SFE Logos Training Lesson 1 | Striving for Eternity Andrew Rappaport


Striving for Eternity will help new and experienced Logos Bible Software users to learn how to use the software to expand their Bible study for the kingdom of God. If you do not have Logos or want to upgrade and want to get a 30% and 5 free books from Striving for Eternity: https://bit.ly/sfelogos


All right. Well, welcome. This is a, well, I don't know what we're going to call this. We're going to call this a
Striving for Eternity Lagos Training. I labeled it as Lagos Training One, which kind of hints to that we might have a second.
I'm Andrew Rappaport. I'm the president and founder of Striving for Eternity, a discipleship ministry. Striving for Eternity is where discipleship happens.
And so if you want more information about us, you could go to www .strivingforeternity .org.
You can find out all the things that we have there. We offer seminars on how to interpret the Bible.
We offer an academy where you can learn classes, a 20 week class on, or 20 lesson classes, take it at your own pace.
But on how to interpret the Bible, we have over 80 lessons, I think, on our systematic introduction and systematic theology.
We have 20 plus classes on Introduction to World Religions and more than 20 classes on Intro to Discipling.
And we have more coming, working on a class on logic is probably going to be our next class of that or a
Bible survey. We're working on a couple different things. So that's our academy.
We also have conferences that we do, where we do some trainings, encourage people to go out and evangelize, things like that.
So we have a lot of different things that we do at Striving for Eternity, and we would encourage you to go to the website and check that out.
Now, what we're doing tonight is actually came about, let me give a little history. Many of us were at a conference.
It was the G3 conference. And at the G3 conference, there was supposed to be a Lagos training.
And Lagos, there was some confusion and the training never occurred. And so a lot of people who know that I am a large and heavy
Lagos user contacted me and said, hey, would you be able to give us some training, give us some some of what you do and teach us?
Because what we discovered is there are a lot, a lot of people who use the Lagos Bible software.
And does that help? Someone said,
I don't look that large. Should I move closer?
I look large. If you see below the chest, I'm very large.
If you haven't guessed, we're going to have some fun. We have some folks who are in here and are going to be here so we can get some questions and make sure we do this to help folks.
So if you want to join actually, and you're watching on YouTube and you're watching live, that is, there is a link to join in the description of the hangout.
So if you go to the hangout and click the link, you can actually join in. That way you can ask questions.
And for folks who join live, we're just going to ask, mute your mic as you come in. But so here's how this came about.
I used Lagos quite a bit. Let me do a quick look just to see.
I've been told that I have more books in Lagos than anybody outside the company.
But I've also been working on it for 24 years, about 23 and a half about.
And I now have, as I look, 48 ,000 volumes in my Lagos library, which is a lot, which means it kind of gets a little slow.
Kofie's eyes just went like this. And so,
Kofie, you're still young. In 25 years, you have that to look forward to.
If you can convince your wife to let you keep buying books, that's the harder part. I can't vouch for that.
But over a long period of time, I've been buying books. I buy them in bulk, primarily so that I can get the best discounts.
It is not a cheap software, I understand. But when people ask me, what packages should
I get in Lagos? My answer is always, whatever gives you the most books. If anything that gives you the most books, get that.
Whatever you can afford with the most books. But the thing is, is that I can honestly say now,
I'm going to say this as someone with, I don't know, I think I have over almost 30 years of software development background.
My background, I went to college, I got a degree in computer science. So that's my background. In all the software that I've worked on, in all the software that I've used,
I can honestly say that I've never been more impressed with any software,
Christian, secular, whatever, than Lagos Bible Software. And when you really learn how to use it well, it opens up so much that you can do to study the
Bible. And so, what we're going to hope, and those who are in the channel are going to pray, and some of you guys will get, will understand this right away, is
I'm going to be pushing my computer to its limits. For folks who don't know,
I'm on a nine -year -old Windows machine that I have maxed out and cannot add anything more to it to get this to work.
And so, doing Lagos and Hangout can be dangerous. But we're going to assume that it's going to work just fine.
And we'll see if that actually is true. So I'm going to share my screen right now.
And we're going to go through some basics. And folks who are watching on YouTube, I do have that chat open so you can pop in a question if you have questions.
If anyone in here has a question, you can pop it in. And, you know,
I'll try to answer that if you have, if you want to unmute yourself, you can do that as well. And so we'll probably go,
I'm going to try to go for about two hours so that this isn't too much at any one time. And then we'll also look to, you know, possibly do more of these in the future.
So one of the things that you see here is this is actually what's the homepage.
And you can always get to the homepage. Let me ask this, you guys who are here, do you see my mouse as well?
Give me a head nod if you see my mouse. Good. Good. So that way I know that. So this is the homepage. You can always click home.
Now, we're going to show this later. But the thing about home is that if you ever go to the homepage, it really doesn't undo your layouts.
And we're going to talk about layouts in a bit, but it doesn't undo your layouts. It just kind of pops up your homepage or pops it away.
It'll toggle that. The nice thing about the homepage, and I'm not saying this just because, so when
I started using Logos, Logos one or two, I actually sent to Bob Pritchett, the president of Logos over a hundred,
I think it was like 120 features that I wanted to see in Logos. And I think all of them have made it in by Logos four.
One of them was that my pastor, when I first, when
I was basically in church and he was training me to be a pastor in the church, one of the things he taught me to do was to always every morning in my devotions was to open up my
Bible dictionary or Bible encyclopedia to a random place in the encyclopedia and just read an article.
And people have asked me how I know so much of the background or the culture and things like that.
When I, when I taught, when I teach the Bible and a lot of it is because of that behavior, because every day
I would look to read just one new article that I hadn't read before and learn something new.
And what you actually see over here in this left is a bunch of different things that you can, you can customize what you see, but a lot of what
I have is different excerpts. You see this word excerpt right here and here, what it's, what it's doing is going through my library and randomly pulling something out just random.
And that random article is something I'll sit and read. And if I want to dig in more,
I start to read that a little bit more, but I, I've kind of made that a habit. They've, they've tried to make your homepage to be something that you would start your day with.
As you see, I'm a little bit behind on my, I was trying to do the reading through Jonah in the month.
And I'm a little bit behind cause I didn't do it since January 31st, but, but I gotta get back onto that plan.
That's one of the things also Logos, I should say there's a, you could go to Logos .com.
They have videos there. They have the Logos pro videos to walk you through. And that's really a good way to do it.
They have them in small segments. And that's what you see right up here is I keep those because when they do a new video,
I'll click on this and, and watch it and play the new videos. So that's one of the things that I like in my homepage.
One of the things they have this reading through Jonah is actually a, a thing that they have, which you can see right here is the
Logos pro plan is um, this is a, uh, something that they developed to help you learn
Logos and learn how to study the Bible at the same time. They did this last year in, in January 1st and they started it then.
And it was really good. It was going through Matthew four on the section of Matthew four, really, really good stuff.
Um, and so a question that Steve is asking is what's the difference between this and Logos now?
And so Logos, there's three different things you could do. You can get Logos cloud, you can buy
Logos. And then if you have Logos, you could get Logos now. Let me explain those three. Cause it's, it was confusing to me for a bit.
Logos cloud is really for the next generation. Um, people who want
Logos, they, um, they're looking to, to buy
Logos. But as we see with software nowadays, um, it's kind of a, you know, people do everything by, um, you know, by leasing that's the new, the new model.
And so what you end up with, with that is that Logos cloud is a way to, um, to kind of rent
Logos. They, you get at a certain level and they choose the books that you're going to have. Um, so that's
Logos cloud. If you already own Logos, you're not going to want Logos cloud. Um, if you don't have
Logos at all, Logos cloud might be an option, but you're going to be limited on how many books you can get.
So you're going to have to decide how many books you want to have, um, in your, in your library.
So if you want to expand your library, like I have, you're going to want to own it. Now, once you own it, Logos now is a really good thing.
And what Logos now does is Logos now will let you get the new features of Logos.
Well, now it lets you get Logos features. They come out like every six weeks, they give you a couple new features.
So I was doing that in Logos seven when Logos, sorry, Logos six. And when
Logos seven came out, the majority of those features I already had, I think actually I had all the features.
The only thing I didn't have was the new books. So I had to buy Logos seven to get the new books. Um, so, um, that's, that's what
Logos now is. So I hope, I hope that answered that question.
Um, just so we, we have those. So when you come in here, uh, what
I was saying was you could get the Logos pro pro plan and they have a, a thing of going through Jonah.
And it's really, I really encourage doing that. Uh, even though I'm behind, because I, like I said,
I mean, here you could see, I technically started it the January 31st and it's been a very busy month for me, uh, or month and a half.
And so I haven't really gotten to, I got to day one of that training. So, uh, but it, it's a thing where you, you know, that shows up right here.
And, and so that becomes something, if you want to take further courses and I have mine, as I scroll down here, you see,
I'll have my courses right here. Okay. And so these are courses you could take that, that are offered from Logos.
The other thing you see here in this left is my prayer list. And you're saying, uh, Andrew, those are all attributes of God.
Yes, that's exactly right. Because that's what I pray every day. So w what I do is
I have my, my prayer list here, and all I got to do is click on this. We'll have a hover over it.
You could see all the things I, I have in that, in that, uh, you know, each of these different prayers that I have.
And all you have to do is when you're done praying on it, you click the little button here and it'll go away for that day.
And it comes up the next day. Um, and so I have a lot of my prayer list here, so you can set this up where you can have your reading your
Bible reading. If you are someone that likes to be liturgical and you have maybe a, uh, you know, one of the, you like, or you want to do a morning evening devotional, like a
Spurgeon's morning evening, that'll be here as well. And so, um,
I'm just trying to make sure I get a sub questions pop up on, on, uh, or other comments on YouTube.
So sorry, squirrel distraction. Um, Joe, I don't know what you mean by your name is on the list 29, but, um, but, um, oh, you're saying 29 is the, uh, is, is the prayer list.
Okay. Well, I have, I I'm trying not to go all the way down because I don't want, um,
I do have people's names on there. And sometimes some people don't want to know, don't want everyone to know that they're being prayed for.
Now. Uh, I, I did have, uh, uh, and Joe, Joe will know who that is, but I have a guy who in, in union square in New York that I pray for him weekly.
Uh, he's an unbeliever and, uh, he always hates the Christians and my prayer list, actually my primary prayer list is on my phone.
And, uh, one of the reasons I have it that way is when I evangelize, I can just add someone right away. Um, and so the
Logos is kind of my backup one, but, um, yeah, what ended up happening was I showed him my prayer list.
I showed him that I pray for him, uh, you know, every, every, uh, every week.
And he was so surprised by that. It was, it was the first time in like six years, he actually shook my hand when
I left. But one of the things I want to show you, and I, I actually was glad that I had some sources, resources to update what you see up in this corner up here, a couple things.
One is you see that Logos installed seven dot four. And so if I click on this, it brings me to where I have a link and I can find out what things are in Logos seven, four, what new features they put in there.
Okay. The other thing is I have is I can click on this and they have updated. As you see here, they tell me the things they've updated.
Now for many people, you're not going to maybe care what that is. And if you don't, you could just click the
X and it goes away. You may want to see the different books, the new books that you've, that were added.
So since the last time I came in, these are all the new books that I have or updates to books.
Okay. And so when I'm done, I just can click that and close that away. Click that, close that away.
You see my name up here. That's actually a hyperlink. If I click on that, that brings me right to my
Logos account. That'll bring up in my browser, a Logos account. So that's really convenient to have.
And I guess I didn't give it kind of an agenda. What I want to do today at least is I want to go through the homepage, kind of get everyone familiar with it and get you using it because it really can be helpful.
But then I want to go through just a couple of quick things. And like I said, we'll probably do more of these, but I want to go over some of the basic things that'll get everybody started no matter where they are.
And we're going to keep doing this and get more and more advanced. And I'll say this, the best thing you could do, if you really want to know
Logos, you really want to be a good user in Logos is to go to the
Logos camps that are put on by Morris Proctor. I would say like, and I'm not, people have called me a
Logos evangelist because I talk about it a lot because I just love their software. I love the
Logos camp that Morris does. He is probably the best instructor I've seen in any subject on any software on any topic.
