Andy Stanley Says Political & Theological Diversity Makes the Church Stronger


In a recent podcast Andy Stanley spoke about how Christians should celebrate racial, political and theological diversity because it makes the church stronger. Racial diversity aside, is he saying that churches are better off when they have open and affirming members? Is that the theological diversity he speaks of? What about those who deny the inerrancy of Scripture? What about voting for an anti-Christian platform, does that bring unity or division? What is Andy Stanley saying? Watch and find out! Tags Northpoint Community Church Trump Kamala Harris LGBTQ


Hello, another video here about Andy Stanley. He's making headlines again. This is from the dissenter.
Andy Stanley says that theological diversity looks like the kingdom of God. So he says that racial diversity, political diversity, so voting for Kamala Harris, and this is our strength.
So if people in a local church can vote for all sorts of different people, if they believe different things about Jesus and the
Bible and who God is, our theological and political and racial diversity, it is our strength.
Is that true? Well, let's listen to what he says. Our diversity is our strength.
Our racial diversity, our cultural diversity, our theological diversity, our lived experience diversity is our strength as a local church because we are to model what the kingdom of God looks like, and it doesn't look just like me, and it doesn't look just like you, and it doesn't sound just like me.
So our diversity, the fact that we don't agree politically, culturally, theologically, and yet we can love unconditionally, we are a picture.
We are an advertisement of the kingdom of God. Okay, so you heard it. This is on the dissenter.
You can check it out if you want the full article. But first of all, he starts with racial diversity.
So this is what these woke pastors do all the time. They just have to talk about race.
And even the idea of race is a racist concept.
If you're talking about races and, oh, this person's white and this person's black, they are of a different race, really?
There's only one race, and that's the human race. So when you talk about someone of a different skin color as being of a different race,
I mean, that is racist. And listen, if you want racism to go away, just stop talking about it.
Okay, stop making a big deal about this guy has a lighter or darker shade of skin than me or this other person.
It doesn't matter. So I would say this. If you're in a local church and somebody's lighter skin, dark skin, this person's this and that person's that, that's great.
That's great. But, you know, this idea that they're of a different race, it's just not true.
That's not what the Bible teaches. But Andy Stanley, again, he's another woke pastor, just always talking about race.
And then he talks about political diversity. Well, what's he saying?
That we probably have people in our church who vote for Harris, and that's great.
You want to vote for Kamala Harris? That is political diversity because you know,
Andy Stanley is still, he really shouldn't be considered evangelical. His church,
North Point, should not be considered evangelical. I mean, they have strayed so far from the
Bible, but still most people consider them evangelical. So there's going to be some people in his church who are voting for Trump.
And if you listen to Andy Stanley, you know, he is against Trump. There's no question about that.
So he's very hard. If you watch his stuff, listen to his stuff, he's very hard, you know, against people on the right, but very lenient and sympathetic towards the left.
So when he talks about political diversity, you have to assume that he knows there's people in his church that are going to be voting for Trump, but he wants to celebrate this idea that people are voting for Harris.
So that seems to be what he's talking about, political diversity. The idea that you can vote
Republican, Democrat, whatever, Green Party, and it's all great, it's all fine. And whether or not somebody has a platform that's directly opposed to the
Christian worldview doesn't even matter. It just makes us stronger. Do you agree with that? I don't.
The next category he gets into, theological diversity. Now if Andy Stanley is saying that people who believe in pre -trib and mid -trib and post -trib, we can all get along and show grace or that if you're believing the spiritual gifts continue versus cessationism or maybe
Calvinism and Arminianism or different ideas about baptism that we can all show grace concerning what people might call secondary issues that we can just love each other.
That's one thing. I don't think that's what he's talking about because Andy Stanley never preaches about Calvinism versus Arminianism.
He never talks about the end times. The doctrines that he is most well known for is his teaching about the
Bible. People who have a high view of scripture versus people like him who have a low view of scripture. Or most commonly, he's pushing this new agenda for LGBT affirmation.
See, that's what he's saying. Theological diversity is good if we can accept people who have different views who are maybe
Christians that are more open to gay marriage. This makes the church stronger when we can be open to different views about those things.
That doesn't make the church stronger. It makes the church weaker. As a matter of fact, it makes the church apostate.
So in conclusion, this is just more of the same from Andy Stanley. He just wants to keep repeating the lie.
It's like they say, you keep repeating the lie, often enough, at a certain point, it becomes the truth.
Of course, it doesn't become the truth, but people start to believe it. Here's what's going to happen. Here's what is happening now.
People like Andy Stanley, these infiltrators, they're very vocal.
They're not going to stop. They're going to keep pushing the boundaries. They're going to keep saying these things again and again and again.
The good Christians, the faithful pastors, and I've seen this happen many times, the faithful pastors and the people who believe the
Bible, at a certain point, people like Andy Stanley wear them down. People get tired.
The good Christians get tired of fighting. So once they stop fighting the good fight of faith, and they get tired of fighting, they're tired of the videos and the news articles and everything.
They just kind of back down a little, then all of a sudden, now it's Andy Stanley and people like him.
They're the loudest. They're the ones who keep pushing it, pushing it, pushing it. And then after a while, after a generation of that, then
Andy Stanley's doctrine becomes the established doctrine, because the solid people got tired of the fight, and they become the minority.
And people like Andy Stanley, he's already in the majority with the culture.
He's going along with the culture. So more churches are going in the liberal direction.
Once a church goes liberal, they almost never go in the other direction. So Andy Stanley, you might listen to him and say, what he's saying is absurd, and it is, but he's going to keep saying it.
The only question is, will the good guys keep pushing back? Will we be louder than him?
I mean, that's really what it comes down to. We need to keep fighting the good fight. We need to oppose these people and the error and the heresy that they're spreading.
Because otherwise, if we're not fighting it, you know, if we all back down, if we just remain silent, then people like Andy Stanley are going to take over evangelical
Christianity. And quite frankly, it's already starting to happen. So keep fighting the good fight of faith.