The Witness of John the Baptist Part Two


John 1:19–42 Pastor Rob Kimsey March 10, 2024


John chapter 1 Starting in verse 19, and this is the witness of John When the
Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him. Who are you?
and he confessed and did not deny but confessed I am NOT the Christ and They asked him
What then are you Elijah and he said I am
NOT Are you the Prophet and he answered? No Therefore they said to him.
Who are you? So that we may give an answer to those who sent us
What do you say about yourself? He said I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the
Lord as Isaiah the prophet said Now they had been sent from the Pharisees and they asked him and said to him
Why then are you baptizing if you're not the Christ nor Elijah nor the Prophet?
John answered them saying I baptized with water But among you stands one whom you do not know
This one is he who comes after me of whom I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandal
These things took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan where John was baptizing on The next day he saw
Jesus coming to him and said behold The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world
This is he of whom I said After me comes a man who has been ahead of me for he existed before me
I did not know him but so that he might be manifested to Israel. I came baptizing with water and John bore witness
Saying I have beheld the Spirit descending as a dove out of heaven and he abided on him
And I did not know him but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me
The one upon whom you see the Spirit descending and abiding on him this is the one who baptizes with the
Holy Spirit and I myself have seen and have Born -witness that this is the
Son of God Verse 35 on the next day
John again was standing with two of his disciples and he looked at Jesus as he walked and said behold the
Lamb of God and the two disciples heard him speak and followed
Jesus and When Jesus turned and noticed them following he said to them
What do you seek? They said to him Rabbi, which translated means teacher
Rabbi, where are you staying? And he said to them come and you will see
So they came and saw where he was staying and they stayed with him that day. It was about the 10th hour
One of the two who heard John speak and followed him was Andrew Simon Peter's brother
He first found his own brother Simon and said to him we have found the Messiah which translated means
Christ He brought him to Jesus When Jesus looked at him, he said you are
Simon the son of John you shall be called Cephas which is translated
Peter and We'll stop there for now. He may be seated in Verses 19 through 42 the
Apostle John describes the witness of John the Baptist over a three -day period to three different groups so that you can see the first of many witnesses that prove
Jesus is the Messiah the true identity of Jesus is the
Messiah When we rightly understand him we can rightly display him to those who don't know him
When we rightly understand him we have assurance in our own salvation last week as we considered the claim of the second day the
Apostle showed us a connection from the Prophet Isaiah To John the
Baptist the Apostle recorded the Baptist words in verse 23 when questioned by the misunderstood errand boy
Jewish delegation Those who had just been sent out by their bosses the Baptist answered their questions about who he was by quoting the
Prophet Isaiah verse 23 he said I'm a voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the
Lord as Isaiah the Prophet said that's quoting Isaiah 40 verse 3 and There is another obvious connection to the
Prophet in his prophecy of the suffering servant from Isaiah 53 Isaiah 53 verse 7 we find this he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet, he did not open his mouth like a lamb that is led to slaughter and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so he did not open his mouth a prophecy about the
Crucifixion of Christ approximately 700 years before Jesus was born Clearly the
Baptist was familiar with the prophets writing and he was quoting it He obviously knew about this prophecy and it was on his tongue
We can rightly deduce that John the Baptist would have applied chapter 53 to Jesus just like he applied chapter 40 to himself and The greater context of Isaiah gives the true understanding of Christ's suffering on our account
Here we see the doctrine of substitutionary atonement Isaiah 53 in the full context just going back a few verses starting in verse 4
Isaiah explains the suffering servant who is of course Jesus Isaiah says surely our griefs he himself bore and Our sorrows he carried
