Is Ruslan KD a Racist?!? - We Can't Agree to Disagree on the Woke Church

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Fresca, man. It's pretty good. Pretty good. All right. So, in this video, you've seen the title. I do want to ask and answer the question, is
Ruslan KD a racist? Now, the idea for this question came from the live stream that we did together in the chat and also the comments.
A few people were making the accusation that Ruslan was being racist during that video. And actually, some privately, people sent me similar messages.
And so, I wanted to address that, ask and answer the question, is Ruslan KD a racist?
Which I will do at the end of this video. But before I get to that, I actually wanted to cover something that I think is pretty important.
Because I think that what I'm about to cover is going to be the primary strategy for the woke church and the social justice movement for the foreseeable future for the next year or so.
This is going to be the thing that you're going to hear at your church where the pastors are attempting to take it over and pull it liberal, pull it woke.
And especially, this is the case if your church has traditionally been fairly conservative and fundamentalist styled, you know, believe the
Bible for what it says kind of thing. In those churches, nobody really wants to have the debate about social justice.
What they want to do instead, though, is use this strategy. And they want to say, look, let's agree to disagree.
Let's have unity over the essentials and let's make room for some of this stuff that maybe is not traditionally conservative, but we can agree to disagree.
It's not a major issue when you really think about it. After all, isn't it mostly about Jesus Christ and his sacrifice on the cross?
So we can certainly have room to disagree on some of these other issues and all of that. And this is going to be the strategy.
I think that this has been the strategy for a long time for a lot of very weak, limp -wristed conservative types to make room for error in the church.
I mean, this is why we're in the sorry state that we're in. But I've noticed something about this kind of an approach that I wanted to prepare you for, because I want you to be prepared for that kind of debate.
Shouldn't we just agree to disagree on social justice? Now, one of the things I've noticed about this that is very, very weaselly, in my opinion, is that when they ask you to agree to disagree, they're essentially asking you to submit and just go with what they say.
This happened to me once in an issue not related to social justice. I remember there was something, something that I wanted to do.
I can't remember the exact details, but I proposed it to people in the church.
I think it had something to do with abortion ministry, but I cannot remember, so I don't want to say exactly what it is.
It doesn't actually even matter. And I wanted to do this thing, and the elders of the church disagreed—or not the elders of the church, one person in the church disagreed, rather—and we had a debate, we had a conflict.
And so, the other person said this, well, we haven't agreed on this, so there is no unity, therefore we cannot go forward.
And I thought to myself, hmm, this certainly seems like a scam, because why is it that if we don't have unity, we go with what you want to do, right?
That doesn't make any sense. It certainly seems like a tactic, and it certainly seems like a pretty weaselly sort of spiritual way to say,
I'm going to get my way, and that's all there is to it. How come it can't be the opposite, right? Like, how come, okay, we don't have unity, so therefore we're going to do what
I want to do, right? Like, it doesn't work that way, does it? So how come it works your way? Actually, it doesn't work your way.
What would actually be agreeing to disagree would be, okay, fine, so you do your thing,
I'll do my thing, and we'll still be friends, right? I'll get to do the ministry I want to do, you don't have to participate, and we can still be friends, but that's usually how not, that agree to disagree thing, it's not how it usually works.
You know, one of the reasons I had the idea for this video is because a handful of people, I would say four or five people from McLean Bible Church said that their elders and their campus pastors, whatever that's supposed to mean, have actually used this exact thing.
You know, we got to agree to disagree, you know, this is not an essential and that kind of thing. And that sounds spiritual, it sounds wise, but what it actually means is just let it happen.
That's what it means. It means agree to disagree, we're taking the church woke, and you can't do anything about it, otherwise, you're not having unity with me.
So again, it's like this thing where it's like unity somehow gets morphed and perverted into agree with me or die, essentially, agree with me or leave.
And it's like, that's really not how unity works though, because we actually don't have unity, that would be a fake unity, that would be unity on the surface.
But really, it's just you running roughshod and doing whatever the heck you want to do. That's such a scam.
And it's used again and again and again in controversy. But the thing is so understand the tactic for what it is, because oftentimes the person who says this and says, oh, we have to have unity, therefore, we're going to do what
I want to do. Oftentimes, they're very polite. I've heard this from McLean Bible Church as well.
Every person who says that their pastor is doing this says that, my pastor is such a nice guy. He obviously wants to do the right thing.
