MSL: April 17, 2024



MSL: April 17, 2024 The Matt Slick Live ( (Live Broadcast of 04-17-2024)  is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics like The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) , Please put “Radio Show Question” in the Subject line! They will be answered in a future show. Topics Include: Does God Save All? History of Hell Homosexuality in the Church What Happens After Death? The Omnipotence of God MSL: April 17, 2024     • This show LIVE STREAMS on RUMBLE during the Radio Broadcast! ( • Subscribe to the CARM YouTube Channel ( • Subscribe to the Matt Slick LIVE YouTube Channel ( • CARM on Facebook ( • Visit the CARM Website ( • Donate to CARM ( • You can find our past podcast by clicking here! (


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers, taking your calls, and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick. You're listening to Matt Slick Live.
Today's date is, let's see, April 17th, 2024. So we're having a major, major problem with our email, and maybe some of you out there are having a similar problem.
Maybe you know about this, but we're getting this stuff, our domain, from Gmail.
We have matt .karm .org, we have charlie .karm .org, we have different people from the ministry with just direct names that we go, and they're not working.
And we're getting this weird error message. So the reason I'm telling you is because if you email us right now,
I don't know if it's going to go through. Maybe someone can, you can try it, just for testing, you know, info at karm .org.
So I have to figure out what this message is. It's just a weird thing that's going on, and I don't know how to fix it.
But you know, that's just what it is to run in ministry and have problems and stuff like that.
Just give you guys a heads up that we're having email problems. So if things are bouncing, if they are, that would account for it.
Not that we want that to happen, but that's what's happening. All right. Hey, if you want to give me a call, all I have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And yeah, see, it works. Scott, just, you know, we don't, I don't understand what's going on.
See, Scott, hey, thanks for testing, and it worked, but we have others that are not working. Maybe it's something on their end, and it's not working.
We can't, I don't know if we can send anything. Let me try a response back. See, we just found this out, like, seriously, just minutes ago, and trying to figure it out and responding back.
This is to Scott, who's actually waiting on the line, I think. So maybe you can tell me if you get that when we get on the air with you here in a sec.
So that's it, and we're trying to work it out. Anyway, let's get on the phone with Scott from Spokane, Washington.
Hey, Scott, welcome, man. You're on the air. Hey, how's it going, Matt? Okay, it's going okay.
Did you get the response email back I just sent? No, I keep refreshing it. I'm not getting anything. Okay, yeah,
I just returned one to Joanne, too, so if they're listening, they'll know. So, okay, well, I guess it's not going out sent.
I tried it, and that's what it is. Okay, buddy, so what do you got? So yeah, my question is,
I just got two, and the first one is 1 Timothy 4, verse 10.
I was just simply asking, how is God a savior to unbelievers? That's exactly the question, you know, in 1
Timothy 4 .10, for it is that we labor and strive because we have fixed our hope in the living
God, who is a savior of all men, especially believers. What that is really, what I believe it means is that he's a savior of not just the
Jews, but of everybody, all people, and when it says all men, that's interesting because it's actually the male form of anthropos, and it's a plural, of course, but so it means, you know, all men.
Well, okay, so what's going on? It's not exactly literal in that he saves all men because it means all people.
So if he's a savior of everybody, then I ask questions, I say, is he the savior of those who are damned?
And in one sense, yes, in one sense, no, I mean, he didn't save them, but generically, he's the savior of all who would believe in him, and we get into discussions about that.
So that's good, you know, it's one of the things I ask, okay? Okay, and then the other one
I have is just, excuse me, how much of a concept of hell did people have, did
Jews have in the Old Testament times? That's a good question. Hell is not spoken of as much in the
Old Testament, and so I think I wrote an article on that.
