F4F | Making Room For Miracles by Tuning the Room


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Welcome to another installment of fighting for the faith here on YouTube and if you've ever been told that the reason why
Jesus cleared the money changers out of the temple was in order to make room so that miracles can happen yeah
I'm not making that up if you've ever been told that well you've been deceived and you need to go ahead and subscribe down below and ring the bell so you can be notified when we update our channel and that'll be helpful for you now we're heading over to Cathedral Church and we're gonna be listening to Randy Feldschau who is a disciple of John Kilpatrick which means this he would this would put him in the same circle at least historically for a while the same circle that Michael Brown used to run in don't know if Feldschau and Brown are still buddies or not but we're gonna be listening to a portion of his message titled making room for miracles and the way you by the way you the way you make room for miracles according to Feldschau is you got to tune the room yeah
I I know I'm as confused as you are at this point but let's go ahead and roll this up and we will get right into it here's
Randy Feldschau on making room for miracles in Matthew chapter 21 verses 12 13 and 14
I'd like to note note something here what what translation this is and it's not even a translation it's a paraphrase the message yeah if your pastor is exegeting the message leave your church because the message is not
God's Word it's like far from it it's like not even remotely accurate as far as what it does with the biblical text and it adds things into the biblical text that aren't even there so stay away from this thing avoid it like the plague the message paraphrase as well as the so -called passion translation avoid that thing like the plague as well now while he before we get to that let's go ahead and we'll pull up Matthew 21 here in Accordance that's the name of the software
Accordance you can find it at AccordanceBible .com and we'll just kind of put that there for right now and then come back to Randy Feldschau let's listen in again read this portion of scripture to you and just lay the groundwork for what we're going to do today it says here in Matthew 21 that Jesus went straight to the temple and he threw out everyone who has set up shop buying and selling he kicked over the tables of loan sharks and the stalls of dove merchants and he quoted the text my house was designated a house of prayer but you have made it a hangout for thieves now here's here's what
I want you to see today in verse 14 now after this action that he took now there was room for the blind and the crippled to get in notice that this is a feature of the message not of the actual
Bible let me explain so he was reading Matthew 21 particularly verses 12 and 13 and 14 and here is the text center portion this is from the
English Standard Version which is a good translation it legitimately is a very fine
English translation you know there's others that are out there New King James is perfectly good translation if you like the
King James you know that's not a bad translation also the the language that it uses is not quite
English anymore at least that's old English and nobody talks that way but you can still study
God's Word quite beneficially from the King James so note I'm not showing a preference here in this point
I just I teach from the ESV because it's so good as far as you know accuracy when it relates to the
Greek text I used to teach from the NIV years ago and it used to bug me because I would always have to translate you know work out some of the bad translation in the
NIV kind of drove me nuts but anyway well we'll take a look at Matthew 21 12 13 14 here's what says
Jesus entered the temple drove out all who sold and bought in the temple and he overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons and he said to them it is written my house shall be called a house of prayer but you make it a den of robbers and that's cited from Isaiah chapter 56 verse 7 verse 14 then it says this and the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them what
Randy Feldschau is reading is the message which basically has inserted into this text the idea that having got rid of the money changers now there was room for Jesus to operate so he was casting them out in order to set up shop himself that's not really what's going on here and the message has added to the biblical text now real quick let's take a look at this in the
King James and you'll you'll see what I'm talking about and boy is that text small I got to make that a little bit bigger you know good old eyes old eyes so here's what it says in the
King James Jesus went into the temple cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of them that sold doves and said unto them it is written my house shall be called a house of prayer but she have made it a den of thieves and the blind and the lame came to him in the temple and he healed them so you'll note that even the
King James there's nothing in there that you know even remotely hits hints at the idea that Jesus cast them out in order to make room so that he can set up shop this is a unique feature of the message which is you focus on the first four letters of the message m -e -s -s and you'll understand avoid this thing you cannot study
God's Word accurately and get a proper understanding of what God's Word says and means through the message paraphrase so Randy Feldschild let me back this up just a little bit so you can hear what he's claiming because he's exegeting from the mess edge to see today in verse 14 now after this action that he took now there was room for the blind and the crippled to get in yeah no text says that no
Greek text says it it's this is the invention of Eugene Peterson the creator of the mess edge notice that they could get in now they came to Jesus and the second thing that happened is he healed them so as Jesus got the house in order the sick were able to get into the service and they were able to get to him and they were able to receive their miracle
I've always known Jesus could have just as easily set up shop right outside of the temple someplace it may be a court in Jerusalem this this is absurd and no text says what the message is saying here and you're making a lot to do about the what the message adds rather than what the text actually says there are things that can get into a service that can hinder the move of God what we understand that we've talked a lot about it how that there are certain things and a congregation that we have to guard against because things like adding to God's Word false doctrine false prophecy you know things like that false manifestations false signs and wonders yeah stuff like that that that folks in the
NAR and charismatic churches are quite known for or certain attitudes and spirits there are certain things that can keep people out how many people have left churches because of gossip our division discord politics yeah those are all sins gossip yeah breaking of the