Yet we ourselves a seam esteemed him stricken smitten of God and afflicted But he was pierced through for our transgressions
He was crushed for our iniquities the chastening for our peace
Fell upon him and by his wounds We are healed all of us like sheep have gone astray
Each of us has turned to his own way But Yahweh has caused the iniquity of us all to fall on him
He was oppressed and he was afflicted yet He did not open his mouth
Like a lamb that is led to slaughter and like a sheep that is silent before it shears
So he did not open his mouth Jesus is the Lamb of God this is the doctrine of substitutionary atonement a giving of life in Another's place a giving of life so that others may live
I have a real -world example. It made me think of this story that I had once heard of everybody remembers the day
September 11th an infamous day for all of us as Americans September 11th on that day in 2001 armed men hijacked planes and Flew them into the twin towers of the
World Trade Center and the Pentagon killing just under 3 ,000 people approximately
And there are many stories of policemen and firefighters and other first responders laying down their lives to save people
One such story is about a man named Benjamin Clark However, Benjamin Clark was not a policeman or a firefighter
Benjamin Clark was a chef He worked as a chef for the fiduciary trust company on the 96th floor of the
South Tower He was also a former Marine but that morning it was business as usual as he prepared meals just doing his job cooking and He was preparing the meals for the folks working at the company
Benjamin would later be credited with saving hundreds of lives as he made sure everyone in his department and then
Also everyone else on the 96th floor got out safely He would later stop on the 78th floor to help a woman in a wheelchair get to safety
Although every person on the 96th floor got out with their lives Benjamin did not
He sacrificed his life for people he who he knew and in most cases even for strangers
Today, Benjamin Clark is celebrated as a hero who gave his life so that others could live
Benjamin Clark's example of Selflessly giving his life for others is is an amazing testimony it's a helpful illustration of this idea of substitution
Substitutionary atonement but John's Gospel shows us the profound weight of this doctrine in light that Jesus died for sinners
Jesus took our place The Apostle Paul put it like this
For while we were still weak at the right time Christ died for the ungodly
Paul says for one will hardly die for a righteous man though. Perhaps for the good man some would even dare to die
But God demonstrates his own love toward us and that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us
And Paul says much more than now having been justified by his blood We shall be saved from the wrath of God through him
For if while we were enemies while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his son much more having been
Reconciled we shall be saved by his life and not only this but we also boast in God through our
Lord Jesus Christ Through whom we have now received the reconciliation
What an important doctrine we have before us this morning the Lamb of God Substitutionary atonement we have received the reconciliation the question for you this morning is do you have this reconciliation?
Do you have this? Reconciliation do you have peace with God?
purchased once and for all Jesus died an agonizing and humiliating death on the cross and willingly laid down his life as a substitute to atone for our sin
Not just one person or even several hundred but for all of God's elect
Jesus gave his life as a Substitute for sinners so that he took
God's wrath in the place of sinners This atonement is the reconciliation of God and humankind through Jesus Christ Jesus calls all people to turn away from sin and to return to God and to believe in the gospel
So that they may have eternal life and avoid God's just Penalty for sin as the perfect spotless
Lamb Jesus suffered and bore the very wrath of God The Puritan Matthew Henry said this regarding Isaiah and the prophecy of the
Messiah suffering for sinners quote in these verses is an account of the sufferings of Christ Also of the design of his sufferings it was for our sins and in our stead that our
Lord Jesus suffered We have all sinned and have come short of the glory of God Sinners have their beloved sin their own evil way of which they are fond
Our sins deserve all griefs and sorrows even the most severe We are saved from the ruin to which by sin we become liable by laying our sins on Christ This atonement was to be made for our sins.