Let's see, Charlie will probably find it before I would. And it talks about Gehenna, I think it is, or Hades, in the
Old Testament, been a long time since I've written on it. But nevertheless, they did have a concept of it, but it wasn't as detailed or as elaborated upon as it is in the
New Testament. So that's good. Well, it makes me think of that verse where it says that hell, the lake of fire, was for the devil and his angels, and it makes me wonder, even in that regard, they had some idea of demonology and stuff back then,
I'm sure, but did they maybe have an understanding of, you know, not the grave, but Hades or hell being, in particular, for the demonic?
But I guess we aren't really told, so I don't know. Right. We aren't.
But there's a lot of mentions of it in the New Testament, and I've got an article on there on the
New Testament, what are the verses that mention hell in the New Testament. And I'm looking to see if there's any that I've written for the
Old Testament, or an article that I've written that dealt with it for the Old Testament context.
I don't think so. Anyway, I'm just looking through the notes, because what
I did was I just did a search for it, and finding different articles I've written. So it says in Psalm 1610, for you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your
Holy One see corruption. And in Psalm 30, verse 3, O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol.
And Isaiah 38 .10, I said in the middle of my days, I must depart. I am consigned to the gates of Sheol for the rest of my years.
So then there's number 1633, which, ooh, so they, it belonged to them, went down alive into Sheol, and the earth closed over them.
Ooh. Job 24 .19, drought and heat snatch away the snow waters, so does
Sheol, those who have sinned. And then, let's try this one last one. It's Psalm 9 .17,
the wicked shall return to Sheol, all the nations that forget God. So there's another one, look at this.
In 2 Kings 23 .13 and 14, and this is the
Mount of Corruption, I can read more of it. So there's mentions of it in the Old Testament, obviously,
I just read them, so there you go. Okay. All right. I got one more
I just found in my notes that's a pretty good one, I think, if you want it. Sure. Sure. What is it? Okay. So this one,
I'm glad I found it, because it's pretty good. So the disciples, you know, prior to when they were with Jesus, let's say, you know, the
Holy Spirit hadn't been given to dwell in people yet, and the Day of Pentecost hadn't happened yet, yet they came to Christ.
And so my question is, were they regenerate, even though the Holy Spirit hadn't been given? I feel like they would kind of have to be, right?
There's discussion about what regeneration is, and it's the same thing as asking, was like David regenerate?
Or Abraham? And Abraham was justified by faith, which we want to say, yes, there was a, there must have been some form of something related to regeneration that occurred to them in order for them to believe.
So if we take the New Testament revelation of regeneration, and it's concomitant with faith, and they had faith in the
Old Testament, then we can imply that they were regenerate there. Okay? Okay, cool.
Well, yeah, that's all I got. Thank you very much. All right, big man. Thanks a lot, buddy. All right. God bless.
All right. So last night, you know, I'm on the Internet a lot.
And, oh, if we have nobody waiting, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I'd say email me. Maybe you could email me. Try email me at info at karm .org.
And you know, if you have a radio comment or radio question, and put in the subject line, put in a radio comment or radio question.
And we'll see if we get them, because we're having email problems, just to let people know we're having email problems.
So okay. So last night, I met somebody in real life that I've met and encountered over the
Internet. And so we were really surprised that he and I live in the same city.
So you know, on Discord, it's a chat system, and been doing this for, you know, years.
And we get talking, and he goes, no way, dude, I live in the same city. So we met up for just, you know, a little cookie and something at a place in Nampa, you know, cookies, something to drink, that kind of thing.
And so no big deal, and it was fine. All right, he's a great guy. Now, what's interesting is that before I got there, before I got there, what happened was
I pull up in my car across the street, and I stop the car, and I look out my parking,
I look out my window, and it said Nazarene Church right in front of me on the window, like an office building kind of a thing,
Nazarene Church. I'm looking at it, because to the left of it was a gay pride flag that was suspended inside the church.
I'm like, what? What are they doing? Are they supporting gay stuff, you know? And so I get out of the car, and lo and behold, people exit that building right in front of me.
I mean, the timing was just like in a movie, you know? And I said, there's this guy and this girl, husband and wife,
I guess, and I said, hi, did you just come out of that building, that church there? And he said, yeah. And I said, you're
Nazarenes, yeah, yeah. So the gay pride flag there, I'm curious, what's up with that?