I really was concerned that we'd get it stifled with so many people of different backgrounds into theology debates.
He avoids all that. Guy's super knowledgeable on every version of Logos. Guy's great.
I mean, you go into one of the hangouts with one of the classes with him and he sits there and just right from the get -go remembers what version everybody's on.
Oh, you're on five. Okay. What about your five gold? Okay. You're on six silver.
Okay. And he will then explain what everybody's seeing in all the different Logos versions and packages.
It's amazing, but he doesn't waste a second. The guy uses a lot of repetition to explain things over and over a lot of different ways.
So you really get through it. He walks you through the steps. I would say if you really want to be proficient in Logos, taking camp one and two is almost essential.
They also have the videos that I mentioned earlier. Those are very helpful. If any of you have an
Apple TV, the new Apple TV, you can get the
Faithlife app on an Apple TV and get the videos on your TV. So if you want to sit and feel like you're watching it on TV on a big screen, you could do that.
They actually, all those courses, you saw these courses that I had here, all of these are available on my
Apple TV app. So I can watch them there as well. Besides the fact that they have 24 hour
TV. So one of the things I could do is if you see this little gear up here and I hover over it, it says customize.
And if I click on that, you're going to see, I have here that sidebar.
Remember the sidebar I was telling you where I have my prayer list and everything else. Well, I could add a thing to start a new prayer list, to start a new reading plan on there.
I can choose these different lectionaries if I want them. I have the different reading plans that I might want to do.
And so then you have all these different readings that you could do. You could do Lutheran ones, for any
Lutheran, you have the common book of prayer. So you have all these things that you could add to your daily sidebar. And then this, where it says content, is this whole big center area.
So you could choose, if you want to change your Bible preference, which one you want to use.
If I click on this and then I click anywhere else, what you're going to see is this page is going to redraw.
And as it's going to redraw, it's now going to have something new. And that something new is going to be a choice where I can now choose which
Bible I want as my default. Now you notice that all of a sudden some things changed, right?
There's some different things here that are different. It went out and grabbed a whole bunch of new articles from my library.
And so I have different articles now that I could click on and read. And so when you go with the gear, you have a lot of things you could choose from.
You could choose your daily devotionals. You can choose Faithlife, which by the way, is the company that now is, it used to be called
Logos Bible Software. They now have the bigger company called Faithlife, which is much bigger than just the
Logos Bible Software. They have their own social media site, which we're going to start moving some of our
Bible study that we do on Monday nights over there for discussion. And the
Faithlife group is kind of like a social media site that you can use.
Really good for churches and groups that want to do study together because it's like social media, but it's on specific topics.
And so, you know, I end up wanting to keep in touch with like the Faithlife blog and Faithlife Today.
I don't have a concern for Faithlife Woman because I don't care about women. No, no, it's just that stuff for me, really.
I don't need the notification stuff. The Logos blog, well,
I get that in my email, so I didn't want it cluttering this up. So I unchecked that.
And then I have media where it's going to go through my media and pull different things.
Like this, the maidens chosen is from a media. And the one that I really want to make sure that you click is this one that says excerpt.
That's the one that goes through your library and grabs the random things to pull out.
But you can have a verse of the day. You can do all these different things. And so I'll just unclick the choose my
Bible preference, and it'll redraw this again. And while it's redrawing, you notice up here, this number two, you're sometimes going to see that.
And if you hover over it, in my case, it's going to tell me, oh, no, it started indexing all over again.
That'll slow down my computer a little. One of the drawbacks to having a really large library is that you end up having to do more indexing.
And the indexing can take a while. But what I just did is I ended up going over and let me resume it just so I can show you from here.
When the indexing is there, you can actually just click on this, and you can pause the indexing if you want.
So as it comes up here, it's telling me it's indexing. It's 1%. Well, I'm doing this hangout.
I don't want the CPUs being used for that. So I just click on this, and it's now going to resume in four hours to indexing.
Let it index at a time when your computer, you know, just downtime when you're not having to do that.
And so I guess some Steve and John were saying that they believe that Faithlife app is on Roku and Chromecast as well.
I wouldn't know. I wouldn't use those things. I'm an Apple boy. No. I've become an
Apple boy. I'll put it that way with, you know, a great amount of resistance. But I have kind of switched over.
At some point during this, I'm sure the computer is not going to, we're going to be complaining about the technology with this.
But what you end up seeing is, excuse me, let me just drink a little sun here.
Now you guys may not have what these icons, you see these icons up here. You may not have those because those are something that I dragged and put there.
And what you have up here is you're going to have a command window. And as you start becoming more proficient with Logos, you're going to use this a lot more.
Because what you're going to want to do is, if you want to open up a Bible, I could just, if I spelled
ESV right, I could just do ESV and automatically I have a choice of opening the
ESV and that will open it right away. So if I know the books, I can do that.
And so there's a lot of different commands you could do, but here's the thing you could do. Say I wanted to open the ESV. I could take this little thing.
I click my mouse on open ESV. I could just drag it right up here and let go.
And you see the icon showed up and what happened was in my, the home screen went away. But now if I click on that, that's going to open the
ESV. And so that's a nice, easy way to put the things you put that you use regularly.
So let me, I'm just going to delete that. You can give it different icons if you want. They have a whole slew of different icons you could choose.
You could show what you want in the image. Now this says ESV2 because I already have an ESV over there. So I'm going to delete this one.
And you know, what you see here is I have, I bought the
Logos six or Logos seven training manuals. So you know what? I put these up here. Why?
Because I go to these manuals quite a bit to try to figure out, you know, these are put together by Morris Proctor.
Great to have. Cause when you, you like, gee, let me get an overview of the homepage. It's one click away and you can see with his manuals, it walks you through this step -by -step click here, you know, click here.
And it explains every, everything that step -by -step. So these, these are really good to have.
And so I put those right at top. I have my ESV and my beloved Holman Christian standard
Bible. Those who know me, you guys know that I love this one. Problem is, is
I can't do all the study with the Greek. Like if I click on this word experience here.
Oh, there they've added it. Oh, maybe I still will start using Holman now. But this was a thing that they didn't have before is where you could do the
Greek studies right from the Holman. So because of that, I did most of my study in ESV. And now, did you notice something by the way,
I had James one here. This is what we were studying in our men's Bible study this morning. And so once I opened the
ESV, that's the last place that I was. It opened to James one.
When I opened the home and guess what? It opened to the same spot. It's going to do that for you, assuming that's where you want to be.
So someone called me a heretic for loving the Holman Christian standard Bible. Don't worry. You can't get that anymore.
It's now going to be called the Christian standard Bible, but, um, and, and so one of the things you see is as you saw, these are constantly
Logos is constantly updating these things. So you saw that I just learned that I could do some of the
Greek works from the Holman. They didn't know that before. I also encourage up here is to put a, a
Bible commentary, a full Bible. Now I have the MacArthur study Bible because all the, I, in my personal opinion,
I think the MacArthur study Bible is the best study Bible out there. You could disagree. You'd just be wrong.
No. Um, and if you're for those who are watching, please, you gotta just understand my humor. I do like to have fun.
Um, but I also have this one here. I, I suggest that you have a commentary that is one commentary on the whole
Bible that you put on here. Okay. And I'm going to explain why, why later on, but there's a, it becomes really important.
I put the English dictionary on there because, well, I don't know English so well, computer languages, fine.
English language. Yeah. Not my specialty. Um, I have two books up here that I go to on every text of scripture.
Why? Because these deal with textual variances. And I like to get into that and study that out.
So I put them right up there right away. Um, this here is something that I created that we'll get to in maybe a much later class of, of this, but it's a guide that I created on my own.
Um, we're going to get to some of the different layouts and the guides. And so that's a, a guide that I use that I tailored.
So I put that up there. When you go to the guides here, you're going to see a passage guide, an exegetical guide, a word study guide, a sermon starter guide, and a topic guide.
And then you see Andrew's guide. Well, there were things in the passage guide, things in the exegetical guide that I liked some,
I didn't. So what did I do? I was able to customize it and make my own. You can make a whole lot of these. You could actually make this for different types of study, a different guide for doing devotions versus doing, um, doing study.
Uh, you're going to see when we're going to talk about layouts in a bit. And what I'm trying to do is just give some real big overviews.
And then we're going to get into how to use some of these guides just so that we all can get started with where we're at.
And I'm going to hopefully show you some things, even if you've been using Logos for a bit, that'll be new to you. Uh, so the thing here is that you end up seeing very quickly, uh, you can create the stuff like this.
You can also create layouts and I, I like playing with layouts. We're going to get to the tools in a bit, but so I have my guide here.
I have my sermon study. This is, if you want to, if you want to work, if you're a pastor or you're teaching regularly, they have the sermon study guide that will help you in starting a sermon in developing.
Uh, if you use PowerPoints or, or slides, they have a design where you can very quickly create slides with scripture versus create slides with quotes that you get.
So you want to, you get a great quote from Spurgeon. You can just drop that in there. It's really good.
Uh, not something we'll go over today. I use the fact book a lot and I'll get it. Maybe we'll get a chance to talk about that today.
And so I put that up there. The other thing I use a lot, text comparison. I like to compare all the different Bible translations and or many of them.
So I do that. And then I had this little thing here that it says active update, active layout.
Well, how did I get that? Well, again, remember in our commands that we were looking at, I had typed in here, update if I spelled it right, update active.
And then there was my, I can need layout, update, active layout.
And what I did was I grabbed this and I just pulled it over here. What that does is when we get to layouts, I'm going to show you that allows me to update the layout with any changes
I made, because what I do a lot is I play with things. And then I have this other command that I liked that just closes all closes my, all my windows.
And then I can open a layout and we'll get to that in a bit different layouts. Let me go through these three menus.
By the way, you see right now I'm at a blank screen at any time I could click home and that just bring comes right back.
So at the home is the way this is, you click on it, it'll disappear, click on it again, it shows up.
So it's designed that you could just click on it during the day and, you know, once a day and look through it.
So here's my library. I can click on this. And as you see it, it, it tells me
I have 48 ,671 books or resources.
That's a lot. You're not going to like, Oh, let me find that book. Let me just scroll down.
No, you're not going to do that. What are you going to do? You're going to start typing. You know, well,
I want, I want MacArthur, uh, on Ephesians. So we're studying Ephesians. Well, here we go.
Here's everything from MacArthur. So I can quickly find things like that.
Now I, I see now notice the number changed. I only have six resources. And what you end up seeing is that the way this is laid out, you notice this ranking it's, it has this ranking and the ranking is it'll give a ranking number.
Now I've chosen to have this, whoop,
I just left there. Um, I have this sorted by title, but you can sort this by the series.
So if you had, if you, if I just did MacArthur, we're going to have a whole bunch of MacArthur commentary series there. Um, if I scroll this over, you could see,
I could, I could sort it by the publisher. I could add my own tags in here. And I have that on some things where I've tagged it myself and I'll have my own tags for books.
You could do it by subject. Now, one of the things you're going to see is that like, I'm going to have a rating here.
Um, when Logos first came out with this rating, this was the easiest way to get books to show up in a prioritized list.
Um, but they've added more to that. And so you could prioritize your list over here by just clicking this prioritize.
And what I, and we'll get this in later lessons, but just for those who are more advanced and want to learn like how to, how to improve just some simple things is, you notice here,
I have my Bibles. I put these in a, in a specific listing. Well, when I have my top
Bibles right here with these, all these are going to show up as my top Bibles. And this is going to be the order of these
Bibles. Now, after this afternoon, King James, it's whatever order Logos chooses for me.
And I'm fine with that, but I want these to show up in this order. And that becomes really important later on.
And cause that's going to have to do with why I say you want to have a Bible and a commentary up at the top, and it's going to be really helpful for you.
We're going to get to it. Uh, but then after that I have, I'll have Bible dictionaries. I have my
Bible encyclopedias ordered in the ways that I want the first several ones to show up. Okay.
Now you see some of these are bolded. See MacArthur commentaries, bolded, and you'll see that that's 30 volumes.
