A Word in Season: Encouragers (Acts 28:15)

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Subscribe to A Word in Season on Apple Podcast (bit.ly/WISPod) or Spotify (spoti.fi/AWISPod) For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions


The preacher is going to speak at a conference in a country that he's never been in before.
He has to speak on something that perhaps is a difficult topic, either difficult theologically or difficult in practice.
It's going to bring real challenge in the environment into which he goes. He travels by aeroplane perhaps and arrives in that country and he walks out into a very strange environment.
It's not something he's comfortable with. He doesn't know anybody and there's somebody at the gate waiting with a sign with his name on it.
Perhaps there's a measure of fear and trembling in him, humanly speaking. But as he begins to interact with the person or the family who picked him up, he discovers a brother of like mind.
He finds Christian friends, men and women who are of the same conviction, who are eager to hear what he has to say, who welcome him warmly and show real affection toward him.
You can imagine, I think, what a good thing that would be for that man who's gone there to preach.
In the face of the potential difficulties and discouragements, he's found real fellowship and it's quite proper that he would thank
God and take courage. How much more then someone like the
Apostle Paul when he arrives at a place called the Appiae Forum and the Three Inns.
Paul is on his way to Rome. He's going there to face Nero Caesar.
He will no doubt be aware of Nero's growing reputation for instability and for cruelty.
He knows that he's being taken there to answer certain charges that are going to expose him to danger and even possibly to death.
In Rome he'll have a chance to preach the gospel, but that is never an easy thing. Certainly not when you are dealing both with Jews and with Gentiles, when you're going to face a different kind of opposition from each one.
Paul himself has survived shipwrecks and other dangers on the way. Everything you might think would be calculated to discourage him.
And what is it as he finally draws near to Rome on the last leg of his journey that makes that man thank
God and take courage? Well, we're told that when they finally were able to sail in an
Alexandrian ship, a figurehead, the twin brothers, they come first to Syracuse, then they circle round to Regium, then they come to Puteoli where they find brothers and are invited to stay with them seven days.
And so we went toward Rome. And then Acts 28 and verse 15, Now these men and women had made a real effort.
They had travelled from Rome a distance of probably about 50 miles, at least two, perhaps even three days journey under the circumstances.
They'd travelled there to meet a prisoner, a man who was already under suspicion.
They were risking their reputation, perhaps their own safety. They had made a real investment.
It was perhaps costly to them in time and money to do these things. There may have been risks for them themselves on the road.
And yet here they are as Christian brothers making that effort to come and stir the spirit of the
Apostle Paul as he faces these particular trials and challenges. Is it any wonder then that when
Paul sees and enjoys these encouraging acts of fellowship, these demonstrations of commitment and love, that he thanks
God when he sees them and he takes courage. Perhaps we don't realise how easily we can encourage
God's people just by our presence and by our prayers and by our warmth, by our affection, by our investments.
We can do that even when we gather on the Lord's Day. Is that how the people of God with whom you worship will think and feel when they see you on a
Sunday? What about the pastor when he steps into the pulpit? What about those who are serving in other capacities?
Is the fact that you have come, is your investment, your engagement, your encouragement, a reason for them when they see your cheerful and committed face to thank
God and to take courage? Let's seek to be such men and women that our presence stirs the hearts and puts a smile upon the face of God's true people and helps them to serve him more fervently and faithfully.