And this is the only way of Salvation the only way he goes on to say our sins were the thorns in Christ's head the nails in his hands and feet the spear in his side
He was delivered to death for our offenses by his sufferings
He purchased for us the Spirit and grace of God to mortify our corruptions
Which are the distempers of our souls? We may well endure our lighter
Sufferings if he has taught us to esteem all things but loss for him and to love him who has first loved us in This section of John we see the witness of John the
Baptist Over a three -day period to three different groups three days three groups three testimonies
Day one the first testimony to the Jewish delegation is in verses 19 through 28
Jesus as Messiah Day to the second testimony to a crowd of Jewish people verses 29 through 34
Jesus as the Lamb is the Son of God and Day three the third testimony to this to the
Baptist disciples We'll see this morning in verses 35 through 42 Jesus is the
Lamb of God This section of the historical narrative records the
Baptist witness to the third group consistent with John's humility Remember this one is he who comes after me of whom
I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandal The Baptist focuses the attention of his own disciples onto Jesus The best way
I found to break down this passage is to look at it in two parts The claim and the consequence the claim and the consequence the claim in verses 35 and 36 and the consequence in verses 37 through 42 first the claim
He says in verse 35 on the next day John again was standing with two of his disciples and he looked at Jesus as he walked and said behold the
Lamb of God The witness of John the Baptist On the third day
John again was standing with two of his disciples We get a little more info about the crowd of Jews from the second day
It says again, the Baptist disciples were present the day before as well at least two probably more
But the Apostle records that two of his disciples were present this day and the day before We know one of the two disciples was
Andrew as the Apostle John will point out in the following verses I believe the second disciple was the
Apostle John himself He has a habit of referring to himself in the third person and not inserting his name in the various accounts
He records so going with the the style of writing. It makes sense. It would also make sense that the
Apostles Testimony is firsthand meaning the Apostle John witnessed these events.
He wasn't told these events I believe we are looking at a first -hand account here and He looked at Jesus as he walked and said behold the
Lamb of God The verb the Apostle employs here refers to looking at something directly and therefore intently
So to look with intention to look at this is to gaze upon it to look and to gaze
John was looking at Jesus as he walked and calls out emphatically for the others to do the same behold the
Lamb of God behold To point out something to which the speaker wishes to draw attention.
Look see Specifically to indicate a place or individual here is the
Lamb This one this man right here. This man is the Lamb of God as the
Lamb Jesus offered up his complete being Involuntarily giving his life as a sacrifice to satisfy the righteous wrath of God He took the penalty of sin due to us willingly a perfect spotless sacrifice without blemish
He was a holy and righteous man With no sin and had committed no crimes
Yet he was mocked He was falsely accused. He was condemned to death as a criminal as a criminal
Jesus was humiliated. They mocked him. They spat in his face. They beat him
He was tortured. They scorched him with cattail whips mutilating his flesh
He was marred and disfigured The account tells us to the point that he didn't resemble a human being
He was beaten and tortured so much that he was marred and disfigured to the point that you didn't recognize
You were looking at a man Just completely tortured
Yet With all that in mind it pales in comparison to what he did for us
His physical pain would have been easy to endure compared to the cup that he drank
The cup he drank of God's wrath being poured out on him the anguish of his soul is our peace as Isaiah wrote
Jesus as the Lamb took away our sins Jesus as the Lamb Understands our suffering
This one understands suffering our God the one who intercedes for us
Night and day there isn't one second of one minute of one hour of any time in in your time as a
Christian that Christ Hasn't been advocating for you Jesus as the
Lamb understands suffering Helen Keller once famously said this
Although the world is full of suffering it is full also of the overcoming of it
It's a good quote Helen Keller was the first deaf blind person to earn a
Bachelor of Arts degree when she was 19 months old she had contracted a virus that led her to becoming deaf and Also resulted in the loss of her sight
One could argue that Helen Keller rightly has some authority on suffering On the surface this quote seems legit seems right.
It may be maybe not Although the world is full of suffering. It is also it is full also of the overcoming of it
I'd like to suggest that this quote actually falls flat in a biblical understanding on suffering
We must seek a biblical Understanding if we are to properly contemplate our own trials and how we can rightly deal with them
The gospel according to the Apostle John and the eyewitness of John the Baptist Help us to see the biblical authority in the testimony of Jesus's identity
It is crucial that we seek biblical truth in any understanding We have set ourselves up for even more trouble in a lack of defense against real and damaging suffering otherwise
One man once said this about trials suffering is the evidence against God The reason not to trust him
Jesus is the evidence for God the reason to trust him this
I think gets us closer to the point, but it still seems lacking a Christian author said this on the topic
God Who foresaw all your tribulation has specially armed you to go through it?
