Women doing Theology with Elizabeth Prata


Elizabeth Prata joins Andrew to talk about women's ministry and women discussing theology.


Can you show me because we're gonna use some hermeneutics Can you show me anywhere in the Old Testament where that word perpetual is not perpetual because again,
I understand you're appealing again Sure I thought
I was gonna get to have a talk. You asked a question. Hang on a second, sir. Be quiet Okay. Well, there you go.
I will mute you because it's not your show you asked a question. I'm gonna give you the answer Jet Genesis 6 for the word
Olam is used referring to those who were of old Deuteronomy, I'll get just rattle off all the ones where it's used not referring to perpetual
Genesis 6 for Deuteronomy 32 7 Joshua 24 to 1st
Samuel 27 8 Job 22 15 Psalm 247 24 9 25 6 41 13 77 9 90 verse 2 103 verse 17 106 verse 48 119 52 1 43 3rd verse 3
Proverbs 8 23 Proverbs 22 28 Proverbs 23 10 and Ecclesiastes 110 should
I go on for more? blah blah blah blah blah Welcome to apologetics live we're here to answer your questions and challenges about God and the
Bible meet your hosts from Striving for Eternity Ministries Andrew Rappaport, dr. Anthony Silvestro and pastor
Justin Pierce Well, we are live apologetics live here to answer your questions and I always love that one that that is one of The funnier clips that we have gotten over the years
Someone that go just give me one example. Well, we gave him plenty of examples and his hermeneutical response was blah blah blah blah blah blah
That was I forget what his Batman he went by son Batman. He's a was a Sunday school teacher
I forget I forget but welcome to apologetics live. We are here to answer any of your apologetics questions any questions you have challenges
Whatever they may be about God and the Bible as we say here We can answer any question that you have about God and the
Bible you doubt that come on in give us the challenge Just remember I don't know is actually an answer
I'm just saying so if you give me a really tough one and I say, I don't know. I Think that's a perfectly good answer.
And so let me bring in who hasn't been here for a while been traveling. Dr. Anthony Silvestro How are you sir?
How are you? Good good You've been doing a bit of traveling but do you remember what your house looks like I'm slowly getting accustomed to it again
Hotel rooms just aren't the same, you know Yeah So now you know, fortunately a lot of the travels we've had
We've had host families. And so that's been it's been a huge blessing in a lot of ways so yeah, so we we've enjoyed it but time to settle back down at home for a little while and Get our son back into his homeschooling groove, which he just loves
I'm sure You know what? He actually prefers doing homeschooling over his over his over regular schooling.
So Well, yeah, we're freedom That is yeah, some some kids do do prefer that that is true what
I would have before we get started we're gonna have and I'm gonna Explain we had a changing guest.
I'll explain that in a bit But I also just want let folks know who we have coming on and but before we get to that There is a new film coming out one of our podcasters at the
Christian podcast community Has asked if we would be able to promote this a bit. And so what I wanted to do to start off I would like to play
Their trailer to the new film and we're gonna I'll introduce the film. The film is gonna be coming out November 12th
And so that's something that we're gonna want you to to go check out and he gave me some instructions
With this, so let me let us just start by sharing that real quick Of course,
I got to find it. There it is All right So here's here is the trailer.
You're not inadequate. You are perfectly Capable. I mean, what is it about a parent that when their child turns five all of a sudden?
The parents no longer a liable option like oh Turn I think the quality of education has steadily
Deteriorated in America. There is an agenda to steal our children you feel inadequate
Because you've been taught by our school system that you're inadequate We had no frame of reference for homeschooling other than it just seemed like torture like why would a sane woman choose to be locked up with her
Kids for 18 years in a row when a school bus had come and taken away and give you like a nine -hour break every day No one knows your child better than you do and no one loves your child more than you do and homeschooling
Changes the game on everything Homeschooling allows us to say to the child.
What sort of life do you want? What sort of God -given dreams talents and abilities is he speaking into you when we think about classroom education?
We ask what makes for good education almost every professional educator will say most student teacher ratio
Teachers who care good methods good curriculum when homeschooling you get the best of all of those things
What we discovered is that it's very efficient to homeschool You have the person who knows the student the best you have the ability to customize the curriculum around the student
You have a great student teacher ratio, and I realized I am accomplishing with Sierra In 25 minutes to an hour every day what is taking the school system eight hours a day five days a week
To accomplish with my older daughter I loved watching the the light bulb come on and watching her want to sit down and read with me
I loved spending time with her There's so many benefits including being able to have relationship with your own children and continue doing what you're doing
Don't give up because I believe that homeschool moms are America's greatest heroes So there it says join the revolution schoolhouse rocked
November 12th 2021 schoolhouse rocked dot -com All right, let me
Why the commercial wants you though? Yeah, I can't seem to go away. Yeah, I couldn't I couldn't stop the screen
All right. So so some information that he gave me on that So, let me let me just give you some info
That is so this this film is going to be coming out. It's to be released November 12th And he so give me some information said please let folks know that the film is releasing
November 12th They could bring it to their church through faith film Network and that is at faith content net
Sorry faith content network Dot -com slash host dash schoolhouse dash rocked
He said super important for the movies to be in churches to show to their members pre -sale
Virtual theater ticket sales for homes viewing will be available on October 27th, and you can get those at schoolhouse rocked dot -com
But they they can go there today to sign up to be notified. So you want to do that?
I've actually seen the pre -release of the film. It was actually excellent I think this is a necessary film at a necessary time when we have so many parents who are getting upset with what's being taught in schools if you've seen the news
The I think it was Virginia a man who was arrested and I don't know if you've heard this
Anthony yet But a father arrested when he went to a school board meeting to voice complaint about a policy that they have allowing boys to use the girls bathroom if they identify as Transgender now he was arrested supposedly for being disruptive and they threw the book at him the the the district attorney himself decided to come in and Make the case so it got high profile
But what they didn't announce in the news was the reason he was against it because his ninth grade daughter
Freshman high school went into the girls bathroom and a young man that happened to be wearing a skirt
Had sexually assaulted her and so And he was he was told that they have to stay quiet for the court case
And he was doing that and they found out that this student was supposed to be at home with an ankle bracelet being monitored
Until the court case if they found out that no, they just moved him to another school system and he did the same thing there
And so there are a lot of people I mean, I think I think that everyone being home during kovat helped a lot of parents realize you know what we can homeschool and This film is one that really if you are on the fence with homeschooling if it you're like I don't know that I can do that This film will convince you that you can do that it will encourage you that yes parents
You have your best the best interest of your children at heart You know It's best for them better than some teacher at a school and there are ways that you can do that This film will encourage you for that.
So I want you to encourage you to go check out homeschoolrocked .com
They also have a podcast on the Christian podcast community. So if you go to Christian podcast community org, you can check out
The podcast and and learn more about homeschooling from them. So with that we want to get to The topic tonight and I want to before I bring in our guest
Elizabeth Prada we set this up a few weeks ago where I was talking to someone online and You know a woman that likes talking theology.
I heard her on another on some other podcast and thought, you know, she sounded well Spoken on the podcast.
I didn't know much about her And we got into discussing online and said maybe you want to come on that actually created a firestorm
People tell me you shouldn't have her on people going after her And so what ended up happening was
I had a phone call with her Decided that you know, we both mutually had come to a collision.
It wouldn't be best at this time and So what we ended up doing was
I We still had the topic but we were it was looking at going to do a open
Q &A was what we might have to do as a backup and Was talking with Justin Peters about it and he suggested
Elizabeth Prada now Elizabeth and I'm gonna bring Elizabeth in Welcome to apologetics live. Thank you.
Thank you now You know full disclosure you you and I've met a couple of times at g3
I think the first time was probably two or three years ago, maybe But we didn't really talk we just I think someone snapped a picture with a couple of us and but this year we got to sit down and talk and and got to know each other a little better and You have been blogging
You said since 2009 2009. Yes every day.
You've written since 2009 That's diligence Okay, and so Let me let me first let folks know
You said it backwards Andrew it's actually schoolhouse rocked calm because I just looked it up Okay schoolhouse make sure people see that because I think it's a
I this is the first time I'm hearing of it And I'm drawn in by the trailer. But of course, I'm sold completely for Homeschooling.
So yeah. Yeah, and you know the two of the people that you heard on there have been on their podcast
Sam Sorbo, which we interviewed her husband on the rap report recently
Kevin Sorbo Maybe you'll know of them as from their acting careers But then also
Heidi st. John who I got a chance to meet. She is a fabulous speaker She's really good.
I met her at answers in Genesis and man She just she knows her stuff. She was very impressive
Yeah, and she knows how to engage culture with it too, which is which is really unique about her You heard her for the first time when my wife was down at the women's answers and women's conference back in April Yeah, and so my son and I kind of snuck in and and hung out in the back and she was a really good speaker
Yeah, so let me put up a little bit Elizabeth's website is the dash end dash time org and so over 5 ,500 blog posts just just a few
Just a few and Yes, as you and I were talking.
