TLP 465: Your Family’s Response to the Three Annunciations of Christ, Part 1


What’s the point of Christmas? On what should your family focus during December? Listen in on this special edition of Truth.Love.Parent. to a Christmas sermon from AMBrewster. The topic of his message was “The Believer’s Response to Three Annunciations of Christ.”Support our 501(c)(3) by becoming a TLP Friend: AMBrewster on Wisdom to discuss today’s episode. the following episodes by clicking the titles or navigating to the episode in your app:Christmas Podcast Episodes Click here for extra Christmas content: here for our free Parenting Course: us on Facebook: us on Instagram: us on Twitter: AMBrewster on Facebook: AMBrewster on Instagram: AMBrewster on Twitter: us on Pinterest: to us on YouTube: here for more of our social media accounts: some help? Write to us at [email protected].


TLP 466: Your Family’s Response to the Three Annunciations of Christ, Part 2

So, what should be the response? For the people who hear this annunciation, what should be our response to all this?
Well, we need to respond to it. If we don't respond to it, there's a problem. Welcome to Truth, Love, Parents, where we use
God's Word to become intentional, premeditated parents. Here's your host,
AM Brewster. I want to get right into today's content, but I need to explain three things first.
Number one, if you wanted to participate in Giving Tuesday last week, but were unable to do so at the time, please don't let that keep you from donating to our ministry and becoming a
TLP friend. Giving Tuesday is not the only day of the year we accept donations. Every day is a perfect day for that.
And since we were unable to hit our goal of 100 new donors, we would love to get as many more as we can before the new year.
We're specifically looking for 100 families who will commit to giving at least $20 a month.
But of course, anything and everything you do will be greatly appreciated and will be applied toward the work of connecting
God's truth with families all over the world. Please visit truthloveparent .com forward slash donate to learn more.
Number two, what you're about to hear is a message that I preached at a church in Wisconsin. You'll obviously recognize that the material wasn't packaged specifically for families.
It approaches today's topic more broadly in that it discusses how all Christians should respond to the three annunciations of Christ.
The material is very important for you and your family, but we'll need some additional help applying it.
Therefore, I'm super excited to tell you about this last announcement. Number three, I am now a top mentor on an app called
Wisdom. You can go to the app store and find Wisdom very easily. You will also find links to it on our website.
Wisdom is not a social media platform. It's more like listening to an episode of Truth Love Parent, but this time you can actually participate in the conversation.
So here's how it'll work. This episode posts on Tuesday. So on Wednesday morning at 11 a .m.
EST, that's Eastern Standard Time, I'll start a talk on the Wisdom app. Sometime before then,
I suggest you obviously do it today, download the Wisdom app, make a quick profile, and then find me at ambruster.
By the way, all the Wisdom links at truthloveparent .com will take you straight to my profile. That includes the link in the description of today's show.
From there, just make sure to follow me. That way you'll get a notification every time I go live and you'll be able to easily access past conversations.
Then when I start the talk, you can tune in. It will flow very much like a talk show. For example, tomorrow
I'll recap the main points from this episode and then start unpacking it more and applying it to our family situation.
I'll do this until one of the guests, that's you and any of the other listeners, press the join button. At that point, you'll be inserted into the conversation and the two of us can talk.
You can ask a question. You can add to the conversation by sharing an insight or something practical that you plan to do to apply the truths we've learned in today's episode to our family life.
For now, each guest will be given up to five minutes to interact with me at a time. And if there's a chance that you get to get back into the conversation later, you're welcome to do that as well.
The idea is that I will be leading us in a discussion about how we can really use these truths in our families.
And I hope to do this every week. Every week on the podcast, we'll continue posting content as we always do.
And then every Wednesday, we'll get to sit down together and talk it out even more. Now perhaps
Wednesday at 11 a .m. Eastern Standard Time doesn't work for you. I definitely want to be flexible and I'd love to hear from you what times work best.
You can send us an email at team at truthloveparent .com. And I also plan to go live at other times during the week where we discuss the content from the celebration of God as well as just take your questions and talk about them.
This can be literally whatever we want and it can happen just about any time. So I'm really excited about what the
Wisdom app will do for the TLP family. It's professional, it's simple and streamlined, and it will make it super easy for us to actually have a conversation.
Not only that, but even though the service is free to the mentors and to the guests, they reward the mentors with these mentor coins that the mentors can exchange for Amazon gift certificates.
Here's how it works. As people listen to the live conversation, as long as they listen for at least 10 minutes, the host will earn those mentor rewards.
And the longer the audience members listen, the more rewards are earned. It's really a win -win for all of us. We get to get personal and applicable for you and your family and TLP gets rewarded.
I'm really looking forward to it. And let's be honest, I just love the name of the app. It's called Wisdom. I mean, how cool is that?