Not without pain, but without stain This is much better, but it's still lacking these quotes while insightful and somewhat inspirational
Even being potentially true and correct are all lacking because they do not originate from God's Word The Bible is the only genuine source to rightly speak on the reality of Suffering if we're going to develop a strategy for dealing with suffering
We need to look not to human wisdom, but to the true wisdom that comes from God And we could take comfort in our sufferings knowing that Christ as the
Lamb of God understands suffering The Bible teaches that Jesus and his humanity was perfected in suffering
Hebrews chapter 5 he Referring to Christ in the days of his flesh offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and Tears to the one able to save him from death and he was heard because of his reverence
You're going through something and you're offering up loud crying and tears to the father
Be encouraged because that's what Jesus did in the days of his flesh this one understands suffering although he was a son he learned obedience from the things which he suffered and Having been made perfect.
He became to all those who obey him the source of eternal
Salvation Hebrews chapter 5 verses 7 through 9. It's easy for us to become stoic
Despairing or Disconcerted as we go through various trials as we see the world filled with all manner of evil
The more we take a stand for the holiness of God the more it will cost us The more we will suffer
But remember the words of even Paul the Apostle and the letter to the Philippians For to you it has been granted for Christ's sake not only to believe in him
But what but also to suffer in his name to suffer
Paul says for his sake In the midst of trials and suffering we can look upon Jesus as the
Lamb of God and follow him and The repeated Lamb of God's statement in verse 36 gives the strong Implication that the two disciples had caught the significance of the one the
Baptist had pointed out This conclusion is demonstrated in their response to the claim and this leads us to the consequence the consequence
Look at verse 37 The two disciples heard him speak and followed
Jesus And when Jesus turned and noticed them following he said to them, what do you seek in other words?
What do you want? They said to him teacher Where are you staying?
He said to them come and you will see So they came and saw where he was staying and they stayed with him that day.
It was about the 10th hour One of the two heard John speak and followed him
It was Andrew Simon's brother. He first found his own brother Simon and said to him we have found the
Messiah Of course, which means Christ he brought him to Jesus when
Jesus looked at him He said you are Simon the son of John you shall be called
Cephas Which is translated Peter Petros the witness of John the
Baptist the two disciples heard him speak and Followed Jesus The two men heard the
Baptist speak and they followed the one he was speaking about it was Jesus of Nazareth Although the
Greek word can mean to literally move behind someone in the same direction We understand that to come after or to follow that isn't how the
Apostle used it here. It is not He wrote that they followed as disciples
The specific lexical meaning gives us a clue that the second disciple was John the word follow here is with Transition to the figurative meaning to follow someone as a disciple to be a disciple to follow that person
So why did these disciples leave John the Baptist because that's what the Baptist wanted them to do
That's the purpose of his witness the forerunner ministry of the Baptist was
Pointing the way away to point to Christ to point the way to Jesus The Baptist was never never gathering his own following The one
John had prepared them to follow was Jesus the Lamb of God These were
Jesus's first disciples along with Simon Peter in verse 42 Philip in verse 43 and Nathanael in verse 45
This is another important clue that the Apostle John was the second disciple in The account from the synoptic
Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke James and John were called directly after Andrew and Peter, but notice that's not what we see here in John's Gospel in The Gospel of Matthew in chapter 4 we see this
Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee He saw two brothers Simon who was called
Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishermen and he said to them follow me and I will make you fishers of men and Immediately they left their nets and followed him and going on from there.
He saw two other brothers James the son of Zebedee and John his brother in the boat with Zebedee their father
Mending their nets and he called them and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him that's not how
John records the timing in his Gospel and Actually, even if we look at that that portion in Matthew we get more from John Simon who was called
Peter. The reason he's called Peter is Jesus gave him that nickname We get to see these these details coming up in John that we don't see in the other
Gospels Remember the term synoptic just means same or similar The Gospel of John is not part of the synoptic
Gospels as Matthew Mark and Luke record same the same or similar information
John provides more information and alternative perspective to the same events recorded in Matthew Mark and Luke He simply omitted himself and his brother and referred to himself in the third person as was his habit
We know from the synoptics that Andrew and Peter and James and John were the first called likely it was
Andrew and John and Then they went and grabbed their brothers remember, this is a first -hand account and When Jesus turned and noticed them following he said to them, what do you want?