It's you you seem to have a lot of similarities with you know Someone who I started this show with Matt slick
Matt's Matt is known you know, he has one of the things that makes him so good at doing discernment is the fact that he is
He has Asperger's and the Asperger's really helps him to be able to to do the study
And and to research things And makes him really see things clearly. So with that a little bit of a background
Let me let me let you introduce yourself to folks As Anthony's probably checking out your website to make sure
I got that right, but I check So welcome
Elizabeth, thank you very much for having me on I really appreciate it. I'm not sure
What to say I have a blog recently turned into a podcast to when anchor came along and partnered with WordPress and made it easy.
It's just me reading what I wrote is that's what all it is. I Don't know.
What else did you want me to say? Well, we should we should definitely talk about your podcast and talk about the
Christian podcast community offline Then that might be good but you know, one of the things we were talking about is women doing theology
Obviously, you've been blogging and writing about theology and discernment for a very long time
I Think that one of the things that often is a problem when with women doing theology as well some of the drama that we had
Just having you know inviting someone on You know there is a there is one thing that I you know,
I do notice with women's ministries in churches is it just seems like Women's ministries are usually where problems start for a lot of churches.
I Just it just seems that way It's not an absolute thing Do you notice that and and if you do why do you think that is what do you attribute that to?
I do notice that quite a bit. I Remember it was some time back around maybe eight years ago a
Pastor up in Johnson City, New York named Jim Murphy did an amazing sermon about Discernment and the tentacles of Satan that grabbed his
Congregation and it was essentially him repenting and him talking about how to untangle those things and he named several areas of the church
In which he had been inattentive where Satan's tentacles had come in and grabbed people and tried to bring them away through false
Doctrine and one of those was the church library one was Sunday school curriculum they weren't careful to vet it and the other was
Women's ministry and at the time he said that he had killed the Beth Moore trip and that caused quite a firestorm in his church because this was a very back along when people were
Had a Beth Moore in higher regard and she was emblematic of all that was supposed to be good about women's ministry
That was a very powerful sermon, but I was glad he named to the different places where false
Doctrine tends to come in a pastor can be as diligent as he wants to be at the pulpit and as he needs to be
But unless he and his elders or deacons are also attentive to every area of education and even fellowship in the church, then
The false doctrine will come in and women's ministry is one of those. I think it's because you said why does it happen?
I think it's because it's so emotionally driven women are emotional creatures Me not so much being
Asperger's. So it's a little easier for me to withstand the emotional appeals
But that's what happens is the emotional appeals the appeals to self -esteem the appeals to wanting to be cherished all the emotional things and Women tend to gravitate to that They're also not diligent with study
Sadly many women and I think it was a few years ago John MacArthur said what's asked was asked what's one of the biggest problems in the church?
And he said biblical illiteracy and so for every one man, that's biblically illiterate
I think there are ten women who are also biblically illiterate So I'm curious about something do you think this is one of the things we read about in Scripture with with women being a weaker vessel that that they're more prone or apt to fall into These types of False doctrines and whatnot
Do you think that's what it is? I mean because I there are guys who have talked about this as Women being more emotional and because of that able to fall into false doctrines more
So that would be one question I'd have for you. And then the second one would be Do you believe that every women's ministry should be under a male?
Elder Male teacher within the church that is overseeing the women's ministry
As to your second question, yes, I do I believe every ministry should have oversight within the church from the men especially teaching ministries because The biblical charge is to for the men to teach and if women are teaching women, that's wonderful that's biblical, but what is being taught is still under the responsibility of overseers and elders and As for your loaded question about whether women are prone to false doctrine because they're women
I Haven't thought this through but I would tend to say yes.
I think the model for that was Eve. I Think we see quite a bit of that in the
Bible I think biblical illiteracy leads to that and women if if they're following a biblical mandate to make to be a help me and to upkeep the home then
Sometimes especially if the husband is inattentive She will not be studying as much as she needs to be.
So yes, I do think that women tend to Fall into false doctrine a little more easily than men
But once again, the Word of God is the antidote for that trap That's right and of course you said a key right there right is that is that it might be because men are being inattentive of their wives and And I think that is really the the linchpin of it all right
It's is are we doing the job we're supposed to be doing in protecting our wives from the false doctrine
Maybe us as well overseeing our wives and some of the teaching that they're doing and that kind of stuff So a great answer.
Thank you for that Yeah, and let me give just put yes KT was saying as well the the woman was deceived
Eve But then Marcy gives a shout out to you here Elizabeth says Elizabeth Thank you so much for your research and publishing your findings and helping us to spot those who are doctrinally off so thank you,
Marcy and She Marcy also had said I hate to admit this but women's ministries scare me to be honest
I would rather listen to a man teach my wife My wife
I remember in in one church where I I asked her she wanted to go to the women's
Bible study and and she was like No, like I should because she always she the the studies that they end up looking at she didn't like Beth Moore and and and the others that just are bad theology
She always felt like she had to be correcting it and then remember her once asking her the women were gonna go to a women's
Conference and she goes I'd rather go to a pastor's conference where I'm gonna learn things then go to a women's conference It's just that fluff
You know, but you know, and I don't know Elizabeth if you're familiar with this person
But we have a new podcast on the Christian podcast community called thoroughly equipped with Melissa Lex now
I gotta admit all of us that when we got the and I told this to Melissa when we got her her inquiry in We looked at it and we it was like, you know, she's like I said a podcast designed for women comparing the popular
American evangelicals women ministries books videos and podcasts etc to scripture with the intent to show how how to thoroughly equip them for every good work and Just when
I heard about that like we're dealing with the women's all the materials for women's ministries
I cringed And then I started listening and she actually comes out of that and is doing really good discernment and She she's basically going through these different books and going through the books explain them and explain the authors what's wrong with them
And she's relatively new out there She's a homeschool mom And she's doing some really good stuff.
If you're not are you familiar with her at all? I am NOT This is new to me. So thank you. All right,
I actually I'll put in the comments here for folks Podcast where you can find her podcast
At least on the on YouTube and on the striving fraternity ministry It'll put that I'll put it up here
You could if you could just go to start to Christian podcast community org and look up shows and find it
So and I did find one error on your website just so you know it was a great going through all these all these people who you
All the under the blogger all the people you reference that are really good teachers but I don't see
Andrew Rappaport and striving fraternity in here, so It must have just been an oversight.
It was it fell off earlier Make sure you sweep it up really good
I'm just teasing. Of course. I actually I love your website so far So as you guys are talking I'm listening and kind of going through it.
So, okay good. Thank you So, let me we did have a question earlier that probably is not for you
And we when I told you this we answer any questions that come in. So people that if you're on See the
Facebook watching or YouTube Unfortunately, those of you who may be watching on Odyssey some of you are going what's
Odyssey? Okay, Odyssey is the platform that we're all going to be moving to when
YouTube kicks us off So start getting your account set up there that uses blockchain So that they can't remove it
So it uses the blockchain technology So we are we're starting to make our move over there as some of you know, the last time we recorded well
YouTube took us down Now that we know the explanation I can explain so YouTube took us down For one week because I took a video from Kenneth Copeland now mind you
Kenneth Copeland's Original videos are all still up. I took videos from Kenneth Copeland in March of 2020 where he blew
Kovat away he Announced the end of it the vaccine was coming immediately all of that in March of 2022 and then when
I was at his Conference in August and yes, Justin and I went there for research
So it wasn't like we paid to be there but we we ended up going there and I heard him say some things one of the things he said in August of 2021 is that he has a lot of respect for Kovat.
It's killing a lot of people today So all it was was clips those two clips like from March and August and it was about him well we got
Shut down for a week because we were giving medical misinformation. So We're gonna we're gonna be starting to make that move because they've basically told us if they strike us again
They may just remove us. So here was a question that came up earlier. This this is a two -part question
So the person says sorry to bring up a question so early but it's regarding to regards to Romans 1 8 when
Paul says I Thank our Lord through Jesus Christ. My footnote says
The Christian must go through Christ not only for request But also to give thanks.
I don't really understand that. I would like to hear what y 'all think Now I guess the first question
I'd have for you Lama is what what Bible are you using?
What study Bible has that? So let me read the passage That it we have here.
It basically says Verse 8 Romans 1 8 for I thank my
God through Jesus Christ for you all Because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world
Now one thing I don't know I saw that the way he put it in his translation says
Lord The the word in Greek is Theos. So it's
I'm saying I thank my God through Jesus Christ, I Think that's nothing more than we he's thanking
God for them for the proclamation of the gospel throughout the whole world
But where do we have that? How do we have that ability to proclaim that it's through Christ? so I don't think that that's saying and I don't know if the person is trying to get to the question of where some people say
You have to pray to the Holy Spirit or to you know, specifically to Christ There's some people that try to make that delineation
I don't think there's anything the Bible says you have to pray only to the Father only to the Son or only to the Spirit That is my quick thinking of this having just looked at it
But I don't know if either of you would have a comment on this I like your answer Okay All right,
Elizabeth. I do have this question. So why what caused you get into ministry? well and Start blogging right?