Okay, that's enough of an intro for today. Whether or not you donate to the ministry or join us on Wisdom tomorrow,
I pray that your family will respond correctly this Christmas to the three annunciations of Christ. Today though,
I have a very high churchy, highfalutin title to the message. The Believer's Response to the
Three Annunciations of Christ. However, highfalutin as it may sound, it's actually extremely practical and it's going to hit us where we are today.
Every person in this room has responsibilities based off of the scriptures that we're going to see today.
Let's start with the basic definition of annunciation, all right? Don't need to worry about Googling it. Annunciation is what they used to call, it's an older term for an announcement, okay?
We could say the three announcements of Christ and it would say the exact same thing. However, in churchy language, annunciation is normally the word that they go with.
So we're going to look at the three annunciations and we're going to look at our response to those annunciations.
Because if it doesn't require us to do anything, then what's the point of announcing it? So the very first annunciation, we're going to look at what the annunciation was.
Who was involved in announcing? And in each of these annunciations, we're going to find that God played a part.
We're going to see that the prophets played a part. We're going to see that angels played a part. And we're going to see that mankind played a part in each of these.
For the first annunciation, we see God playing a part. In Genesis 3 .15, we read the very first clear, concise giving of the gospel.
Adam and Eve had just sinned and they were receiving the consequences of their sin. And one of the things that God himself said,
God the Father said to Adam and Eve, I will put enmity between you and the woman, talking actually to the serpent at this time, and between your offspring and her offspring.
He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel. A picture of the triumph that Christ was going to have on the cross of Calvary.
So God was involved in the first annunciation of Christ, but also the prophets were. And of course, God was involved through the prophets, inspiring them as they wrote the scriptures.
But we have very famous passages like we looked at even last week. In Isaiah 7 .14, Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.
Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name Immanuel. Written by the prophet
Isaiah many, many years before the coming of Christ. In Micah 5 .2,
talking about O Bethlehem, You are too little to be among the clans of Judah, but you shall come forth for me, one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose coming forth is from old, from ancient days.
And even Jesus himself tells us that the Old Testament was a compendium of information concerning him.
In Luke 24 verses 25 through 27, Jesus points to the Old Testament to show how it spoke of his coming.
He said, Jesus is saying you should have known that from the
Old Testament. And then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he, being Jesus, interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
So God has filled the Old Testament with prophecies so that no one should have been able to miss the fact that the
Messiah was coming. Of course, we know he also used angels. He sent an angel to Mary, one of the only two named angels, other than,
I should say Lucifer, I guess, only three named angels. One of them went to Mary, one of them went to Joseph, one of them met with the shepherds, and then a whole host of them sang and praised the
Lord on the night of his birth. So God himself spoke of this first coming.
He used the prophets to continue that, he used the angels to announce it, but he also used the followers.
After witnessing what the angels said, the shepherds then went and did something about it. They told people, they marveled, they wondered, they went about praising the
Lord for what they had seen. The Magi, a group of Gentiles, who, it's beyond us in a way to even understand how they knew what they knew about the coming
Christ, found their way here, told Herod about it, told other people about it. We see Zechariah, who was told by an angel that he would see before he died the
Messiah himself telling people. Now, what was interesting is that a part of his promise was that he was going to be mute, unable to speak, and some of the very first words out of his mouth when he finally regained his ability to speak was proclaiming that the
Messiah had come. So God spoke it, he used the angels, he used the prophets, and he used his people.
And so what should be the response? For the people who hear this annunciation, what should be our response to all this?
Well, we need to respond to it. If we don't respond to it, there's a problem. One of the first responses we see is that of awe.
Awe. In Luke 2, 17 through 18, we read, and when they saw it, this is the shepherds, right?
They made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child, and all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them.
This word speaks of awe, like, wow, this is amazing. The sacrificial coming of the incarnate
King should amaze us to no end. I think sometimes, though, it's easy to get bored with it.
Can we be honest? Year after year after year of celebrating Christmas, it comes sometimes passe.
We need to be in awe of this, and if we're not, we need to look to ourselves to see, why are we not amazed by this most,
I can't think of another word other than amazing thing that God has done for us. At the community dinner, we looked at Philippians chapter 2, and we were astounded at the fact that the real, the true hero of Christmas, the
King of the universe, went through such great and marvelous lengths to save unworthy sinners such as us.
But there's a second response that we should have to this first annunciation, and that's joy. You can have a dreadful awe.
You can have an awe where you look at the power of something and it scares you, but there also should be joy. Luke 2, 20, and the shepherds returned glorifying and praising
God for all they had heard and seen as it had been told to them. This awe should produce in us a supernatural joy that we should be the recipients of such mercy and grace.
