Mark 12:13-27Traps, Mark 12b, Dr. John B. Carpenter

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Mark 12:13-27 Traps I. Have You Fallen Into A Trap? 1. Were you sold on opening a shop in Danville and now you find it’s not as profitable as you had been told? 2. People often fall into intellectual, relational, political, and even religious traps. 3. Materialists are stuck in a trap. You say life has to be about more than the things you possess and they’ll ignore you, being too busy making money to get more stuff. 4. Politically, echo chambers trap people into dismissing alternative viewpoints. 5. The culture today tells people that sacrificing our own needs for others is being trapped in “an unhealthy dynamic.” 6. Kris Kristofferson wrote, “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose.” 7. Some people say committing to a church and signing a church covenant is being trapped. 8. Here, people try to trap Jesus. They’ve already decided they want to destroy Him. So, they’ve devised some traps. II. Life Now (12:13-17) 1. Pharisees were literally the “separated ones”; they were “fundamentalists.” The Herodians were supporters of King Herod. 2. The authorities don’t think they can arrest Him until they destroy His popularity. That’s what the traps are for. 3. To make sure Jesus falls into their trap, they flatter Him. They’re egging Him on to say something controversial. 4. Some people are trapped by their egos into saying something to prove how brave and reckless they are. 5. They wanted to “catch” Jesus in His words like a hunter catches his prey in a net or trap. 6. By “render to Caesar what is Caesar’s,” Jesus shows that governments are legitimate. They deserve taxes. 7. Because government rightly exists to restrain evil and there is a lot of human evil, then there’s a need for a lot of government. 8. The earthly kingdoms of men have a right to exist and we are called to support them. 9. There are two kingdoms, simultaneously: the City of Man, and the Kingdom of God. 10. There is the civil realm governed by its authorities. Then there is God’s Kingdom. 11. The spiritual kingdom proclaims the Gospel, feeds Christ’s lambs, and leads the church according to Scripture. 12. We are not like the Anabaptists who told their people that Christians should not be involved in politics; that they can’t hold a job in the government. 13. God’s Kingdom includes all of Caesar’s kingdom. If the government tells us to do something God told us not to do we say, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). 14. Because the government is a kingdom under God’s kingdom, its authority is not total. III. Life Later (12:18-27) 1. The Sadducees said there is no resurrection. Jesus will reveal the reality of life later. 2. The Sadducees have a trap for Jesus they are sure is clever. They’ve thought of this in their echo chambers. 3. They are smug. If they were around today, they’d be liberal university professors, Ph.Ds. in theology. 4. The question has to do with the Levirate marriage, like in Ruth. If a woman has multiple marriages, whose wife will she be in the resurrection? 5. The Sadducees think Jesus will be humiliated and lose public support. 6. Jesus targets what they are most proud of: their knowledge. They’re sure that they are the sophisticated elite. 7. First, Jesus exposes their wrong assumption that life in the resurrection is exactly like life now. 8. “No eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9.) 9. In part two of His devastating, humiliating response, Jesus cites a passage from the Law of Moses (Exodus 3:6). 10. Jesus’ question “Have you not read?,” is piercing their inflated egos. 11. God says He is, now, their God which must mean that they still exist. 12. We were created to be in a body. We’re incomplete without a body so finally, our salvation will be saved from being bodiless. 13. The Sadducees fell into the pit of their own hubris. As Psalm 35 says, “Without cause they hid their net for me.” IV. Invitation: Have you been trapped by the world, caught by its individualism or materialism? Or have you been trapped by your ego? Maybe you feel caught by your circumstances. But don’t fear the divine entrapment, God’s sovereign grip. Whatever we feel entangled by now, in this world, God has for us a life-to-come that no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor could we even imagine what He has prepared for you, if you love him. The question now is, do you love Him?


Mark chapter 12 will be reading from verses 13 to 27 here the word of the
Lord and they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the
Herodians to trap him in his talk and They came and said to him teacher. We know that you were true and do not care about anyone's opinion
For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?