I mean that you have a lot of stuff on here. I'm amazed I The Lord in his grace gave me a
Talent of writing and that's basically how I process things So after I came to faith very late in life age 42 or so I had been a writer all my life.
I'd been a journalist I've been a grant writer and an educator an academic and so writing is natural to me and one way that I enjoyed
Processing what I was learning in church and in my own studies was writing it and I had a personal blog
Which I still have I started in 2006 and I noticed my writing was getting more and more theological
So I started the second blog the end time .org to focus solely on what
I was thinking about and wondering about as I studied Through writing and it just kind of grew from there
People seem to gravitate to it. They mentioned that it's clear And that it's easily understandable and so I just keep writing because that's how
I one of the ways that I like to process what I learn and to Communicate back to myself what
I've been taught through the illumination of the Holy Spirit So let's put this a
Robin self says this was a little bit earlier But agree Elizabeth many women are led by their feelings rather than scripture and the women's conference circuit
Depends on that You know, let's talk about the the women's conference circuit
That that is a big moneymaker. Is it not? It's an enormous Enormous moneymaker and it's actually very tragic my very first introduction to the women's ministry circuit was very early on after I started coming to church after my
Salvation and I was brought to a women's ministry weekend For a
Beth Moore DVD study It was a women's retreat and the focus was watching all the segments on the purchase
DVD from Beth Moore and That was my first introduction to her and I was immediately perplexed and a little turned off by her
Emotionalism and I was very saddened by one thing that one of the women said which was
After watching the hairbrush story, which is a famous story that Beth Moore tells
About how the Lord spoke to her to minister to this particular man in a airport She sighed when the video went off and said
I wish that I had what Beth Moore has and to me that's very tragic and it's
It's the the two -part culture that the women's ministry circuit Imposes upon women and that is they all have something that we don't they have a closer relationship more balanced emotional life healthier marriage and The women's ministry circuit makes money by appealing to women to deliver these materials that are going to clear up all these problems
These life problems for them when it actually does very little teaching about God as sovereign for himself rather than a means to an unearthly end, but it makes lots of money lots and lots of money and After that I was taken by the same group at the same church to a
Beth Moore Living proof live event at a large arena in North North Carolina and That was a two and a half day event also, and it was also tragic
That's where I learned that there is a lot of money to be made by these materials
With women who successively or obsessively even go to one after another after another and they do this because I think they're hope
They're grasping at something. That's ephemeral. It's not real because Jesus is not central at these
On the conference circuit for women and so They don't get anything solid and they continue to search for something.
That's not going to fill them. Yeah That and and that really it's the emotionalism that I think my wife pointed out what she notices with it so much is all of the emotionalism that's in there and You know, it's it's not theologically rich We have some comments that came in Melissa who?
This this is just so you know, she this is a she's a missionary was a missionary to the Philippines for many years
That's where I actually met her was in the Philippines. She's stateside now, but she says Wow to me
Me too so glad I'm not the only one that feels this way about women's ministries
And Then Melinda said I'm a pastor. I'm a pastor's wife. The only women's
Bible study. I'll go to is the one I teach lol, I absolutely love
Melissa Doherty's satire video about women's Bible studies, and I don't know that video
So are you familiar with what she's referring to? I think I am if it's the one I'm thinking of and yes, it's it's very funny
It's very funny at all. Most of her videos Satirical videos are pretty funny
I think it's the one that she put one out recently that has a modern woman talking with a first century biblical woman about their different struggles
So you can imagine how that conversation went But I agree. It's it's
I'm I caution women about women's ministries very much please talk with your husband talk with your pastor about who is solid and I wish women didn't think that they only or should go only to women's ministries
I prefer actually listening to a man a pastor If I have a limited amount of time so I want to listen to sermons or ministries that have a long track record ministries where people are quoted that are
Have passed on so they can't shipwreck their faith, you know, like Matthew Henry or Charles Spurgeon Or very very long track ministries that have no blot like John MacArthur's ministry
Etc and others like his so women don't have to gravitate only to women's ministries
And I wish they would be more cautious and would gravitate towards male ministries more or at least first Yeah, I think one of the things that we end up seeing is that and you're saying male ministries,
I don't think that it's I Think it's in my opinion, you know, and so I'm gonna ask this is a question if you if you think this is more accurate
I think it's really the publishing industry that seems to focus
People if you're a woman they focus things on more the emotionalism Rather than theology and I so do you do you think that it's like the publishing issue?
We've already established. They make a lot of money from this I mean, I I think that Beth Moore was untouchable for so many years in the
Southern Baptist movement because She was making a ton of money for her life way, you know and so do you think that it's it's
I Guess this is a question of which is the the the carton which is the horse Is it the publishing companies that market fluff to women or do you think it's the women who are actually?
Gravitating toward the emotionalism that the publishers are then just satisfying that I Think it's a symbiotic relationship
I think what the verse that says that the times will come where they will not endure sound doctrine they will heap up teachers to Fulfill their passions and so it's and the the false teachers are doing what they're doing
Not only because they have an audience but because they make money from it So without one you wouldn't have the other but both together create this this firestorm of falsity
And I think it's both People women who gravitate toward this sort of material who it's theological
Theologically light it's emotionally driven. It's rife with error hermeneutics are terrible
They wouldn't be doing this if the false teachers didn't put it out But the false teachers wouldn't put it out if the audience didn't keep them up and keep going back for more
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of money to be made on both sides of that issue right both the ministries and the publishers It reminds me of the story of Alex malarkey, right who wrote?
Right. He claimed he went to heaven. He recanted and life way knew he recanted and Yet they kept publishing the book.
Well, he never actually is his dad who wrote it. Well, yeah, that's right And so he said hey, none of this was true.
It didn't happen and They they kept they didn't want to get rid of it Yep, there's a cash cow for them
Yeah, and So that's that's one of the things that you know, you end up seeing a lot with it
It's the money seems to drive a lot of this now Here's a you Robin self has a good point here
And she says this is why it's so important for pastors to know what? Conferences their women are attending as well as the studies being approved.
I think that's a really good point You know, there's so much of this
That I end up seeing Elizabeth. I see so many of the women's
Bible studies in different churches where No one's really overseeing it or approving that.
It's just a they started up like oh, here's a book we can go through Do you do you seem to because I know you speak to a lot of women
Especially the ones that have start finding your blogs and coming out of this stuff Do you does that seem to be a trend that you that you've noticed?
of Having where you have just women starting studies where there's really no oversight.
There's no where the churches don't have Someone who's reviewing the materials that women are women, but then women's
Bible studies are using. Yes I look for that and I think as more and more of these pop up you have para church ministries that are almost devoid of any male oversight whatsoever and any theological
Oversight or input and I don't know if you're familiar with the if gathering. No, it was started by Jenny Allen Maybe ten years ago.
It's absolutely huge. But the danger with the if gathering is that it's mainly a para church
Para church or an extra church ministry where women gather at Homes and the way they gather is almost so totally from social media.
It's you don't see flyers You don't see many things that are public about it But if you look at the if gathering map, you'll see these gatherings happening the pins almost completely cover the
United States and Now they're in many other countries too and it's sort of it's sort of subterranean
But as I said, Jenny Allen started it and she claims her husband gives a little bit of input
But if you look at their tax records, it's very few hours and it's mainly Women writing these curricula that other women gravitate to so It's a problem a walk to Emmaus is another one.
It's sort of subterranean. It's sort of a little bit secret. It's hard to find but yet They draw these women away fill them with emotional fluff charismania visions and then send them back to their churches to get more
Women to come to their other gatherings and so it's a multiplying Problem, but in the wrong direction
Yeah, so just a comment that came up here and this name keeps coming up So I'm gonna actually ask a couple questions about this but Beth Moore I was so mercy
Mercy says I was led to a Beth Moore to Beth Moore early in my Christian beginnings and am so thankful to people that call out these false teachers and To the pastors who shepherd the flocks carefully.
So what what are you know, Beth Moore seems to be the popular a popular one within conservative circles
I mean, there's a lot of women's Ministries But you know
Joyce Meyer It you know, most the churches that would be more conservative are not going to be looking to her for material
But they do a lot look to Beth Moore And she's she's come out of the
SBC now. She's no longer SBC She's no longer complementarianism though though many of us
Knew knew she wasn't complementarianism long before She Finally came out and admitted it when when
I we have an episode here on apologetics live from a couple years ago. I think Jim Osmond and Justin Peters and I talking about her defending that she's a complementarian and Like but everything she was saying was proving.
She didn't really believe that What are your thoughts about Beth Moore? Why do you think or do you think she's dangerous so dangerous?
And if so, why I Think she's completely dangerous. I think the danger is
Embedded now, I think it's gone to the second and even the third generation of women that have followed her
Because she's been around for a long long time. She's been around since I think 1994 was when living proof was founded and She's been very popular most of the the time.