And I said, do you guys support that? And he said, yes, we do, and he got angry, and he says, because we love them.
Do you love them? And I'm like, dude, I just asked, do you support this, right?
And he got mad at me, because he knew, you know, I'm saying, because I said to him, homosexuality is a sin, and I'm just wondering why you guys would have that flag up in your thing, promoting homosexuality.
And he, this is no lie, he gets close to me, he's not threatening or anything, but he says, homosexuality, do you know what the
Greek word is for homosexual? And I said, yes, arsenikuitos, and it's in 1
Corinthians 6 .9, and he didn't expect that, you know, he actually asked me, he goes, do you know, it's a challenge, do you know what the
Greek word is? I go, yeah, arsenikuitos, and it's right there, and he, you know, he kind of stopped, like he said, you know, what?
He knows. And he said, well, the word, the word homosexual didn't occur until this, you know, the 1900s,
I said, yeah, I know that, but the word, you know, the concept is, you know, and then he interrupted me, right, and he says, you're just not loving, and I said, yeah,
I am, do you love them? I said, yeah, because do you love me?
I said, yeah, you know, I said, but it's a sin, and they can't be Christians and continue in that sin, and he didn't like that, his wife, whoever it was, okay, it's time for us to leave, we gotta leave, and he says, you're, he called me something like a bigot or a hypocrite or something unloving and all this stuff, and I'm like, man, you know, and so I'm walking, okay, so the conversation's over, because he's walking away with the missus,
I guess, and I'm walking across the street, and it occurred to me, and I just look back at him, and now there's about 40 feet between us, and he's looking at me as he's walking away, and I point my finger at him, and I said, you are an apostasy, your church is an apostate church, you need to repent, you need to trust the
Lord Jesus and believe what he says in the word, and he's staring at me, and I kept my hand pointing at him as I'm walking away, so then
I kept going, I go, okay, fine, I'm done, so there you go, all right, causing problems,
Matt Slick, you know, but I told my wife this, right, I told her last night what happened, guess what, you know, and she said, do you know what the
Greek word is, and I said, yes, I do, I said equitas, and she laughed, and she goes, how many, how many times, how many people, see, he's gonna ask the question, too, and yes, here it is, there's where the verse is, and it really caught him off guard, and she got a big crack up thrill out of that, so I thought it was kind of funny, so there you go, and by the way, homosexuality is a sin, and it does, it needs to be repented of, it doesn't mean we don't love them, but it does mean that it's something that is sinful and needs to be avoided from all people, all right, hey, there you go, we've got the break coming up, give me a call, 877 -207 -2276, be right back.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276, here's
Matt Slick. All right, welcome back, we're playing with the email thing, and now it's acting differently, so if you email us and it doesn't quite work, you don't hear something, back quickly, that's why, let's see, let's get to Vivian from North Carolina, Vivian, welcome, you're on the air.
Hi, thank you so much for taking my call, so I have a quick question about 1
Peter 3, 19, can you give a brief description of what that means, which it talks about where Jesus preached to the spirits in hell?
