Week 5 of a 12 week course on the Doctrines of Grace. LIMITED ATONEMENT This class is part of Twelve 5 Church Doctrinal Training. We offer different courses that can be attended in person every Wednesday @ 6:30PM. This is for the purpose of equipping the Saints for the work of ministry. This class is designed to be interactive, that is why we have attached a PDF link to the curriculum and the appendix for the required reading each week. This material was designed and written by Dr. RA Hargrave (revised by Nathan Hargrave) It was originally used at Riverbend Community Church in Ormond Beach, Florida for their Riverbend Bible Institute. Twelve 5 Church now continues that kingdom work on the shoulders of the Saints before. Link to Dr. R.A. Hargrave's Ministry: Riverbend Community Church: We pray that it is a blessing and supplement to those who are not able to attend in person. Curriculum PDF link: Appendix PDF link: Pastoral Recommended Reading: Charles H. Spurgeon: Advice for seekers The power of prayer and a believers life The soul winner The joy and praising The fullness of joy Spurgeon vs. hyper calvinism John Gerstner: The radical biblical theology of Jonathan Edwards R.B. Kuiper: God centered evangelism Martin Luther: The bondage of the will Jonathan Edwards: The freedom of the will Jim Scott Orrick: Mere Calvinism John Piper: Desiring God Let the nations be glad God’s passion for his glory John MacArthur: The gospel according to Jesus The love of God R.C. Sproul: The holiness of God Chosen by God Grace unknown What is reformed theology? J.I. Packer: Knowing God Iain Murray: Evangelism divided The forgotten Spurgeon Arthur W. pink: The sovereignty of God The attributes of God




We got a few of you. Who did some of the homework this week? Okay And a few of you sounds like you did all of the homework.
It was quite a bit of reading this week There were two whole sermons in there and they were virgin sermons. So that was not an easy one
So does anyone briefly before we get started anyone briefly want to to speak to?
How that reading assignment was helpful either the scripture readings or the sermons?
The there was a paper by my father on conditional election. There was a list of Baptist forefathers
There was a lot in there but does anyone want to speak to how it helped you formulate and understand the doctrine of Unconditional election in a greater way you guys are like Yeah, it was just a lot.
That's okay Nobody That's all right
Okay Garrett seeing it in the text, yeah, it's good
Thank you for that angel. You had your hand up. I was talking to someone today and they were saying how reading the the passages of scripture kind of like what you just said and reading the homework and then seeing it all connect just that it it helps
Formulate that foundation for the doctrine and so I'm hopeful for that I the reason I keep asking before we jump into the next one is
I most certainly want everyone to tap into as much of this resource as you can and if you're just coming to hear this
One hour speaking. You're not gonna get a lot It's it's we're getting through this curriculum pretty quickly and it's like drinking from a fire hose
And so that's the reason for that reading if you can't do all of it That's okay.
Do some of it a little bit is better than nothing. All right, sound good Everybody on the same page
You guys are quiet tonight. Everybody on the same page Okay, that's better.
Thank you. All right, so week five lesson five we are talking about limited atonement and if you look on in your book on page 41, you see the beginning of our study here and Underneath these reflections on limited atonement you have number one
Limited atonement is the most controversial of these five points if There's a breaking point for you on the doctrines of grace.
It is going to be tonight This is it when you hear somebody say that they are a four -point
Calvinist. This is almost always The point that that they're excluding that they do not want to come to and it's often due to a misunderstanding of What we mean by limited atonement, okay
So we're gonna try and answer some of those Misunderstandings tonight and give us a better understanding of exactly what this doctrine is about.
So look there at number two it does not mean that there is a limit to the value or merit of Christ atonement
This doesn't mean that there's a limit to it to its value to its merit
We're gonna talk about that in greater detail here in a little bit I'm just trying to get our feet wet before we jump into the deep end.
Okay? It does not mean that there's a limit to it number three
Christ atonement is Sufficient for all who trust in him and They will receive the full measure of the benefits of his atoning work
So when we say that it doesn't limit the value or the merit of it
We are being very intentional to say that Christ atonement is most certainly sufficient
It is not limited in its sufficiency to do what
Christ set out to do in any way Everyone who believes in the name of the
Lord shall be saved if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart Christ atoning work is fully and completely
Sufficient in every single way. We need to set that as the groundwork before we jump into some more of these definitions
Okay, this leads us to be a definition of limited atonement.
What is limited atonement? What are we talking about? What's what does it mean by limited? What is it? What is the word atonement all of this?
Okay, look at number one Christ death was a substitutionary death in which he actually paid for the sins and there in parentheses propitiation of the elect
These are big words here. I know that's why we have them on the screen. Hopefully they're spelled right if they're not don't point it out
We've had enough of that don't y 'all think Christ death was a Substitutionary death.
