41 - Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 3 - Limited Atonement


Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Systematic Theology We examined the doctrine of salvation. This lesson covered the lesson on the topic of God's sovereignty and human responsibility. There is much-heated emotion on this topic. We will carefully examine and Biblically answer the issues. This lesson starts with the subject of Limited Atonement.


42 - Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 4 - Irresistible Grace

42 - Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Part 4 - Irresistible Grace

Well, welcome to the
Striving for Eternity Academy's School of Systematic Theology. We are glad to have you with us.
We welcome all the new students that we have this week. To be a student, actually, you could go down there and get yourself signed in, logged in, registered, whatever it is that we have you do.
I have no idea. But then you get a syllabus and one of those things.
And you can follow along with us. What the syllabus will give you is all of the notes that we kind of go off of, along with things that fill in the blanks that you'll hear me go through and tell you what the blanks are, in case, of course,
I forget to fill them in and tell you what they are. And then you got to guess. Well, doesn't happen that often.
I mean, it only happened once out of, what, 42 lessons. So that's not so bad. All right.
So we are continuing, though, in this lesson that we're at.
We have been taking it a little bit slow because of the fact that this particular subject that we are dealing with has lots of controversy and has lots of misunderstanding.
Okay. Okay. So I'm being told that people are making fun of that.
I look like I've been in a tanning booth or was it golf? Okay. Yes, I was in Myrtle Beach.
I don't play golf. I guess that's the thing to do there. But there were about like a thousand bikers there.
For, I guess, the last two weeks of May, the bikers come down.
First, as I found out, the Harley guys come down for the first week, and then the speed bikers the second week.
So lots of bikers. I actually, okay, this is embarrassing to admit, but I actually lost the rental car.
Yes, I know. It was two aisles over from where I thought it was, but it was buried in a sea of motorcycles.
I'm talking like 50 to 75 motorcycles surrounded this thing. It was the only car actually in the whole row.
You know, there's two lanes. They were all bikes except for my car surrounded by motorcycles.
You'd think that I should have been able to find it easy. It was the only car, but it was actually just buried in motorcycles.
So, no, I didn't play any golf, and I'm not a beach person. So what did I go to Myrtle Beach for?
Because Hilton was kind enough to give me a free weekend down there for my wife and mine's 20th anniversary.
That's why I was down there. I had no idea what to do down there. It was actually very nice. We enjoyed it. Walked around, did some shopping, got a lot of seafood, made her happy.
And a happy wife is a happy life. So I was very happy. But we went down there and enjoyed it.
And so if I look like I'm suntanned, it's not really. Just because I burn.
I don't tan anyway. So, that out of the way, if we can get to the serious stuff.
Some people. But we are in book number two of four books in our
Systematic Theology. And as we had said with this, that we are going through here, we are in section number three.
And just as way of a review, we are in lesson number eight. And you say, well, gee, you've been in lesson number eight for three weeks now.
Yes, that is because we are dealing with the topic of God's sovereignty and human responsibility.
And it's hard to deal with some of the misunderstandings with this one term that people call Calvinism. Now, this is sort of a misnomer.
Because as you see there, I'm saying God's sovereignty. And I'm equating that with Calvinism.
And yet in reality, that's not really right.
Because the reality is that many people who would argue for a non -Calvinist position.
I say that because I actually don't know anyone that argues for an Arminian position really. But that being said, there's many that are either
Calvinists or those that are not Calvinists. They don't want that title. And then there's some who would say they're
Arminian. But it's kind of rare. It's one of the things I do find interesting. But so it's kind of when people say, oh, you're
Arminian. I usually find that someone who believes in Calvinism. That's kind of like the dead giveaway that they're
Calvinist. Because they call other people Arminian. Okay, just a way of identifying who the
Calvinists are out there. But it's sort of this misnomer that when we talk
God's sovereignty, that's the Calvinist position. Human responsibility, that's the Arminian position.
So I'm saying that up front that I'm kind of giving that kind of loaded. But we're going to talk about God's sovereignty, human responsibility.
