A quick message from the road from James White.


James gives a brief travel update from Pryor, OK. Visit the store at https://doctrineandlife.co/

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Welcome to what I will call the dividing dash. It's not really a dividing line, but what's a short line?
I think it's called the dash and I'm sitting in a little rental RV that we picked up from my trip out here to Prior, Oklahoma.
I'm speaking at Grace Life Church here in prior with Pastor Derek Melton and Basically, this is a test can is is
RVing is a camper As we used to call in the old days.
Is that is that an option for travel in the future? Do we even do travel? Well briefly?
Debates, I think can be done electronically There's not a lot of personal interaction.
There's not a lot of shaking of hands Certainly, there are times when you can look in someone's eyes and things like that that makes a difference in the debate
But generally that can be done electronically we're working on setting one up right now with the new studio
We've got almost all the kinks worked out of all of that. We're pretty much ready to go but teaching
Apologetics doing theology yeah, yeah, you know if you have to do it via zoom and Educate the communists who are monitoring what you're doing on zoom
Yeah, it can be done But there's a personal aspect that I would I've really missed in not being able to travel for quite some time
We've always tried to get to smaller churches. We've not had a You know and I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this
Let's fully understand why certain people say you need to be able to have a certain number of seating capacity things like that We've we've gone to a lot of the smaller places and and met just wonderful fantastic folks very encouraging for me hopefully we've been encouraging to them and So we're sort of testing stuff out and tell you one thing that you don't get when you do things electronically is
Pastor Melton here at grace life in prior happens to have a little skill that he blessed me with today and that's he makes these
I Saw this yesterday. It was nothing but a blade This entire handle word was just blocks of stuff and in many hours of hard work
He created this incredible He forged the blade the whole nine yards.
This is handmade from stem to stern beautiful, isn't it very thankful for that and You don't get to you can't do that electronically, you know, it just doesn't work
There's that personal aspect and you know, I'm looking forward to Being with the brethren tonight and talking about the glorious doctrines of grace in the context of where we are in our world today
Is is sound theology now irrelevant? Was that just for the days when the days of ease when we had it good when the government wasn't trying to shut us down Will the doctrines of grace still be glorious under a worldwide totalitarian technocratic form of socialist communism you bet they will nothing changes that and so That's what we're gonna be doing this weekend testing things out so far,
I think that it is a Real possibility that this is a direction we could go And so we'll let you know more as that goes on the only thing
I really wanted to mention I didn't get a chance to talk about since I left on this trip was the video
I've been told that this pastor has now been released at least temporarily But the video of a dear brother in Canada being arrested in front of his eight children
And as I watched this I could not help I did tweet I tweeted remember that time last year
When in a moment of silent contemplation you asked yourself the question
When will the police say no? When will the lesser magistrates say no,
I will not do these unrighteous disgusting things The question is that question so far has been answered there really isn't any place a
Lot of us thought well These people can tell that they're now being asked to violate their very consciences
They're being asked to violate The like the Constitution United States or the
Charter of Freedoms that they've sworn to uphold and protect So they'll there comes a point where they're gonna say no it reminded me as I thought about that of Another aspect that I've been thinking about recently and that is
You can think that electing quote -unquote conservative candidates is the solution to all of this
But the fact is a conservative Without the Christian worldview
That tells them that they are the creation of God that they have responsibility for God a
Conservative without that Christian worldview is Just a secularist who is jogging to destruction rather than running headlong like the people on the left
And we're seeing this in our own country we're seeing you you watch even conservative news outlets and they're gonna have people on that Are saying what only 20 years ago all of us would have gone.
Well, that's pretty radical and now it's considered Mainstream because the culture has shifted so much because that worldview change has taken place
Christ or chaos is not Just a Twitter tag. It means something we're starting to see that if that tomb was empty and if that one rose from the dead and if that one was the one who claimed to be the very creator of all things and If he has now if he says all authority has been given to me
Then we need to realize that the only way and the message we need to be communicating to others is the only way forward the only way out of chaos the only way out of the
Self -destruction that we are bringing upon ourselves is to submit to his lordship.
He's the one that wrote the user's manual on us because he made us and These lesser magistrates these cops if they're secularists, why should they go against what they're being told?
Why would they risk their jobs their mortgages? Those are the most important things, right? Ugly bags of mostly water fizzing chemicals, etc, etc.
Hey priorities priorities and so as I as I watched that arrest
I Could not help but look at those masked men Hiding behind those worthless cotton masks in their paramilitary uniforms and Wondered to myself.
What are they thinking as this man? Hugs his children. What are they thinking?
They know this man Is not is not pushing drugs This man is not murdering his neighbors.
This man is not stealing from everybody else They literally have to convince themselves
That this entire lie they've been told is Reality just simply to be able to look at themselves in the mirror in the morning
And I certainly pray for conviction in their hearts to be sure We have to pray for that But we also have to give them a real reason to stand up and do the right thing and say no
I will not do what you are commanding me to do and they need to communicate that to others
We have to pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to bring these people to their knees But you see secularism
Says there's no reason to go to your knees There will be no judgment. There is no transcendent value to your life.
There's a transcendent value to your actions That's why secularism is such an enemy of Jesus Christ and must be crushed under his feet
That's just the reality. So here we are Pray for us having a wisdom is going forward how we can make this work out
Because I really do Enjoy the opportunity of meeting with people and seeing them face to face
It's not something we'll be able to do as much as we did in the past But we need to find a way to do that. And hey, let's be honest.
There may be a time in the future When it would be wise to be able to travel to places without telling people where you're going
There are already churches meeting in secret not very far from us and if you don't think that could not happen here, you're a very naive person and So the need for apologetics is not going to end
I'll never forget and I'll be very brief because I want to keep this short. I'll never forget when I recorded videos on Islam for broadcast into Iran That What I was told was the
Iranian Christians when they were asked what they needed most they said we need apologetic responses we need to be able to defend the faith and So that need does not end and we want to continue to be able to meet that need so pray for us
Thanks for watching this dividing dash. Maybe we'll get a chance to do another one before we get home.