Yes, so they're just theories, we don't know what the actual event is, and people are, they put them together, different ideas, so it does say, and this is related to this, it says in Ephesians 4, it says, verse 7, to each one of us, grace is given according to the measure of Christ's gift, therefore, it says, when he ascended on high, he led captive a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men, now this expression, he ascended, what does it mean, except that he also descended into the lower parts of the earth, he who descended is himself ascended above all things, okay, so, alright, so there's some information, and it's related to the crucifixion, so when we go to 1
Peter 3, 19, we go to the verse before, for Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that he might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit, in which he also went and made proclamation, now the spirit's now in prison, so the word proclamation, is from the
Greek word keruso, and it means to proclaim, generally to proclaim, it's not the preaching necessarily, so what, one of the theories is, that when he went and made proclamation to the spirit's now in prison, who were once disobedient when the patience of God kept waiting in the days of Noah, alright, so there's a lot going on here, so in the days of Noah, it deals with the
Nephilim, this is Genesis chapter 6, now I am of the opinion that the Nephilim are the offspring of the fallen angels and women, and this is what the
Jews always taught, that's what the church taught until the 5th, 500s, and then it got attacked and they changed their view and adapted, but anyway, so that's what it was in Genesis 6, 9, it says
Noah was perfect in all his ancestry, his generations, so it looks like what was happening, probably, not certainly, but probably, those spirits, those false, whatever they are, that were imprisoned at the flood and stuff when they were destroyed, that they're held in bonds, and that Christ went and basically made proclamation saying, this is who
I am and this is what I've done, and this is why you're in trouble, and so, a related verse to this topic is
Jude 6, "...and angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, he has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day, just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities of strange flesh," so he's talking about the sexual perversions that went on then, and are going on now in our country today, in the world, so it looks like that's what he did, he went and made proclamation, so here's the general theory, he died, he went down into Hades, said to everybody, this is who
I am, this is what's going on, this is why you guys are in trouble, and then, where the theory goes that he took the people who had died in faith, but could not yet enter into heaven, because the blood of Christ had not yet been offered for the cleansing that needed to be done, so they were in a holding place, which is representative of what
Jesus says in Luke 16, 19 -31, when it talks about Lazarus and the rich man, and went to Hades and Paradise, Paradise was
Abraham's bosom where the good people went, so the theory is, Jesus proclaimed to the bad, this is why you're in trouble, and took the good and ascended into heaven with them, that's the general theory is when
I lean towards myself, okay? Okay, well that is a very good explanation, the first that I have heard so far, so there are some people
I believe that also think that it's to those, you know, who are dead in their sin, physically dead, and so those people are spirits and they still have a chance to, you know, get into heaven, so to speak.
No, no, it says in Hebrews 9 -27, it's appointed unto men to die once, and then judgment.
Right. There is no afterlife second chance, no purgatory, no limbo, no, that's it.
Yeah, yeah, I agree. So you know what, now that you're talking about death and all that, we are talking about death and that,
I am just thinking, what are your thoughts about when somebody dies today, and they are a
Christian, do they actually go to heaven and meet Jesus? Because doesn't the
Bible say that the dead in Christ shall rise at the time of the rapture, so how does that make sense when somebody dies and they meet
Jesus, but then the dead in Christ rise again? Oh, okay. Those are different.
You know what I mean? Yes, I do. So 2 Corinthians 5 -8 says to die, it's better to die and depart and be at home with the
Lord. So when a Christian dies, it's an annihilationism and soul sleep errors, they're errors, say that you don't exist anymore, or you're just unconscious, and there's problems with that, but when a
Christian dies, he goes to be with the Lord. His spirit is with the Lord. At the rapture spoken of in 1
Thessalonians 4 -16 -5 -2, what it's saying there is that the ones who rise first is in the context of the resurrection.
So that's what that's going on. So we go be with the Lord, and we're with him, but we return with him at the time of the rapture, whenever that occurs, and then we're resurrected, and the ones who are resurrected first are those who had died first, and then those who are alive and remain should be caught up together to meet him.
That's what's going on. Okay, so when the Bible says you are asleep, in several places it says asleep, what does that mean?
It's just a poetic way of, when someone dies it looks like they're asleep. And so we know that that's not true, and there's a very good reason it's not true.
Two good reasons. One is that of 2 Corinthians 12 -2 -4, which was where Paul says,
I know a man whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know, but such a man was cut up in the third heaven, and he saw and heard things.
So that means that it's possible he had died, and that's one of the theories when he was stoned and thrown out of the city, that some think that he died at that point, had what's called an
NDE, near death experience, and he went and saw things. If soul sleep is true, then he couldn't have done that.
So that refutes that right there. But another more important issue is the person of Christ. Hold on one second.
So, Jesus has two natures. He has two natures. The divine nature and a human nature, and each nature has attributes.
The attributes are ascribed to that single person. This is called the communicatio idiomatum.