Eighth Commandment yeah huh things like that how many people have left churches because they were treated worse inside the church than they were outside the church amen think about that some of you are here today what does this have to do with casting out the money changers watch where he goes very shortly from here it's gonna get into like really weird hey because you left a church where you were hurt and you came to this church because you said pastor
I noticed the music playing in the background I think they hired mr. Rogers former musician to play lightly in the background there feel safe here
I feel like you watch over your congregation and you and you don't tolerate things church trouble and you protect your people so people come here because they sense a safe place we've said that for years that this is a safe place and that I'm gonna be a father in the house and I'm gonna watch over the family and that's why
Paul told Timothy to rebuke and encourage with all authority because you have to pastor a church you have to watch over people but how many wants that I mean
I know I do I want my pastor to watch over me I you know what does this have to do with Jesus casting out the money changers yeah we're like off in the weeds now
I won't I've had brother Kilpatrick deal with me before and it wasn't always pleasant but I want that because I know that he loves me and as the
Bible said he's watching over my soul amen so Jesus moves into the temple and he brings order to the house and when he did it made room it removed the barriers okay and the sick were able to get to Jesus I pray this all the time when
I'm especially when I'm it's Saturday and I'm getting ready for Sunday morning I'm always praying father please save this church from me from it good prayer you flee then flee run away this guy's a twister of God's Word just another sermon don't let me get in the way you already are like right in the middle of the way you we can't even get around you at the moment because you're not rightly handling the biblical text which is about Jesus and you seem to be lost on that thing and you're like added to the biblical text here and you're exegeting from a portion of scripture that doesn't even exist don't let me do it because I want people to get help people today need help and we got a we got to get out of the way man we've got to remove ourself whenever you look at a room like this we deal with things like acoustics acoustics that's those panels up there behind that screen that's a that's acoustical material there's acoustical material in the back on that back wall the ceiling was sprayed with material to help dampen the sound on front of the face of the balcony there's acoustical material what does acoustical material have to do with Jesus's clearing of the temple when we're in a room like this we have to address that the acoustics of the room and then we have to do what's called tuning the room which is actually tuning the sound system whenever they tune the sound system they'll come in here during the day and they'll set up a microphone typically right in this area and they'll run through the system what's called pink noise and that pink noise will run through the sound system that microphone will pick it up and it will expose okay it will expose the sound waves in this room it will expose that sound that pink sound and they're able to what's called flatten out the sound the audio they want to flatten it out they don't want what real high peaks or will low peaks they want to flatten it out as much as they can they want a flat wavelength across there okay yeah so you have to deal with acoustics you have to deal with tuning the sound system and by doing that you get a more pleasant sound you have to know that silence does not exist in this room right now there's more than just my voice there's more than is this just filler what function is this serving in helping people rightly understand
Matthew 21 it's the keyboard but there is always sound in this room you can come here during the day when there's no one in this room and if you'll stop and you'll listen you'll hear sound silence does not exist and you have to know in a room like this with the acoustics and the tuning of the sound system the desire is to remove unwanted sound to remove it to remove that Job chapter 34 and verse 16 he said if now thou hast understanding hear this hearken to the voice of my words hearken to the voice of my words okay
I've said to before and today I'm gonna repeat myself on some things so please be patient but hearken to the voice of my words words have a voice science scientists believe that when you speak something it the sound waves move out into the universe and they never stop moving
Jesus no scientists do not believe that it is impossible for sound to travel through the vacuum of space sound waves do not travel that way said you will give an account for every idle word that's spoken so there must be some truth to sound never stops and so the word that you release it the word itself has a voice and it speaks and speaks and speaks and speaks we know that with for example with one another if I look at especially those that are young and impressionable and tender if I look at a person and I say you're stupid or you're ugly or you're this or you're that or you'll never amount to anything those words have a voice that play in their head over and over and over again amen does this have to do with clearing the temple and the opposite is true that if you look at a person and you say you're you're handsome you're beautiful you're intelligent you're gifted
I see a great future for you that word plays over and over and over in their mind amen so we understand that words have a voice so hear me this morning with that said and talking about the acoustics and talking about tuning of the sound system know this we make room for miracles as Jesus did by tuning the room oh man what on earth we make room for miracles by tuning the room yeah biblical sound biblical doctrine good exegesis proper hermeneutics they've left the building they're vacationing somewhere in Bermuda I think
I have no idea what any of this means it this has nothing to do with the text and again notice where he's putting the emphasis he's putting the emphasis on the wrong syllable and the reason
I say that is because the emphasis is on a syllable that isn't even in the biblical text ah
I I can't go on I know we're done yeah there's there's no way to fix this it's broken into a bazillion pieces and you can't fix this you just nope nope you're gonna have to get rid of this guy he's not a pastor he may be a buffoon or a clown or some imposter who scratches itch his ears and traffics and pseudo profundities but he is not a proper preacher of God's Word by any stretch of the imagination he has literally fallen on his face and there's no way to recover here so if you found this helpful please share this video all the information on how to share it on your social media and other places that's down below and a little bit of a reminder fighting for the faith and pirate
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