But then we also see that the third response should in itself be annunciation. As we hear the announcement, we should then turn and want to share that announcement, and we see that all of these people did that.
Each group, each individual was so moved with awe and joy that they could not help but share what they had experienced.
What person who witnessed the angelic choir or saw the direct fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures could keep that to themselves?
Now here, we're after the fact. Are we responding to that first annunciation as the way that we should?
Does this news of the coming of Christ and the incarnate King, the Christmas story, does this work in us the awe and the joy and drive us to want to announce that to others?
It should. Number two, let's consider the second annunciation of Christ and the responses we should have.
Now, some people are a little iffy on this. You know, we know of the first coming of Christ, and we know of the second coming of Christ that will come, right?
And sometimes in our minds, we think of the first and second annunciations going with those two, but the second annunciation actually happens before the second coming.
It's the third annunciation that announces the second coming, right? So, let's get our numbers straight here. The second annunciation was at a slightly different time.
Yes, the Messiah came. God was with us, and yet he had not started his official ministry.
And when the time of his ministry was coming, there was another announcement. All four
Gospels reveal that when Jesus was baptized, and this is normally considered the start of his earthly ministry, that the heavens opened and the
Father audibly proclaimed to everyone standing there, this is my beloved Son with whom
I am well pleased. God himself announced the beginning of the ministry of his
Son. Now, as far as we know, God did not directly reveal the nature of Christ's work to anyone beyond the inspiration of the prophets, okay?
Yes, he directly revealed it to them so they could record it for us, but he did not specifically speak to anyone in regard to what
Christ's ministry on this earth was going to look like. Obviously, the prophets were used in this process.
The Old Testament is chock full of annunciations concerning the ministry of Jesus in this world. One of the more famous ones that we like to focus on during Easter is in Isaiah 53.
But he was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray, and we have turned everyone to his own way, and the Lord has laid on him, that's referring to Jesus, the iniquity of us all.
It's a wonderful passage showing that God was telling us, he was announcing what Jesus came here to do.
Now, the angels played a part in this, but a slightly different part. The angels, in a unique way, he did not use them in a unique way to announce the beginning of Christ's ministry per se, but they did announce its fulfillment, which is very cool.
In Luke 24, 1 -7, after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, we read, but on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared, and they found the stone rolled away from the tomb, but when they went in, they did not find the body of the
Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, behold, two men stood by them in dazzling apparel, and as they were frightened, and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them,
Why do you seek the living among the dead? He's not here, but is risen. Remember how we told you, while he was still in Galilee, the
Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise. So the angels did play a part in announcing the glorious thing that had occurred that wonderful Sunday morning.
And of course, just like the first annunciation, God wanted to use his followers to also spread this news of what was about to happen.
Now, who's the one person who should stick out in your mind as being the guy that God used to announce the coming of Christ's ministry?
Yeah, John the Baptist, very good. Yep, John the Baptist. I'm actually, I want to read later what
John the Baptist did, what he said. I want to actually go through, he's talked about in all four gospels.
You know, sometimes we don't really know a lot about John, and yet all four gospel writers spent a lot of time talking about him, and I want us to see what he said.
So we're going to look at what is said about him from all four gospels. We're going to come back to that later. For now, let's just establish the fact that God used
John to help announce his ministry, but we also know that God used the disciples to do the same.
And in the same way that we're going to do with John, we're going to come back and we're going to look at what the disciples were told to say about Christ's ministry a little bit later.
Moving on then, let's talk about our response to the second annunciation. We see a few more responses than we saw with the first one.
With the first one, the fact that God had come to live with us, that's joy, that's awe, and yes, we should go tell people.
But the actual ministry of Christ, what he did on this earth, his purpose in coming to die, live to die and to raise again, produces a slightly different set of responses in us.
First of all, we see the necessity for honesty. Honesty. This verse, among many others, shows us the true, real, genuine state of all of us who are born into this world.
We are sinners. Romans 3, 23. We've missed it and we're never going to be able to reach up to it.
We need to be honest with ourselves. It's a beautiful thing, the child in the manger, but we need to go a step further and realize the implications of what it means.
This honesty, though, should produce in us grief. In James 4, 9, we read,
Why would this be a response to the work that Christ did on the cross? Because we need to see the fact that we desperately needed that work.
That work wasn't just for somebody else. That work was for us. And the reason he had to come and die for us is the fact that we are sinners, separated from God, and that should break us.
I mean, think about this. Think about a husband and wife, or a boyfriend, girlfriend. One of them cheats on the other.
They come back and they admit to the first, I did wrong. I cheated on you. Whatever.
Is the admittal of the sin good enough? No, you would argue that they don't truly understand what they did.
They don't truly understand the depths of what they did. It's not until they come and they show that they are broken, that they realize the significance.