We're going to eventually get to what it is that we here believe at Striving for Eternity and what
I believe. But we're trying to properly define some of the terms. Now, I know that I've been getting grief this week in an email exchange with one individual who was blasting me and chose to blast me, telling me how wrong
I am in what I had said last week. And what I said was
I was defining the terms. I asked what I said that was an incorrect definition of the terms.
And the person got really upset and it was really interesting. He was trying to say was that I was putting
God inside of time. When my whole argument was that we are not putting God inside of time.
So it was like, how am I doing that? Um, and he was trying to make the case.
And I think this really started by something that was said on Facebook earlier. But oh, well.
So let us do a quick review. I just want to be clear that what we're doing is going through. We started by looking at what
Calvinism is. Calvinism is if and if you've just tuned in and this is the first time you've ever tuned in.
You really should go back to lesson one. But if you're really only interested in the
Calvinism or Minianism issue. Okay, you got to at least go back two classes. All right to God's sovereignty, human responsibility,
Calvinism or Minianism part one. Not part three. That's place to start. But you really should go back to lesson one.
Why? Because if you've been following with us, you know that I've been saying this is all rooted in a proper understanding of who
God is in his nature and attributes. When you understand those things, these things become clearer.
I've often said that my understanding of this whole Calvinism or Minianism debate is solved really in Genesis 1 .1
in the beginning God. Before there was time, there was God.
And God didn't observe to learn things. Okay, so when we understand
God's character that he's eternal. We understand his character that he's omniscient.
Those two attributes alone really answer a lot of the debate that you hear people talk about.
They talk about God when it comes to this doctrine of salvation as if God is either in time having to make decisions based upon decisions we make or react to something we do.
As if he had to first observe us and learn from us before he could choose to do something.
Or they put God inside a time that he chose and therefore because of something that happened then somehow that forces us to make a reaction in time.
So, essentially we end up realizing that a lot of people have misunderstandings with this.
They'll sometimes say things like, well God looked down the tunnels of time and he observed who would be saved and then he elected them.
Okay, God didn't have to observe us. He didn't have to learn from us. He didn't learn anything actually.
He knows it all and we can't understand that kind of thinking. So, let us start with really the linchpin kind of to the five points of Calvinism that we looked at.
And that is total depravity. This is the T in TULIP and so T, if you remember when we went through this, we said that there are five points known through an acronym
TULIP and we're going through them. The first was total depravity and we looked at that and that was trying to make the point that we as human beings are influenced, controlled, enslaved by our sin nature.
That we are sinners. That we have broken
God's law. That that affected every aspect of our soul.
It affected our physical and our spiritual. Our physical and our material. So, what you end up with is a case that both our mind, our emotions, and even our will is influenced, is affected by the sin nature.
Where that becomes important is that is important because of the fact that when we look at it, we see that this is really what's going to base everything else in Calvinism, in the five points of Calvinism.
These points are based in an understanding that man cannot save himself.
His will is affected. This is the reality of what we understand when we looked at the definition.
We looked at the doctrine of man and of sin. We saw this. Total depravity shouldn't surprise us at this point.
So, if you're disagreeing with the view of total depravity, please go back to the previous lessons, alright?
We went from total depravity to unconditional election. That is the U. Notice that starts with a
U. Unconditional. Unconditional election. That's so smart, isn't it?
It starts with a U. So, unconditional election is the next letter. Unconditional election is the fact that really the point of that, of unconditional election, it follows after the first.
The idea that we cannot save ourselves and that it is completely a work of God not conditioned on anything that we do.
So, when it talks about God electing before the foundation of time, the emphasis there is on God doing the work before we had any say in it, before we were around.
It's not saying that God was working inside of time. It's saying that God is speaking to us in sort of a language that maybe we can understand.
We can understand history. We can't understand eternality, alright? We can't understand how
God can be everything being the one eternal second to him. Everything is an eternal now and we can't think that way.