I don't think her influence is waning She's got over a million followers on various social media
So, why do I think she's so dangerous? Well first because of her
Terrible hermeneutics the way that she cobbles together a lesson or a speech
I can't even call them sermons at her living proof live for example the one I went to she said that she prays she waits for the spirit to deliver a word directly to her mind and Then she uses that as an acrostic and finds all the verses that are about that word
In the Bible and then puts it together which as we know Is not the way to go about putting together a speech or a sermon or a lesson that you're going to be teaching
I Think that at the basic problem is not only her hermeneutics
But the way that she says that she receives direct revelation and she's been saying that for years upon years upon years since the very beginning and That for so many years without correction has become normal for the next generation of women to believe
That this is how you have a relationship with Jesus It's based on feelings and impressions and waiting to hear from him personally
So she's destroyed the notion of sufficiency of Scripture Scripture is the more sure word
Peter had visions, but he said even those you know there's a more sure word than the word that I have received as an apostle and How about us want now that the
Canon is closed? Beth Moore opened it and without correction for decades now women think that's how you have a relationship with Christ is you cobble together words and you
Go on your feelings and you receive direct revelation and you live a very forward life
I did a blog on her some years ago But how she says that she's home every weekend and she's a help me and she's a dutiful wife, etc
Which was not true because I looked at her schedule and she was gone almost all the time and her children were young then
It came out in the Atlantic just a couple years ago now that her daughters are grown They said yes indeed mom was gone a lot and we ate a lot of takeout.
So She's dangerous by her life and she's dangerous because of her doctrine and she's dangerous because other men have not
Corrected her or addressed these issues with what I think are obvious issues with her ministry.
Okay, so Connie who's in the backstage Connie if do you want to you want to make your comment on on camera?
Just nod your head if you do and I'll or I'll just read it. If not, you want me to read it?
Okay, she said The waving of the hand like this I'm taking as a no you do it.
She said to you Elizabeth She said I had done I had done Beth Moore studies when
I realized a lot through Elizabeth's sight There was so much error
I called a halt to all her studies trying to tell other women about Beth Moore Beth Moore problems has been a disaster
Many women do not want to know they want to fly out follow blindly And this is really a good follow -up into the question that that I was gonna have for you.
I have noticed that The Beth Moore's followers seem to be
Some of the most ardent and hateful people if you try to criticize her
Do you notice that as well and if so, what do you attribute that to? Yes, I've not only noticed the vitriol and the very harsh words coming from a lot of her
Followers, but I've been the recipient of a lot of that anger When I write some things that seem to resonate not all the things that I write about Beth Moore have resonated over the years but some have
Including the infamous open letter to Beth Moore that I and several other ladies had posted
Asking her directly at her stance on homosexuality that seemed to garner quite a bit of Anger let's say shocking anger and Although others in discernment quite a few people do not appreciate when you tell them that a favorite teacher or someone that they have followed is
Indeed a false teacher no matter how lovingly you might say it They don't appreciate it but with Beth Moore It goes to a different level and it's a very troubling level of her followers and Beth Seems to either enjoy it or at least at the very least
Doesn't correct her followers At all you would think
She seems to like them defending her and it doesn't matter to her Obviously I say
How they do it so because she never addresses the anger that comes from her followers and her the issue with her is her longevity and now the second generation of women and young other younger women who are coming up and Teaching in the same way that she does are doing the same things that she did because why not?
Yeah, and I think that one of the things That we see with it is, you know
The only other person I could think of that has that same Victor Orlick Following would be joy of Micah and she uses it though like she will actually use her audience to go and defend her and and You know to go after the peel so she doesn't have to and I think that's actually a ploy that she makes
Too because I've seen her with me. She'll put something out Saying does anyone agree with him?
Right and then all her followers just start piling on and That's something that I end up seeing when you guys put out that open letter to Beth Moore I Actually used that in a podcast on the rap report about Al Muller because he did a podcast about You know a
Roman Catholic Canadian politician and he said when that politician was asked about homosexuality
He was like, well, you know, you claim to be a Christian. You have to answer this question and I went wait a minute like this was this was literally just I think months after you guys put that that letter out and it was like Okay, Beth Moore's not
Catholic. She's she's not a politician. She's you know, she's not Canadian. She's an
American SBC same as Al Muller And not a politician but a
Christian speaker, how much more should he be putting pressure on her to answer? And and like here's the you know here here was this letter put out and and I think
I don't know if it happened Before or after that letter was out that she removed Part of her in one of her books about homosexuality.
She had some saying it was wrong removed it and so You know, how much more should these people who are saying that politicians have to answer this and they're
Catholic How much more should Beth Moore have to and? Well, I think there's a thing called, you know deception by investment and I didn't make up that phrase but a lot of times in discernment when you share with somebody that there are problems with a certain ministry that they're following or you
See them carrying around a certain book and you want to raise the topic with them. It's Difficult because when they bristle it's because they are they have invested themselves
They've invested their perhaps their time Perhaps their money Perhaps their reputation with this teacher that's turning out to be false and it's very difficult to untangle
That prideful feeling that they've had of invested in the false teacher to get them to back away from it
The Lord calls us to humility I will say for myself the first Year to year and a half or so of my walk in with Christ my favorite teacher was
Joel Osteen and I can't tell you how I felt when I found out that he was a false teacher and then
I had wasted those years or Those months following him when I could have been following somebody more solid
So I've been there and I understand how it feels when you discover your favorite teacher is a false teacher, but the primary consideration for every
Christian is the Word of God the honor of Christ, so We must slay our pride and say
I made a mistake I'm going to back away and I'm going to follow somebody more solid or better for my spiritual health
What was that was the term again that you used deception by investment
Just did or is it investment by deception is deception by investment It's like the more that you have invested in and the longer you go with this person the harder it is to back away because you've invested your time your money your reputation and So what people want to do is get defensive and double down And say no, no this person is really good
But if if your primary consideration in life is to honor and glorify the Lord And to worship him rightly
You will listen and you will cut through that Even if you have to humble yourself
They're really answered what I've been putting out lately is the this thing of truth doesn't matter
Theology doesn't matter the narrative matters and that seems to be really what you're saying people invest in a narrative so much
Yes, that they don't care that it's not true anymore Because they want it to be true.
Yes me you had a question Yes, so for our listeners, what females do you think are good teachers still out there?
What are the ones that that you would recommend? Let's see, I recommend Susan heck
Her ministry is with the master Brooke Bart's and Erin Coates Erin Coates is the wife of James Coates the pastor who was
Arrested in Canada and jailed for a period of time last year Brooke Bart's and Erin Coates have an open hearts
Podcast and they also have an open hearts in a closed world Online conference for women that's annual and it's free
Amy Spreeman and Michelle Leslie have a podcast called a word fitly spoken
They each have blogs and writings online to separately. I Love dr.
Shelby Cullen and Kimberly Cummings the women's hope podcast
They're out of the Masters University. And so, you know, the oversight there is very good and I like Lauren Hereford Tulips and honey hub and Robinself as she's commented here.
She's a pastor's wife Robinself has a blog called a worthy walk and I know there are other women
That are good I mean the most I'm cautious about most women's ministries But there are good ones out there and those are some of the really good ones.
Are you a fan of Martha? Peace as well Oh, yes. Yes. Yes. I knew I'd leave off some really wonderful women.
She's My wife enjoys her stuff a lot So one of one of the few on my approved list for her
So if you could get me the list of those I'll make sure I get all those into the show notes, too Oh, thank you.
Yeah, so we know because yeah, that'd be great. We want to do we do have a question people to yeah
Yeah, there's a different question before that. But yeah, we'll go to this one there. Okay, go ahead Marcy says what is the best way to start a conversation with our friends who are longtime followers of these false women teachers?
That's really hard I Like to ask questions
You know, what is it? Like the verse says and I wish I could remember the the address of the verse
But you know the one that says they will not endure sound doctrine and they will heap up teachers to suit their passions If somebody's falling following somebody who you have for sure identified as false
Ask them what they like about that person because there's something that that false teacher is giving them that they're
Craving in their flesh and once you can kind of drill down to what it is You know that they're getting out of this false teacher
Then you can start leading them towards scriptures that address that particular issue Sometimes just questioning
We'll start them questioning and then you can leave it you don't have to resolve everything in the first and only
Conversation you can just kind of come alongside that person successively and you don't have to make that person a project your friend a project about it, but just Gently offer them some good incredible materials
That they might not be aware of some of the ones I've named and other ones that that are around So those are two ways to try to start a conversation ask questions and Share materials that you're using and that you've enjoyed
Okay, so we had a question that came in a little earlier.
Give me a sec while I find it because it was just on my screen and then It was about a
Lisa. Oh, I probably can't pronounce it It's cursed and I I you know,
I became familiar with her through the the thoroughly equipped podcast I mentioned that Melissa Lex does she did she did a review of Lisa's book is
God speaking to me? that was the first I was Became familiar with her and but I'm looking for the question that we had in here about her
I See where some people are saying she was bad news Trying to get to the question
It was on my screen and then like the screen scrolled All right.
Well while I look for that one Let me put this one up because I found this one earlier and folks on Facebook if you go to Paul Jack's live calm
There's a way to give permission for us to see your name But a Facebook user said what do you all think of the blaze?