He's very polite and stuff like that. Somebody criticized me yesterday for calling the security guards at the
McLean Bible Church meeting that threw out the church member for disagreeing. I called them goons and he said that that wasn't really nice.
And I said, well, yeah, sure. They're polite. They're very nice to you. They speak very buttery, but they're doing the wrong thing, though.
They're being used as goons. They're being used to intimidate church members who are disagreeing with the methods and the policies and the teaching and all that kind of stuff.
They're clearly goons. That's what a goon is. It's a hired thug, right? And it doesn't matter how polite they are.
See, that's another thing we got to get through our heads, right? That if they sound polite, that they actually are being, they're the one that's good, right?
This is a tactic that's often used where they sound very gracey. They sound very lovey and all that, but really they're preaching war.
They're preaching vicious, vile doctrines against the church of Jesus Christ, but they're saying it with a smile on their face.
Let's not be tricked by that, right? Let's not be tricked by that. But anyway, but here's the thing, though. So they're telling you that you have to have unity.
Just let it happen. You know what I mean? Otherwise, you're being a divider. You're being divisive if you don't just let it happen.
After all, we can agree to disagree, but of course, we're always going to agree with what I say. That's how we agree to disagree.
We do what I want to do. It's a scam. It's manipulative. You need to recognize that for what it is, no matter how polite they are as they present this lie to you, this manipulation.
It is a manipulation. You need to understand that. It's a manipulation. But we can't actually agree to disagree on this.
That's the point. So the social justice movement and the woke church movement, we can't agree to disagree on this.
Sure, it's not going to be found in typical statements of faith or confessions, but this is the reality of what's happening.
They're redefining the law of God, and they're presenting it as if it is the law of God.
This is the primary sin of the Pharisees, my friends. You can't agree to disagree with the
Pharisees. You can't agree to disagree with the Judaizers just because they also preach
Christ. It doesn't work that way. See, the reality is that when they tell you things like, well, we need to love our neighbor,
I read this ridiculous article. It wasn't even an article. It was a Facebook post that somebody screenshotted about how loving your neighbor requires you to not only get the experimental vaccine, not only get the second dose and any dose that the government tells you to get, but also even if you've gotten those vaccines to wear your mask, right?
Because obviously the vaccine isn't intended to prevent you from getting the disease. I mean, who would ever have thought that?
It's just intended so that you don't go to the hospital and die from COVID. So you still got to wear your mask.
You still got to do everything they tell you. And then if next week they tell you to do the opposite, you got to do that as well. That's what the
Facebook, it wasn't unironic. It was like, this is how you love your neighbor. Obey what the CDC tells you.
That's how you love your neighbor, according to this churchgoer. The truth is there are many churches that adopt that exact position, even if they're too sly to actually say it like this
Facebook poster was. And so they're redefining love your neighbor at every turn.
All of a sudden the dictates of the CDC become the law of God. And in social justice, it's very similar, although it's not the
CDC doing it. It's, you know, pagan books and Marxist philosophers and all kinds of crazy things, you know,
Robin D 'Angelo, all kinds of nonsense. And they come up with these weird, pernicious laws that are actually clear violations of God's law.
And then your pastors are saying, this is how we love our neighbors. You obey whatever that person said, or this woman said and all of that.
And it actually overturns the law of God. But now that becomes the law of God, guys, we can't agree to disagree on that.
We simply can't. And the thing is, they'll make all these appeals, right? They'll appeal to charity. You got to be charitable.
It's almost like they hired Ruslan KD as their consultant for this. You know, you got to be united. We got to have love for each other.
After all, isn't Christ the more important thing? All that sounds very spiritual and some of it is true, but the problem is when you claim
Christ and then change what Christ has said, you actually reveal that you hate
Christ and wish he was a different Christ. And that's the Christ that you're, that you're proclaiming.
We can't agree to disagree on that. If your Christ is preaching the law of the
CDC, you actually don't know Christ. I mean, that's pretty simple, right? If your
Christ is preaching the law of Robin D 'Angelo or Richard Delgado or any of these maniacs, you actually don't have the right
Christ. We can't agree to disagree on that. So many of these social justice preachers are preaching a lack of forgiveness as if it's good, preaching covetousness as if it's good, as if it's loving your neighbor to preach covetousness to black people so that they, the flames of covetousness that they already have, because everyone fights covetousness, right?
We all kind of have this fleshly desire for other people's stuff in our heart. We understand our eyes are never satisfied, but to have somebody preach as if that's good in you and to rile it up and to say, yeah, you're owed the white person's stuff.