We can't understand that. And so, he's using language for us to understand. So, essentially what he's doing for you and I is dumbing it down to our level, okay?
And so, he's explaining things in language of time not because it is chronological but because he's trying to explain to us what we could not comprehend any other way.
So, that being said, what I want to point out with that is the importance of understanding with this that this is now building upon this because this next one is probably the most controversial of all.
You'll sometimes hear people say they're a four -point Calvinist, meaning they don't hold to one of the five points and this next one is that point.
Some, as John MacArthur says, he used to call himself, if he still does, I don't know, a leaky four.
In other words, he kind of holds to this fifth one a little bit. What is it?
The L stands, if you have your syllabus, limited atonement.
Limited atonement. Give you a chance to write that down. All right.
Limited atonement is, as I said, limited atonement is perhaps the most misunderstood doctrine of the five, okay?
Some take this doctrine to mean Christ's atoning work on the cross was performed only for the elect.
And that's your blank there, only for the elect. That's the blank, is elect. And therefore, salvation cannot truly be offered to the non -elect.
Now, however, the confusion is in the difference between the offer, that's your next blank, the offer of salvation, meaning the gospel, and the application, that's your next blank, application of salvation, which is the atonement for redemption.
So, there's two ways to understand this doctrine. Now, many people would hold, this is why some people say they're a leaky four.
It depends on how you are defining this terminology is where some people come down different.
Some people will say that Calvinism properly understood is that limited atonement means the work that Christ did on the cross was a work only for the elect.
Again, keeping in mind, God did not have to observe us, and this is where even
Calvinists can fall into this, that God could choose to do something and not make an offer for everyone, right?
The reality is God didn't have to observe us to know who would believe and who wouldn't believe. He knew it.
So, in a sense, in a very real sense, when Jesus Christ was on that cross, being
God, He knew absolutely who would receive eternal life and who this gift that He offered would be applied to.
He knew those who would be redeemed, and He knew those who would not.
So, the idea there and where the issue becomes is trying to separate that, the knowledge of God, and saying, did
He die? In other words, when He died, was it only for those people?
Like, somehow His death, you know, He died, but it wasn't sufficient for all people.
It was only sufficient for those that chose Him, or sorry, those that He chose.
Or, was His death sufficient for every human being that ever lived, will live, you know, is living, but it wasn't applied to all?
That's the difference in understanding the offer of salvation, the gospel going out, versus the application of salvation, regeneration.
The Puritans used to refer to this as that Christ's death was sufficient for all, efficacious for few.
I would say that it's offer, it is applicable to few, is how
I ended up saying it before I started reading Puritans. The offer of salvation can be offered to all people.
This is the reason why some people may have a misunderstanding. They say a Calvinist can't go out and share the gospel because a
Calvinist doesn't believe that the gospel can be offered to unbelievers.
Now, I would say that someone that is not a Calvinist making that charge is having a misunderstanding of the
Calvinist position. Okay, the reality is most of the guys I know that are out there on the streets would call themselves
Calvinists. Okay, and the thing is, is that they would go out on the streets and proclaim the gospel because, well, quite simply, we don't know who the elect are.
I mean, wouldn't it be easy if God just like stamped a big E right on your forehead, boom, elect, you know,
C, Christian or something. You just gotta go, oh, hey, I see it, you're gonna be a Christian, let me share the gospel with you.
I mean, wouldn't that make it easier? Don't waste time with those people that are retrobate anyway. I mean, gee, that would be easy.
That's not what God did. We go out and proclaim the gospel to all people.
Now, does that mean all people are regenerate or going to be regenerate? No. Does that mean that all people are going to receive the gospel?
No. Does it mean that Christ's death wasn't enough?
No. So, the offer of salvation can be offered to all people, but if even one person is in hell, then the application was limited.
That is your blank there, was limited. In other words, if you believe that there are people in hell, then obviously the atoning work of Christ, the application of it was limited, period.
The only way you get around that is being a universalist. I mean, thinking that everybody is going to go to heaven.
