FBC Adult Bible Study


Adult Sunday School Class


All right, so as indicated Scott's gonna come will equate appreciate the opportunity of partnering with them in the work of the ministry overseas
Sometimes sometimes here. So I'm just gonna give it to you and let you go from here. Is it working now now?
It's working. Good morning, everyone. How are you? You can't sit there I'm gonna spit all over you.
You gotta move Yeah, you don't want that much DNA It's really nice to be here with you
We wondered if we were ever gonna get to be in churches again, and we're so glad to be with you
We've known the vices for a long time. I we were in Rockford, Illinois I pastored first Baptist of Rockford for 19 years and have known the vices for a long time and we're
Very glad to be part of your ministry and represent you in what we do now
Which is the pet ministry. So how many of you know what we do? How many of you don't know what we do? Okay, maybe just one or two, all right good well then
I could we can just skip the whole presentation that So just to remind you what we do we're that with a pet ministry with Baptist admissions
So pep is pastoral enrichment program and bottom line. It's Bible College out of a suitcase
The third world countries we go to third world countries and train pastors. We'll do a week or two meetings
With men men who have little or no education who will not get educated any other way.
So think in terms of third world reaching future generations by training
God's God Shepherds So we train God Shepherds as they're better trained in the word
They how the word better preach the word better in their churches and they train their people who will then reach
Those who need Christ the most effective tool to reach people for Christ is a mature believer is
You as you grow reaching your friends neighbors co -workers and the most effective will spread
People have said well Scott you're really not a missionary because you don't go plant churches and preach the gospel, which is true
I've had it said to me one not often but once in a while. Are you really missionaries missionaries preach the gospel plant churches?
When we're there, we're preaching every Sunday. I'm there. I'm preaching To believers not necessarily street preaching dumb believers
But we are missionaries if you think in terms of Paul's second and third missionary journeys
He went back to churches. He'd already planted and he strengthened the the disciples
He he trained them better in the word. So Strengthening confirming strengthening.
He went back. We're basically Paul's second and third missionary journey We go back and we train men and believers
Equipping them for ministry. So again, where do we go any place third world? They don't send us to really beautiful gorgeous first world places
We go to third world so hot humid bugs big bugs you eat the bugs. Those are the places that that we go
All right So if you want that let me know and you can come with me next time if you're really into bug eating we can arrange that so we seek to Equip pastors to preach and teach the word more skillfully
So they shepherd God's people more biblically reach their own culture more effectively and equip their people to reach others
So now is the advancing of the gospel right here. All right So this is us when we started this ministry.
There've been some changes. We're older now, but what a handsome couple we used to be So teaching trips to Myanmar.
So what I did was they took to it. Well, my wife still looks fine We what I did was
I took some pictures of trips to Myanmar I've been to three different places in Myanmar and I've scheduled to go to a fourth place in the mountains
The northern mountains of Myanmar near the China border, but then kovat hit so It just so happens that God graciously has connected me enough with different groups in Myanmar to go to different people groups
This is from a trip in 2015 2019 and one of the reasons I'm showing you these and I may have shown one of these to you before in the past, but I Want you to see the people of Myanmar if you know anything about what's going on there.
It is turmoil It is I get emails from from one of the main leaders in the entire country
I get an email from him every once a week normally sometimes every couple days and it It is everything from from military
Just walking up to little children and shooting them on the street for absolutely no reason.
It's that They've got an orphanage a Christian orphanage going in dragging leaders out never you'll never see them again
I've read numerous emails where This they came in took the husband and the next morning
The white wife was contacted come pick up your body's your husband's body They can do whatever they want.
They have that kind of ability that they have they have they have live ammo and they have guns And they literally just start pulling the trigger whenever they want on whomever they want with no
You know, no no repercussions to them. So that's how it's been I don't know what
God has planned, but we're praying that God will will replace the darkness with light with with some
Leaders who will lead this country, you know a good direction or right direction There was some amount of freedom there for missionaries.