The advantage of that is if I'm studying the book of Ephesians, this is the order these will show up in.
And only the Ephesians commentary out of the MacArthur commentary set is going to be there. It's going to know that.
So if you guys want to prioritize books, what you want to do is get the books you want and just drag them over.
Do the find, get the books you want, drag it over. Um, if you wanted to, you say, well, gee,
I just don't know what I, which ones I want to do. You could go over here to subject and you can say, well,
I want to sort by subject. Now I'm going to get a very different type of library here. I scroll back over.
Now I have a library based on subjects. Okay. And so now it would be a subject.
I don't know what we'll have under this. So, so there's only two books under Abrahamic religions, but you know, you're going to have it based on, on whatever subject you chose.
The other thing you could do, I mean, you could do it based on, um, like here's one where I put a tag of Islam. Um, but you could do it based on your tags.
You types are going to be your Bible. That's one type. And you could see the difference in some of these are not going to be what we would think of as Bibles.
Um, there might be things that you think is, um, you know, uh,
I think it's the Bible dictionaries that don't show up under the name dictionary. Oh, here's a dictionary. Let's see what we get.
Yeah. So these are English dictionaries, right? Those are not dictionaries that we think of as Bible dictionaries.
And so the Bible dictionaries show up under, I got to think of the, what it's called again.
Um, uh, I'm trying to remember the name of Bible dictionaries.
I should just open some up. Um, okay.
Let's see. I don't think it's under that's
Bible. Someone's saying apparatus. Well, it's not the apparatus that's going to deal with languages.
Um, okay. Those are concordance, which is not just concordances, but also your topical
Bibles. Um, this, this is actually where you get the benefit and what
I'm going to pull, uh, well, I'm not gonna take time, but if you go to the Lagos camp, the advantage of going to Lagos camp is that they're going to,
Morris Proctor goes through this and explains each one of them so that you know, um, which ones, which ones are which.
Um, so I'm just going to go back to my sorting by title, but you can then drag that.
Um, if you play around with that, you'll find which ones have the Bible, uh, commentaries in it or their dictionaries in it, and you can just drag them in the order that you want.
This here is going to be one of the most useful things. You, this little icon that says search, you are going to use more than anything else because someone is going to say to you, well,
I would like to know, for example, this morning in, in our study in the men's study, we dealt with this thing, the crown of life.
So you see, I put it in quotes and then I hit return. Now I'm on Bible and you see each of these are something you could say, you could change the search.
I could search while typing. I could just search. I could say, search all
Bible texts. Um, these are different things you could break out, you know, whether it's a quotation or things like that.
So you can limit your search. I could say all passages or I could just choose Psalms.
I could say just the gospels. These are common divisions, old Testament, new
Testament, the law, things like that, where I could say all passages. I could say top Bibles. I could say all open
Bibles. I could say all Bibles. So I'll say all Bibles and I could just hit return.
And now what this is going to do, I probably should have just said top Bible because this will take longer. Um, but what this is going to do, and you remember
I said this was indexing. You may say, see this sometimes some search results may be missing or incorrect while it's updating and that's on.
You'll see while it's indexing. I'm going to do that.
I'm going to change this to, uh, to top Bibles because the other might take too long.
I have like 700 Bibles. So crown of life only appears twice in my top
Bibles in James 1 12, which is what we are studying and revelation 2 10.
Now the nice thing is you see when I hover over that, it brings up the verse. If I click on that once, uh, you know, most of the times it's going to bring this up.
Now here's the thing though. Sometimes what I could do, you see how this has like the little M over here. Oh, sorry about that.
Part of the thing we're going to have with me doing, I've, I've never successfully been able to do
Logos and a Google hangout at the same time. So, um, because it's just,
Oh, my computer just usually can't handle it. Okay. So if you see here that this kind of hovers,
I hover over the footnote and it goes away. When I move away from it, I can actually click on that once.
And now you see how that stays there. And when I do that, I can hover over the verse and the verse will show up and over this verse, the verse will show up.
I could click on that verse and it'll bring me right there. So just some little things that you could do, but when you're within the search, you could just click on this and it'll bring up that verse.
So one of the things I can quickly see is that crown of life only shows up specifically all those words, crown of life places in the entire
Bible. Well, then you say, well, what about crown? Well, I could just type and say, well, give me all the places that crown shows up.
If I spelled it it would show up, right. But spelling is not something that, you know,
Logos can really help you with completely, but it will try. For example, when
I start typing, you see that this is looking for something, it's going to start trying to figure out what it is
I want to type. So if I just don't know how to spell things, you know, I love to look something up on Barabbas, but you got me how to spell his name.
I could just start and it will come up and give you some suggestions, but that takes time.
And we're having the Logos kind of take its time here because of the fact that I'm indexing.
So here's now all the places, here's all the places that the word crown is going to show up.
You can quickly see that it shows up in 264 results. Okay.
260 verses and five resources. What are the five resources?
Well, my five Bibles. If I was to tell it, I just want this in the English standard version.
And then it's just going to give me English standard version. So I can say this shows up 57 times in the
English standard version. I could add other versions to that if I want. I say, well, you know, I'd really like to know how the
Holman Christian standard has it. Well, now that shows up. You see, so I can add translations there as well.
That's a Bible search. Your basic search is, you know,
I want to do a crown of life. Let's get back to that from this morning.
And it's literally is what I did as someone asked the question, what is the crown of life?
Well, I quickly typed this into a basic search and I was using my Mac. So it was much faster. Um, it's just that I don't have the, uh, the
Mac that I can't, I can't use the Mac for these hangouts is the only problem, but what
I would basically this does. And again, two things are going on. One, this is indexing, which means because it's not fully indexed, it's going to take a little bit longer and I have a lot of resources.
So here you have almost 6 ,000 results that show up in 4 ,500 articles in 2 ,500 resources.
Uh, maybe some of you guys, if any of you guys have listened to the Bible, the
Bible thumping wing nut on Sunday nights, uh, you usually do a thing with Matt slick from carm called slick answers.
Um, the thing that ended up happening was on, uh, res or not, was it,
I guess, resurrection Sunday, right? I forget when we did it.
Um, no, it was Christmas, Christmas was for Christmas. We did it. We did a special thing.
So here's an interesting thing. So many people focus on something like the incarnation. Now I remember
I'm going to type, um, incarnation. If I, did
I spell it right now in car nation. Now this is going through 48 ,000 things.
Now look at this incarnation shows up 139 ,000 times in 67 ,000 articles in 13 ,000 resources.
I mean the incarnation seems to be a pretty popular talked about thing.
You know, we had, we had, uh, uh, a preacher in Atlanta or in Georgia that said that really the most important thing is the crucifixion.
Right. So, um, cruise, uh, not spelling that right.
I told you spelling is not my strong suit. So I'm kind of waiting on this, hoping this Steve just says, see, thanks
Steve. Yeah, I got that part. See, there we go.
Thank you. I want to say S that's, and I knew that was wrong. Okay.
So we had, we had a pastor that said crucifixion is the most central thing. Um, well, if you notice crucifixion doesn't show up as much as incarnation, you know, it's 67 ,000.
And, and actually what he really said was that the resurrection is more important than the
Bible because the resurrection is what everything hinges on. Well, let's look at the resurrection.
You see, you could see how many results show up there. And so, uh, and this wasn't
I'm now I'm trying to think of what it was. We're, we're trying to, cause there was something where it was that the, that, uh, the one guy had said, and he, he used it.
And, um, he said that, uh, I forget the word he used and only showed up like in 13 ,000 times where every other search we were doing, like, you know, uh, you know, incarnation and, um, uh, atonement and these things that he were not as, as necessary.
We saw the, the, whatever it was, he focused on always like 13 ,000 library results and all these others had hundreds of thousands.
But what you can, what you can quickly see here, by the way, is you could get lost. If you have a lot of books, can you, you can get lost in your, in the study of looking at all of this.
That's why you're going to want to see it. I have this sorted by rank. And the reason I do that is, so I'm going to grab the things that I want first showing up when
I do these kinds of searches. Okay. Now they have, there, there's some searches where you can search for media.
You could search for, if you're, you're dealing with original languages, you can search for the clause and the morphology and the syntax, but I'm going to give you a really quick, since you're going to use search so often,
I want you to notice something. When I just click on the search and I put nothing in here, you notice this page that you have, you have some pre -can searches that Logos provides for you as a, as basic help.
So you can have some basic searches. I could search for love. I can search for where love, hope, faith, where all these words show up, but they don't have to show up in any order.
One, you know, it might show up together. It could say, you know, the, the hope of love and faith.
It's that's still going to show up as long as it, as the passage has, the verse has all three of those words.
This is going to say any of those words. If I put commas there, any of those words.
So let's click on this one and just show some of the differences in results. I can click on this and then
I click on the arrow or the return, and it goes through and it's going to search. So I'm going to see that there are 10 results in three verses and the 10 results, because you're seeing here, faith, hope, love, love.
So that's four. So 10 different times it it's, it's getting a hit on those, but we see three verses.
But if I go back and click on this one, what I'm saying, faith, hope, and love with commas, let's see what this search results going to give us a little bit more.
It 865 verses. Why? Because it's saying where it has faith or hope or love any one of them.
If I want an exact phrase, I put it in quotes. Like I did the crown of the crown of, uh, of life.
So I'm just trying to make sure I drink things, keep my throat moist. Um, now here's where you get into some really fun things.
And I encourage you to go through. If you have logos and play with each of these, see how they work differently, because this is where you're going to find some of the great value that logos offers.
When you start looking at how you can do these different searches, because you could search for things like the day of the
Lord and judgment and eschatology. Now you're not going to find the word eschatology in the
Bible, but if you're on a basic search and you're doing that, that's going to come up with a lot of different hits.
Okay. So these, this, this, uh, help list here that you have is for both your basic and your
Bible. So you could use it for either one. And basic, remember is going to go through your library.
And, and, uh, let me show you this as well. When we go to basic, you can search where I showed you on the
Bible, you could change the version, you know, you could change what passages well on basic, you have some things you can edit there as well.
You can say, you could choose again, you have some things. Uh, well, that's a bad one to do.
Um, these are different ways of, of, of limiting your searches. Okay.
I basically very rarely use that, but I do this one. Now you see that this is working on something, right?
I'm going to show you what it's working on. What it quickly comes up with is you could do everything. Everything is the kitchen sink.
It's going to give, go through everything that you have. That's different than all resources because there's some things that are, that are not considered resources, um, that get included in your everything.
But you could go through the fact books, which we'll get to, I doubt today, but maybe another time. Uh, you can look through atlases.
You can look through your documents. Community tags is going to be stuff that's on that faith life, social media group that I told you about.
You could just go through what's ever open, but if you notice, um, down here, there's, there's these
Bibles and collections. These are things I created. So I have a collection called
MacArthur where MacArthur, uh, is the author. So I have author MacArthur books.
If I click this and I put something in the find, okay, I'm going to get only things where MacArthur.
So if I wanted to search for everywhere, MacArthur dealt with the cross. I could just say
MacArthur books and type in here cross, and I'm going to get everywhere that John MacArthur wrote a book and spoke about the cross.
Now, if I do everything, I'm going to get a lot more, but sometimes I want just a specific author or it's going to work for a second here.
I'm just waiting for it to finish. Okay. I can go, and these are things that we'll get to at later times, or if you go to the
Lagos camp, you're going to get this, but, uh, I can, I've set up things for Bible dictionaries, English Bibles, Greek Bibles, Hebrews, Bibles, different commentary.
I have commentaries on every book of the Bible so that I can search a commentaries. I S this is stuff that I set up.
Okay. But this saves you lots of time and it's actually easy to set up.
Okay. Once you, once you start doing it, you learn how to do it and you set them all up and it's, it becomes very easy. Um, but it's going to remember what
I do. So you know what? I want to go back to all resources because I don't want to forget that sometime in the future.
Oops. And now look, we have hundreds of thousands of times. The cross has mentioned, you can have some really cool searches that you could do, uh, as you see, hold on a second.