That's what that's called. Now, if a human being goes to sleep and is unconscious at death, then that would mean then that the human nature of Christ went into a state of unconsciousness without activity, and that would jeopardize the communication of the properties related to the hypostatic union.
It's a serious error. We're out of time, so we can't go into detail. Okay? Okay. I appreciate that.
Thank you so much. All right. You're welcome. God bless. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show. Let's get to George from North Carolina. George, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, Matt. Good evening. How are you doing? Oh, hanging in there. Hanging in there. So I've always been brought up, you know, under most of the teaching that I've been under.
It's been a rapture before the Tribulation. And I'm just wondering, my first question is, do you think that Jesus could come back at any time now, or that other things have to take place before He could come back?
Other things have to take place first. Okay. Okay. So that sort of answers the question, because I'm wondering, when the mark of the beast comes out, if we're still here,
Christians won't take it. So Christians will be killed during that period of time, you believe, for not taking the mark of the beast?
Yes. I believe we are going through the Tribulation. I don't believe in pre -Tribulation rapture. I don't believe that's true.
So that will be a warning to people, though. It'll sort of give them a time frame of when
He's going to come back, when that starts happening, though, wouldn't it? Yes. In fact, if you go to Matthew 24, they ask
Jesus, because He says the stones of the temple will be destroyed. I've seen those. I've been to Israel and saw the fallen stones.
It's really awesome to see that actual thing. But He says, they ask Him, they ask
Him, when will these things be that He's talking about, everything that's going to happen, and what will be the sign of your coming?
So two things He's asking, when will the stones be taken down, and what will be the sign of your return? Well, I'm not going to read everything, but He goes on, and He talks about the delivery into Tribulation, many will fall away.
He says the false prophets will arise, lawlessness will increase, therefore when you see the abomination of desolation,
He goes on and on. And then He says immediately after the Tribulation of those days, this is verse 29, the sun will be darkened, etc.,
the sign of man will appear in the sky. And He says, along with that, He says, that's when the great trumpet occurs, and they will gather together as people.
Now the great trumpet, out of 1 Thessalonians 4, is when the rapture occurs. And so what
Jesus is saying, that it occurs after the Tribulation. And to make things worse, yeah, to make things worse, when you go to Matthew 13, the parable of the wheat and the tares, this really is interesting, but the parable of the wheat and the tares is where Jesus says, allow both to go together until the time of the harvest, and I'll say to the reapers, first gather the tares.
And He says that the gathering is the end of the age. That's what
He says. I'm familiar with it, yeah. Yeah, I'm going to have to do an article and stuff on this.
It is a more comfortable feeling to think that there would be a pre -Tribulation rapture, but I'm definitely open -minded after all the things that I've been hearing and studying.
I'm definitely open -minded to letting the Lord open my mind, you know, as long as everybody agrees on Jesus crucified for our sins.
I mean, that's the main thing, but it is kind of interesting to wonder about the end times, that's for sure.
Yeah. Well, you know, I see, it's like this, I'll just make this comment.
A lot of people believe in the pre -Trib rapture, and they'll say, you know, two men in the field, one is taken, one is left, and they'll say that's the rapture.
And it absolutely, without a doubt, is not. Because when you read the context of Matthew 24 and Luke 17, the ones who are taken are the wicked.
That's the context. When I've shown people this, and I mean shown it to them, 100 % of the people have said,
Matt, you're right, that's what it says. I mean, seriously. Yeah, that's one of the main points that made me start doubting whether there'll be a rapture.
Good. Well, here's the point I want to make about that. Why is it the pre -Trib rapture adherents and teachers will use those verses, two men in the field, one is taken, one is left, about it being pre -Trib rapture, when it is not?
And all you have to do is read the context, and they just don't get it.
It really concerns me that they're not just seeing that those verses aren't about pre -Trib rapture.
Right. Well, I appreciate it, Matt. I know you've got some literature out on that, and I plan on looking it over.
And like I said, I'm definitely open -minded to it. It's just hard to change after you've been brought up under a certain teaching the whole time.