We hope that that continues in the future We just don't know so bottom line I want you to see faces and know how to know who to pray for when you're praying for Myanmar I want you to picture some of the people there because you'll see believers and unbelievers alike in and this so Myanmar's here
Capital used to be Rangoon now, it's yang yang gone you fly into here and Then I've taken a trip up here to clean your
Kali. You'll see that pictures from there and then over here To Hakka their mountains right here beautiful six -hour drive
We flew from here to to somewhere over here and then drove six hours in the beautiful gorgeous mountains
And you'll see I ministered there. I am scheduled to be right up here to teach two different groups of pastors in two larger towns in this region and As of yet that's been canceled each time because of what's going on now because of kovat and so forth.
So I'm excited about that opportunity as well and going back here.
And of course here This is a Bible College here. And when we train men there, it's it's about 50 to 60 pastors and church planters and there's also a
Bible college Bible college students and teachers attend as well. So So that gives you a little bit of lay of the land
So the city of Calais, which as I've said is up in here the city of Calais or Kalimyo.
I Just want to show you just pictures from the street just to see Kind of how they live a little bit dirt dirt roads.
Everything is dirt and gravel. I These are the people just being shot
For no reason just because someone has a gun and he can Buddhist priest
This is the market I've heard tell that you know watermelons great, but you don't want to drink the water like I never drink the water
I always have bottled water What they do to increase the value of watermelons, they'll take an inject water into them making them heavier and Therefore worth more and then you can inadvertently be drinking their water which you really don't want to do
It's actually actually a refugee camp a friend of mine went there while I was there I couldn't go and he took some pictures for me.
This is a refugee camp. Very very very difficult, these are Right around the church.
These are the kinds of houses and Very common on stilts and they do that because in the hotter hotter months, they'll sleep below Where there's airflow, of course the animals the chickens and goats, whatever else are
Sleeping with them, but at least it's cooler. So these are the houses you'll see this is kalimyo
Very different lifestyle than we live, of course, I see these and I think of Gilligan's Island I have this kind of a frame of reference.
I have you know that right there. That's a Gilligan's Island type thing I don't say that humorously.
I'm just saying it's how what I you know, I think of Whenever you're tempted to complain about your home or your apartment or whatever
Just think about these places. I was walking around the church one day
I'd finished my session for the morning. I had a couple hours break. I had my camera. I'm walking around I woke up to a man on the street.
He's they're all shorter than me about this tall. He smiles at me look like a hockey player hardly any teeth, you know smiles at me and Friendly is anything talking to me and I don't understand a thing
So I'm just doing this and he's doing this and we're trying to communicate and he says he motions me in this is his yard
This is his wife. They're having lunch She's preparing lunch here. This is her kitchen and I couldn't stay and You know, but they're very friendly
Buddhism is kind of a do unto others Aspect of their teaching so very friendly.
They're very kind And she tried to talk to me too, and of course I couldn't do very well
But this is this is this is where she cooks every day. Okay.
This is another city of Yangon This is the capital city a little bit different a little more modern
This is one of the largest cities a little more modern, but still nothing that like what we're used to Have I told you about this remember you remember this if I've showed you this before This is their version of discount tire, you'll have discount tire around here
You have this gun tire call set up an appointment. I got a flat or I got this problem with this I got changed my winter tiger to do whatever
So in Yangon, which is a large city and you're in this city or in the the outskirts
You're driving along in every I don't know four or five hundred yards Half a mile.
I don't know you'll see a tent and tires and if you look at the tires on their cars they're basically bald and they're all just driving on bald tires and They're driving along boom a tire blows.
They pull into one of these places the three stooges come out Take off the old tire slap on a new bald tire a new bald tire and he drives away.
I'm serious That's exactly how it works. Hopefully they got something close to the tire you need when you arrive if not you hobble down 500 600 yards to the next place, but this is really really common.