Okay. So some really cool searches that you could do here that become very, very valuable.
I want it everywhere where Jesus and not Christ, where it's only Jesus mentioned. You have this one, you could say where I want
Paul or Saul of Tarsus. Now you see how it's in brackets. So the, I'm saying
I want Paul or, or Saul of Tarsus and Saul of Tarsus is in quotes. So I want it specifically the word
Saul of Tarsus or the, the name Paul. And I want apostle, but I don't want missionary.
You see how you can join these together, these search results, and it gives you so much you could do.
I love this one a lot where you could say, I want the person
Jesus or the person, God. And you see, again, that's in brackets to keep the or together. And you can say where it intersects with the speaker,
Jesus. In other words, I could say, I want the speaker or the audience here. I want the speaker that Jesus is speaking.
You know, we'd call that the red letter print, but I don't, I turned that off by the way. That's something else you could, you could do on some of the
Bible. You know, you could turn that off if you prefer not to have red letter. Um, uh,
I think I turned it on for showing some on this morning, so it may still be on. Uh, but you could do things where I want, where Paul is speaking and, you know, uh, the topic might want to be, uh, marriage, you know, so husbands or wives or something like that.
And you could say, well, I want Paul speak with the speaker and you, you got to pay attention to these little squiggly lines.
Nice thing about that is if you click on this, you see how it instantly jumps up there.
So if I want to say that this speaker is person Paul, I could just change that.
I don't want this other part. I just delete that. Now I don't have to worry about the, the, the, the syntax of it.
And I just click return and it goes through. Oh, I didn't want to do it there. Let me go to a Bible one.
Um, and now I'll go through and now I have everywhere in my ESV because that's which one
I chose here, everywhere where Paul is the speaker. And look at that. We have things in acts.
Okay. So you could do things like that. That becomes very, very helpful. So I use ones like where it says speaker, things like that a lot, but then this one
I use a lot as well. You can say Jesus before Christ or Jesus after Christ or Jesus near Christ.
So what's near? Well, I'm not sure how many, how many words you have to be near, uh, define near, but I do know that you could do things like this.
I want Jesus within four words of Christ. So if I, if I click on this one, just for an, a quick example here, you see here,
Jesus, who is called Christ. Well, those are three words. That's the fourth word.
That's four words with. So Jesus is within four words of Christ.
So that shows up. If I said, so what versus that?
That's a Matthew one 22. If I said three words, Matthew one 22 doesn't show up anymore, does it?
So that's going to be if, if when you want to do things like that, it could be very helpful where, you know,
I know this word is near that one. Uh, but I don't quite, you know, know where it is.
If you want to study, you know, if you want to do things, we're going to look at the fact book, it becomes very helpful, but you could do things like person
Moses or place Jerusalem or, or things Aaron's rod. Okay.
All these different things that you could go and click on. Well, you're not going to, well, here, you're going to get where the person
Moses is, is talked about. Um, but where it's going to grab the, these, this idea of a person place thing, that's going to be from the what's called the fact book.
And that effect book is just gathering these things together into one book that has all the facts of person, places, and things you could do things like where a sense of a cure.
So the word may not be cure. So if I'm going to search the Bible on this one, healed shows up, is up heal.
Well, those are the idea. It has the sense of a cure. So I may,
I don't even have, it's kind of more of a fuzzy search. I don't quite know what it is. And I could do things like that.
Okay. I'm going to, so question that popped up is show us how to use the Bible with Greek translation side by side.
We're going to get to some of that. Um, in a bit, there's, there's some things, different ways you could do that.
And I do typically don't do some of the side -by -side because, um, well, we'll get to it.
So some of the things, as you get more advanced, as you go down this, you, you could do things where I want a specific reference.
This becomes very helpful. If you're going through a basic study and you're going to want to go in and you want a specific, you want, where they specifically referenced
John 3 16. Well, if you want just, this is going to be, this first one is going to capture
John 3 1 to 17. That's going to be in the reference where this next one with the equal sign,
I want an exact match. I mean, they mentioned specifically John 3 16. So you could do things like that.
Um, there's a whole bunch of things you could do with words of Christ, words of Christ, where Christ spoke and mentioned blessed, um, where there's footnote.
If you want to do it somewhere, there was a footnote on infant baptism. We can't do that one searching the
Bible because even if you got rid of the footnote, that wouldn't appear. Um, just a joke to those
Presbyterians out there. Don't shoot me. We all know it's not in the
Bible. But I'm not going to, you know, I understand for the
Presbyterians, it's something that you're going to get from your covenantal way of looking at scripture and theology.
So it's not that it is without reason that our Presbyterian brethren, uh, argue that, um, but you're not going to see infant baptism in the
Bible period, but you're not find a lot of things in the Bible like Trinity. Um, you could do a search here on specific, you know, on Josephus or Philo, things like that.
You could do a search on a, on the Strong's numbering. If someone says, well, Strong's numbering, they're trying to impress you.
And you can just do that search real quick. If you're ever dealing with black Hebrew Israelites, they do that all the time.
It's like they have Strong's memorized or something, but they always give you the Strong's numbering. And sometimes I think it's just because they think like that shows that they've done their study.
When really anyone that really does original work knows that very few people use
Strong's when you're doing a lot of original work, that's like the basic where you start. But I've done this before with a guy online and he mentioned
Strong's numbering. So I just quickly looked it up because it was easy enough to do a quick search. I could do
Hebrew words. I could do Aramaic words. Um, I could do Greek words. So this is all, and you see,
I mean, as I just keep going here, just to show you, these are all the examples that they provide.
You know, I want to know everywhere in Psalms where, where Moses wrote or, you know, where,
Proverbs, you know, choose one of these things, you know, where, where the type is advice or, you know, things like that.
These are, I mean, you're seeing, as I just scroll down here, all of the searches that they, they provide,
I'm going to encourage you to go through this and play with that. You want to search something, just start, open this up blank and, and just go through this whole long list and see what might work first.
Okay. That's going to be really helpful. Um, so let's go through the documents.
Documents are going to be things that, that Logos builds. Um, what you see here is, uh,
I was working on, on something this week where, uh, someone asked a question about son of man versus sons of man.
Uh, so I was looking through all the, I did a quick search and my search.
Um, great. Logos not responding. I did warn you guys, this was probably going to happen at some point with my equipment.
So this will be a good time. I'll give a, I'll give a quick plug for something else while this is coming. Oh, now it comes up. I'm going to drop in the chat, a, a link, um, for, and I'll drop it in YouTube as well.
If anyone would like to help us, uh, be able to get some new equipment so that we can do more things like this and not have problems with the computer.
Um, striving fraternity is trying to raise some funds for computer and other equipment, uh, some, some equipment for podcasting and things like that.
And, uh, and video editing, all this stuff. And so that, that you can help us there. Um, and, uh, so if you just go to you caring .com,
uh, just search for striving fraternity ministries, I think it'll show up, uh, from just doing that.
But, um, I'll put the link in the, in the description of the, of this video as well.
Anyway. Uh, so here I was looking, I was looking in the new American standard. I was looking for everywhere.
Son of man, sons of man, or notice how I have the quotes here, son of men and sons of men in my top
Bibles. And so this, you know, this then gives me all of that and I saved it to a list and because I knew
I was going to come back to this later. Well, that becomes a document. When I did that search, when
I went in here and I did that search, say for example, crown of life, and I have that search up,
I should have done that in Bible. Sorry. Yeah.
I always have to keep in mind that this is going to remember because I left it on basic. It comes back in as basic.
So I can save this, um, as a, you know, if I want,
I can, I can save this, this list as a document. And so when I do that, what ends up happening is it shows up here in my list here.
And so you have clippings, clippings are going to be, uh, so, uh, this is biograph.
You know, you want to create a biographical, uh, list of all the books you're using. You can, you can create that clippings or things you want to just grab some quotes and different clippings from your libraries.
You're studying things. Uh, you're going to see, for example, here's Ephesians. Um, I have an
Ephesians clipping, but I'm also going to have an Ephesians Bible. These are my notes. See that this says notes.
This is going to be my notes that I write where clippings are going to be a bunch of different quotes or things that I'm going to grab from different books and libraries.
I can create handouts. Um, I can create passage lists. I can create prayer lists.
I can create reading plans, um, sentence diagrams. If I want to create those on my own, which become really important.
If you've taken our class on hermeneutics on how to interpret the Bible, those are important to do. Um, so those will be all your documents.
If you want to look for those real quick on this are our passage guides. I'm going to go over this in a second.
So we're going to go to tools real quick. Uh, in the tools, what you have is the collections are where you get those collections that, uh,
I love Steve already. We've, we've barely met. And I love Steve already. Cause he said, I love sentence diagrams.
Uh, people don't understand if you want to study the Bible and Steve, I'm going to show you a way to quickly get that if you want to cheat, but sentence diagramming is one of the most important things you could do in interpreting a passage because it a slows you down, but B it's going to get you to think through what supports what in the, in the sentence structure.
Really, really important to do. Yeah. Block diagramming, sentence diagramming.
It's really important. The collections are that thing I was showing you earlier where I said, here's, here's how you, here's how you build those collections.
Okay. If you get the Logos mobile ed courses, you could click on this and have, it brings up a tool to help you with those.
Um, you can set favorites, you can set highlighting. Um, I'm going to go into highlighting real quick to show you something.
And this is going to be something just with my oddities, but, um, let's bring up a
Bible. Um, by the way, I don't know why they bring this
Bible always to the right. I prefer on the left. So I just drag it over and you see how it, you see how you drag it.
You see how it's a little darker area. That's where it's going to land. I could bring, you see, if I let go of it now, it's going to take over the whole area.
If I take this again and just go over that area, it's going to be just that this blue area that's here.
Okay. Um, if I go to, I'm trying to think of a book, let's see, where were we?
Okay. Here. I knew where we just got done teaching Hebrews. And I love listing things.
Okay. I love, I love seeing things that are listed. So I created my own highlighting system right here.
Okay. I have two that I created inductive Bible study, which is this one here.
And, um, and, and by the way, I got this from that Logos pro class on, um, on Matthew that they did last year, where it's learning, you know, learning how to study the
Bible in 30 days. And they taught me, you know, taught you to do this. And I've used that now all the time.
I love it. Uh, I, I usually shut it off so you can't see it because what it'll do is, well,
I can show you a passage, maybe sometime I'll show you, but what you can see here is I have this, see this, the, these are my, my shortcuts.
So I can hit one through zero and it's going to put it in a list of one to 10.
If I have to go to 11 or 12, I gotta go to my highlights tab here, but all
I got to do is I select a text and then I hit the number four. And what it's going to do is like, if you could see here, these are, these are just a list of things.
This ended a list of six things. Here's a list of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine different things that he ends this book with a list of things.
And I, I like because of the way I am, I like to see those things listed. So what did I do?
I wanted it. Those, those lists to be highlighted and I want it numbered, but I don't want to get it confused with a number.
That's might be one of the footnotes. So I stick it in red with brackets around it. You could do things like that with your highlighting.
They give you a bunch of canned ones that you could do that you can click on and you could see all these.
You'll see that I have blue, green, orange, purple, red, and yellow.
Those are because I use those as highlighters for different things. So those have shortcut keys.
Okay. Not going to go over now how to do those, but those are things that you have available. So that's some things you can do with highlighting.
You have history. You can actually go right out to Wikipedia, you know, that wonderful source of all things that are almost true.
I don't recommend you using that for your, you know, more serious papers, but if you have quick things,
Wikipedia is not always good when it comes to religious things, just saying you, you remember
I said about the faith life, you have things like ask the author and you can ask the author now, depending how active the author is.
Now I say that for this reason. If you decide you're reading MacArthur's commentary and you say, you know,
I want to ask John MacArthur something. And you say, John, I got a question for you.
I'm reading this commentary. I noticed you said this, is that what you mean? Is this a typo? For example, one realistic one we got was
I noticed in the Spanish version of your, your commentary, it says this, should it say that?
Well, I know that that happened because if you happen to ask John MacArthur, that's actually going to come to me because I happen to be the one that manages the page for John MacArthur.
