The #WokeChurch Satanic View of Justice (You're STILL Not Crazy)

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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It's upside down. Don't consent. Don't go with it. Just refuse. #NoDespair2020


All right, well let's jump right in today. It's Friday, the last video of the week, and I wanted to just say, if you're new to the channel, thank you so much for subscribing.
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That's A -D -R -O -B -L -E -S dot com. I wanted to jump into this as a quick video for today, because you're still not crazy.
You know, it's Friday and you're still not crazy. You're definitely seeing all kinds of woke
Christians, supposed Christians, teaching all kinds of strange things that don't come from the scripture.
And you're seeing the partiality that you're seeing. Don't disbelieve your eyes. It's all real.
You know, you've seen things that were okay yesterday, they're no longer okay. Things that were un -racist yesterday are now racist today.
You're seeing that stuff, it's real. And it doesn't matter what you do. A lot of people are noticing, like, it really doesn't matter what you do.
You're gonna be called a racist. You're guilty first, and then they'll find reasons why you're guilty.
One classic example is, have you heard this? White silence is white violence.
If you don't say anything about this, then you're complicit, you're a racist. That's tantamount to violence.
But then if you say something, well, you need to yield your space because this is not really your place.
You need to let black and brown people speak right now. And so you see, it doesn't matter if you say something, well, you're basically damned.
If you don't say something, well, you're basically damned. You see, the whole system is set up to make a certain group of people guilty, and then they'll figure out how you're guilty.
And this is part of the system. This is not just random people that are saying this and they're just a little bit confused in their mind.
No, this is part and parcel of the social justice movement. The social justice movement is all about partiality.
The social justice movement, the woke church, the cult is really what it is, is all about injustice when you really think about it.
One Bible verse that a lot of Christians have memorized is from Hebrews chapter 13. It says, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
And it's a very simple thing to memorize, but it's a very profound truth because God is consistent.
The things that pleased Jesus Christ yesterday are gonna please him tomorrow. The things that displeased
Jesus Christ yesterday are going to displease him tomorrow. You see, God is consistent,
He's fair, and He is justice personified. He's a just God.
He's not capricious. He's not arbitrary. He has one law. He says again and again and again in his scripture, right?
In his word, that he's not partial and therefore you shouldn't be partial. There's one law, no matter if you're poor or if you're rich, no matter if you've got dark skin or if you have light skin, no matter if you're a part of the oppressor class or the oppressed class, as if there was really such a thing.
There's one law, everyone gets treated fairly. There's one law. And God also says you can't treat people with partiality even if they oppressed you in the past.
In fact, in Exodus, he's telling his people, he says, you shall not despise an Egyptian. And he says, the reason why you shall not despise an
Egyptian is because you were a sojourner in his land. And I can just see the YouTube comments on that video.
Jesus, what are you talking about? They weren't sojourners, they were slaves. What are you saying, slavery is good?
What are you, some kind of evil bigot? Because I know that that's the kind of comments
I got on my video where I said that I thanked God for slavery because it was used for his glory.
It was used for the good of his people. And so I'm an adult, I can understand that while on the one hand I can hate the actions of evil people in the slave trade, on the other hand,
I can thank God for it because I know God used it for good. And I can hold that together in my mind because I'm an adult.
But so many people just refuse to do that because they want to treat people with partiality.
That's what they wanna do. And the reality is so much of this stuff, if you really follow it to its logical conclusion, would have to be applied to God himself.
And actually that's part and parcel of critical theory as well. Because eventually the whole thing is gonna get turned on its head and now
Christians are gonna be the privileged class. In fact, for non -Christian woke people, there's such a thing as Christian privilege as well where Christians are guilty and then we'll figure out how they're guilty.
And so the reality is, my suggestion to you is to just forget about these woke church people.
Don't worry about what they say. Don't try to please them even for a millisecond because they cannot be pacified.
They cannot be appeased. They've decided that you're guilty and it doesn't matter what the next words out of your mouth are, they will find a way to make it prove that you are guilty.
You understand what I'm saying? Don't try to please demon pagan gods. The idols can't be pleased because they're all about partiality.
They're all about patriot. All they wanna do is accuse you. That's all idols want to do.
