Email Proves Kenneth Copeland Is A Liar!

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


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I received an email from someone two days ago that definitively proves that Kenneth Copeland is a liar.
Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
I want to thank you so much for joining me. I must apologize to you for the rather lengthy drought of videos being posted on my
YouTube channel. I haven't done any in right about a month now, but that's because I've been on the road.
I've been out of the state and out of the country, in fact, was in Brazil preaching. So I am back home now, but that explains the drought.
I just haven't been here to do any videos. So hopefully they will become a little bit more regular now.
So at any rate, to Kenneth Copeland and why he is a liar. Now, some of you may remember some months back,
I did a video on Kenneth Copeland talking about how he claims he can talk to his hair and make his gray hair turn black, showed a clip of that.
And then I showed another clip from the same sermon, literally six minutes later in the same sermon where he admits that he had a pacemaker installed into his chest to keep his heart beating properly.
And I just talked about the absurdity of that and the self -contradiction that that obviously is.
But at any rate, two days ago, I got an email from a man named Mark and I asked him if I could share this email with you.
And he said that I could, but he wanted me to leave his last name out. So I'm going to leave his last name out.
So this email will make sense. Watch this video. For those of you who did not see the previous video that I did on Copeland that I was just referencing, here is the pertinent clip of Kenneth Copeland claiming that he talked to his gray hair, made it turn black.
And this was aired in 2022. So just two years ago, watch this.
And so I began to speak to my hair. It started turning gray.
Well, I went to him about this and I said, I don't care. It's scriptural to become gray headed.
But you said you're doing this because of the word of faith. So I'm going to talk to my hair.
I started talking to it and it started becoming gray all around. And I said, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Stand there in the mirror and look at it and say, gray hair, bye. And it's gone.
So one morning, Kenneth Copeland discovers a gray hair in his head looking in the mirror and he was having none of that.
So he employed his word faith theology and began to talk to his hair and commanded his gray hair to turn black.
Now, six minutes later, as I said in the same sermon, he admits he has a pacemaker in his chest, but I dealt with that in the last video.
So we'll stick to the gray hair part. You may have heard the saying, I may have been born at night, but I wasn't born last night.
Dear friends, Kenneth Copeland is 87 years old. This December, he will be 88.
Now, this aired two years ago, so that would have put him at age 85. And there is no way anyone on this planet is going to convince me that an 85 -year -old man has jet black hair the way
Kenneth Copeland does. He's coloring his hair, obviously.
I mean, he must be. And a couple of days ago, I got an email confirming this.
So this is from Mark, again, last name withheld. But Mark began his email just by thanking me for my ministry, my teaching.
Very nice. And he watched the video that I did those months ago on Kenneth Copeland and apparently just recently watched it.
So he emailed me and he says this, quote, in regards to Kenneth Copeland, we lived in Dallas for about 17 years.
I met a man in the early 90s in Dallas who owned a very large videotape recording business.
We were attempting to share our products with him. He was in the business of recording the sermons of thousands of pastor teachers across the country when things were of the
VHS format. I am always attempting to share the gospel with everyone I meet, including business contacts.
Good for you, Mark. I was feeling out the scene to see where he stood. His largest client at the time was
Kenneth Copeland. I dug in as I sensed he was probably lost if he followed this guy.
True that. Small talk, but direct and tactical. I asked about how well he knew him.
He said he was a major supporter of his ministry for about 15 years at that time.
I remembered my training. Always compliment and build up no matter what. I remember saying to him, how in the world does
Kenneth Copeland stay so young looking with that jet black hair? He laughed hysterically and said, he has been dying his hair for 10 years.
I had to share that after viewing your last 12 minute video. So this man who is a big supporter, financial supporter of Kenneth Copeland laughed hysterically at the notion that Kenneth Copeland's hair is just black.
Oh, he's been dying his hair for the last 10 years. This was in the early 90s.
That means Kenneth Copeland has been dying his hair since the early 80s.