I have cheated against you. I have hurt you and our relationship.
And that is going to produce a genuine grief. And that's what Christ is saying here. We need to not just realize that we're poor in spirit.
That needs to grieve us. We need to mourn over that fact. Because that will lead us to the third thing, which is humility.
We should have a humble response to this information. James 4, 7 through 8, in verse 10 says,
Draw near to God and he will draw near to you. Humble yourselves before the
Lord and he will exalt you. I've lived in many big cities. I lived in Detroit.
I lived in Chicago. And, you know, I have lots of people who have absolutely no problem asking you for money.
Now, most people in this room would have a very uncomfortable time going to anybody else and asking them for money.
But yet these people easily ask strangers for money all the time. Why is that? Because they know they have nothing.
They know they need something. And that strips them of all pride. And they have no problem whatsoever saying, hey, can
I get five bucks? See, the person who realizes that I am spiritually nothing,
I have sinned against God. The person who is grieved by that fact, realizing that there's nothing they can do about it, has no problem humbly going to God and saying,
I need you. It is the prideful, arrogant person who says, no,
I'm fine. I don't need to ask for help. Our responses should be honesty, grief, humility, which should all then lead to repentance.
The fourth response, Matthew 5, 6. James 4, 8.
There is a step that must be taken. We can't say, God, save me from my sin so that I can go back to my sin.
Like a dog returning to the food it just threw up on the ground and eating it again. No, we should desire to repent, to turn from our sin, to deny ourselves and follow after Christ.
Which is faith. Now, the fifth response to the second enunciation. The previous responses of this honesty and this grief and this repentance is in itself faith.
It's a product of faith. Hebrews 11, 1 tells us that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
We say, God, I believe you. I believe that I have sinned. I believe you are who you say you are.
I believe I need to do what I need to do. Romans 10, 9 -13 says, If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is
Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For with the heart, one believes and is justified. And with the mouth, one confesses and is saved.
For the scripture says, Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame. For there's no distinction between Jew and Greek.
For the same Lord is Lord over all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For everyone who calls in the name of the
Lord will be saved. And that should produce in us the sixth response to the second enunciation, worship.
This faith will not only enable us to accept the free gift of salvation, but will continue to work itself out in our reasonable act of worship.
Romans 12, 1, which is your spiritual worship.
And then we see that the rest of the beatitudes in Matthew 5 are a picture of this worship. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness.
Blessed are those who are merciful, pure in heart, peacemakers, those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, and those who rejoice when they are persecuted.
This is that worship. This is that daily saying, God, I'm going to live for you. And then obviously, the seventh response we should have to this second enunciation is we should want to share it with others as well.
We too should be announcing what's been going on in our lives. Everyone who honestly experienced true grief over their sin, and humility by faithfully repenting and living a worshipful life, gladly shares it with others.
This life -changing work that's been done in them. How could they have done anything differently?
How? We would argue that if somebody experienced something like that, and didn't tell people about it, that perhaps maybe they didn't experience it in the first place.
So we need to be prepared to speak this truth. There's seven responses so far.
We have, well, we said enunciation twice. So we have nine responses so far just to these first two enunciations.
The problem is, though, we're not done. The gospel isn't done yet.
And there's a very important third enunciation. Those two past tense enunciations of Christ, when we put them together, we see two glorious thirds of the gospel.
There's still a third enunciation. It's a coming enunciation. And it's the enunciation in which God calls us here to participate.
Because really, we can announce what happened in the past for sure.
But there's actually enunciation that is still coming to which we have been called to participate.
And I fear that far too often we, well, oftentimes we shy away from our job to announce the past enunciations.
And even if we do those, because it's always easier to talk about the baby in the manger for sure. But even if we bring ourselves during Easter to talk about the second enunciation, it's still super, super, super hard to talk about the third.
Thank you for joining us today. The foundation we just laid will help you and your family truly appreciate the richness of Christmas.
But the response we're to have to Christ's third enunciation should absolutely revolutionize the holiday for us.
I hope to talk with you about how we can make this real in your home this Christmas. We're going to do that tomorrow on the
Wisdom app. Make sure you download the app, make a profile, and follow me at AM Brewster.
That's A as in Aaron, M as in Michael Brewster. B -R -E -W -S -T -E -R. And then tune in tomorrow at 11
EST so we can have that conversation. Also, share this episode on your favorite social media outlets so more families can respond correctly to the three enunciations of Christ.
And I hope you'll join us next time, next week, as we once again open God's word to discover how to parent our children for life and godliness.
To that end, we'll be discussing the third enunciation of Christ. Truth. Love. Parents is part of the
Evermind Ministries family and is dedicated to helping you become an intentional premeditated parent.
Join us next time as we search God's word for the truth your family needs today.