And then I send it off to him. He gives an answer. I send it back. But some authors are active in the, in the faith life page and you'll get direct answers to them.
Those questions end up showing you could, you could show those in your, in those resources and those will show up.
So you could, if you have the same question, sometimes you could go to them. If people are discussing this within the faith life, you know, community group, that social network, you can have those show up.
You can have your group show up. And so those are some of the things. So what you're seeing here is this is much broader than just Bible software, but actually bringing people together and discussing the
Bible, you could bring that into to that as well. You can do looking at atlases.
And so you could see these different things that, that you have here. I don't want to go through all of them. One, the concordance
I'll say for another time, we should, we should look at that. The interactive media is going to be something that's really fun to play with, but we don't have time today.
All right. So I want to give you some things if you want to just get started. So let's, let's say you're brand new.
You've never used Logos before. You want to study something. Joe's raising his hands.
Joe, I need to know something though. Did you get that? Did you buy Logos from Striving for Eternity's link?
Yes or no? No. I can't believe you. How, for how long have
I been saying that we have a link? So, so what you missed out on Joe. I have to explain to you what happened.
Okay. Got a free download for, it was like the basic, that was a $300 value.
All right. So to buy the silver on your page was almost $1 ,400.
To buy it on Lifeway, since I had that $300 basic, I was able to buy it for a thousand.
Through, you said, was it through Lifeway or that was? Yeah. What is it? Through Logos is the weekend special that they were doing, right?
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. They were giving it away free. See, this is the, see, I, you know, I can't compete when they do that.
And, you know. I would have loved to bought it for you. If you would have been able to price match, I would have been there. Oh yeah.
I fully understand. So here's what we have. And I just put the link out for folks and I encourage you if you guys could share that link, here's, here's what we do.
Striving Fraternity has, has an agreement with Logos. And what they have is if you, if you don't own
Logos at all and you purchase it, you go to Logos .com slash partner slash striving.
You get a special offer for, for people that are, are from our ministry. And what it is, is they give,
I forget if it's a 10 or 20 % off. Uh, and you can look at the price in there. You also get a free book that we have chosen, which is
Spurgeon's commentary on Hebrews. And that comes as a free gift from Striving Fraternity.
If, if you get it through us, that's something that we have worked out with them and provide. Um, but Joe, you know, just wanted to save some money, man.
I would probably recommend doing the same thing. Um, so you're here at the homepage and, and so Joe just got it.
He's brand new. And he says, I would like to study. Well, I know what
Joe wants to study because Joe is planning on Monday night. He knows he's got a
Bible study that he's got to be part of, and we're studying through the book of Ephesians.
Now notice I didn't type all of Ephesians. I just typed Ephesians. In didn't even put a space between Ephesians and the number three notice what an immediate came up.
Oh, it's, it's giving me a bunch of lists and notice it's, it has Ephesians three, but then it, it tries to get these, these groups that are, that it thinks it's breaking down, but you see,
Joe knows that we didn't quite finish. And so we kind of left off in verse 18.
So I'm just going to put a dot there because that's less keystrokes than a colon.
And I'm going to put 18 and he knows that since I'm teaching, I'm ambitious.
And I think that we're going to get all the way to four verse eight. So he's going to study that out.
Now notice how, even though I didn't put spacing and I put dots instead of colons,
Logos says, Hey, that's fine. We'll, we'll help you. We'll figure it out. And it's trying to give some different groups, but I want that specific passage.
So I say go. And by the way, anyone is welcome to join that Ephesians Bible study.
It's on the same YouTube channel, the striving fraternity. We do it Monday nights, eight o 'clock
Eastern time. It's open to all. We don't, you don't have to agree with us theologically. Actually, we prefer those who don't.
I'm also saying that just while Logos is doing some searching here. But, but if you want to join that and you want to discuss the passage, all we do is say, please come and study beforehand, do some study beforehand.
So it's not me teaching, but it's all of us looking at the text and dealing with what the text says together.
Now you're noticing that this is taking some time to pull some things up. Um, what this is doing, um, is, and if my computer was faster, it would be done already, but Logos is going to pull up a basic, some basic things.
One, it pulls up this passage guide. Two, it pulls up this exegetical guide.
Those are those two guides that I said, we're going to deal with today. It pulls those two up. It pulled up all my top
Bibles over here. It pulls up a study Bible down here.
Another study Bible it pulls up is the faith life study Bible. That's the one that they have where they've worked online and build the community.
It pulls up a text comparison here. Okay. And then this information bar.
So this is the default that Logos has designed. Now you see how this is taking a long time to pull these things up.
There's a way to speed that up. You see this little arrow that's pointing down. You see how all these arrows are pointing down.
You can close that and now have it pointing that way. I could close the commentaries and that, that just closes up that link.
And so one of the things that I do is you're seeing, it's taking this quite some time, but if I close all these, the next time
I come in, if I, if I have these, whichever ones I have open. Okay.
Let's just do this. I think there's a way that there was a way to collapse all.
So let me see if I just, yes, collapse all.
So if I right click on, on this one here on any of these, right, I can collapse all or expand all.
Okay. Now what's the advantage of that? Well, if I, if I close this out, say
I accidentally closed it out. Now we're still trying to, so we just got to give it a split second because my computer's not responding.
There we go. Now I won't, I, oh, I didn't mean to close that out. Let me go back and open the passage guide.
Okay. It brings this up. Now notice it didn't actually start it yet until I hit return.
See how much quicker that was. You don't see all those things scrolling. What this now is doing is because I closed them first.
And so I encourage someone like in your case, Joe, open the passage guide, collapse them all, then close it.
Now I happen to like my passage guide over here. So I'm just going to take it and drag it over. Oh, come on.
Andrew, you may mind if I come in for a sec? Of course I do, but go ahead.
No, thank you. Um, you've mentioned a few times.
I just want to let everybody know the website for that is not blog off, but it's mpseminars .com.
I put the link in the hangout chat. Also, um, um, if you are a student of seminary, there may be deeper discounts.
Um, besides his 10 % from Sheridan fraternity. I remember when I bought mine, I got the 10 % plus an additional 30 % because I was going to school.
So thank you. Cause I forgot about that. Yeah. You get, if you are a seminary student,
Bible student, I think you get like 40 % off, um, on the logos.
And so, um, I had to turn Mitch up a little bit with the volume. So I'm dropping it in the chat here.
Um, and I should say the inside check cause there's two chats with, with, uh,
Google hangouts. So I don't know if, if, if you guys have been chatting on the outside chat, someone's going to have to add me to it so I could see it.
But, um, mpseminars .com is the, is the link that you want to go to for, uh, search for, for the logos training, the logos, uh, camps.
Now notice how you see this little orange, that little orange area, this window, if I drop it here, you see how the blue area is covering the whole thing, or I could drop it just on the top or just on the bottom.
I wouldn't usually like to do that, but if I drop it on the bottom, you see, it's going to split that window. If I wanted it up here, that orange bar says that this is going to be on the right of the exegetical guide.
If I go over here, it'll now be on the left and I can let go. And it's right where I wanted it to be.
Um, so, uh, so that's on, you could do with moving things around.
This is this screen that you see here is called your layout and you can save those over here in layouts.
I'll just show you real quick. And then we're going to get to the passage guide. But when you, with the layouts, you're going to see over here, you see, this one's not named.
I can save this as a named layout and it will show up right here in your layouts.
You can see every time this is when I close the application, well, I can save that or, you know,
I could just delete that. I don't want that one. This was my Ephesians study. Cause that was the last thing I was doing.
And so I have that and I could rename it. I could delete it. I could click on it and it'll open that layout.
Okay. So, well, let's just do that real quick. I hope it'll be real quick. And so the advantage of layouts, while my computer is not responding and wakes itself up, the advantage of the layouts is if you saw,
I have a layouts for end time studies because I've been asked to do some different studies on end times.
And so I have all the resources kind of set the way I want for that study. I have things like, you know, this class that we're doing, this
Bible study we're doing in Ephesians. Well, when we're having the class, the screen that's coming up now is what
I see when I do in my study. Now there's one extra thing here and that's, someone brought up the question of face to face on a separate thing.
And that was in here that all the places where face to face shows up. But I have, you know, my
ESV that we're going to look at and that'll show up here. Now I haven't saved this for a while.
And so it's showing up with, you know, Ephesians two and it should be Ephesians three. But that's easily fixed.
And once I fix it, I would click the update right up here. And then the next time
I show up, it would have that. Now I want to get back to that previous layout.
Well, we have, this is what it is now, but I have that snapshot that we had just before.
I could click on that. It's going to close all of these windows and it's going to bring back the one that I just was on a moment ago.
And granted with this computer, it takes a little bit longer. And so it brings us right back to where we were.
You can save that if you want to. So what you'll see here is this quick start layout.
Logos provides some layouts that you can play with and see how you like them.
And you can update them. You could change them as you want. You could load it. You could replace it.
You could do, whatever you want. Then you have some homepage layouts,
Bible reading, lectionary, passage guide, topics that you want to do. And you can play with those layouts.
These are all the ones I saved. I have my devotional study, my end time study, Ephesians, James, because I've had some different books in James that I wanted.
This was one that I created at the Logos camp and I just never got rid of it. This should say, this is my last study.
This is actually what we're teaching in our Wednesday night class. I have
Logos training. I have a bunch of books where these manuals that I pointed out out here,
Logos has their camps and different camps. They have different video training videos.
I actually set that up in its own layout so that I can always go back to that and pick up right where I left off in my taking of their videos.
Power reading is something that I use just for all it is. All the power reading is, is my
Bible is half the page and this information page is half the page. And the reason for that, if I go over, excuse me, if I go over a word and click on this in my
Bible, you all of a sudden see something happening over here in the information page. It's going to come up with a, with the first one is a dictionary definition.
It's going to come up with a Greek. And so I'm going to see here different things about the word, info about the word.
Sorry. And so you have different things you can end up looking at.
And if I click on a different word, this is one of the quickest ways for me when someone says, what does this word mean?
Well, I don't have the Greek memorized. What's the Greek word? The quickest way is for me to click on it. But you see, as I hover over it, look down here, look down at this, where my mouse is here.
As I hover over generations, you see it'll, it'll give you some information about it. Here's information about the word comprehend.
Here's about the word. No. Okay. So you can end up just as I, as I hover over these things, you can quickly see, you know, so this word work is a singular feminine.
You're you have the Strong's number. You can quickly see it's a verb. It's present middle participle.
Well, if you understand the Greek and you understand those things, you can quickly look at that and just by hovering over it, you can get that information or I can click on it.
And when I click on it, it's going to give me that information here. And so I may want to look at that here.
And so here's, here I see, oh, it's a verb and it's, I don't know what middle means. So what do I do? I hover over middle and it says it's a grammatical voice that signifies that the subject of the verb is being affected in its own action is acting upon itself.
Oh, okay. Now I know what middle voice means. I can just, I can just hover over it, you know, and I can have that.
Now I know what it means. I could click on it and it'll give me accusative. Oh, that's an accusative. What's an accusative.
I can look that up. Okay. So when you hear people say, well, this is a present tense, you know, present middle, and you're going, what does that mean?
Well, I can just hover over this and I can figure that out. Even if I don't know
Greek, this helps with some of that, you know, when, when you want to look at that. Okay.
So now remember I said that you, we have this, all these things collapsed. Well, they come that way.
It's quicker in doing this. Now, these are all the sections that Logos puts in, but you can add sections to this.
You can remove sections from this. Same with the exegetical guide.
Okay. The exegetical guide is going to have sections in there and you can add to that. You can, you can remove from that.
If I click on it, it's going to say not responding, which is very nice. Let's see.
I'm just going to take a look at my computer. So yeah, that's the CPU is kind of being, I guess
I closed the exegetical guide by accident. No. Okay. So let me go to the top of the exegetical guide.
Um, so this is going to, the exegetical guide is going to be dealing with the words. Okay. And so what you're going to have is your sections.
I'll just close this for a second. You have textual variance. Most people aren't going to care about that.
You see how now it's starting to build that. You notice that it didn't build it till I opened it.