What do you seek? He said to them. What do you want? And they said to him teacher.
Where are you staying? When Andrew and John began to follow Jesus, he asked them. What do you seek?
And notice they don't answer him plainly They answer with a question Where are you staying?
Jesus's question is important. The implication is that Following Jesus is not enough.
In other words, we must follow Jesus for the right reasons think about it like this
Following Christ for our own gains would be asking Christ to follow us
We don't become disciples of Christ for him to align with us and support or advance our cause
We must examine our motives for following him. Jesus said what do you want? What is it that you seek?
Are you seeking my glory or yours are we seeking his glory or ours?
One commentator pointed this out the the following quote following here does not necessarily mean that they became permanent disciples at this time
The implication may be that they went after Jesus to examine him more closely because of John's testimony
This event constituted a preliminary exposure of John the baptist disciples to Jesus They eventually dedicated their lives to him as true disciples and apostles when
Jesus called them to permanent service after these events
He said to them come and you will see so they came and saw where he was staying And they stayed with him that day.
It was about the 10th hour Jesus graciously overlooked their misunderstanding And invited them to come and see where he was at where he was staying
And we are told by the baptist that they did indeed follow him and stayed with him that day
And we see the evidence of the firsthand account in the exact time of the day given the 10th hour
The apostle shows his firsthand knowledge in the exact time of day.
It was 10 a .m 10 a .m One of the two who heard john speaking and followed him was andrew
Simon peter's brother and here the apostle gives the identity of the other apostle or the i'm sorry the other disciple
So the apostle john is telling us one of the two disciples. It was andrew. It was peter's brother
Andrew accepted john the baptist testimony about jesus and immediately went to tell his brother simon about him
We can only imagine how exciting and transformative this encounter must have been
I mean, you can almost just picture andrew running to tell peter We found the we found the messiah
The point the apostle is making is the consequence of the claim There was obviously no question in andrew's mind that jesus was the messiah
Not only did he tell his brother, but we see later in the gospel account that he was also eager to introduce others to jesus
We see andrew's participation Amongst the crowds when jesus fed the 5 000
Later in the eyewitness account of the gospel of john in chapter 6 One of his disciples andrew simon peter's brother said to him
There is a boy here who has five barley loafs and two fish. But what are these for so many people? Later after the triumphal entry in jerusalem some greeks were seeking jesus and we see andrew's participation john chapter 12
Now there were some greeks among those who were going up to worship at the feast These then came to philip who was from beth seda of galilee
And began to ask him saying sir, we wish to see jesus Philip came and told andrew andrew and philip came and told jesus
So an important implication for us Andrew was also eager to introduce others to jesus
And we can just pause here for a moment How many people in your life have heard you talk about jesus?
How many people in your life have heard you talk about your relationship with jesus?
Upon seeing this one upon hearing john's testimony. He eagerly went to his brother
And we see throughout his time with christ that he is participating And he wants to point people to christ
You know, we can think about our own lives when we first got saved You're probably so excited to tell people about jesus, but something fades over the years
Think about this passage May this stir up your heart for zeal to tell others in your life
Who have you told about jesus? Do people know that you're a christian? Oh beloved,
I pray that if that's the case that you repent Repent repent of that and then go and tell that person
I want to make sure you know I follow jesus Jesus is my lord
How many people in your life have heard you talk about your relationship with jesus? May we look at andrew?
And and then the the continuation in the narrative It says in verse 41.