He was a substitute for us in which he actually paid for the sins
He actually accomplished what he set out to do and this word Propitiation we're gonna talk about that in greater detail here in a moment
But this simply describes the means by which the wrath of God is turned away from us
Right because as we've talked about in total depravity, right? We are totally depraved we are under the wrath of God and God has to unconditionally elect us not based on any condition that has to do with us
Like what's happening in salvation that Christ has to be a substitute for us in order to appease the wrath of God We'll talk about that in greater detail but number two limited atonement is concerned with the original purpose design or plan of God sending
Christ to die on the cross Limited atonement is concerned with the original purpose
Design or plan of God and sending Christ to die on the cross right
Like we we're not talking about the fact that Christ is his atoning work is is
Limited in any way in any value in any merit we say it's sufficient
For all who believe and they get the full measure of it Christ death was a substitutionary
Propitiation and appeasement of the wrath of God and limited atonement is concerned with the original purpose
Design and plan of God and sending Christ to die on the cross look at there in that block underneath it
We have the big question right right there in your in your homework or in your curriculum says
Was it God's intent to make salvation possible for everyone?
Allowing for the possibility that it would be effective for no one This is what we would refer to as unlimited atonement
There's no limit to it. There's no It's just open -ended Was this
God's plan? Did he allow this open -ended plan where hey? What if what if Christ had had died and not a soul?
Believed in him. Was that a possibility? And look at it says or did
God from all eternity have a plan of salvation by which he
Designed the atonement to ensure the salvation of his people This is the big question and this is where there's a lot of confusion about what has taken place at the cross
At the atonement that was made to appease the wrath of God. Is this an option for everyone or Was this a purposeful plan?
It's why limited atonement is concerned with the original purpose design or plan of God and sending
Christ as a matter of fact it the reason we're having to do so much definition involved in this is because of the the unfortunate
Acrostic right limited atonement fits the acrostic of tulip, right?
The tulip the total depravity unconditional election limited atonement irresistible grace perseverance of the
Saints That's what we've been walking through but a better term is particular redemption.
I think this is a More precise way of putting it it communicates that God designed the work of redemption
Specifically with a view to providing salvation for the elect
Limited atonement fits the acrostic, but it is an unfortunate Connotation that care that comes with it to pip just doesn't have the same ring does it?
But I think it's a better term particular redemption Look on the next page.
We have section C the necessity of the atonement Under that we have four basic questions as to why the atonement was
Necessary the first one we're asking is was Christ atonement
Necessary, right was Christ atonement necessary The answer is the atonement is a consequent absolute necessity
The atonement is a consequent absolute Necessity and if you look down there below we've kind of defined our terms here the term
Consequent. What does that say? It says it means that the atonement is Necessary only on the condition that God freely chooses to save What does that mean
He did not have to save us He chose to save us He had that God did not have to save us
He chose to save us and that's where a lot of people get this messed up in All of this doctrine of the doctrines of grace because they begin to think and they wouldn't say it out loud
But they think God kind of had to give us an option But he didn't
Consequent means that atonement is necessary only on the condition that God freely chooses to save the term absolute that you just wrote there means that once God has chosen to save based on his
Prerogative out of his goodness the atonement becomes absolutely necessary in order to achieve
This freely chosen end. It's freely chosen by God.
That is right The atonement was the only way I remember Growing up.
I always heard about the gospel. I heard of Jesus died on the cross Paying for our sins none of that made sense to me
Until I finally understood my position of enmity with God And then the moment
I understood that and in light of the gospel the gospel began to make sense I remember thinking it's literally the only way he could have made this happen
It's the only way so if God freely chose To elect some and to save us and to redeem us and to appease his wrath
Towards us the only option he had was propitiation period
The only option he had because any other option would would have made God unjust right? I'm talking about that again here in a moment.
So we've talked about consequent. We've talked about absolute look at that that term necessity
It means that God's character would not allow men to be saved in any other way
He would be unjust any other way It was a necessity.
It was absolute without question the atonement that Propitiation had to take place because God freely chose it and you see
Hebrews 2 17 there Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect
Why so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God to?
Make propitiation for the sins of the people This was a consequent absolute necessity
Number two. What is it about God's? character that made the atonement of Christ necessary What is it about God's character that made the atonement of Christ necessary Well, the answer is his justice
You could say his holiness because his holiness is tied to his justice But we really want to hone in on justice at the moment because God is just right
Everything God does is just everything God does is right Like he will never punish a sinner more severely than the crime deserves
Right. He's just everything he does is perfect and just look there at Romans chapter 3 verse 25 and 26 that we have there in your notes
Whom God put forward as a there's that word again propitiation By his blood to be received how?
Come on guys to be saved. Okay, I'm making sure you're reading along here. This was to show
God's righteousness Because in his divine Forbearance he had passed over former sins.