Reparate, they stole it from you. That is so vile. I can't imagine a white preacher doing that to blacks and minorities.
This is why my content is the way it is. I feel bad for people that liberal fake pastors encourage their sin.
They do this with homosexuals all the time. I've got sympathy for homosexuals because here's the reality.
Imagine your favorite sin, your pet sin, whatever it is, whoever, you know, you're listening to this, you have a sin that you know is the one that you fall prey to most often, whatever that sin is.
Imagine if pastors everywhere, credible pastors were soft -pedaling that.
Guys, we're soft -pedaling that. It's not God's best for you and maybe there's a side B to that sin.
Maybe you can desire the sin. How hard would it be to put to death the deeds of the body with pastors, credible pastors, soft -pedaling your favorite sin?
It would be unbelievably hard. We can't agree to disagree on these things.
Imagine preaching accusations and slander of entire races of people and feeling spiritual about it and feeling as if that's loving your neighbor.
Well, it's just truth -telling, man. Yeah, it's white people. They got to go. This is truth -telling. We can't agree to, there can be no unity in a situation like that.
David Platt preaches against white people and then he's like, well, why can't you have unity?
Can't we agree to, no, we can't agree to disagree on that. Any unity that we could have would only be fake because as nice as you might be, as much as you might cry while you're preaching, which by the way, somebody sent me some videos where he fake cries at the same point in a sermon, in different kinds of sermons at different times.
He's just such a faker. But anyway, the point is, as much as you might cry and weep while you're preaching, you're like, yeah, it sounds buttery.
It goes down smooth, but it's bitter. There's war in your heart. We can't agree to disagree just because you're polite.
Guys, the primary mission of the church is to baptize people in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. That's the Trinity. Of course, that's the primary mission of the church, to convert and baptize people, but then teaching them to observe everything that Christ commanded, because we know
Christ will be with us to the end of the age. But the problem is that the woke church is taking that second part and changing what
Christ has taught and saying, we're going to teach this. Instead, we can't agree to disagree.
I'm sorry, but if you get half of the Great Commission wrong, we can't agree to disagree. It sounds nice.
Sure, let's have unity in the essentials. It sounds nice. Sure, you know, Christ is most important. You know, this other stuff, we can agree to disagree.
We can't agree to disagree. I agree that Christ is the most important thing, but the thing is, you can't separate
Christ from what he taught. Guys, you have the wrong
Christ if your Christ teaches strange doctrines from Karl Marx. It's just that simple.
But the thing is, the other thing will be tolerance, right? Shouldn't we just tolerate these people? They're well -intentioned.
They're wrong, but let's tolerate them. I don't think that that's what the scripture teaches as well.
Christ doesn't teach tolerance either. This is from the book of Revelation.
This is the Christian standard Bible, so even Big Eva can understand. This is what Christ wrote to the
Thyretians. Is that how you pronounce it? I'm not sure, but listen to the words of Christ.
Right to the angel of the church at Thyatira. Thyatira, thus says the son of God, the one whose eyes are like a fiery flame and whose feet are like fine bronze,
I know your works, your love, faithfulness, service, and endurance.
I know your last works are greater than the first. Let me step out for a second. Christ is acknowledging that they've got many, many good works.
They do great things, and they're growing in good works. They used to have good works, but now they have more good works.
They love, they're faithful, they serve, they have endurance. This is a good church, guys.
This is many of our conservative churches that have done great things for the poor, that have done many, many good works.
They're out there, and they're doing their thing. They're loving Christ, and this describes McLean Bible Church, probably lots of other churches, good churches, and then he says this.
He acknowledges they're doing good works, but then he says this.
These are the words of God. These are the words of Christ. But, this but is super scary, but I have this against you.
You tolerate that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess and teaches and deceives my servants to commit sexual immorality, to eat meat, sacrifice to idols.
I gave her time to repent, but she does not want to repent of her sexual immorality.
Look, I will throw her into a sick bed, and those who commit adultery with her into great affliction unless they repent of her works.
I will strike her children dead, then all the churches will know that I am the one who examines minds and hearts.
I will give to each of you according to your works. I say to the rest of you in Thyatira who do not hold to this teaching, who haven't known the so -called secrets of Satan, as they say,
I am not putting any other burden on you, only hold on to what you have until I come.
The one who conquers and who keeps my works to the end, I will give him authority over the nations.
Guys, he acknowledges that they've done good works, but he has something against them.