A friend of mine called me up this week because he actually met someone on the street working with a ministry that is a universalist, and he defends it.
He actually believes that when Christ died, Christ died for all people. Therefore, all people go to heaven.
Well, that would be an unlimited atonement. It's applied to everybody, and everybody goes to heaven.
So, the reality is, depending how you define it, every Christian, okay, can a universalist, this was the question
I was asked, can a universalist go to heaven? Can a universalist be a Christian?
I find it hard to believe. I mean, maybe, but the reality is that we know there's people,
Jesus said there'd be people that would suffer in hell, okay, that He would cast into the lake of fire.
So, I'm going to trust Jesus, okay, over some man's theory. So, the reality is, is that if there's one person in hell, then the atoning work of Christ was limited in some way.
It's the in some way that we have to debate over, okay. Limited atonement means that the application of the gospel was not applied to all people.
It is therefore not a universal atonement, meaning that all people will be saved.
It deals with the application and not the offer. Atonement addresses the redemption work of Christ as it is applied to the individual as a payment for sin.
Now, we're going to look at a lot of Scripture on this, but I want to make sure this is clear before we get to the verses because so many people do struggle with this.
Now, I'm saying that there are two general ways that many seem to be interpreting this, and this is where I say labels are only as good as the people who agree on their definition, okay.
So, there are those that hold to Calvinism, limited atonement, meaning that the atoning work of Jesus Christ is limited at the cross, sufficient only for the elect.
Now, I think where everyone kind of agrees is that the atoning work was limited to those it was applied to.
In other words, if Christ died for all and it was applied to all, then all go to heaven because it would be double jeopardy to send anyone to hell.
If Christ paid it and then you send someone to the lake of fire for eternity when
Christ paid it, it would be double jeopardy. The way that I tend to think of this, just in my limited way of thinking because I don't have the mind of God, but I think of it as an offer.
If I made you an offer, say I won the lotto or had a lot of money somehow, that'll never happen, but I offered everybody that's listening to this class right now a check for $1 ,000.
Now, many of you would kind of laugh at it and be like, that's not going to happen because I know that character, he doesn't have the money.
So, you're not going to believe it, but what if someone actually gave me a couple million dollars and I decided to do that and I suddenly came into all this money?
Well, that offer could be a legitimate offer, but you can't go and say, you know what,
I'm put a down payment on a new car because Andrew offered me $1 ,000. No, it's not yours.
Why? You didn't receive it. You never took possession of that check. You never took ownership of that, putting trust in that offer.
You didn't trust the offer and the offer is not yours. You can't use it because you never put the trust in it and took the possession of it.
Now, someone who does in this fictitious scenario could then take that money and put down a down payment on a new car.
Why? Because they trusted the offer, took possession of the offer and received the gift of that offer.
I know it's sort of a lame illustration, but it helps me to think of it that way, is the fact that God can offer, but it doesn't mean it's applied.
So, let's take a look at some verses that deal with this.
Let's first look at the atoning work of Jesus Christ and see what that is all about.
This is 2 Corinthians chapter 5, one of my favorite chapters in I think all of the
Bible, although I say that kind of a lot with many chapters, but this is one of the ones
I kind of like. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to Himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.
That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation.
Verse 21, for our sake He made Him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
I love that passage. So, let's look at that. What it's saying is that God reconciles us to Himself and actually gives you and I a ministry of reconciliation, that's us going out and sharing the gospel, that in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself.
Now, what's the meaning of the world? Is this world limited? And this is where you get into the different definitions.
If you believe in the definition of limited atonement, meaning that it was limited at the cross only for the elect, then this world, this reconciling the world, is a limited world.
It means world where those that would hold to that position will argue that this means all people of the world, okay?
Those who make a distinction that it is the offer is for all, but it is limited in its application can see this as God reconciling the world, the whole world, that His death can go out, the message of His death can go out to the world and easily
He's calling them to Himself, but they're not taking possession of that.
Now, do they take possession of that or does God take the possession of that? We're going to look at that actually next class when we look at irresistible grace.