It was to show his righteousness at the present time so that he might be just and The justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus God had to send his son to be a propitiation because his wrath had to be propitiated because there was a crime committed against him and To overlook that crime to just look past that crime would make him unjust
But in order for this to happen He had to send his son to be that propitiation so that his justice would be satisfied
And that we would be recipients of his great faithfulness, right?
the next page number three How does the atonement deal with the demands of God's justice?
How does the atonement deal with the demands of God's justice?
Well, we've been talking about this word quite a bit so far. You should have it down by now it propitiates it, right
It propitiates it Right down below there you can highlight or circle underline.
We have a definition. What is this to propitiate means to placate? to pacify to appease or What are we appeasing by the way
God's wrath, right? Christ appeases his anger Christ satisfies the justice of God.
This is propitiation, right in the 1689
London Baptist Confession in the section of Christ the mediator says the Lord Jesus by his perfect obedience and Sacrifice of himself which he through the eternal spirit once offered up unto
God hath fully satisfied the justice of God procured reconciliation and Purchased an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven for all those whom the father hath given unto him
Christ has appeased his wrath there's that passage again in Hebrews 2 17 right to make a propitiation for the sins of the people
Number four How is God's anger propitiated and God's justice satisfied by Christ's death?
the answer is Christ satisfied God's justice by actually suffering in our place
Representatively and as a substitute bearing the penalty or punishment which
God and his justice Demanded of sinners and what is the penalty for sin?
Death, right? We see that in Romans 6 Eternal death in hell the place where God utterly
Abandons sinners from his goodness and his grace and his mercy. They only receive his wrath and his justice and the punishment
And Christ satisfies God's justice It's Christ and Christ alone that does this this is the atoning work of Christ This is propitiation the necessity of the atonement falls into these four basic questions that we've just looked at it
Absolutely must take place. That is what Christ has done on the cross turn to the next page real quick We see
Christ vicarious atonement. We can see some scripture references here
The first one is Christ was abandoned by God on the cross. This is what happened on the cross, right? We forget exactly what took place on the cross like we think of the nails we think of the the beatings
We think of the the crown of thorns that most certainly I can tell you right now Was in no way when
Christ was praying the prayer in the garden and said if this cup could pass for me That is not what Jesus had in mind.
Jesus knew that that suffering was momentary Jesus wasn't scared of that suffering
Jesus knew what was coming that he would have to placate the wrath of the
Father and The one that he had had perfect communion with from eternity past was gonna pour his wrath out on to him
Christ was abandoned by God on the cross now. We have to be careful when we say that okay
God did not leave Christ. That's not what this means God poured his wrath out on him because he who knew no sin
Became sin for us and God will not tolerate that sin in his presence
Matthew 27 46. What did what did Jesus cry out? My God my God. Why have you forsaken me?
That's what Christ that's what Christ was sweating drops of blood over Was the wrath of God being poured out on him look at the next one
Christ became our curse Galatians 3 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us
Then he quotes the Old Testament he said curse is everyone who's hanged on a tree God knew he was gonna
He was gonna hang on that tree Christ would hang on that tree and that was gonna be the curse Christ became our curse
Christ was abandoned on the cross Christ became our curse Christ took our sin
We made a reference to that here just a moment ago 2nd Corinthians 521 for our sake
He made him to be sin who knew no sin Why what was the purpose?
so that we might become his righteousness and the great exchange he took our sin and Lastly Christ took our place
Christ took our place. This was substitutionary remember Ephesians 5 2 and walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us
He was a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God Christ Christ had to suffer
Christ had to go through this as a representative for you and I because the wrath of God had to be appeased
God could not just look at you and I go. I love you Nathan. I love you I've set my love on you and I know you've you've you've
Sinned against me. I know that you've committed cosmic treason against the creator of all things that you've lived on holy
I'm just gonna kind of forgive I'm gonna I'm gonna forgive and forget I'm gonna look the other way from that.
I'm gonna let you in my presence God can't do that This propitiation was absolutely essential
Because you Couldn't meet it right you and I would spend eternity in hell trying to meet this.
This is the atonement This is the atoning work of God now Look at D.
What about the extent of the atonement? That's the question at hand here. What about the extent of the atonement?
For whom did Christ die? that is what we must answer tonight and In order to answer that we we have three possibilities
Okay, this boils down to three possibilities no matter how you slice it or dice it. Okay, you see these possibilities here, right?