He first found his own brother simon and said to him We have found the messiah
Which translated means christ? The first response from andrew was to seek out his brother and tell him we have found the messiah
The apostle uses the greek word for messiah and this is important. We need to look at verse 41
Normally, we see the word christos We do see that in the insert messiah, which translated means christ christos
Fulfiller of israelite expectation of a deliverer the anointed one the messiah the christ
The greek word for messiah is different And is only used twice in the whole new testament
This word the greek word for messiah only used twice in the whole new testament and one of them is here in verse 41
Here in verse 41 and again by the apostle in john's gospel That second usage is the account of the samaritan woman at the well
John chapter 4 verse 25 the woman said to him. I know that messiah is coming
He who is called christ when he comes he will declare all things to us The only two places in all the new testament where one of the biblical writers uses the actual word for messiah
Pointing out that jesus is the promised messiah of the old testament
While being a samaritan there may have been a misunderstanding on her part So we have to understand that that she was separated from the body of of the jewish believers
The bible commentator donald guthrie made this comment God desires worshipers who are in tune with him
All this probably left the woman somewhat out of her depth She sent some messianic connections, although it is not clear what she meant by messiah
The samaritans did not use the word as far as we know The woman may have used it because she was talking to a jew
Certainly the samaritans were looking for the prophet. This is the prophet promised by moses deuteronomy 18
The prophet who would reveal the truth Thus says the lord through moses. I will raise up a prophet among you who is like moses
And this throws light on the woman's words. It gave jesus the cue to declare himself
As the expected messiah Not the same thing going on here in verse 41.
Not the same Andrew is recorded as saying messiah not christ
So there was a jewish Expectation and he understood that the fulfillment was in the human man standing before him
Only twice in both and john the messiah equals the anointed one
Again guthrie is helpful here He says the term messiah is translated by john for the benefit of his non -jewish readers
But the hebrew messiah and the greek christ are derived from a root meaning
Anointed one although in the old testament the idea of anointing was mainly in the setting apart of kings
In the new testament the concept is applied to jesus in a widened sense
To include the idea of an anointed prophet priest and king A contradiction has been supposed between this announcement and the synoptic records
Which suggests that jesus was not recognized as messiah until peter's confession at caesarea philippi
But there is no need to suppose that here the disciples had anything
But a very general idea of what messiahship Really meant in other words
Andrew saw jesus as the promised anointed one from the old testament and he was not confused about it
Not confused about it Verse 42. He brought him to jesus When jesus looked at him.
He said you are simon the son of john you shall be called Cephas which is translated peter
Andrew brought his brother to jesus and when jesus looked at him. He said you shall be called
Cephas which is the aramaic surname for simon. It means stone jesus not only saw who simon was but Who he would become?
In his omniscience jesus gave him a new name cephas in aramaic peter in greek petros the name means a rock
By giving simon a new name jesus introduced a change in character And this of course was a foreshadow of peter's later confession
Recorded in the synoptics. We see a different More nuanced thing here in in john's gospel in chapter 6 simon peter answered him lord to whom shall we go?
You have the words of eternal life and we have believed and come to know that you are the holy one
Of god the anointed the messiah At the present time in our passage the disciples andrew and john have decided to leave the baptist and follow jesus
Andrew has told his brother simon peter We don't get any info on john telling his brother james, but we know from the other gospels that the first Disciples called by jesus were andrew peter james and john
Jesus had started his earthly ministry following his baptism And the narrative will now shift to showing the disciples and the calling of the apostles
As they choose to follow jesus or rather jesus chooses them to follow him
This one this jesus is worth following He's the only one worth following We need this jesus
Without jesus as your substitute there's only wrath only wrath
We need this lamb We need this substitute You need this lamb.