Should we pay them or should we not? But knowing their hypocrisy he said to them why put me to the test?
Bring me a denarius and let me look at it and they brought one and he said to them Whose likeness and inscription is this they said to him
Caesars? Jesus said to them render to Caesar the things that are Caesars and to God the things that are
God's and they marveled at him and Sadducees came to him who say there is no resurrection
And they asked him a question saying teacher Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but leaves no child
The man must take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother There were seven brothers
The first took a wife and when he died left no offspring and the second took her and died
Leaving no offspring and the third likewise in the seven left No offspring last of all the woman also died in the resurrection when they rise again
Whose wife will she be? For the seven had her as wife and Jesus said to them.
Is this not the reason you are wrong? Because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God for when they rise from the dead
They neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven and as for the dead being raised
Have you not read in the book of Moses in the passage about the bush how God spoke to him saying?
I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob He's not God of the dead but of the living
You are quite wrong May the Lord add his blessings to the reading of his
Holy Word Have you ever fallen into a trap You made a decision and you find that you're caught
Now no matter what you do, the consequences are bad You were sold and opening a shop in Danville And now you find that it's not as profitable as you have been told
Do you stay you double down on your efforts or do you cut your losses and go elsewhere? Hopefully, that's no one here.
Some people feel trapped in a dead -end job that they're afraid of leaving They're afraid of trying something else or they're afraid of unemployment.
So they just stay stuck Some people feel trapped in relationships. It's dysfunctional and they're tired of the drama
But they're afraid of being alone Elvis Presley sang a song about that caught in a trap
There are all kinds of traps intellectually Confirmation bias traps people into only being open to information that reinforces their pre -existing beliefs
People are trapped in echo chambers. They dismiss alternative viewpoints or even deny that People who think differently exist or at least in large numbers
That's why before every election ever notice before every election. We have people who confidently
Absolutely are sure that their preferred candidate will win They're trapped into only seeing what they want to see
Sometimes the trap is where the culture says is freedom our culture traps people into Self -destructive lifestyles in the name of being free of being trapped one liberal theology professor boasted
How of how if his wife feels trapped in their marriage that she's no longer
Happy in it. He hopes she will leave him. She will be brave enough and just leave
Our culture tells us that codependency is a trap There were supposed to be self -supporting individuals with no real needs for others
Or we can enjoy others or use others, but if we depend on them, that's unhealthy
They say so if we sacrifice our own needs to meet the needs of others, we're told we're trapped in an unhealthy dynamic
Women are especially told this now by feminism that if they prioritize the needs of others like that of a husband or children over their own
Needs well, then they're trapped you're trapped They should pursue their own interest in careers they're told even if it means sacrificing marriage and family or if they do get married they want a
Supportive husband basically a male wife, but when they've invested their life in themselves
Often they find that they're trapped. They were promised freedom
But often they find as Chris Christopherson wrote freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose
Sometimes you have to choose your traps to give up what an individualistic culture calls freedom to have things
You don't want to lose and sometimes Indeed, sometimes you do have to beware of traps here.
People are trying to trap Jesus They've already decided they want to destroy him So they devise some traps that they are sure will do the trick
We see that here in two major parts the trap about life now and the tribe trap about life later in verse 13
They referring to the same day in verse 12 who were seeking to arrest Jesus because he told the parable of the tenants about them exposing the authorities the priests the scribes and the elders as Self -serving usurpers who were using the temple and the religion for themselves rather than returning to God the fruit that he wants
So they are out to get Jesus and they sent to Jesus the Pharisees and some of the
Herodias now to us We may not know what these terms mean, but that's really an odd combination of people
These are really that's really peculiar the Pharisees and the Herodians together
The Pharisees were literally the term means the separated ones They were the devoutly religious people trying to keep the law to the letter today
People might call them fundamentalist Bob Jones or Liberty University types. The Herodians were supporters of King Herod They were probably dependent on him for their for their jobs their favors
They were otherwise they were attached to the regime to the government They were political and they supported the
Roman occupation of Israel the power behind the various Herod Kings So today they would be like a contingent this group together
Pharisees and Herodians would be like a contingent of one hand conservative fundamentalist and And all the other political
Bureaucrats, you might call them the deep state. They're coming together Now, what could those two groups possibly have in common?
