should be Eager to go out and serve God in radical ways now
Like I said, God does not call everyone to be a missionary, but whatever it is. He's called you to Do not settle for mediocrity
Pursue Faithfully everything the Lord has called you to without fear of what the repercussions might be
Psalm 118 6 says the Lord is my helper. I will not fear. What can man do to me?
What can man do to you? Well, he could kill you but if death if there is a great life after death then what what danger is that?
you know for the For the elderly, I would say that you should encourage
Young people to do radical things not rather giving them a spirit of fear telling them all the things
They need to be worried about but rather Encouraging them to be courageous in the things that God has called them to and also
I'd say for the elderly as you Reach your later years as you begin facing death itself that you ought to Have an attitude that demonstrates to others what it looks like to have confidence and comfort in the
Lord Not being afraid. This is something where younger Christians are going to be
Are going to be fairly timid about death and you have the opportunity to display to them what courage looks like you know,
I will I will never forget my My last conversations with my grandmother before she passed away.
That was I forget if that was a year or two years ago, but She was just so assured of where she was going and it was so much better than where she was
She had she was so joyful She did not have a hint of fear about her and it was something that just really
I Just thought this is the way Christian should die. This is the way
Christian should die Joyfully excited for what's coming before for them Encouraging their families not to mourn as others mourn not as people without hope but people with a great hope and so as You reach your later years or even those of you who are younger if you end up facing an early
Early termination of your life Go with great courage knowing what lies ahead of you and steal yourself in this now, you know
Read this word now assure yourselves of these truths now because when it comes time to face those things you won't have time to Dwell in them to build up that confidence.
You must begin building up that confidence now That's true for all the trials that exist in this life You don't wait until the trial comes to get ready for you start getting ready for it now
Now for You know, there were many other there are many other things that could be considered here
During the actually I preached this passage before, you know, I have been going pretty regularly through Hebrews When I get the opportunity to preach in the morning, but a long time ago
I skipped way ahead and preached this passage and I don't know if you all remember when that was It was the first weekend of the pandemic
You know, we had considered all the situation and the strategy that they were communicating at the time was to keep the hospital numbers low and You know, there were certain things that were open liquor stores were still open etc.
And it did not seem right to Cancel worship given how small the numbers were that first weekend and given
Given the stated goals that the county had given which were just to keep hospital numbers low
And so we met and we we went through this passage There are going to be all kinds of times when you are facing the fear of death and God has called you to something
Where you have to be able to look death in the eye and know that death has no power
You know as as John Donne said Mighty many have called you but thou are not so death has no power death thou shalt die
Death will be no more because Christ has conquered death through his shed blood on the cross
Through his body broken for us and because of that he has freed you to live
Radical lives of obedience, you know, we as a church are able to go forward
Doing things that others would not be able to do because we've been freed from the fear of death knowing that whenever we serve the
Lord He will honor that He will honor that because if we are found in his son, he only wants our good
If he has given us his own son, how much more will he give us all things? If God Is for us who can be against us who can bring any charge against God's elect it is
God who justifies let's pray Dear Heavenly Father We thank you again for your word.
We thank you for the promises that we have in Jesus Christ We thank you that we can be free from the fear of death
I want to pray especially for any here who might be fearful for those who do not believe in Jesus Christ and are facing an eternity of torment
Lord, I pray that you would bring to their recognition the truth that they can be free of such things that they can be free of Death one day as they rise from the grave that they can be free from fear through Jesus Christ I pray that they would trust only in him and God for those who are already in your son who have already trusted in him
But still struggle with fear Lord. I pray that you give them spirit not a fear But of power love and self -control that they would have boldness encouraged to do everything that you have called them to do
And I pray for us as a church that we would be a fearless people
Eager to do all that you have called us to Let us not be reckless But Lord, let us not be found feckless
Let us go with courage Please give us all the courage that we need by your spirit in Jesus name.