You need this substitute Think of me think with me if you would about Maybe some examples of our need
A man who was trying to save his dog from being hit by a car As the beloved pet was attempting to cross the street after getting away from the owner
And as the man carefully warned and called off the animal from speeding cars on the busy road
Right at the last to have his dog hit and killed by a car If a doctor carrying a viable organ
Was trying to catch a flight at the airport and was running to make it How troubling it would be to almost make it to the plane on time to only miss the flight stuck at the terminal
Dooming the person awaiting the life -saving transplant How sad would it be if a person was thrown overboard a boat and seeing land in the far off distance
Gave every part of their being to swimming for the land only to drown as they were right next to the shore
These examples may seem extreme but indulge me one further And even more example and it is disturbing because it is it is it is really a reality in every local church across this country
Imagine how above every other example Anecdote or illustration a preacher might give that a person could almost
Be a christian only to end up in the horrific Lake of fire of god's wrath for all eternity
A famous theologian had this to say about conversion We know people who have been converted many times
Every time there's a church revival they go to the altar and get saved One minister told of a man in his congregation who had been saved 17 times
During a revival meeting the evangelist made an altar call for all who wanted to be filled with the spirit
The man who had been converted so often made his way toward the altar again And a woman from the congregation shouted don't fill him lord.
He leaks Those who become unconverted
Were never converted Those who become unconverted were never converted in the first place
The scripture today aids us in questioning What kind of conversion we have as we look upon the lamb of god?
And how or if we have truly followed him or if we are truly following him three days three groups three testimonies
Day number three the third group and the third claim in verses 35 through 42 Jesus is the lamb of god
Who bore the wrath of god for sinners and he is the only anointed one of god who is worthy of following?
Jesus is the lamb of god who bore the wrath of god for sinners and he is the only anointed one of god
Who is worthy of following? These truths are imperative for the sinner turn
From your destruction and seek the lamb and find peace I pray that you know.
Jesus is the lamb this morning These realities cause the sinner to be confronted with eternity
These truths likewise encourage the believer May it do so for you this morning as a child of god
I pray that if you don't know the lamb this morning you would gaze upon jesus and be drawn to his mercy
Go to your substitute and find peace For those in the loving embrace of your savior.
Jesus christ The lamb of god may you be encouraged May you be encouraged and refreshed?
with the baptist testimony May the witness of john the baptist encourage you and strengthen you beloved
An ancient theologian once said if I was an if I was the nightingale I would sing like a nightingale
If a swan like a swan But since I am a rational creature my role is to praise god
I love this quote because it's simple to understand We are made to praise the one who has made us
He is deserving of our praise We are not to praise the creation. We are we are to praise the creator
Those that have rejected god get that backwards Thankfully, we have god's word and we can contemplate god's character and his attributes
If we look at the testimony of the baptist, we see who who god is we see who christ is
He's the lamb of god He takes away our sin We can clearly see why these truths cause us to worship the creator not the creation
The well -known author c .s lewis once said this I was not born to be free.
I was born to adore and obey from his seminal contribution on the psalter
Reflections on the psalms. He wrote this quote it is not out of Compliment that lovers keep on telling one another how beautiful they are
The delight is incomplete Till it is expressed It is frustrating to have discovered a new author and not to be able to tell anyone how good he is to come suddenly at the turn of the road upon some mountain valley of unexpected grandeur
And then have to keep silent Because the people with you care for it no more than for a tin can in the ditch
To hear a good joke and to find no one to share it with We praise god because his attributes demand to be praised
His mighty works scream to be praised and we can no more deny praising him
Than a fish could deny the ocean A fish cannot live without water a christian cannot live without praising god in christ
This wonderful testimony of the son's messiahship As the lamb of god helps us ponder the apostle john's gospel today
It is filled with reason after reason why we should praise god the father the son jesus and the holy spirit
May this truth both convict the sinner and encourage the sheep the witness of john the baptist
Jesus is our substitute Jesus understands our suffering jesus is worthy of our praise
The claim of john the baptist is that jesus is the lamb of god
May the consequence be that we follow him In verses 19 through 42 the apostle describes the witness of john the baptist over a three -day period to three different groups
So that you can see the first of many witnesses that prove jesus is the messiah Three days three groups three testimonies
Day one the first testimony to the jewish delegation Jesus as the messiah is far superior in every way to the forerunner ministry of john the baptist
Day two the second testimony to a crowd made up of jewish people jesus as the lamb
Takes away the sin because he is the son of god who baptizes sinners with the holy spirit
And day three the third testimony to the baptist disciples Jesus is the lamb of god who bore the wrath of god for sinners