Dear Flat Earthers, What Are Meteors?
In a recent episode of Didaché, Justin Peters addresses the Flat Earth theory, focusing on meteors. He recounts his experience seeing a meteor and explains how meteors pose a significant challenge to the Flat Earth model. According to Peters, flat earthers believe in a dome covering the Earth, but the existence and behavior of meteors contradict this belief. He questions how meteors could fall through the dome without causing damage and points out the implausibility of meteors being fragments of the dome. Peters concludes with a teaser for an upcoming interview that promises
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- Dear Flat Earthers, what in the world, pardon the pun, was that?
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- Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
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- I want to thank you so much for joining me for the program. So a couple, three months ago,
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- I did a few videos on the Flat Earth Theory. And the first video I did was just kind of one
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- I threw together real quickly about the problem that the Flat Earth Model presents with something as basic and common as sunsets and the sun illuminating the underneath side of the clouds.
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- And then I decided to follow that up with an interview with Dr. Danny Faulkner.
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- And links to all of this down below there in the description, if you've not seen those videos and you'd like to watch them, links down below for you.
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- So there's a lot of different problems with the Flat Earth Model. And one which
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- I have not yet dealt with is that of meteors. Meteors are a thing.
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- In fact, many of you watching this have probably seen one yourself. I myself have seen a meteor, in fact, not too long ago, just around Christmas, this past Christmas, Kathy and I were driving in Montana between Laurel and Billings, Montana, if you would like to know specifically, out in a rural area away from all of the lights.
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- And there was a meteor that went overhead and for a brief second, it lit up the whole area.
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- I've seen a few meteors, but this was one of the more dramatic ones I've seen. So that was just about six months or so ago.
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- But at any rate, meteors are a thing. But they are a problem for the Flat Earth Model.
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- Because, generally speaking, the Flat Earth Model says that the Earth is this giant disk and right in the middle of the disk is the
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- North Pole, but the South Pole doesn't even exist. Antarctica rims the perimeter, the circumference of this giant disk on which we live.
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- And so there's this giant ice wall called Antarctica that goes all the way around the disk, and it keeps the oceans in, you know, from spilling off the edge of this flat
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- Earth. And despite all of the problems that that presents, I want to focus in on meteors and specifically how that works, how meteors work with the dome.
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- Because you see, most Flat Earthers believe that there is a dome that covers this giant disk on which we live.
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- And according to some models, the Sun and the Moon, most
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- Flat Earthers would say are inside of the dome, and they revolve around the
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- North Pole with varying diameters. Because sometimes, you know, the
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- Sun and the Moon are around the Tropic of Cancer, others Tropic Capricorn, and that makes the different seasons.
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- But that doesn't work either. But at any rate, not the subject of this video, how do meteors work with this dome that is covering the
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- Earth? Because dear friends, most of us, myself included, we believe that meteors are these chunks of rock of varying sizes and that are hurtling through space at incredible rates of speed.
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- And every once in a while, one of these chunks of rocks comes near us and it comes into the
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- Earth's atmosphere, enters the Earth's atmosphere. But as it does so, as the Earth's atmosphere becomes more dense, the closer it gets to the
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- Earth, the more friction there is with the rocks. It heats these rocks up so that they glow, and most of them explode before they ever hit the
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- Earth. But every once in a while, one of these rocks does manage to hit the ground, and then that meteor becomes a meteorite.
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- So how does that work with the dome? The meteors are not crashing through the dome, of course.
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- I don't think any flat earther would believe that, because then it would punch a giant hole in the dome and all of the air would seep out into space.
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- The discussion of whether or not space even exists for the flat earthers, that's another thing. But so the meteors aren't crashing through the dome, so therefore meteors must be chunks of the dome that are falling off towards Earth.
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- Now that brings up a couple of other questions that I would have. So how is it that chunks of the dome are falling off towards the
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- Earth? If that's what is happening, how is it that these chunks are reaching such phenomenal rates of speed?
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- I mean far, far faster than what terminal velocity would be. Just if you, say, went up in a helicopter or an airplane and dropped a rock out of it, it's going to fall pretty fast, but it's not going to reach speeds anywhere near fast enough to glow and explode because of the friction of the air.
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- That just doesn't happen. It doesn't happen to people who jump out of airplanes, so it's not going to happen to chunks of the dome, this supposed dome falling off.
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- So that's a problem. And also, if these are chunks of the dome falling off, did
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- God not make the dome more sturdy? I mean, you believe that this is a dome that God made over the
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- Earth. And I believe in Scripture, in the inerrancy, infallibility, insufficiency of Scripture is authoritative.
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- I believe I'm a young Earth creationist, the whole nine yards go down the line, I'm there.
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- But you believe that this, that God made this dome and apparently did not make it even to OSHA standards?
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- I mean, it's just falling apart and chunks of it are falling off. Does that make any sense at all?
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- And who's in charge of repairing the dome? Who does that? Does that make any sense?
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- None of this does, dear friends. So this is just one of the problems with the Flat Earth.
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- And some Flat Earthers would say, well, yeah, but there's a problem because all the meteors seem to fall down, you know, from upward, down, lower, downward trajectory.
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- Whereas if the globe, if the Earth was a globe, then some of them would be going up.
- 07:03
- Well, fact of the matter is, is some meteors do appear to rise up because of the shape of the
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- Earth. And here's just a couple of examples. But if you would like a more detailed explanation, down below, also in the description, is a link written by Dr.
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- Danny Faulkner about meteors and the problem that they pose for the Flat Earthers and how some of them do indeed actually appear to rise from our perspective here on this terrestrial ball.
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- So Flat Earthers, what are meteors? I have yet to see an explanation for what they are, at least not a cogent one.
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- Dear friends, I will be doing another video on the Flat Earth, and it will be coming up next week.
- 07:53
- And stay tuned for that because I'm going to be doing an interview about something really big that is coming up, and it should put an end, a final end, to the debate about the shape of the
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- Earth. Something really, really big is coming up. Some of you watching this probably already know what it is, but that's a little teaser for what's coming up next week.
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- I will be doing this interview on June the 10th, Monday, June the 10th, and hopefully we'll get it up on my channel the next day,
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- June the 11th. So stay tuned for that. We got something big coming up for the
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- Flat Earthers and the shape of the Earth. Thank you very much, dear ones, for watching. Until our next time together, may the grace of our