They tolerate a false teacher, and I'm sure, I'm sure they had people back then that said, can't we just have charity?
Can't we just have a little bit of tolerance? I mean, we can agree to disagree, and he said,
Christ says, no, you can't tolerate this. You can't tolerate this, and he says there will be dire consequences for a good church, a church full of good works that tolerates evil, wicked, pernicious, sinful teaching.
Guys, if your pastors are teaching a lack of forgiveness, they're teaching and preaching covetousness, they're making false accusations and slanders from the pulpit against entire swaths of people based on, according to skin color, mostly.
Guys, that is something you ought not tolerate, because Christ won't tolerate it, and I have to say that Christ has been extremely patient with the church of the
United States, and I don't think that that patience is going to last much longer. I think he has given us time to repent, but he will start to bring some of these dire consequences into this church, and sadly,
I think what's happening at McLean Bible Church is part of that. The division is so fierce, and it's so—I mean, these churches are being destroyed, and of course they are, because they've tolerated this teaching entirely too long, and this is going to happen to every woke church, that the very good conservatives who have done good works, who are just kind of willing to sort of accept all the slander and accept all the—look, people say bad things about conservatives all the time, and we accept it, right?
Because that's what we do. We don't fight back, we don't—but the thing is, when it comes to the life of the church, though, someone could slander me on YouTube, it's no big deal, right?
This is not a church, right? I'm not a pastor, my commenters are not my flock, right? So it's different, but in the life of the church, you have someone to answer to, right?
I can absorb an insult, but I cannot tolerate someone taking over a church that I belong to with woke doctrines and false teachings.
It just is not something we should tolerate, we can't agree to disagree. So now let's come to the issue with Ruslan KD, right?
Is he a racist? Now, to be honest, I'm fairly certain that the people who made this comment about him being racist were kind of saying it tongue -in -cheek, because according to the woke perspective, like, yeah, maybe you could make the argument that he's racist.
I mean, how dare he step to a minority like me, right? How dare he disagree? How dare he come at me so harsh?
That's just centering whiteness. You know, Ruslan KD dominated that conversation with his many, many words, thinking that they made him sound smart, when in actuality, they made him look like an idiot.
But the reality is that that is textbook from a woke perspective, not from reality.
That's textbook from the woke perspective, white centering, right? Ruslan KD tried to center whiteness the entire time during that conversation.
And so people were asking tongue -in -cheek, I guess he's a racist, right? I don't think he's a racist. Obviously, that's not centering whiteness.
That's just talking a lot, right? He talks a lot. I talk a lot. It's no big deal. It's not a sin to talk a lot, unless you're saying lies, then it becomes a sin.
But the let's just say
Ruslan went to a church where, from the pulpit, consistently, he just kept hearing that he was a racist.
And it really wasn't because he did anything. Yeah, sure, he talked a lot, but that's centering whiteness. And he tried to answer my questions.
How dare he try to answer my questions? I mean, that's just whitesplaining, right? Imagine he went to a church, maybe he does go to a church like this, right?
But the reality is you can't have unity with a church or a pastor or a body that is constantly slandering you, lying about you, saying things about you that are not true.
Ruslan is not a racist, right? But imagine you said he was because he's white and he dared step to a minority.
Lots of people do say this. You can't have unity in that situation.
We can't agree to disagree there. It just doesn't work that way. That's not loving.
It's not the law of God. It's not allowable in the scriptures. God says that you can't accept these accusations unless it's on the evidence of two or more witnesses.
He has a law. He has a system. He has standards by which to hold people to. Ruslan is not a racist according to any of those standards, unless, of course, you're talking about how he's racist potentially against white people, which
I don't know if he is, but a lot of his buddies are, clearly. The problem is you can't have unity in a situation where entire races of people are being slandered without evidence and it's preached as a good thing.
I'm sorry that we can't agree to disagree. It goes against the law of God, and if you want to do that kind of stuff, go out in the world.
Do it. Go form your own liberal fake pagan churches. Do it. Go worship your own Christ, because that's not the
Christ that's presented in the scriptures. It simply isn't, and we cannot agree to disagree on the character of Jesus Christ and the law and the teaching of Jesus Christ.
It's half of the Great Commission, guys. I hope you found this video helpful. I hope it prepares you to hear this.
It's a call to lower your weapons while the people bringing the error in the church are going to sharpen their weapons.
Don't do it. It's a scam. It's a lie. They're not going to do it, so the reality is that you need to understand that you answer to Christ, and you have to do things according to what