Dear friends, that's 40 years. 40 years, Kenneth Copeland has been dying his hair.
Now it does not bother me at all that Kenneth Copeland has been coloring his hair. You know, as people get older, their hair turns gray.
If you're a man, your hair might not only turn gray, but it will turn loose. As you can see, he is doing both.
My hair is turning gray and turning loose. Some men it bothers them, others it does not.
Count me in the company of the latter. It used to bother me, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I just don't care.
But at any rate, if it does bother you that your hair is turning gray and you want to color your hair, dye your hair,
I mean, fine. That's okay. It doesn't bother me. That's not a sin. But what does bother me is that Kenneth Copeland is blatantly and intentionally lying about it.
I mean, he has to know that people don't. You would have to have an
IQ below freezing to believe that an 85 -year -old man has a head full of jet black hair.
Now, some men don't lose their hair, and I guess Kenneth Copeland is one of those. But your hair is going to turn gray.
You would just have to be completely brain dead to believe that he doesn't have any gray hair naturally.
So he has been lying to you. He has been lying to God. What does that tell us?
Well, it just confirms what all of us know anyway. All of us who are even remotely fair -minded about Kenneth Copeland, we know that he is a liar.
We know that he is a deceiver. He is a false teacher. He meets every single biblical criterion as to how to discern and note a false teacher.
If Kenneth Copeland is not a false teacher, not a false prophet, then nobody is. The term literally has no meaning.
But I want to draw your attention to 2 Peter chapter 2. The Apostle Peter, writing under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit of God, says this, But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the
Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be maligned.
And in their greed they will exploit you with false words.
Their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
In their greed they will exploit you with false words. Now, Kenneth Copeland meets all of these descriptions, but I want to bring your attention to that phrase.
In their greed they will exploit you with false words. Kenneth Copeland does this all the time.
All of the Word of Faith preachers do this. They lie to you. They make up stories.
They make up false miracles. They lie just as naturally as most of us, or all of us,
I suppose, breathe. It does not prick their conscience in the slightest bit to look you directly in the eye and lie to you.
Kenneth Copeland knows full well that he didn't talk to his gray hair and it just became black.
He has been dyeing his hair for 40 years. And yet he just blatantly lies about it.
He didn't have to lie about the color of his hair. I mean, who cares if he colors his hair, dyes it?
Who cares? But he lies about it because this is how seared their consciences are.
Their consciences are absolutely seared, and he does this to exploit people, to exploit his followers with false words.
In their greed, they will exploit you with false words. They make up stories.
They make up lies. They give false prophecies. They claim false signs and wonders to exploit you.
In their greed, exploit you. That's how they have these lavish lifestyles.
That's how it is that Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis and Creflo Dollar and all these others can live lifestyles of the rich and famous.
They lie to you. And they exploit you. Dear friends, false teachers do not care about you.
If you happen to be watching this and you're a follower of Kenneth Copeland, please hear me. Kenneth Copeland does not give a rip about you.
He only cares about your money. Kenneth Copeland, in fact, hates you because you can't love someone and knowingly lie to that person with the express purpose of exploiting them for money to furnish your lavish lifestyle.
That's not love. That's hate. Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis and Joel Osteen and all these others, they hate you.
And the only person that they hate more than you is God. Kenneth Copeland hates
God. He has made a false God. He has made a false idol.
He bows down before a golden calf, but he does not love the God of the
Bible. He hates that God. He loves a God that he has made after his own image.
His conscience has been seared and his destruction is not idle.
Judgment from long ago, it's not idle. When destruction comes to him, judgment comes to him, and it will be swift.
And once more, Copeland, if you happen to be watching this, I don't want you to go to hell, but that is exactly where you are headed.
Your conscience is so seared, it doesn't even bother you. There's no prick of your conscience when you lie before people and lie to God.
But if by some chance God might have mercy on you, confess your sins before God, cry out to Him, trust
Christ, the Son of God, one person, two distinct natures, who died on the cross bearing the full penalty of the sins of His people, died on the cross three days later, bodily raised from the dead, proving
Himself to be who He said He was, God in human flesh. And if you will repent of sin, turn from sin and place your trust in Christ, He will save you.