It's really interesting This is the hospital. I have a problem while I was there.
This is one of my translators right here I had a problem with one of my legs. I had some infection developing and I had to go to a hospital
This is the Wesley Hospital, which was which is nicer than the standard public hospital This is the front of it
This is the main room I met it as I looked around when I got I thought it was like it looked like a mash Unit to me when
I'm in this hospital Very good care that my doctor was trained in Germany.
So Western European education. He'd helped me greatly provide everything I needed I still have the leg, which
I'm really happy about But interesting just this is the this is probably the nicest toilet
I've seen in the countries We go to this is a squat toilet. You all know that right squat toilet. So whenever you travel you have hand sanitizer in one pocket and Kleenex toilet paper in the other pocket you do you do you do if you don't you're gonna be sorry
This is a spigot, which is really nice. Normally they don't have those Sometimes yes, but often no.
So when you're a third world country, you don't have toilet paper. What do you? Okay, I won't even go into it but You never shake with your left hand you never shake someone's hand with your left hand always countries
That's the rule. You never shake with your left hand because that does other things So enough said hand sanitizer
Kleenex with you second largest Buddhist temple in the world is in Yangon gorgeous. It's like Great America You think a
Buddhist temple you think a building? Don't think a building think the size of Great America We're or a theme park where you're walking around for for literally hours you take your shoes off before you go in This by the way, this is actually gold
There's actual gold in the paint and at the very top. There's a diamond I didn't have my zoom to take to catch it, but there's a diamond on top.
I was told just wealthy wealthy Look at the flooring you take your shoes off before you ever enter and this is just very gorgeous
Tile, I think it's probably marble and you're walking around all literally you can do all day and not see the same thing twice
These are pagodas different prayer areas rooms for different things buildings for different things.
This is a Ceremonial washing this man's involved in these folks are doing something similar.
I Think it's so funny all this Buddhist priests and the guy's talking on his cell phone. I just think that's interesting
Anyway, you get a good feel now of the of just the size of this thing These people are enslaved to this they are enslaved to this this religion
Okay, the city of Hakka so we've we've seen the city of Calimio the city of Yangon the Largest love very large city and now
Hakka in the mountains. So this is the trip into the mountains All I have is my camera on this particular trip.
I didn't bring my good camera I'll take it next time and it's just gorgeous Just gorgeous to drive up there six hours and not all of it
But a lot of it was this see all the cabling they have technology in this mountain city
You can internet no problem. They've got that all figured out Really really pretty this really is a city in the sky in the mountains in the clouds
And Anywhere you're building anything. It's pretty much on a hill or a mountain houses on the side of the mountain
More of the same really interesting see the cloud the cloud level and they're above it.
I Love this one. Where do you live? The blue house on the side of the mountain. Oh, that's your place.
Oh, okay. I'll be there at five I just think that's so cool Here's some of the shops.
I walked around the town Of course every shop is very specific It's not like Walmart or Meijer where you can get everything in the world there
It's this is kitchen stuff or or this is clothing or whatever very specific usually small fairly small shops
Again, very friendly. And again, I want you to realize these people not just the Christians certainly the
Christians, but not just the Christians Just normal people trying to make a living are being killed with no regard
Life means nothing right now in in in Myanmar But I it was a three weeks ago.
I got an email. They're now up in Hakka. The military is up in Hakka Now they start in the larger cities and they just keep going and they're in Hakka and they were killing people left and right a lot of kitchen stuff plastic stuff
Okay now teaching so teaching pastors Bible College professors and students Normally the professors are there and they're often right in the front because they want to get as much as they can
So this is in Kalimya or Kale Church building probably we had 40.
I think maybe 60 men if I recall now thinking about That we hand out our notes
First day of class so my notes about a hundred pages Systematic theology expository preaching whatever it is.