Ali's Ali Beth Stuckey My wife is quite the fan of hers from what
I've seen for of her seems very solid Not prone to emotionalism.
So what do you think of out Ali Stuckey? Are you familiar with her
I am familiar with her. I like her. I think she's brilliant She speaks quite a bit about culture and politics and I haven't listened to her a lot a lot in terms of betting whether she's theologically solid
But I do like her. So all right
I'm still trying to find that Lisa Turkhurst, I believe is still a member of Stephen Furtick's church, right?
Yes, that's one of the concerns that you know that I would have is sitting under Stephen Furtick's preaching it
I mean, it's pretty cool though, right? I mean, no. No, he's not even cool Look, okay.
Look, here's the thing when you got these guys that want to be hip, right and they're doing things that are like Nostalgic to people who lived in the 80s.
That's not hip It's just nostalgic to you Right, but they all seem to want to be
Claiming their hip and yet they're doing stuff from from the day. So but let me just ask because I think
The question was about Lisa, what do you know about her? What are your thoughts on on Lisa Turk?
I mean I see a lot of people are saying she's bad news, but I can't find the question but Maybe I would say
No, I I wrote about her on my blog I don't remember all the specifics about what
I wrote, but it was a not recommended just being a still continuing to be a member of Stephen Furtick's church is a big red flag right there.
That's he's one of the top False teachers that there are going at this point. So if she's still connected with that church, that's bad news
I think she's just another one of the the women's ministry ladies that come along and say they have poor hermeneutics and Errant curricula and I would say not recommended
If you look on my blog I do have one or two articles about her with specifics and with scriptures we had another and here's
Robin self gave another name here is
Alicia Chandler's chat. I'm not pronouncing Lisa Childers Childers I and you know, my only knowledge of her is from the film
I'm Drawing a complete blank on it Anthony the film that that you they have with you would do an open -air.
Why am I drawing a blank on American Gospel? American Gospel Wow So, yeah, that's that she was in that that's my my only knowledge of her but What do you know about her?
She she's solid I guess Yep from what I remember. Yes, I listened to her videos a few times and I read several of her
Essays and yes, I enjoyed her work Yeah, I'm saying, you know, like Being in American Gospel doesn't necessarily mean someone's solid anymore
It happens quickly, doesn't it? We've got several of them that have gone bad so recently within like the last two years
I rewatched American Gospel and It was funny because there were so many of the people that were in there that I'm like, oh they were in that like Did they like not know what they were saying back then and one of them with someone asked about here is
Priscilla Schreier She's someone KT says she's another one a lot of people are using what do you know about Priscilla Schreier?
Are you asking me? Yep She's not recommended
There are a lot of issues with her ministry I Particularly get really upset with the hypocrisy of women in ministry that claim to be wifely humble meek help meats but are actually living a
Functionally feminist life and Priscilla Schreier is one of those we're claiming to be, you know,
I'm just a mom I love my kids this ministry thing, you know, it grew before I knew it. No Effectively CEO Leaving the kids behind doing lots of ministry that in any other sphere of cultural life would be called career so She I believe that she is a hypocrite with her life and that her teachings are extremely problematic you know and one of the things that I had gotten from Michelle Leslie's site because someone had asked me about her and If you if folks if you haven't been to Michelle's site
I mean she she does detail things and and source all her stuff like you do Which is good so that you can go there and and go back to original source but one of the things that with Priscilla Schreier is she is teaching compliment of prayer and That is problematic
You know that is where you're you know, that's like an Eastern mysticism thing where people are emptying their minds and you know
So that that is that is dangerous You know, but now, you know halfway through I think now might be a really good time
To kind of get a word from our sponsor because we at this point you might be thinking You're ready to put your head on a pillow and cry yourself to sleep
Well, if you're going to do that a great pillow to get would be a my pillow Now okay,
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We get some some from that humble clay says just recently made a rather large purchase from my pillow for myself
And for Christmas, thanks at striving fraternity So humble clay what you need to do is send us a picture and we will put that on here when we get those pictures and if for folks
I haven't Announced that for a long time. So if you want to get that just go to Send the picture to info at striving for eternity dot o
RG Info at striving fraternity or G and we will get that picture from there and and put it up So she must be a good teacher.
She says the sheets are fantastic Robin self Yeah, I have not tried the sheets yet. So I'm gonna have to take her word for it
Okay enough about my pillow now Okay, Elizabeth. I I do have this one.
Let's get into some topics You risk it where you recently wrote one October 9th on modesty
And you know, there's there's a there's certain topics that are just are not brought up at the pulpit anymore, right?
We don't we don't hear anything about About eating too much. We don't hear of anything about Well modesty is another one.
So would you like to speak a little bit more about this? I kind of scanned through you had a lot of information on here's really seems to be a well -written article.
Thank you. Thank you Yes, I'd be delighted to speak on the modesty issue
If you gentlemen would allow me to go back to Priscilla Schreier for just a minute. Yep That'd be all right, please
I found I mentioned that her lifestyle was part of the issue of women's ministry
Have had for many years models of women who live a functionally feminist life as I mentioned
And I'm going to give you a specific example of that with Priscilla Schreier I'm going to quote a short excerpt from a
New York Times article that was written about her and Here we go
New York Times article quote Her husband Jerry quit his job to run his wife's ministry
Priscilla now accepts about 20 out of some 300 speaking Engagements each year.
She publishes a stream of Bible studies Workbooks and DVDs intended for women to read and watch with their girlfriends from church
Jerry does his share of the housework and child care So that Priscilla can study and write he travels with his wife and wherever possible
They take their sons along But they often deposit the boys with Jerry's mother so that's what
I mean by Women's ministry quite often having poor role models not only in hermaneutics and doctrine but in Lifestyle and Women have a tendency to want to usurp, you know, you asked me earlier about our women more prone to false doctrine and part of it is an innate desire to usurp our place
Which has been defined biblically as mainly not always 100 %
But mainly in the home as a help me to the husband if the Lord has graced the woman with a husband so If you remove the word ministry from many of these women's life and replace it with career
What you have are women who have usurped the place that the Lord had for them
And it's a shame because it's quite often the children who suffer now as far as modesty goes
I Haven't really done a lot on that topic because you know,
I'm old I'm fairly much just at home, you know an old lady at home
But there are young women that I work with that church and they don't have modesty issues but I'm watching them come up as beautiful flowers in the
Lord's Garden and I realized I'd been remiss in Touching on some of these
Christian life issues. I focus so much on theology and Also on discernment that I need to write
Encouragement articles also for the younger women that I work with who are coming up and might need to know these important topics, too
So what did you want to know about the modesty thing? Well, I mean,
I'm I'm glad you wrote about this. So, okay, let's take it up a step See if you're comfortable answering these questions
What does a We'll start with a with the wife first, what does a wife do if a husband wants her to dress more provocatively
At home have a blast How about in public and I agree with you
In public. Well, then the husband is sinning and I don't think that a Woman is covered by her husband's sin.
I don't think she can be complicit in it I mean look what happened to Ananias and Sapphira So, I think it's incumbent upon the woman to remember that her
Glory is her husband, but her main glory is her Lord and that's who she needs to obey So just like we don't obey the government when it asks us to stop preaching the gospel we don't obey the husband when he's asking us to do something that the
Bible has outlined as an admonishment not to Yeah, and so resources like your blog would be a great one for her to share with her husband
Let me just Stay with that one for a moment because there's something more in that that I think that there is
There is a thing like I I dealt with this in many many years ago probably about 20 years ago in church
We had a young lady who Anthony she used the exact line that you said She said that she dresses this way because her husband likes it.
This is how her husband wants her to dress and Some of the women talked to her at church there, you know,
I ended up having to talk to the the husband because she was telling the women this is what my husband wants and what was interesting was she used to work at the pregnancy center and She ended up They ended up having her ask her to leave
But what was interesting was she she said well, you know They said the same thing there at the pregnancy center My husband wants me to dress this way and the director told me because they were having problems with her and she was in my
Church is you know, it was a thing where she ends up going. Well Your husband doesn't work here.
You're not dressing that way for your husband here. He's not here. I Do think and I'll ask this to you
Elizabeth when you hear people that use that argument I believe that this was a woman who liked the way she dressed
But if she says I'm dressing this way for my husband, it sounds you like Spiritual it sounds like you can't
Condemn her because it's not for herself. She's doing it. She's doing it for her husband, which is a good thing Is the way it's laid out
Do you find that some women might use the way they dress to gather attention for themselves and use an excuse like this to Protect them from being
You know Judged by it Absolutely. It sounds like a rationalization
I mean if he asked her to quit going to church if he asked her to I don't know leave the children outside all night
Or some other kind of sinful things would she follow along with those two? I think she uses that as an excuse because she herself enjoys it
Okay, so let's flip the question or question around now What if what if the female wants to the wife buy something new wants to walk out of the house with something that the husband finds to be too provocative and what he believes to Be too provocative for public
How does that conversation get handled? the husband would say hopefully in a kind way that he feels that the outfit would bring undue attention to her in a sensuous way and That he would prefer she did not wear that out of the house and hopefully she would be
Happy enough to comply because She doesn't want to cause a division or usurp her husband
Yeah, so I asked these because I've heard these things come up right in in churches and these are these are very real
Issues that happen, you know, especially today with all of these The hot yoga pants stuff that women wear.