Well here they're united by their opposition to Jesus and they come to Jesus to trap or to catch or capture
Him in his talk in verse 13 the word for trap there comes from hunting
Like a hunter catches his prey who wants to catch it alive and in a net in other words
They want to get him to say something that will be his downfall He's very popular having been hailed with hosannas just two days before he when he arrived in Jerusalem He's astonished the people at the temple at his teaching and so the authorities don't think they can just arrest him right there
Until they destroy his popularity. That's what the traps are for So they come in verse 14 and to make sure that he falls into their trap
They flatter him teacher Addressing him as a with a term of respect copy in Hebrew is rabbi
We know that you were true meaning sincere You tell it like it is and you do not care about anyone's opinion.
In other words, you're not political You dare to say whatever you think it's true, even if people don't like it
They say that because they want him to say something that people won't like for you are not swayed by appearances
They say you speak truth to power. You're a man. You're bold. You're not afraid of anybody
Even if it makes the Romans or the Herodians upset But you truly teach the way of God Fearless of the consequences, even if it loses all your followers or makes the
Romans arrest you for inciting a revolt You don't care and there's and they're saying we're here for it
Jesus give us your most reckless controversial take They wanted to say something that that will either lose him popularity with the common folks
Or get him arrested by the Romans. So they're egging him on to do that very thing
Give us a take of your fearless talk. We only want to cheer you on for it.
We promise But it's a trap Then comes the trap is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?
Should we pay them or should we not? The Pharisees are the Rodians. They would probably both have different opinions about what's the right answer to that question?
But that they didn't care about they realize so they just wanted to catch Jesus and so they crafted this question so that Jesus would lose either his popularity or His life if he said what probably most of the people in the temple wanted to hear most of these
Jewish men They want him to say no, we are God's chosen people
Israel. We should not Be paying for a pagan occupying army.
We should be free Right. That's what they want. That's what they expect. That's patriotic.
That's brave That sounds pious as if you believe God's promises to Israel you'll want to overthrow the
Romans But if he says that the Rodians remember they're allied to the Romans So they will go straight to Pontius Pilate and tell him that there's a revolutionary there in the temple
Teaching the people to stop paying taxes and Pontius Pilate will send his troops to arrest Jesus and he'll be crucified before the day's over But if he says well, we got to pay it, you know, we just got to pay it or we're in trouble
Listen, we got to be practical. This is the way it is. Well, the people will look at him like he's a quizzling He's a coward.
He's a collaborationist more afraid of the Romans than he is of God So the trap
Depends on ego on machismo We have people today some notable
Pastors but pastors of quotation marks who have fallen into the trap of saying foolish controversial things just to show how original and how fearless they are of popular opinion but being against them
One in Texas Joel Webben tried to cover for a church member who denied the Holocaust Saying that he refuses the
Webben said he refuses to dance like a monkey by affirming that the Holocaust actually happened co -host of a popular
Christian podcast the haunted cosmos Ben Garrett said that Winston Churchill was the real villain of World War two not
Hitler or Tojo mind you but Churchill They think that they are showing how brave and how free -thinking how original they are by being willing to buck what they call the quote post -war consensus when in reality they've fallen into the trap of Proving that they're just these macho guys
Willing to say anything kind of like Marty McFly from back to the future. You've seen that remember trapped into proving that he's not chicken
What's the matter McFly you chicken? What's the matter? Show me you're not a monkey Show me you're not afraid by saying something absurd like the
Holocaust is debatable or that Churchill was the real bad guy here It is here the Herodians and the and the
Pharisees are saying what's the matter Jesus chicken? Say we're not We're not obligated to pay taxes to the
Romans they're trying to trap him to prove his courage But in verse 15
Jesus knew their hypocrisy. That's hypocrisy. I was he knew they were acting He knew that all that flattery about him telling it like it is not afraid of the consequences
Teaching the way of God that was all just to set him up to say something reckless to trap him with his ego but being sinless
He wasn't driven By his ego like a many other men are so he saw that they were hypocrites
That they were acting like they respected him when it was really all just a ruse so he says
Why put me to the test? Now he knows why he's not seeking information not asking for an answer to that question.