For whom did Christ die? for no one Christ died for no one
For everyone Did Christ die for everyone Or did
Christ die for those who would believe Did Christ die for no one did
Christ die for everyone or did Christ die for those who believe
We would say the elect the unconditionally elected The little box there check that we're gonna say
Christ died for those who believe Now we need to answer a few questions first Before we can really come to the the conclusion that this is the case number two
Clarification as to what the question is not Okay. This question is for whom did
Christ die for this is this question is not Right, you see it down below for whose benefit did
Christ die? For who did Christ die? This is not for whose benefit did
Christ die? Here's why if as a matter of fact if you turn your page or look on the next page in that blog
It says many benefits of common grace flow out of Christ's death even to the non -elect
We're not saying did Christ's death benefit the whole of the world this world.
You got to remember this world was an excruciatingly dark place before the cross
But you guys know that right? Like we look at the world. We see the news all the time We think oh, this is dark.
It doesn't hold a candle to what it was pre pre cross The world was in total utter outer darkness with no light
The only light there was was in a small group of people called the Israelites everything else was left full free hundred percent run amok rain to the evil one and when
Christ came Christ brought great benefit to the whole of the world
Through his atoning work because he brought the light of goodness and grace and mercy to a otherwise completely blacked -out darkened world
Okay. So this this question is not sure for whose benefit did
Christ die and It is not is the atonement itself limited
And that's not what we're asking is the atonement that Christ Propitiated the wrath of God is that limited in any way?
You see all evangelical Christians who believe that only some men will ultimately be saved
Have what you would call a limited atonement You realize that right?
The only people that don't have a limited atonement are the Universalist there's a group of Quote -unquote
Christians out there that would say Oh Christ died for everyone and you don't even have to repent like every human being is saved
Like everyone's good and that's called universalism. Like everybody. Nobody's going to hell.
Everybody's going to heaven no matter what? with a non Calvinist though who does not affirm universalism is simply being inconsistent with the atonement
But they have a limited atonement make no mistake Are there and in Sam Waldron's book as a matter of fact this is a great book by the way a
Modern exposition of the 1689 if you want to study what we believe is a church in the 1689 confession
There's a great source to go. He says Armenians, which remember how I said a moment ago That's pretty much anybody that that isn't in the reformed
Calvinistic camp, but Armenians limit its efficiency the atonement by the way by saying that man
By his free will can limit the effects of the atonement. So if Christ died for everyone
Right, then then you're just limiting it by man's free will man gets to choose
What if that atonement goes into place or not? But Calvinist limit its extent
We limit the extent of the atonement. The question is not therefore whether the atonement is limited
Everyone knows it's limited. But whether it is limited in its extent or Efficiency.
Hey, here's what it boils down to the question is this in whose place did Christ substitute himself?
In whose place did Christ substitute himself? Was he a substitute for every human being or for those who would believe?
But we believe in particular redemption, right? Limited atonement. So let's look at the proof of particular redemption.
Okay, number one particular redemption the nature of the atonement
Demands particular redemption, right? We've already talked about the atonement. What is the atonement? Come on guys
What? Yeah, there's blood ransom the atonement he paid for us right that's the atonement
Christ paid for us Propitiation for sins, right? So, okay, so that's the atonement.
Okay, the nature of the atonement demands particular Redemption when we say that Christ died for sinners we mean that he engaged in the work of substitutionary curse bearing for sinners
When we say that Christ died for sinners What we really mean is that he engaged in the work of a substitutionary curse bearing for us
Christ's work on the cross was not for potential accomplishment but for guaranteed success
Christ did not die in vain He did not die and lay down his life for little
Johnny who will die in his sins and go to hell Now he may have died for little
Johnny If Johnny repents and believes and we see that he believes in Christ, that means he was elect
But Christ did not die for those who end up going to hell with the rejection of Christ Christ did not die for them.
Do they receive benefit from his death? Well, most certainly The all the modern
Western world sees great benefit only because of Christianity, you know that right
So they they receive benefit, but Christ did not die for for the non elect
That's what we're saying in particular redemption How can those for whom
Christ bore the curse ever bear the curse themselves? If Christ at the cross says it is finished and then
Young man over here lives out his life Christ has already paid for it. He's appeased the wrath of God He's made an atonement for for that person.
He's paid for him. His blood has paid that blood ransom. Okay God's wrath is appeased
It's propitiated. It's done and this young man refuses to repent and believe dies in his sins
Has committed sin against God But Christ has already paid the penalty and then he goes to hell and then
God pours his wrath out on him again That's not justice that makes
God unjust and It wastes the blood of Christ That's not biblical
If Christ atoned for every person sins, then all must be saved Or God must punish the same sins twice
You realize that right? If Christ made an atonement for that person and then
God pours his wrath out on that same person after He's been propitiated He has to punish that sin twice and now what do you do with a judge who double punishes a
Crime you say unjust Now you're attesting God did not be just One question has to be answered.
Did God in Christ actually redeem? Reconcile and propitiate his anger against us on the cross.
Did he or did he not? Revelation 5 9 says and by your blood you ransomed people for God He ransomed them.