I mean I it is unbelievable to me every time you walk outside You've got these skin tight things
That that females are wearing. I'm like, there is no way my wife would ever walk out of this house But here's the thing like the argument for that people say is but it's comfortable now it's comfortable
Guess what? You can wear something over it, too Right. That's right. You put a dress over it skirt over it, whatever and you're still comfortable, but nobody is seeing the skin tight
You know look You know Anthony I used to do jiu -jitsu right and so you'd have guys that would you'd wear what's called a rash guard
Just to keep from chafing when you're you know, you're moving around and they're some guys that they just wear a rash guard and Yeah, that's border transgenderism right there.
Well, I Remember, you know someone you and I both know Brian who who came down to a gym and he was just like dude, that's so inappropriate.
That's like wearing underwear like no Put your pants on You know, so so even for the guys,
I mean I wear I wear that but I also wear shorts over it You know if we're doing no key if you know
Otherwise, I have a gi on but but yeah, I can understand it being comfortable I run and I would have
I'd have those on but I have shorts over it So so if you have Elizabeth you have someone that's saying that they want to wear these leggings
Yet they're not covering that up. Do you think that You're just saying it's comfortable it for them
Do you think that's a? viable excuse No No, I don't
I mean Our comfort where did that become the primary consideration in in presenting ourselves to the
Lord either in daily life or in worship? It's Dignity, it's modesty.
It's submission. It's it's a heart attitude You know I work in an elementary school a public elementary school and we have dress standards and leggings are not part of the dress standards
If you wear leggings, you need to wear something that comes down to the knee over it so I don't understand why a woman would want to display herself in a way that is of the world when
Modesty is countercultural and will shine even brighter, especially if her countenance and I wrote about that a lot in my
Article on modesty her inner beauty will come out her love for the Lord If she dresses modestly modesty and has a true worshipful attitude
Why do you want to show skin when everybody else shows skin? You've got a lot show a lot more skin to get noticed and that's the wrong direction to go
Yes, it just seems obvious to me But I guess it's not because as you gentlemen are saying it's an issue in church
Yeah, good churches It's astounding Melissa asked this question for you of you
Elizabeth. What do you think of Jen Wilkins? I think back along she was solid her book in the word
Something about the word was good. I did two or three essays on her recently
And I don't do not recommend her anymore. I think she's an egalitarian
I think she has is a usurper She has taught and preached to men and then she had that terrible sermon where she was talking about the female monthly
Menstruation and how that blood is akin to Jesus's shed blood some other foolishness
So I do not recommend Jen Wilkin any further and it's just a sad
Testament to the fact that people who once were solid Need to be vetted and checked every so often check your bookshelves ladies
Because the books you bought ten years ago from authors might not not any longer be Credible and you don't want younger ladies to be drawn away by something that you have
Failed to see is no longer good food for the soul And if I'm not mistaken, doesn't she go to the church of the pirate ship dream guy
Matt Chandler? Yes Yes Thought so Yep, that's her.
All right So she must have sailed along with that pirate ship Let me ask you with that.
I mean We're mentioning different people who like even peel. They were an American gospel that that now are not so solid both men and women
What's the importance of? Keeping up with them to see what they're currently teaching and then how do we keep up with them?
with well Hmm. I mean like you're saying that you know, like you used to recommend
Jen, but not anymore, right and we're mentioning different people that They you know
We're solid at one time and you could have endorsed them, but it is so hard to keep up with all these people
Yes, so are there resources out there that that you would know that where we could go.
I mean How do we how does someone keep up especially for someone like me who doesn't follow women's ministries at all
You know someone's name comes up where could we go well as The list that I mentioned earlier verbally and the one that I'll give you in writing later
Some of these ladies had done very good work with discernment what I'd like to do is
First of all, I write down the names of the people that my pastors my elders mentioned during sermons that they consulted themselves and I figure who they're reading is pretty safe and Then you go from there in a concentric circle, you know, so like if you like John MacArthur He sometimes mentions s
Lewis Johnson in the Believers Chapel and s Lewis Johnson Was succeeded by Dan Duncan and Dan Duncan sometimes mentions
Don green and so Those circles that overlap starting from a one really good solid one and you go outward from there and keep your circle small of people that you read and follow and Thirdly, I'd say read the dead guys read the
Puritans read read the people in the past who have gone on and That's for two reasons first because they can no longer slide into apostasy and Shipwreck their faith and secondly because when we read people from far back
We can see their blind spots. We can't see our own blind spots and we can't see
Put our nose above the culture that we're in because we're in it But we can see theirs and so it's often a lot easier to be discerning about someone from the past So So as we as I want to continue to press you because you know, we don't often get a female discernment blogger on on the show
What are what are some women's issues and by the way, I'm sure my wife will listen to this tomorrow morning
So, uh, let's be good for her too. But What are some women's issues today that that don't get addressed very often, you know,
I know in the in a counseling world I've got a lot of friends that are in ACBC counseling and and I get some lay level training from them as we as we talk but women in pornography
Seems to be a really growing segment and we all know about men in pornography, right? 72 % of men depending on the study you read
Christian men provides and Christian men are in pornography once a week We see some
I mean they're staggering statistics or half half. I think half of the pastors Are in porn once a week.
Oh, that's terrible. Yeah, I mean they're horrible statistics, right? But um But women from what
I understand are really growing in terms of pornography whether it's hardcore porn Magazines or even things like heavy romance not all novels
Well, so so it's 40 48 percent was the last I heard of women that are watching
Pornography if you go into the romance novels and this isn't Chris This is just Christian non -christian that I saw that when you get into romance novels
It was up to like 76 % So it's it's very different.
It is grown That's an area that I know very little about I know that there's
Well, I'm 61. We're about to be 61 and my first memory was at age 3 now
I remember the Beatles on Ed Sullivan. That was my first memory. So I have a long history of Seeing How the culture has gone, you know
The 60s was terrible and then the 70s with the short shorts and then the 80s and with feminism and so on so I have seen that culture has
Really told women that the more that you bear on your body The more powerful you are you're a strong woman
I noticed on my trending line on Twitter. It said that was go without a broad day something so When the frog is in the water boiling long enough you begin to see certain things as normal and so this generation we're in now
Doesn't really see anything wrong with a lot of skin They see it all the time and so it's no surprise that Christian women are succumbing to that fallacy
That falsity that bearing skin and watching other people with bare skin is okay, but it's not
It's just not the body is designed to be private to be shared with a spouse
To be a temple of the Holy Spirit and to be treated With dignity by others and by oneself
So I think Game of Thrones is a culprit here as Robin self is saying on her comment 50 shades of gray
I Think that's a terrible statistic and I'm really sorry to hear that pornography is a problem for women in in the church
Yeah, because again, we're hearing about these things right now So what other topics do you think are pertinent to women that maybe don't get spoken of a lot right now things that you've you've
You know had the heart to write on and whatnot. I Don't know. I really wish
I could answer that more Articulately, you know Andrew said before we began that I don't know is an answer
I'm really not sure of some of the different things that women are facing
I Didn't know about the pornography But I know that culture is strangling
Christian women and that they are facing a tidal wave from all directions I know the young ladies that I work with As a
Titus to older women to the younger Many of them are unmarried They're finding it difficult at work
There's sexual harassment That's prevalent in a lot of places There I think that's one of the issues
Other than that, I really can't say I'm not sure I'll probably think of it the minute that we click off here
It always works. Yep Yeah, well here here's a question what about women and all the tattoos that yet Yeah, that's court that that has been a new phenomenon.
I'm I've used to saw seeing men with that but women with tattoos I you know,
I'm gonna probably get in trouble here, but I am NOT a fan of tattoos I think tattoos are ugly.
I think they look like dirt. I think they look messy I don't like them on men and I think on women it makes them look
Not good, I think it's not a good look for women to have tattoos, but I Guess in Christian Liberty if somebody wants to get a tattoo, especially if it's you know, underwear clothes would be that's their business
I don't know particularly that there's a verse other than the one in the Old Testament that says, you know
Not to mark your body but again if if you're Remembering that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit and that you want to honor and glorify Jesus which is our chief end on earth is to honor and glorify the
Lord. I Don't know Injecting ink under your skin seems a strange way to honor and glorify him, but I guess some people feel that it does so Well, I happen to agree with you so if the ship goes down I'll be there with you
But Yeah, nothing. Thank you for that. So, okay What what are some of your most popular topics that you've had recently you've blogged about?
No, let's see. Well Beth Moore Always gets some kind of response no matter what it gets old to this day.
I posted in the modesty issue that that got quite a few views and I posted about a one world government one world religion complex being built in the
United Arab Emirates Now and it's going to be open in a few months in 2022 that honors
Judaism Islam and Christianity with three different buildings in place for all three to come worship
That seemed pretty significant to me, especially since in the
UAE Christianity converting to Christianity is illegal and having a cross on a building is illegal.