So, I would actually argue irresistible grace should be before limited atonement, but in a logical ordering, but that said, so we have here that God does the reconciling,
He gives us a message of reconciliation, and that message is, verse 21, that He, for our sake, that He became sin, who knew no sin, that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.
That is the message that we go out and proclaim. Let's look at one more in Titus chapter 2.
In Titus chapter 2, we see here that it says, who gave
Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession, who are zealous for good works.
Now, who's doing all the work in this? When we look at this, who's the actor? God. God gives
Himself, He does the redeeming, it's all for Him. But notice,
He's saying that it's Him doing it to purify a people of His own possession, who are zealous for good works.
That's not everybody. Not everyone's in that camp. Okay, 1 Peter 3, 18,
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the
Spirit. So, here you see that Christ suffered once for sins, Him being righteous,
He suffered for the unrighteous, that He might bring us to God. Who is it that brings us to God?
Jesus brings us to God. Okay, being put to death.
So, this is not everybody. So, here again, we see that the suffering, how is this suffering?
Is it that, again, in the two views, if you're in the first camp, this suffering once for sins was only for the sins of the elect.
If you hold to the second view, then this suffering once for sins was the sins of the whole world, offered to all legitimately, but not applied to all.
Okay, let's look at one more verse dealing with this atoning work of Jesus. Romans 5, 8 -10,
But God shows His love for us, in that while we were still sinners, notice our current state, this is going back to total depravity now, that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. So, this is Christ doing the work here. This is the atonement.
Christ died for us. This is the act of His love for us. Verse 9,
Since therefore we have now been justified by His blood.
So, how does that justification come? By His blood, by His work. Much more shall we be saved by Him from the wrath of God.
So, it's Jesus that does the saving. He's the one that does the work, saves us from the wrath of God.
Verse 10, For if we, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God.
Notice that we were enemies of God and God reconciled us while we were in a state of being an enemy of God.
We were reconciled by God, the death of His Son. That was how we were reconciled, by the death of His Son.
Much more now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by His life.
So, what you see there in that, I hope, is that the work that regenerates us, the work that saves us, that atoning work is all
Jesus Christ. It's all God. He takes the full credit.
We cannot atone for ourselves. Period. End of discussion.
End of story. We can't. That's what every other world religion is trying to do.
And someone said this today that I thought was really interesting. Even atheism.
That's right. Even atheism is a trying to atone for their work. You know how they choose to do it?
By trying to deny God altogether. Pretend He doesn't exist and say,
I'm not accountable to Him. Therefore, I have nothing to atone for. Because if there is no God, there is no standard of morality.
If there's no standard of morality, then I've done nothing wrong and there's nothing to atone. You see, even atheism is trying to atone for their works.
So, what we have there is every world religion is in that camp. This is what makes
Christianity unique. Is that the reconciling work, the atoning work was done by Jesus Christ.
By God Almighty. It's Him who gets all the credit.
It's God who did all the work. It's God who gets all the honor, all the praise.
Okay? It's God. He's the one who can make the offer.
He's the one who did the work. He's the one who will reconcile. He brings people to Himself.
Okay? Now, the limited work. That's the big question. I think the issue of the atonement really isn't a problem.
I think most, all Christians understand that Christ died for them.
That the atoning work of the cross. I don't want to say that someone maybe that has a, is mentally challenged, may not understand it to the same level as maybe you and I can or others.
But the reality is that I would think it'd be hard for them to understand at some level, Christ died for me.
I broke God's law. Christ died for me. He paid the price. At some level they can understand that in that simple term.
But we understand that Christ was the propitiation. He paid the price of the wrath of God.
We saw that in some of the verses we looked at. That He's the one that had to reconcile us.
The real issue comes in is that it's limited.
This atonement is not applied to everybody. It's limited in some fashion. So let's look at the limit.
The limited work of Jesus Christ. It says here, Matthew 1 .21,
She shall bear a son, and ye shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.