He purchased them number two specific and Explicit statements of the
Bible regarding those for whom Christ died demands particular redemption
Scripture demands it guys Let's just go through some of these real quick John 10 15 just as the father knows me and I know the father and I laid down my life for who for the sheep
I Lay down my life for the sheep. It seems like a very specific group, doesn't it?
John 6 37 through 40 all that the father gives me might come to me.
Is that what it says? What's it say guys y 'all are too quiet tonight, come on, what does it say will come to me?
Thank you All right Little ways down it says and this is the will of him who sent me that I should lose nothing of all that he has
Given me but raise it up on the last day Christ doesn't lose a single one Anyone that God has given the
Son the Son will redeem without question Everyone who looks on the
Son and believes in him should have eternal life and I will raise him up on the last day It's very specific here
John 15 13 greater love has this than than this that someone lay down his life for his friends
You are my friends if you do what I command you who does what Christ commands?
His friends his sheep his people only Later on it says you did not choose me, but I chose you
It's very specific here next page we have John 17 9 I am praying for them.
I am NOT praying for the world he says That's Jesus He says
I'm praying for them. I'm not praying for the world Everyone but for those whom you have given me for they are yours
We've just gone through Ephesians Ephesians chapter 5 All right, he's talking about husbands loving your wives and he gives the example
Christ just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her
It's very specific here Specific and explicit statements demand particular redemption look at number three the effects of the atonement demand particular redemption
The effects of the atonement demand particular redemption the Bible teaches that the atonement does more than make possible or provide salvation it secures and guarantees it
Absolute we can see that there in Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 starting verse 28 says and we know that for those who love
God all things work together for good for those who are called According to his purpose for those whom he for knew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son in Order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and those whom he predestined
He also called and those whom he called he also justified and those whom he justified. He also
Glorified I want you to think of the language that's there. It's absolute language
Guaranteed in its past tense He says what then shall we say of these things to these things if God is for us then who can be against us he who
Did not spare his own son, but gave him up for us all Who's the all he's speaking of Chrissy speaking to Christians, right all
Christians and Jew Gentile black white male female
How will he not also with him graciously give us all things who shall bring any charge against God's elect
It is God who justifies the effects of the atonement demand particular redemption number four
The context of the atonement demands particular redemption the covenant is the context of Christ's work
Christ's blood is Covenant blood if we don't understand this covenant language, then we cannot understand this
This atoning work of Christ Matthew 26 28 for this is my blood in the covenant
Just talking about the Lord's Supper, isn't it? This is my blood in the covenant, which is poured out for all
No, what's it say It's poured out for many ways I thought Christ died for everybody.
I thought Christ's blood was spilled for everyone We all thought that that's what that's what we were always taught
He repeats it again in Mark 4 in Mark's account in Mark 14 This is the covenant and the blood of the covenant which is poured out for many
First Corinthians 11 25 And this same way took a cup this the cup of the new covenant my blood do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me
Ephesians 2 there at the end of verse 13 He says but now in Christ Jesus you who were who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ's covenantal blood
It's a covenant that is made Hebrews 13 20 now May the God of peace who brought again from the dead our
Lord Jesus the great shepherd of the sheep The great shepherd of who? The sheep who all of the sheep his people right his sheep hear his voice and come to him by the blood of the eternal covenant
This covenant was sealed with his blood. It was the guarantee There in that block we have three facts about the new covenant
Here here's what we know about the covenant guys. All men are not in the covenant
Are they not all man is in the covenant? Secondly, the covenant is one which secures the salvation of those in it
Christ's blood secures Those that are in the covenant, right? It seals them.
It covers them. It washes them clean It makes them right before God and thirdly if the atonement is in the context of the covenant right if Christ's atoning work is in the context and the understanding of this covenant that is sealed by blood then it is
Then its extent must be as wide as but only as wide as the covenant
Mmm, wait a second. What does that mean? What we're talking about is
God made a covenant the triune God made a covenant before he created anything
Didn't he who can tell me what that's called? Covenant of redemption God the Father God the
Son God the Holy Spirit made a covenant They agreed to create and make a people to themselves and redeem that people for themselves
Right, it's the covenant of redemption and now we're brought into a covenant of grace
Those who are covered by the blood of Christ are in the covenant. That's how we're brought into the covenant
What happens to those who are outside of that covenant Did the blood of Christ cover them?
Okay, so that so the the atoning work was limited wasn't it? It must start and stop with the covenant
We're not Presbyterian here. Our Presbyterian brothers think that there are people in the covenant who are not regenerate.
We're Baptist We don't think scripture teaches that no way Jose The only people in the covenant are those who are covered by the blood of Christ period
There's some fakers that pretend to be a part of the church and part of the covenant But they're not unless they're covered by the blood of Christ But it must start and stop with the covenant the atoning work must be limited because the covenant is limited
Okay, I got a move guys. I only have 15 more minutes F The problem with particular redemption there's problems with everything right?