So they're going for a tolerance and Brotherhood, so I don't know how tolerant they'll be if someone actually converts but that got a lot of a lot of views
Yeah, I saw that same. I didn't see your article on it as I was flipping through I saw that you had written on that.
Do you know who's behind that? I mean, is this a Rick Warren thing is because he seems to be one of those guys behind it
At least the talk of it several years ago in in the essay there I posted a link to the source of the people that are building it
I know the Vatican is involved at the highest levels, you know And I know that it was part of the
Accords that one of the peace treaties that were done when President Trump was president the
Abraham Accords, so Other than that the organization that's actually doing the
Architecture and the construction and the engineering is listed in the in the blog
Yeah, well, they are right. I mean, I mean Jews Islam and Catholics all serve the same
God Satan himself. So I Guess they'll have one temple towards him
So let's before you go with that. Let me just give some shout outs here We got a $10 super chat from Chris though.
He didn't have any comment. So or she Give a comment. Yeah, get a comment and we announce that but a super chat is something you could do on on YouTube We do have a new member one eternal perspective
Just join the YouTube as a YouTube member. You can go to the YouTube channel and join membership.
That's another way of supporting us here Super chats are when you put a comment in and you hit the dollar sign and that that gets us that Gives a way that you can support the show.
So we always try to announce that for those who are supporting us. So All right, so some other questions that that I had there did you have some more
Anthony or no go on one of the things that You know, I I noticed a lot with You know discernment bloggers
Alright, cuz you're you're doing discernment. Yes, so This this becomes one thing that always concerns me with when you talk discernment ministries so many of the discernment ministries
They get a fame for doing exposing somebody and then it's like what they want to do is when they've
Milked it for all they can that they'd be go like, okay. Who do we go after next? Okay There's there are some there are some who do discernment very well
I mean Todd frill you you hear him and he will say, okay, we don't know this We're not gonna speak on that.
But he knows where the line is and he he's very Careful not to cross over it except for vaccines and kovat stuff.
He didn't get he just gave different views He didn't say what to do. He didn't give his perspective. Oh Wish that a little more he should have in your opinion
They're not in God's. It's okay No, but he but here's the thing, you know, like like when we have someone that does discernment
Well, for example, right as we said in the beginning of show Having Justin Peters tell me to have you on Knowing how careful he is with discernment like that becomes on where if he says someone is good.
I like trust them You know, it's just because I know how careful he is How do you keep?
Do doing discernment and knowing? You know not to get baited in or get pulled into where you're just looking to expose people they because there is a difference between the discernment bloggers that are just looking to expose people and Someone like yourself and as I'm as some people you've mentioned me
Michelle Leslie Amy, you know That that know where the line is that don't don't cross over and and do the sermon well
How did how do we encourage people to to first do discernment?
Well, if they're gonna get into discernment ministries, but then second, how can you encourage people that may be looking?
To do discernment. How can we? Tell them what to look for in a good discernment ministry.
I think first and foremost If you are going to do discernment
Be sure in yourself and from your pastors and elders that it is a gift that the
Spirit has given you Because like if a pastor doesn't have is not able to teach and yet he's a pastor things are going to go wrong very quickly and The same thing with any gift if you try to push into it and you don't have the gift and yet you try to use
That as a gift it's going to go wrong so if you've been identified or if you feel deeply that you are someone that has been given the gift of Discernment, that's first then secondly
I hope that that person would be a member and an active member of a local church submitted to their elders or their pastor and Fellowship being and learning and active within it with oversight
Because all of no matter how many gifts we have no matter what we do online Our primary interest and goal is to honor and glorify the
Lord through our local worship and our local lives in that sphere So do you have the gift of discernment?
Has that been affirmed by others in your local church? Are you a member of the local church and then going forward from there if you're going to do discernment?
Don't let that be the only thing you do because that's where people tend to get crazy It's sort of like the people who only ever focus on the end times
They tend to go wacky after a while it you're unbalanced, you know, you need to have a well -rounded
Spiritual life a well -rounded prayer life. And so I don't only write on discernment
I write on encouragement. I write on Theology I write on creation.
I like creation. So now you're talking to you. I like you're talking my language now
Anyway, that's that's don't only focus on discernment it's you know,
I was a newspaper woman for a while I was journalist and I Did some
Side stuff like the Babylon B does with sarcasm. It's very difficult to maintain that line
Yes sarcasm and not go over into anger and it's the same with discernment it's very hard to maintain that line and remain gentle and remain loving but remain firm and not go over into anger or To try to protect your sphere by getting more hits if you're more concerned about hits and likes then
That's going to be a problem, too Yeah, you know and humble clay says church family is essential
And and it is I think I think you're right with what you say that I think the real The real spot is the people who are focused on on the the clicks
That you know that becomes an issue. So we always like to announce when Chris Han holds is in the house
So he has he had a comment here Here we go, he's only a lot of give comments if he's dressed up in his
Captain America suit for Well, we'll go away while I was gone or something or well, yeah what happened was he can't fit into it anymore and so He's been on he got on a bike and the weather wasn't good for it
But he says it was great meeting Elizabeth at g3 And I'm sure he got a picture with you because he gets a picture with everybody
He did but it was great to meet Chris I've seen him online and it was great to meet people in real life.
So Chris is a good one We tried to get him dressed as Captain America at that, but there was no way he was gonna do that So he says yeah, just try to enforce that A different Chris gave another
Super chat with $10 and he so his comment now is the mind of the discerning acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge
Proverbs 1815 So that is a good word And it will say to Elizabeth, you know, you guys talk about discernment
You do have a five article or five five blog post series from just a couple months ago So if people want to learn more about what you think about discernment
You did this back in August right five five straight So what I tried to do is not only to point out who is false
Let me my batteries running low. I'm gonna slide over here to plug it in Not only to point out who is to be avoided
But to teach ladies how to figure that out for themselves as a lesson
There we go, sorry about that as a lesson for themselves on you know Oh, it don't always have to rely on me.
Ultimately you rely on your knowledge in the word from having been studied prayer and The people in your local church, but you don't always want to have to rely on somebody what's online
So that's what that series was about was just trying to teach people through example what to do and how
I think about it And so, you know one of the things
So here's a one eternal perspective says great info would love to know where to get more info on experiencing
God saw Saw article on Elizabeth's site haven't read yet I would like to talk to my pastor who approved a woman's study last year.
So Elizabeth before you you get into that. I will say I know Justin Peters has a lot on that on That book because he is he has made the point.
That's that's really where a lot of this stuff started Yes, people Elizabeth. We will probably never we won't have time to get to the clip, but you and I are talking beforehand the clip from Todd Friel had a witnessing
Wednesday clip that we if we had time we were gonna chalk talk But one of the ones is a pastor a pastor who is at on a seminary campus and He was he taught asked him.
Why why are you a pastor because the guy admits he's a universalist. He doesn't know his theology And he said
I just want to help people experience God And you cringed when when you we talked about that What are your thoughts about the the book?
Experiencing God and and what resources do you have available for that? All right Experiencing God and when just after I was
Saved by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ. I was at a church. That was all very excited to do the
Experiencing God Curriculum and it was going to change our lives.
It was going to change everything. It was going to be monumental I mean the the hype around that book Was incredible and I went through the curriculum and I was kind of troubled by it
It was very very early in my discernment days, but I didn't like the part that talked about Hearing from God because as you and I talked before the show
Andrew I am thrilled to know that there's a manual for life and that it's as solid as a brick and it's the
Bible so Hearing from him, you know out part from God or relying on impressions just seemed to be the wrong way to go
I don't Recommend that book. I think it's ground zero for the charismania that has by now overtaken the
SBC with people hearing or having impressions or having visions of him and I think
Beth Moore took it. She really took that to heart and mentions it early on in her her ministry as something that impacted her greatly and We're off and running.
And so now we have two three generations of people that are used to experiencing God rather than knowing
God Hmm Yeah, and that's that's the big that right there is the big difference, right?
and this is what we're talking about earlier the difference between the theology and The feeling the emotion is and and that's really what so much of this ends up being a distinction of and I think that I Think what it seems to be
With so many is a desire to avoid theology, you know theology
That's divisive that's that's for you know, people who study in the Ivy League towers and things like this
How important is theology to our daily life? It is our life because theology is simply means learning about Jesus that's all theology is it's learning about the
God who saved us the God who sees the God who created Learning about him what his expectations are for us.