Now, some discussion on this. I tend to think that there is some discussion that people have here that Good Harmonics could explain.
But there are two views on this. Who are His people? Are, is this referring to the
Jewish people? Or is this referring to His children?
Those who will call upon His name. An interesting discussion on our Facebook group this week was,
Are all human beings God's children? Or it is just those who believe upon Him?
Well, I think John 1 .12 makes it clear that it is just those who receive
Christ have the right to be called the child of God. That being said, we realize that there is this notion that we have to keep in mind that we have an
Old Testament mindset of His people. Now is His people just those who believe and are the believers?
Or is it referring to Jewish people? I think in the context of Matthew being written to Jewish people, being that he was writing about this awaiting
King, this Messiah, and gives so many messianic prophecies,
I think it is actually speaking to Jewish people. I am not saying that as a Jew. I am saying that just because I think that is what fits the context.
But what that does show is there was a limit to it. Now, does this mean that only
Jewish people are saved? No, because I don't think he was speaking there just in the context there.
I think he is speaking to an Old Testament mindset, and not in what we now have an understanding in our day and age 2 ,000 years after Christ.
We have so much more theology behind us. So, I hope that is clear. I actually think hermeneutically that it is speaking of the
Jewish people. But the point is it still is showing a limitation. Let's continue in Matthew though from Matthew 20.
Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for all.
No, that is not what it says there. So, it says for many.
In other words, there are some that won't be, that he didn't give a ransom for. Okay, I am being asked a quick question.
So, I am being asked do I think all Jews will be saved? Well, I did at one time think that. No, I don't.
That is clear from Romans 6, Romans 9. Not all Israel are
Israel. Not all Israel are the true Israel, the spiritual Israel. In other words, not all Israel will be his children.
So, I do think that there is with the passage in Matthew 1, I think there could be good reason to argue that that is speaking of God's people.
Not Jewish people. And specifically, I am arguing for not all
Jewish people, but it would be the true Jewish people. So, Matthew 20 though, what we see there when we looked at it is that Christ did not die.
His death was for many but not all. Okay, you are seeing again that limitation.
Matthew 26, verse 28, for this is my blood, this is at the
Lord's Supper, this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for all.
Is that what it says? No, it says poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.
You see there, it is limited. The forgiveness of sins is not being poured out on all people.
It is limited. And so, we see here that limit. It is not for all, it is for many.
And actually, it is many people, but compared to the number of people that it is not applied to, it is actually few.
Broad is the road, broad is the way to destruction, narrow is those that find the right, the true path.
All right? So, I am getting another question. Is salvation?
And this is the advantage of listening live. You can ask the questions and get them answered right here. So, a question popped in.
Is salvation offered, not applied to all, or just the elect? Well, I did say that I am not going to give you my view until we are all done explaining the definitions.
So, you are going to have to wait. Now, that would be really rude, wouldn't it? No, you got to wait two more weeks, three more weeks, however long it takes for me to get there.
I do. My position is a position that I believe the salvation message is offered to all people.
It is a legitimate offer to everyone, but it is not applied. And one of the arguments that I would make for that is that the offer of Christ being
Messiah, he said, that John the Baptist would have been Elijah had the
Jews received him as the Messiah. They did not, so John was not.
Now, you say, but wait a minute, how could John be Elijah? Keeping in mind that God did not have to observe what the
Jewish people were going to do to know what they were going to do. This is the thing we have to keep remembering.
Always goes back to the attributes of God. He knew it. He didn't have to observe it.
Okay, so God can offer something to, he can offer himself to the
Jewish people, knowing with an absolute knowledge that they would reject him. And therefore, he could bring
John the Baptist, who is a type of Elijah, comes in the power and ministry of Elijah, but is not
Elijah. But Elijah will come. And God knows that because God knows everything.
So, God can offer, he could make this an offer that's sufficient for all people so that you and I can go out and offer the gospel to all people, but it is not applied to all people.
I hope that's really clear. So, someone is saying, offered to all, applied only to the elect.