He's just letting him know I'm on to you I know you're just testing me. You're trying to trap me And so Jesus orders bring me a denarius and let me look at it
Now the denarius is the Roman coin who is used to pay the tax required of every Jewish man
Every Jewish man was put to pay denarius as their tax And so they bring one and he asked whose likeness and inscription is this?
Now the image like George Washington or our quarters would be of Tiberius Caesar and the inscription on one side would say
Tiberius Caesar Augustus son of the divine Augustus and on the other side would say
Pontiff Maxim Other words high priest and so they answer. Well, it's
Caesars and Then comes Jesus famous answer in just a few words just ten words in Greek Which cuts through so much confusion and debate and teach us so much and just those few words
About life now in this world under God Render or return literally give back
Implying that it belonged to Caesar in the first place the things that are Caesar that's his image on it It belongs to him so you can give it back to him
So he's saying that the government is legitimate even pagan foreign occupying governments even they deserve taxes
So give to them the taxes that are due they literally make the money then give them the money they demand
Back, so in our life now the government has a right to exist It's a right to exercise power and to tax the slogan some people in America like taxation is theft is
False, it's refuted by the Lord Jesus himself right here now It may be that the government governs best which governs least
But because the government rightly exists to restrain evil and there is a lot of human evil out there then there's a need
Unfortunately, there's often need for a lot of government the doctrine of told depravity
Means that the libertarian dream of a vanishingly small government
We may want it. We may wish it but it's just impossible Human sinfulness makes government necessary.
And so Jesus here says that now in this world Government has a realm that belongs to it
The earthly kingdoms have a right to exist and we are called to support them but in this life
There's also another kingdom. There are two kingdoms Simultaneously overlapping the city of man the kingdoms of Caesars on the one hand and on the other
The kingdom of God is not he doesn't just say render or return to Caesar Right because that question is about whether to pay taxes and you would think well that settles the question of taxes, doesn't it?
But he goes beyond that He also says render or give back a return to God the things that are
God's There are two kingdoms There's the civil realm governed by authorities and we can hope that those authorities are
Christian We can tend to vote for ones that are Christian pray that they become Christian But even when they clearly are not
Christians like here Jesus is dealing with claiming divinity right in the coin son of the divine
Augustus. Well, Augustus was a divine Okay, what you put on your coin and to be a high priest of a pagan religion pontiff
Maxim They still have a Thor even when they do that. Jesus says they still have authority
From God, then there's the kingdom of God and we're to render or return to God.
What is God's and what is God's? Everything Everything God rules both kingdoms his spiritual kingdom is manifest in the church and his temporal kingdom
Which he rules through civil governments and the spiritual kingdom proclaims the gospel it feeds
Christ's sheep implements the sacraments Lord's Supper and baptism and leaves the church according to Scripture while the civil kingdom the city of man
Caesar is Instituted by God to maintain order and justice and protect peace
God is the God of both kingdoms, even if the city of man even if Caesar doesn't know it or Even if secularist like here in America don't know it because God instituted it supports
Caesar's kingdom the city of man Christians can be involved in politics and in the government
We are not like the Anabaptist The Anabaptist made an error because they taught their people that Christians should not be involved in politics
That they can't hold any jobs in the government. They should stay totally out of anything That has to do with the government.
That's living like Caesar has nothing to be rendered back to him There's no it's just we're not involved in that kingdom.