Okay. If I open the word for word, because that was already built, that's going to open very quickly because it was already built textual variance.
It didn't start. So I'm going to open up the visualizations. And as soon as I click on that, now it's building that it's going out and building this, this table of things at that moment.
And so for a lot of people, you're not going to worry about these things, but the word for word is really helpful with the word for word does here's
Ephesians 3, 18. Here's your Greek. Here's your English. I happen to have the
ESV. So Joe asked the question earlier, can you go through and go word by word?
This is one way you could do it where as you highlight your English word, it also highlights your
Greek word. If I'm not sure, you know, here's the word depth. I could click on that and it's going to jump me right to depth.
If you happen to have this, this becomes really helpful. This, this is how
Joe is going to impress his friends by saying, well, I don't know how to pronounce that Greek word, but he's going to click on this.
I don't know if you'll be able to hear it. Oh, my probably won't be able to hear it through the speakers, but it'll pronounce, uh, this word for you.
Okay. So bar, Barthas, um, they would pronounce it sounding much better than me, by the way.
But, um, you know, you could click on this that we'll get to maybe next, next time we do one of these
Hangouts, the word study really important thing, but we only have two hours.
So that's one way Joe, you can do that. Okay. If you see a word here, that's not highlighted, you could click on it and it would bring it up.
Now I have this set so that it brings up most of the major words, but things like the word end, uh,
I don't need to know. I can close this as a, as I work verse by verse through here.
And I do this often I'll work verse by verse through all the Greek words. So like for, for here, the word surpass,
I might want to look that up and I, it doesn't show up, you know, according to, since it's grayed out, it's not showing up in my list.
Um, well actually it is right there. Hmm. Wonder why it's grayed out in the English. Um, but usually the words that are grayed out are words that are going to not show up in the list and you just click on them and they show up, but you can go verse by verse, what, working your way through this.
And that's going to, this is for most people, the word by word is the most important thing of the exegetical guide.
But let's go through just some of these things real quick. Um, you can look at your commentaries.
Okay. Now you see it, it's going to build them. Now it builds them with the tops, with a top list.
Remember I prioritize my list. So the MacArthur study Bible shows up pretty high, right?
Then I have some different commentaries, but notice here, this is one of a commentary set that I talked about earlier.
And the Ephesians one is going to show up because I'm looking at Ephesians. Okay. So you could, you could keep this open.
Now it's already built. You could close it if you want. I tend to close it before I close this because remember when
I close this panel, Logos is going to remember how I stored this. So if I close all these before I hit
X, when I come in, it comes very quickly and then I can just click on these and you could go through each of these.
Most of them are very straightforward. You could figure out what they are. Confessional documents are going to be your confessional documents.
Not hard. Biblical people, places, things that deal with this, this passage.
And so you want to know what they are? You could just double, you know, just single click, sorry. You know,
I want to know the biblical places and things. I just click on them. If I want to look at cultural concepts,
I click on it. It's going to build that. So some cultural concepts that are in this passage, baptism, persecution, those show up.
Okay. These are going to give you a background into those cultural concepts. And same thing is going to be with the biblical people, places, things as it goes off and tries.
And again, the more books you have, the more things it has to go through to study, you know, to pull these lists together.
So it's going to be a little bit more intensive if you have more that you have to pull in. And so this becomes good.
You have your topics. You have sermons. What sermons is a couple different things.
These sermons are ones, some pastors or some people, I should say, not just pastors have put their sermons into here.
Let's see if I close these, if that'll, maybe I'm pulling up too much at once here, but sermons are going to be sermons that people have stored in Logos.
Logos had many years ago, a page where you can store your sermons and put them in.
And so there's a few of mine up there that once I realized how that it was putting it online,
I was like, oh no, I pulled, I wanted to pull those back because they were just my notes. So they had my, my spelling errors and poor grammar.
And I really was just notes. But you can have all the, you could go through people's sermons central that you could pay for sermon audio.
You know, I think those are paid same with grace graceway media.
I think it's not a paid thing. But there's different things you can look at. You can change the order of these.
Okay. I can move ancient literature up. I can bring it back. And all I'm doing is I'm clicking on it and, and, and moving it.
And it tells me where I'm, you know, that little bar shows me where I'm going, where it's going to drop. And then this would be saved as I move that around.
And so I can move things to the top or to the bottom as I like. And so you could say, okay, well, you know,
I would like, I like these two. I don't want to take such a big passage. Maybe I know
Andrew has the strange belief that we're going to get through to into chapter four, but he never does it.
So I'm just going to study verse 21. And you could just click on that, change it. And that's going to pull, you know, these things up now for that passage that you have, but notice this one didn't change.
This is still going word by word all the way to four, eight. There's a way to link those together.
We could do that in another time, but there is a way to do that. Okay. So we have maybe 15 minutes left.
Let me see. Steve, you asked the question. Maybe it'd be helpful for them to learn how to link.
Oh, okay. So you're saying it would be helpful. So then I'll do it. So if you see this little arrow right here, there's a little arrow that I can click.
And when I click on that, a couple of things come up. One, if you're older, you can, or just poor eyesight, you can make the font larger, or if you're younger and like to fit as much as you possibly can on the screen, you can pull, go down here and make it really small.
But you can adjust the font for your resource to however it is best for you.
If I change the font of this resource, okay, let me make it like obscenely large so you can see that doesn't change this resource over here, this
Holman. If I bring up a new, if I drag a new
English standard Bible in here, by the way, you could do that. You could take this and just drag it in. It's going to remember where I had it.
But if I go here, and by the way, do you see that this one's a little bit larger? That's the default.
So if I go here, doesn't change my other English standard version. Okay. So that's something you could do.
Let me change the font back. Now, when
I first came in, this, these were all linked. Remember, I closed the, the, this down by, you know, earlier, but you see how there's this little
A here and a little A here and a little
A here. If I click down on that arrow,
I have link set A. So if I change this,
Ephesians 3 .20, I say
I want 21. Notice how all these other windows changed.
I'm sorry. I get, well, I guess it changed to 18. Okay. So if I change this, let's change that to 3 .20.
My life study Bible changed to 3 .20, and this text comparison changed to 3 .20.
That's what linking will do. And what you do, if I want to change that in this passage guide,
I would just click over here to the A, and you can have up to five different ones.
You see how that changed to Ephesians 3 .20. If I go over here and I click this to A, I could change it to B.
Well, now they added another one, so you could have up to six link sets. So you could set, I could set these couple of windows to B, you know, this one to A, and I could do things like that.
See how now the exegetical guide, that changed as well. So if I wanted to say
I want 18 .21, and I hit return, okay, or I hit the arrow, either one, notice how this window changed.
It says three, the passage guide, that says 18 to 21. Notice that my Bible changed.
My study Bible changed, and my comparison changed, because they're all linked together.
So when you're studying through, that becomes really helpful in keeping all your windows so that you don't have to change it here, and then go and change it under the passage guide, then change it in your
Bible. But you see this one here, that isn't set to link set
A, didn't change. This one here is going to be the same thing. Okay.
Now, I said I would show one thing for Steve, since he loves the diagramming, which is good.
You have these visual things that you could see. So you, these little three round buttons, and there's a lot here where we could get through at a different time, but there's this thing called propositional outlines, and you click on that and watch what's going to happen.
Boom. What now happens, if you're familiar with block diagramming, is that has done the sentence, the block diagramming for you, and it tells you, this is explanation.
This is a purpose statement. And if you hover over it, you can read what the purpose statement is. What does it mean?
It's an experience. The speaker is describing someone or something. So it just tells you what that means. It gives you something about this, and you can quickly see, this is a purpose.
These support the purpose. Okay. That's a quick cheating way of doing it.
It's not as, you're not going to learn as much as doing it by doing it yourself.
But I'll give you one other cheat, since we're there. When we have our passage guide here, you can go to visualizations, and give me a sec to find it.
It might be under here. Okay. So you can go to visualizations, and you have a couple of different ones you could choose, like OpenText .org.
Now, remember, I'm in Ephesians 318. I click on this. Because I'm in Ephesians 318, it opens to Ephesians 318.
And now we're going to have Steve go, wow, this is great. Here's the text here.
And here's your sentence diagramming. And it gives you this little A. Well, that's an adjunct.
The P. That's, you know, and you could just hover over these, and it's going to tell you what each one of these are.
If you're familiar with block diagramming, this becomes really fun to do. But you're seeing that where it's indented, you can quickly see what's, you know, this is not going to be a main point, a main clause.
It's going to be a supporting clause, because it's indented. This will be a major clause.
It's actually a secondary clause. So there's some primary clause that that's going to refer to. And you see, as I hover over it, okay, as I hover over this
SC, down here, it's going to tell me secondary clause. And it's going to highlight the entire secondary clause.
Okay. There's some other ones that you could look at in here that do the same thing. That's going to be under your exegetical guide for visualizations.
If you like playing with those sort of things, that's going to be way too much for some people. And Joe is going, wow, that's confusing.
But if you took the class that we had the 20 lessons on how to interpret the Bible, or, you know, biblical hermeneutics, our school of biblical hermeneutics, that is on the same
YouTube page, or you could go to striving for eternity, academy .org, or just go to striving for eternity .org
and click the academy button. Either way, you get to the same place. You'll see our classes on biblical hermeneutics, and we teach people how to do block diagramming.
But if you have this, you don't have to do that. You can just join right in. Now, Kofi is saying he's teaching
Ephesians right now. This would prove so useful as we hit the homestretch.
But the problem is now that he has admitted that he has now committed himself to coming Monday nights to our
Bible study on Ephesians, where he can give us, since he's in the homestretch of Ephesians, and we're only ending chapter three, he now has the responsibility of helping us along.
So he's now on the hook. We did have, if any of you haven't heard of Pastor Austin Hessler, great, great preacher.
And he loved it because he's preaching through Ephesians.
And so he was able to just, we were, he was ahead of us in his sermon prep, and then he went on a short -term missions trip, and we caught up and passed him.
So now we're providing his sermon prep. But he's a great, if you haven't heard him preach,
I encourage you to go to G220 radio on blogtalk, blogtalk .com,
I think it is, and look for G220 radio. And his sermons are always there after Sunday. And Kofi, you'd have a lot to offer because we even allow latent flowers in.
So you realize that we allow the lightweight so you could be the heavyweight.
Now, I'm only kidding, Leighton. Leighton always knows if you use his name.
And he posts links to his blog. He'll have a blog up on that by tomorrow.
He knows I'm kidding too. I love him, even though I disagree with his theology.
So this is just some basic things that, we had two hours.
When you go to the Lagos camp, it's like three or four days, and it's packed in.
But I'm hoping that whether this is your first time in Lagos or not, I gave you a quick enough overview that if you're brand new, this was overwhelming.
Someone like Joe that just got it recently is going to be going back and watching this video again.
But for some others, I'm hoping that there would be some things that I gave you that would be new.
But the thing is that really what you're going to want to do is, well, we're going to probably have more of these and we'll dig in deeper and go into a little bit more detail in areas.
Because one of the things I'd really like to do is get into where you can, a lot of times what people want to do is some stuff with the
Greek. So let me quickly show you one thing that I said up here, you want to have a
Bible, one Bible, one commentary on the whole Bible, whatever it is, whether it's a study
Bible or whether it's like, you know, I have JFB, the Jameson, Roberts and Foist, because that's a commentary on the whole
Bible and it's one I'm going to go to often. So what I usually do is
I could click on it or I could just drag it down here. Okay.
Now I have all these Bibles up here. If you are
OCD like me, you don't like that. So what do you want to do?
I want to close all of these. I don't like them. And so I'm going to close these up because I don't want to have to have them all up all the time.
There may be times I want to have one up, like maybe I want to have this one linked to letter
A and I want to drag another ESV over here that I might, you know, want to look up cross references.