That would be correct in my view. Offered to all, applied only to the elect.
Because after all, how do you and I know who the elect are to offer the gospel to? Now, that's us.
The argument that some would make, if we're going to be fair, someone that holds to that earlier definition of limit atonement, would argue that God is the one making the offer.
And God wouldn't make this offer to everyone. He'd only make it to the elect.
Well, I think God makes the offer to all people, just like he made the offer to Israel, but they rejected him as Messiah.
He knew that ahead of time. It didn't surprise him. Okay, I hope that's clear. If not, you can ask more questions or email us.
You can always email us at academyatstrivingforeterny .org. That's always something you can do if you have any questions that we don't answer in class.
But one last one is, no, we've got two more. Hebrews 9 .5,
two of them in Hebrews. Hebrews 9 .5, I said 9 .5, 9 .15. Hebrews 9 .15,
Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal life, eternal inheritance, sorry.
Such a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgression, excuse me, committed under the first covenant.
Notice the beginning. Okay, so that those who are called may receive the promise eternal inheritance.
Not everyone receives the promised eternal inheritance. Who does? The called. Who are the called?
Those that are elect. Who are the elect? Based on a condition? No, that's what we looked at last class. You see how this is limited based on the call.
So I do want to say that this is a thing where we don't want to be too rigid in the sense to say, because I think in a real reality, you and I can't fully comprehend this issue of limited atonement.
That verse seems to be pretty clear that his death was only for the elect, those who were called.
Yeah, again, this is God speaking down to us. And there's going to be a certain level that you and I can't comprehend.
And if that's a problem for you, then you don't understand God. If you think you can comprehend everything about God, then you don't understand the very first lesson we did.
Lesson number one, the attributes of God, the very first attribute we looked at is that God is incomprehensible. We cannot understand everything there is to know about God.
All right. One last verse before we're done. And that is
Hebrews 9, 28. So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, not all of many, will appear a second time not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
So who is it that are saved? Those who are eagerly waiting. Sounds like it's not all.
It sounds like it's the elect. Yes, I know. That's exactly how it sounds. And that's the thing that we have to realize is that this is something,
I'm trying to explain this as simply as I can. That's one of the, what
I think we're trying to do here with these classes is make it as simple as possible for you to understand them.
Okay. Giving lots of review. We can use the big terminology.
I mean, if you want to sit and talk about superlapsarianism versus superlapsarianism, we can sit and discuss those things.
Most of you are going, what? And the reality is not a big deal.
Don't even get into those things. Why? Those are like the Ivy League debates. Okay. In the
Ivy Tower debates. I mean, you know, that's where the people want to debate over some of the things. And there are importance of some of these things.
But some of them are just, we're trying to explain what we can't understand.
We can't understand the mind of God. We are finite beings trying to understand the infinite.
And in that way, God speaks down to us to explain what we can know. Deuteronomy 29, 29, the secret things belong unto the
Lord, but that which he has revealed to us. Okay. We are to teach, to follow the commands and to teach to our children.
All right. So he's revealed certain things for us to know. Now, if you have any questions, I already said you can email us.
You can email us academy at strivingforeturning .org. You can get into our Facebook group on Facebook, Striving for Eternity group.
We have more and more and more and more and more people joining lately. A lot of people in recent days have been joining that Facebook group.
You can ask questions there. One thing I will say in there, because some people will ask me, why don't I respond right away?
I want there to be discussion. I don't want to come because sometimes if the teacher gives the answer, guess what?
Everyone just shuts up. I want to foster discussion. So go to the Facebook page, put out a question.
Let's all get in on the discussion. You know, one way to know where I am is I'll like your comment if I think it's right.
Just saying. A lot of people kind of figured that out, but that's my way of agreeing until there's been enough discussion that maybe then
I'll weigh in. But go to our Facebook group and you can weigh in.
You can ask questions. You can discuss. But it is an area where you can't wait to facilitate questions and have discussion.