It is. It took me years.
It just took me years to gradually change. And you just don't go, here it is, you're done. No, it takes a while to work it out.
No problem. I hope the pre -Trib rapture people are right. You too, brother. God bless.
All right. Take care. Bye. All right. All right. Let's get to Peel from Virginia.
Peel, I guess I got your name right. Welcome. You're on the air. Are you saying Pearl? Pearl.
Oh, it's not spelled right on the screen here. Hey, Pearl, how are you doing?
I'm doing fine. I want to ask you something, sir, because what
I love about you is that show me that in God's Word.
That's right. In God's Word. So anyway, but this is not in God's Word. It's something else.
I heard a minister just the end of his talk the other day, sermon, whatever, that he believed that God killed us from himself so that he could save us for himself.
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Killed us from himself. I don't understand that phrase. In other words, this said to me, and I know you'll tell me, well, you're wrong.
You're right. I believe that God almighty in the scriptures is the only
God that there ever was, is, or ever shall be. That's good.
And that he can do absolutely anything he wants to do.
That's correct. Is that correct or not? That's very correct. He can do whatever he wants.
He will never want to sin or lie, for example. So he can't do those things, but he can do whatever he wants.
Whatever he wants, when he wants it, to whatever extent, forever and ever and ever.
That's right. Good reformed theology there. Good for you. And that he is
God almighty, uncreated, sovereign.
He is all. So what does this mean? Yes. What does it mean that he killed himself for us or us killed?
I don't understand. What's that? Well, I'll try to explain how it came to me.
He killed us. What do you mean killed us? He killed us because he killed, he killed us because we were sinners so that he could save us for himself.
Well, OK, I would not say that he killed us.
I would say that in Adam, we all die.
OK, would you not say, though, could you not say, is that absolutely wrong to say that in Adam we all die?
Well, the Bible says in Adam all die. First Corinthians 15, 22. So I would stick with what it says to say he killed us.
It raises too many questions and too many issues. And then you have to explain what you mean by this and you discuss it.
They get to go through and defend that. And it's just those kind of statements can provide opportunities for problems.
Well, do you understand where I'm coming from where I told you that I believe he is
God almighty and he can do anything, anytime, any way that he wants to do because he is
God alone forever. That's true. But what
I wouldn't say, though, that he killed us. A lot of people don't believe that. Maybe that the
Lord Jesus died for us and, you know, things that are in the word.
But I believe he is uncreated. He is God almighty. He can do anything he wants to do.
I don't care what it is. He can do it. I'm not saying he does it, but I'm saying that he is
God almighty and that he can do anything he wants to do. That's correct.
That's good theology. That's his omnipotence. That's right. His omnipotence.
And our preachers don't preach that. Well, even if it's. Well. But when you ask somebody.
Are you saved? Do you know the Lord Jesus as your savior? They say, yes, I've got you've heard this.
I've gone to church all my life. I was read in a Christian home and and a blah, blah, blah.
And I'll say, no, I didn't ask you that. I said, if you don't have a ticket to go in a theater, they will let you in.
I said, what is your ticket? It's not you at all what you can do.
I said, if you don't have the assurance of the blood of the
Lamb. That's right. You know what, Pearl, we've got a break. You're not going to heaven. I don't care what you've done.
That's true. That's true. But we have a break. Can you hold on? OK. Yes. Do we have a break?
OK. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned and we'll be right back.
It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. Let's get back on the air with Pearl.
All right, Pearl, welcome. Sir, I just want to say my favorite verse from God's word at this point in my life is
Deuteronomy. I believe it's chapter 30, verse 39. I, even
I am God. And there is no God beside me.
I kill. I wound.
I heal. And there is none that can deliver out of my hand.
That's right. So that's my favorite verse. And so that's why I guess
I say that my precious God can do anything he wants to do.
It could be that his plan was to have people that fell and he allowed them to die.
He just said I kill in his word so that he could have us in classroom with God, the
Holy Spirit to learn exactly what he wanted, how he wanted us to be in eternity with him when we live with him.
