Is Celebrating Diversity A Major Part of Christianity? Our Daily Bread Accused of Compromise


This is a developing story where Our Daily Bread Ministries is being accused of going woke. Watch as Jon Harris reads a letter from the President & CEO where he says celebrating diversity is a major part of historic Christianity. Is that true? Full podcast from Conversations That Matter -


Is celebrating diversity a main tenet of the Christian faith? I'll show you a clip from the president and CEO of Our Daily Bread Ministries in a moment.
But he seems to say yes, that Our Daily Bread is committed to this idea of celebrating diversity.
A lot of people are talking about this, how Our Daily Bread has gone woke. John Harris did a podcast on this.
I'll link it in the description. You can check it out on his channel, Conversations That Matter.
But I listened to it, and the stuff Our Daily Bread is putting out, certainly on their podcast, it is woke.
So if I could boil it down to one thing, here is a clip from John Harris reading a letter from the
CEO and president of Our Daily Bread Ministries. Listen. Despite cultural changes we are experiencing in our society, our ministry remains faithful and unwavering in our commitment to historic biblical
Christianity and its teachings on everything from believing in the infallibility of Scripture. This is so classic.
Salvation is in Christ, diversity is to be celebrated. This is an interesting one. So this is historic biblical
Christianity. You ready? Diversity is to be celebrated and is a reflection of God's image in humanity.
I don't remember that Bible verse about diversity needing to be celebrated. There's an obligation to celebrate diversity in the
Bible. What does that mean? Since our ministry was founded in 1938, we have been, you think in 1938, the first president of Our Daily Bread Ministries was saying, you know, one of those historic biblical things, right along with, you know, salvation in Christ alone, the infallibility of Scripture, celebrating diversity.
I don't think so. I just, for some reason, think maybe that's a change. Maybe that is a difference between 1938 and today.
I'm just saying. I stand corrected if you can produce a document from 1938 that shows
Our Daily Bread Ministries was dedicated from the beginning, from the inception to historic biblical Christianity, which included in their minds celebrating diversity.
Okay, so I'll let you decide and I'll encourage you to check out the full podcast in the description, but has
Our Daily Bread gone woke? Or is this something they were doing all along, celebrating diversity back in the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s?
Is that true? Were they doing that back then? Is this really a major tenet of the Christian faith?
Or have they conformed to the culture? Well, I'll let you be the judge of that, but thanks for listening.