I hand it to him the first day all filled in It's everything
I'm gonna say it's pretty much there and for most of these guys That's this will be the only one of the only books they have in their library
Your pastor has a few in his library. I have a few in my library. Any pastor is gonna be studying The word has books.
They're they're teachers They're there. They're the next batch of teachers you have these men. They have they have nothing.
It's nothing printed in in in Burmese Zondervan and Baker and Crossway, they're not translating printing stuff in Burmese So anything we give them in their language, which is what we give them
It becomes a textbook for them to use in their own study in the future and teaching their people Yeah, you can't go barefoot in Bible colleges here in the
States that might be coming but not yet I can't imagine Bob Jones ever ever allowing that so there's always
Q &A time The bottom line is when you say break time or 15 -minute break or lunch break Someone's walking up to you asking questions, which is great.
You're there to serve them. So you really are talking and teaching Most of the time you're there. We're drinking tea here
Their tea is just brown water and then there's sugar here you toss in 12 cubes of sugar to make it taste like something
But every day and here's lunch Rice and chicken and various spices and this guy knows
English pretty well. He doesn't they're friends And so they're both asking me questions And I'm not eating because they're asking questions, which is what happens which is great
The foods fine. Everything's fine You know, they really care for us when we're there, but these guys they have questions
These are not there are Bible college students there As I said, most of the people most of the guys are in the ministry and they're not well trained
The way it works in most places we go the preaching is allegorical preaching. So here's how it works
I'm a pastor with little training. I preach allegorically allegorically is
I Read a text and tell stories or I read a text and Come up with some moralistic lesson, but not but not from the text
So here it is. So so I'm pastoring and Jim Stroop, I begin to minister to him and he becomes a
Christian and he starts serving in my church and He serves for 10 years under my preaching.
He learns the thin amount that he can actually learn under my preaching And so we're gonna start a church over here these churches
Africa, Chen Africa, Myanmar the places we go they they plant churches like you wouldn't believe in in in Yangon in the
Bible College a Church meets there. There's a thing on the wall a map of all of Myanmar and there's all these
There's a dot in Yangon where the church is and there are red strands I'm not kidding.
It's probably 25 or 30 red strands of churches. This church is planting and Every church
I've been in well every church. I've talked to the pastor About they're planting one or two churches
Constantly, they're always planting churches. So what happens now Jim is in my church. He's been there for 10 years
He's learned this much under my preaching because I'm a terrible preacher Just I am He's been faithful.
He's the same school teacher for a while now He's a deacon and loves the Lord and we're gonna plant the church over there 10 miles 15 20 miles
And we're looking for a planter. So we asked Jim You want to be a church planter over there? He has a choice.
I can be poor here With my little farm or my little business and struggle and hardly survive here or I can go over there
Struggle barely survive and invest my life in the Lord's work and do something of eternal value.
I'll do that It's not a matter of I'm gonna lose money if I go There's poor no matter where they go
So he goes over there and starts planning a church With no training. His only training is me and I've been an allegorical preacher.
So when we go this is what we find We're teaching men who don't know hermeneutics how to stay the
Bible don't exegete the text don't preach Well, this is how it works.
So when these guys are in ministry when they've got you there, they're asking questions They want to do this.
Well a guy was taking extra notes Actually, some of this is actually
English this particular guy I don't know which one I grabbed but I saw him taking notes and they take extra notes, too
Okay, I'll move faster now sort of time, okay, so that was in Kalim. Yo, this is now in Haka I think yes, this is in Haka, which is the mountain the mountain city
But a Bible College students and pastors as well You got cold up in the mountains one day.
I actually put on a long -sleeved shirt Which is rare on these on these trips These are two
Bible College professors, they're sitting in the front row They were there every single day
Because they want more than they have they know they one of these guys. I think it's this one here
We had lunch together one day. He has an MDiv a master of divinity From I forget seminary in India, I think and he said my education isn't anything close to yours
And we started comparing notes. I have so much to learn And they were there in the front.