But this is no just intellectual assent. The demons also believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
The demons also believe that Jesus died on the cross and was bodily raised from the dead. They believe those things just as much as anyone else does.
But they have not bent their knee to the lordship of Christ, and neither have you.
You mock Christ every time you say Jesus is Lord. You make a mockery out of Him.
And I fear for you. One day, Mr. Copeland, and one day soon, you will stand before Christ and you will tremble.
I do not envy you in the least. One day you will stand before Christ and it will be a terrible, terrible day for you.
But I don't want that for you. Repent, place your trust in Christ.
And if you truly do repent, your repentance will be evidenced by you coming out and making it very public to all of your followers, to the entire world, that you have been lying to people now for more than 60 years of so -called ministry.
You've been lying to people, exploiting people, putting words in God's mouth He did not say, exploiting the poor, the sick, the desperate, the widows, distorting the gospel of Christ, teaching unimaginable blasphemies and heresies.
And you'll shut your ministry down and you will never again step behind a pulpit, ever.
You'll find a good doctrinally sound church, sit in the pew and learn.
That will be the evidence of your repentance. Anything short of that is not. So anyway, dear ones, just interesting, just more proof that Kenneth Copeland is what anybody who has a couple of firing neurons knows what he is, a false teacher and a false prophet.
Michael Brown and others in the charismatic movement, they can't bring themselves to say that, but he is.
So thank you very much for watching, dear ones. As we close, for those of you who may not be aware yet, there is a wonderful conference coming up this
October 3rd through 5th at First Baptist Church in Mustang, Oklahoma. That's just kind of a little suburb of Oklahoma City.
So right there in the heart of the country, here is a trailer. Would love to see you there. Watch this.
The church today is infected with the influences of the charismatic movement. God told me who
I would marry. When God spoke to me, I heard it so clear. As clear as I'm talking to you now, the
Lord spoke to my heart. God spoke to us audibly. I hear the audible voice from God. The word that the
Lord gave me. He told me that everything I was feeling in my spirit was correct. I know that this is what the
Holy Spirit has spoken to me. That's the word God spoke to me. Charismatic theology has affected so much of our theology in ways that we don't often recognize.
Man, I tried for years to speak in tongues. Don't speak in English. Don't think English. Yes, the mind says it's weird, but the spirit says, hell, this is awesome.
Fake miracles, false tongues, non -authoritative prophecy. A prophet is one who has
God's words put in his mouth. If you are not earnestly desiring spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, you are sinning.
They don't have a single prophet who has been 100 % accurate. What does the
New Testament say prophecy is? What does the New Testament say tongues are? What does the New Testament say the gifts of healing are?
Let's compare them to the contemporary charismatic Pentecostal movement, and what you find out is the two don't match.
It teaches people to look away from the Bible to some experience. Deep down, charismatics are riddled with doubts about what they believe.
Is God's word sufficient? Is God's word enough? Dreams, visions, those sort of things inspired me to love
Jesus, to obey him. Join us in October of 2024 for the cessationist conference.
The church must once again stand with a renewed confidence in God's sufficient word.
We hope to see you there. This is going to be a great conference.
The only change to that trailer has been a change. Jim Osmond is now a speaker at the cessationist conference, and he's going to be dealing with the deliverance ministries, so -called demon slayers,
Alexander Pagani, Isaiah Saldivar, Greg Locke, Vlad Savchuk, Mark Driscoll, all these others.
Mike Signorelli, they claim they can cast demons out of people. If you're a Christian, you probably have one or more of those little demonic miscreants running around on the inside of you, and you need to have them extricated.
What a bunch of hogwash. But anyway, we're going to equip you at the cessationist conference.
I'm going to be there. Would love to see you. Link down below in the description how you can register.
Y 'all come join us. Thank you so much, dear ones. Until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.