It's like we have their number one almost every theological position bears difficulty Every single one you want to talk about the
Trinity bears difficulty. You want to talk about the deity of Christ bears difficulty Yes, they they do.
They do. It's just a I Think it's a distorted version. It's a distorted understanding.
They're just being inconsistent. The the Presbyterians are reformed There are brothers and they would hold the limited atonement.
They just wouldn't see it in that covenantal language like we would It's a great question though.
Thank you for that But every every position has problems every one of them. We just got to talk through them.
We got to look at it Okay Here's one of the problems number two the use of universal terms concerning redemption
Y 'all ever heard this one in first John 2 2 he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world uh -oh
Everything I just taught got thrown out the window, didn't it? What do you say he's a he's a propitiation for the whole world
This is one of the major texts that they go to we actually gave you three here, but this text right here
Let's deal with it I've got enough time to deal with it and we'll just kind of briefly touch the other two But this is one of the bigger ones.
He is the pripet propitiation of our sins I want you to pay attention to some language
Propitiation again, let's go back to the meaning. What does that mean? Turning God's wrath.
It's propitiating. It's appeasing the wrath of God So this he is the appeasing of God's wrath for our sins
He's appeased God against our sins. Well, who are our sins? And not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world.
Okay, so we have a couple of options here either We are misunderstanding propitiation
Or this passage Means what we think it means or it means universalism because if what
John is saying is that Christ has propitiated our sins and the sins of every human being on the planet
If that's the interpretation Then he's already appeased the wrath of God for everyone Period It's a problem
You ever notice when we go to Scripture sometimes we isolate we don't think of the the author
The author is ultimately the Holy Spirit, but it has human authors and we see the personalities come out We see the style come out.
We must go back to the author We must go back to intent and sometimes in Scripture we see the world referenced and sometimes the world can mean every person
Everywhere of all time, but then sometimes it can just simply mean a group a type of people from every people group
Okay, so this may be what John's talking about in order to confirm this look actually
I don't even have it here If you've got your Bibles look at the gospel according to John chapter 11 where you can jot this down John 11 51 and 52
John the same author Essentially says the exact same thing in a different way that I think gives us more clarity.
Okay So we have John 11 51. I wish I had this up on the screen.
I don't actually I'm gonna do it Hold on I can make this happen You guys you guys get a little insight into the madness.
That is my mind. I think this will work. Let's do it
Come on There it is. Can you see that? All right, can you see that Okay, that's what my notes look like on Sundays Okay, so first John 2 2 he
So now let's look down at John chapter 11 51. It says but being a high priest that year
He prophesied that who Jesus see the pink underline Jesus is the he is he not?
He is Jesus would die for Well the propitiation for you see that green line
Jesus would die for the propitiation for The nation who's the nation
Our sins who's John writing about who's John talking to John's a Jewish Christian He speak he thinks and speaks from a
Jewish perspective. He categorizes himself in a Jewish way every single time See he's speaking of our sins he's speaking of the
Hebrews Okay So the nation and look down at the blue and not for the nation only and he follow it all up to the first John 2 to not for ours only
Very similar language, isn't it? But also there's that purple but also in the same text in the different text
Together and to one the children of God who are scattered abroad for the sins of the whole world the
Gentiles Hey, praise
God for that, right? So when John says in first John 2, it's almost it's almost a shorthand
He's saying he is the propitiation for our sins the Hebrews. Yes He is for us those who have have believed in him
He paid for us and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world the Gentiles There's an elect from every tribe nation and tongue so you can't take it if you take this to mean the whole world as in the fact that that John is saying that he's
Made a propitiation you've got universalism You can't slice it or dice it any other way.
I'm sorry There's those that try they're a lot smarter than me I got to give them that All right.
Let's get our notes back up here. All right All right, so we have that passage we have
Hebrews 2 9 Right at the end so that the grace of God he might taste death for everyone
Well, I want you as a practice I want you to write this down your notes go read the rest of chapter 2 and I want you to underline
Every category where it says sons brothers children offspring of Abraham his brothers the people all those things
I want you to see that when he says they taste death for everyone. He is Specifying it for a specific
Everyone it can't mean every single human being and then of course
John 3 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
You realize that a more literal translation? I don't even have to go to verse 17 Everybody goes verse 17 and just crushes the whole
Arminian position of 16. I don't even have to do that I just have to give you a better word for word translation from the
Greek God loves the world in this particular way That he gave his only son that the believing ones will not perish but have eternal life
Whosoever is a very poor translation The translation is the believing ones from the
Greek so and by the way Every single and I know
I'm chasing a rabbit here every single translator including the NIV Will all confirm and there's many writings out there about it that the current translations of John 3 16 are poor translations and they refuse to change them to extremely because it's such a well -known passage
When it was originally translated that way in the King James Version Everybody got to know it so well that the
Old English Emphasized different things than we do they didn't see the word whosoever the way we do and so it was a better Translation in the in the
King James Version it originally it was a great translation and the people understood it like that But as as language changes, we started putting emphasis on weird areas
And so it all changed but it became such a well -known passage and so memorized that all the translators have agreed
Yeah, if we change it that extreme nobody hasn't memorized anymore. Yes, Jared. It's easy
It's easy. It's it's super simple. Who's gonna believe? Yeah, that's great. All right guys.