That's just this is false We are also not to be like secularists even so called if there's such a thing
Christian secularists who see to detach kingdoms That's the way they interpret this there's Caesars and there's gods and they're kind of just totally there would it was a
Venn diagram They're just totally two totally different circles not touching each other with God over the spiritual realm and only
Caesar over the other and so if Caesar says something tells us something like well go fight for slavery or Go kill all
Jews and we know God says well not to do that when we think well That he has his realm and we go to the church.
We go to church and we can agree with God the preacher says Believe in freedom for everybody and rights for everybody for justice for everybody.
We say amen and then well Monday We wake up and it's our job to be a slave catcher or an SS guard at Auschwitz when we go and we do our job
We can serve Caesar or Hitler Doing evil the rest of the week No There are two kingdoms
But they overlap God's kingdom includes all of Caesar's kingdom
Whether he knows it or not Now if you were a Venn diagram all of what is rendered to Caesar is within what is rendered to God The city of man is a subset of the city of God But not vice versa there is a realm that belongs to God that is outside of Caesar's realm
Caesar's kingdom is limited God's is not
So if the government tells us to do something that God told us not to do proclaim the
Caesar is Lord or Enslave people perpetually because of the race or exterminate a race or forsake the assembly of ourselves together
We render to God Not to Caesar Caesar is then asking for something that is not his he's overreaching
So we say like the Apostles in Acts chapter 5 verse 39. We must obey God rather than men
When I lived in Singapore the Singapore government there it banned all Pornography that is in its realm to do so when
I got a flyer in our mailbox Advertising porn I took it to the local police post with the unspoken request try to be as polite as I can enforce the law
Go find these people who distribute this flyer and arrest them. I didn't say that but I wanted them to do it
I also had a Jehovah's Witness come door -to -door in Singapore The Jehovah's Witnesses are illegal because they don't allow their members to serve in the military
Now I am obviously opposed to the Jehovah's Witnesses. They blaspheme the Sun as being a mere creature.
That is blasphemy But I do not believe it's the realm of the government to force people not to believe something
It's not the role of the government to punish blasphemy So when the JW guy came and he came under another name he changed they didn't say was
Jehovah's Witnesses But I picked up from the doctrine that he was selling that that's who he was. I did not report him to the police
He came three times to our apartment three weeks in a row at the same time
So I could have set a trap for him. I knew he belonged to an illegal sect
But I would not support the government arresting him for what he believed now, we should try to end the blasphemy of the
Jehovah's Witnesses, but we end it by Converting them not by getting the government to punish them
Because that is beyond the sphere of what belongs to Caesar or the
Singapore government So what's Jesus's answer? Yes pay the tax
But not just because practically you must or you'll get crucified because you've got him in terrorized into doing it
But because God instituted the government and we owe it taxes. It has a legitimate sphere
But because it's a kingdom under God's kingdom its authority is not total it can overreach it can overstep its boundaries into God's soul realm and then we can say
We'll obey God not you That's how we live now avoiding the traps of anarchy totalitarianism or secularism
They were amazed that Jesus had so easily so pithily avoided their trap
Next The Sadducees Now Mark tells us in verse 18 that there they say there is no resurrection and that's the main thing
We didn't know about them to understand this exchange so after talking about life now under two kingdoms,
Jesus will reveal the reality of life later in The resurrection the
Sadducees have a trap for Jesus that they think is so clever They worked on this and their echo chambers imagining themselves
Humiliating simpleton Pharisees by proving that there is no resurrection there cannot be it's just absurd
We've we've crafted this argument that proves it and the Sadducees were the snobs They were the self -appointed intellectual elite probably mostly priests or aristocrats
They were close to the Greeks and the Romans Culturally and they were thinking themselves as so much better educated than those dimwits among the common folk if they were around today
They would be liberal university professors PhDs and theology just certain
Absolutely certain of their intellectual superiority. And so they come strolling up to Jesus and they spring they're ever so brilliant they think
Trap you can still hear that the smugness the snickering
Through their question when you when you read it today, I just listen to it
Begins teacher good job humiliating those Pharisees, but they're they're they're bumpkins
They're buffoons Moses wrote Moses wrote for us that if a man's brother dies and leaves a wife but leaves no child
The man must take the widow and raise up offspring for his brother. Now, that's the lever at marriage We talked about that a little over a month ago when we were in Ruth There were seven brothers.