So I just wondered if that, like I said, it kind of shocked me that a minister would say that.
I didn't hear the sermon he was giving. But it sounded, when you think about it, that God Almighty is absolutely
God. There is not another one. He can do anything he wants to do.
That's right. That's true. And as I said, ministers don't preach that and they don't preach the precious blood of the lamb.
Well, I don't know if all do or don't, but what you're saying there is accurate.
God can do anything he desires and he does that. He's a jealous God. His name is jealous.
And therefore, when we like little children turn our backs and walk away from him, when he tells us in Psalm 2, 12, do you know it?
Not off the top of my head, but it says this. Do homage to the son that he may not do.
As far as I'm concerned. Kiss the son lest he be angry and you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little.
Now, I know that doesn't mean we lose our salvation, but kiss the son.
We don't hear that. I asked three ministers one time. We were looking for another minister and not one of them knew it.
They didn't know it was in the Bible. The Bible is a big book.
But it's the NSB says do homage to the son honor or reverence to the son. And that's well, this is new
King James that I have. And I love that because he has taught me and I'm not just preaching to you, sir.
I reverence you not as God, but my brother. Thank you.
That. Good. Well, thank you. We appreciate it.
That to me is so beautiful and he has taught me and you might say you're too far.
But to me, beloved means darling. And so the
Lord Jesus has caught taught me to tell taught me to call him my darling. Now, people would probably say
I'm a fanatic. That's OK. But I used to tell my husband before he died that I didn't have one dollar, but that he was my sweetheart.
And that darling is the Lord Jesus, because darling, if I'm not wrong, means the only one.
OK, we're seeing a lot of different things there, but I do appreciate it.
And do you have another question at all? No, I just I guess
I was warning you to say that you agreed with the fact that God could have killed the whole entire creation before they were ever created.
And then it came to pass, like, you know, on a stage and to have killed us so that God, the
Holy Spirit can teach us exactly what it means to be born again.
There's a lot of concepts you're mixing in there and the God killing people.
He does that out of righteous execution. You can also destroy the life of the believer if a believer is in wanton sin and unrepentant.
Right, right. Those are just those are just there. But I appreciate that. And yeah, so thanks for the nice words there.
Appreciate it. Well, I do. Nobody ever told me to listen to you.
I just I won't say I happen to hear you because nothing just happens. I believe that my
God is he just he says that I love that in Deuteronomy. I even
I am God and there is no God beside me. Our poor world and you would agree with that is in such a darkness not to know that the only
God that there is is our God. And that he took on human flesh so that he could die for us.
I think that is so beautiful of him. There's nothing that's not beautiful about him.
Nothing. That's right. And while we can't see that and I can see where he would allow he if he is
God, he can do anything. He can stop it. You understand from where I'm coming.
I understand. All right. Over this whole universe. Yes, he is.
And I would definitely appreciate your kind words and good stuff about the Lord and way to get the next caller now.
OK. OK. Thank you, sir. All right. Bye bye. OK. Thanks. Bye. All right.
Pearl's a sweetie. Let's get to Luke from Washington. Hey, Luke. Welcome here.
Hi, Matt. How are you? I'm fine. How are you? Good. I was talking to a
Muslim guy. He's my friend. And then I was talking about the election. And then he asked me, how do you know that you are an elect?
Second question. Hold on. Let's do one question at a time. OK. How do you know you're elect?
If you're saved. OK. If you're saved, you're Christian. You're elect. OK. No problem. All right.
Yeah. Then question. That's right. How do you know that you are saved? How do you know you're saved?
If a Muslim is asking a question, not a Christian question. How do you know that you are saved? If you've trusted in Christ Jesus, believe he's
God in flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead, you put your faith and trust in him, then you're saved. Because that's what the scriptures teach.
I told him. And then he said, how come the Bible is saying that Jesus is the son of God? And how do you know that triune
God in the Bible? Can you show me that the word God is triune? And Jesus is the son.