You know who he is Informs our life and we we live our lives
Knowing who he is. I mean we have yes, we experience him, but we experience it
Experience him by getting to know him more and the only way to do that is through Scripture whether it's hearing the preaching or studying yourself
It's the only way to get to know him because that is where he has revealed himself For two
Christians in his specific revelation So theology is life if you're not reading the
Bible, how do you know your God? Yep, and that's that's the important thing of it and people don't
I think that people think theology is something that we just some people can do instead of If you love
God You want to study him you want to know him more? That should be but for some people that doesn't seem to be the case
Well, it's lazy. It's easy I mean when they see all these women running around in women's ministry saying
I heard from God I closed my eyes and I prayed and he told me XYZ Well, you can circumvent all that hard work of digging into the
Bible when you can just put your hands together And it will plop down into your mind. So That's what lures a lot of women, especially women that are tired and that are busy and that have children
So I understand that it's difficult to set aside time But even five minutes even reading half of a chapter for a few minutes
Will really help women in ground themselves in more solidity rather than less
Because the times ahead we're going to need it It looks like and you're going to need to have it in your mind and in your heart
To withstand the Buffett's that are going to come with us to us from the culture so with the future that I think all of us agree is coming the persecution and When they go the government is not being friendly toward Christians.
We just had another Pastor arrested in in Canada today and their chain locked and so This is you know more and more common
Do you think that the the people who are looking to the Beth Moore's and some of these others?
Do you think they're offering anything to these women that will prepare them for a future persecution?
Absolutely, not they will it will they What has been offered through Beth Moore's type of ministries and others is going to be wet paper towels
That will shred immediately They need the solid Word of God. They need good teaching
They need the rock and the many of these women's ministries do not focus on Jesus They focus on our emotions our life our needs our wants our self -esteem all those things are temporal
They're ephemeral and they will fade away the minute that trials come and what will they be left with?
They probably don't even know where their Bible is. I don't mean to be harsh, but That's the way it is for a lot of women these days.
I Don't think it's harsh. I actually like hearing straight and direct I'm not great at beating around the bush
And let's blame husbands for that too, right for not Not helping to train their wives They will have a lot to answer for the men the husbands the fathers.
They need to protect their daughters their wives Every minute of every day they need to know what they're reading
Who they're meeting with what their ministries they're following online What their women's ministry is like over there and the other building that they go to So and I'm not a huge fan of segregated by sex ministries either
I think men and women studying together in a Sunday school class or in a home group is a very healthy thing
I Remember years ago. I was at a church. We had a small
Sunday school class and There was a husband and a wife who came to church every week and her
I'm gonna write about this tomorrow actually She spoke volumes to me and she never spoke no, so many women these days think that you have to have a speaking ministry in order to count for anything that you're
You're not doing anything You're not worth anything unless you have a speaking ministry and you're up there and you're strong and you're proclaiming stuff
Well this woman I was thinking about her yesterday she made a huge impression on me because She came dressed for church every week modestly
Not lavishly, but you could tell it was a church outfit She sat silently next to her husband, but was totally attentive to everything that was going on took notes
Occasionally touched his elbow Rarely if ever spoke
And yet she made the biggest impression on me as if she had talked every week her modesty her submissiveness her demeanor
Spoke more volumes to me through all these ten past years that I've been thinking of her then any loud proclaiming woman strutting around the stage and I think and that is what
God's plan is for the genders and that is what makes the impression and These days that's really countercultural that will speak even more volumes and with a bigger light and more salt than any kind of visions that people have that they strut around saying
You know with that let me let me plug some Another resource kind of along those lines at my church.
I'm teaching through first Peter And so on the striving fraternity YouTube channel is the teaching from this week on wives and submission from first Peter 3 -1
That'll also be Next Wednesday. That's if you if you follow the rap report podcast and that's wrapped with two peas
Andrew rapper ports rap report Elizabeth doesn't that sound like a corny name for a podcast by the way
Andrew rap reports rap report No comment.
Oh, I can't even get the history behind that Elizabeth is Anthony came up with the name for that podcast and I thought it sounded so corny and we went to Shepherd's Conference and I'm asking everyone thinking everyone's gonna agree with me that this sounds corny and everyone's like, that's great
And so Anthony just smiled and I'm like I am stuck with this Well, it harkens back to the 60s when you used to rap but on the other hand it's really catchy and you don't forget it
Yeah well I and I have to say rap with two peas because the very first episode
I put out someone Sent a comment. They're saying this has nothing to do with rap music Oh, yeah, no, it's two peas like okay, but but I'm gonna
I'm gonna on the my rap report podcast I will be dropping that same episode that same teaching from on from first Peter 3 1 on wives and submission
I've gotten a lot of good feedback from that Yeah, Melissa says yeah,
I like it thank you it was I'll let you read that one that you put up there.
There's on holds. I still like the name My son gave him years ago Andrew burrito rap So, but that's that's some things where a lot of people don't you know, they don't have a good biblical understanding of some terminology and of what you know the way they think
That it's like oh, well why submit to husbands and they ignore all the context around it And so I go into that and that's been helpful for folks
Let me just read this from Chris Han holds real quick back to the Beth Moore he says the Beth Moore type ministries will utterly compromised to avoid persecution and will even even point to the persecution of solid churches as proof that they are quote mean unquote
Christians as Usual Chris Han holds nails it. Yep So Anthony looks like you're gonna say son.
We do have about seven minutes left in the show I was just gonna add on our Show friends John Wilkinson and then as soon as I was about to add him.
He just got up and walked all there. He's back Any chickens today for us?
Well, he's muted. So no technically I'm at work. No, I'm just All right well with that Elizabeth, is there anything else anything that you want to promote wall on here anything that either
Any resources you you already told us what you're gonna be blogging about tomorrow. So Anything you want to before we we tune out we do want to thank you for coming on It's been a wealth of knowledge and I hope that folks will be going to your blog site
And checking it out I've been checking it. I'll show there's a great articles on here.
I know I Know I know what your wife is gonna be looking at tomorrow, you know
And it was funny that I got a message from your wife that said she listened to the First Peter Bible study last night at like 4 in the morning.
She's like, yeah for the morning I'm like, what were you doing up at 4? No someday. She wakes up like seriously.
Why are you getting up? She wakes up. She wakes up and she uses that time to clean and to listen to scripture
I can't argue with either one of those. All right Before you go they just Chris Chris gave another $5 super sticker, which
I can't see what the super sticker is until I go over to YouTube, but so Elizabeth your website again is the dash and Dash time org and anything that you want to say in closing
Well, thank you both for having me on it has been delightful I want to say to women who are listening to please
Do not abandon Holy Scripture, even if it's five minutes a day
Five minutes a day adds up at the end of the month to quite a bit of a wonderful walk with the
Lord So don't give it up. Don't give your don't give up your prayer life pray stay in the word and That's it.
That's my life's mantra pray stay in the word and honor our Savior well, that's some good stuff and Robin self says here.
This might be a good closing comment I said, I'm a total. I am a total underachiever compared to Elizabeth I don't know how she does it, but I am thankful.
She does. Thank you Chris Han hold says it it was blessing to see you Elizabeth. Sorry. I was late.
He'll go back and we listen and then Carol Carol j1 says thank you for introducing
Elizabeth Pratt to us. We'll surely check her out And and Marcy is saying thank you again
Elizabeth Andrew and Anthony so we're glad to have you on Next week folks.
The plan is if technology and all things work We've we this will be the third attempt to do this
But we are actually gonna have Justin Peters Responding to the Sam Storms article now if you don't know what that is
Sam Storms wrote an article basically saying that you should be playing Bethel music and Hillsong music in your church like you can do that and basically critiquing what
Justin's point of view is against Having Bethel music in your church So we're gonna have
Justin respond to that and that will be a very good show I'm sure now. We know we've we've tried this several times first time.
We had technical issues the second time He had a conference. He had to be at and we had to change it. So we've we've cleared everything
He's like no, we're gonna make this happen this time. So That's on to look forward to next week
That will be good to enjoy and I'm just trying to look that we will be as far as some speaking events going on I will be out in Colorado Springs, Colorado We're going to be going out there.
Basically. What we're doing is I'm gonna be helping Justin Peters will be filming Hopefully the plan is to film clouds without water 3
So if you happen to be in that area you're in the the
Colorado Springs area this is going to be The 20 the 29th and 30th
So if you're in the Colorado Springs area the church's Hope Chapel of Colorado Springs So check them out.
And if you want to to be there in attendance, that would be good so that's that is
I I I don't know of much else that we're we got on the Speaking for the rest of the year.
I Anthony are you doing any and if you have any events that I don't know about Yeah, a new one came up.
I'll be Doing the basic creation training course at a church in South Carolina, so I'll get that up of the website at some point here
That's November Saturday, November 6th, and you're gonna be down at Josiah's Church. That is that's at Josiah's Church, right?
I'll be home. I'll be at his place the following weekend actually doing the same course. Okay, that'll be just a really small gathering
Although anyone that wants to attend it can be there. Yes. He's got a small church. We're just going to help build up the church there
All right So those are some events just to keep you mindful of Encourage you to striving for training org.
You can go there to check out the resources there You can go to Christian podcast community org to see the many podcasts we have if you want to support us
We would gladly enjoy that we could use support go to striving for attorney org
Support and that's where you can go to find out how to support us Elizabeth thanks for coming on I think a lot of people are gonna be checking out your website and some of the articles out there
Anthony I think is gonna be glued to it And and we're gonna we'll probably have to have you back on sometime
I Wouldn't love that and it was nice seeing you. Thank you very much for having me