Okay, this begins their kind of fictional scenario. They made up the thing that gets so smart Now two would be enough for their point right, you know, we understand the point they're making so they only needed two
But they made up seven just to make the resurrection sound as ridiculous as they could possibly make it
So they go with seven the first took a wife and when he died and left no offspring and the second took her and died leaving no offspring and the
Third likewise and the seven left no offspring now, they're assuming That if she has children with any one of them that she'll be the eternal wife of the husband
That she has children with that's their assumption last of all the woman also died and now comes their trap probably with Barely stifled chuckling as they spring it is so they're just so sure of their brilliance in the resurrection
When they rise again This fictional they think this dream of when bodies rise from the dead whose wife will she be for the seven had her as wife?
haha We proved it some guys in the back of the bunch of Sadducees or giving each other high -fives
So sure were they that their argument just devastated? resurrection ism
It's superstitious belief for these common ignorant folk and they've been imagining this scene when they release this what they think is this
Atomic bomb of an argument they couldn't dream of an answer to it. They've been trapped by their own confirmation bias
They thought that Jesus would probably even scratch his head get a wide -eyed deer -in -the -headlights look
Maybe stammer something try to change the subject About the meek and harrowing the earth, whatever that means and then he would try to get away or maybe
He would even admit that they're right That there cannot be a resort. I thought of that what happened if you have multiple wives
Multiple husband who you're gonna be married to for eternity either way From their point of view he'd be humiliated and he would lose public support
The common folk would be unimpressed that he let the Sadducees get the best of him but instead
Jesus says in verse 24 Notice the way he begins is This not the reason you are wrong
Because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. It's like wow, it's like beginning with a slap
Notice that Jesus targets what they're most proud of their knowledge You don't know anything.
He says this is why you're wrong. You know, nothing. You don't know the Scriptures you're interpreting
You don't know God They were so sure that they are educated Sophisticated that they're the elite and Jesus begins by blasting them is you're ignorant
You don't know either Scripture or God's power. I have a PhD in Old Testament theology
You don't either the Bible or God The problem with many people is not first their ignorance or their false doctrine
It's their pride If you try to just engage them like they just need to understand this or whatever.
No, you don't said they're proud of themselves They're unteachable They think they know something when they really don't and here of these people the
Sadducees will never start to really learn until they realize That they don't know
Scripture they don't know God and so that's the first thing Jesus does he begins by Humiliating them so that they'll use this as an opportunity to humble themselves
But of course Jesus has to be able to back it up with an answer that destroys their trap and he is
His answer comes in two parts first. He exposes their wrong assumption bad arguments
Usually have a bad assumption that those who make it that's never examined. They just sneak it in there
They just assume it and they hope you assume it you will go along with the premise People arguing for infant baptism today will often say well
Well since baptism replaced the circumcision then we baptize infants just like they circumcised them and people who accept the premise go
Oh, okay I didn't thought of that most Baptist who get drawn into believing in infant baptism get fooled by the argument
Because they accept the premise the assumption but the assumption is wrong the
Bible never says that baptism replaces circumcision and never calls baptism a sign of the Covenant and we don't have a right to just Well say it is one because we like we like that idea to claim it for ourselves
Well here the the wrong assumption is that life and the resurrection that is the life to come
Is exactly like life now Except there's no death. That's really the only change everything. It just continues.
It's an eternal Continuation of this life just as it is that's what they assumed here that eternity will be just the
Indefinite continuation of everything now and Jesus just obliterates that assumption in verse 25 for when they rise from the dead.
