Is the Gospel Too Good to Be True? | Clip from The Jaw-Dropping Beauty of Jesus

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Jesus Christ, God in flesh, our Immanuel, made purification for our sin if we're believers. He climbed into our sins, killed them, and purified us completely! This is the gospel: Jesus died for our sins and in so doing, He killed sin.


So, hearing that chapter, it's hard to isolate in one brief reading each of these descriptions.
And I don't want to do that for this podcast. I do want to encourage prayer -filled meditation on the words of the
Word and these particular descriptions of the Son. As I mentioned in the first four verses, the human author,
I believe, gives at least ten particular looks at the Son. The Father gives, you know, twenty -plus looks at particular aspects of the beauty of the
Son. So let me just isolate a few in the first four verses. So after the author says, this person is the definitive voice of God.
If you want to hear from God, listen to His Son. He spoke a lot in a lot of people in times past.
He spoke to our fathers through the prophets. He wasn't trying to hide many portions, many ways. He's putting
Himself out to be known. But now, it's as if He picked up the megaphone of the universe and shouted to the far -reaching galaxies in His Son, the definitive voice of the
Father. So after He says all that, and that the Son is going to inherit everything, He's the heir of all, He's the agent through whom the
Father made everything. You know, Genesis 1 -1 is true. In the beginning, God made the heavens and the earth.
It's just not everything the Bible has to say about creation. We find in the pages of the New Testament and right here in Hebrews 1, the
Son is the one through whom creation came to be. So it's just breathtaking.
Each of these aspects of the beauty of the Son should be prayerfully meditated upon for the purpose of personal and corporate obedience.
As I said, this is written, I believe, to a local church. It's a sermon to a church. But as He moves on,
He talks about the Son's radiant beauty and His divine nature. He talks about how the
Son is presently—I mean, even as we sit here with all these gadgets—upholding the universe by the word of His power.
Okay, so if we can see these aspects of God the
Son, the Lord Jesus, let this one land on you. I'll isolate one. He made purification for John Snyder's sins.
That's flabbergasting. It's almost too good to be true. It would be too good to be true if it weren't written in the
Bible, if God didn't say it. Wait, so you mean the person who perfectly reflects
God because, verse 3, he possesses God's nature. He catheterized—that's the word.
He didn't do it from outside like a catheter. He came inside. He climbed into our sins, 2
Corinthians 5. He who knew no sin became sin for us and from the inside out killed it, cleansed it, purified it.
He made purification of our sins, and we know that he accomplished the work because the very next phrase—this is another description from the human author, and I'll stop with this one—when he made purification.
So that's a definitive act. He did something, and the human author wants you to see the
Son in this posture. He sat down at the right hand of the throne of God, so as I said, one of the main themes of the book of Hebrews is
His high priesthood. Well, guess what? No priest ever did. Sat down.
But the human author, right out of the gate, wants you to see he did the work, and he finished it.
Redemption accomplished. And now he's going to talk about redemption applied, you know, through the rest of the letter, but to see these aspects of him.
Who is Jesus? You know, do we think generically, you know, sentimentally?
No, we think biblically, precisely about him. So he purified our sins, and then he sat down—and this is another description of the
Son, actually. He sat down at the right hand, not of God. Author could have said that.
Not of the Father. He could have said that. He sat down in regal splendor, kingly—at the right hand, that's co -equality.
That's parallel dignity with the majesty on high, like the king of the universe.
So the person who paid for my sins is right now sitting at the right hand of the Father. So I could put it the other way.
The man at God's right hand is the one who took my sin and completely dealt with it.
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