Let's get let's get to moving here I don't have much left. Oh, yeah, I only have one more point left. We could have spent a little more time there
All right. I got ahead of myself the free offer of the gospel How can we invite and call each person to repent and believe if Christ did not die for each and every person?
That's a problem for many people This is the effect of particular redemption limited atonement on evangelism
Right, how do we evangelize If Christ didn't die for everybody do we just walk around and go
You know what? I feel like Christ died for him Definitely in that frame
I'm gonna that's not our job. Right? We don't know who Christ paid for Christ paid for whoever believes
Period well, he's gonna believe Whosoever like you said Jared the believing ones the ones that are regenerated the ones that are given the the the gift of faith and repentance
Those are the ones that are gonna believe so we see here three popular approaches to evangelism and these approaches have become prominent
Because people have denied these truths of limited atonement or particular redemption God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
If you ever told anybody that Have you ever heard it? God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
How do you know that? Jacob I've loved Esau I hated What if that person's
Esau? You don't know that you don't know that God loved them You don't know if he has a wonderful plan his plan for them might be eternal punishment
You don't know that you have no right to say that The second one is God wants you to be his friend
God wants you to be God's lonely. God just he created you because he's lonely and he wants to be your friend
Sad It's pathetic really The third and this one is this one's hard this one is where we have to really kind of change the dynamic
Jesus died for you How many of you have said that to somebody? Jesus died for you.
I've done it. It's easy. We say Jesus died for you now believe
The problem is I think we've seen biblically We don't know if Jesus died for them or Jesus died so that they may believe you say that Jesus died so that you may believe
If they don't believe he didn't die for them. That's scary, isn't it?
If you don't believe then Jesus did not die for you He did not pay the substitutionary atonement for you
He did not propitiate the wrath of God for you. If you if you reject him and die in your sins
Yeah, what oh he could have
Well, I think I think I would flip the question around When we see who
God is Why would he save anyone? The question isn't why would he not save some the question really is
The weight of evidence is stacked against the other side. Why would he save any? When we begin to see who
God is, why would he save any any of us? It's because of his good grace and his love his love for those who he set his affection on as Paul said in Ephesians before the foundations of the world and He had a plan
Here's the point the atonement the atoning work of Christ Christ dying on the cross
Was not meant to be a potential salvation. It was a guaranteed salvation
He died specifically for those that the father loved and he paid for those that the father loved and he found all those that the father loved and He kept all those that the father loved and he will glorify all those who the father loved.
It's a great question Let me get to you here in just a second Ryan. I want to answer that question. This is great
Gospel preaching is not proclaiming who Christ died for The gospel is proclaiming
Christ himself as the sufficient Savior for all who repent and believe So when you and I go out and and witness do not and I told you guys at the very first week
There's some new people don't you dare go out and proselytize Calvinism? Don't do it.
Don't go out in the street and say maybe God died for you Don't do it.
They don't have a category for that. You don't see that in Scripture You don't see the Apostles doing you don't see Jesus do it.
You see Jesus and the Apostles go repent and believe Repent and believe You point them you say this is what
God did the God the Father He sent his son to pay for those that were his
Repent and believe if you repent and believe you're one of his That's how we witness we're not trying to get
Calvin. I'll get to you Adam. Just one second Let me catch Ryan cuz he had his hand up. Yes Right, right
Exactly. We have like I said universalism if Jesus died for everyone then God's wrath is appeased for everyone.
It's already done We're all going to heaven everyone Yeah, that's so good.
We we call all men to repentance because the gospel call is for all men
It it's to be spread to all liberally and then you let God sort that out
Because like I've told y 'all this so many times and I'll keep saying it till you eat sleep and breathe it when you know these doctrines you realize that evangelism has a 100 % success rate and it gives you great boldness to evangelize
Because it will it will land in good soil that God has prepared and the
Holy Spirit will awaken them and that person Believe you have no you have no
Ability to discern yourself who that is going to be and you never should try
Yes, Greg. Yes You you are right.
We talked about that in unconditional election last week, which by the way if y 'all miss that We're getting all these up on YouTube.
So they're on a playlist you can catch up but so that would be called synergism and We are not affirming a synergism.
Let me explain that we're when it comes to saving like Justification right to faith and repentance.