They neither marry Referring to men marrying nor are given in marriage referring to the bride given to be a wife
But they are like angels in heaven Now we don't know a whole lot about angels the Bible doesn't tell us a lot about angels
But they're different. They're different than us. They're neither married and given in marriage. They're they're different They're on a different plane.
So resurrection life the life to come is not merely the continuation of this life
Either men or women will be married life to come is different. It's on another level
Like that of the angels and Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 No, I has seen nor ear heard nor the heart of man imagined
What God has prepared for those who love him? life to come is beyond anything
We've seen in this world this life anything we've heard about or anything that we can even envision
The Christian life to come is not Like the Mormon one about eternal marriages, you know the celestial marriage
We just eternally married and eternally making children Taking what we think are the best things of this life and continuing them
Indefinitely, we're told we're not given many details really what it's like.
We're just told it's just so far beyond this life That we can't even imagine it now the
Sadducees probably have stopped chortling by now and high -fiving each other are looking trust fallen as they think
We hadn't thought of that Jesus is it finished with him yet in part two of his devastating humiliating response in verse 26
Jesus cites a passage from the Law of Moses now He could have quoted Daniel chapter 12 verse 2 many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake
But they only recognize the first five books of Moses a scripture so he'll he'll
He'll go along with that and he'll quote from the first five books from Exodus as for the dead being raised
Have you not read in the book of Moses? Notice that have you not read? He's still piercing their inflated ego
Haven't you read it in the passage about the bush? That's some obscure passage, you know way back when you're talking about the decorations of the tabernacle
Like in one of the most prominent passages in the whole Bible Exodus chapter 3
It's a chapter 3 verse 6 to be exact. You know when God appears in the burning bush Reveals his name.
Haven't you read? How God spoke to him to Moses saying I am the
God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob Haven't you read that? You think you're so smart, but you missed that Now the weight of Jesus's argument was on the verb tense there
I am Presently even when he is speaking to Moses Centuries after Abraham Isaac and Jacob had died.
I am the God of Abraham He didn't just say well
I was The God of Abraham you want to know who I am? I was the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, you know way back when they existed centuries ago like 400 years ago
No, it's I am their God That must mean they still exist Now further
God had promised to bless them But if they were only blessed in their lifetimes if they were not saved from extinction
Then the promises to them were ultimately worthless You know, they were they're dead by now why don't they care but the blessings and that cannot be so they must exist and What they all assume here in this passage
Jesus and the Sadducees At least in there is there concede to the hypothetical resurrection, but they all assume
And what's taught in the Bible explicitly elsewhere like first Corinthians 15 is that it is inconceivable for us human beings to exist perpetually as Disembodied spirits like ghosts floating around we were created
Physical and we were created to be physical. We're incomplete without a body
So finally our salvation will include being saved from Bodilessness, we will be resurrected in new glorified physical bodies
Jesus here says There it is in Exodus 3 in one of the most important passages in the
Old Testament the burning bush where God revealed his name the Lord He said I am
Their God and So they will be resurrected and to poke one final time at their basic problem, which their pride
Jesus concludes You are quite wrong Literally, it's you have been much led astray led astray by their own arrogance
And so their trap falls apart They fell into the pit of their own hubris as psalm 35 says
Without cause they hid be in their net their trap For for me without cause they dug a pit for my life
Let the net that he had ensnare him and let him fall into it to his destruction
Jesus avoided the traps But in just a few days he would purposely
Step into one he was free But he was committed to the Father's will not my will not my freedom
But yours be done He stepped into the divine Entrapment he walked into a trap
So that he could release us from ours Maybe you feel trapped.
There's a bird caught in a net cannot escape without the hand of the Fowler so we cannot escape
The trap of sin and death Of the snares of the world the flesh and the devil without the one who went in to the trap of death and Came out alive
You have to choose Who will trap you? The world the flesh and the devil to your destruction or God Who has for you a life to come?
That no eye has seen no ear heard Nor could you even imagine?
What he is prepared for you if you love him? the question now is