I don't know if this is a good cross reference, but I don't know what this is, but we'll just, you know, I might want to look up this verse. So I might want to have one that I just do for jumping around the
Bible, but I definitely don't want this jumping around. I don't want all my links jumping around. So I'll typically have one
Bible that's linked and one that's not, but I'm going to show you one of the things that I think is the neatest thing that saves you not only window space, but a lot of time, because when you're studying a passage,
I'm going to go through Ephesians, this passage in Ephesians. I am going to read this in almost every translation, many of the
English translations that I have. What am I going to do? All I'm going to do right now is I'm going to click the right arrow key and watch what happens to my
Bible. It just went to the Holman. I'm going to click the right arrow key again.
Notice it's staying in the same passage and it's going to my Lexham. Now, this is not the way Lexham usually shows up, but in my case for Lexham, I had that, that outline set up and I had, because I like that outline, right?
So I did that. And then I also had the inline Greek here.
So I have my Greek right here as well. That's how I like that Bible. And it remembers that if I hit the right arrow button again, remember my priority, my prioritized list.
That's what's determining this. I go again, there's the net Bible. I go right arrow again, my new
King James. Remember I said after new King James, it's up to Logos. So which one shows up next? Well, Logos decides that the
Lexham high definition should be next. And I could right arrow again and the authorized shows up.
And now I could do the left arrow and work it backwards. So it goes, going to go
Lexham. I do the left arrow again. It's going to be new King James.
I'm going to do it again. It's the net and new American standard.
And I can just right and left arrow key, read that translation, go to the next one with one key, read it, go to the next one, read it, go to the next one, read it, go to the next one.
If I ever want to get back, what it's actually doing, you see these two, these two things is called parallel resources.
Here's the list that it's going through this list right here. Now, am I going to get through all of them? I usually don't get through all of them, but you can move the order.
See, this is all the paralyzed. These are all the parallel resources and you could change the order.
So I want Young's literal translation to show up. Well, yeah, no,
I'm so clicked on. So I want Young's literal. I could scroll down, click on that.
And that one's going to show up. Now, if I want Young's literal to be higher in the list,
I would find it here. I have the Chinese in case any of you want to read some
Chinese. Any of you up on your Chinese? No. Okay. Well, all right.
Well, then I won't bring up the Chinese. You know, I'm part of a
Chinese church. You kind of had to have Chinese sometimes, but you can move some of these up in order by having that prioritized list.
Okay. And so you can change the Bibles you want in that prioritized list. Let me also show, and the same thing actually is with commentary.
So here's my, I said to you, I had the Jamison Robertson foist. I have that.
Notice that's in Ephesians. That too has a parallel set. And so this is the parallel set for that.
So let me start at the first one. And this actually is the one that should be up there. I used to have it right here.
I don't know what happened. So I must've deleted accidentally. But if I start with here, here's going to be the list that I have of commentaries.
Here's the full parallel list. So I can sit with this and just right arrow key, and it goes to the next commentary.
Now I don't want the commentaries linked here for myself, because if that's linked, every time
I go to the next verse, all these other windows are changing. So I have my commentary set, but remember if I, if I'm on Ephesians three, eight, and I open the commentary, so I'm here,
I'm at Ephesians three, 18, 19, right? I go over here and, and drag this down, drop it in here.
It's going to open to Ephesians three, 18. Cause that's where I'm at. But now I can read 19 and the rest of these windows aren't changing.
I get done with reading this one. I do the right arrow and I'm on my next commentary. I can read this one.
I get done reading it. I go to the next commentary with a right arrow. If I want to go back to a commentary, left arrow.
That's the, that's really saves a lot. And yes, I do have Catholic resources for those who may, it's called research.
I have stuff too. So, uh, don't hold me. Okay. You know, don't hold me. Uh, don't, don't, uh, rip me because of my library.
Heretic. Yeah. You were waiting to say that. So you can go through all of your commentaries, read them one at a time.
I mean, when I, when I was old school and had books, what I would do is take every con when I was working, say the book of James, every commentary, um, that, you know, is behind me.
And when, when I shut the screen off and you see me and you see my library, I have a whole bunch of commentaries.
What did I do? I grabbed every commentary off my shelf and I put it on a separate bookshelf.
That was my, my study shelf. And what I would do is start with one commentary. I'd read it, highlight it.
I'd put it back. I'd take the next one. I'd have a bookmark in it. I'd read it. I'd move the bookmark, highlighting everything, put it back.
And I'd work commentary by commentary that way. Well, I can do that now in Logos by reading through everything and hitting the right arrow button.
And then when I'm done with that passage, I could just close this. And when I want, I take this commentary, drop it down again.
It opens to the new passage that I'm at. And I do the same thing again, and I can get through all my commentaries.
Now, again, your commentary list is going to be prioritized by going to your library up here and clicking the priority list.
And this list here is going to determine the order that those are going to be in. You're going to have all of them. No, you're not going to do all of them.
You're going to do important ones first. After the important ones, you're going to let Logos choose, you know, and if you have a ton of them, well, you're not going to want to go through all, you're not going to have time to go through all these.
And if you do have that kind of time, you're clearly not preaching every week. So, um, so with that,
I think, you know what, so let's quickly look at what we went over. We went over a lot of the things in your, in your, what you should look at daily in your home page, looked at some of the different things that are here.
Um, what you have on your sidebar, what you have in, in getting your daily extras, how to, how does, you know, pull up your
Logos account very quickly, how to customize this. We went over what our menus up here, what each of these are just briefly, uh, how to add things to your, your quick bar up here.
We even went through this go, you know, you could do with the go. The other thing you could do, let me go back to my, to our home.
And remember I said, I have this thing that says close all. I like to do that sometimes. So I just closed everything.
Now is all of it lost? Well, not really. Cause remember we went over this thing called layouts. I have that layout right here.
I could save that layout if I wanted by doing a save as, and it would show up here as my saved layout.
So I go back over here and. You know, I'm going to sit here and we're going to be going through and we want to study something.
And, you know, we're going to be talking about the body of Christ. So I start typing body of Christ.
And I could just click that, or I could just click enter or the go button.
And now this is going to give me a topical study. So we showed how from the homepage, you could do a study of a passage or I could do a topic.
Now notice the layout is different. Now, now this gives me the topic guide. Okay. With all the things in the topics, it also assumes that I probably want a sermon out of this.
So it's given me all the sermons, a sermon starter guide. A sermon out of this, but that this is the default.
Now remember for, you know, 75 % of the people are people who are just starting out. Those guides are organized by Logos and they're going to be probably all you're going to need as you improve.
And as you study more, you're going to create your own guide. Maybe I could show you mine real quick is that I have that I use, but it has a little bit of everything in there.
And there's times where I add and remove, but you notice they brought up an English Bible that deals with the passage.
We also brought up a Bible dictionary, right? They brought up this book.
I'm not familiar. So I could just hover over this and it's Zonervan's encyclopedia. So they're bringing up a bunch of dictionaries down here that they figure
I'm going to need on the topic, the body of Christ. Here's the topic. And again,
I have, I have related verses. I have illustrations. I have sermons, all these different things.
And notice this, it says, Hey, there's no Atlas on, on, you know, body of Christ, not going to show up.
People, places, things not going to show up. So that's a topic. If you want to do a topical study, let me just show,
I know we'll go a little bit over, but I just want to show really quick one thing. And that's the fact book. Let's see.
Is it now? Okay. I usually don't get to it from the menu because I have it right here, but if you go to tools,
I just show it again. So show it again. So you see tools and then under references is fact booked.
So the last thing that I studied on the fact book was the temple, the Jerusalem temple. We're, you know, we're doing some, some studying on this.
And so here, what I have showing up in the fact book is this is going to be all your people, places and things.
What this is doing is going through my library and even books that I may not have in my library and pulling all the resources together that Logos has.
If I don't, if it, if it's a book that I don't have, Logos is going to let me know that. And I could buy that book.
If I saw like, wow, I'd really need to know that I could do that. I could do a topic guide. I could do a sermon starter.
Then it gives me some, you know, so I have some other topics that might come up, but this is just going to pull things together.
If you're going to start, you start studying the book of Ephesians. I, you know, we're going to, we're going to talk about Ephesians.
So I start looking this up. You see, I have a whole bunch of different fact books, the city of Ephesus, Ephesus, the church, the elders of Ephesus.
I can look at all of that, but I want to look up the book. So I just keep typing and it has the epistle.
And so I click on the epistle, I hit return and it's going to create a fact book.
This is kind of like, you guys remember like when you have the, the encyclopedia Britannicas or things like that.
And they used to have the, they used to also have fact books that give you all the facts about different people or places or things.
Well, that's what Lagos is trying to do here. So when I do this, if I'm going to start a book, you know, if you have a study
Bible in the beginning of that, you have a couple of chapters, a couple of pages in the beginning of a study
Bible. It tells you who wrote it, when they wrote it, you know, some important things about the book itself.
So what you can, what you do is you can pull up the epistle to Ephesians and you can end up,
I'll just close some of these. You can end up going into the content and now you have all the different resources and you could go more.
If you say hit more, it pops everything in. If you don't want, if these four are enough, don't say more.
If you want more, just click that. And it's going to, and this is going to give you all the outlines of the book. So every, every book in my library that deals with the book of Ephesians and provides an outline is here.
So you're going to see a lot of things with outlines. Cause you're gonna have study Bibles. You're gonna have commentaries. They're all going to have stuff.
You could go into background. Okay. And look at all those things. All right.
And then before I close, I'm just going to collapse all these things up so that next time I come in when
I forget. Okay. So, but you could do things like that.
Okay. So quick question. I see that popped in. Is there, is there any way to make the margin notes, right?
With the preferred Bible? Not sure. I know what you mean.
Make the margin. No, make the margin notes, right?
Oh, make the margin notes in, make the notes in your Bible, right into the
Bible. Um, one thing you could do, so I have
Ephesians here. Um, I could pull up my notes.
So let me see, let me change this to search by type. Um, oh, that's the guide.
No wonder I can't find it. Let me go to documents and I could bring up my
Ephesians clippings. Um, and I don't, this wouldn't be in the margins, but I can bring it up and, you know, just go through this and look at, you know, at that.
I could, I can have my notes. Um, there is a way with, if I go on these little, the virtual, uh, visual, um, they call it visual filters.
There's a way of adding, um, some different things.
So I know one of the things you can add is highlighting. Um, so yeah, you have, okay, you do have notes.
Um, so if I have a notes in the English standard, it would be there. What I need to add, for example, would be see if I could add it.
No, I'd have to find out. I'd have to find out how to add to these notes.
Like what I would need to do. This adds to the English standard version. And I don't always want that.
I, the way I organize it is by book so that I can get my notes, my notes that I write in,
I put into by book. So it'll be Bible Ephesians and I'd have to figure out how to add this in.
Um, but there is a way, maybe not so much to get in the margins, but you see this little guy here, they have these different things.
Like this is going to be from a fact book on the person of Jesus. Uh, and this will be
Jesus being the speaker, by the way, that's, that's that megaphone.
He's speaking. This will be the icon was a person. So this is going to the fact book on a person, the disciples.
This is the person of Peter. Okay. So you have different icons like that, and you can have some that'll have, um, that'll be a little, uh, that, that could be for notes as well.
Um, I, it won't really be in the margin so much. And so there might be a way of doing it.
Um, yeah. And, and John's making the point that you can add to this, your community notes as well.
So, um, so these are community groups that some of the community groups that I have, that I've added, I have a striving fraternity community group.
That's not very active, but we hopefully we'll start, um, using it in our
Monday night Bible study. I have one for calm that I don't think is used at all. And there's some more that I got to add.
We don't have a study group for, uh, there's some groups I have that, um, uh, that, uh,
I'm part of that. Uh, we just don't do much, but, um, there are ways of adding community, the community notes.
So if you're part of a group Bible study and you use faith life as a way of communicating that shows up here as well.
Um, and that's really cool that what they've done with their social platform, because you can put calendars in there and it's a whole lot that you can do.
May one day we'll, we could focus in on that and look at that. But so, so gave you guys a quick overview of the different guides.
You have the topical guide, the exegetical guide passage guide. You have the sermon starter guide that we didn't really look at.
Uh, we looked at some of the quick ways to do a passage study and another one to do a topical study.