Yes, I can show it. A Muslim is asking today. Yes, I can.
I can talk to Muslims. I can show the Trinity in the Bible. Yeah. So what's the big deal?
Yeah. He's been debating with me. Show me. And then he's a hero. Israel, our God is one.
That is what the Bible says. And you say, yes, we agree.
God is one. Uh huh. Yep. That's right. Yeah. But yeah.
But show me a verse in the Bible. So how do I show him? Deuteronomy 6, 4. Hold on.
Deuteronomy 6, 4. He says, hero, Israel, the Lord, our God is one. We agree. And his problem is that the
Koran misrepresents the Trinity. There's a lot of weird noise back there. It says in Surah 573,
Allah. Okay, hold on. You've got to mute yourself now because I'm going to put you on hold.
It's just too loud. This is what the Muslims, they deny the Trinity. They think the
Trinity teaches like three gods, and it doesn't. This is out of Surah 573 in the Koran. They do blaspheme who say
Allah is one of three in a Trinity. There is no God except one, Allah. What they're doing there is misunderstanding the doctrine of the
Trinity because it's saying there's one of three. One of three what? There's no
God. He says there's only one God. So what the statement is saying is it's implying the
Trinity is three gods. That's what the implication of that verse is. That means he didn't understand what that is.
And so they are taught that the Trinity is three separate gods out of the
Scriptures. No, no, no. They'll say God is only one. I say to Muslims, we agree. God's only one.
Yeah, so what's the problem? And they're not used to someone saying that and agreeing with them that that is the case.
So anyway, there you go. I can't reactivate Luke, so I can't get him back on. It was just so much road noise where he was.
So let's try this again. Luke, are you still there? Okay. Yes, yes, yes. I'm still here.
I can hear you. You can answer me. So that's one of the ways to respond.
Okay. All right. Are you there?
Yes, yes. You know, he's asking me. I said, you are an unbeliever. What do you mean by unbeliever?
That's next question. You cannot understand. But I don't understand the question.
He's asking, what does it mean to be an unbeliever? I said, you are an unbeliever.
If a Muslim said to me, what does it mean to be an unbeliever? I'd say, it means to be a Muslim for one thing. He said, according to me, you are an unbeliever.
And Christians are unbelievers. I am the believer. I'd say, according to me, you're an unbeliever.
You believe in a false god. Okay. Hold on.
Wait, wait, wait. Don't throw a thousand things out at me at once. I need to respond to one thing at a time. So, if he says he believes in three gods, he knows we don't.
So 573 gets it wrong. Look, dude, there's just too much noise in the background. Okay? So, we're just going to have to move along.
Okay? And we'll just move along. So, Muslims often get the
Christian theology wrong. And this is something that I've had to face countless times with Muslims.
And I've offered something to the Muslims. For example, they might say the Trinity's three gods.
I say, no, it isn't. And I'll say, look, would you be interested in me teaching you what we really actually teach, actually believe?
And no Muslim is interested in it. Which is really interesting, because if I were to talk to a Muslim, he said, man, that's not our position.
He said, would you like me to teach you the position for real? I say, yes, I would. I want to know what it really is, because maybe
I'm misrepresenting it. Not on purpose. Maybe I just don't have a thorough understanding. I have no problem with that.
But when I offer the same thing to Muslims, not a single one has ever taken me up on it.
Now, there's a huge difference. I think it's because they're just simply brainwashed. They're taught that we don't know what we're doing, don't know how to think, can't do anything.
But they're just brainwashed. And when I offer them, no, that's not what we say. Let me teach you what we really do say. They don't want to know.
I haven't had a single instance where a Muslim has said, okay, I want to know what you actually teach.
I'd have to teach them anyway. I say, nope, the Quran got it wrong.
We do not believe that the Trinity is three gods. Okay? And things like that.
As Surah 573 says, okay? Hey, there's the music. I'm out of here. May the Lord bless you by his grace.
Lord willing, I'll be back on here tomorrow. And we'll talk to you then. Have a good evening, everyone. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by the