They want to be better teachers, so they're not sitting on the bed in the back row They're sitting in the front row.
This is actually Wednesday night the pastor decided You know what we've been teaching, you know, Monday Tuesday Wednesday.
Let's just continue the teaching Wednesday that my people will come They'll get what they can get Which is fine with me.
We got more done but there people listened intently and This is the class
That met in Hakka this now is yangon the capital city. This is their
Chapel Assembly Hall see some of the letters have fallen off the On the outside there.
So you have Bible College students on one side and basically pastors church planters on the other side
These men are being persecuted the pastors of these churches and the Bible College students, by the way, they had to close
Bible College Military came in they were scurrying for their lives Pastors that I've heard recently that 20 pastors were taken away and I haven't heard if their bodies were
Found later. I haven't heard that yet. That's what I'm expecting to hear So they're not just it's not it is random, but there's also some specific things related to believers and leaders.
Yes Yes Yeah, yes, yeah, they'll head for the woods if there's a woods nearby though, they'll just scatter head for the woods
Yep I'm the handsome guy right here.
This is a Dwight Schultz. Dr. Dwight Schultz He was with me on that trip
Yeah, that's where which one? Okay, I think they made me say on the front
Any snide comments Brian? You got something there you want to say? Right, oh, yeah.
Yeah, it's almost every except for Chad Chad Africa. There are some big guys
I mean, yeah, my translator Gideon is like a linebacker. I Like hanging around him because I feel really safe.
But anyplace else we go it's it's right here and often they're wearing coats
I'm wearing shorts short -sleeved shirts, and they're wearing coats. It doesn't matter So one day
I wanted my train. I want some extra notes on the board and he put him down Seven or eight points in in Burmese Again, my notes.
They've got him right there, which is really nice That we were able to get those translated.
I want to leave time for Q &A here. So I'm not gonna do well Again Q &A here.
I had a question after class. He speaks English He had actually is a Bible College grad a grad of the college there and he had some ministry questions.
Okay, that's the group That's one group. Here's That's another different year
Well, that's one of my grandkids. Isn't he adorable? I thought make sure you all were awake. That's that's Barrett.
He's so sweet But how to pray for us pray for additional partners we have full support
But not all of our trips. We don't have enough money for all the trips that were going on or have been going on Hopefully we'll be going on again
So, please continue to pray for that for overseas trips. They're scheduled They're always they've been scheduled for last two years, but then one at a time they end up being canceled either because of Military, you know social unrest or because of kovat and the ramifications of that the places we go
Many of them are the last places that are going to see a vaccine the people we go to our third We're living in third world context.
They're not going to get a vaccination. I'll be the last ones. So Even if we can get in country, there may be no one there meeting, you know when we want to gather with people
School church planting is coming up June 7th through the 10th in Sterling Heights, Michigan I'm the coordinator of the school church planting.
So I'm just preparing. I've got my own notes. I'm writing and finishing up and gathering other guys notes and doing all the stuff necessary making sure there are
Places for people to stay while they're there. It's four days long. So I appreciate your prayers regarding that.
Let me just say Regarding the future of our ministry you may say well, you're not going anywhere
We're not right now Hopefully I've got a trip to Myanmar scheduled in August and one scheduled in December and We figure those are going to be canceled unless things change in Myanmar drastically
So I have a backup trip to India in August and India in December and because kovat just spiked in India recently
I don't know what will happen there to those trips. We have absolutely no control But God it
God does have absolute control. So we know there's a reason behind it Since we we haven't traveled.
I've written hermeneutics material So that's done now. I've been involved with Bibles International they needed to begin a new department and they needed some organ is someone to help with the organizational part of it and we live about 50 minutes from Bibles International which is in Grand Rapids, you know
Bibles International You know that ministry they translate scriptures think of a white cliff. Okay bi is a
Tremendous and their translations are excellent So they needed some help we live, you know less than an hour away.