So that's going to get you started with most of this stuff. We taught you real quick way of if, if you have, well, right now
I don't have my, my, um, the, uh, information, but I can go over here and take my information look up and I could just drag that and notice
I drag that over here and it's highlighting that little area. Well, now it's going to show up there. I can take this by the way, and I can shrink this or, or make it larger.
Okay. But now I have my information window and I can, if I just don't know a word, I could just click on this.
Now, not every Bible is key to the Greek. Just keep that in mind.
As you guys just saw with me, the Holman Christian standard version now is key to the
Greek. It used to not be. So I used to use the Greek for that reason, but you can easily, if you're using something like the
ESV, that is key to the Greek. You could very easily go through and, you know, just click on a word and get a quick information about it.
Well, quick being dependent on how fast your computer is, but, um, you can get some quick information about it.
You can, you can dig in more by, we didn't look at this because it's a whole thing by itself, but you can look at the words.
Um, and dig in more. You can, but even from here, you can see the idea. This is going to tell you the, the sense of the word.
Then this, this is provided by the scholars at Logos. Logos, one of the things Logos did a couple of years ago, they hired some top notch scholars.
So this is what makes, I think this is what sets Logos apart from any other Bible software is that they have scholars on staff that went through and tagged all this stuff so that every word that you have there, they tried to give the meaning, the sense of the word.
So here you have the word weak. They're telling you that it's weak morally, that it has the sense, not just being weak, like you're sick, like you came down with a flu, but a moral weakness.
And if we read this, watch and pray that you may neither enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Well, I kind of agree with him. It does seem to be a weak morally. So they actually have scholars and this is what sets them apart.
They have scholars that went through every passage of the Bible, went through all of it to give what they thought was the sense of every word they went through.
And they, they gave, they did all these topics. They tagged all this different stuff to give you all this scholarly work that basically gives you a quick one -click answer to things.
And so you could just use this information guide to get that. Okay. There's some more tools that we have in here that we could look up the power, look up the punctuation where it's cited, but we can look at all those.
You could play with those. We'll look at those maybe another time. We looked at how to, how do you, how to go through the parallel passages, go through your
Bibles, your commentaries very quickly. You see anywhere where you see that here's my Bible dictionary. But again, notice this is a parallel passage.
These dictionaries open, I'm going to want one open and I use the right and left arrow key and just go through this list in order.
That's how I like to do it. I'm OCD. You know, one of the reasons is I have a slow computer.
I got a nine year old computer. It can't keep up with all the books. So what do I want to do?
I don't want that many books open. So I want this to be as, as quick as it could be.
And so I usually like to close as much down, right and left arrow gets me through all that. So showed you some quick ways to, to study a passage, to get word by word through the
Greek and be able to see that. We're going to, we'll go into more detail.
I don't know when we'll set another one of these up. I hope this was helpful and you guys were all quiet, but I saw you were chatting in the, in the thing.
And I tried to ask, answer the questions that I saw. I don't know if I missed any. I hope this was helpful for you guys.
I'll stop presenting. So there's, there's the library that's behind me and, and people always say, did you read all these?
No, not all of these. These are all, those are all commentaries.
Well, I have commentaries all the way over there. You can't see them, but the commentary sets end right here with MacArthur's.
And then these are all old Testament commentaries. These over here, all new Testament commentaries and all those are reference works.
Okay. So yeah, these behind me, I didn't read word for word, all of them. But I used to take all these, if I was studying a passage,
I'd take like, like James is somewhere over here behind me.
James is like right there and down there. And I'd take all those off. And then I would take all these commentary sets and pull
James off. And I would take all those and I'd go one by one through them. Now what
Logos does is it organizes all of that for me. So I don't have to pull the books. Basically it's what it's doing.
What I would spend doing is taking all the books that I have to deal with. And I would take them one by one by one.
And now I'm letting Logos do that. Now here's, I'm going to give you the warning. Logos is doing that for you.
And boy, is that nice. You have your, it's like having a personal assistant. That's going to go through your library and pull everything together.
Here's the problem. Now you suddenly find you have a little bit more time because you're not having to turn pages.
And you know what you end up doing when you have more time, you start to look at some of those rabbit trails, those things that you see someone mentions on it because it's only a click away.
You're going to find yourself clicking on it, especially if you're new. This is one of the things I find with all new
Logos users. They just keep going down the rabbit trails. My, my, my pastor just upgraded his
Logos and his wife came to me because she teaches the ladies study and she's like struggling. And I said, what's wrong?
She goes, I have, I keep finding I'm running out of time with my study. I said, let me tell you why.
She's like, you know why I said, sure, you're going through a bunch of things. And because it's all now just a click away, you're clicking on it just to study this.
Now you're clicking on that to study that. And she goes, yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. I said, stop it.
Time box, figure out, okay, I have this much time to the study. There's times you can go do and say, you know, yeah.
Kofi saying, oh, look, squirrel. Yes. There's times you want to chase that squirrel, but there's also, you're going to need to pull yourself in and say,
Nope, I got to stick to the study. And so like you saw with me, some of the times
I do a study and I have something where son of man, sons of man, son of men, sons of men,
I want to get back to that study. What do I do? I just save it as a list. You know, someone asked me a study, all the places where face to face is in the
Bible. I just, I, I didn't get to it. I've got somewhere in it. What did I do? Saved it as a list and I get back to it.
You could do those sorts of things. So, um, Kofi says he's incredibly focused until he gets studying.
I love it. So I hope that was helpful for, for all you guys. Um, I will say
Kofi is where I'm going to, I'm going to make his, his screen. No Kofi. There we go. I'm going to say
Kofi is wearing an, an wonderful shirt. It says God exists and he has spoken.
It's a great shirt for open for witnessing. And if you look within the exists, it's all the attributes of God in there.
Great shirt. Not just because the quote is mine, but, uh, it's, it's, is a great shirt for evangelizing.
We wore those all in the, uh, at the, uh, reason rally. Boy, did that get conversations. Uh, but that's on the, that, uh, actually
Bible thumping wing nut, a ministry of ours, uh, produces those and the money goes to support them.
Uh, but we sell them on our website. If you go to our store and you want those in red, I don't think there's any more of the grays.
There is a way to get black though. And I don't know if Kofi even knows this. There are only limited people that have the
God exists. He has spoken shirts in black and the way to get it in black is to become a monthly supporter at striving for eternity.
They're the only people. So if you see someone wearing a black shirt, you know, they support us monthly. Uh, but if you become a monthly supporter and you could do that many different ways to, you know, you could send us a check through your bank.
You could go to the striving fraternity page, click the donate button and give them weekly through PayPal or monthly, sorry, through PayPal.
Uh, and then depending on whatever level you support, we have different gifts that we give you. But one of them would be a
God exists. He has spoken t -shirt in black. It's the only way to get black. Just to hint
Kofi, you got, I think, you know, I see you got the red, you may have the gray. I think you need the black, you know, use those wedding presents.
You get to good use now. Okay. He's laughing. You guys can't see that.
He's like this laughing like, Oh, but, uh,
Kofi's going to be getting married soon. So he's, he's chosen. And I don't know how you guys feel about this. You guys who are here, but Kofi has chosen, he's shaking his head like this.
He knows what's coming. He has chosen to get married over going to shepherd's conference. I mean, you think he could have planned it better, but no, he decides, no,
I'm gonna, I'm going to sit there and say shepherd's conference. No marriage.
Yes. Well, I guess he's got his priorities straight. Just saying.
So, uh, we're going to end up, we're going to end this, this here. I hope this was helpful. I'm sure some folks are going to, uh, you know, watch this again, a couple of times you guys say, all right, we need another one.
We're going to do lesson two and we'll continue. If you guys found this valuable, share it with your friends. Uh, let them, let them know, you know, how they could,
I mean, the goal of this, obviously I'm not making money off this. Um, Lagos doesn't pay me, but when you start learning how to really use the tool, when you just learn that search button, just play with the search and you're going to see how much faster you're going to be able to find things.
It's the reason that I now cannot go to church without my laptop because I get asked questions all the time and I can search and get that really quick.
I was asked a couple of weeks ago by one of the ladies, how many, she was in a Bible study and the question came up of, well, how many commands are there in the old
Testament? And you know, so I explained to her, she was under the, so let me, let me, let me just do that real quick.
Let's see. I'll share the screen again. Just since I'm mentioning it, I'll show you how I did that. And so she asked about the commands.
Well, there is under this interactive tool, there's several more tools that you can't see.
So you click on all, all of them. And then it comes up with a full list. And one of the things you have the commands of the law.
And so I could just click on that and let me show you one other feature really quick.
This brings it up in this little window that I don't like. So what do I do? I click here on that little arrow and I can float this panel.
And now let's see if you're going to see that. Let's see.
Probably not. Let me, let me stop and present the screen.
Okay. So when I, let me drag this back in somewhere.
Okay. So here it is here. I take this, I click on float this panel and you see now it becomes its own little window.
And I have two windows. I have the back window back here. And then this one here. Now notice
I was able to show her because she thought there were six, 613 laws in the
Talmud that the Jews have added. I said, no, there's 613 in the old Testament, but here's the interesting thing.
Look at this. There's 365 that are negative and 248 that are positive.
I could look by category on adultery. I could look, you know, that are mentioned by people, the
Israelites, I could go through all the laws of the old Testament, you know, ones that are holidays, one that, that deal with debt.
And I could look at specific laws of the old Testament. This is really wild.
When you start playing with some of the tools that they have, you can, I, okay. I'm telling you right now, you're going to spend a whole day, just go and getting lost.
And if you're married and you know, Kofi is going to get to this point and his wife is going to be like, what are you doing in there in your office?
Oh, I was just playing with the logos tools. And she's going to say, stop it.
Stop it. Stop it. Come spend time with me. When she stops telling you to stop it, then you're in trouble.
But, uh, there's so much here that you could just, that they've used where their scholars have put stuff together.
I mean, think about how much time it took to organize every one of those 613 commands into all those different categories.
And Oh, by the way, you're not going to see a category of ceremonial, moral, and, uh, civil.
Oh, sorry. Uh, did I just give away my Baptist roots? Um, sorry, my
Presbyterian friends. It's just a little jab, but you're not going to see it there.
Um, but you're going to see, I mean, there's so many different ways of, of so many different things that they, they have in this, that you can play with.
Uh, and we're, you know, maybe as we go through, we'll give you some more. Um, again, hope this was helpful.
Encourage you guys to, you know, if it is helpful, what I would say is, you know, you could help us in a couple of ways.
You can help us because it does take time to, you know, put this stuff together, take time out of, out of the data to do trainings.
And, and I actually spent a couple hours to figure out, okay, what things do I think are important to go over and, and all, uh, two ways you could help us.
One would be, as you saw, we could have got through more stuff if I had a faster computer, um, encourage you if, if you could just, you know, if you could go to youcaring .com
and, and just do a search for this, for striving for eternity. Um, and you know,
I think, I think if you just do, let me just quickly search it and see striving for eternity.
Um, I think that it comes up with maybe just ours.
Um, no, it comes with a whole bunch of things. So let's see, see how to search.
Uh, yeah. So when I type fundraisers, there's one that says that I type in striving for eternity, but don't hit return.
It comes up with a, uh, a, a dropdown that if you click on that, it says, take striving for turning to the next level.
Um, we've done pretty well. We got, we've gotten close, but not close enough to actually get some of the equipment.
We've gotten some things that helped us to just get this computer kind of sped up enough that we could get through this, which
I'm amazed that we did. Uh, but, uh, you know, I also have everything else shut down.
Um, that's one way. Another way, if you go to striving for turning .org and consider being a monthly supporter, not only will you give you that great shirt that coat that Kofi's wearing there in black, you know, not calling
Kofi black, the shirt will be black. Kofi is black, but the shirt will also be black.
You just, you won't, if Kofi wears it, we won't be able to see anything, but the letters that will, you know, stand out more, but, but, uh, you'll get the, the
God exists. He has spoken shirt in black along with some other things depend on level, but monthly support greatly helps us if you consider that.
So with that, I'm going to end the hangout. We'll set up another one of these. We'll do a similar type of thing and go over some more tools and dig a little deeper.