That is a monergistic act meaning mono one That's God God the
Holy Spirit awakens you you see the beauty of Christ you turn to him He's paid for your sins and you are you are appeased from the wrath of the
Father, right? That's justification you're brought in that is a work of God and God alone the triune
God does it you were dead in your trespasses And sins you would never have chosen him. You would always reject him.
You would turn from him but but here's the thing once you've been made a new creation and Justified now we go into sanctification and that sanctification specifically progressive sanctification is
Is a synergistic act so like what we as Christians we can we can repent of our sins
We can do holy things we can obey God we can we can Reject sin and we're playing a part in that because now we've been made new to do that So that I think that's kind of what you're getting at but the initial act of set of salvation is
God and God alone Right, and that's why when we evangelize that's important when we go out and we share the gospel repent and believe because you don't know
Who the Holy Spirit you don't he's like it's like the wind when Jesus said Nicodemus, right? We don't know where it's coming from. We don't know what's going. We're literally just out here throwing seeds everywhere, right?
We're just throwing them everywhere. We're laying in a rocky soil ran into the bushes landing on good soil but God prepared the soil and then that seed lands on the right soil and you see the fruit of it and you're like Oh that person repented and believed his
God gave them the ability to repent and believe Like like he gave him that beautiful gift and we see salvation come about that and that means that Christ had paid for them
He had already appeased the wrath of God on their behalf But for those who reject they may reject in the moment and You still don't know like if you ever had a family member that just keeps rejecting the gospel keeps rejecting the gospel and you're like Maybe maybe
God maybe just didn't die for him. Well, you don't know that not until they stop breathing You don't know that you don't know that you've seen
I've seen many a deathbed confessions repents and repentance and belief that seemed very legitimate like that Christ may have died for them.
You keep giving them the gospel You keep sharing the truth of the gospel in the midst of this if this doctrine takes you away from evangelism
You don't understand this doctrine because you're not God. You're not the one that chose You're not the one that sees the spiritual reality you can't see the heart all you can see is the outside and you trust
God with all the rest and He does what he pleases and all that he does is good. He does all things well, right?
So he's gonna save we asked the big question I'm gonna I'm gonna I have to say this we asked the big question when we see limited atonement
We see a particular redemption pastor. What if my child isn't chosen? What if Jesus didn't pay for my child?
Is that what you're saying? Jesus didn't pay for my child. I'm like, no I'm not saying that. I don't know that I don't know but What would you rather would you rather your child?
have their eternal position with God be in their hands a Depraved human being that Paul says will never turn to God Will never choose
God will never love God You want that? Or do you want their fate to be in the hands of a loving gracious good and mighty?
God That saves who he wills and you trust him with it I'd rather I'd rather the heart of my children be in the hands of God.
I'm sorry I don't trust them in there in their hands because I don't trust my heart in my hands. I would never have chosen
God never once so these doctrines guys these have significant consequence in our lives
They have great comforting benefit in our lives because they're true and whatever's true about God is greatly comforting
When we have misunderstandings of them, they can be hard But as we grow to love them and see them as God presents them how they bring great comfort.
Yes angel. Yes Praise God.
It so is you ever had someone in your life that you owe that person is so hard There's no way they'll ever look to Christ They're so hard there's no way
I've seen those people fall in their faith and repentance And faith in Christ and you know why because it had nothing to do with them
The Holy Spirit will awaken who he's gonna awaken it and they can't buck against it We have to trust that that's right.
That gives us boldness to keep telling him repent believe look to the goodness of Christ It's it's his goodness that draws us to him, right?
It's his kindness that draws us to him And so yes, we would we would never turn to him we would never this you see how these are building on themselves
We had to start at total depravity and then we get to unconditional election These these are building blocks to get us to limited atonement
If I would have walked in here five weeks ago and said let's talk about limited atonement You guys would have no no foundation to even get to limited atonement yet until we built on this
This is it all builds on itself. Yes Doesn't the
Potter have the right over the clay to make one vessel for honorable use and one for dishonorable use That's what Paul says guys.
I have to close. I'm sorry We're ten minutes past and the children's teachers are probably pulling their hair out if you have questions
Go to pastor Keith. Okay. No you come up Let's we can talk and I'd love to talk.
This is a very difficult topic I know and and we need to talk through it as brothers and sisters. Let's pray
Lord. Thank you for tonight Thank you for this great doctrine help us to know it help us to love it Help us to live it out in a balanced way father.
Help us not to become arrogant with this knowledge But that it would humble us That it would humble us that it would drive us to the cross that it would drive us to you that it would drive us
To reliance on you to trust in you to to obey you Lord that it would drive us to share the gospel
Boldly with everyone liberally no matter who they are or stance in life God give us give us the courage and the faith to do so we thank you in Christ's name.