Where if you email us, you only get me or someone else responding. But if you do it on the
Facebook group, we all get in on it. So the other thing you could do is if you want a syllabus or you just want some of our cool products, go to the store at store at strivingforeturning .org.
We are anxiously looking to ship things out to you. So please go there.
There will be some updates coming up soon on the website. No, there's going to be some new images coming up on the store that I actually may even have been done is you don't.
OK, we don't know if it's been done yet. There is going to be some new images coming up.
No, it hasn't. OK, it has not. The new images have not been up yet. What I was just told and but they will be coming.
And we encourage you to log in and check for that and buy things keeps us going.
But we do want to encourage you to do that. We also want to say is only a few weeks actually with two weeks away from the
Ohio fire. There you're working on my message. No, it's it's actually in pretty good shape. Uh, but, uh,
Ohio fire, there are going to be a lot of bloggers and radio personalities there.
We got witness radio. Ryan will be there. We got blog talk radio.
Who is G22 G220 will be there. We got some bloggers that will be there.
There's going to be it's going to be a lot of cool activity going on. Oh, OK.
Thank you. I was supposed to say that there'll be preordering of T -shirts. How are they going to get the preorder?
Well, I guess they can preorder T -shirts at. OK, so we'll just send them right to Mitch at striving for eternity dot org
Mitch at striving for eternity dot org. If you want to preorder a T -shirt, we have
T -shirts coming in that will be at the Ohio fire. After that, we'll put them up on the website. Um, and so, uh, you can, if you want to see them,
I think, I hope he has a view of them, but two weeks go here and register now.
Why? Because we got resource bags and we get to stuff them and we don't want to stuff them the last minute.
So register to get your resources. What do you get? Should I say?
OK, secret. I'll let you know at Ohio fire. If you show up and you register, you get a brand new
MacArthur study Bible. Yes, they're being shipped out.
Um, they're actually, they're being driven out, but there will be brand new MacArthur study
Bibles. You want to make sure you register to get your copy. Can't guarantee it's going to be at every one of the events, but we have a lot of cool things that are going to be in the resource bag.
Jersey fire, not too far away. So make sure you start looking to register for that and do it soon.
All right. Now we have been kind of on a trend here with our brother of encouragement, and I figured
I would be wrong if I didn't, uh, if I didn't kind of, well, throw in the third wing nut into the group.
Mr. Colin Pearson is going to be our brother of encouragement this week. What does Colin look like?
Well, there you go. There you go. The face you make when people tell you they haven't listened to your podcast yet.
That is our brother, Colin Pearson. He's known as on the Bible thumping wing nut as the care bear, because he's,
I guess, so caring. He shares the podcast in love. So you'll have to go to NorCal fire to talk to him and meet him and ask him, you know, why that is, because that's where he'll be representing the
Bible thumping wing nut. But you can listen to Bible thumping wing nut on Mixler live when they call me on my vacation.
But, uh, they did, but, uh, you can, you know, listen to them live on Mixler and you can listen to them
Sunday nights when they rebroadcast on a blog talk. And then they put it up,
I think, onto iTunes sometime later. So, uh, that's some ways you can listen to them.
Colin, however, is a guy who's really studying out the theology. He's, he's,
I guess, in the minds of the listeners of Bible thumping wing nut, a care bear.
I forget which care bear was he? Do you remember? I forget which care bear.
They refer to him as calling Colin because he called in a show and they were all confused because it was
Colin, Colin, Colin, Colin. So you can call Colin, give a shout out to Colin in Facebook in our group.
I don't know if he's been invited. If he hasn't been invited, then someone invite Colin to the Facebook group. But, uh, we want to encourage you to encourage him.
We always want to encourage you to be encouraging someone each week. And he is the brother that we want you to encourage this week.
So we've gotten all three of the wing nuts, the Bible thumping wing nuts have now all been encouraged,
I hope, by you. And the best way you could encourage them, well, subscribe to their podcast.
That would be a great encouragement. All right? So next lesson, we will get into irresistible grace.
And it's one you won't want to miss because it's just irresistible. Until then, strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God.