We live in Kalamazoo there in Grand Rapids So for three months or so three and a half months I was involved with them helping them develop this new department writing position descriptions manager and Coordinators and consultants and all this stuff and so I was helpful
I was able to help with that. They've been trying to get there off the ground for almost 20 years and Their people are so busy.
I mean there's they all have too much going on. They haven't been able to get that going Well now we've had some time Now getting ready for the school church planting
One of the reasons that pep is more necessary pep is more necessary now probably going forward than it has been in the past And here's why
For the last eight to ten years India has Become more and more stringent with resident missionaries and at this point, they're not letting resident missionaries go back
So our American missionaries have been ministering in India various parts of India can't go back Okay to plan churches and provide training and education anything can't go back
Myanmar, we don't know what's gonna happen with Myanmar There may be something similar depending on who ends up in power when the dusk settles
Women are resident missionaries and we have many in Myanmar may not be allowed to go back but pep can we go in and tourist visas not resident visas and normally even in restricted accents
Restricted access countries you can get a tourist visa So for us to go in and train men, so if our resident missionaries can't be there working with the people
We can go and continue to train men and that training will be more necessary going forward
Than it has been even up to this point. So pep is necessary. So please keep praying for that We have two members of the pep team who are in their 70s who'll be retiring in the next two three years
We need more men more full -time guys So pray for that as well
All right, any questions you want to be done a quarter after brother any questions.
We have a few minutes. Yes. Yes. Uh -huh
Okay, the school church planning who attends that that's for overseas missionaries going overseas and American church planters and it's really tremendous for everyone for I Are one of our administrators was attended the last one and he said to me afterward
This is so tremendous. Every pastor. I know should go We're dealing with cross -cultural multicultural ministry
How do Hispanics hear the gospel when you say it to them? How do Asians hear the gospel?
How do people? How do people from India hear the gospel? How do people from shame cultures like China?
Hear the gospel when you say it, they don't hear it the way you're saying it. It doesn't connect with them. They think differently
Okay, where it's all about family honor. All they care about is not disgracing the family.
It's all about family honor So you're talking about Jesus and heaven and hell and all these things.
They don't connect the dots You have to connect the gospel You don't change the Gospels content, but you have to connect it to the way they think and we don't do that.
Well So it and bottom line is every place in America is
Becoming you know for admission field People are from different cultures are moving in everywhere.
You get a little bitty Marshall, Minnesota And there's a huge Karen community.
You go across Wisconsin. There's a huge among community and you know that and it goes on and on so pastors and church planters here in the states have got to understand how
People from other cultures think so they can give the gospel to them in a way that they can grab a hold of and understand
So this really is not just for missionaries and church planters in my view it's for anyone serving the
Lord Pastoring it'll be it's challenging. It's encouraging a lot of stuff that you know, we all understand will be confirmed
We'll be confirmed in our strong positions regarding ministry and missions, but there'll be a lot of real learning going on too.
So Yeah other questions. I know
China's influencing They'd like to just take Myanmar so the Chinese army military is is supplying
Arms and such to them and influence and direction Who is at the top right now of the military?
I don't I don't know the answer to that I do know I do know that that the previous leader was in place for a long time and he was fairly
Moderate he's gone and Then and this but the same way the same thing happens happening in Chad very similar
Chad seems to have settled down but a real similar situation there Yes closed
Yeah, I Don't know. No, that's that's exactly right. The banks are closed. You got money in the bank. You can't get it
The stores are closed people are afraid to go on the streets. They're staying home After a while the food runs out in your home
And so that's why they're running to the woods trying to scrounge up a way to survive I don't know how they're surviving.
That's a good question. I mean, it's not just it's not just people pulling the trigger. It's People are so terrified
They can't survive they can't they don't go to their jobs. They don't leave their homes. They eventually food runs out.
So yeah, it's it's really a Horrific situation.
All right. Well, we'll be here. Please approach us and ask us any questions you have. We are so glad to be here.