And so don't even try to appease them because there is no appeasement when it comes to the woke church.
You move into a neighborhood, well, you're trying to gentrify this. You move out of the neighborhood, well, that's white flight. Like there's a million examples of this where you can see the woke church people being arbitrary, being partial, being evil.
It's just really what it is. That's why I don't think that these people that promote this aggressively, that are leaders in the church,
I'm not talking about the people led astray. I'm talking about the people leading those astray. They're worshiping pagan idols and they want you to do it as well.
Just refuse to do it. I found an article that really illustrates this very well because this is more than mean tweets or calling you white fragile or something like that.
This is actually a very serious situation. This is a matter of justice. There's an injustice that's currently happening in Atlanta that you need to be aware of.
Listen to this. So you've heard the story, right? There was a black guy who was shot and killed. And the reason why he was shot and killed is because he shot an officer.
He shot a taser at an officer, right? And so, but the DA is an evil man.
This DA, he's evidence of God's curse on the United States because unjust judges and unjust rulers are a curse on a nation.
Our nation is currently being cursed. And here's how I'm gonna demonstrate it. Here's the DA. This is what he said.
This is why he charged the officer with a felony murder is what he charged him with. Howard said, we have concluded at the time
Mr. Brooks was shot that he did not pose an immediate threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or officers.
Howard later acknowledged that as Brooke was resisting arrest and running from the police, that he took a taser from one of the officers and fired it at Rolf.
That was the officer, okay? So he didn't pose an immediate threat or death even though he did shoot a taser at him.
Okay, maybe I can accept that as plausible, right? But listen to the next paragraph, ready? Just a couple of weeks ago, the same
DA Howard announced charges against a police officer who pointed a taser at a person because a taser was considered to be a deadly weapon under Georgia law.
So last week, the police officer was guilty because a taser is a deadly weapon.
This week, the police officer is guilty because a taser is not a deadly weapon. Do you see what's happened here?
Do you see what's happened here? This is what the woke cult is all about. This is what the social justice movement is all about.
It's an Orwellian name because social justice is upside down justice. It's the opposite of justice.
It's injustice. You see, this system has identified police officers as guilty.
They're guilty. They know that they're guilty and then they go finding ways that they're guilty. That's what they do.
They know police officers are guilty and then they try to figure out how to argue for their guilt. And it doesn't matter if the arguments are contradictory.
It doesn't matter if they're true or untrue. It doesn't matter because that's not the point.
The point is to put the guilty in their place and it doesn't matter what the law says. So whether or not a taser is a deadly weapon, that really doesn't matter to my argument here because the
DA here has used both as a justification for charging officers with crimes.
And that's unjust. That's sinful. That's pagan. That's wicked. And this is what the woke church is doing to people in the church.
If you're white and you're an evangelical, well, guess what? You're guilty and we'll figure out how you're guilty later, but you're guilty and you need to understand that.
You know, if you're black even, but you don't believe in the social justice stuff, well, you're also guilty.
In fact, Eric Mason, he's the one who said, and I'll post this video one day. He's the one that said that if you're black and don't agree with him on social justice, well, you're angloid on the inside.
So you're also guilty. The woke church is the essence of hatred, the essence of hatred.
And I wanna just reach out to those of you who are dabbling in some of this woke stuff, this social justice stuff.
I know you're conflicted. I feel the conflict within you, but what you need to do is let go of your hate.
Because I'm talking about hate in a technical sense. Because if you treat someone without fairness, right?
You treat someone against God's law, where you say, well, you're guilty because you belong to a certain group and we'll go find how you're guilty, like this
DA did in this case, that's evil, man. You gotta let that go. That's the essence of hatred.
And people who hate their brother in their heart don't belong to the kingdom of God. You understand what
I'm saying? You have to love, you have to love. And I don't mean love as far as affections and squishy feelings in your heart.
What I mean is you have to treat people according to God's law. Treat them as individuals and treat them with fairness.
And throw away this garbage where you're trying to appease people that are unappeasable. Just forget about them.
Because the woke church wants you to kneel before the same idol that they kneel before.
Just refuse consent. It's Friday, have a great weekend. You're still not crazy.
I promise you, you're not crazy. And I intend to demonstrate that to you more and more in the coming weeks.
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